Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Dec 1909, p. 1

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C EmcoNm sxotion, YEAR 76 ---- THINKING OF XMAS GIFTS. What do you think would prized--more appreciated or more really useful than a Deed to a House or a plece of property ? A jmocking, indeed Jsnot 80 good as a Deed stock- . If you wish to play Santa Claus to pi te purpose, see us about various pro- perties we have for sale, and determine upon which shall be your "deed of gift." We have hquses in the town or country, Mots in every direction, and all at very easily purchasable prices. To the home-comers during the holiday season. An investment in Kingston pro- perty is a sure thing this city is Boing to go ahead. I have a numbar of pay= c properties to choose from. Double Brick modern, good situation . row of four Veueered Dwellings, ehlpngia location. 8. A corner block, ug 10 per cent. . Small Stone fjuick buyer. 5. Single Brick, be more including store, pay- net. Dwelling, cheap, for modern 7 bed-rooms, double parlors, dining room and kitchen Come in and we can talk it over. 1 can give you terms, ele, D. A. Cay 57 Brock St. . . A Holiday Gift That would be apprecjated by your wife or daughter would be a pices of our BEAUTIFUL ANTI. , QUE FURNITURE. ' fe are giving a special 'Xmas * discount on all our goods for the * next month. As this line of goods increases in value as time goes on, you will do well by investing your money in them instead of other ¥ useless articles. Call in and see our stock L. LESSES. Cor, Princess and Chatham Sts. Kingston, Ont. HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY | Toye's Building, Clatence and Ontario Streets. A COLD PREVENTIVE 1s a cellar filled with Uoal. T can sup ply you with am excellent quality P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. (LIMIT : HEAD OF QUEE} : . . » 'Highest No. at Du Cost ; Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term begins August 80th. Courses' in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Service and English. Our graduates get the best pos. tions. Within « 'stort - time over sixty secured positions with one of the: largese railway Corpora- tions in Canada. Enter any time. for information ¥ CALFE, Principal. RRISIIIITI IIS Apples! ] Bellflowers, Snows, Sweets, Northern Spies. Sweet Cider Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER'S, '941-8 Princess Bt: % Prompt Call H. or write § Tallman Phone, Delivery. EERE wl kind you, are looking for ie be kind we sell SCRANTON Coal is "good coal and wa guar antes prompt delivery. 'Phone, 138. . Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET, HR ~ 2 sie ARAN AA SH Ho Every Man Read 1 This This treatment js said acquired a wonderful reputation throughout the East, owing to its peculiar propensity to fortif, the nerve force and generate enlth and a consequent personal mag- petismn, 50 essential to the happi- ness of every normal human be- ing It is claim to be a bless ing to those - who are 'physically impaired, gloomy, despondent, nervous and who have trembling of the limbs, dizziness, "heart pal- pitation, cold bands and feet, in® somnia, fear without cause, tim- idity in venturing and general in ability to act rationally as others do. Iso of vast benefit to writ- ers, professional men, office workers and the victims of soci- ety"s late hoyrs and over-indul- gence in wines, liquors, etc. By preparing the treatment at home secretly, no one need know of another's trouble, while the ingredients are much used in fill- ing various prescriptions: so that even the purchase of them sep- arately need | occasion no tim- idity. 4 the reader decides to try it, get three ounces of ordinary syr- up sarsaparilla compound, and one ounce compound fluid balm-wort mix and let stand two hours; then get one ounce compound essence cardiol and one ounce tincture cadomene compound (not carda- wom), mix all together, snade well and take a teespoonful after each meal and one at night. This contains no opiates what- ever. and may also be used by wo- men who suffer with their nerves with absolute certainty of prompt and lasting benefits, SEER to have HHH CYAN ai HORS HOR K+ ~ ~ rR ~ SHH HAA AH * Sn 2. 