MA Aliuogf Cersaist Stam ot Acute Indigeition ou ou 08 had a taste of Tm surely des that hiyout po he ation is but instead, iv] wot | being hg foPmenting and giving out poisonous Iching of gas is a common symp- tom at such 'times, and also that as If you want prompt relief and. por manent cure, .go to G. W. te gét a large tin box of Mi-ona br for BO cents. G. W. Mabood knows that Mi-o-na fs a highly recommended scientific remedy, and that is why he is ready to return your Waly if~it fails to cure acid stomach, belching of gas, diz#iness, billiousness, sick headache, AT MIDNIGHT MABS IN MARY'S. -- The Cathedral Was Never Before so "Brilliant--The Music Was a Feat- ure--Great Credit Dué The Organ- ist, Prof. Paul Denys. It were perhaps difficult to -concgive of a grander and more inspiring scene, thau such a magnificent temple as is St. Mary's, all decorated and illumin- ated and filled with a devout congre- gation in the stillness and mystery of the midnight hour. Add to this the imposing ceremonies as performed by a' prince of the chureh in his sumptuous robes and vestments and the echoes of | welt: trained voices extoling in appro- jitiate chants and seanticles the tong- expected coming of the Redeemer, and rav® fine solos, ringing with his old time vigor | | and force. . After the evening service he gave a short Christmas recital, his "Star Of Beth- lehem"" and "Night Of Nights" being" real gems. A large company greatly enjoyed his work. Miss Meek, at the™ cian. At Se. George's « Cathedral, ®t Christmas day was marked by three celebrations of the holy communion, the celebrants being Canon Starr, Canon (Greut and the bishop of . the' diocese. The dean preached at the chor- al celebration, saying how glad and thankful he was to be given opportun-' ity of preaching the message "'God so loved the world that We gave His them, *'God from on High Hath organ, proved herseli a skilled = only begotten Son." A beautiful an-.J foul bréath, and all stomach troubles. one may gain a fdint idea -of what is | Heard," with an accompaniment as and .was an impressive and unique re | the *mucic of the angelic choir, was ligious service at midoight, Christmas |sung, and also all the old. Christmas eve, 5 . hymns, © béginning with "Christians Pontifical mass was sung by his | Awake." grace, Archbishop Cauthier, assisted! On Sunday there was a children's by the rector, Rev. A. J. Hanley, as |cervice, when Dean Bidwell spoke on high priest, and Rev. Fathers McDon- | the text, "There was no room for ald and Meagher as deacon and sub- | them in the inn,' asking the children deacon, Rey. Father Halli an ac ting {to open the doors of their heart to Cog Coe nd ade as master of ceremonies. The sermon | the Holy "Child, for that was the inn --an eloquent expose of the sweet, sub- | wherein He fain would dwell. aw HEH EE Hockey Boots cradle, was pronounced by Father 'ed from the cathedral, as usual, and ree "OF XMAS GIFTS. Mea, dean of Regiopolis. It wan 8! Canon Starr's Bible class did yeoman masterful effort, the speaker bringing |service in preparing toys and sweets 5 j | to his words, not only the poetical [for distribution to many little people. | | beauty the 'Secasion suggested, but, ' To-night_ the Anglican Young People's likewise, the logical "uppjication of n | Association vill have a tea, and to- | scholarly mind. morrow, the Holy Innocents' day, the {lime scenes. that «luster round Christ's Much Christmas cheer was distribut- 3 ; = 2 : : abe -- % I * » » Edifying it was to see the immense |Sunday school will have its tea at Stow' 8S Hotkey Boots, i Bo age Rr > {congregation present, large numbers [half-past six, followed hy the 'enter . $ ties Tad ans $1 15, 2.00, 2 50 and partaking of holy confmunion. But, if |tainment. " : 3.00. | the new lights and divine incense and eprint Sg > [vom and Jasiy manger and sweat SOLD BOOTY TO CONSTABLE : : word "noel" (from the Latin, natalis) 'CV as transcribed in electric letters on | Patrick Portuguese Arrested After " £ : 3 : Boys' . Hacke