A ROMANCE OF UPPER CANADA, | A BEAUTIFUL REBEL The Days of General mock and the struggle of 1812 were fighting days and history maps were not changed, was made 'rapidly If Dy Campbell brings to his rovel writing the grace of the Asayist and the ro. . mance of the poet. workmanship and sympathetic pen combine to novel. this a fine excellent make yramatic setting, > BY WILFRED CAMPBELL. Price, Cloth, $1.25 Copy. R. UGLOW & COMPANY, 141 PRINCESS STREET. ; Women's 40 to 44 inches in length, in Black and Oxlord, prices $4.50 to $9.00, Heavy Winter Coats 100 eaecn, original All This Season's Long Coats at Half P:ice. 25 Fancy Twee Regular Prices §3.00 to 85.50. ...... D M. Spence, d Skirts NOW $1.98 The Leading Mil- linery Store. CLOAKS. HAVE " HAVE 0. 4 Hurray & So., Lin ith 17 to. 3) Ring St. 51 Pears Growth in Merchandising, January Clearing Sale "In Our Mantle Section WE ARE OFFERING A THE BALANCE . USED REGARDLESS OF COST, AND YOU WILL "FIND SOME VERY BEAUTIFUL PARISIAN AND NEW YORK MODELS AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. THESE GARMENTS ARE ALWAYS VERY USw- FUL FOR EVENING AT OUR PRICES. PICKED OUT ALL THAT WERE PRICED AS HIGH MARKED THEM SPECIALLY ' ' WRITE OUR MAIL ORDER ata FOR FULL ARTICULARS, E ast, TORONTO BIG REDUCTION IN § OF OUR. EVENING OPERA THE BLUE PENCIL HAS BEEN WEAR AND DOUBLY SO FOR SPECIAL SALE WE OUR GARMENTS AS $65.00, AND $32.50 AT .. A Narrow Escape: na Wattam, the little daugh- was heard. by tor of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Wattam, {und suspecting the cause, without pre Waupoos, narrowly escaped drowning | liminaries, Nr, . Water was the dipped "througlé a cistern tra) and ice nkout the opening. The rest of the family weve at dinner 'and the little in to. join and went through Geral: ope day an outer kitchen piel wa hurryi wh, on ao the opening into the cistern. Her the west of the family Wattam plunged int elstens. The velovity with which a ealdine went through the trap-doo: sont hay to the forthe end of the cirtetn and she was 'out of sight of those above. The water was deep but by the aid of a chair Mr. Wattan was able te rescue his litle daughter. being r in them '80 Branches MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low 'cof unite to make Maney Orders jrsued by this. Bask 8 Jos saifactary way of Sesion, 2 small us 45 ng part Under 85 . .. Sed be - Drafts issued for Yarger amounts. $10830.. . . 10. $3010 530 ava 5 ak Ocpartmen tine THE BRITISH DAWLY 'wie, THE SPORT REVIEW FROSNTENACS WE i AT Pic Cotlvgiates Beal Queens HE, by 4 Sel City Baskethall League VP Local Leagae Hooke y Me hos. ether then Toronto Avill have to look out for. her boys. a Sporting Sotes, me Kirgstc i down to defen ton jurors, JO te |) Fanvonto Dawe Nevw wlea What expect ¥ ns. TO%. tesm we when tena | Friow aate-- 1. nt winners, Toronto Star, he bby' Kar igh "1 ankee sprinter nt the 1A A \ Kingston Coils team, holders of trophy their 4 de we of the sup on Fi en they ihe aniar inte - won Gatinesu Valley alter a hard 3 y ue accused of import A had sos 26] » Ottawa team. Thi sepires, for the Allan cup. defeated (Men the ta 1wo time nest may je was, In the exersdingly fast the forwards of each team would down on the defence of their ss they would they during the first period was gruelling but the stood iL and back after half time fresh snd ready for another hard hall hour. lo the sec 1 hie nh school boys net held it throughout, { to 2. It was the line tedm the forwards, and ithe great def that the game, a rather broad statement, American Baseball yesterday, that substitute fon allow their League there is no teel spikes the coming fust hall the was i cided, even after able wiH son. Montreal Star: The tip. has gone out not to bet on Johnson, Tt Jooks like un good one, especially if Jeffries is in any kind of 'shape few wallops. iy The Peterbord lee Racing Associa: tion has beep reorganized, with D. HB. Denison pirekident and ¥. J. A, Hall secretary. . meet will be held on January 20th and 2ist. Th will be a nanfed race, J , 2. 