THE DAILY BRITISH WIG, assay. vECEMTER 1000 TTT NEWS. OF WOMD | Fmasemenss. | Splendid Assortment cma sem mums) * \ ® Watters That Interest Everybody | ; TONIGHT | CONDENSED ADVERTISING " . ' : et : aists ~Notes From All Over--Uittle! HH. H. FRAZFE. (lnc) Presents RATES Ty : o! Everything Easily Bead | Fhe Famous Musics! Triwmihy: @ NICKEL TED woUNT » , \ . : te HE! * IMPOWNTED HERMAN CANARIES | so. Sx ft. A porfech ob and Remembered. THE TRE AND T guatantend Songsters. These beaut at Turk's, 'Phunes 205. : : - r : : Rev. Father Rielty, of Peterbore, | - TIME PLACE GIRL | notre . > hoteles olirol Aras, ae Our Christmas shipment of Net Waists arvived § dead. a CHarke Tor oe tus |" eubml40r wnttt = Xun. ol 9 Mebver, swoon, yn, Jou occ igo : x re : x - ; irons iss i sees 483 7 performanoes he 8 : Cor. QOges and Tuirrie Sts. 'Phone, atu > a last week, but, owing to pressurg of other matters, . B mes. 3 = Monte al, ro de. een due A ISI a rt Bie Vhros Tasaflionn, D0: | Sra oS. aud IM Re iar wily to DP. Staley yphoid fever at Ort Said, 1 G INET aie o : i oe : 3 : Rr we neglected to mention them. onl ian. cimanities Woy Fl NER a a ALLEN wix; §1; ove monin, $2 : . stree voted the controllers' © salaries Of i Prices, 30¢, He... 55 $1.00, They cone in 3 shades: Whe, Ecru and @ si0.000 Heals uowwon Rie, g HELP-WANTED. i -- AND INSURSNGE. ONE SECORD-MAND MANUR i i; 9 eh i lo le - redder, 4 shape. Als v Black. Sizes St to 42, and are selling at $5. 50, Cnet on the Athuntie have ex: | CHRISTMAS "DAY. DEC. 25TH. | | zen : Sevallers in fad shape, hh - = - . wperienced very severe weather duving | ap Es oon Pvp 13 "PL E 18 'PHER. FoR INS R AACE THAT INSURES, Clarence street, § 0, i" ah og? : hate haye Been selling vw ell the last few day raTliot Paton Dit. : Ie Yn Fs oa oe ity \ Ave Nacrnm Oko te aa Insurance Eluporitun, uring ¢ short tune they have been here; and | John M. Fogarty, who led a com : TH rr er------ tr ---- Market Square, Kisgston, Telephone, es unless you come soon, they will afl be 1 pan ul Fentane at Ridgewds, in| = [Swarr cinws, amour Pmaers tl SE : : A LARGE GLX pn TAK Y Ha C 81 \ppec up. dead at Buliaglo, N.Y. - Wig oh oi Apply 'Bindery Dept.' healed IE 6 A nore Vary roRds ! Lord: Mankswell. : provident. of the | tig office. i a Er AaLau dress Box "57.7 i mm "Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Prot tion | i | FIRE, LIFE, AGE IDENT AND HES 1 his § Store Will Be Open Nights I Society, died in London, on Wedne BY WM, B. GRAY. DINING ROOM GIRL AND RITCHENG | 1 al policies awl moderate cates in | With MASTER WILLIE GOLDEN and D au 1d AND RIA first-class companies. J. Boow, | NEW METK SpRIGH. A NEW PA day. FPRISDDIE GOL 5 Singing the 8 N anaj? HE aha Arply 3 Hub: Rule Agent, 15% Wellington hy delivery bob. 1 : r ch ) 4 "ihe Canadian Brotherhood of Rail: | ftole in the Great Churel 0 Ng) iM % a second-hand Yous oigh, wise. nti mas : FA New England, Alay of Intense] : ness sleighs, bob sleighs und cutters. Pe i ay Employee has. amalgamated {inn fyterest and One That Will Live RANTS ap ~ Allin wood wap and hawly Cpafnteds with the Canadian Federation ol Fogever. {GIRL TQ DO GENERAL HOUSE Laps' pATEMAN, AGENT FOR Til For syed anaes Re trnes Den | Labor. {Prices Matinee, 10 . ble. : fork A> w ashing or cooking pl Pacific. Coast Fire ips. Coy., mbmbers riage-Maker, 390 Princess street. | | Fovoning T25¢, Ade, She : ' 174 Barrie of the