TTT Nothing more useful or pleasant. China Cabinets TO INVITE THE GENERAL EXECUTIVE {To Hold Its Meeting in Kingston Late in January--This Year's Officers Re-nominated for Election, A general meeting of Counvil of Women was held in the city council chamber on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Fraser, president, was in the chair. Machar, the general secretary, ome communications from the cers of the mother society, thanking the local branch for money received. Mrs. Fraser wanted the idea of the ladies present as to, invit- ing the general executive of the Nat- the National Some fine designs $7 $14, $20 up Tables and Chairs to match Miss read number, including Lady Edgar, to meet here late in January, in February. ' The idea was fully dis- cussed, and when put to. a vote unanimously carrieal It was also decided to send $25 to the general fund for the next five years, instead of sending $5 a year. It was thought better, in every way, to send it all in at once, and be through with it. The great work accomplished by the | council, on behalf of 'Mrs. Robinson, the Sudbury murderess, on, extracts from a report be read at the annual meeting, read by Miss Machar. The counul in session at the time of sentence, and did great work in hav- ing the death penalty changed. The main item of the meeting was arranging sreports, papers, etc. for | the annual meeting that will be held shortly, and also to nominate officers. The officers for the past yeap were re- vomsnated. The meeting adjourned after listening to an interesting re- | port by Mise Muckleston, on the work | | of the council i in other places. that will being was | Some Mission 20 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, Kingston Doesn't Need a Cbstly Sewage System. Kingston, Dec. 9.--(To the Editor) I didv't know that the Board of | Health had anything to do with gues- tions of cost of advisable sanitary im- provements. It is the city council that should ask for a report on an | improved' sewage system All the | Board of Health has th do to ! recommend necéssary sanitary im | provements to .the council. Offband, | should say it would cost a quarter of a million dotlars to inaugurate what the Board of Health asks the city gineer to report upon, and in to get the information asked, gineer may have to take | | | pres- Rugs Linolenw wods held until Uhristmas Customers ored now IN Phone 90. T. F. Harrison Co. are hving their Yours, is the en a inp to For Christmas The best present is a useful present, SEE OUR EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS Patterns Toronto did, won't - put himself tha most careful en opinion; Kingston any such elaborate sewage svstem as Mr. Thompson sug- gests. The city. isn't half large en ough for it Why, the extra sewage from the 1,200 houses that have to instal sanitary improvements by next will be a mere nothing for a like Kingston's, carrents, to take all means, improve the outlets, as the health officer recommends, but don't sacdle an unnecessary quarter of a million dollar debt on the city.-- CITIZEN for on the city engiveer of I'm sure he record without quiry In my doesn't need June harbor =r care of. By sewer specially selected, Never before have we shown such elegant designs and colorings in Rugs and Mats, they surpass anythin we ever had before. Table Gover 'n endless variety. LOTS OF TALKING TO DO. Galland Had Role Great Length. lo her vole in "The Return: of Eye at the Graud, last night, Miss Ber tha Galland had, so it is estimated, near- ly four thousand 'words to speak. She has always been identified with roles of great length. One of , her longe st roles was that of 7'Kitty," wn 'Sweet Kitty Bellaire," in which she spoke over five thousand words, and as Dorothy Vernon, in "Dorothy Ver- non of Haddon Hall," she was requir- ed to memorize no less than seven thousand words. Miss Galland has alco played "Julict," Shakespeare's longest role written for women: Miss Flonpe Arnold, who takes the | part of Mrs. Coneyvbear, finds that! the stage often demands unpleasant { th'ngs She has a decided distaste for sweets, yet in this role she is call- ed upon to drink tea and also to take four lumps of sugar in each cup Bertha of R. McFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse. COMMON SENSE Why ot walk away up