16, and free-for-all. From Renfrew it there will be a big e¢hiit on the Ren { frew hockey team, Frank Patrick will drop back to' his favorite position at point, and Lester Patrick will go up Rowe will go to leit wing. At Geneva, Switzerland, England won the hockey championship of Europe. The Canadians, who did" not for the championship, won all Y they played, but did neet England, as several of the C players were hurt. ae Lire apponents, but try not could score. LT players enme to hand out ond hal the lead winning out took wark: o} work of This but classes won i& announced that to: raver, ice wort anadian AT THE GRAND. To-night "Tempest and Sunshine' is the Feature. at the Grand to-nigh and Sunshine," i dramatization of Mary J Holmes thril ing novel, by Lem B. Parker story centers around two sisters called * Pempest account of their disposition, The rting company is composed of of acknowledze merit and nic ar mechanical eff vel and réhlistic. The attrac will be "Temp tion who arg and Sunshine' on sup ects Opening of Advance Sale. sale of seats for the engagement Miss Vioig Allen and company a! Grand, on Wednesday, 19th, "The White Sister," will open ou Vouday morning at nine o'clock judging from the inquiry at the box during the past few days, sre garding the engag ement of "The White it is evident that the sale of 13 ets wil be y atmdal vy large. Mess s Liz ilps. & Co,, have surrounded Mis Allen with an exceptionally brillant company of players, pr ymingnt among whom is James O'Xeill, who, for more <hots that won the seo ag.' than thirty has been a star ir Queent's have a but the | pis own right, In *"The White Sister,' players were not in it with the colie- yf, (O'Neill bas a part of Monsignor ginte septette: The teams lined up: sa, "the character Collegiate (1)--Sliter, goal; Wiliams, | hom ths lite M arioa Crawlford, Wrot int; MeCUwmmon, cover; leid, roy so de ightiull O'Neill has become roodearle, (captain), .eentre; McNeil compl toly identified swith the play léft wing; La Rush, geht wing. * if "Montesk risto" that few Queen's 111 (2)--Mills, gon; Clarke, | (a esiully among the younger gendra- point; Elliott, cover; Meikle, centre; i tion, realize thyt he wae an exception Merkle, rover; Anglin, left €; | ally capable actor before his appear mith, right wing. ante as Fdmu Dantes. As a matter lnferee -B3. Noble Steacy, § fact. O'Neill/mads his stage debut The next game will be playes py in 1858 as the Saviour in "The Pas saturday morning and the winne sion Play" produced at the Grand vill play Cadets II on January 28th | Opera House in San Francisco, March wed 3st. 7 13, 1879. -- { Other distinguished mambers of Mise llea's company are Willia Farnum | Minna Gals, F ALOn Pitt Richie Ling, ete. The LKEO MILLAN a wonder in 4 Junior Aggr Jan nothing else way that wards' played a vere fast and and they che Every man on the game, ean fairy every man one tricky ked bhavk defence played McCammon, a leading light. Sliter, in goal like vetera iar being the cover-poin daved a good game, saving many years Maras n around persons, City Basketball League. ANTS The City Basketball League will be lecided Ly Iden death game play- | yd rometime next week between the ranes and Eagles. When the league] vas opened, five teams entered, und verything ran along fine. Then eam bean postponing games, anoth w. team dropped out, another claimed ;amea by default, and no matte hat the executive tried to do, thay ould not 'keep the thing running mo sthly. It secms a little peculiar hat when the teams have such a fine up as the MeFedridee trophy &- SU The Daily Runaway. gh 'clock: Saturday morning x horse whed to Henry Myers' i butcher waggon, went on the war path, while Bging driven by Mr. Myer on Brock street, and tried havd to do some damage, but did not Succeed The horse became frightened, and bolt: el Sown Brock street. When at the steps leading into the city council chamber, the horse endeavored to { up the with the result that 1 r thay do not play the had to come to a"swop, and after br i. For the past couple that, ths animal was easily man: basketball 2 to have 1 ---- -------------- but this should not be "Twas Just In Time. | thers pe Ira Miller for. lay here and ment of a fine imposed, did not have fierad to teams to play in to lowve the city. Just before the 3.17 A usiial Kingston setms 