p oan fy Ps Ew dr WOE BSW ee ae Be Se i CAIRN BRR RES adr Foun. prem iBest's Headquarters Tos Kodaks Toilet Gases Manicure Sets Shavers 'Smokers Sets And many small articles able for Christmas giving. The time to make your is NOW and the place--the place is suit. choice right k iT "Bait" Dg Soe FEAEEAR AEE COBALTS ON MARGIN We require Stock Selling From 30c. to From 60c. to "rom 80c, to §1 . ver Oe Dotter ARNO Re RRR ED a deposit as follows : _ Deposit Required. 80¢. uu. 15¢c. per share 80c. . per share 25¢. | per share 80 Per 'Cent. of Market Price. We also handle 30, 60, YO raots Write, 'phone or wire us your cash or on margin, Patriarche & Co, STOCK DEALERS, Patriarche Block, Corner Scott and Wellington Sts., ONTO day con- _Ofdors, TOR- Hard Coal Clean, Bright, Good Coal 'S. Anglin& Co. North End Wellington St Phone Use Sashweights made in King ston at Angrove's Foundry. | n | Special prices for large quantities. doprerrrrrtttetetttend T. J. LOCKHART $} Real 1 Money to Loan 159° Wel state and Insurance Oflice lington King- on WERRIBEE RRR RR Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 201. DAY or NIGHT Cliffs Real Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. Where you can buy or sell property. Also Insurance written in best companies. GEO. CLIFF, 95 Clarence St. COPA ant) Coal i Empty ? Not. yet on your reply This hould w Let's hope so If that jog res your order may be your thinker pits in BY lac ing CRAWFORD, '¥hone, ©, Foot of Quean | | tice has been' to assign some of | to employ counsel { od this THE WHIG, 76th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King street. hingstom, Ontario, at Se. per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 w'clock . WEEKLY BRITISH | a, 16 pages, published in parol Bonds and Thurs day mora To United States, charge or had to be added, making price of ag had ove Weekly $1.30 per year. ttached is one of the best Job Print ing Offices in . Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- hers, 32 Opureh St., Toronto, & Smallpeice, J. P., representative. Daily Wibig. BUILDING ON OUR TRADE. The Utica Free Press publishes a paper irom ©. S. Foster, one of the delegates from the Utica Chamber of Commerce to the annual convention of the York State Waleewsye Association,--and in favour of * reciprocal policy" be twee. Canada and the United States in the use of the inland waterways. Mr. Foster's idea is that the canals of New York, between the lakes and the ocean, through New York state, and between Lake Erie and the ocean via the should be made uniformly fourteen. feet deep, so that larger ships may pass freely from the inland avategs to; the ocean, American Canadian waters, with a new and better understanding as to trade. Mr. Foster argues that aid from the federal funds might more reasonably be given to the scheme than to the pro- ject. of providing a deep waterway from Chicago to the gulf, The Firee Press puts an interpretation upon the Foster paper which may be more ac- ceptable to the American than Cana- dian government, when it says: '®anada has paid, and is paying, a good deal of altention to its inland waterways and thereby is getting some trade which ought to come in our direction. Mr. Foster pointed out how 330 miles could be saved by the route between Three River Point and New co- operative and St. Lawrence river, via or and EDITORIAL NOTES, The Ter-centenary celebration in Que- bec cost the enormous sum of $1,204. 765. Was it worth the money ? The municipal pot is beginning to boil. Some peat aldermanic deals are in progress, but the best laid schemes of mice and men, as in Bums' day, gang alt aglee. \ The Japs (members of the govern- ment), have got away with $3,000,000 of the Formosa Sugdr company's money. Where did they learn the grait- ing 7 Nol in Canada, we hope. So the auditor-general must not ask a senator how, many days he has been absent from the house ? He may let some of them do without their salary, which is bigger than they can earn: It has cost Montreal about $20,000 to show how bad some of its alder men and public officials could behave. But it's money well spent. The grait- ers have lost their guip and may never get it again, Watson, away from England, in the seclusion of a New York retreat, ad- mits - now, after much dodging and some denials, that he degraded genius for personal and political reasons. He may have reason to repent of his folly. in Hon. Mr. Pugsley should adopt Mr. Lennox's idea, and ouly erect post of- fices in county towns when the! post of- fice people ask for them. This would enable' him to give to some conserva- tive agitators for favours the they deserve, answer The Mail identifies itself with the unionist party of England, and ap- plauds {he lords for their humiliation of the liberal party. The performance may wind up with a humiliation of the dukes and peers for whom the Mail has an undying