vy > Raccoon - Coats 10 ONLY $35.00 149-165 Drock St. aia JOHN McKAY | FEAR * SAVINGS ACCOUNT : THE Banko! Toronto 9X5 DOLLAR op the 32 twice a year. A Gueral Banking Business Yrans- acted. Your Account Solicited. . _Pgid up Capital $4,000,000 Reserve bund $4,750,000 Assets . $47,900,000 Kingston Branch: 107 PRINCESS BTREET. B. McKay, ¥ Dustbane, A Sanitary Sweeping Compound It's a dust absorber and germ killer. It cleans floors and brightens carpets. , Distribute 4 handful of two in a line at beginning end to sweep and sweep In the ordinary way, using an ordinary broom or brush. Dustane is adapted for use on Carpets, Mat | tings and Rugs, Floors of all kinds. OUR GUARANTEE: ~--After using a week's trial, If satisfaction has not been attalmed return balance of can and gét your money back. _ 8Bc pkgs. Household Bie. MITGHELL'S HARDWARE | 85 Princess St., Kingston, Ont, In. South Dakota thousands of sheep have been kitlod during the last few days Ly the cold. Revillon Frees - ESTABLISHED 1728 The largest dealers in Puis and Skins in the world, We pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Raw Furs and Skins Honest assortment, Quick returns Ask for our 19091910 PRICE LIST « IT'S FREE OPFICE AND STORERGOMS | 134 and 136 McGill St, Montresl. WE PAY EXPRESS CHARGES, The Atlatitic steamship companies agreed to an advance in west-hound passenger rates of at least five per cent, 'We have just received from Manchester, England, and Belfast, Ireland, the over makes and mill ends of three of the largest manufactarers of Linens and Cottons ever imported to this city, which we have. placed on sdlé at prices 20 to 30 per cent. lower than our regulir prices. These goods were. bought 'at the mills by Mr, Waldron when "in, England. and Ire'and, before. the price of Cottons atl: Linens "advanced in price. They compri ise rem- "nante of Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Odd White, Quilts, Bedroom Towels, Table * Lidens, odd dozen and buif dozen Table - Napkins, Roller Towellings, Glass Towel- lings, Réady Made Sheets, Plitow Cases, _ ached Table -Cloghs, Dish Towellings, Pillow and Drawn Wark Linens, )oyles, etc. You will find. this an excel he to 'replace your winks "ia hia oe of gone at this « ale. Jf view 'THE BRITISH DAILY WHIG, 1 NOVEHENT ON FOOT TO ORGANIZE CANADIAN CLUB x, KINGSTON. ) | Meeting to be Held in the Bowrd of | {Trade Ropms on Monday Fvening | ==--Over 100 Citizens Already Pledg, © od ad Members. at We are glad 10 note that a vigor: ous movement is now on foot for the organization 'of a Canadian Club in this city. As announced in another column a meeting 'of those interested | is to be held next Monday evening, in the Board of Trade rooms. Ths 15.a project in) which all citizens 'of Kings- ton can heartily unite in the interest of good ritizenship, and for the foster. ing of national sentiment. The con- stitution well sets forth the aims of the club in these words : "It is -the purpose of the club to foster patriotism by encouraging the study of the institutions, history, arts, literature and resources of Can- ada, and by endeavoring to unite Canadians in such 'work for the wel fare and progress of the dominion as may be desirable and expedient." It is perhaps & matter of surpri that this city has so long delayed (in the organization 'of such a club, in of the fact that the movement lis so widespread in Canada, but, uo doubt the olub, when formed, will make up for lost time by Mving its members the opportunity of hearing the most prominent men in Canada discuss matters of universal interest." We understand that the commitice in charge of the organization has the namén of over one hundred citizens who wish to become members, and it ~ {is expected that the membership will soon reach four hundred. The annual fee of one dollar will be money well dspent. SIR GILBERT PARKER. SPLENDID SHOWING For 1009 of North American Life Assurance Co. | The following is an extract from a letter received hy W. Fair, from the 'North American i Assurance Co., this morning : | "In every department tending to the progress and prosperity of the company, suabstatitial increases have been made. The new business is over $5,000,000, which is a handsome in- crease over the previous year; the pre- mium income, as also the interest re- ceipts show notable increases; the assets are $900,000 more than a year ago; while the net surplus will now total over $1,000,000--this, 'notwith- standing that pearly $140,000 was paid to polityholders on that. account for the year 1909. An important fea- {ture is that 'the ratio of expenses will remain about the same as the pre- ,vious yer, notwithstanding the fine gains that have been made in the dif- ferent items referred to. A VOICK FROM PORTSMOUTH. Regarding Local Option | And License Fee. { i resident of Portsmouth asks the | Whi g the following questions : "With regard 'to raising the license hoe, in what month must council take action to make it apply or begin May Ist ? | "What number of