fpulation of waste within the body. : Dr. Morse's > Indian Root Pills, enable the bowels, the kidneys, thelungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities. Thus they 'prevent or cure dis ease. r 25¢. a box. 12° THE "TARBOX" Floor-Dusting Pad 1s a marvellously, HOW TO FREE . HIGH HALLS OF DUST-WEBS effective article for the care of all polished surfaces used in connection with the 1deal-Duster Mop-Stick Hardwood floor worries disap- pear. Come in and see it.' McKefvey & Birch : Busted Many a man goes Health---then wealth Blames his mind----says it don't work right; but al the time it's. his bowels. They don't work---Hver dead and the whole system gets clogged with Nothing kills good, clean-cut brain action like constipation. CASCAR- ETS will relieve and cure Try it + BOW, 5 91¢ broke--in CASCARETS 10c. a box for a week's treatment, 'all druggists, Biggest seller in the world. Mill fon boxes a month | Haid Coal | Clean, / Bright, Good Coal I 7 S. Anglin& Co. North Fnd Wellington 8t., "Phone ; 66. ~ Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 201... DAY or NIGHT .Wah Long's Laundry First-class work guaranteed. Drop Your Jeundry. 108 WELLINGTON. yo, etween Brock and Clarence ey ¥1a "Sirs Real Estate Agency ~~ ESTABLISHED 1562. Where you can buy or sell property. Also Insurance written in best companies. - GEO. CLIFF, +| bers, 32 from poison. | - - A DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at' 306-310 King street, kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year, Editions at 2.30 and 4 'o'clock p.m. . WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, and "i hurs- published in party on Monday day morning at'$1l a year. To United States, charge for post had to be ly $3 and of added, making price of Weekly $1.50 per year, Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine {mproved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director: TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and \20, Queen City Cham-~ Chareh Bt., Toronto, H. E. Smallpeice, J. P., representative. Dailo Wibig. APPEAL TO PRIVY COUNCIL. The province of Alberta has 'a suit against the C.P.R. company, and on the result of it millions of dollars de pend. The issue is as to the time the odd REtegs of lard granted to the company on construction account, and to the limit. of each side of its main line, can be taxed In - the act which twenty-four miles on for local purposes. embodied the original agreement it is stipulated z= "THe 'lands of the com- pany in the North-West territories, un- til they are either sold or occupied, shall also be free from such taxatien for twenty. years after the grant there of from the 1 he two briefly stated. The province contends that the "grant from the crown was really made when the land was survey- ed and put at the disposal of the rail- way. That was 1884... The company contends that the period of twenty years » crown. sides of the case can be in June, exomption extends for the date on which the patents issued, and that was only ten For some of the land the were years Ego. patents have not been asked, and the | company's idea means. {of this land, while it is rapidly grow- the exemption ing in value, for an indefinite time has been one appeal' on the to the privy council, but it dees not seem to have been: conclusive. | There | subject his second one will be the real test, and it will involve a_giant battle of the legal forces, but the winning sido will regard the cost as 'a most valu- able investment. ---------------- A HUNT FOR FUNDS, The federal government. of the United, States more revenue, its rapidly increasing expenditures, and it is - proposed, with the permis- sion of the individual states, to collect an income tax. The size of it has not been announced, -and with very good reason, because until there are consti | tutional changes which will permit of it, there is no need of going into de wants to meet tails. The of the the astute and assertive Mr. Hughes, will governor state, not have it, and sends a message to I the assémbly which, so fdr as this item {is concerned, strikes a popular chord and incites popular applause. The governor disapproves of the proposal because it means 'an impairment of the 'essential rights of the state," and interferes with the borrowing