Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Dec 1909, p. 7

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TRAVELLING. RAILWAY ELDRED NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS Round trip tickets will be issued at Single First-Class Fare Good going Dee. 81st. and 110, good to return until 1910, also at First-Class Fare-and-One-Third tibod Dec. 2uih, ® 2000, sot und Ast, Jan, 1st, 1910, good ta return until Jan Sth, 1910 Tickets . sold to poipts between Montreal and Tor- onto in connection with the above. bi not be valid on trains 1 and Jan ' drd, going wid 'Through Pullmans to and from Otiiwa via Brockville daily, on trains 2 and 5. | Pullggan accommodation reserved in ad- vance and all other" information furnish- ed on application to J.P. HANLLEY, Agent Johnson and Ontario Corner Sta. | pry oh . RAILWAY ih IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Christmas & New Year Excursions Round trie tickets will be One-Way First-Class Fare Good going December 24th and 25th, turn limit, December <ith, 1909 ; going Decpmber 81st, 1909 and Int, 1910 return Limit, January 1910, First- Class Fare and One- Third 21st, 30th, Return sold at res also ard, Good going December 24th, 256th, and 'January 1st, danuary Oth, 1910 Full particulars at K Picket "Ofice, Ontario F. . Gen. 20th, 1910 "11 esl, i "limit, 28(h, '% ry Sie CONWAY. Pass. Agent I'. and CO. n. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. teavon Ontario | street, 4 pon. daily for Tweed, Sydenham, onto, Bannockburn: and wll poin fo pecure quick despatch' Bannock burr, Maynooth, and points on apgockoi Ontarkp, route your shipments "via Bay | of Quinte Railway. For Inrs, apply IR. DICKSON, Agent, hone," No. 8. to the 'ORI E ¥ I Lenves New York, January 20, 1910 Ynoluding Madeira, Spain, Ajeditarrancan Ports, Palestine ) Cost $400 and 1 Kena: Train unien 1s ation, Bund w. White Star Line, Turonto, or Agents, Crulse Dept., BY TWIN SCREW LINE Largest and Fastest Steawers S. S. OCEANA, 8,000 TONS | S BERMUDIAN, 5,600 TONS Wireless on both Steamers ; also bilge heals Forty hours from Frost Flowers, | Sailings every Wednesday and Satartes | from New York in the season. | WEST INDIES | New 8.8. "GUIANA" 3,700 tons, "PARIMA," 8,000 tons, 8.5 ONA, 3,000 fons sail from New every alternate Wednesday for ~~ I'homas, St. Croix, Kitts, Antigua y Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St | Lucip, Barbadoes and Demerara. For full | particulars apply to A. §. Outerbridge | and Co Agents, Quebee Steamship Co. Broadway, New York ARTHUR Managing Director, Quebec, ' i ¢ Agent J.P. HANLEY SHE | KIRKPATRICK, Ticket, Agents, King ston Apples! Bellflowers, Snows, Sweets, Northern Spies Sweet Cider Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER'S 241-8 Princess St. | Prompt Delivery 5. to ROI St. Tallman | 'Phone, 76, RISE OF THE | United Empire Loyalists « An Informing Sketch of Amen ean History, Valuable for. Libra: | {es and Research. | By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC Price, 50e. Address British Whig, Kingston THE FRONTENAC [OANA sw INVESTMENT SOCIETY | ~ESTABLISHED, President Money jssued on City and Farm perties. Municipal and County tures. Mortgages purchased, received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Managing 87 Clarence Street. 1863. -Sir Richard-€artwright. | Pro) eben Deposits Director WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer Furniture Sales given special at- tention, County Sales ol rarms, Htock, etc., have heen my specially for long years. I! faciners want the high dollar, get my services: Ep MARKET SQUARE, Wallace @® Parks, Florists, 239. For large stock of Plants, Cutflowers, | Holly, Mistletoe, Wreathing, ete. Order early and get ini choice "Phone, Wah Long's Laundry i First-class Work guaranteed. Dr wome | a card and I will call promptly for your laundry. 166 WELLINGT ST Between Brock and Clarence Sts. i intermediate" January 1 further partici | Va | Price 25¢., S0c. Ideal- -Duster Mop-Stick | of young and old. . All Druggists Send 10c.; name of paper and this ad. fi our beauiful Sevings Bank Sita | Sketch-Book. Fach ban Good Luck Penny. NOT a usejess intoxicant, but a liquid food of a. palatable and enjoyable kind. India: Pale Ale A comparatively light bever- age, made from harley malt, selected---hops and pure spring water. NOT charged artificially gas, but allowed "to naturally, NOT pasteurized; but retaining the delicate flavor and aroma of hops and malt, BE NOT= MISLED hy New Brands, New Wave Of Brew with mature +f cost over $200,000). NEWS OF THE WORLD, JCCURBENCES + RE RECOUNTED BRIEF FORM. --__---- MOBBING A nyrNonse. The Man With the 3 te