Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jan 1910, p. 10

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West. ve City. Arrive City, I tee »12.25 p.m. 12.57 a.m. . 2 41 ® rains dt Yi ALLEY dally Rios limans to and from Ot- ckkville daily on trains 2 mmodation reserved in all other information fur- on Application to P. HANLEY, Agent ICorner Johoson and Ontario Streets. on [PEMBROKE HALEN Trains Leave Kingston (Mtawa, Hall nizeal PQuicvec, 8st, ¢ , Toronte, Chicago, Danvers, Ste. Marie, Duluih, St Seattle, 32.01. p.m... Express--For. John, NB, , Vaneouver, tans, 'and n Francisco. al 'for Sharbot Renfrew Tues. xed--For ni Mon., am. intermediate. points, day, KINGSTON:~OTTAWA. Leave Fo ineton 12.01 p.m. eke ave, Duane, 1046 am, ston ull particulars at K. & Ticket office, Ontario Street F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. ane na Hun- Lake, cotgeling with QP. BR. Bast and West 45 sang and arrive Ot- arrive P. and C. P * HS SUCGESS DEPENDS ON HIS VEALTH Gin Plils Guard Both Think of being stricken down by illness at a lonely ranch--or all alone, in the t north woods! Many times, this as happened to those hardy pioneers who 'blazed the trail" to new fields. h Mr, James is one of these brave men who is making a name and a fortune for himself in the y ot West, Uafoftunately, Mr, James overtaxed his strength and for a time, it looked as if he would have to give up his claims and his work, ' Moarg, B. C, "I have much iyi to what Gin Pills have doe for me. divide the year about equally, working on the ranch and oh various logging claims, being Sousequently Satirely de- pendent on bodily fitness for a living At times, | have suilered like many others a i country from he and Weak s, sometimes to the extent of being id off for weeks altogether, Having tried many remedies, 1 have ¢ in stating that your Gin Pills are the only remedy from which I hive received any permanent benefit. I had been using Cin Pills only a short time when the pain and trouble left me and have not returned since. 1 take care to always have Gin Pills by me, though my present condition does not require medicine, 1 have recommended Gin Pills to other men with similar results," J. EDWARD JAMES Gin Pills have proved a friend in need to thousands of those suffering from Kid- ney and Bladder Troubles, Lame Back and Rheumatism, and the Constipation and Biliousness that usually accompany these diseases. So great is our confidence in the merits of Gin Pills that we let you try them be- fore buying the regular H0c. boxes' at our dealer's, Write the National Drug Chem. Co. LimitedDept. B. Toronto, and you will receive a sariple box, abgo- hitely free, by return mail, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. d leaves union tation, 4 . dail (8 Ontario GE GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL, FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. 8.8. 8. 8, BERMU Wirelgps opi" y hours from Frost Wednesda every and "York in the season "eason WEST INDIES A "G Aral 3, 700, Aona, Bat AN, 5600 TONS. Steamers ; also bilge to Flowers, 8.8. "KOR- York St x, Martinique, "Demerara. For Al} orders placed now for Monument sda Bt. Kitts, Antigua, St. fu PROMPT DELIVERY. Ww. F. KELLY Toye's Building, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Had Weak Kidneys For Two Years. Deoctor Failed to Help. Doan's Kidney Pills Cured Him. Mr. a hie ay [1 Ener oF Ve Shao oat ave ohisioed by using Doan's iduey Pills, I was troubled with m; Kida s for pr ¥ tried a doctor, iled to 1 read in the BBB. ; completely how Avy to have found se speedy a cure, a would advise everyone suffering from 'number of Bath people attended HIGHEST GRADES ------ : WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario----What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. ------ Glendower Notes. (lendower, Jan, Richardsons' men at the Glendower mies are drawing rock. to Godirey to be ship- ped. Quite a number ave cutting cord wood for the mine. Archibald Tim- merman has gone to Toronto. Mrs. Kelly and little granddaughter have returned from Niagara Falls ~and have gone home. Feed will be scarce in this vicinity. A mmber will have to buy. George Timmerman has mov- ed back into his house. a.