ACE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1905. TE co crv a SUFFERED THREE YEAS THE SPORT REVIEW Youcammotbe cheerful mewsse or amc [JHE NATIVE PURITY AND Till Dr. Morse's Indian Root activeand enercotiz vk en ge TR3. In the | Pitic cured tis Kidoey Trousia OPINIONS oN CANA 12.N I the liver is wrong. th, Dec. 14. Professor Metch-. E RAGRANCE OF 0 Tere are ow d -- le RUGBY GAME . . A torpid, "sluggish di t . nets Jeri ate : 8 » a fimo es AAA ep Cause mo D -- V iver brings o ustipa- tous, whist gays kills at st 10, : i acute suffering ev Trouble, i - : 5 . : Ar " and Mr F £ fins. Seabury Ont Expressed By .United States Ex- .}, Puig ~ tion of the bowels, da- 4 enca eh an every Io : § : x is one of those who know i He writes perts--It Created a Favorable 3 digestion, derang he microbe is jRasLro-en- . For o hree years I! suffered from Impression--Fine Kicking and Be ed kidneys and al as and Gil : ual 7 : whe Fir tt vad pi bik ¢ . R Ahe Sper v BE OS 3 : : kidney disease. Iirst 1. the 1 had Passing Features E TEN 1s © id GF che i RR s Spra i mv back, for suddenly the pain hy oi 3 3 ont ani i ile ou SE : : ul hi the small ny back end 1 While the nwajority of 'the United ik ) YET ienre n iy children t 1 Browlni-up ; . - - would be 3 ¢ for ght States rugby coaches express. approval --- tl sion a OY raf atel ; i myself up for several v1 of some parts of the game, rimenhog ths ; : Of Fol ess ul teteiprkoll says, nows 1} I yer 4 4 he i pe - . , a # z % discour - ava hat the roles sasily be ' cle across » Kidne wres- the suggestion that the CRF ever, he microl 1 easily agement illed B ruit: f . . * ent, my urin s thi } a rales be substituted for those of the Ee i . \ nn & yi i ard y / 8 preset view by the use of ep lind lead rassmng it 4 g » pa pF bal Ty I Qu here x i wit TARE we careiy © o " i J sit i i - ut they failed Smee) an Foothal 3 Ho» ; o te i : Ere "1! vith ap and not sii es 1 ; xe N pain. icines. but they failed. wvident they have been forced. cespite isheadache, backache, painsin § io dry them; o py waten js a pacsetdy, Black, Mixed or 1 atural Green . atural ecindiee- against the Ca their natural premdice against the the limbs and rheumatism. Jeverage which tl Totes Ors M " nadin game, to admit that there an years. before, "A; Tow Jores af many features in Canadian rugin By quickly awakening the ac- « nlunged either in soaj complete cure. 1 now enjoy the bles- : hi be Vide y ay from which thea an get pointers i i the live wd els ater of in boil tor baton sings of good health, which 1is due to this po ype ted Stage. Walter Camp, & tion of the Liver and bowels ater Gf in oiling water helo remedy.' i emit suv of the others to sndorse Cana i - oe om? on si i + Dy ut neglect Kidne y trouble vs a Nal 3 1s ery because Dr. A. W. Chase's PURGING OF G ta pps This range is wade in every ; 3s as well as 100 Pail font 'that would probably jspell disaster for Kidney & Liver PURGING OF GREECE convenient style and size. House remedy, Dr, Mores (hem. However. the exhibition in New ; Militias = ia Sue) I keepers now using an-- Imperial reflective York. by Otawas anc famhon Pills r g Abus Epi Henk Oxford Range, wonder how they : . rors. seems t ttendant | 1igers, in 0 and sick good one, and undoubtedly the clean cleanse the system of pois mous im- ' I. g " i 5 Ce "he i lta y 5 fe eo R ever did their cooking lie blood. lines of the play will wicld A poweriu purities and restore good digestion commencine the details od eas | HH with any other stove. our druggist's 10 influence over the United States rule § and assimilation. ' i 'tion abuse bo anne . $ 3 . - 0060000000000800000¢ - ws Joaktrs 'when hey soeveRS ) Decor i Dr. A W. Chase's Kidney and {nas begun with the Ephor of Anti : Re = Ask the'near- NG THOMAS IE : : Liver Pills owe tueir phenomena ities, an.official w is 1 feed of ou FE A \' New York writ . ord > ul success to the fact that they posi- fin i qo est Gurney- ord with Hair Stop; OFS Were Hut enbiuey om |] tively cure liver complaint, bilious- olnuug meml : awn family Oxford Deal- : ap om Pipe the experts for to r v of them the ness, constipation, backache and other . tot is Without (Canadian Ox d features of kidney disease. tera] : : rohaet ¥ er to tell'you which the R and even sgh vi 90006040000 DO YOU REQUIRE OUR SERVICES ? : David Hall 66 Brock St. "Phone, 335. housands ® Teer One pill a dose, 25 cts. a box, at more 0 p than in U i or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronte 5 ie re y Es \ x. "KIDNEY AND LIVER ha suits all classes-- the need of Tetanus sn the Cottage ----, or the Man- sion--from the 4 hole <= OUR CUSHION SOLE gil gl re os bo Hg i | 68 SPECIAL $1.00 -- a "range to the splendid BOOTS PUT A SMILE oct, 2, bic ict, Si ud 0 Ba wit' | | Bl FOUNTAIN PEN ero, Imperial Oxford Coal ON A MAN'S FACE utes gui mic foo. hood nea all times the pro, the | F -- ; Ro 7 ; 5 a er how it spreads it's goodness a- Ce e---- round. Don't fail to see this range WHIG'S FASHION HINT Foz either a manor we man ¢ u an this Rye 5 : : Epps's Cocoa is a treat to Children, Fountain Pen. A Simmons Bros. A Sustenant to the Worker. E iy of _. 9% oh Dp ¥. his ped with» I} i : ? Phone 194. 211-213 Kingston A Boon to the Thrifty Housewife. i,o and running passes. mad RAB iim pained pew nib; sid 8 \ The Yell av Sto Princess St. H. Jennings, King St -EPLsR ke toc | |B Sher nd enn in J -- wdiate HICHEST FOOD-VALUE, ovo con of the Canin oo EE A mn one small re Are ust the surrEes wd there, is no C Ameic | FRO eg ny i WwW d i 1 He e Ji S e In strength delicacy of favour, Joothal d hi iii 17 ; - - 9 O on er u Thin Ss for nutritionsness and economy in use selope tha tue Pussigl the. pr I . g = Epps's" is unsurpassed. te i Ph I ay Yor 3 SEND FOR C27 ALOGUE R Children thrive on "Epps's." (nth deter It js © magfes of te Rh ey players are automatg, girlie as mi Our handsomely illustrated 144 page cata- HOW TO FREE @ €«" ny? us reg t f soldiers in the grea logue of Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, game of 1 Because of its suit Leather, Arts Gouds sad Novelties, free HIGH HALLS iE inder present. rule to the upon request vg Floor-Dusting Pad zee rt Is mnarvellousl. hye: heett) prohibited \ vi RYRIE BROS. Limited A f er call , to whbse case ge = {= lective article for tainh iif it is suited te \ 134-138 Yonge Street he care of all ox at ail hat bei . nd 1 . . pol ished surfaces o. matter. of ¢ that the TORONTO 1sed in coamertion poa, i Educatior Price 25¢., 50c. with the do : Ideal-Duster Mop-Stick "|" hi vo. 24 the ban on Heart Hardwood floor worries disap- 'iew lo n » a arf ar. Come in and see it 1 nt « that apn which anadian McKel r SE BIrCH | To te worthorues 1 ut Jit Trouble AMD BUSGLARS ; 3p : ' Oy en x mae 7a the are 3 Cored. |" = Ti Faney China, Fruits and _ BE ttt < Through one cause or ar majority of the people some form of he t y melt Phyeer pis EEL Kio | EETEL EE IES SEER a, De H OCH, ER Hod eatin ine sgh it | herver the re gk ole ih | ut or purgiars were arrested 160 and 162 Princess St. QrOGSSEol = rlomeon Be ui ros. Hou Milburn's Heast and ot Pills will be found an 33 Yods uninte Y ted i1,on ows stvle, the Regro Heed Mrs Ppularity | | Heart Trou Cured. Uterine Tonic, and a effectual Monthly 1 « or on which women cag an exceller 3 IY a Sod LE Segre " pr engtlh o 3 0. a P. WALSH, 55- Barrack St ( recs Strong £3: No 3 cial cases gg per bo Sold by all drugg Ista, or st a meesessssseseeteestes repaid on rece ipt of Prive. wd ree pamphlet, Ade t X nr ounas get nie th Cook Meieing C0., TORONTO, ONT. Uormer . t im pro heart tr \ graph There are 3 Price . ) 1 iso 5 N eo Canadian rugby game | ¢1 ox ay a ' mailed direst ol it the murder? and ( 2 Sid Fes : Re / se American standpoint en | ? X : receipt of pr i h . Milbum - it 1 nos Fhe jury nade. i . = ' 3 = na Set To oints which could be taker and which woul No alteration Sh Airs | LN ? rae i tu | over Noon at High Portable Lamps tone Is DAF 5 "Sg. ii wh 5 3 \ a a byt gdaded watches liday Sale now on iscount on QPS - MONTREAL TORONTO, ~~) , . Bd z Ro ; Fes Bb fad NR ' all stock {rox ow to Christm jet my prices fore you buy. / OTTAWA WINNIPEG WASHINGTON. | | andria Bay runner, is making =F Elmer Robert merican journa Foo be. select EW TET aN AT RT WET SS. is Foy Good Raking » RE min facts in the amines Seri C. W. LANE, 192 WellingtonSt. Biles an Contato Use Sashweights made in King: - ASAI FEE AE Se » I W. Newman Electric Co., 441. 79 Princess street. " - o B at Angrove's Foundry. "Ci ity 'Brokerage ce terrsTI A a I | oe dpc airithe Tf AM] af Sur Jew soaps for Christina {3 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. sesssservsssssesavest Erererreretteteopeens in rin | un we in the Canadian | Beomions ond vite coding Blind low in rice. Neleod's drug) & J. O. HUTTON J. R. C. DOBBS . THE FRONTENAC T. J. LOCKHART # oo. "and the great aimaunt of punt- | 3° Rn rid on fet or. Movietone rl x : nn Special prices for large quantities. | TROSSSBBSSLESEEELPEE08 [008040 somsssveesssesssssssssses * : | 1 i | WILL BUY : WILL BELL: LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. oi La Office, 159 Wellington St, Ku Vaacouver srsessssssRIIIITIIINY aie a at the 'head waters sa os to regulate | Bsn Lake, Lom Ne : : President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money perties $1221422s Nona Beobin, 1, . I i i nt ehet ' from t ' » tl ngs fos ; = ' ir wy Kamloops Mortgages : oo a A TRA § qd Fr, tooth © brushes 900 Wy Cobalt Cara i he on. Montreal, & - o AN the Gre 1 . a , ombs and hair briashes, Meleod sia 3 EY vaste bearing < WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer nv fre dmanton west to -- re . ~ | irug stOre% Gore i Bu 1 osphiate Profidety in' Front : & qn house oat Salas of aclal a4 "i Tecr or' Dotoh . A ing an Dr { . . in. any rt Sof the ity of King- ? rniture Sales given special at- « che ( ahr the 4 1. nag - rineces 1 Nantresl streets, | Tens 7 dom, and a 320 acre improved tation, County Beles of Farme, st month. of the dangeroun ASOD bh n introduced in Rus fared ip Saskatchewan. # ock , Na pec! Y 3 ally nil i ' + tor long years. If farmers want DE TSC o Standard "mc"; for Gieet, i un i ¢ an abso the high dollar, get niy services; ankles ntempl; t hati] | CoTOt. and Runnings yor 4 ' y depts MARKET SQUARE: installation 'of water worl nd tr eine Fo wrespondence in the periodical press & { ; ! > Sa Hor aghteen' hours: after publication, © treams hes and