Rye 5 . His Manager The Jevant troubles of a en ii Glasgow recall an ls im Toronto in which _-- no part, but in hick » travel- badly. Years « re Hanlan's Point became a i §itees f shows and a | area of Iand, it was a | '5 'space a white-washe. a, few a and a showman in the Connor, a and since looked : like the enh ee CHET hee in tions « ae humorist's works, and was proud of the fact that he had never worn a necktie. He maintained that for a man with a chin whisker a necktie was rflaous--that it "was, so to, ak, gilding the lily. Although the showman, he was in reality the show; for though he used to y enter- tainers, they were not so.enter- taining as his own ees in intro- ducing them. On one occasion he introduced a strong woman of vast dimensions with the . words, . "The little Jady will now lift a hawse."s And she did raise a hefty beast. Hypnotism was then the craze, and Conner found a hypnotist und. a "'sub- ject." The performer was advertised 2s a m#rvel unequalled, and after IN Matters That Interest Everybody : Notes. From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered, Typhoid is epidemid aid 'the doctors blame it on water, Hamilton city- council passed a by- law to raise $20,000 for the Carnegie library. . Prince Hans, Wrokhar of the late Ring *Chiistino, of Denmark, is Seti: ously _ ill, It is estimated that the removal of snow. from -the New York streets will at Montreal, the | person - ve Loe a bride of Fri Foronto, dying Mrs, Daniel Firth, day, took poison in* within a few hours. Five trainmen were killed in a col lision on the Baltimore and Ohio Southern RR. in Indiana. Governor Eberhart's attempt settle the switchmen's strike in north-western states has failed. Thirty-three persons lost their lives {in the vicinity of New York and Bos- ton in the storm that began Christ: mas day. 4 the first performance it was seen that Drinking on Christmas day was re- { his onte rtainment was manifestly the sponsible for ten deaths by accident! thinnest kind of a fake. It was not or assault in the mining village of ©Ven funny, The same vrowd used to Pluelields, W. Va. go over to the Point every night, and It is reported on the best of author | the second performance. they went lity that 'the tine building of the New | 2rmed. As ihe uncqualled : marve York Life Insurance company, in Mon: | Fea ed the climax of his performance Bowel aint monn Fins, badge ied £1070 struck him. Connor jumped [rn STI5 00 n ¥ o the platiorm. *"1 will give ten dol- wx for 8375. lars: ir p : 8 I'he earnings of the Grand Trunk or Ju Yea} Money for he ae & railway, for the week ended December ied]. Hardly were the words out of 21st were $815,465, which shows an in- | his mouth when another egg struck | crease of $101,618 over the im square on the left cheek. The {ponding week of laxi vear.? + hypnotist, in the meantime, decamp- | It is announced from Winnipeg that | od, and the crowd who had ncihing President Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, of | against Connor followed - him, They the C.P.R., has promised a contribu- | 'hesad him on board the steamer, and [tion of %250,000 for the international | though he tried to hide in a dark Lexhibition® in celehration of the «first | corner, they rooted him out of there {ventennial of the first setiloment o #nd made him take refuge on' top of [be held i that city in 1912, " the paddle-box, where he maintained Montreal's 'drinking waler is so bad | precarious . position all the way Feit medical . experts that = Mf the bay. Derisive passengers hold be Hoilded before. use | suggested that he hypnotize his tor- Phe earnings of 'the Canadian Pacific | mentdes. but he did not teyait, sud FHailway- company for the "week eudest | ¥N nn the city yas tvached was gla [December 2ist, shows an. inérense o| find safety behind the sheltering $ uniforni ¢f a constablgfon the abo the corres shv HCTOSS blu» ng or Sealing LABATT'S is to-d: 1v the Most] same time the Most Who't.- some of Beverages. AGENT, S30-811 KING S71 F., KINGSTON CO BALTS : BERMUDA 'ON MARGIN; We require a deposit as fotlo | Selling Deposit From 80e, to 60c. . $ From 60c. to Buc, rom 80c. to $1 Jver One Dollar 30 We also handle 80, racts, Write, 'phone or wire | cash or on margin. Patriarche & Co STOCK DEALERS, Patriarche Block, (Corner Scott aud, Hollington Sts. §: Hequired. 0 60, 90 day con us your ofders ates HIGHEST FOOD-VALUE. | Eppes Cocoa is a 'treat to Children, A Sustenant to the Worker. A Boon to the Thrifty Housewife. JEFES'S COCOA BnEAur oeP a= R In strength delicacy of favour, y nutritiousness and economy in use "E assed, pps's" is unsurp: | Children thrive on "Eppas's." ow TO FREE _ GH HALLS OF DUST- WEBS ie " Floor-Dusting Pad 1s a marvellously, | eftective article for| the care of polished surfaces used in connection | with the Hardwood pear. floor worries disap- Come in and sce it. Mc Kelvey & Birch | 4 owards Kceps Coal AND Coal Keeps Sowards. 