- Reports From Bath. Bath, Jan. 20--F. E. Clarke went to Ameliasburg, on Thursday last to attend the funeral of his fatherin law the inte Mr, Sprague. Mr. and Mrs, Simpson, of Cataraqui sud Mrs. Smith of Pincher Creek, Alberta, visited at Dr. Northmore's, on Wednesday. 2X the musical festival in Napanee, on Thurs- day night, The Sale held at D. B. Ruttan's, on Monday was well attend- ed and good prices were realized. Quite a number of people from here attended the tea meeting at Parrott's Bay, on Wednesday night. At Oso Station. Oss Station, Jan, 20.--Edward Don- nelly, of Fort Francis, called on friends here on Saturday. John. Col- lins and Miss Davis, of Sharbot Lake, called on friends here on Sunday. Miss Sibbett Burke has returned home ai- ter spending a. few deys at Sharbot Lake. Mrs. Robert Francis has turned home after visiting friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cham- bers, Sr., spent a few days at » E, Bourk's, Rev, "Mr. Smith held ser: vices in this mission on Sunday last. His many friends here are very sorry to hear that he is about to leave the mission. ' -- Tidings From Tamwoyth. Tamworth, Jan. 19.--~Geerge with a gang of men, is getting lumber at Kaladar. The remains the late Batiste Hinchey arrived on Monday morning and (were plaeed in the vault. Robert Gea died suddenly, on Tuesday of last? week. The funeral was held at Christ church on Thurs day last. Miss Elizabeth Fitzgerald left on Monday last for Albury, Ore gon, 'where she has secured a situation as nurse. Miss Ferguson, of Garden Island, returned home on Saturday, after spending a couple of weeks with her friend Miss Laura Fitzgerald. Re vival meetings are being held in the Methodist church. Reid, out of QUIET WEDDING AT WATERTOWN Supervisor Johm W. Whalen Finds Better Half. Watertown, N.Y., Jan. 21--In a gown of blue broadéloth, black lynx hat and furs to match, Miss Edith H. Marks, a well-known nurse of this city, became the bride, on Wednesday night, of John W. Whalen, former alderman and now a member of the county board of supervisors. It was a quiet affair, performed by Rev. Father Kel- g [of of St, Patrick's church, in the presence of relatives of the couple. Miss Myrtle Marks, Brockville, Ont., a sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, while Lawrence Whalen, brother of the c¢ompleted the: bridal party. 'ing. Doctors Surprised at Search of a Tumor, Ogdensburg, N. ¥., Jan. 2. ~Poctors at the state hospital an op- eration upon a woman patient and were amazed to find in her stomach » ball of mattress hair which weighed over three pounds. The medical men had supposéd that she was suffering from a tumor. The ball of hair whs removed apd the patient i recover- It is assumed that she had de veloped the habit of pulling hair from the mattress "of her bed and swallow- ing it. . ---------- The House Next Door." On Tieursday, January 27th, at the Grand, E. Dodson will appear, un- der the a n of Cohan apd Harris, mn a comedy by Hartley Manners, called "The nol Next Door." Mr. Dodson has been surrounded by a splendid company and given a costly production. ile is easily the greatest character actor playing in this coun try for whom we are indebted to Eng land. It was Sir Henry Irving who dubbed Mr. Dodson, *t British Co quelin,"' In the supporting company J. E DOTISON, England's Ere atest charaotér actor, in "The House Next Door, at the Grand on Thursday, Jan, 27th. are such conspicuous players ds Frank Losee, Herbert, Standisg, Regan Hughston, A, T. Hendon, Lorena At- wood, Olive bel Ruth Chester and Fania Marinofi. The play is a comedy of the most legitimate Kind, «nd the development of the