y Boots, [ the altar 'by the care of tender hands Six Months' Search. This is a repxdduction of the 1itest portrait oi Queen Wilhelmina $4.00, 2.00 and 2.50. | --the good sisters--were most inspir and the little (Princess. Juliana. By thé tuth sat The Hague, on : ling, not less appealing 'was the April 30th last, of H. R. H. Julia :2 Louise Eruma Maris Wilhelmina | dies' 'Hook B. ot; music rendered at this festival of the the succession of the House of Lronge to the Dutch throne is as- Ladies ockey « ots, | hic Much care had Been -takensn scred, and if no son is born to th: queen amd her cansort this little 31 75 and 200 -. the propaghiioy of the mass in F, 3 | h i princess will one day be the ruler of Holland, with 40;000,000 sub. she - . h riated " § i produce, implements a o LH jects at home and abroad. Toe prince 58 has davoloped into a fine, Dhiged than 5 rg pv gy neg oa y was rendered with splendid cffect. The belonging ta some one cise, the who healthy child. Her birth, which/ [itifilled Holludd's long-delerrec pigce of property 7 A stocking, indeed "Adeste Fideles," that ever-popular valued at SA, Loe 13 Sanity by Cie} Lopes, wus calelrated throughout the country with great rejoicings. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE 1% nob ho good a8» died in the | Stack bymn, pleased: the frany assistants Matson, e 1 Howe pole A " The Jitlle princess' first namg, *'Juliana," was given to her in me purpose see us about various pro- very much. #0 Holy Night," Adam's (M80 Wp lor him. A humorous feature ,nory of Cofintess Juliana, of Nassau, wifs of Prince Frederic Heury we have for sale, and determing" celebrated Christmas song, 'was given of the situation was the selling of thel sd. mother of the two Hranchas'ci thé House of Orange Nassau. Her ik a le rr oe tte | with exceeding taste and expression by horse and rig' to County Constuble | pane, "Lous, readlis Louise de Coligny. wife of William the | WRI EIGER 9 FERRER ¥ Th 'y o dy y *" i. Jots ih every difection, and ail at very N. E. O'Connor. A hymn to the pope, | Lascelle, Ottawa, wha has been dili- | Silent. The nanes 'Emma, 'Marie' and "Willieloina'* are tliose w-- eislly purchdsable prices. {by the altar boys, showed bright and igently searching for the thief of her grandmether and her anotier. : . -v wz ; 7 - . a - - Ti hume-Camers during. the haliday carefully trained voices, At the close, | SRI - Arnprior, Ont., Dec. 24.- Patrick Portuguese, 'who: went inte Ottawa from a nearby village six months ago and sold a horse, rig, a load of farm hat da yoh think "would be more (\,, one's favorite composition--and it on... An, investment in Kingston pr t a : {8 a sure thing this i (om on his grace imparted the apostolic bene- Sermons From Shakespeare. bn 2 ne Number of pay- diction, , A series of "Sermons from Shakes- CUTS HIS WIFE OFF. | | 0 k irom. The eveni servite -w ikewise verv a'? o] in S 5 5 ---- | 1. Double Brick modern, good situation The evening SETvite. was likewise very |peare" will be run weekly dn Satu) Indianapolis Man Leaves $300,000 TA i effective, the "Magnificat"' and ; row of four Veuneered Dwellings, "I'an- |day's Whig, commencing, however, on a .s splendid location. : tum' being specially well rendered. 1t |Friday, December 31st, owing to Sat- For Parks. -------- & 10 a neding store RAY: would be upjust to the new organist |urday, January lst, being a holiday. Indianapolis, Ind., ec. 27. A cadi UNKNOWN MEN DISTRIBUTE ic Small 'Stobhe. Dwelling, cheap, for of St. Mary's cathedral," Prof. Paul | Phe writer of the sermons is an auth- cil to the will of George Rhodius, fol: | GOODS TO DESTITUTE. qa Brick, doin" 7. Deer | Denys, were he not given credit for a [or whose books are well known injlowed for probate; to-dig; "teaves the = ¢ ? : inode sed-rooms, gull "hare of the success which has at- | England, United States and Canada. | residue of his estate, or about 3500, | Shilling Given to. Fach--Knittec Fie Ent bl rlors, di i d kitch K 8 | NS Ic } as a Lnglan 1 ! » n . . destin