PAGE TWELVE fe SS --] . TRAVELLING. YT ETNIES Eastern Ontario Live Regulate | the Bowels ee Stock and Poultry Show #1 have been troubled with \ &@ Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 17-21, 1910. Round trip tickets will be sold st $3.70 Good going Tuesday, Jan. 18 and | Wednesday, dan. 19th, good to'return | until Saturday, Jan. 22nd. | Thpougts Putimans to and from Ottawa | ville dally, via on trains 3 and 5. | Pull accommodation reserved in ad vepcs and all other information furnish od on application to J. P. HANLEY, Agent? Uorner Johnson and Ontario Ste. LT GLE SEE RAILWAY ' IN CONNECTION WITH Fastern Ontario Live Stock and Poultry Show : Ottawa, Out, Jan. 17-31, 1910 Round rip tickets will be sold at $3.79. Good going Tuesday, Jan. 18th, and Wednesday, Jan. 19th, good to re- turn until Saturday, January 2nd. ° KINGSTON---OTTAWA. © Leave Kingston 12.01 pm. arrive 'Ot- tawg § pm. Leave Ottawa Kingston 1.55 p.m Full particulars at K. and P. and C PF. JL Ticket Office. Ontario Street, 10.45 am, arrive constipation fer several years, and have tried a great many kinds of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. = Nothing seenied to help 'me until I be- gan taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. 1 found the little pills very effective, and I am thankful that at last I have a: reliable remedy." . MRS. F. M. DUNKIN, 4 . LeRoy, Ills. 'Dr. Miles' .Nerve and "Liver Pills Simply cause the bowels to move in a normal manner, and with- ofit the griping effects of cathar- tits and purgatives. That'sswhy,' they: are so universally used by, women and children. The longer they are taken the less are needed, Natural conditions gradually being restored. o Sold by druggists ever re. If first package does not benefit, Your druggist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhari, Ind. FE, CONWAY, Gen. Mass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. 'Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pau. dall (Bunday excepted) for Tweed. Sydenbam. Napanee, onto, Bannockburn and all Points north. Tea secyurs quick despatch to Bannock- buts, Maynooth, and pointe on Central On! 0, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- Sam, apply R. . DICKS IN, Agent, 'Photie, No. 8. es BER MUDA BY TWIN SCREW LINE Largest and Fastest Steamers 8. 8. OCEANA, 8,000 TONS S, 8. BERMUDIAN, 5,600 TONS, + Wireless on both Steamers; also bilge Forty hours from Frost to Flowers, Sailings every Wednesday and Saturday from New York in the season. WEST INDIES - Ni 8.8, ARIMA." "GUIANA" 8,700 tons, 8.8, " 8,000 tons, 8.5. "KOR- ONA" 3,000 tons sail from New York every alternate Thursday for st Thomas, Bt, Croix, 8t. Kitts, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. ia, Barbadoes and Demerara. For full particulars apply to A. E. Outerbridge and /Co,, Agents, Quebec Steamship Uo., 29. Broadway, New York, Quebec J 4 Ci Quebec it. to OT OU 1 02 HICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston. A COLD PREVENTIVE. Is a collar Slisd with Coal. I can sup Ply you with an excellent quality. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. Start The New Year Met ) in & Nome of your ows. Drop the rent habe, Be known as « PROPERTY OWNER Tustend of A property 'router. | When we enlighten you about prices, terma of - payment, titlen, values, sie, you'll bef sorry that se moe. mouey has heen waniéd in were rest payiug, ete AD, A.Cays TT MROCK ST. 3 Lexy ey fo Ere adil itnd bali Gent, I LAWLER, Gotllen - | Typhoid Fover | Tuberculosis i va avoid those diseases us, onl Pasteurized Milk, Sold by S. T. Kirk, 281 Princess St. Potatoes, 40c per bag. Choice Apples by the barrel or pk. Prices right. Phone 417 Agent for Asselstine's Yarn.' Was Weak and Nervous. Fd + Heart Would tting better Stop Beating. + rt trouble. ' I would Heat ehoke, and then my heart . would sto ting. I could not lie on my left side, and became so nervous and weak I could not work. A friend told me to try Milburm's Heart and Newve Pills, and Deford the first box was taken 1 was 'almost well, and the second box .pom- pleted the cure. 1 have advised many others to try them, and they have all been cured of the same trouble. I have offered to pay for a box for anybody they do Rok gure, burn's Heart and Nerve Pills are a specifis