'Have You Tried Him ? Phone 1858. 'Xmas Who said "Sour Kraut?' 1t is sow ready 'for use and you can depend on its being clean and properly made, as 'I made it" myself. H. J. MYERS, 60 Brock St., "Phone, 570. . mg, Cheap Methods of Cork-F Palatable of Ales and at*ih tH Be ngfactions. In The United States 2 JAMES MEPARLANT | te Iistory of « Der snare | . per share | States reported in the public press the . per share | the O. » | to pay TOR- | {or THE "TARBOX" wharf: MILLIONS GIV --r mn Has Had Ups and Downs. G. Trethewey, who discovered irmous mine at«.Cobalt, whief: his neme, and also its neigh- wr, the Conagas., but who now pur- sus the quiet life of a gegtienian :rmer om his model farm at Weston, )nt., hrs probably cleaned up more »ld cash ont of Canada's unrivalled silver area than any other man who ver planted foot in the camp. Some Ww he During This Year. [ hoars New York, Dec. 28.--The total pub f ie hene factions in the 'United State tduring the. past twelve months wa £141,250,000, an amount just $40,000, O00 greater than any previous vear in the country, according to statistics compelled by a New York | [ren spper. { may remark that he has been ex- he principal | 8 ptionally lucky. but Mr. Trethewey, have been the | lohn like most other people, has had his New York, $26.550,000 John D1 full 'quota of ups and downs. He [ Rock eller, $12,852,000, nud Andrew learned the trade of a steam-fittor, 'arn £6.056,511. the total | but has played every part in the amount given 1909 over © mining game from a grub-staker to va given Eve twenty years ago benefactors = in Jo Kennedy, i for ed » third Syuatter Nearly arn: I y lor education, | he was dangerously near the millions mire class several times but did nos know it, He lacked the nerve. In 1890 he was offered a half inter. est for $300 in the famous Le Roi gold mine in British Columbia. The pro- | periy had just been discovered, and was not regarded as very promising | Later it sold for nearly three million dollars. That same year Mr. Trethe- wey had another gilt-edged opportun- ity. An impecunious American mili- tary man, who had erected a shack at Trail, B.C., and dished out pork and beans to the miners, said one day:" "look here, Trethewey! [| own 360 acres of town here, and if yon will pay the mining license fee one dollar per acre--1%will give yon a half interest in the whole busi: ness." The young mam had fhe ne cessary amount in his pocket at the { time, but he hesitated and lost. Just | think what owning half the property | in the busy, thriving town of Trail : | would mean to-day. It was fourteen Brynmaw, | years later that Mr. Trethewey, while HL od | prospecting, discovered the famous from aun | properties in Cobalt which made him Wessen, of | a millionaire. Wesson, - whe ASR SR was prominent | work I he total benefactions in the Unite last twelve years, add up to no les than $1,000, 150,000, | | Secured An Industry, Det Advertising a advertising a business seems Port Arthur, as a result {the work of its recently appointed. in [dustrial commissioner--another name publicity secretary--has obtaihe! fun industry that is tgp spend a quan of million dollars within {years and to employ one hundred and Hifty. men Port Arthm jgranted exemption from taxes an! fifty for a I'he tory will make and paver | | | Winnipeg, IK, city, like o' Ler a in site continuously nerve site manta Linen from § i Hax i tse Gives $7,000 For Swi | Philadelphia, De College announced [37.000 had been [alumna, Miss Cynthia M Springfield, Mass, Nase was graduated in 1909, athletic affairs of the institution and her gift is to be expended Ato] | the betterment of the college swimming i pool All. undergraduate girls required to gualify as swimmers and | this art is one of the most popular o. the college sports, ring Pool. 24 that received A Western Hold- Up. fambus vehicle is the old troasure stage, which was up by two unseen robbers on morning of November I, at 150-Mil. House, Cariboo, and robbed of meil | sacks reputedly containing $4,000 { We quick wit of the driver, Charle Sete -- | Westoby, in jugeling the mail-sack Albert a Conjurer. which he knew contained $20,000 in Dee: Great Britain's | gold, with his feet while tossing down ailor prince, Albert of Wales, has been | a hali-empty grain sack to make ap | colobrntiog his fourteenth birthday, | the tally demanded by the robb-r and his royal highness has been very | (they being