hoard of underwriters, = 'The ( | Beats now on sa N ---- 4 Rimouski, Established 1876. The | here is a «trong probability of the g J | Duke of Connaught being appointed the next governor-general of Cap York and FKeonomical Mutuals, 67 INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Clarence St., Kingston. "Phone, 396. carn $100 wonthly corresponding fo newspapers. No cany: assing, Seud for particulars. Press Syndicate, 3,96 LqepRPOOT, "1LONPON © AND GLOBE h } Pont Rae Fire Jugatancs Sompany. AAIADICL LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH HOARD m+ ernie | spiel. the ploleyhelders. have for Apply 26 Wallington treet. > security the unlimited lability of all ARN PIE BARBER TRADE, NEY tie © stockholders, Farin and og Shene-------- T An acceptable gift would Je 1 system, Constant practice, carelul 2 property fosSured at ldwest possibile 0s 5 ® k dmuction, few weeks complete cours rates. Before renewing ol or giving | A Fi RNISHE PD HOUSE, PO RE fas tol free. Graduates earn, twelve new business get rates from Strange at ouce. Apply ie NagphersoncH 1 weekly, Write I & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 320. Brock street. * . eighteen - dollars ' | . 320 . { Catalogue Mol Jarber College | J om en nme nih - 3 221 Queen Mast, Foroplo, { \ eis wb br pe tpn | ONIZ FRONT ROOM OFFICE, - AT 348 ea pac | roTELS AND RESTAURANTS. King street. Centrally Joc ated. Apply i : JP. 'Forrest, Gents Furnisher. z [EACHERS WANTED. em HUD HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW 5 opel. Service A La Uarte, open day DWELLING, FURNISHED AND LN« ACHE. FOR 8.8. NO and night Up-to-Date service, atl furnished, Stores, Storage for Pura : > | i: QUALIFIED LI d ; i n, Bi, r Clarendon, Duties to commence | popular prides; 'rivate dining room tute, ete. McCann's, Mrock, . Com January Atl P00. Apply stating | ¥ntrance on King street, next to King street. i calor nd exper nee, to J.J. Card Qibson's Drug Store. Con. Haag, 4 3 "Tre 1 a, Ont Prop. - os otabnerdp-------- ' ; STORAGE. FOR FURNITURE. CLEAN, Passbook can he obtained now iena tare ' "Lt id' 44 i" : ECTS { dry airy rooms, absplutely goth : Hh a rare Sow Xs A PRINCIPAL FOI SYDI NHAM HIGE b> ARCHHNECIR. « -- 8 | proof. your 'awh' eek und Keg B at If P . > , School I Lion = Lo . ve Ja Hi NRY oi SMITH, AlN HITECT, BIC, routs GIL Storage, 299 'Queen St n | - te | ary or / % . 258 Kings street. "Phone, 345. » | = ] salary and qualifies N For ooks lal Ice | I} Note the Security J fin, oi oma =| ¥ iin vey 5 . | PRINCE" ALBERT PAID UP LCAVEFAL L$ ,4,000,000 ARTHUR WELLS, ARCHITECT, PERSONALS, ' " 2 ow King of Belgiun HEAERVIED FUND 4 RT ee office and reside wite, 181 University ames aft a TICE | nisin od | Ave. ' I'he. London' - correspondent of the Li WANTED--GENERAL. - tt i -------------- -- | Freomt oe a J WAL SWILANDS & SON, ARCH CHADDOCK BROS. PROFESSIONAL 1 1 fe iy ae eligi GEORGE B. WcRAY, r i s Tr --_ tects, ete. Office, 258 Bagot street hotse Rn nid hE Stable r at ec 1 1 {fil not curvy more than (wenly seak Manager | 'Phone, G05. Clipping o specialty. Orders loft with L C 1 Ooys lin London v AafRel. ' VETERAN SCRIP TO BUY J ee mr nr fi Mr. Wood, Jeweler, 236 Princess St, Meo I K2.000,000 m1 ici | i Rene: 107 Princess St 1. Mean, 5i Brock street. OWE ogy oe FTIR reeves cd by th | : i Con : chant's Bank Building, ec r 'Brock | | buted by the United States Steel Cor - - a and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213, poration as a bonus to its officers and | REE a | ; : HAIR MOLES, RIRTHMARKS) crployved t . nl | : OProR FUNITY TO FURNISH warts ete, removed permanently . » | | witimates on electric wark, Al kind DENTAL without scar, Twenly years' exper | M | I'he Ethiopian government, ) | 113 0 v promptly done. I girch ence. Dr. .» Lake, Lye; Ear, ve oflicial assurance that ng | : setrican, 206 Wellington street: Sha irl m---------- --- Nose. Throa Skin Blemish cl ntosh Bros.: Menelik «ti lives, though | 4 iy e i $PATIKSY AND SPARKS, DENTISTH, Bpecialist, 258 Bagot street, [ton = grave, " 3 J _€§ gas 2304 Princess St, Kingston, "hone, At LFlesherton, RJ i | PERNITURIS COVERING, vODONY . 3 ; is fone the -postmasteeship, aft hi ads wR wy the day dy custom ES! fome «For ; Fei Lppp RMATOLAG Y [AND HARI DRIES by he St a YY Lim ut rio reel, or calls will be "made | DR. QO. NASH, DENTIST: DR. M bi hs ar ouanic uring, F ehiropoty. # . i new postmaster in response tou letlers, ' J. Gibsons, _msistant, "153 Vrincess {reatment, shampoo, hair drassing. Cabinets Make wo sectiotmen, named Morin® and KGSTON COVERED INK treat. 'Rhone, i Davenport. Appointments i 'phoned Lion ere arreste Sf cot] A - fi, Fi fe la apo ents pons Best's Drug Store, will receive & rn bh. Ww iy Sen ted ha d with} oR. Ww 1 HON BF i Ph prompt attention, * . eo the murder of W. son, thé'l. & Sasa . GENTLEMEN TO RING THEIR Certificate, office g coruer NO. ratlway picht operator" at" Red | one h en het will - ha we Best] UT 00th and have it wade. up into mp King and Johnson 8 uw res ' og water, Oni ! : loy or Girl, : Saini : " date wniis hice nnd workman George's Cathedral, 11. dh Sa PH CuATANt eet 0 please. essing Commander Pesivy intimated at 3: ub, RuAraniee i £ > -- BUSINESS CHANCE. Ahr At New The : Season Ticket : Ga lamay. TIO" Tiroth : banquet, at New York, th pes Rates: ! v. Thou al allaway, 130° Br * MARRIAGE LICENSES, Hn Tn | { | | | | | i PSE pedition, led hy him tq the { adies' Single Ticket ATR. SN Er Tah : . ig, Sov? Pole oht make fem re ientlemen's Single "Ticket... 3 R ANYONE, ANYWHERD, CAN STAF ' f J \ ole, might make an attemy red . y v 1 h rna Cabinets, \ hh "ll the South Pol A 3 ' Uhildren yidler Io years Lu Lae. | - - ae . : a. IRV are OK. ih -- ral a mail order business at home. ' . f ' { b 3 4s Le canvasding. Fe your ou bose. Sem Sint to 60.00, we J.D. Sper ! } o : STEOPATHY. hone, . idenge, 33 Frotlends for fren. Booklet © Tella: Bow. Hearotity x the Commas xs : aur i Hu, | : ae Eam---- ho 2.969 Lockport, ".¥ Music Cabipets, $3.50 \ 266 majority, and wm | : fe ere | = tC 15.00 | ES servativi Ww 1 I: Nh \ = v. 1 SINTER _ ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, 1D.O MEDICAL. 0 12.00, i tion ia Differs Maudger By Yatte - @sheroft, Do, mradu] oa pn JR, rl ol CARPENTERS AND. BUILDERS. ate of the American School Medicine Cabinets, : Welland Canal Trafic. I Buy and Sell Usteopatiey: i iFesvitics eli f {wottr. J. GARBINER MBL PUYSE | epee $2 00, ete N About S00 mor vie 2 hours' 9 to 12 a. 2 'to 5 4 a Ee ra William streets, Coroner for Froat- | DROP A CARD TO CHAS, W. KELLAR, throaeh. the Welland oanut 4 enae, laoeds and Grenville. Otlice Carpenter cand Builder, 255 Divislon vear | : . . -- re = hours 8 tu 9 sad to 4 pow, 1 Kt., for reasonable prices on all kind hy ~ than last and about twice no vat South