_ race TWO. Poor Appetite indicates weakness of the stom- ach nerves which control the desire for food. Itis a sure sign that the digestive organs need the help of _-.BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere, - in Eaxes ag cents. LAST SESSION of the City Coundll 'of the Year. | MD. TOE RESID ASKED TO WITH- DRAW IT, i i i i {BUT HE'S Christmas Presents - te ea { on Boamd of Works' Surplus--A Vote of Apprecia- tion to Mayor Couper For His Conduct of City Affairs. The city council of 1909 held its last regular session' on Monday evening. Ald. Toye sent in his resignation as a representative of Sydenham ward, but he was requested to withdraw it. It | was dec ided to buy several pieces of land for street extensions. Nomination -tand polling places for the elections were fixed; a long discussion . took place on the removal of derelicis from the lower harbor, and lastly a vote of appreciation - was tendered Mayor Couper for the impartial and dignified manter in which he presided over the council meetings during the year. In attendance at the meeting were : Mayor Couper, and Alds, Angrove, Carson, Chown, Craig, Clugiston, El- liott, Free, Givens, Graham, Hanley, Harty, Hoag, Kent, MeCann, McCart- ney, MéKay, Rignev, Tweddel. I'hese communications "were referred to committees : Miss Davenport, ity to erect a street Mrs. Isabella Hamilton, asking remission of income tax. Ald. R. H. Toye wrote as follows : "To the mayor and aldermen of the city of Kingston :--Gentlemen : 1 fiereby tender my: resignation as al- derman for Sydenham waved. In sever- ing my connection with my colleagues on the board of aldermen, | desire to express my appreciation of the kind- ness shown to me during all the years I have been a member oi, the board. Wishing you all the compliments, of the | am, yours sincerely, R H Handsome, lasting, useful, 3 stores full! Chldre's High Chairs Rockers 1 ie chairs, for able: at each this only Rocking Chairs and Parior Cha'rs asking for author- sign at 109 Brock Pia no Stools $2.50 for a0, $10.00 Gold Mirrors. for season, TOYLE." The Finance Report. The finance committee made recommgndations, 'which were adopted: That the recommendation of, the board of health to grant $130 to the city officials on that board, be receiv- ed and adopted, and the amount paid. On the communication of McDonald & Co, Ottawa, re- motor busses, that on the advice of the city solicitor, no action be taken That the salary of John Ballantyne, messenger, be increased hun dred dollars a vear On motion of Harty, a clause finance committee increase of fifty Miss §\ F clerk I'he city solicitor reported that the council had no authority to grant an exclusive franchise to any person company to operate busses on streets... The municipal act did not vermit monopolies. All a tompany could get was a license irom the police commissioners to carry a ivery or cab business. : part Lasy these Kitchen Cases Chairs, Cab- and Desks k Parlor Bo ectional Tables Parlor Music Mirrors Setlees only - and Cabinet Shaving and Pictures 2.00, Jardinierre Stands, etc upets, Rugs, Linoleuw, etc PHONE 82. YOURS, to six . Harrison Co. Alds. Givens was added the report, granting' an dollars a year to I'lanagan, assistant city and to. Kingston Carpet th . Warehouse on See Our Window Display of Rugs and Mats for Christmas Presents 0 . Hearth Rugs, from 2.50 | | | To Buy Street Extensions. I'he following recommendation. of tie board of works was adopted with- out dissent : I'hat as your cdmmittee will have at | the end of the current year a surplus {of 81,146 approximately, and as there are certain vacant lands lying within | the limits of the prolongation of ceg- | tajn streets in the city (as tai lin the attached Vist), which will | quire to be extended at some time in | the near ature, and mn order to pre- vent the erection of buildings on the said "lands, our committee would ac- {cordingly recommended that the said acquired hy. the city irom the above referred to, and that the dptions secured for the said lands be taken up. Your. committee would also recommend that the city solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary deeds and" agreements. The street ex- referred are as follows : treet, from Victoria to 'lToron- 2195: Mack street, from Nel- Victoria street, $475; Patrick to $7.50 Sofa Rugs, from $5.00 Door $1.50 Sheep Skin $1.25, $1.50. Bedroom Mats, to $50.00 Smyrna to 85.00 R. McFAUL Kingston $2.50 to Mats, from Tbe. to from Mats, re- $3.50 from Rugs, from $1.00 | lands be | surplus tension to Carper Warenouse. [43rock to street on to - pe ---- I) ee -- A Home-- How About It? I'he world's You war so that handle thought centers about the magic word HOME. one if you have none. Maybe you have ope te sell youn may buy a better one. In either case we can the deal to your advantage. It Is Cheaper To Buy Than To Build a RE ¥o ced T irons sell' in reasons people who own nice homes ars often for a hurry and are willing to sell ata sacrifice. Tell on the These us what you want and, if we haven't it now, we lookout for a bargain for you. may interest you: will be Earl Street, Detached Brick Street, 7-rooms, furnace, ete Detached Brick 7-rooms, $3,000. B. and C., stable, Prigcess $1,600 We have~PsSperty McCann's, Brock, Cor. King St. in all locations | said, street, froin Stephen street, southerly 14). feet, 1.8100; sstreet with no name, from Collin wit street, easterly fo eons with the present street, $200; total, $1,270, A, 'A Lively Discussion. : Quite a discussion took place ingi- | dental to the street extension ques- tion. Ald. Elliott said it was to be regretted that the money voted to! the board of works had not been ex- | pended for the purpose for which it had been 'voted. The streets were in a very bad condition and required Te- i pair. All year, Ald. Graham had been asking for more money for the streets, and when it was voted to his committee, it is not expended. At this fing late hour a surplus oi $1,446 is report- = ed, and it is recommenaed that it he | spent in opening up more streets, | When Ald. Carson was chairman oi | the board of works several years ago, he had béen criticized severely for re- | porting. a surplus at the end of the. year. . Ald. Hoag defended the board works. He pointed out that it very = difficult ~ till late in the year | o find out just how much 4 is money was at the credit of the! board, as expenditures were not al- located. Had it been > known earlier how much money the board had on | hand, there was no doubt it would have been expended on the streets. Now, however, that the surplus was on hand, the board considered that the best 'thing to do was to purchase jand for street extensions, when the properties could be got cheap. Ald. Graham said the board would have spent the money if it knew it had. it. Furthermore, the stone con- tractor had not given satisfaction, | and more stone al not be got for the roads this past, fall, when it was | wanted. He pointed out that the board of works this year had built more concrete walks than in any ! other year, and' "had built them at the lowest.rate on record, or at .two cents a square foot cheaper than when Ald. Carson was chairman of the board. Ald. Carson explained that the rea- son concrete walks cost miore when he was chairman wns because cement was much dearer thenw If the council had taken his advice when he had 31,500 surplus from the board of works' ap- propriation and spent it in a tar macadam plant, the city would have had permanent streets now and been saving money. : Ald. Graham replied that his com- mittee took advantage of the cemeni compayies- being at: loggerheads, and | bought. cement almost below cost. | Furthermore, the work of the streets | department was done with more sys- tem than before, and $1,400 was sav- ed in labor. Ald. Angrove Carson and his idea. and praised me of | was' re [0 A | ti |Y [is | na { i |a | ot ia | re | al | took a whirl at Ald. tar macadam road the board of works for the way it had saved money this |, year. - | Ald. Carson--"You might have saved $300 or $400, or pechaps $5,000 on the city hall dome if you'd been wise.' | ow you're in deep water, out Ald. Elliott to Ald. Ald. Angrove--"Not a Ald Carsony-- 'Well Harold think you are.' Ald. Angrove didn't think he was, and went on to eriticize Ald. Carson | and defend the board of works. Ald. Craig remarked that it seemed that the board of works had really spent more on the streets than had actually been appropriated for the purpose. However, he didn't think that the surplus' could be expended for a better purpose than of pro- viding for strect extensions. Ald. Craig thought that the board of works really it had done. 