plot is a series of laugh-making situations. Tt is their seriousness which makes them amus- ing. That this comedy was presented daring two seasons at the Gaiety The- atre, New York, is confirmation of its entertaining qualities, 1. J. Mansell, Brockville, chairman of the public school for 1910, The American Excess of 8 Good ' Living The Principal Canse of the Great Pre: valence of and elected board A Trial Package of - of Stuart's Dyspepsia blets Sent Free, Man io every part of the globe where external influences can be suc: cessfully resisted. Food is an impor: tant glement in effecting this, and na, ture has provided for it accordingly, The 'colder the climate the more i took place, on Wednesday. J COUNTRY NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And, What They Are Saying. - Street Presbyterian ~ church, Belleville, has increased the salary of Rev. A. H. Drumm to $1,600, Arrangeicnis are being 'completed for a laymen's conference 10 be held en Belleville on February 1st and 2nd. The late Mrs. Margaret Bradshaw, whose death gcouered at her home in Foxboro, last Saturday, at the age of eighty years, was born in Adolphus town. Portions of her life were spent im Picton, Deseronto, Tweed and Fox- boro. Miss Jennie . Traynor has resigned her position as stenographer at the Clyde Woollen Mills, Lanark, and leaves to visit relatives at Grand Forks, N Carrie John Christopher, Brockville, aged eight, sliding down hill, ran into horse. The animal stepped on child's leg, fracturing it. Fred eh son of T. Maraw, Tweed, died at Sault Ste. Marie, Thursday, aged forty-two years. remains were hrought to Tweed burial. After a long illness entailing much pain and suffering, which was patient- lv borne, Marie Hagerman passed away, Janhary 15, at the residence of F. I. Moore, Elizabethtown, her brother-in-law, Miss Rachael Holmes, died, on Wed- nesday, at Belleville. She had been, for the past twenty-nine years, living. there. . Deceased was born in Derry, Ireland, seventy vears ago, She was an estimable maiden lady. At the residence of Mrs. Benjamin Johnson, Belleville, a quiet wedding The bride was her daughter, Miss Ida May, and the groom, Charles C. Dalrymple, a machinist whose home is in Montreal. A sad event occurred at Clyde Forks Saturday, when J, Elliott passed away with stomach trouble, Mr. El liott was born in Darling sixty-one yoars ago, in which place he resided until two months ago, when He moved to Clyde Forks, {fe was married to Catherine Napier twenty-eight years ago. w the of on His or GIRL'S ESCAPE FROM PRIS UN. Gets Away in Clothes Smuggled in by Friend. 21.--A girl of nine Paulina Yarshevskaya, who was recently senténced to ted years' penal servitude on the charge of being an Anarchist-Communist, has esca from the Odessa prison hos. pital, where she was being treated for scarlatina., It is supposed that a woman friend of hers, who visited her, succeeded in smuggling some clothes 1:15 the hos- pital. Indeed, some evmrsni. was oc- easioned by the visitor's uiratural proportions as she entered the build. iag, although thet 16 1236800 Ans Not scspected. When the rirl's edcapa was discover: ed the police organiged searches all over the town, but these have been without resu't. Telegrams have been sen' to all the frontier staticnes warn ing the autho=ities to bo or the sles, WOLVES RAIDING FARMS, London, Jan. teen, named Farmers North of Gracefield Organ- izing Hunts, Ottawa, Jan. 21.--Reports are com- MONEY SAVED ON Clark's Pork and Beans If children had the: Shoeeing CLARK'S PORK AND- BE would be on the bill of fare fica Children like CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS "because they . taste so good." Parents value them because they taste good, % i are nourishing aiid won- derfully economical. CLARK'S BEANS baked - and ready for the table 3 cost less than the beans alome if ° you cook them yourself. YOUR GROCER WILL SUPPLY YOU 6c., 10c., 124c. atin CLARK'S " CHATRAU" BRAND Sc., 10c., 15c. and 20c. » tin WM. CLARK, Montreal Manufacturer at High-Grage Food Special ri Sarey NO LET UP IN BARGAINS AT SUTHERLAND'S RED-LETTER SHOE SALE Our store is crowded daily with pleased cus- tomers who have lez warned to know that when we advertise 25% Discount There is no reserve whatever, Our entire stock of the best Shoes in America goes on sale. No let up. This is bargain time for you. Do not neglect | it. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, Where the Best Shoes Come From, disease to try them." aps no other organs work harder kidneys to preserve the general beni he the body snd most Roary sre troubled with some kind of i Complaint, but do not suspect it. Sie may are P have Leen in the system for some time, Opposite Y. " CA Ai Banding: There may have been backache, swi - of the feet and ankles, disturiasest ¢ / the urinary organs, such as brick" deposit in the urine, highl Solgttd scanty or cloudy urine, | frequent or suppressed urination, Se ' Babe, oe for is Do not neglect any of these sym: pig tipn for, i neglosiad the will events HIE Brig : + Price 50 cena per box, or 3 boxes for fers or The T. Milbum To Yo erected in the spring will recoive groom, & doacoint of 10 per cent. das. Mullen, animal food and oily substances are required ; the warmer a preponderance of vegetables and fruits is necessary in one's diet. The whale-blabber of the fur-clad Eskimo, and the rice of the nude African, are as much necessitios of lo: cality, as matters of choice. The same indications exist in civilization, Thus, the diet in America and England is essentially different from. that.in Italy, Spain: and Egypt. The effects of universal communica: tion are nowhere more obvious than on the luxurious table. To furnish the refined cuisine, all climates, both sea and land, are laid under contribution, and the stomach is expected to digest, ing in from the distriet north of Gracefield that wolves this winter are to be seen in great numbers, making raids on the farms in the vicinity of Basketong * and causing destruction among the live stock. The farmers and residents are organizing wolf 'hunts, and trappers age busy in the woods. St. Jacques, Gracefield, states that wolves are dangerous to travellers, as they run in droves and will attack anyone. Mrs. Whalen was formerly a resident of Brockville, Ont., and a graduate of the city hospital here. For a long time past she has been in the employ of Mrs. Roswell P. Flower, accom- pany ing her on her journeys and be- coming her companion. Mr. Whalen is employed at the Hungerford-Holbrook plant, aS ot N OTICE OUR BIG, CLEARING SALE IS NOW ON. "This is an opportunity to Refurnish In the Latest Designs at Sale Prices in all Departments RUGS. AND MATTS, Saskatchewan ' Health 'Bureau. Regina, Sask.,, Jan. 21.--Under the provisions of the new public health act, the government has appointed a bureau of health, Was in Sleeper Trunk Smuggling Conspiracy. New York, Jan. 21.--On her plea of guilty Mrs. Angela C. Quinlan, ove eoLritian when urinating, ete Cunly toad hts Disease, Dropsy and re- Toronto. Spies. Sr Coast Sedied Oysters D. COUPER'S, _-- $41.8 Princess S44 Prompt Delivery: RISE OF Sketch of Ameri-. FULLY of the twenty-seven dressmakers cently indicted for participation in the "sleeper trunk" smuggling conspiracy, was fined $500 in the criminal branch of the U.S. circuit court, Mrs, Quinlan admitted that $12,000 worth of the Paris gowns recently seized be- longed to her. ssing sentence Judge Hough told d Mrs Quinlan that it was. time dressmakers and others realized that smuggling is a erimé and cannot he estimated that @ five years the gov- ernment was defrauded of $5,000,000 through the "'sléeper trunk' Sump: acy. RAN INTO ROUNDHOUSE. Engine Dashed in Among The Work- ers. Nelson, B.C., Jan. 21.