affection. An American judge of one of the su- perior courts, is reported to have said that the habitual criminals and the insane should be painlessly put out It would be difficult prove that a man who expresses such of the way. to Mackinac Island. The best interests of all concerned wouki be served if the | federal government would build a | ship canal which should utilize this | shortened / route and bring the pro- | ducts of the great west, Both Amen- can and Canadian, quickly te United an idea is an ornament to the bénch. The Kingston people who live in To- ronto, and "who keep alive their love of the old city and its historic insti- to be commended. alty to the city. and to its interests is tutions, are States seaports. The barge canal will be better than the Erie and the ship canal would be better than both. The whole country and more particularly | the western states, are benefited by increased and improved transportation { facilities between the Great Lakes and | New York city. There may be .some reciprocity - of via the York and Canada, but the discussion | trade, canals of New state of the that Canada must, provide her own trade | the the { The Welland canal and the St. | be deepened | the | (Georgian Bay canal | subject emphasizes, if amny- thing, as soon as possible, for and by shortest route to ocegn must Lawrence canals | when the country can undertake the without any worry, Americans suggest, about the icebergs and other impediments at the gulf. cost, and later, such as the | NOTABLE PUBLIC SERVICE ago the Whig referred to appointment of four of the lead-| York as the coun- who The prac- | the | to defend | Some time the ing lawyers of New sel of men and worhen were) acoused of serious crimes. junior members of the bar offenders who were not in a position Some of the state | R00 and appointees, at each, declined. They engagement Mr. Untermeyer ac He considered that he state duty when called upon to do so. Last week Mr had other more prbfitable | opted owed it to the to perform: a public Untermeyer duty He defended aw ltaliap woman, discharg Augusta Crisanti, who had killed her derloin husband, Usually the ten- murderers have a swift trial punishment. Mr. Untex- this case as much at were in receipt of He spent $1,000 4p expenses. He made a startling attack on the District At- hindered He clearest and speedy meyer gave to tention as if he a $10,000 fee. preliminary torney's office because it rather than facilitated his convinced the jury®by the evidence that the woman had given a dog's hile by the man promised to love and protect her. work, been who He satisfied the jury that though the poor woman inflicted the fatal wound it was really given iu self-defence. In ten minutes from the time, the judge fin- ished his summing up the verdict had heen given, "Not Guilty,," and the woman was free, Then the kind of man Mr. Unter traiumen, {must have got their inspiration | opel ng. a grand' thing .lo preach. The Toron- the to contingent is showing home guard a fine example. The switchmen's strike may. develop into a gencral railway labour strug- gle. 1i all the allied conductors, firemen and en- |gineers--become involved in the quar- rel, it may Become continental in its dimensions. A million men are cerned in the negotiations. interests--the con- students in' debate at Toronto, the naval question, land in the afirbmative, won. Which is | remarkable, of the fact that some of the professors have been The Queen's College on in "View 0 pronouncedly anti-naval. boys from the principal, for on this question he's all right, J: J. Hill must belong to the peace !party. He would, if the great mogul of the United States would take $5, L000,000 or $6,000,000 now spent in established 1,000 agri- Mr. Hill, spend a dollar on ca for the warships and cultural schools, if a trus- tee, would not det corps, or on any scheme {cultivation "of the killing spirit. Conditions In United States. New York, Dec. 4. --Henry Clews re ports : Conditions in the stock mar ket are such as to induce hesitancy Money is growing firmer. Congress is Serious strikes have been inaugurated on western railroads. The Nicaraguan troubles disturb confidence Sugar and telephone investigations stimulate hostility to large corpora- tions. Industrial magnates dislike re- cent interference with mergers and se- gregation plans. New security issues have depressed many high class stocks; while the coming British election do- ranges trade and finance in England. But satisfactory conditions in gencral business have prevented sharp or radi- cal' decline. General trade continues large in volume, especially in the in- tecor. Bank clearings demonstrate this. Railroad earnings are very sat- isfactory, and the extraordinary," ac- tivity in steel shows no rigns df abat- ing. Textiles are in good demand. Secretary Wilson's annual report em- phasizes anew the phenomenal