Bariors we ToaRStaTk It er, I can tended. the. Chrictmas velebrafion, Un- |He has had' several publichéd and fu- | 000, to be applied to improvement oi Jacket, Gloves and a Sear to Men, Milk Chocolate Stick, Medallions, Cro- age terms, etc. tiving dm Lis offorts, in love with his | vorably received in all three countries, parks. oi Indianapolis. Elna Bares t a C art, not only has he won the regard | He has been a student of Shakes: |whomn Rhoding, was married. in Louis . i quettes, Cream Bars etc. are truly delicious. ® ay ) and csteem 'of the members of the /peare's dramas and poems for more |ville, Ky., is cut off withoyt any London, Dec. 27 --Unknown men for Shawl and Gloves to Women. choir, but, likewise, the approbation of [than twenty-five years, during ten of | have in dhe estate the past few nights have collected the i A oR Beck § 8. {those in authority and congreggtion | which he taught the plays in leading os 34 homeless destitute. who frequent the For sale by all dealers from Coast to, Coast. AE EAH SHAK son Lake, 1.6060 Nova Scotia, 1.- HN 3K 000 Foster, 500 Cobalt, Central A Phosphate Property in Froul- FAAHAAAAK next. manth. dwelt on the manifestations of the [revelling of her life's story has been For New Years® wifts, buy them at [000, which Would make her probably | CAI in and see our stock. bring glory to God, peace on earth |32nd street, New York City, and re L Rochester, 5,000 Cobalt Lake, shares Birkbeck Loan, 4 shares ------ | three years to make. She has devoted Loronto Hamilton Winnipeg, farm "in. Saskatchewan. FLOOR OIL, weeks "to live--that nothing human being over £50 worth of material t Toye's Building, Coal is' good coal and we Just. be 'Sashweights made in Kings and liver complaint. 1 suffered eéxces- sivély from wind and could not eat my food without feeling ill afterwards. Sotpétimen I was so bai I couldn't straight for (he pain. The -- sot in' my stomach, chest and sides, and siways caused blinding headaches. At times I seentd one os [mass of aches and pdins--I became rheumatic because my blood was so . The benefit I received from the rat box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills en. couraged me and I. continued their use, three to five pills & week, for several months and was brought to the most perfect condition "of health." Ii you suffer from constipation, flatu. lence, indigestion, palpitation, anae mia, headaches, nervauinaSa. lsepluss- ness, depression, general ty, loss of 'appetite, liver and kidney troubles, acute and chronic dyspepsia, or any form of stomach and Gigeative ve weak- ness, you may look with certain hope for a complete cure by the use ne Dr. Hamilton's Pills sof Mandrake a and But- ternut, Safe, mi ja 'an gure to cure. hood been a wmifferer from biliousness [room window in an attempt to kill | her. The shades were drawn, but as Miss FEitelhuber was standing near the win dow her shadow on the curtain gave the would-be murderer lis mark. When the bullet striick her she ran out crying, "lI am shot! I am shot!" The bullet went through her dress, struck the corset and glanced off, Cecil Has A Cure. London Mail. Lord Cecil has suggested a reduction in the number of the hereditary peers, a proportionate reduction in the num ber of bishops, an hundred life peers representing capital, labor, science, and art; and he would like to see repre- sentatives of other religions denomina- tions sitting alongside the bishops in the House of Lords; finally, he would like a fixed number appointed by the |: prime minister to represent the per- vading political feeling of the day. George .P. Sheldon, deposed presi- dent of the Phoenix Fire Insurance Shoe Repairing © Bone at the House of Quality'i is satisfac. tory "proof that honest trading, efficient servige, coupled with fair prices, wins the confilence of the publie. A. E. Herod, Prinecss St. The Hotigé of Qualys a 837 | } We hori rrr. at large. And so it was that, after [educational institutions. He is a well An Unmierty Christmas. Vi : rin Ertualiment