ER We are going 7 sell our Women's Kia Boats in True #it or Feminine Fhe a as 00 a any $2.00 boot ever sold, "And several other good lines. . Not 'all stzes In every line, but there will be all sizes in the lot. But Price, $1.98 B Jennings, King | St HIGHEST GRADES GABOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OILS ¥LOOR 'OiL, GREASE, ETC PROMPT DELIVERY W.F. KELLY Toye's Building. Clatenes aod Ontarin Nrreate Ne Tweaty-81 Fath ear, August oth. oo ' ip 4 Short Tel , Civil Bervice asl English. aates he best pos - Fithin o he " time over posjtions. with one Bg 'ailway corpore- or write F. M 7 'of yg any time. Call for information. H, CALFE, Principal. 5 ender irre 'Notice. CITIZENS AND FARMERS, ait to Buy all kinds of Tlousehaold and Brie: .a-brac, and will pay the Cash Price. Antique Furniture ty. Take a look through the or superfluous goods and drop postal oard to me. Don't forget. "Do now, Snows, Tallman PE a is OF ted Empire Loyalists EEL Sketch of Amaeri- : ery Saable for Librar- NURSING yy Ba show the beneficial effects of Scott's Emulsion almost immediately. It not only builds up but \gricties the mother's 'milk an: id" erly nourishes the chil Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food tonic, anly to up their own strengt trength de ey benéfit of the child as well. ALL BRUCCISTS Sond 10 por and this ol. for Bed fot Baring Barkin © aid » SCOTT & BOWNE 126 Wellington St., W. TORONTO Time and Experience Wore « Multitude of Changes What 1s best a few years ago may to-day be practic ally worth-4 less. New ideas are constantly dsplacing: old and befogged ones, This is an age of progres sivencss. We want you to kgow that-- Who infuse' inte our work the latest, most practical thoughts of trained hands and wn inds, "Phone 335. David Hall 66 Brock St. 4 Trouble Cured. Se : LL nmr mi meme scat 13; 1010. | | > 4 England has its liberal parties, depicting in most vi are working to bring about victory. "hill bpard" aud mud slinging campaign during an | Throughout the empire political cartoons have been posted on every a J decison as well as this country, lavke space hy the unionist and cient form the ikeped of the oppoxing forces aud with which beth parties One of the litogravhs which has at!racte «il the most comment shows free trade stalking through the land as a reaper of death, whose activities b: ing widespread unemployment. FAONTENACS WINNERS {DEFEATED TORONTO AR .O- 'NAUTS BY 8 TO 5. In a Senior Exhibition Hockey Game , --The Frontenacs Have Several Capable New Players. Through one cause or another a intce majority of the people are trou! leds with some form of heart (rouble. The system becomes fun' downs the heart psipitates, you have weak and dizzy spells, a smothering feeling.' ecld clammy hands and feet, shortness of breath, sensation of pins and needles, rush of blood to the head, ete. Wherever there are sickly people ith wedk hearts Milhurn's Henrt and Nerv Pills will be found an effective medi $444 Mm Wm Fa Angus, Ont, w ox. "1t is with the grégt- t' 4 Trouble est of pleadure 1 write Cured. 3 you stating the bege- fit I have received by +b er using Milburn's Heart + and ® Nerve Pills." J suffered greatly from heart trouble, v edk- micas | and smithering spells. 1 used a great deal of doctors' medicines Lut re- reived no benefit. A friend advised me to "buy & box of your pills, which L.did, tnd * soon found great relief. I highly recom- Heart heart trouble." Price, 50 cents per box or 8 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbum Ce. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Blue Point Oysters mE GREAT SOUTH-BAY (Long Island, N.X.), all grow, Genuine "Blue is the purest Where Py" Ty cultdre in America, > Absolutely pure and uneon- taminated by sewage. There are no cities with sewage sys. tems along its shores and fe fictorics to pollute its waters. Those who purchase th the know nothing gf the ekcellence of the Genuine 'Blue Point Oysere as Sol hy W. H. Carnovsky, HORIISIIHIOIOIIGIIIICE RF, | ¢ | YJohney of: water devoted, to The Frontenac Senior Hockey Club got off to a hylpg start last night in the initial big game of the season, { when the team i1owered the colors of | the famous. 'Forento Argonauts, in game that ahounded. 