powers of the state and municipality. the New Yark Herald objects to it because the tax would invite fram the national government uch is honest men would not tolerate. The eq] fonage not be avoided, be- income is a thing that is not some people their espionage cduld cause easily ascertained, and have a faculty concealing earnings as much as possible. A further reason might be advanc- ed, namely, that the 'revenues of the federal government would be ample if reasonable economy in the expendi- ture werc exercised; and it is not. The extravagances of this goyernment, are remarkable; and largely on account of 'the manner in which the appropria- tions are made. The success of the public man is no longer gauged by his promotion of wise and helpful legis lation, but by "his , power to extract graft for his constituency. What is more, he is not. troubled, in his consciénce, by the thought that the nation may be drifting into debt. He is not likely to be called to judgment by his constituents through the ex- istence -of this deficit. The fact that for THE WHIG, 77th YEAR | ; THE BRITISH WANTED, A CIVIC ROOM. The evuncil has before it the sug gestion that, it move for the evtablish- ment-of a Chamber of Commerve.' the larger cities--in Toronto and Mon- treal--there is room for 'a variety in. which active and aggressive men may assert" themselves. But in the smaller cities and in a place the size of Kingston at any rate--there room for usefulness in only one good business organization. 'What is the matter with the board of trade? In its, reconstructed form it set out to ft many necessary improvg ments in .the business * conditions 3 the city. But its work is by no-means complete. Nor, vis its machinery, in- effective or exhausted. It may<lack in of purpose, or in di business institutions 1:the minds of is © concentration versity of occupation, or in direction of plans. The board of trade has, liowever, the men, all that are avail: able ior voluntory effort in a . good cause, and il shouid have an oppor- tunity tb demonstrate fully what it can do before there is a divergence of power or a competitor for favour. ; The Whig has no desire to dictate or air its superior &isdom, but iter perusing the - annual report. of = the Commercial Club, of Duluth, it has that there be committees are to suggest for specific purposes, or if there existing they get vigorously to work. The city can be made more attractive by better railway connections, by the stop-over privileges referred to yes- terday, by judicious advertising, by the @ving and better lighting of the In} of } "| political arena. DAILY WHIG, TUESNAY, JANUARY 11, 1010. man, and 'that he kept his promises Lireater than this he 'could not de sire. gh €: The Temperance and Moral League sees evidence of fruitage from their work in the motice of motion by Ald "{Craig. Jt does not matter how the re duction of licenses is effected so long as in-the long run it comes to pass. John Bull dearly loves a fighter, and Mr. Lloyd-George i: the greatest un- der weight that has ever entered the His speeches, as a kind of sermon on the modnt, supply the texts for most of the public talk- ers, -------- It is reported that there ave liberals secessionists in England on account of the budget: Doubtless. There were liberal secessionists in Canada when the N.P. was launched, but the liberal party survived, and is the party in power to-day. It dges not follow because Ald. Gra- ham has been nade the chairman of city property that he proposes to re model the city hall. It was once sub- ject to the remodelling process with the result that at a cost of "$7,000 or $5,000 it suffered considerable injury. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Oulled From An Over The World. oats are almost epidemic in Ham- ilton, Winnipeg's 1009 death rate was 12.1 per thousand, the lowest on the con- tinent. ' a systematic and : coug-, teous treatment of visitors, by the | loyalty to local interests, which is the first and permanent consideration. The Chamber of right, but what 'is the board of trade ? streets, by Commerce is all the matter with | i | ---- THE LORDS IN RETREAT. The, lords, obedient to the law which cannot be broken, have had to give up campaegning. Against the budget Oh, no. They objected to it, not be} cause it was designed to raise increa- - but ft con- | land and license tax-.