™ Jannual 13th. Ea BRITA PANY NG. SATURDAY, JAN Any 8 1910. REF ORM IN VIVISECTION. : REV, DR. ROBERT COLLYER WiLsE an seve J. D. SWRRNER. i TON JIRNRY (SELLY. New York, Jan. 8.--Messrs, John De Witt Warner and John H. Tseli dre emphatié in declaring that needle in ss cruelty - vivisection must bestoppéd. The enforcement of laws against such offenders is favored if such steps are necessary. A committee to make inquiry is urge d, and the) declare it time, in name of comunon humanity, to 0 syiare dumb animals u direction. nenecessary pain. Rev. Dr. Collyer is NEWS OF K NEIGHBORS WHAT wile "CORRESPON DENTS TELL US. The Tidings Froin Various Faste Ftoibiain Grove Election. Mowgitain Grove, Jan. 7. -- There wis a warn contest for the reevéship, hy "Messys. Cronk and Flynn, The result was / Cronk, 112: Flynn, 95. Consid- ering the united forces of Teeves and a and others, Mr. Flynn is a mpst popular man to stand single handed. School ell. The Sunday convention so well is school on progressing will hold the 13th and Glendower Gleanings, Glendower, Jan. 6.----There will no school for the winter, Anson merman is avound again. T Ww ranting the drill at the ( William Webster week? Mrs. hx Fim 'ard mine last horse little lost o Vaneconant's was badly senldad. Mrs. John Dab cock is somewhat' better John Bal, "eock is workihg at the barges for the Richardsons. Miss May Wilson, at Godlrey for- a while, is hyme Tidings From Bath, Jan. 6.--Miss Ethel Tophft left, on Monday last, for her school in Dornock, Ont. * Hrs, James Stevenson, Jr, is visiting with friends' in Violet. Nr: and Mrs. James Chapman have re "Rurned to Brockville, after visiting at Norman Rikley's. Joseph F. Johnson, of Belleville, is visiting friends here » Bath, . THE TORTURE 5 rid of, than that of hy antl the person "Been exceedingly © ithe surface of hs body OF BOILS Many Cases of This Vairfal Disease Have Been Cured by Using Stewart's Calcium Wafers, A Trial Package Sent Free, is one of the ona 'Furuneles, or bolls, oldest d.seasis of hist Every famidar with? the JOD, OF whom it was sail in the Biols, that was complet ly covered with tiym, and the is referred to. by many days as "Job's Disecse' Boils coosidt of lirze, projecting poitits of inflammat.on situated on the akin, and extending mio the Connec- tive tissue. They usually terminate in a suppuration and the formation a cemiral slough or core; and when the boil cymes to a head and breaks, the abscess tinds vo heal leaving a cieatrix, or scar, ry. case of disense people nowa This disease occurs most frequently' although | on' the back of the neck, they may ocouf anywhere on the sur Have of the skin, Boils seldom ocour singly, but usa ally come in considerable numbers, and frequently , succeed one another apid subvession for a considerable period, and their presence always in: eaten a lowered state of vitality , and a depra depleted and impover ish- - eondition of the blood. . The pain attendant: on i a single boil 7d 2 who for three or four days, no sooner is the pain of one got- of another be. is completely worn gut with suffering. When the boil involves a nerve' fila- i most excruciating possi © STUART'S calcium aplghile, hand as oh contain calcium: ve in _ the troatment and curs of boils, as they © & minish thr jinumpation su; act so arc complete'y eliminated, "he disiae having. nothing further to kop 1" NT, ra a "nleitm Wafers not only cir boils, but sll other blood and e¥in 'difeases, xcept leprosy, which is inéurabls by any trestment, and § * sulféring hom asveof the various skin ATE, manifestations, dettendent (Spon inf should Points in Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying.| tabeock, | child of i wack. Harry Mott and Miss Lena® have friends has frozen time it is expected condition if the thi Mott with here short win Gaver Brockville over in I'he bay and that people continues m it to travel cold a will for weather Echoes From Wolfe Island. Wolle Island, Jan. 7.