YEAR 77-NO, 0 meee mmm - eer - . r | the people of the country stood to f ln { KE b r against it. | The Daily Mail publishes a sfriking 5 i { portion of Sir Johu A. Maedgnald's. election address in 1891, desling 'with the offect of the nalional policy in {Canada 'and editorially commends it {to the electors, Evéry Noteworthy Speaker ms 5 Fhe i AFTER THREE-YEAR FIGHT. on the Platform, - i Decision Given Against Supreme Council, : : - | 'Pyracuse, N.Y., Jan. 13---After a sy CHAM A fight for more than three years in the iepurts, Mra. Frank Z. Wilcox has won | her suit against the supreme council {of the Royal Arcanum. Justice Wil ELECTORS To liam 5, Andrews, yesterday, directed a {verdict in' hér favor for the full {amount of insurance policies carried fupon the life. of her deceased husband, Churchill fins a Big Scheme For UR. with interest. The outcome is of in- terest to thousands of members of the employment Insurance ---- Balfour | i 4 H " order. . Says There Will be no Changes in| yw "wii x was expelled from the Fiscal System to the Detriment of |, anization because of his attacks the Poor. 4 ollicers for the increase of rates of . insurance. He instituted proceedings for reinstatement, but {died before the termingtion of the ac- tion. The suit was continued 'by his { widow, Mary G. Wilcox, who was giv- {en a verdict for ¥3,217.50. HE WRITES "TO SUPPORT. UNIONISTS. Pape mn supreme 'London, Jan. 13.-The pace sn the election eampeign is becoming hotter, Practically every noteworthy speaker, on both sides, was on some ib form, last night, while Joseph, Cham- berlain is still busy letter writing urg- fnz the metropolis to give the coun- | tey a great umionist majority. . Win- | ston Churchill, addresssng a [a meeting at Glasgow, suid the ik mo | Hotel Men cratic character of the Dritish t stitution was ot stake He was sick | of the logubous howin their op ponents had ralsed in thelr efforts to the Kitchen and Cel give Pritish industry a bad name lar, a worded request that over all © the world and injure her | all 'persons contemplating suicide will refrain from « sreving out their inten in the union. -------------------------- TO INTENDING SUICIDES. Ask That They Go Klse- where to Die. Berlin, Jan. bd. com The German Union of Hotelkeepers publishes in . the gnion s Grygan, seriously tion in the hotels ft is pointed out hat such conduct disagreeable to the hotel their guests. It is plain are not enough ju equally | keepers and tively [quiet plac | Statistics show theré are Lwenly su { icides in Berlin weekly. . . if there g for the purpose elsewhere ax £10,000 Gift to Nurse. , i Battle Creek, Mich, Jan. 13 Esther { Erwin, who recently graduated from | the Lansing hospital, has recesved cheaue for $10,000 from the estate of 'J. Vankelcher, a westerner whom she nursed in Detroit during his wealthy Inst illness Metal Car Tickets, i Brantiord, Ont., Jan. 13.--~The street railway next week will insugnrate me tal tickets. Dises the size of five-ceut pieces will be used instead of tickets, { Conductors will also be supplied with { antomatic fare boxes, in which the { bell rings when the fare is dropped. | Ee en 1, HAMAR wy BOW 7 Of Parony run went in Tie, Hersh a i dor : onse of Commans, !EXACT SITE DEFINITEL 4 vixen - = : UPON: reat commereipl reputation by hold- | ~-- ng Britain up' to the Aolonies\: and {yy North-west of foreign. powers as a brokendown, | wy Aftosds a ¥ playedront, starved, barkrapt, "com- ally the Discovery Affamds a fens. eral comniunity, instead of [being | ible Explanation of the Deluge. the strongest productive community | (° i oq Ac i 0 ! ¥ | Constantinople, Jan. 13.