~oPEN YoNGHT, 740 10. BE LIEVES IN | 0 00 K SCHDENCE IN EXPLORER | Himself An Arctic Man--Publicly Calls Upon Peary to Submit His Proofs to Some Scieat:ifle Body. Wash'ngton, Dee. 23.--Affirming his complete contd nce in Dr. Cook, r- Admiral W. S. Schley, retired, called upon . Commander Peary to submit his Frcofs that he reached the North Pol: to me scientific body other than the National Geographic Society. This, the admiral declares, should be done at once dn the interests of jus- tice, and to establish beyond ques- | tion the claims of . The admiral believes that the same body which repudiated Cook's data should Le permitted to pass upon the Our Own Make. data submitted by Peary to the Geo- graphic Society. ~~" : 8 Oo 500 - "The Danes are the best body of men in the world on Arctic matters," $50.00 : Fur : Coats he said. "The conmsistory of the Uni versity of Copenhagen should be given For Ladies the Spor tinity to examine the {eary In Alaska Sable, prools, for in that way they would be submitted to the same test that was Storm Collar and Revers, appl ed to those of Cook. The con- sistory, which was regarded by the Shell of' Broéad- - cloth, |tiiMied- world as more than friendly; showed by its action in turning down Lined | through- out with Ontario » For Men Otter Collars, Muskrat Lining, Good quality Beaver Shell, | honestly." KILLED WIFE ; SUICIDED. Fresno SCHOOL PUPILS DISTRIBUTE Fifty Baskets of Provisions to the Poor and Needy. . As has been their custom for a num: ber of 'years the pupils of Sydenharh school . contributed over fifty baskets of vegetables, ' groceries, fruit, ete., to the peor, on Wednesday. © Canon Starr, Miss Strange and Miss Skin- ner supplied the names of the most needy families, and especially those who had any children. Through the kindness of [Yugh Nickle, who loaned the horse, sleigh and driver for the day, the senior boys were. enabled to distribute the gafts among the poor in Cifferent parts of the city. HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. tbe. The United States Senate Agreed to Selection. ------ by 'he Report of Judge Cannon-- The Report to' Be Brouglt Down at a Committee Meeting on Monday. : Montréal, Dec. 23. District Chief Dubois and Marin, two officials, = in Judge Cannon's ¥éport on the civic investigation, as having been guilty chairman of the finance committee. The report on these men will be presented at the meeting of the committees, on Monday, when it is likely Dubois: and Marin will be dismissed. This is the first actual result of the investigation ob- tained in any of the civie departments. Moat of the others named were either aldermen, contractors, or middlemen. "Billy" Allen, ~ of Ottawa, and "Tommy" Rawson, Boston, went fif- teen rounds to a draw at the Vie toria Armery, last night. Allen ap- peared to many to have a shade the best of the bout, but Rawson was fully entitled to a draw, owing to the fact that.he did most of the leading. Although he got some hard knock) in the last couple of rounds, he was far JUDGE RHORACE, H. LURTOIY Washington, D.C... Dec. 23.--Ju Horace H. Luirton, of Nashville, Tenn, | nominated by resident Taft as from being all in, and was every bit as fresh sas' Allen at the finish. The men were evenly matched, as to] weight, but Rawson had a slight ad- vantage in reach. Clare Rirtigas, manager of the of Iversation in Office, weré sus- eel, to-day, under instructions H from Al nesday at ten o'clock to the terian church snd was Targely attend. | ed. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Mc Kenzie, of Watertown, N.Y., and one son, Louis, of the island. 'RR. Moore and wile are here from Cape Vincent to spend Christmas with their parents. Louis Larush and wile, are Miss Kate Conley day, of Chaumont, N.Y., is here on a visit. "Mac" McDonald is home again. Joseph Greenwood went to the foot of the island in the interest of council, A Wedding At Bloomfield. Bloomfield, Dec. 22.