3 SR oT INNS SI AHN v gi 3! ASAHI HARA The Kindly Fruits of The Earth PINE APPLES, BANANAS, KUMGUATS, GRAPE FRUIT, MALAGA GRAPES, ROGER GRAPES, SEEDLESS ORANGES, TABLE RAISINS, RIPE TOMATOES, SWEET POTATOES, CRANBERRIES, TANGERINES, LEMONS, APPLES, PEARS, DATES, FIGS, NUTS, . CUCUMBERS, ETC W. H. CARNOVSKY. ON THE CORNER, Brock and Wellington Sts. Th Roya Food or lfats, vai, -- The Roval Food is and nutritious. t is the most economical, Tt digests rapidly ; is casily -assimi- lated. Contains no chemical ingredients. Leariing Physicians cndorse Royal ood. > Always fresh, value. Positively unequalled in and Health-giving qualities. Full Pound, Air-tight vents. Order, from your dealer to-day. Kenneth Campbell { & Co. Established 1833. MONTREAL. = PTHE "TARBOK" * Foor-Dutin Pad 1s a marvellously, effective article for the ¢are of all] .polished - surfaces used in connection Price >25¢., 50c. with the Ideal-Duster Mop-Stick Hardwood floor worries disap- pear. Come in"and see it. McKelvey & Birch French Dry Cleaning By delicious, light and of fullest strength Strength Tins, 33 or Wr write us HOW TO FREE HIGH HALLS OF DUST= WEBS French Dry Cleaning we mean that we can clean thoroughly the most elaborately trimmed dress or opera wloak or men's clothing without any ripping apart. R. PARKER & CO., Dyers and Olsaners. 69 Princess St, Breen, Onty For Your Christmas oO TO | R. LAWLER'S, Golden Lion Block Ore EVENING N For Scranton n Coal All kinds of Try BENNETT & CO. Bagot Phone, 941. many a deluded mio hex imagines her son a -genius because J"kes to lie abed late in the morning ia sept ---- Wines and Liquors Wood .and Lumber. and Barrack Sts. he [the A CLOSE SHAVE o RAGE WAR 5 ON + WHITES AND BL BLACKS MAY | SLAY EACH OTHER. Soldiers Guard the Town--Negroes in a Vengeful Mood Over the Cremation of One of Their Number. Magnolia, Alta., Dec. 21.--With state troops and armed deputies patrolling the streets 'and the public roads lead- ing into Magnolia, and with thirty- three of the negro ringleaders corralled ir an-improvised stockade, a threaten- od war believed, to-night, to | have been averted. Excitement, how- had not been altogether allayed, {and eve white man's house in Mag- nolia and for several miles around is guarded against threatened revengeful wis by the negroes, who resent the burning, yesterday, of Ciinton Mont- gomery, one of the four brothers charged with the killing, on Saturday irht, of Algermon Lewis I'he arrival of seventy-five soldiers, to-night; prexénted possible bloodshed I'he officers assert that they have mat- ters' well in hand to-mght. = 3 Samuel Shields, a relative of Thom- Shields, one of the four white men shot by Clinton Montgomery, reported, {last night, that he overheard a num- [ ber™of negroes plotting a systematic Lig on the whites. There was a large gathering of the negroes at a { house near town, and Shields says {they planned to go from house to house in Magnolia, applying fire and [ing the occupants as they cndea- to escape. Runners who were | se _ ha after midnight conveyed this » | information to the whites. It was learned that for several weeks negroes lave been - buying firearms, and this aslded color to th# reports {that they were planning a combined attack on the whites, A visit was made, to-day, to {home Richard Montgomery, | of the four brothers, whose acts [to the present conditions, but he was not found. He is prominent in negro secret. societies=and the report spread | that he was.rounding up members of | his lodges to make an attack on the | whites night a report came that a white had been fatally wounded hy but it cduld not be veri- fied race is ever, as the father led of To- man négroes, GET BUSY. Do More Work and Less Talking is Advice. Spokane, Wash., Dec. United States needs most all jirst now is to Five business a 'rest cure. Let up on this agitation, and do more work and Jess talking in trying to {solve the great economic questions, The 'rest cure' is. the thing." James J. Hill, chairman of board of 'directors of the Great ern railw ay company ' who in North-west, with Howard Elliott, sident of the Northern Pacific railway | company, and Darius Miller, first vice- | president of the Burlington system, suggested the foregoing remedy after diagonizing the country's ailments. "The people, not capital, make the country advance. but capital must be employed to keep the people at some {occupation. When workers curtail the | profit of capital then" the country will Iface a serious condition. I do not say this will happen, but I do say 'that we must work to ward off even {the probability of facing a situation jof this kind.- The way to do this is {to keep the people oliployved. Give | them occupation, and North-west {can help mightily to do it le pre sent time. We need more: foodstulis "The country is still prosperous, but {this is no time to make as to the brighthess of the outlook. 