et re and desk com TJ » Ma 13 the Shape 0x om Jian; sweet breath; relief from ght" these you pet shen you use PATERSON'S COUGH DROPS --THE CANDY CURE GOOD FOR NAD THROATS »= -- . == BELICIOLS TO TASTE ~~ ORS APPROVE THEM swe 5 cents » Red-and-Yellow Box full MADE BY PATITSOY 7 'BUANTPORY "Great Mid-Winter Farniture, Carpet -and|", Curtain Sale EVERYTHING REDUCED. , This Desk, lo ~~ slze, book shelves regular 3 50. Our Spree $4.00 Paclonr, ledroom And Suits all Reduced. Carpets, Rygs, Curtain, rete, Rus, all In, (his Sale. Phone 90, Yours {hare for the OUTSIDE OF THE RELIGION OF JnSUS CHRIST. Sermon in St, Mary's Cathedral by Rev. Father Wash, 8.J., of Mont. real--The Church is God's Poor. house. Rev. Father Naish, 5.J., Montreal, preached in 3: Mary's cat at vespers, on Sunday eveni to large ation, on of 84 A incent _. Fant society. dae text was "The potr ye have always with you, but Me ye have not always" | Father Naish delivered a forcible ser- mon on behalf of charity. The test, he said, was both a and a ng. It was a pr that the al was to bs the church of the pode_and the afficted and it was a wari hat in our irri we must fr on sight of Him, soures on charity. Philanthrophy withovt Christianity is not able to. 'satisfy the eter al longings of the human heart, s he preacher, wha showed that tae a vature deft to itself could not iy, forth the fruits of love. Omly in Christianity were love charit to be found. Christ was hari murdered, hasaze the Jews feared Jesus stood in their Wenig bags. the way rapine and cruelty, What ey they of the poor! There was no charity in the world till Christ came. Philanthropy is the child of Christianity, and the two cannot ewst apart, In some cemtres there has Leen an attempt to revive the old method of lotting the stronger rule, of letting those hold inf can Father Noish was glad that in Canada the had not yet bowed the knee to Basal. He hoped that Catholics ard Protestants afke would keep the Christion ideal of loving their fol lowmen. That's the only wav of following Christ to death ond victory, Father Naish e of the social ele- ment in the Catholic church, which]: he said was the author of hospitals for the poor and sick, What struck him most when he arrived in Kinz ston was the strong evidence of (ia- tholic charity in = "community in which Catholics were in the minority. 'Ihe CathoMe church was God's poor- house, the howe of the poor and the afflicted. Let us know no charity nob given in the name of Christ. In conclusion Father Naish made a | strong appeal for further aid to the local Bt. Vineent de Paul's "sctlety, a dharitable - organization: that 'was spread all ues the 'world, It had ft origin nearly a éentury pret dame ito being "in a, os ans Of overcoming infidelity. 'Tt won egided - that in to fight infidel ity" the chinreh" 'had' to" do than talk, It had to do something poor and so this so: ely was inaugurated, and to-day its hy -- Hus, af the 1 conclusion sermon a coll tion -- up and $216.75 was placed upon the plates. Under the direction 'of Prof, Denys vhe cathedral choir sang with marked effect. N. (*Connor was soloist. The choir of little boys in the chancel is » fine addition +o i ftrals mu: "service, voice Lt wan no. ticeable = for «its sweot- ness was that of Hi 'Powers, ci iby of Harry: 8, n Vory Death of B of Elisha Cliapiian. An old resident of the city passed away, on Sunday afternoon, at 490 o'clock, in the 'person of Elisha Chapman, grocer, of 337 Queen: street.. Deceased had been ailing for about $ix |i months, but had only been confined to his bed for a couple of days. Mr. Chapman was eighty-five years of age, und for thirty years re sident of the city. For twenty-eight years he kept store, in the same place | where he died, and was well-known throughout the city. He was born at Stonnington, Connecticut. Deceased 's wife died aboui ten years He is survived by two daughters, rs. Alice Davis and Mrs. Bella Little, both of this ity, A Druggiet's Great Day. Best, the Princess street dr re- ports that on Saturday 1) To hadi souvenir boxes at his store before 6 pm. The 'rush was so great that ho had to secure extra help, The boxes contained talcum cream, sic, things which del ladics, Mr. Best adverti three in the Whig and the women over each o in getting to his the ang + Bagi - 5t rittera Herald The N paid a phan: to Canadian jour nalism by publishing an appreciative | article on one of its very highest ex: ponesits, the Kingston Whig, and its | chief, k£. J. B. Vense few jealousies in Canadian newspaper offices at tue Whig being thus seected. She Whig enjoys a reputation such as for continuous excellence and the rigid probity of its conductor. Indeed, very