-The event of the week took place, at noon, to-day, at the residence of Adam H. Saylor, when his eldest daughter, Florence Matura, was united in marriage to Curtis Stanton, of this' place. - The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. S. Houck, in the presence of about thirty guests. Miss Rowena Saylor, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Ernest Colliver assisted the | m. Miss Muriel Sprague, of Belleville, played the wedding march" The es- teem of the voung couple was manifest by the handsome presents which fwere given. The groom's gift to the bride was a Heintzman piano, to the brides- maid a bar pin, set with pearls, and the | 2 780010 | ~~ FOR THE SALE 88 Montreal office of the New York Cen- {tral lines, has been gppointed general passenger agent af the Rutland rail way, with headquafters at Rutland, Vermont. Maud Torrey, the Hanover, Mass., woman, for love of - whom William Illingwood shot himself, a couple of days ago, turns out to be a married i Mallorytown Bulget. woman, although separated from her Nallorytown, ".2L.--Born, to Nr. :pushand-and has with her a fouryear- ad Mrs. Ambrose Swardfigure, a som told child, She: declares she will | not Miss Helen Kelly has returned home \otivn to ber bushand. She came to from pg A patient at Peterboro. visit Illingwood, for whom the partin Miss Pearl Kirkby, of Algonquin, is was toa much : ¥ visiting her brother, Delbert, of this |" Robinson Weiaoh,, brother of = Wil place, ok. Cates has returned "; 0 Watson, the poet, leaves for lla- Lom awa. Miss Annie Hall, of pq to-morrow, where Wiiliam and .amdowne, is the guest of her sister, | his wife are now stopping. He states Mrs. A. E. Jordan. Peter Dickey is that he is the only ome who can dy seriously ill. Miss Birch, of Rockport, lanyth ng with the poet when he gets is the guest of Mrs. Charles Tennant. pio his present unbalanced iraige ot L. A. Guild was the guest of his par- mind. Mrs. Watson, he states, "is ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Guild, on ,;onorant of the poet's former «xp. Sunday last. Mrs. Albert Ruttle 18 _iences and naturally denies the state- Shendih the holidays with her sister, ments about her husband's alleged in- rs. Alexander Huston. Mrs. Collins, san'ty. » of Brockville, is the guest of Mrs. V. " : Buell Jie Wileie, of Athens, is i Christmas Tree At Woodburn. § s Dickey of Montreal ant a ho - Woodbiirn, Dec. '23.--The = annual Summers will attend the wedding, on lage 10 see his father, who is very ill, (bristmas treo entertainment of the Christmas dy, o her friond, Mise Mrs. B. FEiliott left, on Tuesday, to 'oodburn Sunday school was held ih 'Pearl Mellow, of Sandhurst. THe cheese visit her mother, at Smith's Falls the church, on Tuesday evehing, and factory closed, yestartiay, for the' sea. 3 : | was the event of the.scason there. The son. Miss Arley Puryis was, - last young people of Woodburn are becom. | week, the guest of" her sister, Mrs. ling quite célebrated for their splendid Claud Purvis, Lyn. George Scott, of entertainments, and it is a pity there Gananoque, Bs spending a fow days are not more of such to hring out the heve. J. C. Turner is spending a few the Wilbur mines;-and that next spring talent which itis quite evident some of days in Rochester, N.Y, Mrs. J. C. they will be running in good shape. It these young = people possess. Much Turner is the guest'of her parents, in denly on. Monday. Ie was seventy. |i¥ expected that there will 'be large credit'is due Mrs. Carey for having the | Athens. eight years of age and leaves a grown shipments of iron ore, on vessels rulp church and tee £0 prettily decorated. up family. © gMing' out of Kingston. The ore will She was assisted by Mrs. €. Thomp- Fancy. creams, 15¢. ' J. Crawford be shipped over the Kingston