1 don't know what to think of certain jconditions, and for that reason 1 would not say that America will face a happy holiday season or thai i won't, taking the fnancial status of the states as a basis." "What the' 3 ot the North the pre is STEEL CO. i as the {Constable | was reported at a comparison | 1 TO START TRAINTN G. Cancelling Theatrical Tour to Get Ready. Philadelphia, Dec. --Battling Nel- son claims that he na cancel all theatrical engagements ie order to prepare for his match with Freddie Welsh, which is scheduled to take place in England February 12th. The purse announced is $20,000 and Nel- som is supposed to receive two round- trip Nckets to Europe and $500 for training expenses. will be taking chances in a twenty-round bout - with Welsh, as the foreigner is a' clever boxer ard the Battler pover was brilliant in a lim- ited round bout, as was shown in his cont: sts with Jammy Britt, Ad. Wol- gast, Abe Att'll and the joke of the prize ring, Rudolph Unholz. Nelson is after every dollar in sight, ¥20,000 was undoubtedly the attraction. The Dane mist figure he can defeat Welsh and™pick up Nelson andl that a bundle of money through theatrical enya ements inc Great Britain, anc then return to this country and pick up same more easy money. Nelson's long suit is the forty-five round route, which he calls the "Marathon distance," but he will be up against a tough proposition in a contest of twenty rounds against the clever Welsh, Kreddie has never been known to possess a knockout punch, and Nelson has knocked out some good men within the twenty-round limit, but there will be several short- and bets that the Battling one will never get a decision over Welsh in England at that distance. ACCUSED ; SHOT HIMSELF. Man Charged With: Theft Attempt- ed Suicide. Hamilton, . Ont:, Dec. 21.--Joséph Mitchell, Who, previous to his appear- ance at the 'police court, this morn- ing, was considered a respectable young man, tried to commit suicide this evening by shooting himseli in the head. Mitchell resides on Vie- toria avenue north, and the police suspected him of being connected with several cases of theft. He was arrest- ed last night on the nominal charge of vagrancy and this morning the po- lice were prepared to lay several charges oi theft against him. This afternoon he was allowed out on bail, and later the police visited his house and discovered a large amount of alleged . stolen articles, a tools, bicycles, etc. There was so much' stuff that it could not be piled into one Mitchell, as soon police made the seizure, wan dered away. This evening, about 9:30, Goodman found him lean- a fence at the cormer of Sherman and Delaware avenue, many blocks from his home. Blood was streaming from a wound in the head. He was taken to the police station, where thirtystwo-calibre revolver was found in his. pocket. He was then hurried to .the city hospital, where it ten o'clock, to-night. of recovery. Mitchell 8 s waggon: mg against had no chance unmarried, he is Blind Girl Chicago, Dec. 23.--Born with defec- tive sight, which became total blind- ness when she was éight vears old, Miss Theodora J. Franksen, was elect- ed at the University of Chicago into the. Phi Beta Kappa Society for high scholarship. 9 Peacocks at one time took the place of turkeys on the Christmas table. WANT BIGGER GRAN! FOR GOOD ROADS IN THE COUNTIES. Scarboro Beach Association Hands of Receiver--Effort Have Restaurant By-Law Chatham Quashed. 29 in to in Toronto, Dec. the Good Roads --A deputation from Association, with re- presentatives from ~ twenty-one coun ties, waited upon Hon. Dr. Reaume, minister of public works, this morn- ing, and asked for an increase in the government grant toward road con- struction fron thirty-three and one third per cent. to fifty per cent. After a number of members of the deputa tion had been heard they were ad dressed bricfly, hy the Hon. i Reaume, the premier, Hon. Col. Mathe son and Hon. Frank Cochrane, Those who spoke for the deputation were Messrs. G. S. Henry, warden of York county; J. F. Beam, of Welland; C. J Foy, of Lanark; W. 8S. Pugsley, of Richmond Hill; W. J. Tretheway, of Toronto; H. 8S. Moore, warden of Ox ford; J. M. Young, of Wellington; H. C. Bowman, C.E., Waterloo, and J. Farewell, i of Whitby, ro Beach, the summer resort Scarbor run ia the interests of the Toronto railway and the stockholders, was, 'to day, placed in the hands of E. R. C Clarkson, as receiver, for the purpose of having affairs put into better shape. The application was made by the di' rectors of the park, who say they had one good season and .two bad ones, and require a readjustment to straighten matters out. James Carey, of Chatham, the courts to quash a by-law of the city of Chatham, which orders the closing of restaurants Sundays, except during the hours for regular meals. Should Tax Foreign Wheat. Montreal, Dec. 23.