Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1909, p. 3

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KOE TWO. *Your throat won't bother you, nor that cough hurt you, if you use This Sha PATERSON'S § GOUGH DROPS -- THE CANDY CURE GOOD TOR BAD THROATS -- | PELICIOUS TO TASTE~----u- | SOCTORS APPROVE THEM --gp-- i . rents a Red-and-Yellow Box full ®t LY DATERSON OF BRANTFORD CHRISTMAS FURNITURE (GIFTS « more useful or pleasant. China Ca b'nets olga } : | } ne designs $17. 320 up | 1 i i | | Parlcr Table } | ! 1 arge 4 | Miss | i {Gladys Burton, ety $1.50 up. Some y Less, | | air pre s- 4 Yours, Phons 92. 7. F. Harrison Co. i ------------------------------------ | i ~~ Fop | | Ghristmas jest present is a useful OUR EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS SE ecially selected, re have we shown designs and Rugs and Mats, anything we i re. Table Covers variety j SEE > nt R. McFAUL |, Kingston Carpet Warehouse. | i I ERROR | If You Could See 3 % Into the Future u could look ahead a and see the growth 1sion that they will Kingston, and the nt i ease in value estate here, you would to invest in Kingston | , good wdg- imating future --that's what » for im- have invest- the many realty to ad- values in Kingston re is selling low- than it ever will {f you want safe, roposition, put al at work points a that's "dirt $7 per foot y St., $5 per foot $4 per foot. 4.50 per foot . $6 per foot McCann, Brock Cor. King St. Saturday Evenings REESE w | married people Lees i Elsie { chibald MeGlennon, Mr { afternoon, i Moore, of of assis | Thursday CA AACA AAAI AA HAHAH ye HHH HAANH RANA HH Gold in BGuwilight PIII RW. oe Mrs Garrett's dance, in the vond in pleasure what the youngest and most hopeful guests expected. The floor. of course, is always perfect, and then 'the hostess had provided an or- which plaved most delightful , the decorations and all the arrangements were perfect, and every. spirits. Mrs. chestra m one was in good {rett wore a handsome black lace gown, Mamie white lace, wrrett's Garrett's frock was of over satin, and visitor, Miss Kathleen was in a pretty frock of pink The orchestra was stationed to the left, and along th? right wall," facing the lake, flags stretched; completely oncealing the supper tables. dlere the sal down at supper the voung people having a bui- Miss prety Mrz. tisler sat past door time, supper a drawmg-room, where hirdge's devo- plaved, looking down over the moving picture upon the floor The guests included Colonel and Mrs i y. and Miss Helen (Crowe, Colonel and Mrs. H: E. Burs- tall, Major and Mrs. :Ngrm#n Stuart Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Mr. and Mrs. Walter Macnee Macnee, Ji Mr. and Mrs hirkpatrick, Mr." and 'Mrs Stafiord Kirkpatrick, Th. und Mrs. J. J Harty, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Mabel Dalton. Mise Mabel, Miss Doro the and Miss Marjory Brownfield, Miss Miss Marjorie Pense, Miss lettice and Miss Constance Tandy, Miss Phyllis and Miss Charlie Short, Mics Marie and Miss Dorothy Carruth- Miss lian and Miss Blanche Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Helen Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Hamilton, Miss Christine and Cochrane, Miss Madge Kate Smellie, Miss Ma- Mise Madeline Hig- Marjory Merrick, Miss Miss Fva Richardson, and Miss Mami¢ Anglin, Sanders; Miss Aileen, Miss Mav Rogers, Mise Mis: Frances Sullivan, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Florence Val- leau, Miss: Leta and Miss Vera Car «on, Miss Phyllis Knight, Captain E. Mr. F. McParland, Nr. Vat Mr. George Richardson, Mr. H Richardson, Mr. . Constantine, Mr. I. Boak, Mr. Bingham, Mr. Stanley Cunningham, Mr. James Swift, Mr. Douglas and Mr. Wendling Anglin, Mr, B. and Mr. Arthur Dalton, Mr. Ar- Edward and Wigle, Mr and a pum tet ovely Crowe, Mr. W. and ' Li Kent, Gordon, lenore Miss Sylvia lFavior, Miss l.esshe, Miss and Susie Mollie Eva and non ons, floss eo Miss Miss Panet, Mr. Leonard