j8id Jihven to --|the last mass, on Christmas morning, 'known lecturer on various subjects, cach man a keitted jacket, gloves, a bett finds little to be merry thi a sl loves i shilling 2 rold-headed cane as - | tes f the Elizabethan drama. In : ! . man a shawl, glov and a shilling Jealddeaded A ath 5 appre these. sermons he is giving the results Christmas Gime. Her husband. was || hey ifused to tell who the donor of : mE nas, : vo. eldest vhildren have did within] that the queen, stifréd by tlie newsp : I 1 oy hi 6 ks from knowledge. [WO eldest 1 1h | that t jueen, stir oy the newspa ; . i ' ee. Whar had he privilege ig Ho brics Be BE ark reverence for Ee the. year, her father, mother and five per stories of the wanderers who seck a _-- - = ---------------------- tern proaches tho texts selected with the sina earthquake, and, today, Mes. |ihis means of "providing them. with At St. Andrew's Charch. enthusiasm and sincerity that every Labette pleaded guilty to the killing | Christmas presents, 3 d, was the slayer of her hashan " < 2 os Hin vv tily decorated for the Christmas sea- tuyal passages. She py bf Kill OF dr 4s hited THE RICHEST WOMAN. | W e have done our part to make son. The pulpit and choir loft. were a : Ko rT { this a bigger and brightes Christ- handsome ornaments were placed at | Some one has said of Ingraham lo the Bedford reformatory for women. | $220,000,000. | x mas than ever by- our stock |difierent points around the building. |vell's new novel, "Margaritas Soul, : New York, Dec. 21.--Edward. H of Popular Holiday Gilts to select | morning, when extra music was ren- | yourself, till at the end you want 10 Havana, Dec. 27.--The extraordin-|time of his death over £200,000,000, 'A coLD PREVENTIVE. dered by the choir. s > shout with joy. You have found some- | ary Christmas dyawing of the national | although a recent appraisal of his es- ' only $2! 50, a Jardiniere Stand only | 3 75¢, a Medicine « D : or Toile viy you with an excellent quality. kie preached a strong Christmas ser- | have found something unusual at last. expected to derive a profit of $900,000 | The discrepancy between the actual 3. r € oilet Cabinet y musi¢c was rendered, Miss Kathleen |simple- minded Fountry girl, (e 30,000 tickets Nera zoid : The capital {man : tate, it i Joarne, on trust- Child's Morris Chair only $3.50; inh - O'Hara, and Arthur Craig bein the | knows no pretense or deteit, and w prize was won by a club of eighteen | worthy authority, is due to the fact Th Dy 3 in I, \ g ; ! soloists. In the av iting an apecic) practice neither. She is untrained and |hricklayers and masons, who wre om lo hat shortly © before his death Mr. | also I arlor, Music or Kitchen Cab- A Holida Gift fulness and sincerity ave hers, and she | struction' in Havana. The drawing | his elder son securities valued at over ; t wold' be Y ote by At Queen Street Methodist Church. |cannot understand why one does not, probably will show a considerable de- (#70 00.000 Since. Mr. Hurriman's JAMES REID'S Phone 147 app - . aE ft, our BE BEA AUTIFU L ANTI ¥ lprettily decorated with flowers on | the meaning they intend. The pretense Ra ii market ¥alues, and it is stated that : We 2 at 3 3 : > |cleverly done, and a fascinating book | Best's, at cost in value 'as time goes on, you will Father in the Son, and at night Rev, |¢ . y 81 do well by ' investing your Mr. Sellery, in a brief, pithy sermon, |i8 the result. The volume is publish- -- . : : Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts., fine. The anthems were new and Twenty-three Years Ia Making. Ee : ant : J. 0. HUTTON Jd. R. C. DOBBS gston, Oat. Y-anilt Rat ted ¢ x 3 o " The . most remarkable bed-qui in 3 os wi . : Only Six Weeks To Live the world has been allotted space in : a i £ i 5 ig Eon LL BUY: WILL SELL: 100 Nipissing, 5.000 Peter- Wood, 40 shares Home Life 2,- stigehing it. iv made up of over | Jeanie Kelowas, ) the Tintely Use of DR. BY tiny pieces of various colored Soya Rilke, ay i hie nd, heating I . lots and house COAL