te want tioner wn, when you ¢ the Gro an anything ery 1 in \ wi FE SELLING Fresh Mince Meat: 3 Sultana (cleaned Raisins 2 Oranges: resh Cakes 20¢. per dozen 10¢ | et A Great Sale |" For the balance of the year. Pre |vost, Brock street, has greatly reduc- ed prices in the order and ready 'made clothing department, also in gents' | furnishings. Stock is well assorted with new goods. Salmon, (special per tiv 1 always on hand Gage's Grocery, L John 040 Montreal and St Prompt Delivery or 'Phone, Th OWS, ranains of the late Thomas who died in Napanee on Wed- | nesday last, were brought to the city to-day. The funeral took place di- | rect from the train to Cataraqui cem- celery See the great ball game of Nov. and Rough 1 | champiouship foot- 20th, between Var- Riders, Wonder- sity at | land. Marty tawa, it season {10h A GENEROUS OFFER JUST KSCRIP OF WR 4 But warranted to tell the sweetest | story 'to a man and his family| ever .tokd--the DEED for the own- ership of his home. Where his children may come and go free as the birds ;: where the wife no long- er keeps a troubled eye upon the calendar for "rentday" where | . : the father roofs his dear ones un- obtained in every town in anada, der 'home, sweet home." This * guaranteed to stop falling hair office can show eed itching scalp ic the ideal. delightful, rejuvena- Walsh is said, He also has signed with Ot- for 32,000 for the gets a government W. Mahood Will Reiund Your | Money if Parsian Sage Doesn't Banish Dandruff. strong talk, perhaps, it's honest talk, every word lof it, because if G. W. Mahood was {not absolutely certain; if he did not | know from aétual results obtained he could not make such a generous offer Parisian Sage, which can now be Pretty but SAY, 1s <0 ting | grow bottle is Mahood's, Sold everywhere, large hair dressing that makes~hair in abundance. Parisian Sage is |a prime favorite with women, because With deeds that can' be quickly lit keeps the hair brilliant and iascin- transferred for all cash, part casky| Ating. is daintily perfumed, and is not ' a t '» sticky or greasy 5 and terms "same as paying ren The price for a See us early. 30 cents at G JSR McCANN, SER - Brod - & Cor Kiag street COUNGIL OF WOMEN the | offi- | expressed | ional Council of Women, about tey in | or early i was touc hed | | the | en order | Europe to study the latest devices, as | with. its two | +» | latives of the you'll | only | who | HON. Canadian Postmaster-General Sails For Home. THE ONYS SES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL Occurrences In The City Ana} Vicinity--Other Briel Items of) Interest Easily Read And Re- membered. "Po your mailing earl postman s motto. Do not put off until to-morrow the shopping vou ean do to-day Nature 8 Remedy, in 23c., Slc., and $1 boxes, at McLeod's drug stores. T. G. Carséallen and F. W. Vandus- . of Napanee, are iu the city William Swaine, piano. tuner. Orders recoved at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. Remember, just thirteen more jor shopping, before Christmas. busy. "Strictly High Class Perfumes' ' for 'Xmas gifts. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Pr. Leeming, to erect a fine Prinyer. Mrs. are street. v "Double Plate Glass" Tors, Buy them at Red | Cross Drug Store. H. 8. Folger has been in New York | days. He was expected home, --_---- is the { en day 8 i Get HON. RODOLPHE LEMIEUX. London, Dee. 9.--#Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, postmaster-general for Can- ada, has sailed for Canada on the White Star: liner Oceanic. Whatever success he may have met with over here will not be known until he &r- rives in Canada. It is believed that | the day of a state-owned cable (s not iar off, but before that arr ves cheap- er cable rates are very likely, Chicago, has started | summer residence at | and little son Donnelly, York John Connolly visiting Nrs. Folding Gibson's n few to-day T. J. Riguey: has been solicpor for! the Bank of Kingston, \ Herpicide and Tonics are sold at Prouse's Store (up-town post office branch). Congtahie John Naylon returned 3 , after being confined the house with illnes "Beautiful Hand Mirrors" and shav- ing mirrors, suitable for "Xmas giits. Gibson's" Red Cross Drug Store. Miss Nettie Byrne, of Stratiord, is in the «ty paying a visit to her brother, Thomas