RAILWAY HL RLU L LSS Gansimas and New Year Rousd {rip tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare Uood. going Dec. 24th and 25th, good to return until Dec. 27th and on Dec, Hist and Jan, 1st, 1910, good to return until Jan, drd, 1910, also at First-Class Fare-and-One-Third 24th, Jan, Jan. Good going Dec. . 26th, 28th, 29th, 1st, 1910, good { bih, 1910. > 4 Tickets sold to intermediate points between Montreal and Tor: onto in connection with the. above will not be valid on trains 1 and List, 28nd, 23rd, 30th, 31st and o return uetil Through Pullman: via Brockville daily, Pullman secommodation vance and all other information furnish | ed on application to | J.P. MANLY, Agent : Johnson and Ontario to and from Ottana on trang 2 and OH Corner Siw ING§TONG J EME AILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway (a » Christmas & New Year Excursions Round top tickets w sold at One-Way First-Class Fare 24th and 20th, re 1000 alse December IRcemier «ith } 1900 Good goin turn lonit going December 3 at, 1910 , return himit, ivio, \ First-Class Fare and One Third Ie Janupry drd, and Junuary December Mth, 20th January 1st, 1910 January Hth, 1910 Full particulars at K Picket Otlice, Ontario ¥ Gen Good going "4th, 20th and 22nd dls wen boat & I'. and I i ! CONWAY, Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves street, 4 pon. daily for Tweed Sydenham, Napanee, onto, Bannockburn and sll point T'o mecurs quick despatch. to burn, Maynooth, and points on Ontario, route your shipments of Quinte Railway For further lars, apply R DICKSON, 'Phone, No. 8 union station, Ontario (Sunday excepted) Deser- north Bannock Central via Bay particu- Agent, reserved in ad) . THE "Seal Brand" i Trademark. Fharantess three things--full weight extra strength an delicious flavor. : + And the largest dis. tributors of high-class coffee in the world are behind the "Seal Brahd" Trademark. . Ask your grocer for Always in 1 and 2 pound sealed : tins never sold in bulk. 11 CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. -- - a - WAS BALD SIX YEARS. of the New Scien Restored His Three Months tific Hair Baldn i Treatment caused by by a dandruff germ. Kill the certag which caused and it germ that hair will the follicte ha Ne! Pe *I had been most cain, if not been dostroyed Mont { terson, of Lime Spm bald «ix ye of 1 cures," but benelit No Her fine com for Her without any until I tried Herpicide 16th, x99 ind whatever vember picide growth of pletely I began using in three mouths a head druggist overed my Vout fe BERMUD 10 | A BY TWIN SCREW LINE Largest and Fastest Steamers 5. S. OCEANA, 8,000 TONG 5S. S. BERMUDIAN, 5600 TONS Wireless on both Steamers ; also biige Keels Forty bours from Frost to Siilings every Wednesday and from New York in the season WEST INDIES New S.8. "OUIANA" 3,700 tons "PARIMA," 38,000 S.8- ONA 3.000 Lons New every alternate for : | "Thomas, Croix, Antigua, | Guadel Dominica, Martinigue St Lucia, Burbadoes and Demerara. For full particulars apply to A F. Outerbridge.| and Co., Agents, Quebec Steamship Co, 29 Broadway, New York. ARTHUR | AHERN, Managing Director, Quebec or licket "Agents, J. PP. HENLEY, and ( KIREPATRICK, Ticket Agents, King- ston Yeequ) 9, | Jan. 20,1910 To Madeira, Spain, Mediterranean, Orient. Costing only $400 and up, ~ . including nll exponaes. for YR dave { Orulse Dept., White Star" Line, Toronto, or Agents. Flowers, | Saturday | | tons, 'KOR- | from Wednesday St. Kitts St, pe ' Sowards Keeps Coal AND Coal Keeps Sowards. Have You Tried Him ?| Phone 155. RISE OF FPHE " . v | United Empire Loyalists! An Informing Sketch of Ameri ean History, Valuable for Librar les: and: Research. . By VISCOUNT DF FRONSAUY Price, 50. : Addrbgs British Whir, Kingston 2. AUR ROOSTER BRAND)| OF TOBACCO Humoking and ay eighty-tive 'ntario street, Chewing at forty-Ave is a good tobacco. Why centa, Andrew Maclean, "THE FRONTENAC *OANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. Sir Richard Cartwright ved on. Uity and Farm Pro-| yrties Municipal and _Uounty Deben- | res Mortgages purchhsed. Deposits ceived and interest allowed. i». C. MeGill, Managing Director B7 Clarence street. Uresident Money | CPPL LLLP LPL P Pete etP vivid Foy pic ch Fvervbady luxuriant thor can have it Herpicide i oughl substitute Sold by leading druggists stamps lor glossy hai used Lake no Send 1 ample to The Herpicide Mich. %I bottle guaran teed. 