| that had been jected by the second chamber in se They said that the bud- get would be.held in abeyance . until the peopleyhad a chance to vote upon it and as their right to do this was challenged they followed® it up by assuming to tell the people what they should do about it. One recently returned from England, a financier of standing, told the Whig that while gbroad he failed to find any one among the upper or financial classcs who did not condemn the budget, and he did not find any one in the middle or working classes, the hotels, . the restaurants, and the «tores, who did not give it the warm- { sed revenue, because tained in" cs features re- parate bills. est' approval, "The men of wealth," said he, "re- garded the taxes which were proposed a hardship, and fought them, but it was the aristocracy that favoured the bigger army and navy, and the masses said it was right they should pay for their extravagances and they resisted the idea of food taxation." The lords are not, in all probability, Lord Curzon to the contrary; very sorry that they had had to go into retreat, Some of them have, mads awful spectacles 'of themselvedi ° Some of them have failed to divirt atten tion from their weaknesses. Somé of them, including the leaders, have frankly admitted that the second chamber must be reformed and that certainly was not the question which they referred to the people. N. EDITORIAL NOTES. ° Ontario's birth rato in 1909 was greatest on record. Race suicide «cpn- not be charged against the people \of this fair province. Ald. Bailgy has | ed in tliings. Hé has not; been in the broom usiness for many years without learning' howto make a clean sweep: oH a, So the trouble with. the Queen's Col- loge Quarterly and its editorial "de partment is that no one is authorized to use 'the blue pencil. The average editor knows the value of it. Ii Mr. Talt's ideas take effect in leg- he to do United States congress may appoint a committée to investigate the causes of the increased cost of living. At Niagara Falls, for selling liquor without a license, Joseph Biolcie, an Hungarian, was fined £100 and costs. Frederick C. Ryerson, aged 'fiity, a Yarmouth, N.S., business man, jump- od overboard from the steamer Bos- ton. . Louis Cree and John Hall, Indians, are under arrest as suspects in the murder of ¥red Bertrand at Morris | town, N.Y. Harry Wilson, Nashville, Tenn., who carried $14,000 on his person, mysteri- ously disappeared while on a business trip to Denver The Binghamton, N.Y. Cold Storage company's plant burned here last night, loss $250,000 Three firemen were overcome by smoke. At Sarapac Lake, N.Y. Velldine, a French Canadian lumber jack, fell from the top of a pile of jogs and broke his neck; dying within an hour. It is said the Grand Trunk will soon ejuip the . Toronto-North Bay and Hamilton-Allandale lines with tel- apparatus for the despatching of trains. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit com- pany announces a general increase in wages. Over 8,000 men are affected and will cost the company $200,000 a y Jacques rear. At Watertown, N.Y., a coroner's in- vestigation showed that John an italian, who 'died under mysterious circumstances, did ntt take poison as was at first believed. Frank Melderberger, who disappear- ed from the Syracuse Institute for Feeble Minded Children on Tuesday, is still missing. It iz thought he may have fallen into the canal. At Sherbrooke, Que, A. Steele, su- perintendent of the Quebec Central railway, died suddenly in his office. He had just arrived and takem his seat when he collapsed. Johnson Ellis, one of the leading citizens of Lindsay, passed away Sun- day evening, after a short illness. he deceaséd gentleman was president the Lindsay Central fair, : The Quebec government looks to J. L. Perron, K.