African Seri a hidus, No Liw and | =! tons Seusainbln jie pu sil kins dei TEED | (wo years ao The number locked | J . BOARD AND ROOMS. | m-- m------ vo Bel through dufing the season, which clo } " T Outside treatmen appointments. - ed Wodnesday: was THEE Last vear | n - . rte LEGAL. ThA CAR iw Phone 577 2 Emin ¢ i 1 ont lacked up and dawn, shin] THOMAS MILLS, DROP A CARILTO JOHN Ni Bromma n, whil COMFORT] AB I E Ft RN ISHED ROOMS repr Ra Carpenter and Joiner, 2 Sydenham 1907 the number was only 1,300 A \ . hited and heated. | CUNNINGHAM & MODI, BXRRrs fireets north, for reasonable prices kiarty of the b : {79 Clarence Btrest, Kingston, Ont! so gl able . Apply 314 tats and Solicitors, Law Office on all-kinds of jobbing, Al 'work = B-------------------- ' k 1 ! | - ni sit . Clarence St, kingston done ' promptly and neatly. TT wl - . Are Expecting Statehood. Ibe body of Leopold 11, King of. the NOTICE. mem mem Washington, Deer 30. Int their de- Belginns, was placed in the al 2h J | 10: THE PATRONS OF THE COVER-| dare for statehood the people of Ari {burial vault in the Church of St See Bibby's He. « wet sean b RINK, hoy Ed i ws EN : . . i zona are a ubit, sav Governor Sloan | Mary cin Lacken. Near it rest the Anvone desirou 8 ww hig a By sett » z ] WHEN DOWN STREET { i [i tn he hes y bil i | t+ | in his annual report on affairs of the | bodies of hi , ee, Yaris Jensirtes \ on Por ax ) 3. L fod au pth . Must 'have ul | TO-NIGHT OR TO-MORROW territory. submitted -to. the secretary ; the Princess Josephine and the tl Iston,. on £9 50 a JB raving att : ad hey ' : of the smear. 1 101 No Phuke of Brabant. The' funeral or Prices cheap r than over, ai . NIGHT, glee it." he mds, But contiden ox. burial were conducted with pomp 3 a Rocenet y's dl counter, France Agitated Over Budget i [ {! j pect sj mn rent ereino John. Burn told pt, J i |S tl Peto ci | VISITOUR SHOWROOMS congress,' : Mahogany tedestals, $1.50, Pen Sato jap, cet, } ovet the hu Close attention {o detail with thoroughness w-- bord » Las a 0, a lobert I Za Sa ' to "the enormonts | Bvrslicees wale a. i is cia Reriptio : ol rentable rent arch Ana see our lific of | are qualities that win out. the hind at Keak Cigar and cigine(e cass, anoking alice Jour hia . ed upon to carry. Jaur . | "Phe Coal and Wood business i8 an exacting See Ribby's JA vhiet ssi ts and tobacco pouches, 3 . JM due to milits ism Moat s all due pe A Electric Lamps one, re(uirisg thoroughness in every depart- g Vnvope, i Seavelling towards a fila ment, . So p We can assure voir that qur éndedvors are Fixtures& Shades along these lines, We absolutely guarantee ho suintaietd fie Tua gular co) every load and ope price to all. The very best aracly bre ei o 4a At 25 to HO per cent dis ¢ foal at $6.75 ib per ton. Try us next time, he Fun and Good". ..... . 2 i$ Cheer Shop. oi al | We Al Sprigls | Ned) Wi t OUI \ i} smash-wp. Jaures "is not conrtnon- reckoned a financial authority; hut | | he is by no means the only European | i i i publicist wi intain that national | Practical Eleetrician, sowie Wha Mic pwn : g : 4 235 Bagot Sti, ene door from ropertys and he tied to : aE ne ise mone bi Brock, "Phone, 68 We owe a duty to om selves to get all the Real Pleasure ont of Life : itn atoning. gbliviry™ of Me | ily | To The: Elotors of Ontario : we possibly ean Pleasure in abundance is waiting for yon . RA Lo Synopsis of Canadian Noy