--According AT Batbered Magethar, Mr. Churehs | the rn de Stambaoiil, Bir loa oot. a hg scloma of unem- | william Willcocks, the British' advised Bohman iHsyrance which will be the ig, the Minister of Public Works] ed the liberal goverhimeht if Te | claims to have determined the exact Yur to Ion The details of the site of the Garden of | Eden. He by ue Pad nit ay ig i ot places it at Hairiah a flourishing will teal wt race an the bill onsis some 250 kilometres north-west of th She afiirs of upyurds of Bagdad. Through this site the nd vnakifiod Salt workers, skilled Euphrates runs and is divided into sang ~ oy Sy dmbatting the | four arms, representing the fow tani would i RS OP ments a I 8 rivers of Eden. Sir William suggests ing for the = working 27 Boe] - he { that the deluge wps merely the flood: Premier Saltau, n n specch nt Nork, | ing of te iis Mifin Dewan the ¢ Wa : 8, g eae et gad hin Barty. thal ho those rivers breaking down the irri 5 1 MECRE 1 cation dikes Which had been built system should alter the proportionate | F700 toral dweller § A burden of the different classes to the | sy the pastoral dwellers on the plain. detriment of the poor. He incladed | toa and tobdeco among the necessar- ies of life and undertook that the taxation on these articles, - equally with the taxation on wheat, . should not be increased proportionately to the general burden of taxation. | 6 Brown, of the New York Cential Mr. 1loyd-George, speaking at | railroad, who was the orator at the Wolverhantpton, elanimed the conserva Founders' Day exercises at Cornell ties were frying to reduce the country University, said that he is going to to the position of Prussia, which was ask President Jacob Gould Schurman dom nated by a land aristocracy and [to furnish men from among the Cox- where 'the demoeracy had no. chance. nell graduates to direct the work ol They were trying to establigh an devéloping the abandoned and worn: aristocratic bureaucracy. It was time| out igrms in this state, which railroad company is buying. "The movement is not a philanthro- pie one," said President Brown. "It is one of self-preservation. As soon as we have sufficiently improved one farm we shall sell it and take nmofher in an adjoining county." Bagdads--Incilent- AS A BUSINESS MATTER. Gradusttes to. Improve Property * Along Rignt of Way. Ithaon, N.Y., Jan. 13.~President W DAILY MEMORANDA. Band at Palace Rink Friday night. ale and Nght committee, 4 pom, Fri "The Rivne Mouse" House, $15 pa. Poultry show, Ontavio cludes, this svening Limestone Lodge. Na 31, A OU WW, mesis Thursday evening, 8 o'clock. | Business, instatlation of officers and entertainment. Grand Opera | Hall, con- nas No Danger of Beef Shortage. Denver, Cob, Jun. 13-President H Jastro, of the National Live - Stock Association, and ardo MeRenzie; Vice-president, * in speeches declared CC HOAL Yeu that so long as $200,000,000 worth of Ee Aamisalen RE Iuterhdbiousi beef is exported from America, each M tine or 3 Fun To pl yon, there i¢ no danger of a short" = t Wall" gr "A Prisoner's | ; : Palace Rink to-nigit St. MOA, Wormwiths ve. RR Jrislimen ¥&, Wolle the Castle aut . BY nunkants _christnas | 2yke price of beef in Chicago is re Pinger 'Manche Whittier sings '#' ulated by the price ered for our se ---- | snrplas cattle shipped abroad." aid "of i MeKeuzie, who 8anl prices were not 'exorbitant: ; i: : : Gift Makes Him Mouarchist. +: Rome, Jan. 13.-When the king was : . AN '~ § 'vetiening, yesterday, from a boar bunt | at Castelporzinpo he stopped at an ign outside the gates and gave a boar a Tad killed to the inpkecper, thus avoiding "the payment of the octrol duty at the gates. E innkeeper, who was' a noted re- ublican, expressed' his ation 'and Aeatitude for the valuable gift, Land annolnend fo the-king that hence Horth he/woind be a'loyal monarchist. Siac-------- \ For Turkish "Immortals"? Chustantinaple, Jan. 13.~A Turkish BL Acaglony on ; aa THE GABDEN OF EDEN: | elaved that if Cm ada were independ: | represeritative, and SR "KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1910. Cornwall, Ont, Jan, 13.