'Phe recommendation that River street be opened from Orchard street eastelly to the water's edge was adopted. Ald. McCann, chairman of the industries' committee, stated that to take sixty-six feet off the smelter s'te would not affect any industrial | enterprise that aight go in there, | while the opening up of the street would Ee a benefit to the locality. |G Ald. Harty explained that the resk- | dents of that locality had asked for the opeming of the street and that |bi he and the city engineer had: been de- |S legated to Visit the place. They had | found just as Ald. McCann had "%ta- ted. S )! b Angrove. bit of it." Hunter | ex | &| a IF A B IR be in 'lin | te by | Moticns Passed. Moved by Ald. Chown, seconded Ald. Elliott, ' that the council place | pn record its appreciation of the | received at } up, for Christmas giving, at Best's. | Belleville, to-day, after attending the Choice snow apples, Li the Golden Lion Grocury. church, Carleton Place. | "Miss Gladys Calder returned to her home in Odessa, to-day, | ing the model school. grips new for Christmas, at kett shoe store, | gift, | perfumes for C ery at Best's. | dren, [ment of the gas tank difliculty, | white, | won't {may lighten some Thody buckskin or "- porters, * called | W8Y this morning. ing glass, | prices. ed to citizens to pay an inspection to the new Board of Education. choicest McRae deserved credit for what be themselves large cases of McC onkey's Choice Sec Bibby's new $1 shirts. Sweet cider, 3Uc. a gallon. Toy trunks for children, $1.50 0, Miss Olive Scott, Pittsburg, g in the city this week. ny william Swaine, piano tunér. Orders McAuley's. "Phone 778. fountain pens, $1 and is visit Waterman diss Gladys Roote returned to odel school. 3 Drinking cups at heeley's. se. a pak; Iherefwae a great jam in the stores sterday afternoon. The final rush on in earnest, H. Ciinningham, piano tuner from hickering's. leave orders at Ne | uley"s Book Store. See Bibby's dressy $1 shirts. Archbishop Gauthier held, confirma- on service, on Sunday, in St. Mary's See Bibby' s nobby $1 shirts. after attend- A splendid stock of suit cases and The Loc- Eyeglasses make a nice Christmas Sl. 50 at Keeley's. your Christmas chocoldtes and hristmas morning deliv- Buy See our scarfs and clouds for chil- splendid quality, New ork Dress Reform. ; Master John Tyo, Sault Ste. Marie, spending Christmas with his parents n Raglan Road. Moby' s for swell neckwear, 50c. . M. Campbell, of Rochester, paid the 8733 he offered as 2c. N.Y., as settle Regal shoes make nice presents, 35, t The Lockett shoe store. This is the week when the nd old girls' reunions commence, ady hh are beginning te arrive, Sale of mittens, red and black, 15c. nd 25c.; toques, cardinal, navy or 5c. New York Dress Reform. Bibby's neckwear clegance, 50c¢' Carry home your small parcels. It hurt your..dignity a bit, and old boys' Al "Handkerchiefs Sli ightly imperfect, worth 20c to 50c. 'Choice for 15¢c. Men's Fine Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Special a at 10c. Men's Fine Linen Handkerchiefs at 15c, 18c, 20c, 25¢, 30¢;40c Each, 'Special prices on Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, sold by the dozen, equal to 13 Per Cent. Off. "CORRIGAN"S Ladies' Tailoring and Dressmaking. Christmas Gift Store. The Book Store of all Book Stores where you can buy gifts for everyoue in: the family. Our sales have been large thus far, but we anticipated this and laid in a large stock. But come early! and make your selections. There are only tliree move shopping days before Christmas, ; Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens, in Special 'Xmas' boxes make Ideal presents. Subscriptions for one year for some of the leading monthlies. Ladies' Home Jounal. oun! PRICE, $1.50. HARRISON FISHER'S Boom of American Beauties. His only contribution to this season's publications. Our Price, $3.00, elsewhere, $3.50. MUSIC BOOKS, in padded leather. Splendid gift editions, at $1.50 and $2. 