re a THE COMBINATION THAT GUARANTEES PERFECTION hen uty ¥ - * APPOINTED PHYSICAL INSTRUC TOR FOR COLLEGIATE. G. Palmer Got the Pegition--Finan- cinl Statement of the Year Satis factory--The Deficit Amounted to Only $337.19. The board of education had s spe cinl meeting, last evening, to transact general business. It was necessary for the old board to meet, as the new one will not. be organized for another thre weeks. Jo attendance were: Trus tees Bennett, Chown, Urnig, Don aldson, Henderson, Lambert, Macnee, Marshall, Metcalfe, McLean, Rough ton, Richardson, Mr. Lambert presid- od in the absence of Chairman God- win. ' On the recommendation of the man t committee, G. Palmer, of 0) JF ee of Tron rnd Brass Beds re eed from $1.00 tv * 700 on each. A eat ne to sel rom, and. prices at méan a saving io you. : China Cabinets, Side- oards, Buffetts, Lun. ng Tables, and every- thing for the Dining Room. A large choice and a big reduction. ogany beat, u holstéred in a Velvet, reduced to clear out 50. This is a large Parlor PEI yGS, LINOLEUM, CUR- BaP ERIE , CUSHIONS, werk, d one promptly and Yours, | hone 00. : FP. Harrison Co. . Warehouse : Window Display of ed Sut Mats for Christmas nts. this city, was appointed physical di rector at the Collegiate Institute from January to June at thirty dollars a month. ? The secretary-treasurer reported that the public school receipts in 1909 were . |838,535.07; expenditure, $39,000,20 de ficit, $165.13, ~~ - : The Collegiate Institute receipts for the year were $24,672.76; expenditure, £94,544 82; balance on band, $127.94. The board's total deficit for the year was $327.19, : t The financial showing is most satis factory, in view of extra expenditure for collegiate institute salaries and the expendiiure of $725 for bonuses to public. school teachers. The latter amount was a government grant for teachers and had been included in hoard's estimates. . These communications were received: Edward Groombridge, applying for PR jr salary as caretaker oi Louise school. N. V. Gallagher, applying to placed on the board of entrance aminers. C. H. Sproule, assistant provincia treasurer, sending cheque for $1,205, covering these grants '--Manual train ing, $445; household science, $260 special technical instruction $500. Miss Clara ¥. Ohlke, applying position of public school teacher. E. H. U. Colquhoun, deputy minister of education, asking to be supplied with information concerning the King ston schools, in view of the intended re-organization of the public schoo! inspectorates of the province, with a view to securing systematic ant ade quate class inspection, The Belleville board asked the loca! board to co-operave with it in asking the govérnmiént to establish a technj- cal instraction department. Principal Ellis reported Why Does Not be ex for that the The Stomach Digest Itself ? An Unsolvable Problem, Which Has Puztled' Physicians of All Schools. A Trial Package of Stuart's Dyspepsia very soft Tablets Sent Free. © There seems to be no logical reason why. the stomach should not: digest itsell when we consider the fact that it secretes digestive fluids and acids which are powerful enough to disinte- grate and digest meats, eggs, fruits, cerenls, vegetables and other forms of food taken into it. In animals which were killed while in full digestion the stomach has un- dergone complete self-digestion after death, when the bod: was kept warm, and in human beings who have died suddenly, while digestion was going on, it wae found at the autopsy that not only had the stomach been digest ed, but also the liver, pancreas, spleep and portions of the intestines. The guestion naturally presents it self. "What protects the stomach from seli-digestion during hie !"' Dr. Hunter [ Collegiate Institue vegistered at tendance during December was 420 ; pector Stuart reported that the, 'school enrolment for December ' was 2,177 and the Maily average I.- 966. Kindoegatten enrolment 185. | There were eight cases ol traancy snd 180 canes of Intends of pupils. i INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re- porters On Their Rounds. Wiliam Swaine, piatio fuper. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Toronto in crying out fs salt for its sidewalks. Kingston is out after sand. * Empress Boots for ladies', selling at | big reduction now, at The Lockett Shoe alin, i tuner fr bickenng's, leave orders at Mo Suley's bookstore. : On seccount of the severely cold weather, the men in the stone quarry | had to quit work this morning. Simmons' Bros. 2 per cent, Janu. | ary enamelware sale now on. See our windows for cut price, The Cape Vincent stage had a good crowd to-day on both trips. An extra sleigh is used for the express. "Cherry Cough Cure". cures coughs and colds. Sold in Ki n, at Gib- son's Med Cross Dr tore. Magistrate Farrell had another off lay at the police court, to-day. There. were