for all diseases or disorders arisi from the heart or nerve system, They make the weak heart strong and the shaky nerves firm by imparting a strengthetfing and restorative influence to every organ, ani tissue of the body and euring palpi tation of the heart; dizziness, sleef less ness, anmmia, twitching of the muscles, sensation of." pins and pr general debility; lack of vitality, ete. Price, 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for 3% tan Sater, a mailed fitaet on receipt y s urn Limited, Thmto Ons, » - Cascapedia, Que., } rites--" gs ve rs a gave io all ree of GASOLINE, COAE om, * LUBRICATING lL, FLOOR OIL, PROMPT DELIVERY. Ww. F. KELLY i --__ Don't Forget TO TRY - M. Nolan FOR YOUR GROCERIES, 333 Princess St. "Our § at 2%e. and 35. not be beaten. | fan: ' } borer will «| ence as pleasant as that of the man | Mr. Paul Poull, of HIGHEST GRADES] Hurry Ends - ' THE WZARD'S WORK j + HAIL TO THE FUTURE OF THOS. EDISON. in Days to Come Manual Labor Will be Unnecessary - and' all Will Be Rich. ? Women of all lasses and incomes will eventually be able to dress in the height of fashion and style, the Ia some day enjoy an exist with a $200,900 income, radium may supplant coal as a fiel, and the na- ture of heat, light and cleciricity will | some day be discovered, writes Thom- 'as A. Edison, the famous inventor, in | i printed in an American { an article | monthly. Mr. Edison devotes considerable Y space to the improvement that he | maintains is now in progress in the {laboring class and predicts what it will be in two hundred years. He de- | dares that automatic machinery and scientific agriculture will contribute | chiefly to his being plased on the level 'of the man with a $200,000 income. He declares there Will be no manual labor in the , faetories of the future, { that all work will be done by ma chinery and that man will be the su { perintendent® of the machines. { "The clothes of the future will be so cheap," says Mr. Edison, "that everm | young woman will be able to follow the fashions promptly, and. there will be plenty. of Taahatn Artificial silk that is superior to natural silk is now | made of woo pulp. It shines better {than silk. 'F think that the silk wopm barbarism will go, in fifty years, just Fos the indigo of India went with the | production of indigo in German labor- ! atories, | "There is' much abead of us. We don't know what gravity is; neither do | we know the mature of heat, light and electricity." We are only animals. We are coming out of the dog stage and getting a glimpse of our environment. We don't know--we just suspect a few things. Our practice of shooting one another in war is proof that we are animals, The make-up of our society is hideous, "Commugication with other worlds has been suggested. I think we had better stick to this world and find out something about it before we call up our neighbors. They might make us v N - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 43, 191 -- EE New York, Jan. 15.--~Rose ud, an educated, horse of the police trafic squadi®is king of feminine hearts in Fifth 'avenue, at Iity-Fifth street, where he and his rider are ewgaged in regulativg traffic. Scores of wo men, many of whom are prominent in New York society, have become de- voted fiends of the horse, and sear- cely a day passes that they do - not stop to feed him loaf sugar,: candy or apples. . When a handsomely dressed woman walked from the St. Regis stopped at the Fifth averne curbing and gave a shrill whistle. Although engaged them in solving a difficult traflic . problem, Roscbud raised bis head, 'pricked back his ears and gave a tow bow qf recognition. In the animal's big intelligint eves tle wo- man could almost read the words" "Just a minute and I will be with you." just as twidght gathered, he stopped, {undressed himself, and threw his old clothes far out into the stream. 