; PAGE POUR. ~ THE BRITISH DAILY we. _. MONDA % IaNTARY do. 1910. / Even an expert won't buy ll coffee by its looks. He wants I! totasteitin the cup--because ell coffee looks very much alike. If your want a delicious cup of safe, §5L.2 Sram a brand that The delightful flavor and fro rant aroma of the finest offee berries are brought Sirack to your table by means of the sealed cans. . The flavor and aroma are, sealed in. Incist on haying Chase & Senborn's "Seal Brand' Coffee in 1 and 2 pound sealed ever sold in bulk, 13 CHASE & SANBORN, - Montreal. : i ple, and public opinion all. THE GIRL AND THE BEE, A Bory of the Ignorance of a City | Girl, The city girl coming down to break- fast at the a plate of honky. on the "Oh; 1 vee you kedp a bee, Fhat's about talk aboyt the blight of baldness as if a bwld head was something got all at once instead of being of the hair known remedy, Newbro's Herpicide. Nowbgo's Herpicido is any more than electricity is a fluid. in an exterminator, pure "Destroy the causg, you remove effect Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, jn stamps for sample to the Herpicide One dollar bot- spe- Co., . Detroit, tlos guaranteed. inl ageut. Now that Christmas is over you will be Jeauiring something in Wines 2 Liquors for the New Year. And you can get the best at R. LAWLER'S, Golden , Lion Block. Agent tor Mecorhys Ale. Water. Mich. G. W. Mahood, | . ford Pinchot, | fire until Mr. form house and Uhiving | table said, the way some people -just ope the result of long depletion by an imsidis pits germ which thrives upon the roots and succumbs to ouly ene not a tonic 1 and simple. the |THE WHIG, 77th YEAR 1. DAILY BRITISH wHIG, published at [at 30. # King stresi, kings Ontario at L308 per year. ra ay 2.90 and 4 4 WEEKLY BUITISH WHIG, 18 veges, | published in parts on Mondays and i Burs Se marning at $1 a year. Ie Vaned tates, charge for Pp | added, making hip De Dey 35 $3 --- be | Weekly $1.50 per year | Attached is one of the best Job Print- 1ing Offices ' in Cangda ; rapid, stylish, {and cheap work ; sine fmproved presses. | The British Whig, Publishing Cs., Ltd. i : EDW. J. B. PENSE, | Managing Director: "Cham- HE i * TORONTO OFFICE, Suite 19 od: 20 City | bers, 82 be pronto! ; iii NP P., Daily Wibig. TAFT AND THE GRAFTERS, Surely the president of the United States has been belied ! It is reported 'that he is mad; very mad, because Gil- the chief forester of the | nation, has handed out more informa- fi tion touching the huge graft in which (the head of the interior Qopartment is linvolved. Mr. Ballinger a Ane who, in practice, acted for the big lumber and one had a deal is | coal syndicates, and lon for territory in Alaska worth hun- | dreds of millions of dollars. It hung Ballinger got into the {government, apd it hung fire then be 'cause Mr. Pinchot, the protector of the i { people' # interests, objected. The presi- | dent is slitged to have intervened on { | Ballinger's behalf, and with the result , | that Mr. Pinchot appealed to the peo- scored them The matter has rested for a while, but it which has been revived by a letter Mr. Pinchot sent to a senator, recalling some of the facts, and quot- ing the action of certain public offi- by thrusting themselves between the gov- {einls, who sinned most grievously ernment and the syndicate. The president is" annoyed because a of his, that no official in- formation be handed out without his has been. disobeyed. He | may feel like dismissing Mr, Pinchot, {but he Why ? Here is a man of wealth who is sorving the peo- command | permission, dare not. ple as & matter of pleasure and who cares for no one. Mr. Taft cannot, national as the head of the government, afford to mix himself up in any petty business where the spoilsmen rule Jor there may be humiliating exposures. Note--Snce the above was written Mr, Pinchot has been dismissed hy Mr. Taft. It mal prove a serious matter for 'the president. NOT FAIR TO KINGSTON. former resident of the city, 'and one who is still interested in