'GG. W. Mahhod, special agent Co., Detroit a YY A new line of Dining Room Domes, from $6 to $12, cheap and suitable for "Xmas presents. High Portable Lamps Both -Uas serviceable $10 Fringes, and Flectric kind, from the * $5.00 only to Small Toy Motors, etc, H.W. Newman Electric Co., 441 : » ; 2 PIPPI IIIIIIIII II VIIY 'Phone, 79 Princesa street. 4 SOUVENIR RANGES 'Good Cooking with the Bother left out." That's the title of our free book. We'll mail you ane on request. It tells how the health of your family demands a Souvenir Range. The Aerated n means perfect, wholesome and sanitary enoking. Send for our book to-day. It gives proois of Sonvenir superiority, GURNEY. TILDEN & CO. Ltd. Hamilfon' "Montreal Calgary Winnipeg r907 Vancouver. _ Sale by S. J. Horsey, ston, Ont. COBALTS ON MARGIN We require a deposit as follows : Stock Deposit Required. rom 80¢, to 60¢. ..........10€. Der share 'rom GLC, ta Buc Uc. per share rom ROe, t shsivienas he, per share aver One Dollar 30 Per Cent. of the Wa also handle 30, 60, YO aay con racts. Write, King- Selling o §1 plivtie or wire us your orders, cash or on margin. Patr . STOCK DEALERS, Patriarche Block, Corner Scott and Wellington Sts., TOR. ONTO. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer Furnitures Sales.given special at- tention, County os of Farms, Stock, elc., have been my specialty for long years. If farmers want the high dollar, get my services: . > MARKET SQUARE. « Usp Sashweights made in King. | sign = at . Angrove's Foundry. Special prices for large Guantitias. { ws | Be just as ready to loan happiness | as to borrow it. | Luck is most management. times the result ot Buldrs an Cons { The SENT FREE ON hg SS\STAR BUILDING. ~~ OTTAWA, WINNIPEG. WASHINGTON. 0 Co) ---- Christmas box ws 1611 first germ England "in and had tried all kinds | iarche & Co, aer-- CANADIAN 1S CHIE "'SON' OF MINISTER LEADS "FLYING ROLLERS." Public Attention in England | Directed to the Sect--Prince Michael With 'Flowing Beard and Twinkling Eyes. Once more the strange *'Jezreelite®™ sect and their "temple, the huge, square, windowless building on the top of Chatham Hill, North Kens, England, havé claimed public atten. tion. The remnant of "the New and Latter House of Israel" have been ejected from Jezreel's Tower by a sheriff's officer owing to the rent be- ing $2560 in arrear. Jhe official, arm- ed with an order granted by the Ro- chester County -Court, turged out .the twenty people, including children, who still remain faithful to the weird religion: "Prince Michael," the lead- er of the sect, was away, and return- ed to. find the building locked against him. The "prince" and his followers* took lodgings in the neigh- borhood, and later the amount owing was paid . The remarkable tower, which can be seen for many miles around, is in- separably 'connéctzd with one of the oddest of the manv strange religions which have sprang up in the country. Over thirty years ago a private sol- dior bought his discharge from the army and proctaimed himself the pro- phat of a new sect, calling himself 'James Jershom Jezreel." He claim- »«l that he had received from Heaven through an intermediary at Jerusalem a document of Divine origin, which he called "The Flying Roll." Ex- tracts were given from this and sold to the disciples of the seet, but no ons' has ever seen the Flying Roll itsell. 