--A case of widespread interest and almost unique in thas provifce came at the as sins here before Sir William Mulock. Important Annsuncement |" action sor. $10,000 damages against Alex. La te, proprittor of by Sir Wilfrid. the, Windsor hotel, destroyed by fire 'on March 23rd, M0, by Mrs. George | Hagle, formerly of Philadelphia, whose . -- i; : i y {husband and two other men perished N BRITAIN S SERVICE in the ames, and several others were seriously injured. The case was heard Ta . wi ;, abd a 4 of without jury, number wit- {nesses were heard on behalf | of the plaintiff and: defenuant. Negligence | was sileged in, the matter of having {no prope notices of fire escape ropes 2 {in rooms, ete. Judgment was reserv- To Have a Naval Board and College ed. --Term of Service will be Three | A REMARKABLE LAKE. Years, Six Months at a Time; | \ WHEN WAR, REAL OR APPRE. HENDED, IS FEARED. IIts Ded Looks ldke Pink Marble-- of | Deposit of Soda. Special to the Whig Ottawa, Jan. 13.-The House Commons re-assémbled, yesterday, af- | 0 Jan. 13. Engineer Shel ter the Christmas recess, and at ones London, e 2, ford, nt has been surveying the pro- settled down to business. Ihe n- posed ~ railway 'which will join the troduction of the naval bill was the Uoanda rislway with Lake Magadi, important {: ature of the proecedings. | describes the "remuykable features of lhe hill was introduced by Sir Wil lhe lake. Jt lies at the bottom of 4 frid Laurier in the absence of Hon. lvalley 3.000 feet teep ard looks at a L. P. Brodeur, mimster of marine and, distance Like an ordinary sheet of wa- fisheries, who is seriously il. SI [tor but the water is only a few inches Wills d explained that 8 Laval ire deep, above a hard swiface like pink wold fe bit eons! ahr marble. This = is actually an immense hn namely . perma ent, VOID: | deposit of sods, covering twenty teer and reserve The militia il 16: is # + eotsiderable had largely followed but mues. 15, 0. =n ! would= be no compulsory en of war. There would | be no conscription and no balloting, | under the militia act every! finan between the ages of eighteen and ixty might be ealled upon to i Phe service would be under the charge! New of the marine and fisheries depart | Lieut ment and would have a director with in Palermo, Sicalf will receive in all ihe rank of rear-admiral, or at least 33.000 & year fram the city of New captain, and he would be advised by York ax pension money, if neresolu a maval board. 'The governor-general- | tion passed by the aldermen is ratified = have the power by the mayor. The board voted ther place in active in $2 600 a year, (0 be added to the 81, case of emergency, such emergency be 000 which she receives annually from ing defined in the bill as "'war, in- "the police pension fund. vason or inswrrection, reul or ap- | prehended."" Furthermore the gover mor-general-in-council will have the power to place at the disposal of his | 1,060 a majesty in the whole or | part of the force of vessels, officers | md men for general way s port the Royal navy. However, in % event of tha governor-general taking such action it will be necessary to call parliament together. The pro- clamadion must be issued within ten days and parliament will be called upon to meet within fifteen .. days | 4 thereafter. 1480 insane patients Dr. Sproule enquired whether --the hospitals. ' term war meant war In Canada, or ------------------------------ ' | war anywhere, to which Sir Wilfrid EX- corps squal © depth. act been there rolment in case WIDOW OF PETROSINO. whereas Annual Pension ew York. The widow To Receive $3 rve. ) From of assassinated fan. Parosino, York, toseph ouncil awould 'to the foreo serviee INCREASE OF INSANITY. Yeor Estimate in New York State. New York, Jan. 13.--Insanity is in- creasing in New York state at the rate of 1,000 persona a year, according to a statement made by Miss Mary Vida Clark, in addressing the State Chari- ties Aid Association, of which she is assiptant secretary, On October 1st, 1909, says Miss Clark, there were 30, { in fifteen state time of war that if Great. Britsin were at war Canada was liable to invasion and that Canada was, therefore, in reality at war. ir Wilfrid also explained that the bill provided for pensions for offi cars and for the establishment of a naval college, similar to the Royal Military College at Kingston. 