its pro- deal could be done to boom Kingston if the railway companies could only be induced to treat it fairly. He recalls the experience of a friend who wanted to get off hess, en route from Chicago to Boston, and could not buy a stop-over ticket. Such a thing "OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO conta' Found a a goo] Yon ty-five Ontario street. Andrew at forty-five tobacco. Why Maclean, is 1OT impossible with' other places, | but with Kingston the railway com- panies exhibited no concern, and prob. ably will not do so until there is pres- sure applied of some kind. Nor is this all. The same traveller got off at Kingston, on the way back to Chicago, took a drive about it, and expressed delight with all that he had been seeing. THe old city is beau tilully situated, and it has historic spots of the greatest interest. But the pleasire of the visit was spoiled by the difficulty of getting a trunk out of Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 20i. DAY or NIGHT bond. Visitors have no meang ° of knowing that a customs' officer has a specific hour for ntiendance at the Grand Trunk depot. Hf he cannot re- main always on duty he should be there when the trains arrive and de- Wah Long's Laundry First-class Jrork | Fuathnteed. Drop Me a Fill 18 wil Fats een rack a. Clarence WELLER ly - pact, and he should be able to = offer the utmost facilities for travel, o- pecially by thove who are willing to visit the city and spend thei? mousy in it' AEN] RRA po * et Privates BGG and PRA. The Whig is aed 10 call a@ition to some of the antique practices that { rempin, and to advocate such mea: jatires as will serve the city the stop- 'over railway privileges, of 'which it is 'now denied. The miotto of the al dermen, the members of the board of Frade, of all and sundry: who have a} aE voice they can raise t8 advantage, should be, 'I Willol. Jt is the motto of the man everywhere who means ad- vancement. and who can overcome gress, writes to the Whig that a great] glorious caret: in sculptufe Tiber: was the equal cf. any map on thé continent, and. Allward will be amon; ng the foremost in his age; in Jetters the people did not know their own riches; | in law Blake and Oslor ranked with Webster; in politics the names of Mac: donald and Mowat will be inseparably, connected and universally honoured. ' But the words of some of tories and books of the times, and presefved in thé public libraries, Had the men of ~Untario whom he named | been born in Quebec, they would have received the homage which was their | due, Which suggests that there is a local wense in which men should be affec- tionately = remembered and revered. Kingston had for many yearf the practice of providing the pictures of those who - served 5 the ple as mayors. This was #t the cost of the friends "af each. The practice has. cessed and the finest portrait gallery in the city is now deficient in several respects. The men who serve the peo- ple efficiently and well are worthy of remembrance. Ju the city hall there are the pictures of Judge Hagarman, James O'Reilly, Sir John Macedon: ald, Michael Flanagan, and others whose names are linked*With the his tory of. the city. There coyld be add- ed many more whose lives were, in a sense, | consecrated to the service of the people, and who were willing to spend of this strepgth in the people's interest. Sir Willrid is right. The people of should 'think more of the men who, in their callings and profes have 'reached distinction, and | their thoughts and deeds should be preserved for the inspiration they of- Ontario sions, ford to succeeding generations. EDITORIAL NOTES. The, lords will go into rétreat this week, and prepare for the worst. All signs point to some result that will affect: their pride and purse. The Ottawa, Free Press intimates that the liberal candidate solected for the bye-election is not agreeable to the premier. This is a strange state mend to make, and apparently with- out authorily. the charge"that during the South Af rican war he sat in the commons and cheered the Boers. One peer, who reported the slander publicly, has had to publicly apologize therefore. The Spectator does not credit the English papers with much life in educating the masses on the political questions of the day. They correctly report the speeches of tho leaders, and that is a great thing. Even the Daily Mail prints the 'speeches of Lioyd-George, and that is the limit of political favour. -- The sorry part about the Whitelaw Reid letter is that it was onginally addresséd to a Canadian who is now a candidate for the imperial com- mons. 