and son. Miss Mundell trained the younger Albert is now king of Belgium. The Pembroke railway, to Kingston, and pupils, and she did her work well, oath of office was administered in then put on , the boats. One rumor | while Mrs. W. Bell, as organist, and Parliament - Hall, Thursday morning, | *8¥ that it is the intention of the Mrs. Armstrong had charge of the in the presence of the ministry and the | COmPpany to have vessels of their own, choruses. Rev. J. H. McConnell filled chef officials of Belgium, | for the carrying of the ore, the second the chair in his usual happy manner, Molasses kissos, Thursday, only 10¢, season they are ut the business. and altogether thé Wood urn Christ- Crawiord. : : , Sak 5 es Jas jee Suventainment will Jos 3408 i a, ' . "Ihe standard of quality," Me oldiers Entertain. p forgotten. A. own has much Fane Ne 2 Sraniord. Conkey"s and Huyler's iio A fine dance was held on Wednesday cause to feel proud of the Sunday Sale of mittens, red and black, 5c. |sweets from Gibson's Red Cross drug |evening, in the Recreation Rooms, at ache) of which he is the much-esteem: and 25 . (ques, cardinal, navy or |stora ; Tete de Pont Barracks, when the superintendent, white, 98 New York Dress Reform. Finest chocolates, 30c. J. Crawford. |Soldiers entertained their friends. A ! Bell Rock Budget Finest « ocolates, 30c. J. Crawford Gold nldted clocks at Keeley's, large number of guests , vere present ; ! os \ ge . Fancy Jocks at Reeley's. See Bibby's $1 mocha gloves. and until the wee sma' hours the | Bellrcok, Dec. 22.--Work has been ancy vers a x istaried again at the Card mine, neat happy le enjoyed themselves to T Tey here. ere has been a series of tur- the fullest extent. The floor was in ; key fairs in this district for the last FOR EVERYBODY . perfect cond tion and excellent music t was rendered by the R.C.H.A. orches- {two weeks. The ladies of the Metho- tra. d st church are preparing for an oys- ---------- te {ter sup ev, Ba Flatt ald his | of which he secured a fine assortment. : 7 isTster, Miss May att, ca OD | Quite a number from Crow Lake took . Discomfort At The Bijou. friends here recently. Miss Libbic the lecture and Christmas tree at The audience at the Bijou exper- Pomcroy, seriously injured by a fall, Sharbot. Lake pn. the 17th inet. Mr. Child's Sleighs, from R8¢. up to 5c. Steel Sleighs, for Girls, $1.00 to $2.00. Sleighs, for Beys, 50c. to $3.00. Coasters, Bobs, Baby, Sleighs. Man Wounded Children With Axe. Fresno, Cul, Dec. 23.--George C, Cheuvrent, a prominent resident of th's city, killed his wife with a hat- chet and then, 'perhaps, fatally in- jured his children, a boy of four teen and a girl of ten. Cheuvrent then rushed to the Southern Pacific tracks, threw himself under a passing train and was killed. 1t is thought he suddenly became insane. associate judgé of the supreme court, kas received confirmation from the. senate. His name was not referred to the committee on jucrciary in exw ecutive session, as is tha custom with this class of appointments. to the best man -a geold-headed um- : \ --~QF- brella. After partaking of a sump- ? » tuous wedding dinner, the newly-mar- . ried, couple left on' a two weeks' trip Ch . t ima Gift to Detroit and Erie, Pa., with the good wishes of a large circle of friends. H. § Bull and wife left on Friday to spend the wintef in California. Hundreds of Useful Gifts awaits you. Gifts suitable for Men. Gifts suitable for Women. Gifts suitable for Children, the explorer that it holds the scales of justice, as it sees them, evenly and Muskrat Lining, Our®Own Make Junetown Tidings. Junetown, Dec. 22.