PAGE FOUR. 7 POFETIN Ankle Support Once "Ire Always Used This kind . Leather ones . ' Bverything for Skating Comforts nt CORBETT 5 EEL EAE Massachusetts Hemlock Boards and Plank. Quality O.K. Come and see. S. Anglin& Co. Lumber| THE E WHIG, 77th YEAR DATLY BRITISH WHIG, published Nedio By street kingston, Ontari,, Editions at 2.80 ana 4 fo' Shiba Sek a BRITISH. 'WHIG, 16 pages, dvd in parts on Monday and 'Burs thes moming at $1 a year. To United { States, charge for ig had to be making price iy $8 and of | Wan $1.50 per yea! fy Attached is one of "ihe eat J Job eyish. ng, flices in an rapid {and cheap work ; nine improved presses ne Too. Betish Wiig Pabihing Co, Li. EDW. J. B. PENSE, Manafing Director: TOROK1O OFFICE. Suite (19 and Quigsn City bers, 33 Ohurch 2% Toronto, Smallpgice, J. P., 'representative. - 4 w= Daily Wibig. FIGHTING TUBERCULOSIS, More than $5,000,000 was spent in fighting consumption in the United States, last year, according to a bul- Jetin of the National Association for the * Study and Prevention of Tuber The amount spent for treat ment and the number of patients treat. ed inten leading cities are reported as: follows : Cham- H. E culosis. Expendi- tures, $1,069,179 5,664 State. New York Pennsylvania Patients. 41,7719 24,410 10,645 4,526 5,820 3,197 2,159 3,20 inois ...... Maryland .... Ohio | New 195 i! 245 HY. 2 1.060 B68, 205 Jersey {Colorado {California ...... ... «. 204,707 1,900 | Connecticut 220,190 1,14) | Reports from all parts of the coun- try indicate that next year the amount {of money to be expended and the pum- that will be treated {will be more than double that of last | year, ber of patients ¢F FL ATTERY. a Canadian by THE VIRT E OF OF Bonar Law, MW.T., birth or education, and a candidate {in Dulwich, laments the fact that {some men sock power by flattering the | people, or/by playing upon their weak- "ness. Inferentially, Mr. Law refers to North Ead wists St., "Phone | 4 66. 20000600000 00000000400 Time and Experience Wore a Multitude of Changes What wns bust a few years ago may to-day ke practicaily worth. loss: Now ideas" are constantly danlicing old and befogged on 8. This is 'an age of progres- sivencss, We want you to know that-- WE ARE RIN ORIGINALITY ' Who infuse into our work the Iate:t, most practical thoughts of fiained hunds and minds. "Phone David Hall 66 Brook St. Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 201. DAY or NIGH Clifi's Real Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. {the purpose of the liberals, and because of their ofd | age and other socidl reforms. But the liberals are not alone in | their angling for votes with tempting | bait. The Unionists invite support be- | cause they are going to give employ: 'ment to the people by tarifi reform. | Some of them promise to donate large | sums if the taxing of wheat afiects the | cost of bread. Mr. Balfour is not above pledging to & continue the old age pensions when he |is called to form a government. He Lintimates that he will solve the land question by developing a scheme by means of which the great estates of England may be turned into small farms. The Iand for the people is his slogan. Not to be outdone in the bids for popular favour, Mr. Churchill calls for insurance against non-employment, {and 'Lloyd-George is said 40 have .put . p sum of $15,000 into the budget for ! carrying this scheme | into effect. Against this seductive campaign of socialism some ave crying out in | great distress, but the leaders oi * the | party are the fulsome flatterers, and | the people can' scarcely be blamed if they take these men at their word. A NAVY FOR CANADA. There is ae difference of opinior. as to the merits of the naval scheme. {hough it is projected. by the liberal government, and represents fairly the mind of the liberhls in parliament, it {is undoubtedly true that many liber- tals outside of parliament are not in avord with regard to it. They are not satisfied that the time has come | when Canada should commit itself to | "party and its feader, and Mr. lier men by highef rewards. THE "siren Daly o AaTty. He mpde a spevch at' Lachine | at | which showed that he meant trouble, in repudiating the position .of 4 bis © Bor- | : den's reply was to emphasize the at titude of the at the time par lament passed its famous naval reso- | lutions. 'That there is a split at once significant. and serious quite evident. Mr. Monk express: his | mind quite freely, and reflects the : mind of Henri Bourassa and others. The stand of the premier will be sus- | tained in Quebec. A weaker man, might well hesitate, in the presence of the agitation the 'disgruntled can make, but Sir Wilfrid represents a sentiment that finds higher expression / than the occasional waving of the Hag. s | There are two kinds of loyalty--the | otia that ends in talk and the /one | that ends in action. Of one kind the | Canadian people have had enough, : party . few | quite er ° NO INC ENTIVE TO SUCCESS, It is unfortunate that the country-- the province or the dominion--cannot retain in the public service the men of the first rank or ability. The Mail says it is because "the public has not yet learned how to rewards its best servants. ."