THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1909 . The New Dolls from Munich. Modelled : ¥. " ; ; & After Famous Sculptures : he a UEENLIKE Dolls of The Toyland Wrestling Match Ni Ry a Ea | ; In fown wiil be able to ride to and frq shoppi Surprising Talent and Pairs WY i } : ; : : i wil os le to 1 x 7ed Hous the sb pping Palatial Doll Houses, Automo- | ii 5 «HIVE : J wo) Eo of ne riding syste 8 lo vers prtect * Ou 3 ¥ A ¥ . f . \ 1 ig We nd © ac rob biles Airships and Perform- esd 2 ' Plan aN - § 5d rien : ; la % structed fn suc bh a manner that derailment is almost impossible, Extra cars of every kind, locomotives, : . Xe / g ~ ' i a £3 i fii 3 4 a J 5 | a tracks. switches, tunnels, statlos, signals, bridges, ing Animals of the African : & "AA J 8 . : 'Bd Gil, LL Ste OF 4 . ; \ $ RY Le. can be renewed at any moment and at reasonable / : 3 , Lit id a : EY prices. So you see Toyland is much more of a model Jungle and. the Frozen North. 5 \ AN salt " > jon =a 3 : £ z J jo ta 3 colunity than is your home town." ¥ : a - Hee 8 x : 4 Ihe reporter was embarrassed by this atmck on his : . a; ? y yme balliwick, and to turn the subject stopped be- ~~ 00D, medium and, perhaps, even a few falrly naughty boys and girls may look forwa rd ton pretty good harvest this Christmas, for never before in the history of toyland has Mr. Santa Claus been so busy in the manufacture of toys ot all sorts us has the old gentleman during the last rew weeks, ¢ pine To a newspaper representative who Interv lewed Mr. Santa Claus at one of the large toy stores recently the Christmas saint declared that the nerves of toy manu- facturers are being terribly wrought upon by the de- termination of the toys to enter the fields of art and --- sclence. . "it was all very well" said Santa Claus, "when we had only to make putty fac ed, golden haired doll beauties, lead soldfers and impossible wooden aul mals, but now look what Is expected of us! We are obliged to know as much about flylng machines as the Wrights and Santos-Dumont, we have to under- «tund subways as well as Mr. McAdoo, and our dolls are expected to be not only beautiful but intelligent | . . ind dividual." y : The Popular Wright Machine "Dao you mean to say that it isn't enough for dolls to be beautiful and well dressed?" queried the re- porter will help the fashionable doll beauty to hold ber own, wNot 4t all," declared Santa; "they have to have ern i she Bast an Mea her head." we dolls Gusseal ¥ Be ™ fore a handsome theatre building, which had attracted hat which a fashionable doll débutante could desire . . . his attention, bu! that it's an interesting departure, but it keeps us was fi lauded 10 the outfit, from motor tops bh dancing Bwanna Tumbo in the Toy Jungle expres on, If you please, and to look natural It's all this new woman idea, of course, 2 W111 don't know : . : "1sn't that great? demanded Santa. "You see we hustling, 1 tell you, when it comes to providing indi frocks SS TU or oh have a New Theatre, too; it's li "Sixty dollars for the troussean," said Santa A N 1 1 1 I ttoie Tr 3 : v costs fifty dollars. Ouly the classic dramas are to much less, and separate garments of every description v . ; . . be given liere, 'Red Riding Hood, 'Puss in Boots." &¢: never ¢onld beur to think of her sex having no more from French corsets to overshoes™ ; . ® : I wind than is expressed in the face of the average The old gentleman now led the way through sev eral rows of doll mansions, ranging in price froy § - * "Don't 1h wineipals ever disagree?" sstioned to $36, unfurnished, to the aerodrome at the no ' ; RY porter. = Pe arent Yue the premises. Here. wer stored a magnificent array ; storeroom and pointed out to the reporter a most of fiying machines of all Kinds, including every variety have a little trouble with Puss on the opening slit teresting nrray of dolls, with