fooled by this simple de | much pleased at the number and varie | vice in the shadowy light), pre vented {ty of the boxes of conjuring ticks | the big haul they expected to mak ! that have been sent him. The prince The robbers are known te be loe 0 an uncommonly good conjurer and men but have not yet been identified, can perform fiumerous clever tricks though a reward of $1,000 has been | ay for their apprche nsion end | capture, The coach has carried treesure-guard for several years. Fine i hold. ap ected at the identical spot | where arli= Brown emulated the fa | mous Oe Bart and mado a sipgi-. | handed hold-up_fiftee n years ego, gt n . Cari are { Prince London, 28, Owes 55,000, 000 in Vienna. Dec: 28. --Prince Phillip, Saxe-Coburg, ory had a long j view with Emperor Francis Joseph re {garding the course he should pursue {in the matter of the debts of his form wife, Princess Mouise of Belgium | ting $6.000. He whi hk in Vicona alone amount" to £3, ed end captured by Indians and {000,000 { teneed to twenty veprs | ---------------- | & | Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. t'azo Ointment is guaranteed to 'curs { any case of itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles in 6 toT1 days movey refunded, 50ec. Vienna, ol | Blue Books) It is worth noting, the fisheries blue book, which former ly made practically unintelligible reading for the outsider, has been: re arranged under Mr | intendency, { ly analyzed, | in passing, { | ! or and now presents a clear tabulated and indexed form, which 'enables even the casnal recder to obtain with the least un: is necessary labor the "information he | seeks. The Department is to be con. | gratulated upon the improvement 'which Mr. Venning has made in this | regard. Other blue books might be | similarly simplified. --Journal, Oftawa | ; Chili rua Guns. Santiago, ( hili, T We --The: Uli linn government _-- ordered from the Krupps, in "Essen, Germany, 210 guns to be delivered within three years, couple of Ieeds county boys making their way to the front in commercial enterprises of 'Edmon- | ton, Ala. Mayor Lee, who formerly | lived in Mallorytown, was returned {for another term, and J. H. Millar, | leading contractor aod builder, {elected a member of the council latter son of James Millar, "Ridlie's. {". Athens has published a printed statement that local option is an in- [jury to business in social life, but a decided benefit.- This is signed by thirty of the leading business men and the clergymen of the town. While you hope for the Best hustle for at . A | are {the "What Australia, Lacks. Australia -is to have au high' commis | sioner in London, but the Common wealth has, no Strathcona to fill the |- post.--Toronto News. "n was The ia of On December 21st, was solemnized Cooke, Northport, united in rie fy. Beatrice Wood, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, "Woodville, and Heberd I. Lansing, only child of Mr and Mrs. Clinton Lansing, of same place, x a pretty EB when Rev E. r also the | simend it was afterwards track That | | Venning's super. | EASY MONEY. LTE Sh fy e---- Picked Up by Sharp Chap Who Bet on Word. Philadelphia Record. Just by way of showing Low lars by their wits a young fellow strolled into a cafe the other after- noon and, joining in Conversation that was being carried on by convivial spirits, declared he was the mest "in- fortunate" individual on garth. He immediately began telling a story of his personal troubles, but before he had got the narrative well under way there was a chorus of interruptions, and the talkative young man was po litely inform hit his English need- ed revising, since he should have! used the word "unfortunate" Instead f of "infortunate." The new comer insisted that in- fortunate was the correct word to use, and the argument waxed warm. Fin- ally, with a show of heat, the young man who started the trouble declared that while he had only a few dollars he would wager them that he was correct. So anxious were his friends to lay wagers with him that he did not have money enough to meet all the de- mands, but he succeeded in putting up $15 in separate small bets. The men who were certain that the gar- rulous young man was wrong in the use of the word infortunate sent out for a dictionary only to find that they had been 'stung' on a "sure thing' Det, the big book on spelling showing that infertunate is perfectly proper and means unfortunate. "Yes," said the winner of the bets as he pocketed his new portion of wealth, "I have won money on that before. 