1n Lightning | rushes and splendid checking. Con | sidering that it was practically th {fest time ghat the local team has | played todetner' the result was {most pleasing one from a local poiu of wew. Unquestionably the tun that wore the blue snd white lus night has the ear' murks of more speed and combination rushes than ny that has represented the city in many years. There was not a weak spot anywhere unless it'lay 2a the way the defence at times allowed them | selves to 'be drawn out,sbut when it tis considered thut this was the first senior game in which the acfeifee play fod there slight discrepancies may. be easily, overlooked, especially as they made up in dashing, ofien ive work {for what they Jacked in qe fensive a mend these pills to shyone suficring {from- |work. Argonauts appeared | promptly at 8:30 o'clock out to be a speedy. a former junior several 'years ago, Toronto on the ice and turned bunch. Murphy, Frontenac boy oi turned up with the team and playéd a strong gmne. Right from the start-off Fron tenacs pressed hard and finally ceeded in scoring. twice. 'Then Argos. got busy and poked in two. 1 het, "Grattan, just to show that be had the "goods," sored for Fron tenacs and from that time on the local boys were never headed, the half time score standing 6 to 3° ww favor of the biuwe and white. In the second hali Argos played two new men and with these fresh addi tions to the team they worked hard for 4 wih and quickly scored tw goals, but Frontenaes eame right baok with two more, which ended the scor ing, eight to five in Frontenac's fa vor. : For the Frontenacs the work of each player was high class. George Rich ardson never played. with more .dasi and his' presence . on the team dic much to insure vietory, "Reggie Ctawlord seems 14 have improved greatly and his scoring was a treat Mo Jook at. AL' Davidson played a hard, effective game, bub the works Tittle Jack' "Grattan, at centre, was a revelation. This sturdy player seem ed to be all aver the ice at one tin and iv certninly a "find." MeCammor at cover, is another classy player whom the Frontennes may foel proud Shines in- Society SUC A new line of Room Domes from $6 to and suitable for adh tind x HE 5 : Woiten | Fascinating Hair 4% imp [Attrace Attention. I you! 'are '8 woman woth dull, life- f Tons, hair; do not "feel + dis- Frese. Just make up your mind now {that you ean have just as Inxuriant : and ea) annus bead of hair AS aby. eotman, and Just go to GW. hood u this ved | day and get a bottle of Phrisian Sage. Use it as directed, and' ig weeks your sealp' will be free drulf, "Sour hair i be soft, TERE Le antiinl. I your hair is falling out, Parisian Sage will step it. 1 your hair is thin, Patisian Sage will 'make it row in heavily. 1 you have dabdeui it will quickly vanish when Parisian Sage is Tt prevents hair fom turning gray; itching Relp almost instantly a vhe ideal dressing for daily use. 'A large bottle' costs only 50¢. at G. Ww. Mahood', or direct, all Shurges ee Brie, ou ents The for usual on Memorial day races this year cud, following victory of The | cruise will week agust and the Bay ' feligw-players, from the Davidson brothers, he éredit on the "Pay Ed." Davidson at point did well and strong in the rushes: Saunders layed 'a star: game in goal woves each game J « (Quinte sections, Wor Argonuats, Mavphy, Patterson | and "Jimmy" Cosgrove excelled, but they were: just a little' bit ontclassed | Toronto yy the local bunch, Fresh from their | tours victories over the Montreal hockey |%: team, * Osgoode Gla} ind Toronto wes, anog Clith, the Toronto boys had {he strong hopes of Sudding another win [aricton, to their splendid work so far this #8a- | tic son, but Frontenfies realized that it 'age wag wp to them: to keeh the vide of | "Tom" Longboat is training victory; started iy junior Frontenac, 'gently at Hamilton Y.M.C. A, where he rolling towards Kingston and were not will remain for a month to get into to be denied a Wetory. "lt was 'one condition for a number of races which A dhe cleanest giines over played on haye been offered him. (ao Kingston és, apd reflected credit! National League baseball players wilh nm both. teens fae their deportmenbt. be restrained "from playiiig indoor Cadet