--The engine of the Slocan Uity train was left at the coal pit ready to run when sud- denly, it started 'and ran swiftly ~ into the C.P.R. roundhouse, where a num- ber of mechanics were busy at other nes, W. H. Torrey, boilermaker's hed and died a arrival at the hospital. J. H, J has a broken wrist. Torrey leaves a wife and sever- aN children. The cause of the accident : was mimo, though rose { that some one tampered with the en- gine, There will be an inquest. ' Pierced Wall of Stadtinch. Pirie, Hu N.Y., Jan. 21.--Charles middle-aged man living pear et. two committed with impunity. It has been without assistance everything that is put into it. Combining together such varied products, and the ' neglect of the relation between climate and foods, are very active cduses of dy: spepsia. The heavy substantial dishes of this climate aceord badly with the ther mometer at ninety degrees ; and an in flexibility in Zeguiating the kind and quantity of food is bn cause of a large proportion of the ill health and stomach troubles among the English and Americans. Thousands of people who have suf- fered from stomach troubles, and a an ill-health resulting therefrom, ause of a badly regulated diet, and the ingesting of an excessive amount at the table, Wave obtained x foo and permanent relief by means of a simple expediont. that af: using. one or. two of STUARTS DY: SPEPSIA TABLETS | after each meal, or whenever any of the wel symptoms of in tion are * These powerful digestive tab) tain every element that exists in the stomach to digest the food; and in the exact proportion 'as found there- in. They take the Place of the natural digestive juices when the latter are de. ficient in quality or quantity, and do he digestive. tract. There is no other digestive remedy on the market which has been found equal to Stuart's public constituted as follows : Commissioner of public health, Dr. M., M, Seymour, Regina; sanitary engineer, T. Aird-Murray, To- ronto; council "of public health, the commissioner, Dr. WW, J, M¢Kay, Sas katoon; Dr. E, 1 ook, Regina; Dr. A. R. Turnbull, Moose Jaw; the city health officials, respectively for the cities named, and W."W. Whybia, V.S., of Prince Albert, McLeod's Witch Hazel Cream. A delightful, dainty toilet prepara- thon for softening and beantifying the skin. Neither sticky or greasy, dries at once into the skin. Nothing to equal it for rough, chapped hands. Excellent for alter shaving. Ask for Moleod's Witch Hazel Cream, in bot: tles, 15¢, at both stores, corner King and "Brook streets, and corner Montreal and Princess streets. Will Conduct Hotel. Gouverneur, N.Y,, Jan. 21.--Amasa Corbin, of this village, owner. of the Murray Hill hotel at the Thousand Islands, has leass! that resort to Hi E. Bissell, the lessee during the season of 1907. Associated with Mr. Bissell will be Frank M. Rogers, Rochester, the manager last summer. The hotel utes' ride from Clayton. Don't Forget Every Night We are having an auction sale of tea, sugar and cremm sets, bon bon dishes, salad sets, nut bowls, jars dinieres. J. Hiseock, Aprieuitual and Forestry Courses. Syracuse, 'N.Y., Jan. 21.~Chancellor James R. Day, anvounces that the trustees of Syrdeuse University have voted to~®lablish agricultural and forestry courses j institution, Buy FEssencé Vanilla at Prouse's Getting over the honeymoon js jam the difference betwen hot-house grapes for breakfast to corn Naf bet hah." is located on Murray Isle, a few min- OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUM. DRESSERS AND STANDS. IRON BEDS, SPRINGS, AND MATTRESSES. PARLOR SETTS AND FANCY ODD CHAIRS, No Old Stock----Everything New. Mail Orders promptly attended to. Packing Free, James Reid. "Phone 147. FRESH ARRIVAL AUSTRIAN BON BONS ~ 80c. PER LB. A.d. REES, 166 Princess St Shoe Repairing Done at the House of Quality is satisfac- tory proof that honest trading, efficient service, coupled with fair prices, wins the _ confidence of the public. ° A. BE. Herod, Princess st. Fhe Honse of Qualitys. 'Phone 837

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