no chases on the docket. Gas and Electric accounts are lun, Pay at once and save cent, vome Kingston exhibitors will show ut the exhibition to be held at Gan. moque, the latter part of the month. Market Clerk MoUammon will com- mence on Monday, to ocolleet ihe licenses for thé meat shops, in the sity, for 1910. J Men's Heavy Tan Waterproof Wint- r Boots, $5.00, for $8.90, at The Lockett Shoe Store. To day's storm was hard On the treet railway, but the liné was kept pen. The big hroom was kept going warly all the day. The ladies, members of the Orange wder, at Portémouth, held a meeting, 'ast night, and made arrangements for the holding of a concert and tea. Norway Cod Liver Oil, clear as rystal, strictly fresh and pure, is sold it Prouse's Drug Store (up town post office branch). The Portsmouth philosopher say that a good many of the New Yonrrd resolutions were nipped by the last wold wave. Men's Gold Bond Box Calf Boots, yood soles and fine uppers, $3.50, The Lockett 'Shoe Store. Commiss.oner Gordon, and Sanitary ngpestor McCammon have staked out the ice, which can be cut for dometic purposes, fram the shore at Booth's vharf, the Grove Iph, and the Knit- ting Mill. J "0.H.A. Liniment for Hockey Play- ri. It takes out the muscular sore- aes. Sold in Kingston only, at Gib- son's Red Cross Lug Stere. There 'was a bitter wind with to: day's storm, and pedestrians found it very, to make their rounds. The cold weather was appreciated by the rink men, as yesterday, the ice was now ten per A 'had his face pierced with a hat pin, in a crowded street ar. is money for the fell w whe could invent hats that would stay on the head without the use of ative Bromo-Quinine loures a cold na day. Sold at Prouse's Drug Store (up town post office branch). David, Lewers, advertising agent for she Grand Opera House, left, to-day, 'or Gananoque, Napanee, and the sur. ounding country, billing "The White Sister," to be played here by Viola Allen, on Wednesday night next. 20 per cent. dis: unt on all Skating Boots, Trunks, Suit Cases. Felt Shows and Boots, at Th: Locket: Shea Store. The firemen _ received a call at 6:30, station. The entire department re- | Mt. James' church, 'held: a | portrait of the rector, 'bets of the congregation yelock, this morning, from the outer (douneil DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY. JANUARY 4, 1910. WAS PLACED- IN ST, JAMES ; SCHOOL ROOM. : Presented by Members of Congrews-} tion and Unveiled by Bishop muds, Fine Held on Thurs. era Hi ni Pom | . 3 = "12 Pairs of 3 - gramme. The members of the congregation of | pleasant; gathering, in 'the school room. of the | courch, on Thursday evening, when a Rev. Arch Jdescon Maemoring, was presented by the members of the wongiegation, %o be hung in the school recom. The erly part of the programme was given over to vocal und instrumental numbers, and the programme was one | of high merit, and much enjoyed by all present. Aftor the musical part was over, bishop Mills unveil wd € por- traut, and it was hung in the school room. There was a very large attend ance, hosp contributing to the pro ramme were Wiss Muriel King, Miss ildred Maemorine, Miss May Hinek- | ley, J. R. Forster and the bers.| of St. James" male chorus Miss King end Miss C. Dupuy, were the accom- pan'sts of the évemng. ; Bev. T. W. Savarcs presided during the evenimy, and first called upon Bishop Milis to speak. The latter re ferred to the work carrisd on by Arch- ceacon Macmorine, and paid a warm tribute to him. He was a man, be | was definitely decided that steps should said, of many sterling qualities, and (be taken for the organization of the tad accomplished much for the church. | proposed university military corp The Dean Bidwell and Francis King, also |spirit of enthusiasm was highly 'aug: spoke, reférring to service rendered the | mented by inspiring addresses deliver chirch by the archdeacon, and ex-led by Principal Gordon, Lieut.-Col. pressing the appreciation of the mem- [Hemming, Dr. Etherington and Profs. Morison, McPhail and Campbell. An enrolment was made, and no less thay eighty-seven names were subscribed. The hockey team to 'represent EJueen's in their game with the K.C.L, at the covered rink, this evening will Hhe ;. foal, Mills; point, Calvin; gover, Clark; rover, Bissonette; wings, Meikle, i Anglin and Collier, This is the first to have placed in the 'school room, {game of hockey in the junior Inter portraits of .the rectors There are | gollegiate series, and should attract a now three portraits, that of Rev. R. | good crowd, as the result will prac V.. Rogers, Rev. ¥. Kirkpatrick and | tically determine who - will neet the Archdeacon «. K. Muvnmiorine. {RM.C. in the semi-finals, o THE HALL, OF QUEEN'S, Organizing 8 University Military Corps. By Our Queen's Correspondent At the mass meeting of arts stu dents, held on Tuesday afternoon,' it Archdeacon Maemo ne replied, an] referred to' his iwenty-five year's work in the city. He told an interesting story of the olden sluys 1n the church. At the close of the addresses, re- freshments were served, and a most" enjoyable evening was brought to a close, § It is a custom at St, Jumes' church Limestone Lodge A.O.U.W. P.M, SBothman, chief engineer of the The, following were installed as of- | Hydro-Electric Power Commission, will ficers of Limestone lodge, No.