Smith refereed in a satisisctory baseball, 'basketball or hockey during nanner, althotigh two of the Argos' [the winter months, goals swere apparently from offside | Ottawa Free Press playss It' was not possible for the re- [the Stanky cup cree to catch everything. It was ons the of the best candugied hockey games in vash. The gross receipts amounted to recent years, a game that any gentle- $1,400. ig team split evenly. aftee man could feel proud ot having parti- the experimes were taken, out. fous ; ipated in, i President Johnson, of the Amérigen Frontenacy (8)--pal, . Saunders; Baseball League, announced the ro M. Davidson: cover, McCam- appointment of umpires of th Jopgue moh; 'wingd, Richardson and David- for the vexi year, ras follaw Sher son; centre, Grattan; rover, Crawiord dan," O Loughlin, Connolly, Dineen, Argonauts (5)--Goal, Kidg; point, Perrine, Evans, Kerin and Fgan. Murphy; caver point, Murphy; wings, Foronto Star : Sutherland dropped Hlakley and Sangster; centyes, Flem- upon the ice sixteen-year-old kid ming and Cosgrove. named . Millan, who surely did make Referec--Cadet Smith, R.MC. | things smoke in his section of the ice, Youtig Millan scored Kingston's first live goals, and this was his first OH. iA. game, iy With y Hise Jortsmouth, reflects great prin will be the "i George last summer iplace the first will include Kingston is in and and ime of Sporting Notes. News : Nova Scotia "ama- have been gittiag from $15 That looks fine. Capital Hockey Chib, of Fred N.B., got $1,000 from the Are rink in a suit for last year's short. dili- As thei¢ share of secies with Ottawa, Galt team left town. with 8500 point, 0 'A City League Incident. The hockey enthusiasts aré not Very | "Chicago. News'T well pleased swith the action of 'the 'eago athletes are ity Hockey. League in refusing to tion to hockey. The sport is new low Leo Millan t# play with Regi- the ¥vdway, but there polis, ff be continues plaging with adve of good material in the school he Junior Frontenncs. Tho league re-fand a squad will be organized next nstited Millan at' its meting" last week. A coach' for jegesport will wehing, oa condition that he play only | bo hired. vith Regiopolis. The Frontetacs need | Montes il Star: The MA AA. senior vim, and it is considered very narrow-! hockey team leave, Saturday morning, ninded on the part of the city league for its game in Torouto in the Inter o refuse him permission to play with | provincial Hockey Lee agie. t team repressing Kingston a | way home the team wi eague embracidg all Ontario. The Kingston and play eams of the various city heckey game, team leagues must be depended upon for | mis prove a iavers to, recruit the larger leaguc game Kingston nd when 'A city wague player is' mising young Players. ound fit for OHA 'ranks, that! eague shonld be hiroud-wivded enough | stretch its constitution so operant him to pla with it as} vell as in one of righa grade, when | he 'ore dGesn't interfere with the oth r. Millan is the foremost Phver ol | Reyigpolig, but will stigk to. he 'rontinacs, i i . Frootenacs vs. Pictom The. Junior' Frontenues Yogpiin, on" Friday evening. This University of Chi- to. turn their atten: on : is an abund 3 the the ill stop over at an exhibition of 'that place. very interesting have pro with the houjd some Solitaire is one of few as that two cannot play. the games © + Always Recognized by Diy Hacking Cough and Rough Breathing. Any doctor will tell you that only in by gu yemedy emsvied Yy air direct to #1 the "aflocted parts cag bronchitis ' be e 'the #kam's hardest game of grind The very reason why Catarrh: xoupy ay Picton dias 8 strong seven, zone cures is Because it contains a aving won every game it has plaved | loafing modicite lighter ghan air, o fir. Howe Fre Aerts Late Pv! whith id breathed through tl bronch-9 trong, and te F put the kibiosh on ial tubes and hangs, cartyisy poothing : De canting faioty town lage, The:balsams and essences ai it, goes. No oends will lige wp thus: Goal, wonder alter twenty hastd) point, Hazlett; eover, Hylag: yeurs of awful suffer entre, Moran; rover, Brouse, right ing, Capt. James Dun- vinz, A. Davids sory, left wine, Milian. Lip, of Kingston, com- The team will be ac ompanied by mander of the