<The remgins the: late John Hendl reson, who died at Thomas Faweett's, on Suridas eng, Jan. 22nd placed in vault here, on The In again in. operation across island. It is said that D. H. H ley has sold his share of the line Thomas Muckian It William Davis will manage Island cheese fagtory for SEALON Henry Fawcett, who conduct ed Wolfe Isla ch + factory for the past yi has secured the pow tion of 1 maker with the Wilstead chee butter company. Mrs, Farl { and of Hartington, are visit { ing or tie island I'he islanders are | glad to' know that the crossing y Kangston ------ of ov the ata the nek to is rumored that the the ore ih wn is coming three hes aml fa mily is ol te Budget From Picton, Jan. 6.~The local option was quite a Uepirited one of the Chiistmas Shepherds Watched under Dr. Smith's was especiall¢ well ren Mabel Rorke Hallowell. Mr. H. and W. Picton, 45 mpaign {th Their Ihe repeating "While Flocks,' management, dered on an hem, Sunday might. teacher in * No. 3, and Mrs, OC, G, Fox, C M. Fox.visited at Mrs. Walter Col liver's last Friday, Mes. Claude Wan. namakeér hus returned to her home at Salem. Misses Shannon and have gone back to their schools. Emory 'has returned to Victoria Uni versity. Miss CO. Fox, B.A. left for Kingston on - 3rd Inst, to resume eho! work at Carden Ishond: My. Moore has moved on the property for merly occupied by Stevens, 1s Carr A, Reports From Bongards. Bongard's, Jan. of Mr. ard gathered Year's nig chit Happy New before they left Pleton, where winter. Miss 5.~A large number and Mrs. D at their home - or to wish them ¥eur and say good-Bye for their new home in they will spend = the 8. Bradiey inténds leav ing shortly for Carmen, Man. she will visit her sister. Mis I'hurston bas come tu spend the win- ter with hor son. G. C. Kyle, of Re gina, visited at D. T, inst week. James Bradley and © wife spent New Year's day at Fairmount Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Tobey" entertain ol & number of their friends at {dinner party on Tuesday. Mrs. Kipp, of London, has been visiting ther aunt, Mys. J. D. Bongard. Alan Harrison has returned to Picton after spending the holiday here. Miss Ae kerman, * Fairmount? has been the guest of Miss F. Bradley. of Bon Na iriends 8 a H. Crow Lake New Trustees. Crow "Lake, Jan. 7.-0G. Maclatosh preached here on Sunday last The ntagic: lantern show was' well attended on Saturday 5 evening. It realized about six dollars. Quite a number are getting up: wood for the gasoline en- gine run by Steel Bros. NS. Middleton and 'S. McGinmis attended the sale at John Nail's, last week, fo. get some vows, but failed; as prices wem high. Miss Grace Knapp, spending Christ mas holidays at her home, has return ed to Perth, where she has a position | ¥ at the Wampole. The school meeting was very quiet. Two now trustees, R. Reynolds and 1. Bein, were 'gected, in place of James Hawley and 8. Mid dletan. Miss Hattie McGinnis, of this {place has. secured a position with D. 1. Goodiellew, of Westport. Wiss Rubina Tharrett | is spending a fow days at home. A number attended the funeral of was formerly Miss Rebecca Watson at her son's residence, al oko, The remains wen in the vault: at-Westport. She ves two sons and one daughter, John, in the North-West: Albest, or the homestead; and Mrs D. Melotyre in New Ontario. Tidings From Athens. . #fi=Rora..on Janua Milton Mansell has moved reside: Wolfe | where McCarnock's Mrs. Rebecon Snider; wid AthenySaul sha. 1st; to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hiroe P" daughter. another who urges reform in this - At the municipal election on Monday, (elected. Miss Leita Arnold has return- od to Queen's, Kingston, Mrs, 'Hodges, of Swift Current, Sask., has