charming expressive of mechanical airship and rubber baw aeroplane 3 A Gathering at of Puss i 3 te! bechse Fuss a ai fuces and dressed in the various costumes of Euro "Ryery boy will want one in his stocking," de. X fey 5 A the curl of hi vi : I wa eal peasants clared Santa. "Aeronautics is as much ihe subject yp . the North Pole noot! ! over vihi l "There they are," sald Santa, "the new dolls which of the hour among the boys as It is among grown ' e ire golng to revolutionize the entire doll world be and 1 shouldn't wonder, on the whole, if the boys i fore long. Over in Munich, where the help me out knew more about it than the average grown pe SUN : ' R Line nd ni vants i 1 the R n a great deal in getting up ne ( * toys, some In order to accommodate everybody we'y oi or : ' e can't | eaune y : obbled her up clever artists modelled some dolls which were copied chines not only of many mod Is. but in a great an m x ; > ¥ ry 8 : > from the boys and girls of famous st ulptors. Then ber of sizes. Certain boys whose stockings are Ser they dressed them in character, and the idea grew' large will receive aeroplanes that cost $50, but the in uutil a whole host of artists were busy modelling expensive ones, though sialler e just as «¢ abet : aud dressing dolls. There's an Donatello girl, you ade and are quite as much fun' adil see, and a boy to match, and there are wiany dolls At this point the interview was interrupted modelled also directly from life by artists who have deep, ferocious growling the dist Toe sought to make the puppets thoroughly natural as well as sweet and charming." "It's those polar bears nn." explained Santa. i y 1 3 is, Ny ¥ BOY HE wantons Andi 1 Near the foreign character dolls in thelr quaint g vexed tone. "Ever since the North I yd ? i WE i ; old thme costumes stood row after row of fascinal- grarted they've been so popular that jug American beauties, rictly clothed in up to date completely turned and they can't bear costuines of satin, lace and fur. These handsome Lig of attention to anybody or anythin creatures seemed to cast reproachful glances oN gu0py now because | passed them Santa and his companion ; . planes, and we'll have to go oud pacity them i "1 hope they aren't going out altogether," sald the iviien the dolls to death." ee P \ ! 8 i ve a' moment," reporter.' "They lok so fat, bentuing und prosperous The . N " ; reporter and Santa Claus fom Lie 3 - } I'd like to ask ote question What do the bad boys it seems to me It would be a pity not to have any of pears making a tremendous ' found the pola ; ! i LW d b ¥ Eo : commotion in theh them around." miniature - enelosur "wn y 3 : ¥ i etd RB oo iiniat n snelosure Their hes he} y 5 2 oe r 100k out, snl Santi wit 4 "Does the glassy eved charmer, ever go oui?" 4c (yined. for they are beautify aa Win Indes) 100 rid , with a 5 : iil mu LHe are this manded Santa, "No; the soulless beauty will AIWAFS 16 roll their heads about and twist their Hil find a certgin.pumber of worshippers. She may be ost realistic fashion hi I vol Ae HBLS 1 Hha compelled to go on a diet to thin out those too rotund denfully terrifyi They have oth ANU ATR ME cheeks, aud perhaps she will ne forced to pencil 8 'Teddy Bear amg are success Fh a Bibi 1a his Datel od. There were wonderful ania few lines In that nlabaster braw, but it will be all cum ahd the jo¥nted monkeys A rivals of BUY Los ga the jung wake-up and avon't lure her a bit, snd you may be Alu the bears had been quieted and a mect $43 AYY Sy there was nu f0 Lg se . , a chanical (hei 2 sure that these will always be persons who will pre- lady doll who had begun to shriek loudly for uw thelr o mee bocanse 'Santa hurried the re fer Ler large, dazzling pitk aud white beauty to all papa and mamma when the growling srt u het putler ! direction of the railroad yards the intelligence In the world." heen sufficiently soothed Santa |! a fhe ed ful The » th = i "Aud bere," sald Santa, stopping heside a éharming - where Mr. Roosevelt waited : "way to frog aoll's trunk filled with beautiful clothes, * is what heart of a toy jungle. Myr ghted by electricity and "but vidual expressions for a million dolls, more or less Mrs. Santa approves of It, however She says she v stock company--no stars in the Toyland the . re--and so you see we avoid all your troubles." dull, and so, of Course, the new idea has to go." 