R. & O, {its guardian, Jams 1. Sutherland, teamer Pohemian, wad Lien i un great a dvs cvever of things red thoroughly by fas LO ih. ophier Colembu:. He discov: Catatrhozone, "1 suf- : oyis's Hie © Maly" Walsh, fovpd © twenty years, "Dick" + Weloon and Geege Richhrduon | and although 1 took | when them cracks 'wefg in ther! treatment afl that time Taeva. Now hé bas pulied' into the! sermuncnt relief was Fm: light anther inion ear' old Indes not obts foe GH 1 used ingles Mi lan,' "who Hl in time eo) 'atarrhozope) which is aqual to} Marty. : the best known cure i ? Tor, Bronchitis on the Curling Games. j face of. the globe, plea The curling games Jest cvesng sgnt ta use, gukk to sulted thas: A. Bt-ackan's rink weliove, "and sure to Ent Lc bvons, 3 196: Pref. Wag jeure.' truly woderial treatment son's defsatod J. Bf Walkems 13 to Hor; olan Fothma, Throat Trouble i; TT. Slater's woh | am Prof, Gills, nnd Bronchitis 3s Cats rriazone---thou: by 25 to 6, anda W. R.Sills' led Dr. sands it Ras oured sav so, Yharinizton's, ty 16 two os fiet a large $1 outfit of Catorrho- Fix wr Is: Dates® (romedit contains a beautifully 'polish The season or the Otescont Yacht to Bast play rel re de i take | to | 30 per week with expenses and bonus- | On their l Tow to Tell Bronchilis : « = ETRE SIA SES C--O - | | is-a delicious and fragrant blend of the findst Ceylon Tea. Get a package from your grocer and enjoy its excellent qualities, © THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most9Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, CoLDs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like 2 charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Lllectually ects short all sitacks of SPASMS. > Checks and arrests those too often fatal disesses "FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The only palliative ia NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodvne is a lignid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady. It vavarsably relieves pain of whatever kind | creates a calm refreshing sleep ; allays irritation of the wervons system when all other remedies fail leaves iw bad cffects dnd can be taken when no other medicing can be tolerated, INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING De. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLOROPYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists Prices in England: ih 209, 4je Sole Manclacturers: 1. 7. DAVENPORT LONDON, SE. The immense swecess of this Remedy has given rise 15 maay imitations. NB. Every bottle of Geawine Chloredyae Sears on the stamp the same of the inventor, Dr. J. Collis Browne Wholesale Agents, Lyman Hros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. 'When Cold Winds, Blow, When cold winds blow, biting frost is in the air, and back-draughts down the chimney deadenthe fires, thenthe PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) shows its sure heating power by steadily supplying just the heat that is needed for comfort. [he Perfection Oil Heater is unaffected by weather conditions. It never fails. No smoke--no smell--just a genial, satisfying heat. The new Automatic Smokeless Device revents the wick being turned op high. emoved in an instant, < Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil--sufficient'to give Dut a glowing heal for. 9 hours--solid brass wick carriert-damper top--cool handle--oil indicator, _* Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Every Dealer Everywhere, If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agent of THE QUEEN OCT CITY OIL CO, EET OH HOAOHO CE CHORCHOHOCACHOCHIE CONC! 7 Ct OH QHOHOHOHOHC: D0HOHOLCHOTOHOHOHCHO HORCHS Hall & Parlor Heaters w hen you require a Base Barner: examine THE "ARTGABLAND" & ART "AMHERST Acknowledged the best Stoves made. Sold Only at oS st § ELLIOTT BROS." tic 8 BHAA AANA AER FEIN ; A SNAP IN CHOCOLATES In order to clear out a few Fancy Boxes of Covolates which we have feft, we will Sell them at a Big 'Tedaction. one while they Inst. -- ns, Fw ith n BR. H. Ty (] . above R i u Come and secure 302 King 5 Phone 141 Lod hme arubbice inhaler medication two © months, Smaller dszes, Club, of Wow town," NY, will 'open 256. and Sc, at all reliable. denleghs. % Say | Cit et ae