: OME PRYSICIAN | CA SE 70 mm 70 "HICH col T. amy TIE HOME PAYSICH | Dh | cot A GERMAN Core Kost of the Family's Ws, Verhaps if "the children, and the *grown-ups" 100, slways ate gracily ' the right quantities 0, 2 hd : : What is more enjoyable than a hg! poly. AF : : 5 : "8 B bottle of sparkling, delicious proper times, 'and | (a > \ Salvador Beer with your meals? in every other way i obeyed the rules of Lo : (t - a i R & Brewed and properly- aged in health, there would fg . E! EE oi ~ \ ps wood by be no sickness in the : family, and bo need | 2 8 % NE -- >2 Reinhardts' of Toronto of medicine. ] : ; fa { on SOLD EVERYWHERE * But they never Zi Little Dos Is h q . } csi peiay "iti || (I he fa | | iL E. Beas re, Ringstos, Tel. 31 3 every family there are sure to be more YoU FEOPIE DIRE or less frequent attacks of sick headache, Canjifiower Oyster Plant Artichokes Head Lettuce Parsley + Leeks Horse Radish: and Beet Root. NHRC aR FISINIGIDING FI ANON ? : / : i | before Police Magistrate Mitchell, i i r arins, to save her from biliousness, indigestion, constipation, and ! gl +3 Ome Girl Married in Pembroke | father and mother with being tl 16 keep- | going lo the reformatory, by marrying ! Court, ers of a disorderly house, and the four oe, At first Frank was not inclined kidney and liver goubles, and occasion- : Peminoké. Ont. J TEs 8 daughters as inmates thereof. The evi: to do so. but after some persuasion ally some one is "ssick in bed". : i ! % ; ai that a en Hr The i | dence of Frank Fulume and other wit irom the magistrate Je at last eon- It is worth a good" deal to the mcr, FF : es 1 " fi broke police court was Lp rated last | nesses proved the character of the | ented, and after he had procured the then, to have on hand that perfectly safe \$% g = : Chind or : Friday. lutler acti on infor | hoon fx aud She ih, ante necessary licensed the services of Rev. v : i {the father and mother to six mon Mr. King w i i 3 wed = : 2 math dul riven him anile raid] r. ing were secured, who married and reliable remedy for these ills > an duly given fim, mate 8 FEC in jail, and the four daughters to two i a i them then and thee. The comical side . 8 a : 4: o on the notorious Holden household nv Lage p, . d Ah 3 8 < Dz. Morse's Indian Root Pills. rl : a A : nad lodoed the whole-of them in the | 3 or less one day in the Mercer re- | of the pathetie scene came in when the . " { formatory at Toronto. The sentence | newl ar ww +1 y ad ayv m a « . {i newiv-marr 8 3 pn ~ They invigorate those Organs "which * 3 z pulls _ ah n hut aday higl Lo he Best was received with loud lamentations or to pod fas Jauiad the, Minis ! 2 R morning whare ¢ PIL, e father; ! 3 8 10 3 , cleanse the body of waste and impurities, * ¥ Mrs 1 hens H olde A S10 other. and |. 7 the part of the girls, especially the | which' he. (Frank) acknowledged the wi stimulating the : Tx Fi . ga eldest one, Mary, who made a strong | vn tare A Ror : : : regulating the e 1 4 their four daughters--Mary, aged " ) ¢ | parentage, but another which his wile kidneys and opening 'rhe pores of the skin, A oe iwenty-three: Marguerite, aged * twen Plea jo F rank Fuluige, Ht i whom he {previously had by another man, but p : Selins 1 eighteen; had been living and who acknowledge {the reverend gentleman could not see Thus Dr. Morse's Indian Rost Pills p= Bea en ar ime to be the father of the child {his way clear to do thie cure the common ailments and *%keep the FL h : Catherine, aged fifteen--were charged : wie. family healthy, This they have been x -r rn ek mans TEE Le | GHE DOSE RELIEVES INDIGESTION, 25c. at all deslers or from Ww. H. Rome; Jan. Rospigliosi fo-on Sep Ind, 