'Now,' he said, and reached under the seat for his box of duds. "It was gone. He remembecod what he had said to himseli--'She'tl hardly know me." . > Hotel Labels' Meanings. Notes and Queries. ashamed of ourselves. Not ipdividual- jam but social labor will dominate the future. Industry will constantly be come more social aml interdependent There will be no manual labor in the factories of the future, The men in them will be merely superintendents watching the machinery to see that it works right. Less and less man vill be used as an engine or and his brain will be employed benefit himself and his fellows. to A Tardy Recognition. New York "Times. New York is laughing bver how an artist got even with a prominent mil-/ lionaire, who, having sat for a'crayon drawing of himself, was so dissatisfied with thé result that he refused to pay for it, "It does not bear the slightest re semblance to me," he said, "and 1 will not take it." The artist portest- ed, but all to no avail, #All right, sir," he remarked final Iv; "il it is not at all like you, of course, 1 ean't resonably expect to get paid for it." After the gentleman had loft the*mrtist added to the portrait a magnificent pair of ads's ears, and ex- hibited it to the gaze of the cdurious public. It had not 'long been so « ex- posed when the gentleman broke into the artixt's studio in a towering rage, and finding that threats availed him nothing, at last offered to buy it at a considerable advance upon the orig- inal price. % "It was mot strange that you failed to recognize your resemblance to the picture at first," said the artist, de termined to be revenged for the slight pyt upon his work. "But 1 knew you would notice the likeness as soon as i} addel those ears." ! His Fatal Forgetfulness. Calgary News. "I don't say this is a true story,' a Calgary merchant. "It was me for the truth, hut a clothi salesman recited it, so doubt it. A_fellow down in Missouri started to celebrate Christmas by buy- ing himsolf a brand new outfit = of clothing, hat; shoes, gloves, under wear and socks. He hadn't pur- chased such an outfit since hs was married. He drove tem miles into town, got the clothing and figured all the way home about how he would surprise his wile. "trShe'll hardly know me," be said to. himself. "When he the creek said told t t to the bridge across ut a mile from home, sO . » in Indigestion Use your teeth on food or Stomach vill suffes Quick anche hurried eating, bolting food, are sure: fo. sd, sooner or later, in some of indigestion, more of AS a horse, i There is a secret code hidden in the hotel labels with which travellers' { trunks on the Continent are so pro {fuscly decorated: Globe trotters ar | aware that in Switeerland and in | other tourist. countries porters or | waiters stick bills or labels with th | name of the hotel on the lu when one leayes. : The trunks look very ugly end of a Dp, and require a tound washing. 1 have been told thar the place where these labels are stuck and the way of putting them--upright or upside down, or crosswise--for + an unwritten and unsuspected "charae- (er,"" to an English proverb, These: Ipbets speak, and tell in tne next hotel, if the traveller is generous or not, if good "tips" are to be expected--in shott, what the prey is worth. i gag at the Her Kindly Intention, Utica Globe. William Miteholl Lewis, of the Na- tional Association of Auiomobila Manufacturers, was talking 'in lacine about the émprovements that the last decade has wi wised. "I remember the time," sudy alr. Lewis, "when it Was a common sight, as you drove along a corr, to se a motorist knevling 1 the dust beside his car pumiiag over a great heap of cog-wheels, screws, tiny springs, and other: delicate pieces of machinery. I knew a man who knelt beside a scrap heap of his car's 1O1or cars YOu, ine ped beside him, put her hand on head and said kindly : * 'Would a hairpin be of any to you, ir V7 his use No Double Boxes. Boston. Record. . Lelephone girls sometimes glory in their mistakes if there is a joke in cagsequonce. The story is told by a folephae operator in one of the Bos: ton exchunges about a man who ask ed her the number of a local theatre. Ho gol the wrong number, dnd, without asking to whom he was talk ing, he said, "Can I get a box for two to-night ¥" 2 A startled voice answered him at the other end of the line, "We don't have boxes for two." "Isnt this the --~----theatee," ke called erossly. v "Why, no," was the answer, an undertaking shop." He cancelled his order for a "Lox for two, "this is Had A Relapse. A bolored man complained the storekeeper that a fam which he had purchased the¥s was not good. "The ham 8 all right, Zeph" in- sisted the storekeeper. "Xo, it ain't, boss" insisted