\91, A. ideliver an illustrated lecture before the 0.U.W, at.its mesting on Thirsday {Engineering Society this afternoon. at nl ee Pd -- = . PORTRAIT OF RECTOR Pr JE Low Price Wool Ww pairs of White Wool Blankets, slightly soiled, we are selling at COR rs $2.50. Pair. oa White Wool Blankets , Worth $5 50, to clear at $4.50. 15 Only Bed Comfortables =) T_T I Remember You. When I Marry You. Dublin Daisies. Darling Sue. Are You Engaged? If Somebody Loved Me. Just For a Little While. In The Evening 'by. the Moon- light, Dear Louise : There's Nobody Just Like You, Good-Night, Dear. : 260 PRINCESS ST. Shih oh dh ASA AAA SA AA Aa SAA AAAANANAN VV VY VY VV TTT TTT TTT YT YT YT TT TTY YY 1 oF A+41.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.25 and 3.00, less Special Discount of 20 Per Cent. GAN » S re i . ---- ™ > - » . pecial Sale in Music WE ARE SELLING OFF ALE OUR MUSIC AT 10 CENTS PER COPY. SOME OF THE LEADING ONES ARE: x 1 Like Your Way Somebody Lied. Heart's Melody Drifting Lonesome Just a Little Fond Affection What's The Usé of Moonlght » When There's: No' One Round to Love Cherry In The Glass Sunbonnet Sue THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE A THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. ° PHONE 9190. evening, Dros. J. Seott, D. Nesbi} and | - D. A. Weese, acting as installi of- | The glee club announces that for its ficers : Bro. W. Pillar, MW; oI . {annual concert, on the 26th; it has en- Greenlee, P.M. W.; R. Greer, fore | gaged the - services of James Trethe- man, Joseph Gorrie, oversees, Ww. . i way, violin virtuoso, of Toronto, This Godwin, recorder, J. Massie, treasur- |apnouncement in itself gives promise er, D. Comper, finandger, W. Ferguson, {of an extensive patronage, as already gtide, D. A. Vick, inside watchman, !y, Tretheway has been heard at W. Crawford, outside watchman. Al [Oucan's, his splendid = performances ter iustallation the brethren adjourn. |). acterizing him as an artist, ed to the 'Hub restanrant, where they | " had supper togéther, ending with the Year "10 arts is holding its annual usual toasts. : social evening to-night. } tt -------------- Has Not Yet Decided. | There promises td be an. interesting Secretary R. B. Nelles, of the Y.M. meeting of the Arts Soeiety, on Tues- {,A., was in tue city, to-day, amd day afternoon. It is proposed that a» Nhe sghed about the cfler made by box telephone be installed in the club the a iwion, said that he rgom and a committee, which will re- had not yet upon the matter, port at the meeting, is, this afternoon, but had the offer under consideration. waiting upon the senate with that end As to whether he will go to the Capi [in view. tal or not, will be setictl it a day or | #0. Mr. Nelles has accdmplished much for the local association, and members will be very scurry to him go. Dr. Edward Ryan will address the the | Aesculapian Socidly this afternoon. see | . » | At the meeting of the Alma Mater, The president of the association has {on Saturday evening, much entertain Mr. Nelles' © resighniion. The direc- iment will be provided. The students' tors will meet and consider it, but as | grehestra will give the musical part of the new appointment is a distinct pro- | the programme, the opening of mock "motion the board will not stand in [parliament will take place, and J. R. his way. Mott will address" the students. Chances Look Good. The chances look good for a reduc | tion in "the nhmber of liquor licenses | Held Installation of Officers on Wed- Mis vear. The majority of the city | 2 hy nclined i nesday Night. Seem 'very much inclined to . : 5 : ; : | A regular meeting of the Daughters ¥ote in favor of a reduction of three |, 4 yaidy' of England Benevolent so- DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND A Snap in Children's 3 Goats A Sample Lot of Jdldrén's Coats to fit ages up W 3 years. ' A big Assortment of colors, including Navy, Green, Brown, Cardinal, priced $1.50 to $2.50 each. $8 STERLING SILVER TABLE WARE Many people are unaware that with our Staple Patterns Sterling Silver 'Forks, Table ) Spoons and Forks, and Tea- of {Dessert Spoons and spoons) we Sell one, two or as many as required, thus making easier the purchasing of "Silver for the Home," SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. declared that the "'principle of life" in living things protected this irom beng digested by its own fluids, sponded, but