JA BTL TW THINKING OF "XMAS GIFTS. Bo tit 73% : What prized do you think would be more more appreciated or more really than a Peed to aq House or a property 7 A stofking, indeed good aw a Veed in the stock- sh to play Santa Claus to §', see us aboul various pro- ave for sale, and determine ch shall be your "deed of gift." houses in the LOWE or country, sry direction, and all at very purchasable prices v + the hume-comers during the holiday An investment in Kingston pro sa swe Ahing this ¢ity is going 5 ahead, | have a number of pay ing properties to choose froin 1. Double Brick modern, good situation 2. A row of four Veueered Dwellings gplondid location 4. A corner hock, su per cent 4. Small Htone quick buyer fneluding store, pay- net Dwelling, cheap, for modern 7 bhed-rooms dinlug room and kitchen can talk it over. 1 can et ingle Brick parlors in and we ou term double Come ed * 57 Brock St. P . 1 ' A Holiday Gift That would Le appreciated by your wife or daughter would be a of our BEAUTIFUL ANTI- FURNITURI ate giving a unt on all our woth # this line of goods increases value as time goes on, you will well by - investing your in them instead of other useless articles Call in and see our stock. LL. LESSES. Princess and Chatham Sts, Kingston, Ont. Pfeil piece lll 'X mas the special goods for money Cor HIGHEST GRADES GASOLINE, "EBAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS, * FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. WwW. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence apd Ontario Streets {LADY DUFF-GORPON ON Jones wnme old HER OWN EXPERIENCES... "sms L { Fathers Bring Joy Hee Widows and Orphans. Cherry, IL, Dec. 24.--Nine Chicago aldermen played Santa Claus here and brought cheer to the - stricken widows and children of this mining town. With the aldermen came a carload of useful things, and a dis- tribution of the gifts was made from the" United Mine Workers' hall, which was surrounded by eager women and children. . s : Toys for the children were distri: buted and many fatherless little ones hurried to their homes, light-hearted for the first time since the. diaster more than a month ago at the St "Paul mine, in which three hundred men were killed. Clothing and food were given to the widows, City to EVOLUTION OF WOMAN. | Gives i Views in Statement That She Changes With Change of Environment, Ministers Belong to sist Party. Lisbon, Dec, 24 --The formation of a new: cabinet is announced. It com- posed as follows . President Beirao; minister of jus tice, Montenegro; interior, Diacosta; finance, Branco; foreign affairs, A. E. Villaca; war, Mathias Nunes; marine, Azevedo Coutinho; public works, Mor- era. All of the new ministry are progres gistd. The cortes will re-assemble on January 2nd, but immediately ad journ for two months to give the gov ernment time for the preparation of a programme of reform, includiag amendments' to the constitution and the improvement of the electoral sys tem. the Progres. 18 So, LADY DUFF-GORDON London, Dee. 24 adv Dufi-Gordon, who Mme. Lucile dresses many of the society women of the present day, told a reporter, ay the statement that the changing SUCCESSFUL SWINDLERS. as Netted $250,000 By Fake Scheme. : New York, Dec. 21.--In the person of Charles Adams, an elderly man oi respectable appearance, the police say they have one of a group of mining windlers 'who, in recent years, have fleeced wealthy English families but of 2250000, It is alleged that when a death no. tice appeared in the English papers, "Adams or an associate would write a letter addressed to the dead man, knowing that it would probably fall into the hands of the relatives, ae knowledging previous aid by the ad dresses and telling him how to make his fortune in mining stocks and how, in gratitude, he now offered his bene fuctor a chance to buy choice mining shares. Mining her views Henry Arthur of womanhood the change of "en- yesterday, by type wi with vironment She believes that man is largely responsible for the change in his wo man-folk, and agrees that environment and the fac tors "Man takes a altogether," 'He does tied to the live in the aeroplanes. motor times are also important hie said he We and to broader view of Lady Dufi-Gordon expect his wile house all day long. days