'Jozreel" soon gathered hundreds credulons followers, who, as pre- ibd by their faith, let their hair grow' long He soon gai ~ a con- sicerchle fortune, marrie. a beauti- wl Chatham girl named Esther Rog- r+, and lived almost as luxuriously 12 the "Prophet" Dowie. A quarter of # century ago he started building the temple, which was to hold 5,000. It was to save the elect at the de- struction of 'the world. The Flying Rell stated 4hat the number to be saved was 144,000. Neither Jezreel nor the Roll made it vlear where the meining 139,000 were to bé aecom- modated + One mistake, however, was made by Jezreel. He said he would live for- ever 3ut he died, and the sect would have received a grievous set'back but the promptitude of Mrs. Jesréel, who said that, after all, she was the real prophet, and proclaimed herself Queen Esther. Three years later sh: also died. For a time the sect languished under the control of the eldely brother:in-law of the founder. The building, being gaunt and incom plete, was sold and part of it was rented to the Jezreelites. But the rent fell into arrears, and they were ejected after a struggle with unregen- erpte policemen. Three vears ago the Jezreelites were adopted by a new leader--an eggineer and the son of a Canadian Nonecon- formist minister. He is .the self- styled Prince Michael. He is middle- aged. thick-set man, with flowing beard and twinkling eyes. is 50 fo as Haggart the Oldest. An interesting study at the begin- ning of every Parliament is to »dis- cover who the oldest members are, as tho number of those who were re- turned to Parliament in 1806, when Sir Wilfrid Laurier attained power, is flow very rapidly diminishing, the following is the list of the- thirty who remain - Conservatives--Major Thos. Beat. tie, London; R. L. Borden, Halifax; Andrew Broder, Dundas; Hon. Geo. E. Foster, North Toronto; Hon. J. G. Haggart, South Lanark; David Hen- derson, Ha'ton; Col. Sam Hughes, Victoria and Haliburton; F. D. Monk, Jacques Cartier; William B. North- rup, East Hastings; E. B. Osler, West Toronto; Dr. John J. Reid, Grenville; Di. W. J. Roche, Marquette; Dr. T. 8. Sproule, East Grey; Geo. Tay- lor, Leeds; Uriah Wilson. Lennox and Addington; W. F. Maclean, South York--16 ~. liberals--8ir Fred. Borden, King's; Hon. 1.. P. Brodeur, Rouville; J. P. Brown, Chateauguay; Jos. Acethier, Two Mountains; Hon. W. 8. Fielding, Shelburne and Queen's; Hon. Sydney A. Fisher, Brome: Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier, Quebec Fast; Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, Gaspe; D. B. Meigs, Missis- quoi; Hon. Frank Oliver, Edmonton; Hon. 'Wm. Paterson, Brant;: Hon Clifford Siffon, Brandon; O. E. Tal bot, Bellechasse; John Tolmie, North 'Bruce.~44 tp ny 3 The father of the House is Hon. Mr. "Haggart,.who was born in "1836, | and is thus 78 vears of age, .. He has berth in public life since: 1867. when he became mayor of Perth, He was elected to Parliament in 1872 and has held his seat without defeat ever since. He was appointed Posfmaster- General 'by Sir John A. Macdonald in JR33, So j Mr. Mex. McFee, the Montreal grain exporter, asked recently whe- ther that port' has held its own as agninst Boston, New York, and other United States ports on the Atlantie, in grain shipments for the year said 'I think that Montreal is holding own. 'But it is my opinion that the combined exports of grain from the AbMantic ports has decreased of late vears. Montreal's supremacy in this regard is 10 be attributed to ow: cana! system, which gives us cheap freight rates from west of the great lakes to Montreal. The fact that the | shipment of grain goes by an all water route, obviates necessity of breaking up bulk of the cargo. The American svstem of grain transpor- tation, utilizing both lake and rail is at a disadvantage here." | 18 Something to Be Sure Of. | This anecdote is attributed to Rev | Wm. Patterson, of Philadelphia, for ! merly of "Toronto, although as he -is | the high-salaried pastor of a very { wealthy chureh it seem scarcely | apropos. It ig said that he once re | marked, im a cirgle of his brethren, {| that he thought ministers ought to be firble and poor, like their Master. "I have often prayed," said he "that I might be kept humble; 1 uever pravéd that I might be poor-- 1 4 : ! could trust my