Birkett, Mr MacDougal Kirkpatrick, cadets - ee Archibald de Mowbray Bell was bridge party, vesterday the Country Club, The Mrs. T...D. -R. Bem- wing, Mrs. Henri Panet, Mrs. J. P Shine, Mrs. Kenneth Blair, Mrs. Fred- erick Brownfield, Mrs. - Iva Martin, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mrs. J, B. Car- ruthers, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs, Ar- thur Flower March, Mrs. Francis Mac- nee, Mrs Cappon, Mrs. Ram- Sav Duff, Mrs. Percy Stevenson, Mrs. William Harty Miss Lois Saunders, Miss Marvy Hora, Miss Kleanor Mac- donell, and Miss Frances Sullivan. Miss Macdonell and Mrs. March won first and second prizes, and Mrs. Car- carried off the consolation. Miss Hemming and Miss' Phyllis Short helped the with tea Norman 1 in in time tea ber of Mrs hostess at a at players were : James ruthers fyrace hostess rs eslie came for - oe a Mrs. R. Waldron, "Afthur Place," gave a pleasant tea, vesterday, in Mrs. Edward The guests were ounger people and oid friends he eldest daughter of the house. R. =. Waldron, poured the cof Miss Mabel Dalton, made the tea and Miss Edith Folger cut ices. The cirds assisting were : Miss Katie Gor- don, Miss Etta Richmond, Miss Alice King, Miss Minnie Moore, Miss Flor ence Cunningham, Miss Constance Fandy, Miss Madelon Carter, Miss Ma- rion Redden, and Miss Isabel Waldron The flowers upon the tea table were vel chrysanthemums > - daughter, Winnipeg honor of her hiefly Mrs tee yellow "ee Ww street, Mrs G. Jordan's luncheon, Barrie on Wednesday, for hridesto-he, Miss at the Eléanor Maedonnell and Miss Tandy. was very pleas- ant The other guests were Miss Katie Gordon, Miss #Mjidred Mae- morine, Miss Millie Hegderson, and of course the two daughters of the house, Miss. Hilda Miss Ethel Jordon and - George -- - > McRkay had a very callers on Thursday, eived for the second tume. Mchay and her tea room tant of Tuesday helped her. Mrs. Mchayv will receive after the New Year on the second and fourth of the month. > - >» Mrs. 1. M. Lanos, Queen street, gave ttle supper party after Colonel < lecture, on Thursday. Among the gus were Colgnel and Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Miss Helen Crowe, Cap- tain Mis. Georges Rov and Ma- Panet Mrs large number ¥ ol w hier Mrs she re lohn in OW <fS Ad or Heard - > - The Bishop of Toronto and Mrs Sweeny announce the engagement of their daughter, Miriam, to Mr Re- ginald Heber Edmonds, of the Cana- an Bank of Commeree, New York. - > - Frank 0'Gorman (nee ' Crow) for the first time since Good Health --is within reach of nearly every man and woman who earnestly desires it. Start right with TBeeckams Mrs will receive Sold Evervwhere, The dais was turned into | | is up to spend the week w R i | { i i land bound with a | well and had a delightful time. Miss { Marjory Rathbun was a pretiy debu- Garc- | within the qptrance | | were i | | Taylor, | Charles | | about, ! {during her enforced quiet. i - >» . Toronto's bal pondre, at the King: Edward : city hall, on Wednesday, went far be | blue, ged M | ragement. of Mary (Minnie), daughter { Orpheum | purge. BE LOCAL HOCKEY DOINGS WELLINGTONS AND Y.LC. B. A. HOLD MEETINGS To Prepare For Entering Teams in the City League--The Front- enacs 'Will Place a Strong Senfor Team on the Ice. | i On Friday evening, at a large meet ing of the Young Wellingtons, in their club room Golden Lion Block, final arrangements were made for the hockey season. It was decided to en ter two teams in the city league, ir the senior and junior series. Presi, dent C. Brown, of the club, occupied | ter, Mrs. Henry Skinner, as a farewell [the chair. The following officers were pefors she and Captain JEinner leave elected ©: Hon: President, Ww. FP for India. Nickle, M.P.P.;; Hoan. ee ident, Pr: 4. J. "Harty, .1. dent, C. Brown, vice-president, J} Sutherland, 'sésretary-treasurer, Ray Marchand; édptain, senior team, i. firattan, '¢uptasn, junior team, B.: Duffy, to ] i Red, vellow and black were