* Ts that the eorrect theory? The government is not in a posi- tion to compete with the capitalist and the corporation with regard to the employment of men. The federal government has a C ivil Service is empowered to Com- mission which ad vance the members of the civil service according to: their merits. There, are examinations for promotion and when they are passed the successful ones are given the sdlaries attached to the} higher classes. : Beyond these class salaries the gov- To single out any LORD CURSON OF i Speaker in defcuco of article United ery the of that in ev from > 3 evidence imported the that States. ernment cannot go. "how ---- deserving, and | has put $15,000,000 in man, no matter Lloyd-George give him increased compe nsation for | 10 the budget for his service, 'would be to invite eriti- | gecheme, cism if not complaint. It might be | there insinuated that he was being shown a | smployment, and preference on political 'account. No, | Kind. The the government cannot bold its bet- | agmanist poverty, When a pum. man of the Butler stamp shows his | ability conspicuously, he is picked up. | rh Home private enterprise wants him, {ter of labour did not force Cape i Ho and he accepts the stipend the gov- {Breton strike to: 8 © ow could he ? The law provides for the ernment could not pay him. 1 1d Mr. Butler was the strong man of work of a conciliation board. It does the railway commission, the man who not provide for the compulsory | e i's work. li Ma had special qualifications for the office | {es pine' oh the Hoss » he este by reason of his technical training. ing had Sugges ; : He iy t hi g | he Mail would have een the a is prime and is worth $15,- ¢ "Hands off s off 1" 0M a year, while the government {to ery ou np could 'only pay him $5,000. It will be em Hon. Mr. Grabam's duty to seek ot : worthy successor. But where will he | The Man On Watch unemployment Churchill an and Winston BAYS is to be insurance against un of a most practical insurance Lhe next will be and then mille ---- The Mail whines because the the close. minis- ac Case first get a master mind for $5,000? The | railway companies have. . their great! men, but not for the salaries the coun- | ty pays. Indeed the bright men of {ie day do not look for sioynen | k It startled the Lampman when he | rend a comment ir a Poronto, daily 1 | newspaper, "hinting thay the lady curl | hg players of Rangston might be ex J pected to cause some of the Scotch ex- | whiskey of the geutlemen's club to em- | disappear. The paper didn't say Ww heth : | er the Scoteh woukll be drunk or de- pire into bankruptcy. Should any | posited elaew hete. The Lam} man thinks country be tempted to follow so bad | that the lLadieg curling club ~ghould an example * | make J- Ross Robertson's newspaper 3 | swallow "its reflection . upon its mem- | In England it is no longer necessary bers, non of whom woutd think of to kiss the book in taking an oath. | accepting a highball even at a curling banquet. Andiby the way, the Lamp t has always puzzied some men to man has remarked the 'absence of understand what special emphasis the | liquor from the curling rink. Exoppt «ss gave to the oath. at a bonspiel, when ail the old boys | -------- get together, there's a lamentable! Lord Curzon's boast--that England | gearcity of booze up there. The Seotch owes. pretty nearly everything to the | men who curled in the o ould aristocrats, and that they are entitled be shocked if they were to come Daf ls and find that a curler would have to to first ¢ votes for the Unionist party. with the government, for it Has no in- centive for the best vice. EDITORIAL NOTES, Germapy"s naval and military travagance is fast driving the considerition--is not making |. ol down town to get a horns {'I'here are eurlors in Kingston to-day, -- who can remember when whiskey was Let us hope that the Grand Trunk | i nk froin a big pail with a dipper, railway company means in | al curling contests, Vo! FN ae » or ww promising - 'improved facilities Kingston. The company has bu sinese § - or4 | The Lampman has received been |, te, from a lady of course for it was may {marched a little E KEDLESTON, the House of Yond. THERE Said That Suifragette. yronto Wor id When She She Te WAS A TABLE Al Was a "The woman suffrage movement has humorous Homer B. Mason, s fe: at wired with relia 'Just before land. last trip board accompanied {hey were New York, I've tiful women, but beautiful as this one. "Af\ dinner time all the men boat, it seems, were panting troductions, She knew it, sone aspects, the comedia "X Stubborn we sailed from a Americans séen many too, marked n, who Cinde Eng- woman came OD by her daughter returning to beau- never so wonderfully on the for in and she led them the most amusing dance I ever saw. '1 don't 'know what happens have been that she Anyhow day cluster dround het w whe she them. one was uo ud It was tired of n there asked .AMat they thought of the woman suf frage movement. "Tommy rot,' said one. 