'The ambassador is an old campaigner, however, and should not write letters on politiegl subjects at any time, " The president has not squelched the Ballinger scandal by bouncing the public officials who acted as th¥ na tion's pglicemen. Mr. Pinchot is rich ard can do without an office which he adorned. he president will suffer from public criticism. He though not intentionally, as a tector of the land grabbers. . pro- One of the Canadian correspondents who has gone to England to judge public opinion moro correctly than it could be by reading the ordinary cabr legrams, says the issue is this ; "More room, more rights, more authority for. the common people." The matter being in the hands of the people they will be to blame if they do not what they want. THE oY COUNCIL. (Continued 4 from Page 1.) as such during 1910. AM. Craig said that the water works commities should have got some bredit for = ye ing off $10,000 of the it of which had been wiped out by on year's council. He hoped, however, that no such financing would be adopt- ai Peter to pay Paul, taking the water works' rest fund. Ald: Elliott moved, seconded by Aid. Chown, that the eouncil appoint the mover, the seconder and Alds, Riguny, Kent, Brora} Harty and 'Givens 8 Soph appoint the standing mittoes of the year, the committee retired asked Ald. Eiliott if an af n made to consult "both hiduse as to forming the com. Last year of "the mittees, had : SE il AM id would be patient" and allow the to retire: he most, stisfi 1 - intron these were: worthy of being carried into Phe hind | rloyd-George gives the lie direct to | appears | get | iS i and | which were dopted wi without dissent : . The Standing Co « 'ommittees. Finance--The Mayor Alds. Carson, Chown, Givens, Kent, Rigney.. : Bodrd of Works--A'ds. Chown (chair man), Car Hanle, Harty, Hoag, Kent, Mel ¥. i" Light, Héat and Power--Alds. El fhiots Chair) "Craig, Hauty, Me Kay, MeCana, Rigney, Toye. Waterworks--Al Craig (chairman),. Graham, Harrison, McCartney, Moe {Larthy, McKay, Toye. Fire and Light--Alds. Rigney tehair- an), Bailey, A hows. Clugston, Giv- ens, 'McCann, Robertson. City Property--Alds. Graham (ohair- imanj, Armstrong, Clugston, Havley, Harrison, Hoag, McCarthy. Parke--Alds. Kent (chairman), Arm- strong, Bailey, Givens, McCartney, Me- hay, tpon. Printing--Alds. (chal man), Graham, Harrison, on anal Me Camm. - House of Industry--The mayor and Alds. 'Armstrong, Harrison 'and Rob ertson. Industries--Alds. McCann, man), Carson, Bailey. ' of Edueation--Dr. A, W. Rich ardson, Prof. John Marshall and J. P. Hanley. . Sdhool of 'Mining--A1ds. Carspn and Givens. Ald. Chown 'moved, seconded by. Ald Carson,' that the resignation of Ald. McCarthy as member of the board of education be accepted. Alds. Hoag and Graham thought that the resigna- tion should first go to the board of education. The motion, however, was adopted. " Jom ad" the following, 7 {chairman}. Elliott im {chair Communications Read. Jobs L. Whiting, solicitor for Ma- ti la Hiteheock, Johnston street, aek- ing for damages on account of in jury at eorner of Johnston and Aber {een streets. Ross Robert@on, re work Masri for Sick Children, " : Maxwell, session clerk, Chal mers church, submitting resolution of {the session, which expressed its dis {approval of the tax on Chinese laup- 'dries, " James Gillies, asking permiscfon to erect a sign on the building. occupied by the G.N. W. Tel. Coli