'The hill 'also provides that discipline shall be in accordance with the king's re- gulations. : The nucleus of the navy is to con- stat of four vessels of the British typd, one of the Poadicea type, and six de stroyers of the improved river type. The Beristols will have a tonnage ol 1,300, a speed of 25 knots, and a crew of 381, composed of 371 sailors, and 20 officers. The prooable armament will be eight guns. The Boadicea isp ioorvity Guildgan exclusive Evan 3,300 tons, with a crew of 278, and an | ¢,, organization of which Mrs. James armament of six four inch guns, The |r poten is president. construction of the vessels is to bel Lp, you' think it is a" just accusa- started as sobn as possible, and if tion to say that women dress only to possible will be earvied on im Car- plense men "was one of the first ada. The cost will be £2,333.000 il} orieg put by a member of the au. constructed in Great Britain, to which idience. y will have to he added 33 1-3 per cent. "No. was the reply, *1 regard it if constructed in Canada. The expendi-|as a sort of feminine = competitive ture at the outset will amount to $,-l7ame. It is the natural desire to ex: 000,000. eel in a -thing in which they are vast: R. L. Borden, in a speech lasting an {iv interested which causes a great hour and a-hali touk ebgection to the | deal of the extravagance.' leclaration of the Vrime Minister that | "Really, don't you think that the Canadian npr would not partici- {men spend a great deal more on pate in any gh the Parliament | clothes than they otherwise would of Canada decided that it was a 'just [merely to please thor husbands #* war and asseried that this would | asked another. mean the - ahsolute independence of} "No, 1 think very little dressing Canada. He preferred that instead of jis done for the sake of husbands; it being called the Canadian nayy, itis chiefly for pther women," was the should be designated the Canadian |ciscouraging reply." unit of the British Navy. He admit-} ' en ted that in time of peace Canada | Few Changes in Council. must retain control of its navy, bu | Smith's Falls,- Jan. 13.--~There are asserted that in tie of war thelbut three changes in the Lanark forces of Canada mude-be part of the | county council for 1910, and two of British navy. Canada could not iso-! the three sre ex-members. The new late herself. - She must. play ber part | members are: J. C. Ebbs, reeve of in the world or fall into decay: He de-| Drummond: John Drynan, Almonte's ¢ J. D. Ferguson, ent or merged into the great republic | move of Montggue. The council will to the south, she would have to pay | meet on Japfary 25th, Who the war. more for defence than any sums in-'den will be¥is at yet, of course, & volved' in participation. in' defence. Bf | inatter of conjecture, though two or the Empire. ooh _ {three naines are prominently mention Mr. Jameson, conservative, of Digh¥, | of for the prize. N.S, said parlisment had wo mad- | . date to legislate" upon the question | % a > ~§ and urged that 'the proposal he sub-| Quebec, Jan. 123.-ZAN the capital ne- mitted to the people in the form of a} A a Bs Lae { cesnary for tho organization of a co: referendum of a plebiscite. | | ive 'hike tn Quebec by the J.D. Monk, the leader of the Quebec | AerRuIVe EF; ro if oe by the Sonmereatives shicted on. vigorous pro- embers. of tua C1 fet Stans chs : Misl. : ipostag the National Trades and Labor test against and complained bitterly TR : . : {Counedl has been subscribed, and that because he had not been taken imtoo oC in pe ' hi tho connssls of his party, and told Kery will puna ge sant there would be a set debate upon the This co-operative YX oe : ithe Mombers of the council who have kill. He Wag not prepared to discuss S on ihe. mi '2 oh 2 taken shares in the cnterprise with atter there and then, but said Ee . 