arrived to spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. H. ddckfon. Mise Ruth Read' entertained a number of little girls very pleasantly, Thursday 'even- of last week. The adult Bible class of the Methodist Sunday school treated the inmates of the House of Industry ta _an oyster supper on New Year's eve. There was.a watch- night in All Pedple's mission on December 31st. Wallace Johnston, divinity student at Wyclifie College, | Torondo, supplied for Rev. R. BB. Pat terson very acceptably in the Anglican | ehureh Sabbath last. Among re- {eent guesis were : George Taylor and family, Boston; A. E. Donovan, M, P.P., Toronto; Dr, C. €. Nash, King- stop: Willard Spicer, Newhoro; A. Gardiner and family, Regina; Mrs. A. J. Slack, Smith's Falls; A, Brown and family, Morton; © Miss Fahey, Philipsville; Miss Mabel Slack, Brock: ville; Miss Florence Hawkins, Smith's Falls; Lewis Brown, Fort William ing service on Westbrook News, Westhrook, Jan. 7.~At the rueeét ng, on Wedne«day of last tivorgé Keil was apport Ww. Kail, blginburs, lays. with-his cousin Misy_ Lorraine Smith F'eronto, wrmel ed a numbes school week, ted trustee. G) spent the holi- Howard Keil. his returned to ta posing growed at the school, Mes eruy entertain of fiends~on Thursday evening. A baby girl has arrived al Joo. Howie's. The Christmas tree ou- tertainment of the Methodist Sunday school, and also the tea meeting were \mccesscs. Mr. and Mre. 5: W, Ander- som and family, of Kinzsion sent a few days recently at J, A. S;rom Mrs. Jemthe Gates is viciting ia Kingsten. Miss Estella Moon, Con way, is the guest of Miss Ina Allport. drval Howie spent a week recently at Hay Bay. Miss Daisy Hilliard, H Kingston, i8 visiting at W. Reynolds', | Perey and Charles Marshall, spent the holidays vith their sister, Mrs. prove, Westbrook. / News From Northbrook. Northbrook, Jan. 5.---John head returned to Latalle on' haf er spending the hohdays ith family, Mrs. Marshall Preslar and chidren are spending a few: weeks in Tamworth. Among those who took their Christmas d nner in town were; Mr. and Mre, Frank Clarke, ot "Flin- ton. at Mr, Win, Both' 8: Mr. and Mrs, Johrson, of Plsina, at Irth Wook Mr. and Mrs. L. Shier at. William At- kin's ; Mr. and Mis at Philip Pelerson's ; "Mr. and Mrs. William Ruttan, and r. and Mis. Charles Ruttan and two children at Robert Abbott's. and Mrs, A. Brownson, of Clare, Mich. were the guests of the latter's brother James Preblar, for a few days. Misses May and Ruth Lloyd, of Napanee, spent tha holiday 'under the parental roof. Quite a number from this village attended the oyster supper in Cloyne, on New Year's night. Miss Adda Pres: ar, peat Christmas day at Keladar street, the guest of Mrs. Alexander | Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rombough spent the gay in Harlowe at W, Seote®s. Stan'ey Whedler has purchas- ed the farm ownea by William Ruttan and Henry Vanese the farm owned. by Peter Vanrss. The teacher, Miss Gertie Rendall has %resuined her duties, after; spending the holidays at her home in Beswronto. Miss Fdna Curtis, of Myer's Cave is Spending a few day with her sister Mie. Henry Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler are visiting friends in Tweed. : * Lombardy' Nev 8 New Louncil. Lombardy, Jap. 6.~Mr, and Mrs. B. Barier and children and Mrs. W. 