D. M. Mcintyre, city solicitor, . and city engineer, reportihg regarding bu siness before the board of railwa commissioners, Board of Trade, street improvement. City clerk, reporting on by-laws. Secretary-trearurer board 'of educa tion stating that the retiring trustees are Prof. Marshall and Dr. A. W ! Richardson. Danvel Byron and others asking per {mission to break stone at the city quarry. W. A. MeC arthy, M.D., tendering his resignation as member of the board of education, of 'the re question of Bylaws and ) and Motions. By-laws for appointment of board of sducation, court of revision, board of health 'and 1 ining school members, for fixing thi: year's assessment, for purchasing a fire engine, for purchase of antl oe tending Sydenham and Up per William street were passed. W. H. Godwin and George CLifi were named as members of the court of revision. AM. Rigney stafed that the method adopted last year was 10 appoint one member 'of the board from each poli- tical side. He appealed to the inde pendent members of the council or the fairness of this. Accord ingly, he moved that the name of T. P. Minnes be substituted in the by- law for that of W. H. Godin A short © political talk" edsued on colincil appointments. Ald. Kent held that if otis were to be kept out of the council the conservatives shouldn't oppose the appointment of as good a man as W, H. fiodwin. A vote was taken on Ald. Rigney's amdndment, and it carried on a yote of 11 to 9 The following yeas and nay. votes was taken on the original by-law :-- Yeas--Mayor Couper and Alds. Car son, Craig, Clugston, EHiott, Kent, McCarthy, McKay, Robertdon--9. Nays--Alds. Armstrong, Bailey, Chown, Givens, Graham, Hanley, Hat rison, + Hoag, Mc®ann, McCartney, Rigney-- ~11. The amended by-law was passed and the Court of Revision members are thecefore, T. D. Minnes and George Chiff. John Lemmon snd H. Taylor were MI-0-NA RELIEVES STOMACH MISERY Al- MOST IMMEDIATELY. "HM the food you ate ab your lust médal did not digest, but laid for a long time like lead on four stoma®h, then you have indigestion and quick action should be taken. + OF éolirse there are many other symptoms of indigestion, such az bel- hi up of sour Sood, heaggburn, iin, shortness of bréath foul breath, and if you have any of them your stomach is out of werder and should be corrected. talilets have eetion Be a and wnt [cen \--+ Borrien AT TE SPRmes, Bupa PEST. MunGARY. Women Cannot Le Strong and Healthy Unless the Kidneys aré Well. Weak, lame or ashing b | backs are Ye first sign of Kidney T' Under ordinary conditions they o ght to be strong and ready to bear the burdens of life. It is hard to do housework with/a weak and aching back. Backaches eome {rom sick kidneys; and what a lot 'of trouble sick kidneys cause. But they can't help it. = If more work ia put on then than they can stand it is not to be wondered that they get out of order. Weak back is simply s warning from the kidneys and should be attended to immediatély so as to avoid years of terrible i Md from kidney troubles. 'Doan's Kidney Pills"will cure you in the same way as they have cured thousands of others. ' Miss Alberta B. Clarke, 8 y Creek, Ont., writes:--"1 was An ubled with kidney Sroulile for seve ears; m back Tos I Kad such verrible bead. aches, and was go restless I could not sleep t night and tried everything without y benefit. 'Meantime a friend advised me to tey. Doan's Kidoey Pills, so I got four boxes ad they eomplatgl, y pured.o 1 now feel as well as I ever did atid word advise everyone suffering from Kidney Disease to try them." Price 50 cents per bok, or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or The T. Milburr Jo., Limited, Toronto, Ont. o In. .orde:ing specify ' Doan'a." me ---- en -- -- re-appo nied members of the Board of | Heath. i Moved by Ald. Craig, seconded Ald: Rigney that Alds. Craig, Rigney and Harrison be a committee to gon ider and report upon the advisability ind advantages of organizing a cham:} wr of commerce in this city, Carried, | Ald, Craig