1901. They | 1 1 a te 2 © Ol Conic CSA Sofie On. |mrigs ho wil ori ost vu xk Roger fo Sf 3 | BAS ON STOMACH IND HEARTBURN, Se a the high court « ! ie Roman o fe hureh authorities to declare the un ' » you want A good engine, one al- ne as a ruls he bo h uf Shis ion wih os ¢ ikinant nal, . since > uns econsizts of three ecolesiastica 188 oi ac Barrisd willlon fn di ia . ; ways reliable and sure to bring you ¢ Je ta Tad aes, 1 his case, being regarded as j pensation and NE 1 Parkhorst\ bad not 4 Lintie Diapepsin. Now will Make uudigested foo " guised ith neid, io : : # es 3 cne of great importat!e, will be tried bien baptised in any religion. The | you Feel Fine. nn Fas o oy rh, pf Fo ema after a cruise, just t a pl y 50) by six judges. The sentence will be [latter circamstance would have made | Fvery family here ought 6o kapy heavy ee ing In . in ane; Nat ve ¥ : in the-form of ap answer, gither affi- (the Parkhurst wedding invalid in the some Digpepsin ig the house, as any i ebi ating : hat Norn zx i oF prative or negative, whether the mar- {eves of the 'chureh. The propaganda ond of you may have an attack of In jintestinal griping ; ny all. go ; : land, besides, there will be no sou 3 ] ' } rage, contracted in Washington we [decided . , against the application to \ digestion or Stomach trouble at any |; } left . th st \ & : Be é / the princess, is null, nullify the Washington marring: time, day or night. I= eft over in the stomach to pole A RS Typhoid Fever and Tuberculosis Fo avoid those diseases use onl Pasteurized Milk, { | Sh i {ree : . Ivon vour breath with nauseous odors Princess Rbsepigliosi is an American | A daughter was born te Princess |. 1 his harmless preparation will di Ryo : Sold by 1s. T. Kirk, 281 Princess St. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain 2 cure ia . Manufactured by A an oA born in New Orlesrs in 1570. She was | Hospigliosi, in tome on August 2nd, anything vou eat and overcome g Miss Mary Jenwngs Reid, and in her [1402, and a son on August 27th, dist ssed. out-ol-order stomach five {for out-of-order stomachs, because it youth went to Washington, where she | 1807. The latter will igherit "the'titder minutes afterwards prevents fermentation aid takes hold | avis Dr vr A Bl | marvied "Mr. Parkhurst, of Bangor, {atid the estate. The princess was prac- | If your meals don't tempt you,' or |b your food and digests it just the ; . 8 {Me.. who later divoresd her, keepin: | tically boycotied both by chureh i ; i the what little vou do eat seems to fill |same as il your stome pach wasn't there their two children for himself. She authorities and by tie society, you, ar lays like a lump of lead in Relief in five minutes from all s'om ) pod # ; next went to Rome and soon became {as well as by the Rojjigliosi' fam- your stomach, or if you have heart ach misery is at any. drug store, wait OC O. ' (ngaged _ to Prince Giuseppe R ily. burn, that is a sign of Indigestion. ine for you. fiosi, head of a famous old histone Prince Rostigliosi then appealed to | Ask your Pharmacist for a H0-cent | These large 0H0-cent cases cont: Lin Potatoes, 40¢ per bag. house, dating back to 1830. Cardinal Martinelli, papal delegate in | i | | | 1 | | | | ! ! | | case, of Pape's Dispepsin and take a [more than sufficient to cure almost an Choice Apples by the 1 Rk Both being Catholics they wiihed | the Umited States, 'and he reported Lo ligrfe just 48 soon as you can. There [chronic case of Dyspepsia, lodig on | sis 5 ge A gr? +i - STOVE POI ISH to be married by a re digious were | the pope in favor of the annulment will be no sour risings, no belching of "or any other eo] pk. rices wight. 