'aggart, issava n, Man, sre visit: ng relatives in this vidinity. Wed- waday evening, Dec. 20th, the farri- id tcok place in Trinity church, of ws: May Griffin, aod Walter "Tayl 1% the ceremony was periormed bv the sctor, Rev. A. Barcham. Mr. and Mes, faylor lft for a short wedding trip nd in the apriag will gO west, Hi , Detroit, Mich. isvisit ; Francis Healy. Mr i Broad- Thursday, ar Sew Year's Day 'wit, Mes. Vatterash Miss Mary Kelly, loft recently for Uk: aridde, to vSit kor brother. A merry rowd rove to Ridean Ferry on New Year's svening, 8 the rink thers, Miss Rosella O'Marn is taking charge of Lombardy 3shosl for 1910, in succession to Miss NM. Poppelwil, who taught hers dur- ing the past five years, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt, i visited tom hers recently. =i Annie Tamworth, and Miss Marcella ! nelly, who i attending Ottawa -- al school, were recat visitors at Dermady's. conned for 1910 ia: HS > new his | sudohn Kirkpatrick | Mrs. Thomas Pres'sr FOCPPOR [oii past Lacy oe i ad | don't go," } Savers vow : and spent & Tow hours |- for for he hod { sunt with SHEER past bene ; { At the Sign of the Blue. Teapot. "By JANE NB OSHORN > "¥ + +t 4 : tert + Herren Sob Eoity ety ah ad'V: edel the brake man 8. the Philad phn expross was d uwinl ot «tHe Nora termin- an: i ng rate made hes ~ way past the pro ecilag bLusdies "wf or s.mas laden | fdlow, travelers into tie car nhead. the wa in; fe tier Lisek hat, vobuing her energetic .fhngue, strues an instant as sometoing ten th aking a m. me befor, HR, ves 3 oi has to keep me to rupping nity ey," he-sn g,7¢ to his od ie » Lov aml ez.d her vals vet hed boul Lbey, with li concealed embarrass men: at the meetihyg, int troduced him { to her aunt, Mss Etng "We were, | ve v minute, ing of you," 2 wxclauned, ml Thir: js room ahead, , malig » A eat wrth luc facyt loo ed as cists, éxclaim- in ' she Hu 1 if ansom emroatingly at i look in her dyes Ransom wicomion able. sh said, put it Ransom had &'ready her that Please to his mide was. ! Tate, taken returned from their vit the reeve and council of 1902 were re- | vn welcome place, > i "it's a treat seeing you in this part | of the coun ry,' he said, beaming with oll time enthusiasm. "And the funny part of it is that 1 was just going to write to you---"' "Your: always thnzs, Rensom,' "Well, * I= truly 'just goiug to do' interrupted Lucy. was this tire, and Pl tll yowwhy, I have a few davs off at Christmas, and 1 the '1d 8 end them with: youd' "Why didn't, you tell me Lucy asked with a po'ntment, 'hefire 1 flina."' "*{ thought yt ud like i ctme rs a sorgrisy," smoly. "But it s all the bectusa 1 won't have going Wisi 10 you, : it «to eth r inre,'" he ir of having settled a me what Frought a' out ¢ erything you've "I am hee with my el Lucy, "but we aren't gong to be here long ; that is, not \ery long" L' ey stopped a'ruptly. "But eome," Rarsom urged hiv "1 why wad th aking of you, now yor turn to tell why you wete talking about me." 'T suppos> it wes because we near Philadelohia and we knew vou were living there. You are still thers, aren't voit ?' she asked with sud 'en caTof Ss. . aught sooner shade of had disap- made other . Letter if 1 vou teen doing." want," explain it's we wer that "To be sure," he answered Fen in New York on husiness. will sarily stop off with me. you. and 100 amt. Yor weren't going o through without lettin me kaw ** -Lney shook hor head in tive. "Tet's have yonr address. Perhaps I ¢ n persuade vou if 1 write" L eysea el ber handbag and took on mall geld pencil. "Aunt | she ssid, "will you give me n le 7 And while Yer aunt "rust You tae nega n I ovis card, on Lu y's small: speak; | suet x -- 1 'wa co producing it she with her. stand, don't you * Reussom heard her say te card und. erossing Louise Flting," wrote ston." Then she hesitat and gave her address in care » of another aunt. "My forwarded from there sohous being _shivth up wu speed hue Vv. I8:t on 'You und i, BO ml toak "Mise » bm personal conve come into His Bead, > when the two at Phila lel a, he he saw a look ¢ Lucy's "dyes, and the 1¢ for a mo- ment, somet! sng to linger her + lips, « trying to be said, bye." he said, * 1 il write soou.