'I'he old gentleman led the way down the Christmas x We confessed Santa, "the Marquis Carabas did 1s -- 3 F { € ¢ y f i Lit a ndmaother aud the , Santa, by a ich seemed somehow suggestive of Artic wild vilds Hroversy N i: h§ i Pr J ruer Ch tm 1 oniy \ heads ar ¢ \ § vor oy ) s; but. you put in yow tv show 1 RE i : bx 1 plum, just the same it's the Se Lhicy're hn 3 t : i ui varties, a faithful repli by for the aero § 3 ¢ . od o the f the house and an pleads «d the he confessed, had a decidediy Germanie cast of conn tenance. but this, Santa « spluined, was due cutively supplanted I i especially the lions, tigers an mothe said, proudly, stopping iy : "The subway. 1's a pity yuu ni og r appropriations iu the everviday world must ax ea ve do in Toyland. We're building sul 1. ins pe the vers . Roosevelt himself, it . TAL LAAN MAMAS MAMMAL LT LAWL LATAINLL AAA VIMIMARA VIAL AA A QUESTION OF OWNERSHIP. 64 WANT to put a hypothetical question to. you - "Suppose the boy came and you gave him the um sald the pretty girl, after the man had ph ged brelia, and then, a dittle later, Mis< B. came rushing : out the most comfortable chair fn the roow m and tsked for ber umbrella, which <he had {eft at your house the pizht before--li a it: veu'd feel pretty -desperale wouldn't you? "Well, suppose that to relieve the further yon offered to replace Miss The substitution wasn't your own um > ) that another friend had left at your that time, while be ! ) : y 3 rel r umbre mind y ! and bad seated himself thereln. The vers ane You Hid Just sent tn Miss A. bor van "Suppose you were a woman---me, for example--and Miss I. 'swore she conld positive! prove to be he | ors, suppose two other women v isited you the same even- you'd be in something of a pickle By fug. They were strangers to each other and cdme and wouldn't you? and a aval, suppose that to clear the matter up you the one Miss s 4 ) SS ine " vou noticed an umbrella which had been left, presum- Fushed around 10 iii ok oping ta 3 Bro. ¥ the Jou Lax ably. by one of your callers. Suppose the next morn- had already gone. Then you *ashed a0 nmbwel 8 person bY E fug Mbs A; telephoned you and asked if she had left again, t& find Miss B. pacing up and down on ine ber umlirella at your house: that she had left it some wondering what on earth She Shomid ever J OUE Youn) nince. she couldiy't just remember where, but she be- it was beginning to rain eats nd dogs Furs sh a ne 2 ieved ft was at your homse. Was it? You said it dozens of places to ga o that day and wi ald i They dul} was, nnd Miss A. sald soe would send a boy right tainly get soaked to lhe n and maybe eatol Ber hes tye around to get it; she Lad just learned that she would death of cold because she had Tid umbr la: oo Ber fab. by Lave to leave the city for quite_n 'while, and would you--you, the careless " ee sud Lludty give the boy the umbrella? AWAY : went separately. Suppose that after they had gone LiimedYy the young ad," mmrmured the pretty wit sowething else for three honrs man sarted home, he said: -- _s 4 ; ; " the way, where's my umbrella? 1 lef t ~ - - monster--had oi t here the other nightodidn't 17% - hy ' er--had given hers "Yon 1" 'sai 11 ind : . 3 RT 180 adUW. OF J Flehl und Ale the ert: sweetly It 1 on ' 3 that In gw f the large demand fwinkle, "I'm *hinking of givieg thew ahsent treat. to somehyly who d Gh ae wily