--School closes to- day, after a prosperous year's work by Miss J. E. Washburne, as teacher. Messrs. H. Scott and M. Hall 'spent Thursday last in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Franklin spent Sunday and Monday last with friends at Bethel and Fairfield East. A temper- ance rally meeting i! to be held in Junetown schopl house on Thursday evening. Jacob Herbison and family moved to Brockville, last week. Miss Elva. Herbison spent last week - with friends here. Duncan Warren has re- turned to kis home, here, after a suc- cessful season of cheese making mt Fairfield East. ca Herbison is the guest of his mothdr here. Miss Edna -------------- $300,000 For Hospital. New Haven, Conn., Dec.' 23-10 hoard of governors of the Haven hospital announce that 000 has been given the institution for the ' vrection of buildings for iuier- culosis cases. The name of the conor will be made known when the puns for the buildings have been com- pleted, {+ 50 inches Jong, heavy Vi. cuna Cloth, lined through- out best quality qailted Farmer's Satin, storm col- "larand 'revers, Alaska Sa- ble, $30.00. : John McKay HE FUR HOUSE, BROCK ST. new Fiat. Smallpox Epidemic At Amoy. Amoy, China, Dec. 23.--The officials of the American marine hospital an- nounce the presence of aswsmallpox epidemic in Amoy. Quarantine regu- latfons for the protection: of the Philippines have been inaugurated. 10c. While They Last, 10c. Faney+Toledo kisses, 10c. lb, they last. Crawford's. while New Fapcy Collars Very pretty designs that have proved most attractive for Christmas Gifts, 49¢, 75¢, 99¢c. Give your father or mother a read- ing glass - for Christmas. A large as- sortment' at Keeley, Jr's. Salésof * leather belts, 10c. to 15c. New York Dress Reform. Finest chocolates, 30¢. J. Crawford. The death took place, Wednesday morning' at the : residence of = Charles Priory, ; Sidney, of the latter's father, John Priory, who jor the past hall. a century was a resident of the town- ship. Dropsy was the cause, The old gentleman was eighty-two years of age. Molasses kisses, Thursday, only 10c. J. Crawford. "Christmas would not be Christ mas" without McConkey"s or Hay- | fer's highrolass sweats from Gibson's Red Cross drug stawe.. J. 10c. While They Last, 10e. Fancy Toledo kisses, 10¢. 1b., while . 4 they last. Crawford's. Ld To Open .Up Mines. It is 'reported that's .company . of Finest chocolates, 30c. J. Crawford. American capitalists have taken- over David Coudie, an. old and esteemed resident of Smith's Falls, died sud- ~ News From Crow Lake. Crow Lake, Dec. 21.--School has closed for the season. The teacher, Miss. V. Flaharty, has gone to ° her home near Althorpe. James Malion went to Westport to meet his daugh- ter, Miss .Jennie Mahon, who has spent nearly a year at Watertown, N.Y. Miss Pear! McGinnis returned home from = Bolingbrooke on Sunday last. The Messrs. Munroe and Haw- ley, of Maberly, bought some fihe grade cattle here last week, paying a tair price. Mrs. George L.adshaw and Miss Buelah and Master Arthur spent Sunday at Mrs. Waltham's, near Tich- borne." Miss Sarah Bain has returned home from Sydenham high school to spend Christmas with her parents. E. 0. Whitmarsh, of Westport, has been in the back townships buying up furs, For Ging the rates Plasure We have found for years, theve is nothing we can give the kid lies like a pair of DOUBLE RUNNER SKATES Nothing they enjoy and gives such healthful exercise. SANTA CLAUS buys them for 50c. pair. ' Boys' Toques In Red and other colors. Boys' Sashes in Red. Boys' Overstockings, all sizes. Boys" Mitts in Red, White, Black and other colors. | BRON NNN NINE GIRLS' CLOUDS, MITTS, TOQUES, OVERSTOCKINGS in great variety, Ib., while - ' rk "Just Remember" Men's Leather or Felt House Slippers . The Cheapest and the best. ienced some discomfort yestepduy ow- lis gaining slowly, ~ Harold Grant {p. Church. of Westport, is at her ing to an error of the workmen who hag gome to Urogan, N.Y., for the mother's * rs, R: Reynolds, of this set the rows of clialrs too close to" winter. Miss Oliva Sanborn, Nor- lace. Mr." and Mrs: William Toner gether, The men were at work a'l {goed high school, is at home for the pa 39 adit Christmas. at hic fast night ropairing the error and holidays. Vis tors : George Fen: pe Pd oe i i . . 