the ne gro. "Dat ham's shore bad 1' * How dan that be" continued Ww storekeeper, "when it was' eured y last week * ly The colored man scygtched his head reflectively, and. finally « ted. "Well, sah, them it must have had a relapse." : . TEL ia------ - Situation Saved. Beaton orale. . h ra seedy looking 'man hurried "excitedly from the rear coach into 'the ops ahead. "Has anyone got any iskey *" he shrilly inquired. "A k back theré hae fainted." all a dozen flackd were offered in- standly. Beizing one, he looked at it critically, uncorked it, put' it to his * LF r-------------- The on who tries to buy bis way into ven may discover later that he gave 3p money to an pnauthorized : le..." hotel she | Forewarned, forearmed according natds when a pretty farm girl stop the | BUD" EDUCATED TRAFFIC SOUAD HORSE Turning his head te the west, fac my the Hotel Gotham, Rose Bud gave a warding look in the direction of chauffeurs dnd coachmen coming up Fifth avenue, and the north hound traffic was brought te a standstill. In the same manner a long line of auto- mo' lcs and carriages going south in the busy thoroughfare were bhlted by the horse, whe then, with n bow of the head, signalled waiting + vehi- cles bound east amd west in Fifty- fifth street to proceed His duty performed Rose Bud hur Yd to the curbing, where his friend wee still waiting. With a neigh of welcome the horse greeted the woman in furs, Nhe then pulled fron her muff a liven mapkin, in which she had wrapped several cubes of loaf sugdi Rose Bud ate She saccha offering, bowed a farewéll and rusif®. back to "his post of duty. enm---- NEADS THE WORLD | | i No Large Poultry Farms, but Nearly Every Family Keeps its Few " Hens. + Vice-Consul General W. R. Dorsey of Shanghai writes concerning domestic fowls imChina : 'Perhaps there is no country in the world where there ary so many mestic fowls in China, and yet there are no poultry farms. where shickens are reared in quantities. Al * most every family in the towns and villages, as Well us in the countfy, keeps a few hens Many of the birds are of medium size, laying small eggs, but some breeds, such as the Huai fowls and the Lanshans, mre large, and their eggs ere almost, if not quite, as large as those of the Bra- bmas and Plymouth Rocks. It is not "} ubgommon to find hens in the markets weighing as much as eight pounds cach, ' "Chickens are -hatched in crude in- eubators. When the chicks are na few daye old, they are carried around in baskets and sold for about twice the market price of eggs. Whey large enough to forage for themselves «they are allowed to roam over the fields to pick up what feed they can find. At night they are fed a little paddy ok cooked rice left from the meals. "Hen's eggs are produced and sold in large quantities at certain seasons. Many are exported annually to Japan. They are usually so cheap that few of the Chinese are sa poor as to be de- | prived of having some on their tables oh special occasions. A few vears ago the price throughout the year at the open ports on the Yangtze g river averaged 4 to 5 "cash" each, or 4 cents Mexican currency (equal at that 'ime tn 2 cents United States money) a dozen, * : Wivn the abolition of the old eopper 'ensh" and the substitution of "10 cashf pieces" {or cuts) for the same, the price of, everything has advanced Eggs are now sold at 12 to 16 cents, Mexican curredoy, a dozen, equivalent at the present rate of exchange to 5 to 6 2-3 cents United States. money. The flavor of Chinese eggs dose not differ materially from that "of the eges in the United States" Especially Mufe's Feet. Once, While visiting the wounded men in the field hospital, Dr. Brindle, the well-kno#n British army chaplain, came to one poor fellow who was groaning wildly. "Come, my poor felow, bear the 'pain like a man," said the chaplain. "It's no use kicking against Fate." "Bedad, 'sorr, you're roight," mur- mured the sufferer with the shadow of a smile, "specially when it's tho fate of an army mule." » Are You in Darger? You May be Neglecting a Sma Aah ment and Thereby Inviting Serious Disease. That 'little maladies grow int ious "diseases we all know: Upon stomach; liver and kidneys rest main. ly the work of . maintaining health. Most of vour 'itil sickensses come from derangement of these