\ For the next in & state of great haps I've offended as seemed on perplexity her, he last ye gone u rs in the 'east ihanswéred for iv," he added; "she ike letter 'writing cluded, "if she a 'hittle, and of she might care more.' With this optimist som spt dowh to one of the tasks he had ever undertaken. ing was a burden at best and any con ventional exprossion of devotion that could think of seemed to him ex ceedingly cheap. At least, by dint much sclf-control, he hor Jetters had weeks. knows how I diz Anyway," he eon- is cares a httle Ran? Nisin, conclusion, he even the doubling Lucy would have to be convinced of his sineerity The Jetier the little kim, for ought to days," he cago, and with her card that the necessary get this thought, * she wires on Christmas Lucy had given address "She in thvee or four 'if who 1g near Chi me I .can be after all As Ransom made these observations, he fumbled the card in contemplation "Hello !"" he sail aloud as his tyes jeaught the reverse side of the card. It looks as if Lucy's aunt had given sway a wandum." He read ack, writien in hand. "The if neles. on | cate feminine Blue Teapot, a deli Sign of the 1679 Hemlock street. Luncheon 11-2. Tea 36. Fancy arti cles Home-made dblicacies, Special list of Christmas pies and puddings." During the days Ransom was in a mood of expectancy and per fect confidence ad to the outcome his proposal, but when Christmas arvived with no telegram he have misgivings. Suddenly it dawned gpon him' that he would have to spend ¢ hris stmas alone; tinet | impression sort Christmas dimmer Yiw French eook the club would probahly produce, he recalled the notes on the back of Miss {Elting's ecard. next four eve as what of to had & wh' 5 wf Thank off { to} left | thought | we foto} 'Good- two days Ransom was | "Per. § he thought, | restized how often during the | "But fure- | ofiended she cares 1 she . an eavor to get rid of it by forming nloérs, tumors, etc, hardest | Writ- | | relief, of | wrote a leer so | f lk Am Aka ska i i {frank and open in 'its declaration that | would: not Hve through it: wisiten, Bansom sought | , large the | of | began to.| { cure her, and then with a dig- | at | | "yourself "Vil get some home-made things and | have them he walked Hemlock street Ransom never room before, out of place in the Sign of the Teapot. The feminine, wouldbe panese. atmosphere of the place, anging paper wistaria, 'the slight i bambege chairs andi tables, the cheap {Japgafce prints and potiery, and. the inappropriate array of holly and ever- green struck him as being exdbedingly | {iragile. He walked with careful past the cases filled with home-made holy-tiimmed = pastr Then, as he passed the desk, his caught sight ent aver,' toward the he thought new tearoom late that afternoon had been in a te as m Blue Ja- eyeg AN ERMINE OPERA COAT nnn I , Z , \ ~ Soy, the | {dress to the Sign of the Blue Teapot : Deeply | and he felt singujarly | this' ow handwriting. steps | | came por the {| excitement | mount to hor cheeks pa she { paid check, hurried - the corner LOCAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS The health we enjoy depénds very largely upgri how the blond circulates in our bodies. im-olker wots, 1€ we have perfect circulation we will have perfect health There a constant wearing ouf of the tissues In _ every part uf the body, The biood 0 theough the veins carries off this waste or dead matt while the blood coming from the heart thn ugh _ Arteries brings the fresh new living tissue food we. have digested. to replace a ried off. This constant wearing out and expe the dead matter and the replacing of it wh "matter, atom by atom. goes on day amd ar in about 7 years a complete change has been effected. Thus every man and womah has an en erent body in every particle of It from what years before it sometimes happens. however, from » cathy ot cagses, that the blood becomes congested in certain portions of the body. This t the blood ves. séis in these parts become ¢ 1, amd the circus lation