few Canadian papers have enjoved ad- | vantage of extended conirol by ihe individual, as has the Whig. ker, he added in 1872 the paper son, Edward John Barker Pense, the present proprietor. The first owner | conducted the paper for thirty-eight | years, and the second has so far con. ducted it for another thirty-eight years on prospects of controlling the paper for many years to come. The effect of | fly in 184%, and seed to bis grand: id | such continuous control, when the con- trolling mind js it a man of the Pense stamp, means much to a paper and the community which is fortunate to possess it. The Whig enjoys a leader ship in Kingston and jn Eastern Oun- tario, which it is hopeless for any- ote 10 try to rival, at least while Mo. ense lives and commands it, and probably for many years after, for the impetus which envelops it © now will wield an influence that will not soon waver. It is a pleasure to Canadian publishers to speak well of the Whig and Mr. Peuse, whether they are in agreement politically or not. For instance, the Herald does not agree politically 'with Mr. Pense, but it doffe the hat to him as a model Jouthalit just the same. The citizens 3 Kibo should prize the Whig and among the worthiest of rR institutions. Mr. Pense has been many things besides editor and pub- laher--he has been school trustee, al derman, mayor, M.P.P., and a leader in benevolent, religious and patriotic movements. His life has been busy, is still busy, and probably always will be busy. L IF THERE IS NO HELL For Gossipers, There Should be One Built, Said Rev. C. A. Sykes. On Sunda SS oh kev. OC. A. ey I a ong sermon ta a wRe congregat min Sydenham ttweet Methodist church, 'choosing as kis text, "Yiosuipers, Male apd Fe fale." The ker, took the text mpter of Romans, and th verse : "Being fil with un ghieousmess, fornication, wick d 00 ma wwes," full ot envy, murder, debate, de- ceil; malignity and whisperers," He ali read scripture lessons bearing on the same subject. The, King. jis said that, St. Paul had a striking illustration of and backbi in the Greeks Cra and Sed id ene" the letter *s' in gos- #p hissing like. a serpent. Gossj are heard all over, in every i and social Vie, and ome 'of the nation's greatest evils. St. Paul suf fred heed fro Chain aq long long =) he could ok, using the ds of the text. My. Sykes sild that male gossips were nts who hat slander to viudermine their competitors' business, in closing he said : "If there is po hell ne gossips there should be one the twenty ---------- THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. At Convoeation Hall--Boxing and Jd Wrestling Instruction. + Our Nuepu 8 Clarves endent. +i Rew. «Le B on Ml, A., preached the Sunday Find sermon at {Jueen's, yesterday. He spoke = at length of the unity of the world uations in science, commerce and reli- gion, and in outlining the problems presented in the Orient made a splen- did appeal for a lively missionary en- terprise. Year ll arts won the inter-year de- bate championship. Saturday evening, bore the Alma Mater Society by ob- taining the decision over vear '12 by a narrow margin, Messrs. Stewart and Smith debated for '11, while '12 was represented by Messrs. North and Matheson, . Pheri Maj. Keith, of litary College, has been engaged to or instruction in boxing and wrest- ling. Classes will ba held in the gymnasium, : Mofday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. the Royal L. The annual session of the arts court will be held on Wednesday y evening. rerTING A NEW JACKET ew York Herald the other day i There will be | been won by few Uaspadian dailies, | Founded i in 1834 by Edward John Ber. | NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL, LOCAL § | Occurrences in The City And Viciaity --ther Brief Jems of Interest Kasily Read And Remembered. Frederick Jackson han leit on an to North bay. Rev. J. W. {in the city. Joseph { : { i rip Jones, of Tamworth, is Andre {from (mwego, NY. i. Gibson has {from a trip to Toronto. Franklin R. Smith, Bostom, is visit- | { ing friends in the city. { Miss M. Fitagerald, Montreal, itng friends in the city. Robert J. Ralston and wife, Hamil: ton, are Visiting in the city. { Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner, Orders wovived at MoAuley's. hone 78. ! Phelan Brien, Brock street, spent | Sunday with friends in Gananoque. | R. RK. Jamieson, Calgary, Alta., was | in the city on Saturday on business. Gi W. Keech, Portland, Maine, is visiting business friends in the city. Championship hockey ites vx, Irishmen, Royal rink, evening. t Jd, E. Hutcheson, on Saturday, | served his connection with the Collen der Hotel, King street. At Sydesham street church, on