0 ; v ) Stomach trouble. meny, but the church, not recogrizing (of the prinecss' former marriage. The | ee ans © Ph ' 417 . ud s divorce, refused. thé prince's applica- pope, after long hesitation, finally : Polk Kaight * Stove / tion, They: were, therefore, married I'agreed to reopen Abe case 'and order GASOLINE, " BY A civilly at' tha chatean of Lamporecch-¢l the Rota to' review the evidence A mal . Re . =made to save them work, I Agent for Assclstine's Yarn, COAL OIL, i worry and weariness, ------ -- . -- "Plack Knight" is the v sment oF nt AVIBD Commence ro LUBRICATING OIL, easy-to-shine Stove Polish. IER TOE at: a a Hn need, Fs } Just a few light rubs, with y i : L "his oft wl bp'l : od FLOOR OIL, 3 cloth or brush, brings a . we dd on ¥ Poses ns > A rpentd ir \ 66 99 C A 4 240-4044 MAMA y brilliantly black polish that : et alatm rat. B" Neher BY Ino 3 GREASE, ETC. lasts. Pp BROUGHY INTO COUNTRY WITH. [should bo given control of their school Th unkist : KINGSTON BUS NESS COLLEGE PRO gt y t's ad t u fo AR " + PIN YR fanas.. e alro dedtarec in he time | H i (LIM T MPT DELIVERY. hg eat ge io - IN TEN YEARS. had come for the dominion té own | " ya, wv ick. pack and 2 20,000 (1C HEAD of Qu A STREET. § no dirty work--and dheaper : tend operate the terminal grain eleva e pick, pack and ship ove cars © alifornia 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" than any other because it The Budget Debate is Naw Proc ug. tors and #0 implement iS? tak. oranges and lemons each setson frdin : or o farther and you get a Ing In Pabligment-=Like Coll; (hon by the weslern proviness. at These ere of varying grades, From ell tha y quantity we webty-Sixth year. Fall Term = begits August A0th. Courses' in "bigger can for 10c./ caval Polley » Pi rere BY oclect the fiaést=stho superior grodes--whi we wrap in R Dookkeeping, . Bhorivand, Tele w I Naval Polley "A Miserable Pro i gn tows uilding, ade Back Knight ut Jour posal | MEAT WILL Go HIGHER J fk ren goariog | the nd Oumlar Jee] to thet you EO i adashen pt See and Ontario Streets. ean free postpaid. ; : A BY may know them es the choicest droit, sure to get tions, Withly a short tune over 4 Yt a: "The bet: "3 PP $ v sper g THER. V. DALEY Co. LMITED, Ottawa, Jan. 14,~The budget pH eopic Should Take to the' Chedper | oe lis * oranges and lemotis at your dedler's, . EN on i ae | bate was resumed: in the House of } H le heo a frech supply toda If PSD In Canada. oy Col., Jan. HH. -Harold Swift, Puppy By, ' Bakers of the famous 2 In 1" Bhoa Polish. Commons, yesterday, by M. 8S. Schell; "a | # Knter any time. Call or write : Oxford, who nid tress upon the im-! ; sik '& Co. in discussing the cost I Sunkict" oranges ripen on the tree. The warm California for information, H. ¥ mense amount of money brought into! ; yo Said: BE : cunshine gives o tender, sweet pulp, matured dnd made ex- CALFE, Principal. > Canada by immigrants, both from the po ei of 'meat; Are very high now: | g quisitely juicy by Nature. CTT ITI IIS ITTV TT OTRO L hited tates and from } Reds, but there is every indication that they és 9 : minuets -------------- which he placed af $2,000,000,000 with- | Co go still higher, This is attri-;| Sunkist Navel Oranges Are Seedless ,. These cranges ere distinct, full-flavor, thin-skinned. They | IN oO t 1Ce, { { in the past ten years. He aldo em butable 'to the high price of cornsand i phasized the reduction of the tari in the consequent scarcity of live itock. 