of motor cars A man will not want or fly alone; he can't cxpect his after flying like a" bied, to go home and 'settle down to darn stock- ings. "Of who not to wife, col "se, there are many women are excellent. darners, and whos minds do not "ise above their work; but there are many women nowadays who count for something--intelligent women who cannot be expected to he ahrolutely bound to their homes "One of the chief reasons for this changé #n women is that a woman of ten than a man soma one to Sermons From Shakespeare. A series of "Sermons from Shakes peare" will be run weekly in Satur- day's Whig, commencing, however, on Friday, December 31st, owing to Sat- urday, January lst, being a holiday. The writer of the sermons is an auth- or whose books are well, known in England, United States and Canada. He has had several publiched and fa- vorably received in all thteevseuntries. He has been a' student of Shakes peare's dramas and poems for more 'than twenty-five years, during ten of which he taught the plays in' leading educational institutions. He is a well- known lecturer on various, subjects, and particularly excels as an interpre ter of the Elizabethan drama. In these sermons he is giving the results of long years of thought, study and teaching. He speaks from knowledge. He brings to his work rpverence for the master he is interpreting, and ap earns more She can afiord darn stockings. "The modern girl would not dream of staying at home her dear old granny used: to do. The times ""have marched along .and hrought quick: fa- cilities for travelling, electric Lights, books, papers; and woman. has marvch- ed along also. ! "There is. no exense money to pay as for a woman be- ing behind the times and remaining in a rut now. She has every chance of 'ting on "The woman wity who on in the on the plea that *T've lived co. and my mother and goes alwavs | { | | | | reception | COLD PREVENTIVE. £lisd with t an excellent WALSH, | 1 can sup- | quality | 55.57 Bgaefack St. | cellar oal you with "why ain't ACASAL ATA Ach A A%ATATAAIAS AAC ATA ATA LA AAARVLLLAGCEE aT ETanETe KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE _- (LIMITED) . HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Fall 44 alr Fwenty Sixth bey August Hookkeeping graphy Civil Our graduates get the best pos = tion Within 4. short time over sixty secured positions with one of The largess railway corpora- tions in Canada Futer any time for = information CALFE, Principal. RI IT IIITTIT III PTY UYY | VAY TV YY YY IVI TV VY year Terma 0th LE] | | SAL a2 Aaa Call: or HH. PF, write MET y qa | | Apples! Bellflowers,. Snows, Tallman Northern Spies. | Sweets, Sweet Cider Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER'S, 241-8 Princess Bt. Phone, 76; Prompt Delivery. Hebd COAL! The kind you the kind we sell. SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- antes prompt delivery. 'Phone, 123. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. ee are looking for is [ the proaches the texts selected with the enthusiasm and sincerity that every clergyman should show towards scrip tural passages. orandmother before me,' is simply re fusing to grasp her innumerable ! op- portunities. Manners Of The Ocean, Botton. Herald John R, Drexel, port, said of Hottentot thinks best, the Frenchman cowboy thinks listen. 1 on a v Dismissed For Odd Reason. Durham, N.C., Dee. 24.--Eight young mens were expelled from Trinity col lege. 'Trinity has been free of hazing many years but last night seven boys cast lots with a freshman to which was to plunge into a cold ter tank, The freshman lost and caught by the faculty in the act paying the forfeit. President Kil gom decided they were guilty of gambling and the freshman was charg ed with indecent exposure. All dismissed. at a dinner in New- "The the his are, the a dis this usual near good manners manners thinks his once attended man-of-war A hws are cep are, even wa ailor--but was of tinguished statesman, dispensed alate. 