chosen ak the colees of the club. The mem-! bers are alk confident that they ean pat two fae teams on the ice and will end up near the top of the lad-| der. on Wednesday, December het Hage at 6 15th, afterboon and evening, Montreal street. | hotel, brought out some charming toilettes. "Some of the girls well-known in bingston, who . were present looking lovely, were Miss Gypey Grasett, who wore cere over | white, Miss Nora Gwynne, in pale blue satin. Miss Elsie Cotton, in pale! iss Marguerite Cotton, in with raven bair embroidered diamond fillet. Our' own Miss Mildred Jones looked very yellow, tante, - > = . Mrs. James Mages, "loronto, will give a tea, on Tuesday for her daugh- - > - Colonel W. D. Gordon has taken up house at 142 Metcalfe strext, Moo treal. -> - - Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Hammond among those who were at the fast reception at Government House, Toronto. Mrs. Henry Gracey, of Gananogje, ¢ -end with her sister, Mrs. K. T. Smellie, at "The Bellevue." : Mrs. George Richardson. University avenue, is the guest of the Misses Mann, of Aylmer, Unt. Sy Miss Gwendoline Farrar, of King- ston. is the guest of Miss Emma Ward, of Belleville Miss Nellie Fortescue, will leave Montreal, to-morrow night, and will be married on December 15th, ir St. Johi's cathedral, Winnipeg. Many good wishes from old and warm friends here will follow her. @ - > Miss Sarah Mclean, oi Seaiorth, is Nathan Dupuis, Uni- i; a---- ¥.I1.C.B.A. Hockey Club. A well-atténded meeting of the Y.' I.U.B.A. hockey team was held om Friday c¢enmg in the hall, Wellington street, wh arrangements wire made | for the wintér"s work. It was decid- | pd to enter both semtor and jurior| teams in the city league. The reports | from different committees all considered and found to be most on couraging indeed, A number of good | players have signified their intention of playing under the green and white] of the Young Irishmen. | were the guest of Mrs versity avenue. Her friends have been very pleased to find that Mrs. Russell Hale has been able the last wees or so, to go for she was greatly missed Frontenac Hockey Club. Fveryday the mAnagement of the | new Fronténac club is' meeting with success in the organizng of the team. Nearly all last winter's players are | practically sure of playing, and al i though there is a hint of Bernier, the popular centre, going -to Montreal, it is. believed he will remain here to play with his old team mates. "Fd-| die' Hiscock, even if he is going to | take classes in Queen's, will not for- sake hit 'old friends and will he {ound | in the bunks for the city team. \an-! Hojne, Powell, (rawiord, Richardson, | Dévidson, and also some pw plavers will be out the first practice day Miss Katharine Fairlie has gone to Toronto, en route to Indianapolis. Among the military people who will spend Christmas out of town will' be Major and Mrs. Norman Leslie, Cap-4 tain and Mrs. Alan Palmer, Captain and Mrs. A. deM. Bell, and Captain and Mrs. Georges Roy. Toronto people promise some dances jor the cadets when home for the holidays. Buckskin And Fur Shoes. For men, have all sizes bell Bros.' - Announcement is made of the eu-L women and children, from 5c. up Camp- , Kingston's busy fur store we J Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Godwin, Pine street, to Ira Delbert Cotnam, M.D, sf Westinvath. The wedding will take solace at the bride's home on Decem- ber Vth. The Therre' t funeral of the late Mrs. took . place' this afternoon) from the residence of her sister, Nrs. | W. Entés, 268 Division street, to Ca- taraqui' cemet rvi i Be sure and get vour Christmas edt ts Away. early 'enough. A belated Christmas cavd is no joy to the ! ceiver or credit to the sender Nature's Remedy, in 23c., Sle. £1 boxes, at: McLeod's drug stores. Daniel | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. See Livingston's neckwear. Newman and Shaw's--"Suit Sale." Nearly all of the Kiogston mari- pers have