'A crowd of mad women, other. | 'Ugly old crones, citement,' commented 'th characterized senseless mortals,' and the like. i "The Aady drew hevsell icily looking the 'pitiful 'Fm so glad you are candid, You may be surprived to said. that I'm = suffys agette and t in a procession don.' "There was a tableau. gr, cooling all their ardor, the backs. of the One by one they meited away, ray \ fore they had quite disappeared ady stood on a sent and a third, women said an fofsex And as objesis' aloit. she hear hat 1 around Lon A cold shiv-* 1 down congregated, men. but be the shouted trigmphantly, "Votes for women.' And for the rest of the received the cold shoulder, vided a scene almost as comics first had been.' tr ip 1 as the " Wade's Diamond Cough Remedy. The old reliable Sold at Mcleod's diug stores, land Princess streets. The tEng., on marriage occurred in November 15th, Miss Pearl Trumpour, of Mr. and Mrs. D. F | Mes wdowbraok Farm, Wellingt Staniay Thompson, gland of 1909, only daughter, T'rampour, cough medicine. corner Id days would | Kin; and Brock and obrner Montreal London, of on, 10 London, she | which pro- x - ey ' y Help us close at ten o'clock Saturday We beligve take ad i "fair day's work evenings, and 4 vantage of Early Closing Prices. in for a fair day's pay." We are the Sole Sellers of the celebrated Peabody's Union-made Goods. Here are a few prices for vou to pay attention to less of what other stores do we to Price list for early Regard- Raturday shoppers Saturday even { with collars attached intend close_up every evening at ten o'clock. ing--before ten o'clock : MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS Oxfords, Flannel and Knitted Shirts, MEN'S WORKING MITTS Real Calfskin, wool lined, Je. very strong MEN'S WINTER CAPS- { Blue Beaver Cloth, turn-under bands, each MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR- Flastic Ribbed Wool Underwear, Shirts and Drawers A MEN'S WOOL SOCKS Heavy Wool Winter Socks, 2 pairs for MEN'S CASHMERE HOSE- We offer something special in Fin ( - aslithere MEN'S NIGHT ROBES > See our Men's Flannel Night Robes, full sizes, . S0c. and The. MEN'S DRIVING AND STORM CAPS See our English Corduroy a beauty for with fur inside band. 8.0 Driving Cap, KNITTED SCARFS--- We are selling Way's All-Wool Knitted Scarfs at Overcoat News Bibby's, We In order to clear It will pay you to buy your Overcoat at don't \ want Lo carry any Overcoat over to next season. them But in a hurry, we have marked them at special prices © . No. 1--All our Fine English Peaver and Meltoir Overcoats in the Dressy Chamberlain style, $20.00 values, To clear No. 2-All our English Vicunas, Beaver and Cheviot" Over- coats, the Winchestér style, 812.50, 814.00 and $15.00 values. To clear 0... PRE ine gen wiynefer . 815.00 210.00 'The H.D. Bibby Co. $ ' assssssssasEusasanas - aeaaee ---------- AAR NA ng months of 1908-9, 0,549 tt cases wore entered as against 6,377 Fourteen Cases Murder Dealt With | during the previous twelve months, During Last Year. | Excessive drinking was directly res The Royal North- West mounted po- | sponsible for 1,061 convictions and 13, MOU NTED POLICE REPORT. clever we us I66 annual report states that on | 26 prisoners i taken into « Sept. 30th last the strength of the tody during the year. force stood as follows 51 officers, -- 600 non-commissionad officers and con- stables and 558 horses. Compared with i last year this is a gain of two 'on Poerless Hair Restofer is not a dye {but restores gray hair to its original i color. Promotes hair growth, pre stableg and thirty-five horses. There | {vents baldnesy and cures dandru In are 240 men /n Alberta, 306 in Sas Ba ness and eur f | 0 Et bar. {80¢. bottles, Sald a 'rouse"s Drug katchewan, 31 in the North-West ter [Stare (up town post ol h) Where you can buy or sell, expenditure of three millions property. Also Insurance|dollars, to sey nothing of the pro- written in best companies. | pe sed capital investment in ships, and & {the additions from time to time "for GEO. CLIFF, | docks and equipment. 