ratepayers must tition the council to give the people chance to vote on local option x Questions Answers--1. The Teounel would have 'to pass a bylaw raising the fees by 'March Ist. | 2, When twenty-five per cent. of the "Yatophyers petition. for local option, the council iv bound to submit a re ferendam to the people. . Died In \ Pitsburg Township. foltly and tenderly the angel of deuth hovered over the home, of the late M 8. Wilinin Peaton and when he d parted the sorrowing relatives were mourning over 1h» lifeless form their dear one. For the last two years luv tors, Margaret and Heleva, have faithfully fiona the duties of -nurse, ably assisted by far adopted som, William J. Smith. Be ing a staunch Presbyterian in relic gion desth "had vo terrors for . her, and sh: had a reverence for her church, eh, Shichi: oe a nitend- led, itted a sister wie Whol pumitial:| esi 3 i HL sovap | Mrs. Tames Wa. INCIDENTS, oF THE D DAY. ---------- Newsy, LFandutaphe Picked Up By Re On Their, Rounds. Chios capi ilbert's. | George Purdy, of Srdinbam, was 'a {visitor in the city to-day. { ""Kasagra" in 25. pottles at Gh fons Red Cross drag' Store W. Dowker, Verona, hits returned Ye a wip to Butte, Molitana Wil iam Swaine, piano tuner, "Orders recvived at "5. 'Phone 178, Mre. Puller arg Soy Putman, Buffs. | to, N.¥,, are nd and Mrs George Leunox, Piincuss street, . H. Uynningham, piano tuner from 'hickening's. leave orders at' Mes Auley s bookstore. Messrs. Card aid McDermott are en- gaged in building * a new. landing at Wolfe Island, jor the steamer Walie Islander. ; *Menthol. apd eucalyptus" throat tablets. The strong kind are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mayor Arthur - Loyst, reeve of Souta uetctizashueg. is 4 candidate lor the w nship Legpox and Addington. The vote in Pietov for local option was © for, 590 ; against, 415. 'The vote lacked thirteen ol reaching the . three fifths majority. "Omega oil," good for sore muscles. Buy it at Gibson!s Red Cross drug store. H. W. Newman Electric conipany has purchased the entire stack 'of the Turnbull Electric &nd Manufacturing company, People are beginning to find out that 40c. Royal tea is equal to any put up, and the premium is a free gift. On sale at Gilbert's. Unequalled for coughs and colds, Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam, in large bottles, 25¢., at Prouse's drug store, (up-town post' office branch.) Mrs. Frances R. Robinson, the act- ing Victorian Order nurse, .is serious J ill, of pneumonia, at her home, 296 Jueen street. Norway Cod Liver oil, fresh and pure, at Frouse's drug store, corner Pritress and Clergy streets. vn Dec. 29th, Miss Maud Jaughtar of David Gilmour, and/' Wesley Perschbacher, were quietly married. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rove cel ehrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage at their home near BL ack Creek on New Year's Day, "Rubber sponges." 1t pays to bay these at Gibson's Red Cross drug cagking ges, "30c. a doz, at Gilmore, Picton Toronto +f store, It is reported that Levi Williams. North Marysburgh, has been . com mended for the appointment to the office of police magistrate for Picton. Corsets of every description, ordered or re)Ny-made, all prices. We make a specialty and know what will suit the figure, New York Dress Reform. Mrs, Frederick €. Schoenthal and Miss E. Lennox, Buffalo, XY are vis- ing their mother, Mrs. '» Lennox, Wellington street, James Irvine, civil engineer for the Kingston and Pembroke railway, with wife and child, have left to spend a couple of weeks at Montreal, their former home. Nyal's sore throat cure will cure that sore throat. Sold at Prouse's drog store, (up-town post office branch.) Michael MeGlade, C.P.R. locomgtive engineer, pleaded guilty at Perth to beaig intoxicated while on duty iy | charge of a freight train fined $100 {and costs. Sale of flecce-lihed undervests, 230. drawers to match, 25c% extra strong woolen stockings, 25¢. New York Dress Reform. R. Downer, of Oakwood, is a gra: duate of the Kingston Dairy School. He has taken prizes at Toronto fairs. U can get his butter at Gilbert's stores. Another runaway occurred at noon, to-day, when the black horse owned by Lewis Martin ran ayay on King street. The animal was/ caught before any serious damage wag done. The many friends of Thomas Healy, conductor oh. the Kingston and Pem broke railway, will he sorry to learn that he +s laid fp at the gencral hospital. Some few weeks ago he suf- fered au injury to his leg, and this nocessitated him going the hospital. The men building the runway from the wharf 19 the ice at the ferry wharf, had a mixep with an islanders, this morning: Tho. man wanted to drive down and the workmen would not let him. The police were called, and settled the affair without any blows being struck. To, restore gray hair to its original colaf and prevent esx Hair Restorer. Sold in hyis: ties at Prouse's drug store (u post office braach Peg Stiodden, Constables wv: spon | dues and « McCarey, and R. McCarey, spent Friday on a fox hunt in the country. The party leit at eight o'clock in the morning, returned early in the evening. Some onc Syst have TS ut he foxes wise that theghun i with he ghain are all th the i Ah he ig caver and did not ee al a, pha S se Compittees Changes 16 be Made," he ramen ate that there will be baldness use Peer | _ SATURDAY, Saxuary 8. 