00. 500 more of the LATEST 'additions to the list. of, POPULAR COPYRIGHTS, identical the $1.50 books will be received today and placed on 'Sale' WE DNESDAY MORNING Special Christmas Books Norman Duncan's latest book, "THE SUITABLE CHILD." A- charming story of 'Xmas Eve abroad the Winnipeg Express that one will dream over, weep over, smile over and that will warm one's heart towards all chiltiren. Beautifully illustrated, 60c. and $1.00. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE, bs 3 with 260 PRINCESS ST.--The Finest Book Store in Bastern Ontario -- PHONE 919 else's worries _-- See: Bivby = 81 mocha gloves, Moccasins, the good kind, the oil tan. Nes received, The Lockett in the either A stock Shoe 8 ed. See "Th tore. Fleece-lired .; stockings, any ress Reform. The Kingston and Pembroke rail- had a fair crowd for the city, The big crowd is expect I on Thursday, See Bibby's 31 kid gloves. Give your mother or father 50c. up, at sseeley's. Dresses for children, bibs, bootues nd stockings that will wear. All New York Dress Reform. A hearty invitation has been extend vests, 20c.;, drawers, ribbed, 20c.; hose sup- color, 25¢. New York and | son's Soe Rols street Werdne home. See Mrs. Miss a read mas « lege. See The tors « gymnasium erected by the Fancy imported cherries in bottles, ancy 'imported Rocquefort cheepe. The Canadian cheese, at W. R. and Co., the Golden lion The best hockey boots for boys will found at The Lockett shoe store. Sec Bibby's 81 mocha gloves. Trustees James Craig and Frank nglin will, in all probability, offer for + reelection to the Education. Chafing dishes at Keeley's. 'Fresh on Monday morning," pork Dr. 81.50, ¢ deal « oard of is sad they & Nee Miss Six of oyalty sweets for Christmas buyers, thson's Ked Cross drug store. Dr. Harold Spence, Utica, N.Y, home to end the parents, Mr. and pence, Princess street, See Bibby's special $1 shirts, Oliver Chown is making a good score Lawrence ward. He has large terests and would be a valuable man y aid in administering' civie affairs. jer eve The 'Frontepac seniors have a bye {eid v will holidays with Mrs. D. M here, the W Miss ( Silv N The mail ing St, a st-- ns fight it out before the others are call can supply your sweels been in Ring May Daniels, into the city, lear At tw welcome to them. A citizen who has been doing a great' bering of the finished a course in the model school, hevley, and_the laads are --_-- senior OH. team will S-------------------------- first. round of the eries. The Toronto WEDNESDAY SNAPS A Few Specials For' Wednesday Morning Bibby's special $1 shirts. e only store in Kingston" that wants in high-class for Christmde. McConkey's fuyler'c are sold only at G Red Cross: drug store. Bibby's $1 kid gloves. and Leclairve, 'of Sorel, who has ton attending Sydenhui public school, will lenve sday to spends Christmas SPECIAL Brush, Comb and Mirror. Selts Quadruple Plate, fine quality Mirrors and Brushes, plain and - fancy Sterling Silver designs fully guaran- | teed. Special Price, $10.00 Sett SMITH BRQS., Jewellers, Opticians. 350 King St. OPEN EVENINGS, on al RAR A Bibby 's neat $1 shirts. 7 G. Bishop, Miss B. Lacey of Sydenham, came Tugsday. for the Christ Royal Military Col and for trimmin~ a variety of shapes and sizes, including square and oblong shapes, work baskets, im round, also pin trays, ete., 10g, 15¢. and R20c. basket. ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORN. ING, ONLY 5c. EACH. 2 dozen Scott Mufflers, in Navy, Black, Navy and White, Black and White. Jus* the 'thing for Men's wear. The 50c. line to clear on # WEDNESDAY MORNING, FOR 15¢c. EACH. Ladiest Blaak Taffeta Silk Waists, some with open front, nicely tucked back and front, long sleeves, ' with tuck trimmed with Jet Buttdns. All sizes in stock. WEDNESDAY, $2.50 EACH. Humdreds of Fancy Collars and Belts, samples. Special at 25c. each and up. Lddies' Pure 144 Baskets purposes, in lance at the Bibby 's $2 fur-lined gloves Freeman complains that specula- the local market of turkeys. enty-five cents a pound theyre Corn beei and salt for us Jaeger's pure wool slippers, at The Lockett shee store. *, »f canvassing, says that the num- houses on some-strects ly in need of attention. He says are far from being correct, Bibby's $2 fur-lined gloves, Gladys Roote, Belleville, who has been appointed principal of olfe Island school at Marysville Calder. will be her assistant, napkin 'rings, up, i's. postmen the first er oe at had trip great. load of out this ~ morn growing heav- ry day. The posties - will >> be vhen the holiday season is over Linen~Han.!