€., as successor to I. Lemieux, appointed sheriff of Mont- in the legislature, and that he will be promised a' treat in the cabinet. The United States is urging Gteal Britain to ratify as speedily as possi- ble the treaty signed on January 11th, of last 'year, providing for the settle: ment of international differences . be: tween that country and Canada. A straight and slender tail has been di scover behind the neucleus of Hal- ley's comet, according to a despatoh received at the Harvard observatory, from Prof. E. B. Frost, of the Yerkes observatory. The tail is a faint one. From Crown to Sole. Any affection of the tissuce of bpdy which can be reached by the any 'Fointment can : be cused with Wade's Ointment. : This remedy .is no experiment; sores, burns, it is (salt vheum), + cold scaly or skin. In big ¥, Maleod"s drug store, Ray, |. of | Y piles, blotches, soro fect, dandruff and "all » - A BIT OF ADVICE: -- Delay: Second--Don't Experiment. > I you suffer from backache ; head- aches or gizzy spells ; if you rest poor lv .and are languid in the morning ; if the kidney secretions are irregular and unnatural in appearance, do not de lay. The kidnevs are calling for help. Slight symptoms of kidney trgubles are but forerunners of mote serious complaints. They should be given at tention before it is too late. ! Booth's Kidaey Pills cure Kidney trouble. They are recommended by thousands. Can Kingston residents de sire more convincing' proof than the statement of a Kingston citizen. Mrs Thos. Moore, of 226- Division St. Kingston, Ont., says: "Very often 1 would be unable to stoop or lift any- thing with the dull bearing dows pains that were almost constant ir the small. of my back, 1 had tric many remedias mt coyld find littly or no relief for anis. The kidneys w: disordered and inactive and 1 was languid and weak. 1 would aw ki were tired an) unrefrished than or going to bed. i tried Booth's Kiduey Pills on recon: send=tion of a fricat procuring same at Milocd's Phar GAC fourd them to bane me going dirsc.ly to he cause of trouble. My back strengthened and the pains. left it. The languidness had soon gone. 1 have not had the least trouble since And can conscientiously recommend Booth's -. Kidney Pills." Sold by Dealers. Price: 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd.,. Fort Erie, Onmt., Sole Canadian Agents. GELOP0L000000000600000 Time and Experience Wore a Multitude of Changes What was bggf a few years ago may to-day be practically worth. less. New ideas are constantly d'splacing old and befogged ons. This is an age of progres siveness. We want you to know that-- v First--1\on t 1 Who infuse into our work the $ latest, most practical thought trained hands and minds. 'Khéne x David Hall 66 Brock St. depend. oid In three Sefred of strength--No. 1, $+: 0. 10 degrees stronger, $3; No.2 for & cases, per box T. J. LOCKHART Real Estate und Insurance | .Money to Loan. Office, 159 Wellington St., King: | o ston. { real; to represent the county of Gaspe | eerereritttttstsens BARGAIN W ~ --_ RT wid, RAR ol : E I Ne999 909940390830 SA%ARTRTATTRILTRTRTRLTGTRRSTSS "IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BIBBY'S. ? Our Store Will" Close Saturday Evenings at 10 O'clock. G To MEN' 'SAVE MONEY HERE. We face the fact that the sell- ing time for Winter Clothes is growing short. yetito wear Heavy Weights, but the time for selling is not so long. We have made Two We have taken all our £12.50, $13.50 and $13 Coats and plac- ed them in the $10 group. Two Special Groups of Suits, '$15.00 and $18.00, ready for a real good Suit at about cost price seeing 'these groups. $16 1 We have taken all our $18.00 and $18.50 Hand-tailored Suits and placed them in the $10.00 group. ' nes , 39¢ ' Men's Working Shirts, 705¢ lines . ws WAR 30¢ nes 10¢ -- NN NN 'Overcoat Specials and EEK AT ABERNETHY Plenty of time <= We prefer the money to stock, and we are go- ing to make great sacrifices to secure it. Our reputation for a square deal will insure your obtaining just the bargains we offer. Special Groups of Overcoats. Ng $156 We have taken all eur 818 and $20 Coats and placed them in the 815,00 group. mas A A A AAA ---- SUIT SPECIALS If you are don't miss seeing $18 We have taken all sae 320.00 and $22.50 Hand-tailoréd Sits and placed them in the $18.00 group. Men's Wool Underwear, regular 70 values fF Lo A Men's Knitted Vests, regular $2.00, $2.50 lines for. . $1.00 Men's Pure Wool Sweaters, color cardinal, regular $1.50 'values, for . 