OIL, HAMILTON'S PILLS fvelvets, silks, and satins, and each| and well, bucause took 4 long prégt-! Li HHA AAR FAR t PROMPT DELIVERY, ment with Dr. Hamilton's Pille--they | ~ orset Saves Girl's Life. w FHAEHEFERHH king you - are. ok for is 133. ; Booth & Co., , at all he arrhozone| Rose Hill Creamery Butter in. every- | In scene from the play of "Graust ark," at The Grand, Special prices tor large quantities. dy Kingston, Out, body's mouth, made irom pure cream Dec. 29th. he was presented with a fine ebony, |and particularly excels as an interpre- New York, lec. 27. Louis Loc | ieari and a shilling, and to each wo [Christmas day was: one which shall |of long yoars of thought, study and murdered eighteen months her iw | the articles The Daily Mail says ent. master he is interpreting, and ap- other relatives were Jost in the Mos | ciuge on the embankment; "has: taken "Chri stm of; 1909 St. Andrew's church was very prot- clergyman should show towards serip- of Dominick Versaisi, who, she belie eee | wy mass 'of Mowers ': and "evergreens, nd A New Novel By Lavell. ed self defence. She was sentencid | rs. Harriman Worth at Least 'Spaciat service was held on Christmas [that "You start a \page, you forget Cuban Lottery: Fuilude. | Harriman was really owolth at the from, A Bissell Carpet Sweeper 4 céllar flied with Coal. 1 ¢ up On Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. Mac- | thing real at last." At any rate you lottery, from which the government tate placed its value at £149,000,000 ds ar i oa an § 4 > = . , 'PS. WALSLL, 55-67 Barrack St. ™MO0 to a large congregation. Special | It is a weirgh fascinating story..of .a proved 'a failure. Only 18000 of the and the appraised value of the Harri- \ \ only $2.50, a fancy Valour | } / fe 'hristmas numbers were rendered. untamable, but the qualities of faith- [ployed on # building now under coy- | Harriman {ransferred to his wile and SN nets. I'hese are fast sellers, at your wife or daughter would a. Queen Street Methodist church wag |in the social world, express exactly |ficit on the side of the government. leath his estate hag profited by a rise are Tn x "special 'Xmas | Sunday. The services were joyous. |of New York life myslified her, but it Gilbert gives a handsome prisept [the wealth of Mrs. Harriman may be As this line of goods increases Hthe richest woman in the world money in. them instead of other dwelt on the mission. oi Christ | to'|ed by the John Lane Co., 114 West Ls LESS+S, and good will to men. The music was tails at 81 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. \ . the Women of All Nations Exhibition Silver Leaf, a,000 $10,000 6 per cent. first at Olympia. It is eight feet square, HIGHEST GRADES Constipation, Biliousness, Indi- |, and has taken onc woman, a Mrs. Farmers Bank, 20 shares Frost & O00 shares Silver Leaf, 2.000 ad A Dying Woman Rescued Through | three hours a Jay during that time to Part. Arthur: Kelowan. Ramloips. OLINE, in any part of the City of King- 2 LUBRICATING OILS, * | piece has been carefully bordered with GREASE, ETO could help me, but to-day I am hearty | alone in it List Your 'Buy and Sell Orders Now. y N saved my life." Chicago, Dee. 24.--A corset steel sav \ y Clarencs and Ontario Streets. he Riad we sel antes prompt delivery. Pi FOOT WEST STREET. ars - aon at Nos' Foun Prive 28c. box, boxes for |company, Brooklyn, is dead. EDA VON LUKE AND FRANCIS J. GILLEN, n Angr dry. > discount on &ll our goods for the Rev. F. A. Cassidy, in the morning, did not alter her character. The un with every poundgof 40c. Royal Tea, |conser ively estimated at $290 0060, EAN AHF HISAR use! articles. gage Canada Cement Bonds, | Thompson, Old Kent Road, twenty gestion, Rheumatim, | Beaver, Debentures on Montseal, enac, ston, and a 320 acre improved "My doctor told me I had' only six [gold silk. It is valued at £200, there | Continuin, her declaration, Mrs. ed the life of Miss Ethel Eitelbuber g . - WwW. F. KELLY Jamieson says: "I had from child: |when a shot was fired through" her bed