10 siny o'clock train pulled out for the Rg: I. one branch of 'sport the yesterday afternoon, some of his li falls away, oniy'g few of the old fjonds collected the sum required and tard y's left the | the constable who came to the am + the jun ors AuRIOus went back with the money to co Lo énter. {the fine, instead of having. the man B.A. Hotel Arrivals. Findall, Toronto; C. E. Tanton, John Seath, Toronto: J. Db. the play-| Lowery, . Montreal; M. P. Graham, The team | Napanee; A. G. E. Robertson, Mont- until real; H. A. Harringion, Toronto; J. J. Evel, Hamilton; €C. E. one steps, \ged ers, n off, ase; as numerous arrested non-pa every induces the le west, being to-day in city, nod being Wolfs sry good mi the Yague, and, in a few weaks rs should be well heard of. acks only one thing, practice, he combination' and the combined -ushes. tome natuially. Each player is London; WW. W. Charters, Columbia, ast, and all are fair stick handlers, [Mo.; Soloman, Pearl Mott, Toron- ut the team work is lacking, and to; P. H. Landry; Victoria, BU. vithout it the septatte is freatly James Ogeline, Ottawa. wndigapped. They played a fine game | -- & the Palace rink, on Thursday even- Famous Musician Coming. nig cons doring it was their first game | # the city, and the first time they Island iv répredatot: ¥ ai E Gity hockey | London; Faroey, Mark Hambourg, proclaimed by the world's verdict to be the successor of sad "worked out at night this season. Rulenstein, will appear in Kingston pasta on February 9th, under auspices of KAH. L. Games. {Queen's musical committee, A fuller The next games in the! Kingstcn wnmouncement concerning this import. Amateur Hockey league weil be playid ant musical event will be made later. wi Tuesday evening, when St. James' Yoven 'will play the R.C.H.A. on Royal] Meet Here in February. ink.o The soldiers look about the! The executive of the Canadian lass'ost bunch in the league now, but! tional Coureil of Women will meet in me god hard practice will make the | | Kingston. on Feb. 10th, he Shame fook up nearly filty per. a - 4 . On Thureday evening the Rovals| Defeat to s succesful man is - 'Wormwith's win play in the same a {onic SATTRDAY, JANUARY 15, 1910, he , Rev. 8, Sellery, Na- only sague at Royal rink, "Senor Intercollegiate Hockey. ~The Senior Intercollegiate hockey | "cheduls opens pu Priday next, and! Jueen's have the first game away | rom home. Queen's will make one trip | 14 Toronte, and two trips to Mont! real daging the season, apd likely exe) grstons will be run to sath plage. ¥ i » YMCA. Hockey Pragtice,. The Y.M.C.A. hockey team had al ine practice at the covered rink, omi Frida iday evening befory the K. C. Ls | Juedn's The YMCA. will SUNDAY SERVICES Ti FILLING OF OF. THE ON SUNDAY. The wes Lo he Discussed PULPITS ane of the by the Many Churches. Preachers--=Good Music ia hurch--Ser t clock. Rev. Porrence will occupy the pulpit on AONE trex i church ovk, preacher, and Bible cla ar and firmati wk, preacher, Right op of Ontario, DD. First Baptist' Church 12, pastor; at Douglas both se ) i am., "The First Keynote in Christ's ren hing: 7 pm. "The Pure Heart,' bicle sch wol at 2:45 pan. Strangers ever vordfally invited to all the ser 5: 8. St. Andrew's--Rev, Dr. Mackie, pas tor. Segvices, Il am. and 7 pm. E vening service conducted by Rev. R. Mackay, D.D., convetibr of general Are committee on foreign © mis ions, Strangers and students wel come. Grant hall-<Sunday, 3 pan. univer dty sermon by Jobe R. Mou, M.A, F.R.G.5 general secretary, World's Rudy Christian Federation. Spe wal music by students cho Ihe ved for students three sregational ¢hurch, ner Johnson and Barrie streets--Ser- vices HN am, and 7 p.m. conducted by Pastor C. J. Stephens, Morning subject, 'The Greatest Moral Foree' evening subject, "The Most Wonderful Remedy." Seats are free. Strangers cordially welcome. George's cathedral--Second Sun- day after Epiphany. Holy commun ion, *8 a.m., celebration preceded by mating; 11,, preacher, the Dean of Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Dible 3:15; baptisms, 415; evensong a'clock, preacher, the des Fonr ermon to . students, subject, "Mi- racle." First Sunday Lie." ial mee eading gallery = will be till five Bethel Con rese thinutes to cor {Intano iass, Church of «Christ, 'morning, 11 Wednesday ting, 8 Scientigt o'clock, subject evening, testimon Free room, every afternoon, inday, 2 to 5 o'clock, Monday thursday evenings, 8 to ¢ c All are cordially OriLces and the o'clock. public except and 30 o'clock welcomed to the reading room rock Street: Methodist church--Rev FE. BE. B.1), pastor. 