church for tha!" | J fea or etme TS i | Earlier Days. i The recent. fuss at the Universiy 1 recalls some' of the truly formidable | student doings of pust years. must Dr. Beattie Nesbitt and of the class of 1887 think of a celebra- tion in which a trolley rope was pull- éd, a lawn mower injured, and a few | grments destroyed! What murst they think of expulsion and' other dire ' penalties for these comparatively oarmless Hoodluni proceedings? : Those who spent their childhood in Toronto in the eighties well remem- ber the two cannons given to the city after the Crimean war by the British , Government. They stood in Queen's Park just where the monument to Sir { Jolin 'Macdonald is now located and pointed down Queen's. avenue. They are now placed on either: side of foe entrance to the Parliament buildings. but escape general . attention. One night, over {wenfy years ego. the resi- dents of en F part of the city -- and it was mostly central then--were awakened by a deafening roar. Every- where, people in night caps thrust their heads from windows thinking that the end of the world had come: Then it wae remembered that it was the night of the thirty-first of Oeto- ber. Next morning it transpired that the students had unspiked those two relics of Sebastopol, had loaded ther with gunpowder and old boots, and had touched them off. It was lucky that there was no ope on Queen 8 avenue at the times and that the gdns were mot of lorig-range character. There were no casualties; not a stu- dent had even a finger burned. The identity of thc ringleaders, one of wham was Beattie Nesbitt, was kept a close secret, but nowadays sober professional' men who are losing their hair, boast-of having faken part In that enterprise, and become ten years younger in telling about it. Old University graduates also relate how a gentleman, now a prominent clergyman in the United States, went down on his knees to a committee of students appointed to deal with bis case, to save: hig moustache. The orders were that one halt of it was to be sacrificed, and that he was to ap- pear for a week with only the left side of hig mouth so adorned. It was a very beautiful golden moustache of a kind rare up at the University, and finally the committee had mercy on him and accepted some other act of sacrifice instead. And then there was the occasion when the students by some means or other took the care- taker's cow up to the tower of Uni- versity college, a tesk as seemingly impossible ag the building of the pyramids, and left the .poor beast there bellowing her troubles to the night air it was only when the students com- menced to destroy property other than that connected 'with the University that the town and gown troubles in this city eemmenced. Bui in those good old days there. was not much doing. and everybody relished a bit of riot. whatever «the oeeasion, The pranks 'of "the students, moreover, have lost their flavor of originality, and are apt fo be sordid, unimagina- tive, and destructive when carried beyond their own campus. Didn't Know Mr. Gompers. Mr. Samuel Gompers and party oc- eupied boxes at the Princess Thea- tre. Toronto, one night recently, as gueets of the "management. Their boxes were draped with British and American flags, and Mr. Gompers, with his. little: round silk cap, his! twinkling glasses, and his benign, fleshy. clean-slfaven countenance at- tracted no little attention. Of. course, there were some people in the house who did not know he: was the High Priest of Trades Unionism in Amer: ica. but they realized that he must be a High Priest of some sort. This led to ' considerable discussion be- tween acts, and after the perform- ance, in a street car, the writer over. heard a conversation. on the subject which was very much more amusing pthan it ean be made to appear en paper. A gentleman, accomapnied by two ladies, remarked to one of his com panions : "80 von didn't knew who Gompers was, eh®*" ; ¢ "No," she réplied, "all T conld re- member having heard about him was that he ought