--F. W. Thomp son, vice-president and managing di rector of the Ogilvie Flour Mills com- pany, was asked whether he thought the United Kingdom would be justified in placing a duty on all foreign wheat and flour, and whether, should this be done, her overseas dominions could be be depended upon in the near future to meet her full requirements. Mt Thompson replied that he was con vinced that Great Britain would be fully justified in taking such action. «Archbishop's Libel Sgit. Archbishops rarely bring actions libel against newspapers. That be because they are commanded on the highest authority when struck on one cheek to turn the other to the smiter. But it is avnounced in the latest Melbourne papers that Dr. Low- ther Clarke, the Anglican 'archbishop of that city, hax issued a writ claim- ing damages from an Australian paper for a "hbel falsely' and wmalicioush printed." Dr. Lowther Clarke was vi car of Huddersfield 'before accepting the Melbourne see. for may Australian Wheat. Sydney, N.S.W., Dec. 23.--The ernment statistician estimates a wheat vield of 25,500,000 bushels for the vear, which exceeds last year's pro duction by 10,000,000 bushels This leaves over 13,000,000 bushels ail able for export. or gov The born fool never ought blamed. to be All Kidney vanishes. No man or woman here neys ate out-of-order, or who suffers irom backache bladder. misery, can whose kid- or >0.'S STOCK OFFER. Can Subscribe / For Preferred Shares at 125 New York, Dec. 23. ~The finance com wit tee of 'the United States Steel cor dporation has voted to offer the em plovees its preferred stock at $125 a share. | In addition, a bonus of 8] 000.000 in common and preferred will be divided, ecactr employee having choice of com- mon stock at 90 or preferved at 124, a portion of both. This is the {highest price at which the preferred | thas been offered to the employees since company's profit-sharing pln went into effect' in 1903. or an opportimity to subscribe to | afford to leave Pape's Diuretic untried After taking several doses, all pains in the back, sides or loins, rheumatic twinges,. nervousness, headache, sleop- mfiamed. or eyelids, red or worn-out fecling and {other symptoms of clogged, sluggish Kidneys imply vanish i Uncontroflable wination {especially {at wight), smarting, discolored water aud all bladder misery ends, The monwnt you suspect the slight est Kidney or bladder disorder, or feel | rheumatism pains, don't continue to be miserable or wortied, but get a fif- ty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic from your druggist and start taking "as directed, with the knowledge that lessness, swollen | dizziness, BAGKAGHE GOES AND KIDNEYS ACT FINE AFTER TAKING A FEV) DOSES and Bladdér misery ithere is no other medicine, at any price, made anywhere else in the world, which is so harmless or will effect thorough and prompt a cure This unusual preparation goes direct to the cause of trouble, distributing ite cleansing, healtng and vitalizing influ ence: directly upon the organs and glands affected and completes the ore] before vou realize it A few days' treatment of Pape's Diu- re'ic means clean, healthy, active kid neys, bladder and urinary organs--and you feel fine. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell vou that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of Cin cinnati, is a large and responsible med icine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Accept only Pape's Diuretic--fifty- cent treatiment--irom any drug store-- SO Veiox, Regal, Scotia, Ladies B. aver and Acme are some of the well known brands. Prices 50c. to $85. oo. OPEN EVENINGS Marshall's, Successor to A. Strachan ! ; Child's Shovels 10e--15¢ is asking T Something Not Very Expensive But will be pretty and nice will be inquired for from now up to the last day for Christmas Gift buying. Here's a Hint. A. warm, cosy House Slipper of felt for a woman, or a soft, black or tan Leather Slipper for a man. 50c to $2 for women. 75¢ to $2.50 for men. Reid & Charles. -P.S.-- Store Open Evenings. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Which brings happiness the y Home for many years to come. Ghe Souvenir Range Ii. you give one te your wife, she will think of your gift every time she prepares a meal. It will be so' much easier for her than standing over that old stove for hours. Call and be convinced, S. d. HORSEY, oT t, to . 189 Princess St. OUR SPECIALTY DRESS SUITS Crawford & Walsh, Princess & Bagot Sts. Exclusive Tailors, Christmas of 1909 We have done our par to make this a bigger and brighter Christ- was t han evi by our stock of Popular Holiday Gifts to select from. A Bissell Carpet Sweeper only $2.50, a Jardiniere Stand only 75¢, a Medicine or Toilet Cabinet only $250, a fancy Velour Child's Morris Chair only $3.50; also Parlor, Music or Kitchen Cab- inets. 'These are fast sellers, at ~ JAMES REID'S. Phone 147. Should avoid danger of Impurities in delivery Oven®to' the Home. Insist on your Baker wrapping his Bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS We are the otiginal manufacturers of BREAD WRAPPERS now used by Leading Bakers, Ottawa, Montreal" afid other cities. * fa Sr Eee Irom the anywhere in the world, - THE EDDY. CO., Ltd, Hall, Canada.

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