11 am. George Pound will speak in the inter Snug Harhor Mission; 7 p.m., the pastor will preach; 10 a.m., class meeting; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes; Monday, 8 p.m., Y.P.5; Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting t 7.30 p.m. Boys' drigad made welcome to all ser- Burke, ests of Strangers vices. Cooke's - Presbyterian church, street--Rev. W. 8, MacTavish, tor A. Rintoul, B.A, conduct the morning pastor the evening. and _ Bible 3 pm; people's meeting, 8.15 p.m. always welcome. © R. M. B.A, will give report on Wednesday of recent stiident Votan: teer convention at Rochester. Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar rie and Earl str Rev. M. Macgil hvray, 1LD., pastor. Services, 11 a.m., Rev. Dr. R. P. Macka foreign mission secretary, will preach, The Gospel and Some of the Problems of the Orient." 7 p.m., the pastor, Park (Setting For a Great Light. Runday school and Bible class, 3 pm. Praver meeting, Wednesday, 0 p.m Chalmers" olub, Monday; T30 pam Students and strangers cordially in vited-to all t services Princess Methodist church Frederic roule, B.A, pastor. and 7 p.m. Sunday class, 3 p.n.; Junior vor, 10:30 a.m.; *elass close of morning service Monday evening, Wednesd al both anthem, "Plassged Brock Ph.D. I of Queen's, will service and the school young = trangers MacTavish, Sunday classes, Sr Services, 11 am school and Bib Christian meeting at Epworth prayer and praise service, Pastor will preach Musi Morning My God To Thee, People: évening anthems, Art Thou: Octette, "How Lovely Is Thine;" duet, by the Misses Timmerman. Queen street League 5 pom. Methodist chur Wl M.A. BD, I pas tor . a.m., the pastor; subject, I'he Wealth of God, an Abundant Supply For All Human Need": 7 p.am., Rev ¥. GC Jordan, DD. professor of Ques uriver;ity, will preach Sunday sche and Bible classes, 2:45. Young M club, 2:30. Epworth League, Mon day, 8 pm. Prayer meeting, Wed nesday, ¥ put Music, moruing an them, . *Appoar, Thou L ight fee' solo, "O Lord Be Mere aly CMe Shea! epesing anthem, *Alide With M elo, m0 Loving Vather," Nias Hinckley," You are very cordially -in-) vited to all the services, Sydenham street Methodist . church-- Pastor, Rev. Charles * Alfred Si B.D. al am. Junpr League a clags meeting; 11 -- public service, preacher, the pastor, theme;~ "Christ in Social Life , 2:45 p.m., Bible school, 7 pan., public service, preacher, ihe spasior. theme, "Camping on the Road to Sodom." Menday, 8 pm, F worth League, Wednesday, ® poo, std week services; Friday, 7:5 pm. intermediate league. Music, morn anthem, "1 Come Not to Call the Righteous: daet, "larry With Me, © My Saviour." Kvening, anthem, * At {Even Ere fhe Sun Was Ret": solo, { "The Soft Souther n Breeze." Music : Motning anthem, '1 Came Not fo Call the Righteous," duet, *Taicy With Me, O My Saviour," Mrs. James Small and William Eva. Evening an them, "At Even Hie The Sun [Ret:" sola, "The . Soft Southern Breeze," 'William Eva. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure { any case of itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles in 6 to M days or "money refunded. Boe. : i § i One Charter Member, i Fifty years ago Sunday the first | temperatics lodge was institated in Portemouth. is. oily one char iter 'member there at present, - Ayleworth B. 