3 ; : 'bread ui a lower price than that which he reserved fo himself the right to do | the 'prosedt: bake py 0 ta Inter stage. We intimated thay { charged by, 4 rs, he intended to oppose the measure. b : : : x Nice Job For Labor Leader, was giv r. ! The bill given ite fant reading New York, Jan. B-Hayor Gaynot : Princesses i {appointed Herman Robinson, gener x 3 Get #4,900,000, { organizer of the American Fedetation Brussels, Jan, 13~The inheritance ' of Labor, to be commissioner of of Phincess louise, Stephanie, = and 'igenses, at Mealary of $5,000 a year. Claméntine, daughters of the late | | -- - -- King Id, j¢ now extimated #4! H.R. Carder, a Canadien, is be about ~~ $1.000000. Tt ahnotnced lieved to have committed swicide rear that Princess. Lotivo has paid her cre. 'Seatlle by drowhing. A mont a5 WOMEN DRESS SO TRAVAGANTLY. WHY Professor Thomas of Chicago Trys to Tell 200 Women About it--An- swered Some Questions. Clicago, Jan. 13.--One lone man stood before 200 women yesterday ai- ternoon and lectured on "Woman's Dress." When he had concluded he was besieged with questions and had an answer for each. The lecturer was Prof. Wilkam 1. Thomas, of the Uni- versity of Chicago, and his audience was composed of the members of the wor Clieaper Bread "in Quebec. LATEST NEWS THE WORLD'S TINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membe! red. Active steps are being taken to quash the local option by-law passed on. January 3rd in Almonte by four teen majority over three-fifths. Byron E. Walkér, president Canad- ian' Rank of Commerce, Toronto, was presented with his portrait by the senior members of the staff of the bank. Rev. H. W. Wright, B.A, who! re signed the pastorate of Willoughby Avenue Baptist 'church, Toronto has acerpted a call to the 'Grand Forks, B. C., Baptist church Cameron Bartlett, manager of the Winnipeg branch of the Bank olHam- ilton, has resigned, and will sever his connection with the bank about the end of the month, Hon. Edward M. Farrell, Liverpool, N.%;, speaker of the legislative' as sembly, and William Roche, ox-M.P., for Halifax, are appointed" to fill the two senate vacancies for Nova Scotia, the seats having been vacant for con- siderably over a year. Mis. Josephine Trepanjer, Windsor, Ount., filty-nine years old, was terribl burned about the face and body by a gasoline explosion, on Wednesday evening and is now lying in a eritical condition. - She was attempting to light a rug soaked in gasoline to burn out the chimney when there wis a burst of flame and her clothing caught fire. Fire caused the death of one man, injured several others and gutted the [fiveestory building of the Boston YM. C.A., Nos. 462-466 Boylston street, early Thursday mording and threaten: ed the destruction of the Notre Dame Academy on Providence street. Fifty- seven sisters in the academy bravely awaited the order of the firemen while the flames raged close by, The loss 8 estimated at $200,000. THE WHITE SLAVE BILL Passed House of Representatives at Washington, Washington, Jan. 18.~By a viva voce vote, the house passed the Jen net-Sabath "white slave" bill. : The *'white slave" bill is the result of an investigation of traffic in alien women, made by the National Fmmi- gration Commission. » Provision is made for the deportation and jexclu gion of immoral aliens and for the exclusion mand punishment of thew ge surers. Traffic in immoral women 'somes subject to the restrictions of the inter-state commerce laws. STATION AGENT IN JAIL. Roy Calder Stole Valuable Express Package, Winnipeg, Jan. 13.--Roy Calder, a young U. N. R. stution ayent who stole an express package containing $860, which was passing through his hands out at Margaret, an., was sent to jail for five montHls. "He had been drinking Beavily, but was =a valuable man, and the éompany had transterred him to a local option dis trict in the hope of sobering him up, but without avail. 4 ied Very Suddenly. North Bay, Ont, Jan. 13,--Archie McIntyre, despatcher on the C.P.R., here, died very suddenly, this morn- ing. Mr. MeIntyre, who was thirty- two years of age, attended. to his dies as despatcher until two o'clock this morning and left the office to all appearances in his usual health. He awoke about seven o'clock and kiss ing his wile, who was resting on his arm, said "I think 1 will turn over, dear." He did so and was gone. Westport Race Results. Westport, Jan. 13.