1 visiting with the heard a sailor man-ol-war, formal ne sav 'Who's that what kypiece to the skipper ? Choke your lui," returned another 'that's Senator Dash, the fam tarifi leader." : Well,' were lubber don't tip his SL Frees Woman From Prison. Tex., Dec. 21. --Because he does not believe penitentiaries were M Campbell has decided to pardon Mrs Agnes to thirty five years in the peniteitiary, for kill ing her husband. Five others, tenced for short terms, the past few rilor Ons Galveston, growled aaila the first he got manners the quarter-deck 7' Manners !" a thind What does hi& know about I don't suppose he ivht land in his encdugh intended for women, Governor I' ute atlor chipped Goode, sentenced man was ever sen were pardoned days { SIGHALS OF DISTRESS Kingston People Should Know How to Read and Heed Them Sick kidneys give distress, The secretions are dark, sediment. ol " within Early Earrings Ihe tion, a modern inven twenty centuries Aristotle wore philosopher's found her Fuboea, by ex certainly produce warring not for than ago the daughter of golden I'he fArrings wert Chalcis, in archaeologists 18 move hoop daughter's in tomb, near ploving of many signals modern workmanship their In swing a tiny Byes cannot equal each golden dove, with precious and bands of minute gems to give the color of the iridescent breast and I'he feathers were of granulated gold, and the tail feath "1 Wer wrought and udinsted that they acted like bal ax in living bird, so that the miniature credtares whenever hoo! » * I contain Stohes for Passages are frequent, scanty, pain ful Backache is constant day and night Headuches>and dizzy spells are fre quent The help Don't delay ! remedy Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys, backache, and urinary wings. so marvelously a a . . weakened kidueys need quick une, a Fx quisite Use a special kidney the wearer moved or laughed or tossed her head would move and. balance themselves upon their pendent perches : disor- Old Hudson Bay Man Dead. Kenora, Ont., Dee. 4. James | Swan, a half-breed, who for twenty- vears 'was in charge of the Hudson Bay company's transport from York factory, died, yesterday, én an island on Black Sturgeon lake, about nine miles south of this town. He |was s:venty sears old and has resided in this district 1882, ders, Kingston .evidence proves this state- ment, Mrs. M. stregt, - O'Neill, of 263 Sydenham Kingston, Ont., says: constant, bearing down pain had settled across the small of my back. 1 was weak and languid and could not stoop over to lace my shoes without much _stfiering. Headaches were fre- quent and usually accompanied by spells of dizziness. 1 would take cold with the least change of weather and it would settle in the kidneys. The kidney secretions would become irregu- lar and frequent' and caused me to leave my bed several times during the night. Although I had tried several remedies 1 could find no relief. I tried Booth's Kidney Pills, purchased V at Mahood's Pharmacy, on recommenda- tion of a friend. They cured me, as 1 have had not trouble since, and can recommend Booth's Kidney Pills as an excellent remedy." Sold by dealers. Price, 50c. The R. Booth company, limited, Fort Ene, Ont.; sole Canadian agents, sven siuce A Great Sale For the balance of the year, Pre vost, Brock street, has greatly redue- »d proces in the order and ready-made | clothing department, also' ih gents' {furnishings. Stock is well assorted with new goods: | - " | $150,000 For Public Concerts. | Cincinnati, Dee. 24. --William NM. {Ampt, an attorney known as "Citizen {Ampt." who died last week bequeath- ed his entire estate of $150,000 to the » The hs widow dur- } T v for: concerts for the people. to be held by ing her lifetime, NEW PORTUGUESE CABINET. {writes : rns, GORKY UNDER BAN OF RUSSIAN TERRORISTS. They Resent His Life of Comfort and Ease Beneath Blue Italian Skies. MAXIM GORKI. Petersburg, Dec. 24.--The pleas- ant life led by Maxim Gerki at Cap- ri, beneath the warm Italian skies, does not meet with the approval of his comrades of the Social Democratic or Revolutionary party. They resent the manner in which he welcomed a change from his former extreme 'poverty. He has been raigned for a "'tendency to gooa living and a 'love of comfort," ana the former cobbler's apprentice, butch- St. ar- who is now the most famous 6f the vounger Rus:dan men of letters, is to be excluded from the party for which he has sacrificed so much. Even after he had won literary fame as the "prince of pessimists" Gorki had a hard struggle for Kberty and a living. In 1906 he was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul fortress at St. Petersburg, and but for an agitation throughout Europe would doubtless have lost his head. 