3 $1.98 See the real good valuus in Women's Fine Laced Bluchers, regu- lar $250 and $3.00 iB values in our $1.98 window for .... Hundreds of other Bargains. Brook strocts, (Wade's old stand), and « 39c Baby's Boots, regular 50c for 39c¢; Baby Slip- pers, regular 50c for 39c; Baby Moccasins, regular 50c for 38c; Girls' Slippers, regular 50c for 39c; Ladies' Slip: pers, 'regular 50c for 38c. Hundreds of other Bargains." ; « Our Sale Toasts All Ghis Month. But good bargains go fast, * Come at once. 95 Clarence St, [he hag, plundered the treasury in the interest of doubtful public" works \ makes him the - white-haired boy, and the evil goes on, and Uncle Sam is {advertised as helpless, The worry at | Washington is. not over how much | 'ean be tut off the expenditure in order R to balance accounts, but whers can ' hands be laid on new resources and in sufficient quantity to meet the de mands' of the hour. i | Pancy what a rdw there would be teat corner Princess and Montreal strects. > - - islation, there will be no more Goulds, 2 Vanderbilts and Harrimans as rail: way kings. The watering and manipu- lation of stock will be impossible. s-------- Mr. Taft regarded the Pinchot act as one of rebellion, as an outward evi- dence of a general conspiracy against his administration. He either had to resent it or abdicate the throne. ~ What of the row in Washingtag, and in the republican party, that one reads of 'the "insurgents" and their success in eo-operation with the democrats ? It's avfight over the spoils and the czardom of Speaker Canvan. . Sir Wilirid, Laurier got. a splendid certificate last: week' from Mr. Mec} Naught; M.P.P..Ca supporter of the | Whitney government. = Jt. wil © the}i A -------------------------------- NETHY laimisf thas the villag Ottawa, is given, Syomune land to that point. A desident claims {so much government piopert; the ownership, and the Provincial | govermnents would pay - for and Surveyors seport 'will settle the | lighting for Portsmouth thorouyg question. fares, the residents .of thet village | Petitions were authorized to be would be forever happy. virouloted among the ratepayers of ' the village for their signatures, ask-! Women with pals oloriess fac ing the Dominion and Providcial Gov | who feel weak and distouraged, will erments for grants jor) lighting the ireosive both mental '#nd bodily vigor village streets. : by wing Carter's fron Pills, which are The council holds that in flew of | made § r the blood, nerves and om the property @f both governfents be |plexion. a + ing exempt from taxation, nd the] Pwenty one lodges of the Machin extension on's Jobmson | various privileges enj rom 'the | ita' Umon on the North-western rail street. ¥ amue] Waiis applied for its] village, the latter ) ; ; n, t . given | ways. have voted to strike in sym. pening to the Forty ] 'oot Road, ! some consideration, just as §.- city pathy with the switchman. : . c : ; re rere . A Veteran At Rest. a New York, Jan. 11.--Gen. Martin Curtis, this city, dro the street near his home on Place, Saturday afternoon. Gen. Curt | Seg is was seventy-five years old but ac- tive for his and had been in ap- ntl health récently. He had and parently goo a brilliant civil war record, And it Wants the Governments to brevettell a major gene of "47 ! for distinguished - . Pay the Shot. : was long active in i The Portsmouth Council had ite in- eran organizations, in | augural meoting on Mopday evening. the New York legislature and. as a | Reeve Baideniand Councillors Allmark member of congress for three terms, | Kennedy, Sullivan and Marks were and as recently as 1907 was presi- | present. P. J. Kennedy and Philip dent of the sogiety of the Army of | Alexander were appointed auditors, © the. Potiomae. : Counzillors Allmark and Marks wers appointed to wait upon T. W, Nash, Provincial Land t'urveyor, and secure a report on Raglan sireet, of the i of Kingst Newton EE -------- @ it has H both eloetr in tao, end in every other pro- {vince of Canada, if the Laurier gov- {ernment proposed to supplement its | revenue by an income tax which it had inp right to impose! And the scheme 'is a parallel with that which has been planned in Washington and resisted in & yellow streak in them! Mi the various states' of the union. fend tot Rin at the drop of a . BR Se bh Frocse Bl! Whitelaw Reid, the United States £ vou are ihreatenched by ambassador to Great Britain, is on te oi sath ovis «ofl Bibie way 10 America, but the' racket -------------- pe EUG awd PEA. All ot | them sturdy, black fights