to by in jail--onghtn't he?" lL fre = the Then up spoke the other lady "You say he's president of the Am- erican Federation of Labor." Why, 1 thought Mr. Mackenzie King was head of all the labor people!" Gifts From Canada. A ceremony of interest to Cana dians took place at the Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, Eng., on the recont festival of St. Bimomr amd St. Jude, when the "Verni. the Archdeacon of London dedicated thre sigrof, and Mrs. 8S. A. Barnett cut the first sod for, the new Church 'of St. Jude-on- Ahe-Hall. of which Rev." Basil G. Bourchier. M.A, is "vicar, Mr. Bourch- ier visited: Montreal in Febuary and March last, where he acted as special Lenten pgedcher at the Church 'ol St. John the Evangelist apd the Church of the Advent.® As a result oi his. Canadian 'visit, the new church is to possest a Canadian pulpit and a Canadian lectern. 2s well as several other gifts, the vaigge offerings of Mr. Bourchier's rie. Montreal and elsewhere in Canada. » ; Good Roads. The aids irom the Provincial Treas ury "is such that good roads should be found in every county in Canada free, for the cultivation of those busi ness relations whi®h are essential tc the success of the farmer. Access « markets without cost or restriction is a necessity in the Kast. It is the distinguishng characteristic of the West, and should not be its mono poly.--British Whig, Kingston. Want a Fleet. We want a Canadian fleet, but suck a fleet should be directed and con trolled by the Imperial authorities, at lesst, until Canada is rich enough tc put on the seas a real navy, whict will be able io meet any enemy anc fight it on even terms.--Daily Pro vince, Vancouver. he Only One "Bi O QUININE," that is E Domini © 2c. i < | | a others of Christmas SEASON OF GOOD WISHES. Christraas Chimes As A SENsON Os good wishes «and loving kindness. In America almost all litthe children Claus. In Germany they make more than we do in America. the i Bveryw After the tree is lighted the family gather round it and sing a Christmas hymn. In England almost every one who can do so has a family party on Christmas eve. Young and oid join in the games, many of which belong especially to Christmas time. From the ceiling of one of the rooms a large bunch of mistletoe is hi 1r any little maid is caught standing under it the cne who catches her has a right to take a kiss from her rosy lips. In Holland the little Dutch girl puts her wooden shoe ip the chimney place ready for gifts, just as the little Amer jean girl hangs up her stocking. And so in some way all over the Christian world on the eve of the twenty-fifth day of December, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is cele- brated. Everywhere the Christmas chimes are ringing out the message the angels brought to Bethlehem-- "Peace on earth, good will to men." ~ Great Is Austeafia. Pew people in Canadas hawe a clear iden of the greatnessgof Australia It is a free country, rand mens owna all the railroads, the tele- graphs, the carrying industries of every' kinds that operste over the whole land ; it owns vast quantities of land. lewmds woo, is a lamilord, and a liberal one; irrevocably settles all disputes between labor and capital, and when its mandates are disobey- ed by either party to theedispute the offenders are put in jail. There are no strikes in Australia. Anstralia bas 12.000 milesyof: coast, line. Sixty years ago it had "a population: of 400,000. To-day it hasaa. popuiationsof four and a half millions. They have '$700,000, 000 deposited ini banks and $100,000,- 000 inisavings banks.' They have pro- duced minerals to the valme of $3. 500,000,000 and ave rapidly increasing their agicniltual caput. so that soon Austalia will take .ite place with the great nations of thevearth. The island continent has any oversea trade amounting yearly to'nearly $600,000, 000. King Edward as Cleric. King Edward possesses several dis- winctione unknown: to the man in the strect. Kverybody is aware that he is the earthly headvof the Chureh, bnt few know that he is actnally a clergy- man, being a prebendary of St. Da- vid's Cathedral, receiving a salary of $5 a year, which entitles him to preach a sermon in the Cathedral pul pit.