'The next year he went to America with a young wo- man whose presence caused so, much disagreeableness to the writer that he had to leave the country. Maxim Gorki's most recent books have all manifested his passionate sympathy with the party which now rejects him, 2 DEATH OF FATHER KIELTY. Parish Priest of Douro For Twenty Years. Peterboro, Dec. 24.--Rev. . Father Kielty, 'parish priest of Douro ior the past, .twenty years, 'died, Wednesday, in hig sixty-fourth year. Deceased wag bora in Prescott, in 1846, and wae or- dained priest at Kingston in 1869. Af ter being chaplain of © the Kingston penitentiary he was parizh priest of Kitley, Leeds county, for six years going to St. Joseph's, Douro, in 1880. His surviveng velatives are Marsh Kielty, bursar of* Mimivo asylum, and Sister Mary of the Nativity, House of Providence; Kingston. He was a scho larly 'and zealous priest, 'and very widely known and respected. After Past remains were conveyed to Kingston, and thenee to Prescott, where thr fun eral will be held on Friday. FALSE WEIGHING OF SUGAR. Official of the Arbuckle Refinery Indicted. New York, Dee. 24.--Another indict- ment in connection with the sugar un- derweighing" frauds, v It was tant sugar was found, Thomas Doyle, assis- of the Arbuckle Brooklyn, and charged two overt in the false weighing of ugar from Cuba Doyle has not been placed under ar rest, and against superintendent refinery mn acts raw DOCTOR USED JACK-KNIFE Amputated Man's Legs < . a His Life. Detroit, Dec. 24.--In a vain attempt save the of H. H. Knapp, engi neer, whose engine had overtarned and pinned him beneath the wreckage, Ihr W. H. Sawyes cut offi the man's legs with a jack-kniie, this morning. Kuapp died. almost immediately after being taken out. The accident occurred at Hiffsdale, where a passengér and a freight train came together on account of an open switch, Save to to life DECLARED LEGALLY DEAD. Heirs of Man Missing Can Divide Estate. Victoria, B.C, Dee. 24. --For the first in Canada, Chief Justice Hunter granted an order in an apph- cation made on behalf of the heirs of Angus McKinnon, timber cruiser, who disappeared on the Skeena river, two vears ago, for leave to presume death, This order was made under a English authority. time new Wensley Items. Wensley, Dec. 22.--Reuben Brown has been on the sick lst but is im- proving. Miss Violet Flake "has r turned home from F. H. Wenslev's. Miss Mary Breen has returned home after visiting her Mrs, D. Mr. Lyons, Fernleigh. and Mrs. F. H. Wensley ail] Mrs. James Breen have returned from Palmerston. Visi- tors : = Miss Annie Johnston, at J. Breensiy Mrs. A. H. Gregg, Grantville, visited friends in this vicinity; Misses Eva Bebe and Mary Flake, of Ven- nachar, at' Edwin Wensley's, Miss E. Wensley, at her brother's. Miss Freda at her grandmother's, Mrs.! A. J. Wensley's, sister, Mrs, Charles Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, 1 have used every remely for sick headache 1 could hear of for the past fifteen vears but Carters Jatt! er's boy, kitchen scullion and-tramp, |" requiem high mass at St. Joseph's, they Net: Result of the Losal Option Fight in Manitoba. Winnipeg, Dec. 24.--FEleven hotels will be closed>ag the result of , the spirited fight which was concluded oun Jocal option, and one which was for: merly ciosed will be allowed to re open. The net gain in reform to the temperance cause is that the than last year. The total number of business houses which were attacked in the campaign was thivty-four and twenty-three, of those will remain apen for at least another year. The num- ber of municipalities carried each side is about equal, but several of those, in which loeal option was vie torious are places which do not now have liquor licenses. $750,000 CHRISTMAS GIFT. ¥ . Pearl Neckplace Purchased Fo ; Mrs. Widener. Philadelphia, Dec. 24.--It is ve: ported here that George PD. Widener, the Philadelphia capitalist, purchased in New York a string of pearls valued at $750,000 as a Christmas gift - for Mrs. Widener. The work of gathering the pearls, it is said, has taken many months. Mrs, Widener now owns ' a rope of pearls valued at $250,000. The £750,000 necklace will make her the possessor of $1,000000 worth of pearls, t . ------------in ~ . DIVIDEND OF $300 A SHARE. WellsdFargo <Camital Stock creased to $24 000,000! 