organs. Fx- perience proves they are very fre quently out of grder, not badly per- haps, *but even if only slightly "out of order, it acts upon the mind and the spirits and upon the - strength and regularity of the xvastem. . b L won't pay you to nasgledt your health ;. at the first sign of hewdache of languor take br. Hamilton's Pills sig nots hoy bright you feel next morning. You'll have a' grind appe tite, wo yebur breakfast on feel full of energy to go to work upon. Your food soon tastes so good that yOu eat more than ever before and, of couiter, you grow stroager, ruddy, vi- Various, just Sparhiin 'with energy and good health. ¥ By - Soon your friends will potice . the improvement, and by continu to tone up yout system with Dr. anil. ton's Pills you lay the sound founda-| tion of ' do- ns ser the| . OF 6 IN THRE 0 OF THE SECURITY any, Limited. They bonds, annum, The Belleville borne, Ont. Arrangements The Eastern EARNINGS The net earnings interest charge. in the Merger and restoration of normal sured by an efficient capable executive, AN INCOME RETURN FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Canada Cement Company, Limited These bonds are secured by a First Morigag on the properties of the Canada Cement vestment in the property of practically three times the amount of the present outstanding The mills owned or controlled by this Company are among the best established and mast efficiently equipped on the continent, with @ capacity in excess of 4,500,000 barrels per They include The Lakefield Portland Cement Co. Ltd., Montreal, P.2. The Lakefield Portland Cement Co, * Lid,, Lakefield, Ont. The Owen Sound Portland Cement Co., Lid., Shallow Lake, Ont, The Alberta Portland Cement Co. Ltd.; Calgary, Alta. Co., Ltd., Belleville, Ont, . The International Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Hull, P.2. The Vulcan Portland Cement Ci, Led., Montreal, P.2. The Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Ltd., Belleville, Ont, The Canadian Portland Cement Ca. Ltd., Marlbank and Port Col. te acquire a controlling interest in the following companies The Western Canada Cement and Coal Go., Ltd., Exshaw, Alta. Cement Co., Ltd., Quebec. constituent Companies, representing less than fifty per cent. of the capacity of the mew Company, amounted to twice the present bond Estimated yearly net earnings, $1,400,000, based om the sales of the Companies comprised under existing conditions, together with the Proper and successful management is as Stragetic position of the plants of the Canada Cement Company enables it to serve the trade in all parts of Canada. INCOME TO INVESTORS After careful investigation, we believe this bond issue to. be well secured, and the bonds should form an attractive investment at par and accrued interest yielding six per cent. Minion SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED 30k5HTe mp 'represent an actual in- Partland Cement bave also been made Canada * Portland in 1908 by seven of the the cost of manufacture, prices. board of directors and ORDERED JANUARY SALE 20% Discount Crawford & | Walsh, THE TAILORS. CLOTHING . " MCE ISAACS AIA FORA OE EON ° 2 "City Brokerage" 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON. Jd. O. HUTTON WILL BUY: & Silver Leal, 3,000 Rochester, 5,000 - Cobalt Lake, 100° Nipissing, 5,000 Peter- son Lake, 1.000 Nova Scotia, 1-, 000 Foster, 500 Cobalt Central. A Phosphate Property io Font enac. 6,000 v Bay nl Sell Orders Now. J. R. C. DOBBS WILL SELL: $10,000 6 per cent. first Mort. gage. Canada Cement Bonds, 19 shares Birkbeck Loa, 4° shares Formers Bank, 20 shares Frost & Wood, 40 shares Home Life, 2. O00 shares Silver lLasal, 2.000 Beaver, Debentures on Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton Winnipeg, Port Arthur, Kelowna, Kamloops, Revelstoke, and Rossland, hearing 00d interest, alin lots and houses n any part of the City of King- ston, and a 320 dere Improved farm in Saskatchewan. - ---- ---- NN Wood's Phosyhodine, ra Neve: ing orb 2 TT Jack Johnston's e Shoe Sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WBPECIALS, Men's Good regular $4.50 sud § Ww $3.75 Boye' $1.25 and $I Bools "a SALE PRICE 81 to 51.75 Sar Weita 5 NO 8 Meg's Heavy or aris 70 Brock st. # itdid not cost. so muck, many of uy would imitate Joo more thoroughs 4 °