pros- perity of the agricultural classes, showing ta the crops of the current year aro valued on the farm at ap- proximately $,760,000,000, or $86Y.. 000,000 more than a year ago. This| is an increase of more than ten per cent. in value in. twelve months, which is considerably greater than the in- crease of quantity in farm products and goes far towards explaining the present high cost of living about meyer 'was became the more apparent. [| poses to give her the fee of 3500 from { He declined a gift of $200 from' a» {juryman towards the expenses he con- tracted in her defence, and he the woman thedebt. of $1,000. New York Herald learns that he forgave The pro~ {the state when it is paid to him afford it. He practice 'and an immense He | can well has an im- | mense in- come, but he has a large heart and it} was touched when' as a counsel, jas a duty to the state, {enqu }€ quIry sad be began his the cause of this Tastica into poor with bless sad tQe ope who gave soman triumphed, r. that was tw wa? which complaint is universal. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills iv pleasant, miM wend natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, put do not purge. They are sure to please. | Try them. 'Joe' Gans, champion, who came to New York to witness the signing of articles for the Jefirive-Johnson fight, believes that Johnson will be an easy winner. JUVENILE DEPRAVITY GANANOQUE. : mn ter of Late Rev. John D. Bell. Gananoque, Pec. 7.--~Threo lads named . Roderick, Lindsay young in. digs tne t of the trip old, sere placed in the lock-up yester- « they: having entered the home of Town' Conntitior 0. W. Henne, Sunday afternoon, where they lantern, Sheng they went to the works of Gananoque Harness com- pany, entered through a back window the safc open, and were promptly driven out. Thence they went in the early evening, to George Haines' hard- ware store, entered from the rear, and took two revolvers, three boxes of cartridges, several hockey pucks, a number of jack knives and some loose change from the till. The latter cir cumstance being reported to the police {led to the arrest of the three lads and recovery of the looted goods, which were returned. The police, as the in- jured parties did not wish to prose cute, made arrangements for the par ents to call at the lock-up and get the tae. PL lads, take them home inister to each'a sound whip- Pig. ¥hich each agreed to do. ora Ry E. Bell, wife of George E. Cosh, passed to rest at the family residence, Arthur street, Sunday even- Hing, 'after a short illness, followed by a paralytic stroke, last week, from which she never rallied. Dr, Third, of Kingston, was summoned in consulta- tion, but nothing could be done. De ceased was in her thirty-second year and daughter of the late Rev. Johu Duncan Bell, Methodist minigter, who died /while stationed in Lyn, some years ' ago. Besides her husband, she Jeaves one son, Rex, and one daughter, Ona. The funeral took place, this af- ternoon, to Grace church, where Rev. J. T. Pitcher™ conducted the service, after which the remains were interred at Gananoque vault. @ gase arising out of the complaint of Adial Parmenter against a young man named H. Cumpson, for using abusive fanguage, has been withdrawn by the plaintifi, by mutual consent. The Misses Laura McCammon and Nina Middleton have successfully pass. ed their. probationary" stage in Brock- ville . general hospital, and have been accepted "as: nurses-in-training. The 'town tax collector, E. 0. Webs- ter, has so far collected 232,000 of the taxes for 1909, leaving $3,000 still to collect, on which two per cent. will be .added . up to. December 31st, after which four per cent. will be added. Constable John Thompson has been appointed to look after the uncollected takes oi - 1908, that is the uncredited part of 'them, and has started on his rounds. So far the majority are in possession of their receipts, which sim- plifies 'the matter very mugh. William Mallory and Wiliam Pecor have gone to Webbwood. Walter Gray, called. home by the death of his: fath- er, the late William Gray, King street, has returned 'to Chitago. Mr. aud Mrs.:L. Ogden, spending.some time with local friends, have returned to New York city. Mise Parke, Phila- delphia, N.Y., is visiting Miss Hattie Connor, King street west, WHIG'S FASHION HINT. . | Dark blue street {silk revers Hon. W. J. Ydhow announces that | the standardizing of hotels is nearly | completed and' that in future must keep up to the standard. *McConkey's and Huyler's high- class sweets," for Cnristmas gifts, are t ex- |i pected at Gibson's Red. Cross store this week. Seven employees of Robert Simpson company, Toronto, were arrested, the former lightweight | charged with extensive thefts from the store The First Presbyterian Brpcksille - proposes costing $10,000, including an organ. Three Kids Arrested, Then Sent Home to Be Whipped--Death