Byrne, Queen street. Regular 25¢. combs reduced to 13c., at Prouwse"s Drug Store, corner Prin- cess and Clergy streets. Two Kingstonians, out of work, and withowt money, found the police sta- tion a shelter in a time of storm, last night, "Leather Brush Bags," suitable for 'Xmas-giving. Red Cross Drug Store. The postmen. already busy sign out. Their load ing every day. of. Cusnniguam, piano tuner Lid Chickering's.. Leave orders at Anley's Book Sore The subject of Cal at' "Alliance Francaise, "Voyage ét aventures I'Qnde." "Shaving is a pleasure" t;, the man who has a Gillett Safety Razor. See the vest pocket sizes at Gibson's Red | Cross Drug Store. Wilton Lackave dnd will 'present . 'The Grand this evening arrived from the west ~ee our windows for Christmas fume, Mecfeod's drug stores, King and Brock and corner and Princess streets. Joseph Belleville arrived from Clay- ton, N.Y to look after the funeral arrangements for his brother, "Gus" Belleville. * Perfumes for class, sold at Drug Store. W. IF. Reid, turned home from and Syracuse, mas at his Our - 15e. Witch Hazel tooth paste. better Dr. with MUNICIPAL ELECTION POT. Toronto, Hasn't Given Any of Activity So Far. The municipal election pot has {even begun to simmer, much less to | boil. Neither pob tical party has | shown the least activity. At present | | the Moral and Social Reform league { has the field to itself and if it gets | busy it can do a lot of valuable work that will tell later on. Ald. Angrove has been requested by it to enter the fiedd for the mayoralty, but has not given an answer so far, as he has no particular desire to run If Mayor Couper enters the maycr- | alty field again, as it is believed he will, he will be the candidate of the citizens,and not of any particular | party. He has been fequested by men { of all parties to run again, and winle | ho has made no announcement so far lit is believed he will respond to the desira® of the people and him- self to be nominated again. So far as known the likely | manic candidates to date are | denham ward, Ald. Haaley, ward, Dr. A. E. Ross; St. Lawrence ward, Oliver Chown, Ald. Givens, Ca- tarajui ward, Ald. Tweddell, Fronte- nac ward, Ald. Hoag; Rideau ward, | &. G. Armstrong; Victoria ward, Mar- shall P. Reid. Dr. Ross has not | ma!l be in 'the field or not bat | wpoken «of Ald, Nickle's successor in Ontario ward. Sign not Lo linen-lined allow have alder- Sy- Ontario 18 1ncreas Crowe x lecture to-night, au' frontiere is de be is stated whether he as Death Of A Little Boy. The death occurred, on | night, in the Hotel. Dieu, Harforac, voungest son Mrs. W.. J. 'Charop, Pine six years. and six months, | fellow had been ailing and. succumbed to { spival 'meningitis felt: fox' the company atthe" that the noon at Wednesday of Norman of Mr. and street, aged The little a long tyme, typhoia fever. and Much. sympathy is) bereated parents. The funeral will take place on' Friday morning 16 St.Mary's cathedral. The Whig! staff sent a wreath to be placed on the coffin of the deaa lad, { whose fatheriis 4 member of the com- | poring-rooum staff of this paper. per- corner Mont wal Xmas," Gibson's strictly Red high Cross 165 (Jueen stréet, has re- Buffalo, Rochester, and will spend Christ home srecigltics M¢ Leod's Crean and Mcleod's Both good articles; nove McLeod's drug stores. McCarter, ill in the Hotel fever, for the past week, Died In Victoria, B.C. Word has been received by local re death, in Victoria, B. on Nov. 29th, of Mrs. William Northcott. Deceased was former- Miss Olive Cronk, and was born at Kingston Mills, in 1839. Her fami:y { moved to Belleville in 1862. She was | marr ed there in 1864. Since 1884 che lived in Victoria, B.C. Her hus tand and five children survive. PE. IW. 1 Dieu, Board Of Education. At this evening's meeting of the board of education thé management j committee will recommend that cadet corps be not formed; that Miss Mabel Ferrier take charge of the primary work of the Orphans' Home in 'iew of the classes being overcrowded; that in future no pupils under ¢.x- vears of age be admitted to the primary L lasse Ss. Winter at Last All we need now is lots of snow to make ideal weather. The mercu y is down to stay, ~0 buy vow and get the full benefit of your Furs. Broke Storehouse Windows. R. J. Reid's new storehouse on