2 ori ute : ; ., |mother's, at Smith's Falls. Horatio making the seats comfortable. wick, Miss Bessie. Fenwick, Fojerick Rercatt. of Mossimic. has come to Reid, Enterprise, and Miss Minnie |" NT ant . 10c. While They Last, 10c. Close, Tamworth, at J, Yorke's. Mrs. Winborn Tharrett, of ie, Dest. Fancy Toledo #sses, 10¢. lb., while |[E. M. Yorke, M. C. G. Yorke and and. Mrs. Jolin Middleton of: Water they last, Crawford's. Miss Edith ' Yorke, Verona, at Ew: Rave OME 10 visit "his parents here after an absence of a few years. Pomeroy's. 10c. While They Last, 10e. Fancy Toledo kisses, 10c. they last. Crawford's. See Bibby's $1.50 reirdeer gloves. The Thursday morning market was the same size as that of last Satur- day. The tolls collected on each of these markets days was $25, which is coming year. ebb has returned a big toll collection for one market. |iropa Buffalo, N.Y., slightly recovered Akerncthy's for suit cass. . |ifOm injuries sustained while at work. Nemuel H. J. Reid, wife and son, |.J. 'ISerney has returned after a suc- | Brantiard, Ont., are spending' the [cessful season's sailing. Messrs. Simp- hovdays at Mr. Reid's old home, [son and Blackman completed thresh- | make of sweets on Christmas moro F906 " ; : : it rhs . Send the best money can buy-- 206 Queen street, eitv. ng in this vicinity. T. rigan, of | Mg. s : o Miss L. O'Brien, attending the No: [Kingston, is spending a few days Mekionkey 2 and agit s, from Gib- tre Dame 'convent, has loft to spend with relatives here. M. Murray, F.|sons ross pnd as on] 10¢ Rochefort and sister, of Brewer's Mills, | Molasses kisses, Thursday, only . e i S J . the holidays at Erinsville, he holida a rinsvi pn aupre, hj on, spent Sun-|J.. Crawford. The Only Place HARDWARE. lr es eck, ri ees - day at M. Forrester's. Mr. and Mrs. i : . ro |W. Bower intend spending Christmas) [holidays with friends in Lansdowne. 10c. While They Last, 10c. Fancy Toledo kisses, 10¢c. Ib., while they last, Crawford's. Leo Lake Locals. Leo Lake, Dec, 23,--Miss Moran, of Dufferin, &s engaged as teacher for the The nicest assortment for Santa Claus in town. Ebony mirrors at Keeley's. : "Don's disappoint" any lady in Kingston by sending her any other - --. John Donnelly, who has been in charge, for the underwriters, of the re- pairs to the steamers Key Port and Key West, of the Kingston Transpor- tation company, Montreal, has nearly completed his task. There were big |: repairs on the two beats, due to casu- alties of the season, two being the re- sults of collisions. Baby moecasing, 23¢. Abernethy's. Sherif M. B. Morrison, and Thomas Ketcheson, jailer, of Belleville, were in the city, to-day, with two prison ers, Kiser and Irvine, who were each given three years in the penitentiary for highway robbery. Visit Abernethy's $1. counter. The Rialto building, a 'six-story structure in the business district of Kansas City, was destroyed by fire rion Thursday morning early. ' Adjoin- | ing buildings were damaged. The loss is estimated at $300,000, . Molasses kisses, Thursday, only 10e. J. Crawford. Y To Help Out The Christmas Purse We ~ Will Sell To-Night and: Friday 20 House Coats. ranging in price from $5.00 $0.00, AT 25 PER CENT OFF regular price. : ALSO 25 Fancy Vests, worth $2. CENT. OFF. 10 Doz. Choice 50c Neckwear on sale To-Night and To-Morrow at 28c¢. Come To-Night. They won't last long. OPEN EVENINGS, Gerald Rasil Hackett, of the Royal n Livi ngston's. Wil'tary College, son of the Dean of Ee | Waterford, (Ireland), is the guest of | EiSi5 The LoskettShosstore Choice neckwear. Livingston's. A mm A A to 50 to $5.00, AT 25 PER < A large stock of Men's and Efiys' Good Hokey Boots. : ee a _ \ - ! to 'oe : v