- kerchieis, with Hemstitched border. Sgccial, 10¢. and up Men's Pure Linen Handke: chiefs, with Hemstitchad -- --- services of Ald. "Toye to the city, and do not accept his resignation and ask [im to withdraw it. Ald. Chown said that there was no man around the council who had 'giv- eh so much time, 'gone into so much detail and had such a grasp of civie affairs as Ald. Toye and it was mosp | advisable that kis services should be retained. The motion was unanimous- ly adopted. Ald. Tweddell gave notice that would move at the first mee ting of | council next year that the city go- | licitor take legal proceedings against | owners of depeliots that were creating | a nuisance in the lower harbor. | On behalf of the counal Ald. Rig: ucy tendered to Mayor Couper its ap- preciation of the impartial and nified manner in which bis worship had presided over the affairs of the city. The interests of the city, he had been well safeguarded , and the business of council expedited and well conducted by the mayor, end, therefore, it was with pleasure that he extended the unanimous assurance) of appreciation of the council to lis worship. In reply Mayor Couper had tried to act in an impartial manner: ip the chair. He had (ried also to do his level Best for the city. He appreciated \the services of every alderman around the hoard. There had been many important ques- tions before the council throughout the year and he thought the council had met them as best they coud. It was pleasitg to know that throng: h- out the vear there had been no poli-- tical division in the council. Politics seemed to now have very little place in municipal affairs. The mayor thanked the aldermen for their ex- pression of appreciation, and wished them all a Mebry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year. The clock in the 'city hall dome cried out the hour of ten as council arose after a motion of Alds. Elliott and Rigney to adjourn was passed. hei dig- said that he "Kingston's - Famous For Store." Our Fur-Lined Coats Make . Suitable Christmas Gifts Black Broadcloth Coat, 50 inches long, uskrat lined _ throughout, Alaska Sable Collar and Revers, No. 1 quality all through, for $65.00 , (The best value in Canada). Many times « this scason people \ who have looked in elery Fur Store in Kingston aad other places, : have. frankly told us that this coat "is unquestionably the best value to.' be found anvwhere. See for your- self. Our New Fur Catalogue and Price List Mailed Free to any ad- dress. It is positively the only new Fur Catalogue and Price List combined issued this season by a Kingston firm. George Mills & Co. Makers of Fine Importers of Fine Hats border, 12}c, and up, Children's Picture Handker: ! chiefs, 3 for 5c. and higher. NEWMAN SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY BTORE FOR STYLE, FIT, AND COMFORT Wear Gourdier's Furs 76 to 80 BROCK ST. For the Physician and Nurse Pa nt ; | | a nit er We have 80 able for Xmas nected with the sion THERMOMETERS, in Silver and Gold Cases without chain attached. NURSES' CHATELAINS, fitted with all the little instruments needed by the nurse PHYSICIANS' HANDBAGS . Medicine Cases, made of. leather that will stand any amount of constant . and hard' usage, also POCKET MEDICINE AND IN STRUMENT Cases, neat and compact, ready to ship in the pocket Something every Physic: ian has to have Dr. A. P \. P. Chown 185 Princess Steel PHONE 343 many articles Gifts, those medical n profes 1s ready dinner are for Fur, discarded ; his cont he Prefers Dress suit, white maculate linen. linen means ing-- Our Laundering Of course Hoy about yor Christmas linen ¥ Why oo follow Santa's good exaaple / Kingston Laundry § Cor. Sydenham and Princess ; Strgets. Phone, 22. ae ga Christmas 2 and boots: Sterling with' or vest and im- Tuimacul ate faultless lastmder- and Furs, » DASA AR DEER Sep