of Mrs. George E. Cosh, Daugh- and Pelow, who have 'goubtless been. in- yellow: covered fiction, and Sing ten years. took a small and were discovered in the office with costume with fancy hotels drug church, improvemeats, . ny ¢ 3 "Get your druggist tomix the fol {i loving inpalits: auehall extract one, ounce com- oad fluid Balmwort, Bridie dry syrup Sarsmparil Shake wel} and Ine. i after each mend and one when retir- ing. Drink Beutyiol of water,' but little of Fwd liygid at meal times." great urinary' specialist, Gaa whose single fees range "from $500 - $1,000, acknowledges, in his latest re- ports, that. this mixture is im Cro ied il cure «all hat the mos nd gravate kidney = and rheumatism; Po it Ain ll a le under thy eves, backache, headache, and burning of the eyes, blurred: vision, extreme ner- vousness; and isbomuia, all indicate |, urinary . trouble, ny more symp-~ toms could be named, but the reader will surely recogmize "them. A FACT "PROVEN, Should Convince Even the Most Skeptical of Its Twuth. If there is the slightest doubt in the minds of any that fi geyms do not exist, their belief is compelled by the fact that a rabbit innoculated with the germs became bald in" six weeks' time. It must be apparent to any person, therefore, that the only prevention of baldness is the destruction of the germ--which act is: successfully 'accom- plished in one per dent, 'of cases by the application of Newbro' s Herpicide. 5 Dandruff is caused by the same germ which causes baldness, and' can be prevented with the same remedy-- Newbro's Herpicide, Accept no substitute. "Destroy the Jcause you remove the effect." Sold 'by leading druggists. Send Ne. in stamps for sample to The Her- picid Co., Detroit, Mich, One doflar ttles guaranteed. Geo. W. Mahood, speeial agent. NES ly 3 F Entire stock feduced 'in price. during Holiday Sale. DIAMOND , RINGS AND JEWELLERY . make suitable 'Xmas See our stack, Store Open Every Night C. W. LANE, 192 WELLINGTON ST Stop liquid physic or big or lis gilts. This is a pure indigo Worsted, neatly trimméd, elegant- seams. style. We say, the best Suit $15; ever bought. The College Over- : The Auto Overcoat $15.00 This is a very swell Winter Owercoat . made from .a fine Dark Brown Plaided Heavy Scotch Tweed styie, long coat, double-breasted, with standing military col- lar. Don't miss seeing this coat. # 5.00 Imported tailored with' half-inch Trousers are: fine lap , roomy In order to have the best Ten Dollar Coats in have taken several'lines of more expensive - Coats from our Coats that we only. bad Awo of a size: left and put them on sale at $10. country, we. stock, one or vem Sng that which makes you! worse instead of curing. Cathartics don't cure--they irritate and weas- en the Lowels. CASCARETS make the bowels strong, tone the mnuscics so they crawl apd work-- when they do this they are healthy froducing right results. TheH. D. 907. CASCARETS 10c.. a box for a week's treatment, all ' druggists. Biggest seller in the world. Mill- fon boxes a month. Many Styles 2.50 and 2.00. and 2.50. Oxfords in Patent, (friends at selle, Winnipeg, 'and 6.--Miss Jean' cons, visited Mrs. James: Skinner day. Mrs. S. Hamilton and daughter, Helen, ave spending. ¢ Kingston. Mrs News Of Camden East. Camden East, Dee. Riloy spent Saturday. with het cousin, | Miss Wilson, Newbusgh. Mrs. Shier, Alberta, arrived, Sunday, for a few months' Visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson. Mr. Judge is repairing the grist mill. Mrs. J. Goodwin, er friends for a month. The repairs op the Methodist church ter, Mrs. Milligan. H. Hartman spent a few days recently | inside has been ; kalsomined, with Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Westbrooke. | grained. The re dervices in "Mr. and Mrs J. W. Stewart visited a with 'the Methodist church and the oa who received. ane TeELLe ceassses sss and 4 Straps," plain and beaded efiects, Switzer, Desmond, is with her daugh-lare about completed. The tower has elected' Mr. and Mrs. L.|been raised, a new bell put in mad the Middlecon, on painted majority. ~ Bibby Co. Kin ngston' ® Cash and One- Price Clothing House VOW White Canvis, Lace and Ankle Straps, $2 and 1.50 White Satin, Blue and Pink 8ilk Slippers, $2 and 2.50 White Kid Strap Slippers, BL. 50 and 2.00. of Kid and Patent Slippers, 1,2, 3 $3.50, 3.00, Also many styles of Pumps, in patent, $3 50, 3.00, 2 button and 3 hole laced, prety effects. We show tha largest and best assort- ment of Evening Footwear in the city. ETHY'S. Bath, Sunday. Mes. Mus- will be held on Sunda and Mre. Beck, Strath- Mr. Sexsmith will take Preventics-- a few weeks in, Tablets~aill To- {all colds ronto, is visiting her parents and oth-{once and see! 48: dealers. Jw Dayle Reaper was the tare in North y, by ninetysix Cobalt's silver shipment for Novem. amounted to 4,895,230 hacer el "Is Good | Tea ~Jtis: always worth the price