in that section of th becomes sjugkizh nnd stagnant. The consequence is that the dead mats- ter In that part of the body is onfy sartially carried away, and that but Httle of the new, vital mailer is introduced there to build up and strengthen the tissues and nerves. This condition invariably exists in all cases of fee male disorders, The dead matter retained in the olf culation, 'which should fiave been expelled, causes Ire ritation and fRammation of the delicate meniherans, and Oppresses the nerfe centres. This condition is the _chuse of the grievous physical and menial suffering hich accompanies female troubles. To obtain reife! it fs evident that the first thing to be done is to get rid of the dead matter which is" be- i held in the circulation. If this dead matter is lowed to remain there a = jes of blood peisoning will result and pature will why ORANGE LILY is so sucessful In ent, and is applied direct to the affected ron The abote explanation will also show curing 'tlifs condition. 1t is & local treat - organs. Its curative. elements are absorbed into the congested ti the very start the dead matter 'heging to be Slscharged. A feel both mental and physical, accompanies ft, and improvew and positive, This feature of the expelling of the dead matter is al to a greater or less extent, afd In same cases it is so marked ay'to oe The case described in the following letter ia not exceptions] Dr. Coonley--I1 am' akful 0 Mrs. F. E urralh, your Canad tive, for my health restored by your wonderful remedy i ave suffered years, but not so bad until 3 ho To Then f had a Souter. whe Jou e b © a. limon Sid oul Ne Acre than a a for him again, and le gave me husband then AX another doctor, who performed an operation, #nd it did me much good. I doctored with bim 3 or 4 months, but became so bad again that I thought I could Hive ne longer, and 1 began to long to ¢ One day my husband came Home and threw a slip of paper to me wit irs dress and told mea lady had advised him to write to hér for a 'would cure me, I sald it was 100 te i Anat 3 would die any "| teacup without hurting me en we first docto old ie ny var, my husband sent for ORANGE LILY, 284 tle Lrought away one t@mor. Others followed, unty J tumors ha ones and 4 small oes. I know If it had not b n for world have died, for I could mot lve mu h longer 5 Ag have at one hundred dollars for a month's treatment instead St. one fis weight i gold. --MRS, GEO. LEWIS, Hi misville, Ont. ta eaatiedt Fhe 'bard iter is pubilaned wb R11 LOWS SLi sore patient foo 39 9 a A ee ly configen be « ASO = 18 ¢ els A at a ing" sacred she 1s willing to Shake the whiter kr OW for the bens efit and encouragement of her suffering sists ORANGE LILY is a positive, sci- tific remedy for all disorders of the ale functions. Ag explained above 2% troubles are of local origin, nod requide local ' treatmgnt It is just as sensible to take medicine igternafly for female troubles as. it would be to take medicine internally for a bruise, a boll or an ulcerated tooth. In all these cases some dead matter fs be ing retained, and the cure is affected by employing local methods for ex- elling the dead matter.' ORANGE ILY has antiseptic, soothing and healing properties, and also tones up and invigorates blood vedsels ane nerves. 