'Beli, Bangor, Ba secepted a call to supply the ational rhwreh' " Sal water, y 190x468 tollowed. | , 95.64 for Was MILITARY COLLEGE satan. *Sealp Hemors and wey .. Loss of Hair - Hong Continued Dandruff Causes Tne cipient Baldness, Hut Cannot Be Cured By Hair Tonics. What the Auditor-General: Hag" 3 Say About Them, hudifor-general's report 'for the salaries paid (he Royal Military ( E3200 The ofiege PFA Trial Package of Stpart's Calcium afers, Sent Free. d dandruff is 3 sands of peo srg lerized b Wy. A rapid xiol pee ling off the sealp in ihe dry scales, wnich fall the clothing, espéc- ghoiilders, much to the affected with Martin, Sa: Lieut. Dawson, $1, Lieut . Xl 400; Lieut. Hennessy, $1,085 t : Kaalbach, © $2,000; Capt. Shine, $2, The Si; Capi. ley, 32.500, Rev / n Laded, | $2,230 ib. M. lames, $2,300; pi « Lapt 1,500. Licat. Macklem, wd prolose « 31.5 Nilborn, $1 916.25; total, of the seart form of smal continually Dawson, thea auditor-general, ister of Regarding salaries, J. Fraser, wrote the depuly-min- wititia, as follows : Chap: 43, R.S.C,, 1906, "The salary of she comman pt shall not exceed three thousand two hundred dollars a vear, and the salaries of + the stafi adjutant, profes- sO, instructors, assistant instructors and staff, shall be fixed, and may be readjusted from time to time, by the governor-in-council and shall not ex. wer the total sum of thirty thousand ollars cally uj annoyance of this "When dandrufl. is present in there is an almost constant tolerable ttehing of the sonlp, hing or irritating the skin with the fingers 'only aggravates the trouble. in some the hair and scalp may be excessively dry, while in oth ers they very oily, indicatang pver- secretion of the scalp glands mm ome case and sent secretion in the other, and eonstituting a sr eased state the person Section 7, disease, the hair and 1 and rule Cases are insuih 0 Rs tii i both Please explain why the provisions of this section quoted ghave not been After ome } may Aaiso Fy 1he Jollowed } say that he dandrufi for ®37011.25 does not include extra duty |, x ' . Vite fali out, and "allowances paid to the bas been troubled with ~ some time the hair begins and if proper treatment is not used a complete baldoess | will ensue vitimatel The f thing has dcaly 8 superior 1905-00 to £3.249.00 include the amount of the sipfl amounting to S12 the same fiscal vem The deputy minister replied : "In a cordance with a ruling given By 'my predec who able I my mimster did consider was necessary to amend the regard 10 the: salaries of mandant aud staff of tary College, had been staff amounting in nor does it the average and Person haar haar Ni ng we troubl le a local disease ex sively Such is not lawyer, the case, howe of ton- that it jes or other local applications will not with not uch troubles a their ex» 5 the com istence indwates that the blood i in the Koval Mili- a devitalized, depleted and impure provided the increases state, and the citenlation through the authorized by order-in-coun- "scalp d through the surface of the il and the necessary sums of norally 1s sluggish ahd subs had been provided for in the estimates of the department voted by - parliament. Such subordinate orinate who falling does 1s to begin oar', SKOT was an not ver, and t TE cure monéy skin g annual normal. and The employment of a action hau then 8 utter nop itself, consideld a sufficient one desir to cure amendment to the act, and has al. hair, or any other scalp diseases, ®8 taken beforq any increase he flood must be purified, {1s in salary was granted. to the comman. culaton through the &% of the staff. However, in WM stem notification, and in or ARTS 0 remove any Mhssible grounds "1? cured ! score of illegality in future, '(" A 1 othe valy CARES, my mini intgnds bringing down, X falling of the this coming session, the attached rt had draft amendment to the Roval Mili relief, tary College act." : pow The amendment puxify rease 7 of the tone or nse when falling salve was, in dandraif, ways been eir- in pestored and toned up "generally CALCIUM: WAFERS many long-star Cares on the ster t UC give even temporary tmple reason that {hes erful little' wafers variabl the blood go thor its volume and tion that the nourished in a end to the pre alr roots vaste away lied reads, thus: Section Royal Military Chap. 43, of the statutes, 1906, is repealed, and the following is substituted "The pay and allowances of the ant the ate staffs of fixed waghly and in mprove it hair way College revised 2c% ciroula- and *sealp which are puts an swonce of dandruff, and and follkcles no longer Thus the bait being nutiiment in the form blood thereior salaries command