1 enllected $10 this after- noon on a similar wager. British Ships Cost More The world which was appalled three years ago when the race for arma- ments on a vast scale began learned that the cost of a single warship of the first magnitude had suddenly leaped to $10,000,000. To-day we are told that ships now being 'laid down will cost $15,000,000. The gun power of the new super- drpadmoughts which Great Britain will build will be 50 per cent. great it is for some men to pick up a grt * the wonderful litle Mlood:makers. Whatever will supply from the daily food when itis in Pills aid the touch to digest its food ry to nd They fhictease he supply and improve quality pale; weak; la psd A HOUR saved in summoning the plumber by telephone may. save the price of several years of service. er than the original sip of this class. The speed will be slightly increased; while the size will advanee about. 30 per cent. The Orion will be the name of the first monster of this description, and armament will consist of ten 135 guns. A Cure Not Guaranteed. mon humanity, has many The following remedy, It is to be found in "Choice and Ex- perimental Receipts In Physick and Chirurgery, as also Cordial and Dis- tilled Waters and Spirits, Perfumes and Other Curiosities, ' a vciume ocom- piled by Sir Kenelm Digby and pub- lished in 1668: "With an iren nail raise and cut the gum from about the teeth till it bleed and that some of all the blood stick upon the nail; then drive it into a wooden beam up fo the head, After this is done you- shall never have the tooth-ache in all your life." This is described as "a sympa- thetie cure for the tooth-ach." Played Truant for Scholarships. Bir Alexander Mackenzie, principal of the Royal Academy of Music, tells a good story of how he. won the King's Scholarship. When he enterfd for it he was engag play in an orchestra, and in ordé¥ lo attend the competition he stayed away from a rehearsal without first obtaining per- mission. At the next rehearsal the conductor told him his services would no longer be required, as he had taken "French leave." Young 'Alexander got up to go, saying as he did se, "Well, I don't care; I've won the King's Bcholarship!" "Oh, you have, have vou!" said the conductor, altered tope. 'Very well; under the circumstances, you may stay." David Lyuch, has pointed clerk ford, in resigned AIC HING PIL ES Said in a Few Jasper; freon f the ap H.S, Nofiatt, | m to | | mm-- | | To Cure Hours. Ointment Faery New | | Case i lusting 1} Batger, of Lon | I sullered ton Nothing, relieved Hamilton's Oint I eli hike a new am cotirely cured of Piles with | Hamilton's as - {nine I used | You can be i piles--all kinds, i blot ding. Dr never yet failed. in Je. boxes o relied, but writes 8S: } **For six months of kind i In hoiirs wasn't Cur | nw | wanted" don ture till ment {man. 1 Dr every applied In six and recom- | the best remedy Ointment, of forty for protrading or Ointment | all dealers | i wor ANTI lasting cure itching, Hamilton's Sold sure of ba . . A Holiday Gift That would be appreciated your wife ur daughter would be piece of our BEAUTIFUL QUE FURNITURE. We are giving a special 'Xmas discount on all our goods for ithe pext month. " As this line of gos In vaiue as time g« do well hy money in them inst useless articles. Call in and see our stock. L.. LESSES. Cur. Princess and Chatham Nts. hingston, Out. f Increases on, you will ing your of ether Use Sashweights made in King: | ston = at Angrove's Foundry.| { Special prices for large quantities. [our ROOSTER BRAND, OF TOBACCO Smoking os Chewi at lorty-five is E tobacco, "Why oy ve cont, Andrew Maclean, + ao if experiments justify it its principal | Toothache, that scourge of our eom- | "cures." | however, would appear to be worse than the disease. | in an | township of Wol- | Tt certainly saves a lot of discomfort and worry, The Bell Telephone keeps the household in' "constant touch with all the rcéources of civilization and iis instantly available in any emergency. . : It also keeps the hausehold in constant touch ~with the broader' outsid : 'world by means of the Long Distance Service on the Bell Syne, ~ THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. Every Bell Telophone is the Center of the System. ¥ 393 RRA TAT AND UNIFORMIT Y AND LAGER GRANULATED SUGAR The cleanest and ost satisfactory way to buy. Granulated Sugar is in 20 Poy Cotton Bags. 2 very bag beats the registered brand as shown on this cut, MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sugar Refining Company, Ltd. MUNTREAL. 20 POUND BAG OCORVO00OOVV00OOOHO0OCO OONOLOTIOTIA0COLOO0 . Hall & Parlor. Heaters : 3 examine HE "WIGAN & HT "WERST" | Acknowledged the best Stoves made. Sold Only at When you require a Base-Burner, - erinonss 3 ELLIOTT BROS.,'

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