--Home Words. England's Note . Reserve, The Bank of England keeps ower $100,000,000 worth of bankmotes in.re- serve. , / Popcorn! "If Santa Claus has corns the same as grandpa," said a wee girl the other day, "I fink he'd be 'fraid to come down the chimney over a hot fire for fear his corns would pop." ; J: W¥ Santa Claus' Revenge. ' Belated comes advice tonight / That, "without proper cause," 1 Two foolish boys went on a strike Against old Santa Claus. They sent him written word that he * Must take two trips a year, The first an early one to see What children wanted here. They said his work of late was bad. They criticised his taste. They said it made them very sad-- Those presents gone to waste! They asked him why he thought a boy Would want a Teddy bear. They skid it seemed he could employ "t Much better judgment there. They wrote him frankly what they "thought, A protest in each line. They told him that they thought he ought To sell out and resign. They covered reams of paper them To tell. him what to do-- The how, the which, the what, the when, They carefully went through-- And then they told him what to bring For each boy in their town, And for themselves--*Oh, everything!" Was just what they put down. They thought the saint was far teo old To understand their scheme, And each one bought a bag, to hold Their presents, it would seem. But when they woke on Xmas morn With "What did Santa bring?" Why, just as sure as you are born, He hadn't left a thing! STACY KE. BAKER » Herb-0'-Grace Maury in jthe lantic When that wind her long ed green In the thin air no footprint can I find And no man has that sealed &ision seen Is- there® no herb-o'-grace to touch yes That | ay sec Behold the incense Vision the swaying ~There where the shine meet, Is it hut laurel, viprant in the light 7 Or do a lover and a maiden greet, a-tremble from her sudde a N. Shepard December slim treader of the air H dances through the as tree or flower sees from 'the laurel and the » the quiver of his _ poured Is it shy Daphne, yielding Canada's Naval Need. Louisville Courier-Journal. is ruled | absolutely by the people; its Govern- | Mechanical Trains, on Tracks; every description ; Dolis' Sleighs , Carts and Dolls, from 6c. to $5; Baby Sleighs ; Dolls' Sleighs, Go- Carts ; Automobiles ; krish mails ; Trycicles ; Games of avery descrip- tion ; Cards ; Card Games ; Guns ; Swords ; Soldier Suits, ete. J. H Elgetie Cars ; Mechanical Toys of. Fariey China, Fruits and | Confectionery. Se" -~ fSCOCK, 160 and 162 Princess St. | the best. J. 1, SUTHERLAND & BRO, S-- You Cannot Give Anything More Useful Than footwear Tor Christmas gifts Tet yonr requi sements 'at SUTHERLAND'S, 'then you can feel assured that the quality is of Hockey Boots, Rubbers, Snow Shoes, Overgaiters, Slippers, Queen Quality The Home of Good Shoes. THE \ | | i i | | | arch my | passes rise, | motion of the breeze? | sun- | ray Te | to her tora i | Canada seems to want a navy about | as bad as'a poor man wants twins, with porterhouse steak selling at shilling and a half a pound al SOVOVIOGFIIVFIOVVDOD IO THRO = --- -- ELLIOTT BROS., HOOOTOOOBOO0OO0HOBOGO0OG0000 IAOOODOOOHI00 GRANULATED SUGAR GOO0ON00000000000000CAOONOLOOO000OBOOLDUCON Hall & Parlor Heaters When you require a Base-Burner, examine "ARTGARLAND" & ART "AMHERST" Acknowledged the best Stoves made. + Sold Only at 71 PRINCESS sT. | The cleanest and mont satisfactory way to buy Granulated Sugar isin 20 pound Cotton Bags. livery bag: bears the registered brand as shown 20 POUND BAG on this cut. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sugar Refining Company, Ltd., MONTREAL. CAV BVABBLRLAVELSBAABRRABE TLV RRAARAGATRRALARRADASL DS" We arc Headquarters for PURE and Casting Alominum = WRITE FOR PRICES. :: The Canada Metal Co., Ltd., Toronto, Can. . 2 VVVBIVBLVBRN 1 ae DW : : Ret hb 4 \