gave the following notice! f motion : That at the next meeting f the city council, T will move that | he city tavern liquor licenses be ro- | juced from MW tg 25, that is three licenses be cancelled. The council adjourned at ope o retook] on motion of Ald. Carson, ( by Politics Reappear. Politics have again appeared in| the city council: and were introduced | at this morning's inaugural meeting! yy members of the conservative party, Aldermen "Graham, Hoag, and troducing the - discussion. Straight arty votes ensued, with the two. in lependent tibetal members, Alds. J Bailey and Harrison voting with the onservative side and the independent donservative, Ald. Armstrong 'sticking to his political party. 'Ald. Harty ind Tove were absent from the grit samp. 'The conservatives triumphed on x vote of Ll to 9 on the question of re-appointing' W. H. Godwin as sud L 3 Viewed From The Gallery. The council, politigally, is figured as onsisting of thirteen liberals and nine conservatives. Figuring more closely it consists of eleven liberals, sight conservatives and three indepen- lents. If a cahvass of its members wus made, the result would = show twenty-two. independents. Many thought that Ald. Toye would be either chairman - of -the board of works or of water works, Fle is re. cognized as a master of details. The aldermen are seated thus around the horseshoe, from the mayor's right: Als. Armstrong, Bailey, Carson, Chown, Clugston, Craig, Elliott, Givens, Graham, Hanley, Harrison, Harty, Hoag," Kent, McCann, Me- Carthy, McCartney, McKay, Rigney, Robertson, Tove. Ald. Carson will giss his sparring partner, Ald. Nickle, thi: year. AM. Rigney is the 'only lawyer the council. He must feel jonely. The first regular mésting of souncil will take place next Monday evening. ih meetings this week. In a bad Je at the inrm of John | Hufimag, Thurlow township, his barn was burned,. along with grain, farm- ing implements, eighigen cows and four horses.. The loss. aver 8 N00 with , stall insurance. that] ; , 2 buy them. Rigney being the chief speakers in in-| the | The civic committees hold: their first NRW maw BBO SDN ROCRBRBRER : nl d : IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BIBBY'S. Commencing 1910 Our 'Store will Close Sat- urday Evenings at Ten O'clock. - Overcoat Sale - + ' ' ' ' ' . '. : ' mil : y : ' ¢ ' ' t ja : ' E ' ' 3 ' ' ' 4 ' : ' ' ' ' ; ' fa We shall now proceed to close out our Over- ? coats in short order. At the end of this sale we want every Overcoat out of our store. There's no money in carrying Overcoats from one season to the next. Every Overcoat Must Go ¥ ' ' : } 3 Every Overcoat, we own, goes into this sale. | Overcoats made for us by the Best Tailors in the country. Overcoat of elegance and luxury. Over- § coats for all purposes. Come to see these choice garments and learn how little money it takes fo It will pay any man well to buy an Overcoat at this Bale, for the Coat will be good property for several Seasong to come. We Don't Want Profit, We Want Buyers S PECI A L Blue Suits Black Sails We claim to re the best $10.00 Blue and"Black Suits that were ever offered for this price. $10.0 $15.00 ! . Don't miss seeing our New English Wor- sted Suits in Blue and Black, made with: new half inch lap seams. Trousers nice and roomy ; very smart style. THE H. D, BIBBY CO. ) 420 UVBIBVT IVR asaseseyp BABA B LLEVA ANNSS SN. Shoe Repairing Done at the House of Quality is satisfac. tory proof that honest grading, efficient service, coupled with fair prices, wins the confidence of the public. A. E. Herod, Phone 837 > $. Princess St... The House of Quality. 191.98 See the real g 'valuné'in Women's Fine Eaced® Bluchers, regu lar $2. $3.00 250 and $1.98 "Yalues' In our window for .... Hundreds of "other Bargains. ; Ou Sale + Joasts Al | Bbis Monts. But good bargains go fast. Baby's Bouts, t 50c for 38c; Baby Blip. pers; regular 502 for Baby Ma regular 50c¢ Girls' Siibpers. 1 50c for 89¢; L pers, regular . Hundreds o Bargains." es Come at once. v