when they arrived found tavern Jicenses (28% to 25). It is al. at | J hi 5 i 5 H 5 toy {ciety was held on Wednesday evening Nre. W. Faifbaien's Tie, chisnney 5 fiestion if .more than three ; would {and the officers for 1910 wore insfall- Saturday Your: Ghdics Barty. Skin Mats, from a Mats, from $3.50 mvma R "from $1.00 $8.00. go but Dr. Barnard successfully demon- strated that the iad: Joga of a living frog, when introd through a fistula or artificial opening into the stomach of a dog, undergoés com: plete digestion, and Dr. Pavy, through similar experiment, found that the same was true of a rabbit's ear. Whi'e the normal stomach is ime mune from self digestion, there are many cases on record, however, in which a long-standing gastritis, and perverted digestion, has completely di gested or eaten away the mucous membrané lining of the stomach, and in some instances has engendered gas trio ulcer, which ate its way clear thro the stomach wall, and caused a fatal peritonitis. In all cases of perverted function of the stomach, which manifests itself by the numerous well-known symp- toms of indigestion and dyspepsia, Stuart's Dyspopsia Tablets act as a Sion, gastritis, + Janttie tleer, or eating away the mucous mem- on fire, but was extinguished before an, was done. The run to he depot iy a long one, and the men made it in record time. ue "O.H.A. Liminvat for Heckey Play ra' is wold in Kingston only, at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. A private of the R.C.H.A/ named Odell, was missing, on Friday morn ing, having deserted during the night. The man served a term in the battery before, and, it is understood, that when he joined in, he joined as a single man, while he was married. The case was handed over to the civil au thorities and he may have to face a very serious chaige if his whereabouts become known. 2 ------------ Money Saving List. 15 Nutmegs, 5¢ Good Tub Butter, 22, -'~ 4 Tos. Singerstaps, We. h, We. : : 40c. Cocos, Be. - . bottles Flavoring Extract, bottles Ketch chi 200, ; Three 15¢. mine Laundry Best White 1, any. quantity, Suga 25 ty Be. a lb. for this Mullin's Grocery, Cor. Division 3 Starch, : 2 £35 The funeral of the Inte Nrs. W. W. Burton Jk -; on ria y after noon, at half wo. palibear. we Canon Grants Canon Lo sks in Rev. R. 8. For. ri and} ied. The W. Pres, Mrs, Dutton, : ee past president, and after she {was oscort to her pew chair she was presented with a beautiful jewel of sterling silver, which bore the ini- tials of the society, DAM.OERS., and also the name of the lodge which presented it, Duchess of York, Mm. Parker was made W. president and Miss Chart vice-president. Mrs, Kel: ly was veelected as sdvetary and Mrs. Acton reelected as treasurer: Miss Leighton, chaplains Miss Tol hurst, first guide; Miss Acton, second { guide: Miss Bickerstaff, . third guide; | Miss R. Billings, fourth guide; Miss J. Billings, inside guard; Mr. Dutton, outside guard; Miss Chart and Me. Parker, trustees, Messrs. Leach, Selby and Parker, auditors; Dr. Bogatt, phy- sician. Mr. Parker presented the lodge with a pair of highly polished and mounted ballot hoxes. After the officers wire installed and the general pusipess of the evening had been completed several addresses were given, interspersed with selve- tions f music. 'The gentlemen mem- bers expressed their high opinion - of was Called To. British Columbia Bar. J. S. Brafidon, B.A, a Queen's gra- duate, hes been called to the British Columbia bar at Vietgria. He led the law school class of which he was a member. Mr. Brandon is a son-in- law of W. HI. Godwin, of Kingston. Simmons' Bros. 30 per cent. Janu- ary enamelware sale now on. See our windows for cut price, Goad potatoes, 40c. per bag. Maul lin's grocery. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ier rrr hE EERE SE Erbe + for 50¢ Each. Many other Snaps in this Store. Call and See. NEWMAN & SHAW; THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE, ; » the progress and inerease of . of the lodge during the year. Then all present were invited to an adjoin ing room which was beautifully de eorated for the occasion and a mag nificent supper was awaiting. The gentlemen of the society waited on table. ; Past A Tos Wing Edward. © As predicted by the King Edward company some time ago it would not be long before grand operas would be produced in silent drams, the an- Y is made that to-night and os Y ill el the. Ring Panel" wi ening Edward, as 'a leader in a 'series' of this class oi pictures. The tation' will be by the best : icharact and the pictures will of it jr witnessed in the large Eropesn cities. Sperial and appropriate mus i+ and singing. - Pink 1 am paying Big Prices foro Raw Furs. Don't send your Furs away from home. The mirket Ww higher than you think it is, and I can do better fod you. W. F. Gourdier, 76; 78 and 80 BROCK ST. Kingston, Ont. Exclusive Furrier,