Gar- rit street, has suffered by window | breakers, Stones have been thrown |into it and several valuable mirrors { (ns ide have been smashed. Mr. heid advertises a reward of 2% for infor- mation as' to the guilty parties, who, lif caught, will be prosecuted. Vandal ism of this kind must cease Kingston Girl Gets Homors. Miss Aggie, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. M. F. Hughes, who graduated gs | nurse 'from the general hospital of | Saratoga Springs,. N.Y., last June, re- {ceived the highest percéntage in her [class. She has since passed her Re gent's examination in Albany, N.Y, {for her R.N., and passed with highest | honors. Hugh C. Baker Retires. - Hanilton, Ont., Dec. 9.--<The Dell Telephone company has issued a cir cular announcing that H. C. Baker, of | Hamilton, the superintendent for On- { tario, will retire .after thirty years' { service. The resignation is to go in- | to efiect on January. lst | Style 451 This cut is a reproduction of style 451 on page 16 of our aew catalogue and i 1s very pop- ular. No. 451-- Mink, No. 1 quality. $60 Mink, Mai mot, $10 Black Kid, $8.50 Order by wail. The successfu, bazaar at won church | was continued on Wednesday and ihe gocd rgeults were even more gratify- inz than on Tuesday. A neat sum | was realized by the venture, and the | differnt ladies are to be congratula- l4ed on the success of the affair. Don't forget the Varsity-houth Lid- «r football game of Nov. 20th at Won- derland for balance of the week Mrs. MacGannon, Brockville, of the guests at the wedding of Miss Mabel Gascoigne, daugnter of the late Dr. George KE. Gascoirne, former: lv of Brockville, and William .!. Cur- rique, which was solemnized at thet {| Church of St. James the Apostle, 'n { Montreal, Monday afternoon. Frof. Pidgeon. of Westminster Hall, Vancouver, will preach at Cooke's ' ov Sunday evening . feet War wv { was ole | Makers Of Fine Furs. 126-128 ss St Tinie Mir-| | appointed | Parisian Sage Hair | Drug | to | Gibson's | their | the late i was | | at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store for Special Sale of Pillow Shams Sideboard and [able Covers Just received 35 dozen of the above named goods and have them on sale at 25¢, 35¢, 50c, Toc and as high as $2. Ladies' Fancy Collars 200 different styles to choose from. Prices 2c to 2, Large Assortment of Ladies' Belts from 15¢ Up Ladies' Tailoring and Dressmalting. CORRIGAN'S ee ee AANA \ Christmas Suggestions <THE LITTLE TREASURY" (of noble thoughts) series is one which anyone desirous eof making a chamining and tasteful, yet withsl, inexpensive presgnt, will greet with delight. =u» little books are pretty in the extreme, containing on each page a quotation from the Bible which is followed by appropriate words taken from great writers. 'the bible text is rubricated and there are included several full-page illustrations in colors. Each 20c. Printed and sold in the U. S, at 25¢. each. "A DAY WITH THE POETS" Six typical and dainty giit books are included in this series. In compiling these books imstead of confining themselves to a string of quotations, the reader is taken, as it were. to spend a dav with each poet, whose own words. whether in prose or verse, are used to indicate his philosophy and experience of life. Charmingly printed, illustrated in colors and bound in boards with a picture inlay in color framed in a gold design. Tennyson, Browning, Burns, Keats, Longfcllow and Wordsworth. Each 40¢. Printed and sold in U.S. at 50c. Our prices on all goods are below those of the Toronto Department stores. Our stock best in the city. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE, The Finest Book Store in Eastern Ontario. 260 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 919 i i-~tor--AH- :-- ing 0a] Lo Oak REDUCED IN PRICE. | | a oN Bi SM A aNAA NV YY VY YTV TTY TY VY VY YY YY. A TV IVY VY VV YY YYY | is the | i | i a a bid AAAAAAAAAAA a able to return to his howe in Verona on Wednesday evening "Ebony Hair Brushes' Back Brushes." Suitable giving. Gibson's Red Siore. | he "Solid "Xmas Drug and for Cross | Something Entirely New express companies have menced to feel the Christmas For the next few weeks they will among the busiest people in town. I eadjuerters for tooth brushes, | combs and hair brushes. McLeod's drug stores, corner King and Brock] and Princess and Montreal streets. | of the late | taken to Clayton, for interinent Clayton for com- rush be f i i | | | "Gus N De some 1 only large Tray (Oak with Nickel Silver trimmings, (3 Now $7. 