returned home for the winter. Mclntosh's oatmeal, rolled oats and ream of wheat, fresh, at Gilbert's. The police do not need to say tnove on' to the corner loafers these cool nights. Keeley," Jr., puts sells in boxes free. That Gananoque man who loaned 250 to a man he hardly knew, should 'earn a od lesson. Ea boxes and bulk, sachet wwders, bath powders, toilet waters of all kinds. McLeod's drug stores; corner hing and Brock and corner dontreal and Princess streets. The atmosphere this morning was and every article. he TEE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMEER 11, 1908 Mowal. presi- | 3 Ladies' Fancy Collars " 5 Ladies' B lt-, Alexandre Kid Gloves, Ladies' Fancy Jabots from 23 np Children's Wool Clouds, 25¢ up, Children's Mitts, .15¢c and un». Bbies' I[ufantees, Babies' Bootees Babies' Bibs, all prices, Babies' Petticoats. Babies' Cashmere Dresses, all prices. Cotton Blankets, Wool Blankets, Bed Comfortables. Special White Spreads at 98c. I re, PANAMANIAN Ladies' Tailoring and Dressmaking. CORRIGAN'S OurChristmas RushHas Started THERE ARE BUT 12 MORE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE will be days that you would not want to come out. visit the FINEST "XMAS. Perhaps half of these Toke advantage of all the fine days BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. WE DON'T ASK YOU TO BUY. and IF THE GOODS AND THE PRICES AT WHICH WE HAVE MARKED THEM WILL NOT CON- VINCE YOU THAT WE HAVE THE BEST STOCK AND AT MORE REASONABLE THAN ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY, WE NEVER CAN. SPECIAL We offer 250 copies of the latest: ALGER BOO KS FOR BOYS at ZR. per cut his price to enable us to Handsomely and @urably bound in cloth in uniform style SCHOFIELD DESK COMPANION ns and pencils and pro vides take up an inch of space These were Sent vo us in error and the publisher has special offer. As a presant for the BUSINESS MAN we recommend the Keeps the desk cleared of ink bottles, pe place for most things necessary on a desk. Does not PRICES . Copy. make this and convenient A man yeceiving a proper one of these will bless the giver 365 days in the year. Price, $3.00. ' THE COLLEGE BOOK _ STORE, The Finest Book Store in Eastern Ontario. 260 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 919 Ex Monday Morning A Clean S weep of All Our Ladies' Suits, 0] adies' Coats: FUR-LINED GOATS OUR SPECIALIY. zood and sharp, but there'll be some- thing sharper further on Quite a number of the stoves .ommenced 'to keep open at nights, ready for the Christmas trade. "lhe first question" a lady will sk when she receives a box of sweets on Christmas morning, Is it Huyler's or McConkey's ? Sold in Kingston 1t Gibson's Red Cross drug store. John Lefleur, 'district superintendent of the Prudential Life Insurance com- yany, is in Brockville on business to- lay. » We've anything a man wants and appreciates. Come here to select his Christmas gifts. Early selections are best. Livingston's. Manicure sets, cuticle knives, scis- #ors, nail buffers, nail files of all descriptions. McLeod's drug stores, corner King and Brock and corner Montreal and Princess streets. A tour arolind the city shows quite 2» mumber of vacant houses in differ- mt sections Houses are very hard to rent at this season of the year Quite a large crowd attended the theatre last evening, aod witnessed a fine bill of vaudeville. Rhea. the singing comedienne, Was a favorite. "From the dainty nox' of caramels or assorted taffies, to the elaborate baskets or hand-painted boxes at $15, £20 or $25, vou can buy them at all prices, McConkev's or Huyler's, at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. The fact that members of the "In- dian list' are hard to keep tab on, the suggestion has again been made that they be photographed, and prints given every liquor desler. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild end natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the) bowels, put do not Thef ave sure please. Try them. Coleman Clancy, and wife, returned to their home in Arden, on Fridaw after visiting Mrs. William Cockade, Division street. Mr. Clancy purchased over $300 of Christmas Yooas in the { city for his own tore at Arden be fore leaving 'for home. "A man is known' by the candy he sends at Christmas or any other time through the year. It costs no more to send Huyler's or McConkey's high- class sweets. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Ref Cross drug store. have SYLVIA Style Sylvia from page thirteen of our new catalogue. Broadclo h Shell, Muskrat Linine, Alaska dati. Collar and Revers. fu'l length, 50 inches. $55 and $65. Samé Coat, lined. 40 iaches, and satin faced. costs £5 less. * Same Coat, lined, full length, with Hamster or Grey and White Squireel, $45 and $50. Ask for Catalogue. to Ih Boxes ag cents: | Bros', ihe makers of fine furs. If the present - weather - keeps up there will be skating in the covered i rink one week from to-day. The sur: | face has been flooded three or four | times, and is getting in fine condi- | tion. Queen's will have a practice {early in the week. { nt Alaska Sable. and mufis, at surprising values Cdats in stock---order by Makers Of Fine Furs 126-128 Princess St { -¥ inthe mw Campbell Neck styles, pieces Coats We must have more recom to show holiday go «ls, so here goes. 1--23 only, Ladies' Coats, bl: ek and colors, the very newest styles, best m terials and man-tailor- ed, priced $15.00, 1800 each. Monday morning your choice while they last, $5.00 each. 212 only, Lauies' Suits, all new styles, black and colors, priced up to 18.00. Must have more root, so out they go on Monday morning at $6.95 : 3--The .balance of oar stock of Children's : Coats to go at gpecial prices, 2.00 Coats for 95¢., ; ete., e'c. Be Farly for a Good Choice. | Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store. Hair y A Mirrors IN SOLID EBONY A Christmas Carol. | he Farm Journal { {Without the drifting snows lie deep, And winter winds are drear The stars their quiet vigil Keep Above the dying year. rushes ND Within the flaming logs are piled Ablaze with cheery glow ; Forgot tempest fierce and wild The we and snow the winter's i And there around that ruddy hiaze The happy voices sing In notes of gratitude and praise cceptable, A carol to their King. accep and Nothing more being both handsome A carol from that joyous band serviceable. To celebrate the birth Of him sho showers with bournteous : The Mirrors are of heavly Good will and peace on earth British Bevel Plate, in Oval or round shapes with long or ring handles. And so may kindly love abound, All strife and turmoil cease Through every land let songs resound Of gladsome joy and peace The Brushes are beauties, having the best white bristles, drawn through a solid back. -------------- Money Is New Leader. | Wastington, Dee. 1l.--In caucas the | democratic senators, elected Senator | H. D. Money, Mississippi, as minority' leader of the senate, to succeed Seéna- tor Culberson, of Texas, whose resigs nation was presented. The prices are the best in town. $ Dr A.P.Chown Black Pony Coats. ff DHUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. Finest quality and long lengths, in the new styles, $55, 360. Campbell! Pros.', the store for find furs. i Mahogany Chimes Clocks We are selling Chimes Clocks and Our Special Prices on this line, are the reason. 1 Only Mahogany. Regular $25. NOW $18.50. 1 Only Mahogany. Reg ilar $28. NOW $22. : 1 Only Emglish alnut. Regular $30. NOW $25. Thess Clocks Chime the Westminster Chime on Tubes and are first-class in all par- ticulars. PAIN SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. 350 King St. Issuers Of Marriage Licenses. FOR STYLE, FIT, AND COMFORT Wear Gourdier's Furs 76 to 80 BROCK ST. . PERFECT LAUNDERING Kingston Laundry, Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts, "Phone, 22.

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