1010, VESTER BOSTON - TO » EXPLAIN WHY HE ATTEMPT ED SU 1CIDE, : William Eijipgwood to Appear in Montreal Counft -- New York 'Restaurant People Lease Building |. in Moutreal. Montreal : i "Rea Witinm Elling- wood, ther lpvesick Bostonian, who aviempted. to commit suicide on the 'Upper Lachine 'Road, a couple_of weeks ago, by putling three bullets into his body, was removed from the Western to: .the Ndtre Dame hospital. Elling wood is under awest on a charge of attempting to commit suicide, and, as' there are better favilities at thie Notre. Dame - hoapital - for' 'haldirg him in' custody, it was thought best to re move him there until hd is ready to go before the court to-day or Mon- day. Ly ; 5 It is announved - that Robins com- pany, veal estate ngents, Toronto, have leased 237 and 234 McGill street, owned by thé late G. W. Stephens, to the Childe restaurant people," New York, for twenty-one years, with the option of renowal. The Childs' restau- rant proprietors own several places in New York, bul this is their first entry inter Canada The Property leased here is on' the = west side of MeGill street, between Notrg. Dafse [and Su James streets, . re ind THE LORDS LONG AGO. . ---- . When Mr. Lloyd-George Viould Have ' Been Ranged, ¥ Mr. Lloyd-George should be than ful that he lives inthe twentieth cen- "« § Rie probability is' that,hé would, have been hanged! For in those times the Lords were mightier than the men, and brooked no interference with either their privi- leges or their pockets. And when a champion of the commoners, named Fitz-Osbert, boldly declared that taxa- tion should be proportioned to the power to bear if, he was promptly hanged as a thinker:in advance of his age! The Lords of long ago, indeed, had many little eccentricities, which a perusal of "The House of Lords™ Fisher Unwin--will reveal. There would have been no indigna- tion in the House of Commons in the Middle Ages at the prospéet of the Lords throwing out one of their Bud- gets, for in those pre-Winston Chur chill days the members of the Lower Chamber were. humble to the point of helplessness. When Edward III. for instance--t0 whose account must be laid the cresting of the first duke consulted/ them with respect to the French war he was waging, they sent him this reply: "Most dreaded Lord,--As to your war and the equipment necessary for it, we are so ignorant and simple that we know not how, nor have the power, to devise. Wherefore, we pray your Grace to exctise us in is matter, and -that it please you, with advice of the great and wise persons of your gouneil, to ordain what seems best to you for the hour and profit of your- self and of yow m; and what qotver Shall' bo thus ordained by a sent and agreement for you and your lords we readily assent to and will bold it firmly established." In od Quenn Bess's days they Nate aah incapable. When their died they had to consult the to what they were to do, Lots the Queen, hearing of it, of statesmanlike "and solved, What would the Westminster police constables think if, one day, Lord Rosebery, Lord Lansdowne, and' Lord Crewe turned up at the House, each with 'a small army at his back? Yet, such was the habit of Lords in the For bishops and eal =F, to be 100 ) mata, or abbots and barons £ Librarians' Hawlam, fit. ae ol i ! | ary. If he had teed, in good King |. ard Coeur-de-Lion's glorious days 4 Mat Supper I Salo 230t0 10 To-Night ag 'We: have just secured Several "real good \ bargains These we will place on sale To- * Night' at 7.30, 100 Men's Fine All-Wool Undershits All 'different makes and all of a good ; Weight These were an importing. firm's | "SAMPLE LOT. Most of these Shirts are worth $1. 'Some are worth more. ~~. . Your Choice To-Night §9c. 90 Pairs White Flannelette Blankets 11x4 sizes. Sold usually at $1.25 pair. Yours To-Night 99¢c Pair 90 Women's Flannelette, Nightgowns Made of a good serviceable Striped Flannelette. SPECIAL TO-NIGHT 40c. Special To:Night and Monday All Children's Winter Coats At One-Third Off. Even if not quite ready to buy, come and see these stylish Coats. All new this winter. You may choose one or more and have it placed aside if you wish. Ladies' Winter Underwear _ Undervests and Drawers, 25c, 3be, 49¢, 75¢, $1, both White and Natural Wool. LADIES' COMBINATION SUITS, Natural Wool and 'Pure White Unshrinkable Wool. i # The Finest Boot Made For Our: . Canadian Winter. [éat shape, eis and heel, ¢ felt fining all through. A Light Weight Winter Boot. Can be wo) any. and all times without * rubbers. Guaranteed to cure cold feet. | Prices § mi , y $5.00 ' Ladies, $3.50 Fine Boot, ni SHOE - STORE ie 5 AD