tisWest : i ¥ lid Ue , at hodey Nickle, Land Regulations. $ L % + He jh oron id) x » he 107 Se} np FEA I he ANY person who is the sole head of & Wi vis, 1 re id rahall AF in c a. sotiate. dont, td tumily, or any mul over 38 years oll x 7 ®; lature relative t the of Oetaric ite & Hq ne nal, *lmay homestead a [quarter <pection . of ' 3 att & : . er a (WTEC Lagailable Dominion land in Manitobas Teising + Saskutchewun or Alberta. The apples ; t i 3 . J jean wust Appear in-person at the i . \ t's te \ ot | coast eat th txpay. inion dads Agency or Sul Agency poi re . ull: RH H Dett thas iq Syl Ine. : 8 - beloTeline district. Entry "by proxy may be Vaudeville changed Mondays and Thursdays. Pictures changed 4 A F. han any el g jel party. 16 this plat fingde wt any agency, "on certain Gondis AM 4 AEN . 4 ph to ' 1. 25s wii hata rr sc iortind. tions, by father, wivtber, son, daughter, (ndags, \WV ednic slays and i ridays. Are the'lipest picture products 4 ro THE | : hi will bo apprecis #[urother or . sister . of intending. - home: 1 : : 5 { Yo def. of the world. : #1 told bra ' eyes | Vieldigg 16 constant and . dre | fo, gr 5 TIF HARBISON. | [ait mo a i hat 4 Ps if * 3 von ted « bh la reelection ' ures ay voir Maver] -- theres years. A bomesteader may Hye * i ! cis a iT toss . i 3 4 sy Ts : within nine miles of h homedtead on a Ba atast th h GIlLE LL have, (ried to bp. tite tomy B RIDEAU WARD fatur of at least 80 acres' solely uwned 3 io 5 v : Mm v 1 a v re ' nit ai 3 nnd occupied: by bum or. by his father, . # 3A r honibon « h x ny or i yo inl mdirate] mother, sun, daughter, Bbrolher or =8- : 4 toss ws fe Fool vs a t it SOHO i ol {i AND GENTLEMEN : ter. ¥ : y TLINNCE SY , In certain districts a homesticadér In : $ - + and anligence afe greet 11 goud standiig may proempl. a quariers a : : . . i Nay wk Drog efor D. COUPER. i! "Len ploct me as ye Ju, Alder-gection alougsidy "din I stead. Pri Refined Amuscment for: Refined People every Aflteinosn and ths cdliik ba ; in, . 1910. tion Blogads Mi homed me Pa : ! ' : i mo six months in each of six oy ening. \ Blof Nasik, in the B t y fency 4 Feonom) y In Corpéépon lence R. G. ARMSTRONG. [date of bomestead entry {i the " ; LAR as while al a tre Cleveland Plain Beuler an tie required to edrn Homesiean Patent). 3 cand cultivate: ate fifty x. 5. 1 Music cabinets 4.50. 85. $6 1 - anomeal ict ; . i RY, Muse cabinets, S130, So, $3, 30 | EX Sow the "must motomin} cor | Jo Electors of St. Lawrence Wand : | "A Tomestentie 5 cxhavsted Hid y $ 3 : it Rober respondents ve exer heard of) E | homestead Fight and canoot ebtais a i ice . C C an C #1 Reid 8 parked Sesistant - Postmaster {FETS 5 3 ted lies. of pre-emption may take a 75, Sets ome. ' ey 4 e a = ! var) ned nr nt ait . "were two 'women who ? been requested by a number of goad" in certain districts: Price 3 civic as in AA FY qe ation of the lund Ea i dot 1 Soy t bos ine me to offer ssa candidate. | por gere. Dutios--Must reside six bid ywhstairs the other | If clectod. 1. shall end 0 give the §n each of three yeabs - coltivere: and wanted to know if it would fhusiness: inten the best. at acres and erect a Bouse worth $300.00, » all right if they both were to write ( CUE00 0 il aNy. tony A ha, : Era w. Cony, 9 h friend i st ard RE y haiters « npo J uv Jeputy © ® "tater of the Tater bh, Jriend on. the same postal card {the i + "Unanthorized pablieation. i wrt GE hy Gant}