1 Bh ked b 1 d-band hl ] d d volved in the additions to the free PG : ! re picke y gloved-hands; thoroug ly cleansed; wra, . : Ag long as the scarcity continues it 1 ny -- ; " ods ppe + . . regular fist, which 'ho: caleuistod at $74,081, P5100 as the Scareity continte in * st" 6 CITIZENS AND FARMERS, ow 75 279 dur } ARTY : well to, educate people to muse tho : ; 279 curing the pust Lwelve years, and cheaper cuits of meat. These cheaper | unbruised fruit. | I want to Ruy ail kinds of Flousehald argued that this was proof that the i f v T / } » | Goods and Brie-a-brae, and ¥ 4 8 > yore le- " and will pay the r ubled With policy of the government was more in cuts are just as good and more who | How to Tell "Sunkist | Wighest Cash Price. Antique Furniture { + . wr k Fah : . | a specialty, Take a look t the- direction of free trade than that some if properly cooked.' Each "Sunkist" orange and lemon is wrapped in tissus paperupon : ook. through the | Mr. Swift admitted that' the retail | house for superfluous goods and drop ani ia da a ¥} "Sunkist" oran; wrap L. L. n't Or et The résidence at Welland, Ont., own- ? p 9t ge: of lemon pers ard 6 two-cent * ecSSes, i conterits on Thursday night ' about erable proposal,'®and went on to ar- from the iron steamer Carina, on proof of national growth, it ought not to prevent the furthfr development of Sr rien : f : i sora." The Weae hot | A } Ya which is printed the "Sunkist" label. Lemons or oranges without | & postal card to me. Don't f Brock ~~ t ackache For ee abi I - dealer is making a large gross profit | \ RB " Sotkist" wrappers arc mot "Sunkist" brand. ng. it now, i De " 4 en iy . . 3 a 5 stamps fore. postage, packing, etc, ond we will " , ) « Lo" Cred by the Use of R. S. Lake, Qu Appelle, opened his binidnight. Cause unknown. is BY con cnsily have a full set. Get a dozen *Sunkint™ ol id on neat. Y ears. | ed by Edward! Collardy and occupied : Be | send § a Wii, Rogors & Son full standard, Cor. Princess and Chatham Streets, speech by charecterizidg the nav val | Harry Kentzell, first assistant ng si grinigos or lens und seer your fustspoon. - the export trade, but{-while this was un id Ga i P + Froo--Best Rogers' Orange Spoons--Send us 12 / Now Completely our Spots; especiplly of dairy pro- Ly Norman Lambert, wis burned with ! 8 AA plato barge spoon. For cach additional spoon il HAST E a Kingston, Ont Doan' 8 Kidney Pills. policy of the government as "'a muis- | neer, is the sole survivor of the wreck 3 # Address; e COA Racecar aso gue that C&nada should "do her duty (Coos Pay Bar, Oregon, the thirty and hor whole duty to the empire." other men aboard having lost their { 3 / Churd] oro 3 The kind you are looki for is He proceeded to "censure the govein< lives, % x h St, 1 to, Ont. | He the kind we ng SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we br prompt delivery. Phone. Two Pounds of Meat Saved Booth & Co., . - ' FOOT WEST STREET, The 4 1bs. of butcher's met "you would need to make 2 lbs. of Corned Beef : Tr similar to CLARK'S 30c. tin, free from A 1 bone, gristle and superfluous fat would PP es . cost you at least 20 cts. more than you pay for Uellflowers," | Snows, Tillman Sweets, Northern Spies. | alien nena | | Ba | CLARKS oa fl] camdGun iain Setreu § Corned Beef dag D. COUPER'S, 241-8 Princess St. "READY FOR THE TABLE a Bi. Ue Setmmeins LA i (7 3 THE RISE OF aces Jo mie ~ United Empire Loyalists Bee finstead of mak- - o ' 73 Inform Sketgh of Ameri ing yotf own Corned , tan History, aluably for Librar- Beef at such a loss, ies and Research. and an tutlay of time a {| By VISCOUNT | , ahd v DE FRONSAC. vr Ts 6 8 Price, 50e. "At 'your Grocers | BR 2 | Address British Whig. Kinghten. : _ 15¢. and 30c. a tin , 7 THE FRONTENAC ec -------------------------- rrr nd cAI 3 : 3 | LOANAND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTA BLISHED, 1863. Richard