1 only (Stag Oak) Dinner Gong, Now $7. 1 only Wine Case, Oak, with Nickel trimmings). was $10. bottles), was $10. Now $7. These are only instances the values to be picked every day. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 King St. Issuers Of Marriage Licenses, 'The remains Belleville Y.. this afternoon, ceased lived in tune "Only one quality' --good for 'Xmasqriving. The best can buy in Perfumes. Gibson's Cross Drug Store. : A male patient, from town. was removed to Rockwood to-day. He came on the a constable having charge were Horn and was $10. Imported Linen Pieces with ! Irish Crochet Lace, in the new Peacock design. Ex- c/usite work for about the regular value : Round Doylies, enough money Rel HT Ne TTT of up nn weslerp ~e asy 75c. and up noon | of Jum, ain, Hum Shaving brushes, shaving strops, Say "shavi ing cups Mcl.eod's drug | stores, corner King and Brock and corner Montreal and Princess streels. Miss Bertha Galland and company, | presenting "The Return Of Eve," at] jibe Grand, on Wednesday g, left | i Oblong ard up Square Tray Cloths, ard wp Tray Cloths, $2. $2.¢ Oval Table Centres, and wp $1.9¢ evening at midnight by special C.P.R. train: ior the west. Sideboard Scarfs | Perfumes in boxes and bulk, Pe ron Cavers, and Din $4.95 sachet | waters | stores, | corner the avil More the sessions, Lots of Exclu. sive Lines to Show You is to to see knives, sois- of all stores, corner FOR STYLE, FIT, AND COMFORT Wear Gourdier's Furs 76 to 80 BROCK ST. Bude bnd Pr CE EEE AR A 4 NEWMAN GSHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE -~ ERR RRR vr er Lou Loria LLNS he tas NON-SCORCHING 1s She hut home, home ywders, bath powders, toilet of all kinds. McLeod's drug corner hing and Brock and | Montreal and Princess streets | So far five cases are booked for venus of general three actions and two criminal cases | civil cases may be entered beiore {docket cases. Everybody going to-night Wonderland the great Varsity- Rough Ridér football match played [Nov 20th. Get in line Manicure sets, cuticle sors, nail buffers, nail files descriptions. McLeod's drug lcorner King and Brock and Montreal and Princess streets. | Miss Ethel Pearl, daughter of" Mr® i6;. F. Warren, was magried on Wed- | nesday to James G. Billings, Brock ville. They have gone on a trip to Watertown, N.Y . "Folding Mirrors." Beautiful as- sortment at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The we makers at the curling rink fare very busy and if the present cold weather keeps up will have ice beiore jong. The many lovers of the game Yare anxiously awaiting the opening All of our new soaps for Christmas on exhibition. All fresh and good and low in price. MoLeod's drug 'stores, corncr King and Brock and {corner Montreal and Princess streets. | A wellknown commercial traveller, 'of Torongo, is mourning the loss of | 50, which he was relieved of while doing business in the city. He has no clue whatever to where it want. 'Safety Razors" make men happy. | Why ? They are a daily reminder of | the giver. See the beautiful assort- | ment at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The city is besieged with travellers ! making their final call before Christ- mas. One hotel had twenty-five tra-. i vellers registered to-dav. At the end | of next week the travellers will return | home Mrs. A. E Lewis, of Odessa, spending the winter in Toronto says Toronto is a"beautiful city, that there nothing like sweet home, if that be in Odessa Great preparations a pair They can and an glasses Christmas time With we can comiort le, with guar PERFECT RYT Kingston Laundry, Cor denham Stat fitted any [ is at especially our var gt any f and security ith the style only a well fitted Eyeglass sntee perfectly adopted ed stock of Mounts . givigg the being made are to the 'Xmas display of MoConkey's and Huyler's "Xmas packages ancy | boxes "band-painted in Paris," and | baskets made in Germany, and trim med with beautiful! ribbons, rar r : for $1.00 40 $25 ted for bi add swoess for Apes 'trade. ! Dr A P. Chown: DRUGOIRT AND LAN T. Princess + hone &2, CPTI