1 am. so anxious that eve rT suffering womin may satisfy herse Tv without cost to that I hereby make the following FREE TRIAL OFFER 1 will send, without charge, to every reader of this notice who suffers way from 'asy of the troubles pecullar to women, if she will send dnough of the ORANGE LILY treatment to last her ten days trial atnient is all that is necessary to effect a complete, instance it will give Very hoticaabls relief If you ngs 1 to your family and to your friends to take ive in the privacy of your home, without doctors' FRANCES E., CURRAM, Windsor, I repo HHH =F COURSE You use Oyste rs--but Our Oysters. You are not gefting the satisfaction you should get. amazing. lian representa for to die. My third been ORANGE PY i ight it cheap It is worth dolla All lett he r, that OR cured Address MRS, Py Ont. of a letter, apparently unepe nd. Miss Lucy Prescott,' ip said: Forgetting his foriner trepidation, walked quickly up and recogmized The lottér had the Chicago ad- he been redirected from Ransom sat down American approached | her | astonished, Presently a substantial woman, clad in a kimoba,' him. She stood' beside ham, | poised on her hips. 'Order, sand. "Tea, please, ' he answered Just then from the back of the shop Lacy Prescott She hutried to the desk. Ransom, too much *urptised minute to move, her | seized the letter with apparent He watched the color read called, "I'm gomg to to send a telegram. While you take charge; of the] AA Fn 4: { | fs | ¥ ¥ * * * (& : * ¥ 5 watched CAE as she * "Molly," she on 1 m gone checks." Ransom rose and and the geisha girl, sped adter her, magddfol of an un in pursuit. "Your she called; but Ransom hal stopped Lucy at the door. ail} was coming back with her. s i nw, "Fo'low me," said Lucy, leading the way to the pantry and there, by the dith light that displays carefully ar ranged tea canisters, sugar Boxes and butter erocks, and whole rows of lit tle blue ten pots, she explained : | Aunt Louise gnd:1 decided tea room Teaching and had to do some took what little capi and came to make ar rangemerts for a in Boston New York--wé didn't went where everyones knows us. right on teaching till she wired that she had made all the plans and | would meet me in New York, Of | course, 1 whs completely. .dumbiound- | ed. She didn't kpow about you, 1 that I hadn't told ber that vou werg jn Philadelphia. "1 hadn't = the most remote idea of how you feli, then, and saturally 1 didn't wat vou | to think I had. followed Sou' ! Then wou weren't oftended when you saw nw the train ?"_ Ransom asked, i ~Well, not exactly ofiendal, Ran- som, but 1 was so cross tq think that | you hadn't let me know before that $e wanted to spend Christmas with "saick Lucy dubiouwsly. "1 should | he "very efoms with yom now for pe i Aunt Louise ami had to go all the way 16 Wilmington asd back so. that you woulda' t koow-thal rere cof check, sir," HAS HH HAASE W. H. Carnovsky, On the Corner Brock and Wellington Sts. Ee E RRHAIERN ork Chi ad 3 "You, see, to run a hard igr me, thing. . So she tal we had we | Time and Experience WeorH a Multitude of Changes What & May to-day " dows. New idéss are ©O} d splacing "old This is an We want shop or wank beat a few veurn a be to start Re. | worth. tantly we pracimenall and belogged of vou to ons. age progres £IVeness. know that or is on fi ¥% (Who infusé bs latest, niost practical trained hinds snd un 335. David Hall 66 Broek St tO our ° t why don't -you ask me howe: Ho ad to find out?" asked Ran som eagerly. : i "Because, to tell you frankly 1! knew . Aunt Louise discovered later | that she bad givens you one of her litle advertisement tards, and Lv been hoping ever since that vou might find it some time: And you've some just in time----" "To get the answer?" "Ransom, Yes; cial list dings." interrupted "and of eat [res to help us hristmas ' William L. Mages, cork 'of the marine gnd fin partment, Ottaws, and conned that department, sinee conlec died on Friday. He was one 'of best "authorities on marine maYiers in Canada, He leit one son and one of the lat vy Picton SPECIAL Catspaw Rubber Heels put on at 30ec_ ga pair. Done 'while Jou wait, All kinds of Rubber Heels carried in stock. JOHN GREER, 285 Princess St, IT Tut Board of Ottava police ehmimise 'toners, at the regent of Chief Con- stable De In Ronde, has redevad him vom further ser¥ich, ig 1] two being by Lieuts. Stitlal 0. § company.