--~The results the ice races here were: 2:18, class---L, Varde, Mires Applebees, WH. Green grace--F, Pointer, Vera, Nac tena W. . bor ' El Farmer's race--Ring Edward, Lady Thorn, Hermit. Three-minute race--A. M. Patch, Trustle Jr.; Gypsy Wilkes, Hallarn Jim, Ella B., Bay Bay; Claud D. He Has Accepted Place. Ottaws, Jan. 13-4 ceptance = hy Deputy Minister Butler. of the vice presidency of the Dominion Steel and Coal merger was officia;ly confirmed at the department of railways to-day. Me. Batler will act until his successor is appointed and the position will be ol goes to Sydney, to-motrow,. fo confer with the Stéel Coal officials there. Child Badly Scalded. Brockville, Ont., scalded yesterday at her home. The child was throwing a coat over her kitchen Stove. She will recover. Combine lavestigation. a hard one to All suitably. Mr, Butler Jan. 13.-A little af | daughter of Johan Young was seversly Ottawa, Jan. 13. --How. Mackenzis |} ing has given notice of aot "to NURSES' HOTEL BURNED Morning. Toronto, Jan. 13.~Charles Nurse, proprietor of the well-known Nurse's hotel, at the Humber, his wife and his morning, when the hotel took: fire and ¥ha, bussed to the ground. The fire was) discovered by Harry 'Ball, a radial , who was on his way home. Being unable to awaken the sleeping family, Ball ran across the road to the house of Constable Gideon and roused the officer. Thereupon the two burst in the door of the Nurse place and, dashing upstairs, pulled the in- mates out of . Nothing could be done to ey the lacy: wish Stood on the Inke shore. The total loss on the building and contents is about 4.000; partly insured. 5 Justice Sutherland, this moining, refused to re-open the Caledon local option by-law case, which he digmiss- ed a few days ago, because the law- yer, for those who sought the repeal of the by-law, was not present. . _ A cose was partly. argued belore Justice Sutherland, this morning, in- volvi the interpretation of the settlement among the family of the late Senator John Macdonald, of this And Inmates Had (lose Call This EDITION LAST PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont; Jan. 18---=Oktawa Val and Upper St. Lhwrence. 10 amr --¥ and mhbderately cold. Friday camer winds Wid local spow fails -- a: i WEATHER SPECIAL | CLEARING | SALE Ladies' Coats city. The issue is' whether ote ¢ of the family should have, under the agreement, $55,000 or $118,000. 1t is a friendly suit and in no way affects the firm oi John Macdonald & Co. The Ontario government announces that this year 'there will be no exten- sion: of time for' the introduclon of private bills. The last date on which notice of wuch bills must be Z is Campbell, ttorney- February 4th. Hon. Colin general of Manitoba. has heen in con- ference with Hon. Mr. Foy, Ontario's attorney-general and an agreement has been reached in all matters relative to provincial rights by which these two provinces and Quebec will assist each other if the federal government inter- fores with the power policy of either phayince or with any other purely pro- vine] matter. CARRIED CHILDREN OUT. The Little Ones Alone in Burning Building. Sarnia, Ont., Jan. 13.--Fire, caused by the explosion of a lamp, broke out 'in the house of Dgvid Kerr, last dight while Mr. Kerr's three children were alone in the place. Charles Hoskins and William Bartlett, young men,, heard the children's screams and rushing into the house carried the children out and extinguished the flames. Their action saved the house from destruction-but ae it was, siderable damage was done, GOMNTTTLE 10 § INQUIRY INTO CHARGES AGAINST N. T. RB. ENGINEERS. he -- Sir Wilfrid Laurier Will Move for the Appointment of a Committee of Five Members of the House to In- vestigate, Ottawa, Jan. 18. --Sir Willrid Laur- jer hus