subordin shall be as time by the gov and of superior the colle time to in-couneil," with rom + rich, red, pure ernot discontinues falling out druggist for name. and ad Address, F. gv Mar box from vow send us your S-------------- dress for a free sampl Made Fine Dinneds From Some Lefts A. Stuart Co., 1 5 et hid over Food. shall. Mich HOW SOME THRIFTY GIRLS Lelt-overs butter ; a tow abou one three cola a few 2 1okers igeakiast rom ve hor Feast of loaf of Lu ad ; The Company Cne-hali small pieces of quart milk ; three eggs: putatoes ; two tomatoes ; st tks of celery ; some piece of fish left from small piece of staak 1d! day's dinner ; six apples With unexpected com spect, this was foods in the girls in the of the Colle afternoon in cheese SOF ROR ION FE Why Are'The : Menus M all High-class Hotels Clubs, (3 UR HR RRR $ why in the ant suppl of larder that confronted the Household Science class giate Institute one Friday December, but they were ein] to the ocension and get their wits at work to prepare a company lunch or dinner with the things at hand, The following are the best menus submitted Restaurants, Danguets, ete, AAR headed with a course. of Blue SHAH Points? Eo [Tomato soup, wr 1 fact that epicures croquett meat pis Waldori salad, 8 snow, boiled Minnes 'omato oup, bea! potatoes, apple kenzie II1~Puree of cele potato souffle, bes sauce, croutons isn cate 1 LPP Goffee--Armig | 4 nétato Is not the pota : straws, acknowledge them to be the stard, best, sufficient argument? croutons, fi croguettes, salad, coffe Blue Point Oysters for Sale at G0¢ steak reame pudding Mac chéese -Ma garet celery quart by charlotte, W. H. Carnovsky, On the Corner elsh | chamel Betty, apple Sutherland IV---Fi omelet, crackers, apple Evans gnow, demi tasse AAR RAO balls, fried Brock and Wellington Sts. celery salad, fritter tomatoes, Welsh Y Tomato soup, rice an juettes, celery vanilla sauce, or apples--Norah Vi-=Tomé potatoes, wiches, sauce, tea ViI-Tomato souy tatoes, broiled ste ok. cake, celery, chedue, crackers, Ruth Anglin ' VII SOream of tomato 's fish balls, potatc pudding, vanilla raine Allen, 1 meat a swhalls salad, sn and Marti i ° Soip, celery Dutch Bessie chees fish ball salad , creamed chee cake, app Hull Will buy a six months' scholar ship in either department of the wip.erautons, FRONTENAC BUSINESS COL- af ple LEGE. This very special offer colies is available only until January 153th. We want 100 graduates DOME. an Stenographers and Book. keepers to send to Toronto - July next. We can place every one in a good position. = Come and talk it over. salad, tapiorn Los sance, UNDE i THE EF OTTY How Will the Vote on License Re- duction Stand? M. BROWN, Price. are ee who mont t's canse it id medicine ever what you are CARETR one Some of the aldermen are not gure that. Nid. Craig's motion te re twentvcight to twenty will ceive the favorable vote of the rcily will be elose in any event. With all - members of council present, it wil motion. Those who are counted upon MILLIONS SAY SO. ne sure 16 vole for it Adds. Craig Chown and Bailev. The 'stand of the icine it proves ifs merft thérs is uncertain, but the reduction know CASCARETs » 3 yi +H 1 be | mayor and Alds. Tove, Harty, McKay, oh dhe. higzent pir iver, Hoag, McCann, Clugstom and Srabam the Hest boWe NM . usin just try -CAS« clear majority. "A reduction of three 3 3 i ould Boe 917 licenses would mean a Joss of & only ' i bi week's tresiment, sll dry ad Fide and Light Committee. Biggest seller in the world. Mill { The fire and light committee bad a briei session, yesterday siterscon. In {man}, McCann, Robertson, Cligston {and Bailey. Only routine bhugioess was and giving the chairman power to purchase supplies, costing under duce the tavern liquor lic s f i$ m Pr. wil, They anticipate that dhe vote take twelve to earry the reduction Harrison, Armstrong, Mol arty hn Hone A ot people for its 'hope tu seerre the votes of the over a million boxes &i That would make fourteen, and a made. No matter. 23500 in revenue to the city this year CABCARYTE 10c. a box for a i jon | boxes & monih jattendanc were ©: Alds. Rigney {chair | teansae ted, the passing accounts faanty. dollars, without asking for |