'New York, Dec. 24.--Stockholders of Wells, Fargo & Co. ratified at a spe- cial meeting the proposal to increase the capital stock from $8,000000 to $24,000,000. With the increase there will be paid to stockholders a divi dend of $300 a share out of the ac cumulated surplus. The $16,000,000 i new stock will be offered for subscrip- tion to sharcholders pro rata at par in a proportion of two shares of new stock for one of old. In- DUPONT SHOTGUN SMOKELESS The Name That Stands For All That Is Best In Smokeless Powder --r-- Hockey vince | will contain ten fewer hotels this year] v Nit Skate : ON Veiox, Regal, Scotia, Ladies Beaver and Acme Age some of "the well known brands, : i Prices 50c¢. to $5.00. : OPEN EVENINGS ~~ « Marshall's, Succsssor to A. Strachan oF Bob Skates, 50c. Pai Something Not Very Expensive Specify for your SOVEREIGN or IMPERIAL SHELLS to be loaded with this Powder . Loaded by the Deminion Cartridge Co., Ltd. Moatreal, Canada ' Open Plumbing But Tight Joints Modern plumbing sanitary, at tractive and clean Should anything is mot likely--the pipes ol ae The plumbing is joints are tight! WE WANT YOUR AND ARE "OPEN" TO SAY SO David Hall 66 Brock St. "Phone, 335. is break--which are easy but open the TRADE ENOUGH | 3 i : Is Like Trying to Get Rid of Pan- druff Without Herpicide. Did vou ever sce any one trying WASHING WITHOUT WATER to wash themselves without wi ter ? If you did what would you say him ? It is every bit as foolish ta try to get rid of Dandrufi--and to prevent Baldness by feeding the germs which cause it, with Canthrarides, Vaseline, Glycerine and similar substances which form the principal ingredients of most so-called Gair Growers. Newbro's Herpicide is successful be cause it attacks and kills the paras wwe germ which feeds on the hair roots It is the original and only genuine scalp germicide manufactured. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bot- tles guaranteed. G. W. Mahood, spe cial agent. soap or of Liquor and Tobacco Habits A: McTAGGART, M.D, CM, 75 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada. References as to Dr. McTaggart"s pro- fessional standing and ronal int 3 permitted by : Sir W. . Meredith, Chi Justice. Hon. W. Ross, ex-premier of Ontario. Rev. Burwash, D.D., Pres Victoria College. Rev. Father President of St. Michael's College, onto. Right Rev. J. ». Sweeny, of Toronto. : Dr.sMcTaggart's vegetable remedies for the liquor and tobacco habits are health- ful, safe, inexpensive home treatments. No hypodermic injections, no publicity, no loss of time from "business, and a certain cure. x Consultation or correspondence invited. Geo. N. Bishop » Wah Long's Laundry First-class work guaranteed. Drop me a card and I will call promptly for your laundry. " Liver Pills did me more good than ell the rest. 155 WELLINGTON ST. Between Brock and Clarence Sts. But will be pretty and nice will be inquired for from now up to the last day for Christmas Gift baying Here's a Hint. : A warm, cosy House Slipper of felt for a wonin, or a soft, black ortan Leather Slipper for a man. 50c to $2 for women. 75¢ to $2.50 for men. Reid & Charles. P.S. Store Open Evenings. . HRISTMAS PRESENT Home for many years to come. Ghe Souvenir Range If you give one your wife the will think of your gift every time she prepares a meal. It will be so much easier for her than standing over that old stove for hours. Call and be convinced, Sole Agent, Princess St. OUR SPECIALTY DRESS SUITS Crawford & Walsh, Exclusive Tailors, Princess & Bagot Sts. Cabinets Make Suitable Gifts C hi na Cabinets, $12.50 to 60.00. Music Cabinets, $3.50 to 45.00, Medicine Cabinets, $2.00, ete. R.J. Reid, Phone 577 Ambulance 'Everybody Who Eats Bread | Should avoid danger of Impurities in delivery from the Oven to the Home. Insist on your Baker wrappicg his Bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS 'We ard the original manufactu¥ers of BREAD WRAPPERS now used by Leading Bakers, Ottawa, Montreal and other cities. : % THE EDDY CO., Ltd., Hull, Canada. %