given notice that he will mmve that a special committee of five members of the house be named to inquire into the charges affecting the ongi ing staff of the National Transcontinental railvay commis sion. Sir Wilfrid bases his ;motion on the statement made by Hugh D. Lams den, late chief engineer of .the Na- tional Fransontinental railway, who, in a letter addressed to the otom- missioners resigning his position, used rhe following language : "In view of the general = disregard of wy instruc tions, and having lost confidence in the engineeriig staff, 1 have conclud- od to refign my position as chiel en- gineer," and also on Mr. Lumsden's {subsequent letter modifying his state ment, and making it apply to the en ginrers, on district "B" and district FY ofily. The motion states that While it int deemed advishble to take any tion which ight o judice the position of dither of fhe parties to the arbitration proceed ings mow ih: progress, yet the allegs- tions involve such grave charges against a portion of the engineering stall an to make it desirable ns they should be investigated. Y it has developed that Lord Strath jFons, the Canadian high commission: or, has donated $5000 (or the benefit of the Roman Catholic eucharistic congress, to be held ir Montreal in September mext. © Card nal Vanbtelli will be the cardinal legate, sent fron Rome for the oeceasion, having acted inn similar capacity at the great eucharistic congress in Enpland, = couple of years ago. The Duke of Norfolk, earl marshal, has also bess invited to be present. It is mot grpected, in parlismentary {rircles, that when the naval bill comes before the ons, for a second jreading, "éarly next week," Hon Mr Brodeur, minister of marine, will be able to be present, although his con {ition is reported, to-day, as being {somewhat improved. It is likely, therelore, that Sir Wilfrid Laurier will have to see the measuréd through ite various stages in the house. dokip Norra, of the American News paper Publishers" Amociation, who i« in Ottawa, investigating the methods of yardage and allowances for heavy wrappers of paper shipped from here to the United States, is of opinion that the United States maximum tar fi. clanses will pot be enforced against shoiildars when it came in' contact [Canada nest March, but will be post with a kettle of boiling water on the iponed. Mr. Norris thinks that Quebec will prohibit the export of pulp wood but on erown lands, but that the Un: ited States would welcome LOR §- Good, warm, loosefitting Gar. ments, made of best English : Tweeds, in colors Greys, Greens Regular Selling Prices were $10, $12, to $17, and Browns. Special Sale Price, ds $4.65 CASH BALES, No Approval, No Exchange. HENNESSEY---In Kingston, on Jan 12th, to Mr. and Mra Thos. Hennes sey, $0 Livingston Ave---a son. FILLION-On Ba 10th 1910, at 3 Rochester Street, Oftaws, to Mr aD re. ¥. Flillon (nee Pes, Chown, Kingston)--a daughter. DIED. BURTON_CA} iff Alfred Bireet, King ton, YWoednesday evening, Jan 12¢ Sarah Ellen, wife of He WwW. W. Burton Funeral (private) on Friday, 3.30 pr No flowers. ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, Phone, 877. 027 Privcess street Coffee Perfection To further perfect omer Coffee (IF that: was possible), we have lustalie' ame of the Intest and most improve! Electrde Mills, Wé can mow grind Coffee to any degree of Tineness re- quired. Try our . Java and Mocha Blend Ground while you walt. Guaranteed Pupe. Price, 40 cents. Jas. Redden Importers of Fiae Groceries. TO QET RID OF. Our stock of Heaters, Cookstoves| fox 3 soll at & fe eed, Pres hut University Spirit Lacking. Montreal, Que. Jef 13. Speaking at the ammmal dinnet of the medical incity of McGill Dest Clarks, of To. rontor Uniyersit¥y t "To succest 6 must have university spirit. Is is sadly lacking in Torasto. vy found = the atmospheres (old, felt ns icular emotion on leaving Alms ter.' At Queen's they have this spirit, 'and 1 think st McGill" v Wade's Diamond Cough Remedy. The old reliable » gough mediein. Lio