95 Olarence St. of | treated like a village long enough. last about cutter on to Glenora the journey h she was riding miles on upset and she Jos There is, however, a very general admission that Canada owes Britain a debt 'of gratitude for past protec tion, and that it should do some | thing now towards the preservation of 'its own interests, and aid the mothes {country in its extremity. Canada, as 'a young naton, and as a part of a | great ompire, is feeling the responsi- bilities of growth, and it js well That 'the prosperity which it is enjoying 'gives assurarte of that continued in crease of revenue which will enable her to meet the new contingencies without serious effects, The government and the opposition are united in one respect--upon the establishment of a navy, and upon 'its construction in Canada. Mr. Bor den differs only from the premier in the matter of a Dreadnought which he thinks should: be presented at once tothe imperial parliament, or enough the Rovereign Bank 'was adjourned ill four, fighting against scrupulons foe. | and Mr. Conmee does not realize, appar- Co when public opinion is against | him. He should have been satisfied' when the people of Port Arthur re jected his power scheme. He cannot force it upon them by legal action. Jobb, the "journalist, on jhe stall pl the Morning Post, is using some what sarcastic language with reference o the chief supporters of lis union: ist opponent. He refers to three lords s Mr. Boyton's "gilded tripod." It's a name that will stick. Hamilton volfusen to : let a high day tor our Slip. ' Monday will be "an iiadks them out at our Women's Joh Rubbers .s because we have ordered Girls' Job Rubbers Children's Job Rubbers . / Children's Blick Jersey Loggins, 85¢c, for ...- Women's $1.50 Laced Boots for Boys' School Boots, regular $1.75, for .. ... All Children's $1.25 Shoes Tonight All Baby 50c Roots Tough | ; pers, Store. We will Sell any pers In our Store on Monday only for Pair of Women's Felt Slip iin are threatenen her out 10. connect you with | WHAT WE HAVE we DONT HOLD--*WE SELL THEM." nicely perfumed, asking him to sav] Why _gufier with , indigestion shen |ritorics, and 74 in the Yukon. . bran ; methine about people who try WU Nyal's Dysp psia Tablets will curé you | Commissioner Perry points out that Hina Mary ( nacy, Pi ton, mat with a The better type of men are not | imitate those. old country folk, whe in . and 0c. boxes; at Prous's every officer commanding a district Jiurious, Tis ot une ; upc ay seeking plates in the civil service. In gannot say #0 bat instead Joy |hee, : Staley {up town post. office | {nds ri h difficulty in mee ting he Je | hi ving Wh . i p> € 0 have ongue or pranch itamate requarements of his dis ome departments, or in some branches | Pula jee | ve Ey I ha TAT the home uf Mi. and rs {Eh tha stro ath ap his disposal. Vil- | in 'which ¥ the outside service, the ambitious | nding the letter "r."' fvidently, the eph Clark; Mas donald, the wedding of |lages, railway . stations and isolated | WAS pit hed out and hor leg broken young man has no desire to bury him: | lady' ¢ next door neighbor has slight their coungest «diughter, Leta Pearl, | settlements are inere asing so rapidly | Bajus' ale is manufactured fom the sell. fed ter. The Lampman's Yongue wns ito Edward - Bartley, was wo lommnize } fat the Jani ot. the foree ould | | choitest uk asadinn, malt an Pacife Co -- smade to master all those sounds, but} on January Sth have to be doubled to meet al he, | CORSE HOPR, 8 Bp pures The Unionist \party of Dritain has | he doesn't think it necessary to say ? Mole . Anti-Pain pil A we at Me. [domands made upon it. - teal jbese in the, market 3 C i i 'haw! pawst ten o'clock." A tone sod's drug stores, Dl anc 'ourteen cases of murder were desit 0 g oO io. yugued Joe Canadian. aspirants. ont gutet e on short study hed Brock ay aor S---- Prin- | with last year, which included those case at Toronto Jebb has been es Bal says, is easily detected, Those who use cess strests. held over from the year hefore. Dur | April and Greenwood a artin, are |i are only mimics, cheap imitators. | a desperate and ui | But Ke would like to sée Solle improve ment in the speech of a large class in | the community who slur give a rightfully vulgar and nosy sound to. many of their words, He would like to see this class of townspeople be come mimics of something better. - -, the Thmpman SAW "The Blue He sat upstairs in the town a 'house, and was tickled with the ; " 7 = When the first act © got Lon he gaged around him to there were sny town thers for when the ddinty actor girl called "Ths Blue Mouse" took a sieop. « of Seoteh, lit a cigarette and sat' n and ba | eomsciosly displayed - as fine a pair of silk hose bought in David money to warrant {ts immediate ton | Laidlaw's hy house, be con: { struction. He does this on the! und cluded that it was no place for church | Germany fo elders jo be. However, the Lam ml thay has Salle she od felt. § at home, surrou erounded promacy of. Britain; = he was by the lending heim wt be Gheumstiin » vaso 3 ry people of town. The that must sat'sfy Germany of Be : 8 break a contract when he likes in or: ) er 16 acoept & higher salary. 4 ------ A in wealthy conservatives