Sin-| day 'evening, Mrs. Small and William | Eva ren a fine duet. . . Cunpingham, pisno tuner from | Ahiskuning's: Leave orders at A has returned home | reinrned home { is vis | match, Gran- | Puesday | Me | ey's bookstore. F. Clark, chief despatcher at the | Kingston & Pembroke railway offices, | is in Sharbot Lake on buisness. Remember St. Luke's W.A. ten-cent | tea, Wednesday afternoon, February | 2nd, at residence of Mrs. Forneri. Hon. Justice Mclellan, Toronto has | subseribed $100 toward the Mowat! Memorial hospital for consumptives. A meeting of the Builders Trades | Council was held on Friday night, but | only routine business was disposed of. { Ideal Orchid Taleum Powder, in Me. | ting, at Prouse's drug tore (opposite | Ht. Andrew's church). | John Gratton, one of the star play-! ers of the Frontenac hockey team, is confined to the house with a severe! cold. "For children" Red i powders have no egual. take. Sold only at Cross drug store. Mise May Hinckley left, Toronto; to attend the Mendelssohn Choir conerts. ' She 'will visit Miss {Agnes Fulton, 60 Wellesley street. Cross worm Pleasant Gibson's to | Red | to-day, for | 1] The Queen Street Methodist church | quartette sing with unusual sympathy nd in complete harmony. They charmed the congregation last night. "Jin at once," the Tabard ton |! Fhrary at Gibson's Red Cross drug | store, 81 for life membership. Over 400 hooks in the Kingston branch. H. Williams, of Garden Island, who | has been employed by the Cal\fn com- any for the past five years, has left lor Vancouver, B.C., where he will re- wide, The men of St. Luke's will give themselves and the choir members of | sex a drive to-night, | Mills as the objective | : mgston Some additional caves of trusniy were inquired into hy the police on Saturday. The parents were given final warning to send the scholars to | school. "48 new Tabard Inn library books' at Gibson's Red Cross doug dain the library like membership. There was no session of court, on Monday morning. The p lice made no arrests, on Saturony evening, which is somewhat unusual for a week-end, William McKee and his son, Thomas i MeKev, who were called to this city, | owing to the death of Samuel Me Kee, | returned home to Rochester, N.Y. | this afternoon, "During month of Febraary" life! membership in Tabard Inn library for | 1. 48 new books on Menday. "Gib- | son's Red Cross drug store agent for | Kingston, The general hospital is very grate ful to the committee of the subserip- | tion dance, held in the city hall, on | Wednesday last, for the gift of $20 | sent the institution. James McShane, who has been in | | store, at once. ¥l1 fo the Police i 5 fever for the past six weeks, we ave | glad to hear, has been able to return to his home last week. "Life mombership" for 81 in bard, Inn libra during months January antl in »B ooks arnived on Monday. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The new marble altar for St. Mary's eathelral will arrive in Kingston this week, in charge of a foreman from Paris. The foundation for the new altar will be built by James McGrath. F. G. Lockett addressed the boys' meeting at the Y.M.C.A., Sunday Ta- a | Our February Clearing Sale of Furs | dress. {boyy are well attended each Sunday: i terior of | just {season attended the covered rink | Saturday afternoon, lattack of bronchitis, and | Que., the i sung by Archbishop Gauthier. | young men ran away and made things the Hotel Dieu, suffering with typhoid {v 3 {tigation into 1 $3 00 each. 24 2 Special while theyMast - Sizes 38 to 42 Pairs Ladies' Long Corsets, sizes from 18 to 30. regular price of this Corset is one doliar. HEATHERBLOOM 0} DERSKIRTS, worth $1. 7 5 The Our Special {Sc And only one pair to each customer. New Frillings and Cords PUT IN STOCK TO=DAY. CORRIGAN'S Ladies' Tailoring and Dressmaking. More $1.50 & $1.25 Books at Oar Special Price of 50c YOUR SELECTION FROM THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY, FOLLOWING WE GIVE A LIST OF THE AUTHORS, TOGETHER WITH THE VITLES OF THEIR MOST POPULAR WORKS MARIE CORRELLIL Treasure of Heaven, Barabbas. The Soul of Lilith, Ziska God's Good Man. Temporal! Power. | The Master (Christian The Sorrows of Satan GILBERT PARKER. The Trall of the Sword. The Right of Way The Seats of the Yin hiy The Lane That Has No Turning A. CONAN DOYLE, Tales of Sherlock Holmes. The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard The Adventures of Gerard Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Sir Nigel NUMBER OF EACH TITLE LIMITED. POSTAGE TO MAIL ORDERS, WINSTON CHURCHILL. Richard Carvel The Crossing The Crisis The Celenrity GEO: BARR McOUTCHEON. Beverly of Graustark Graustark. Bréwsters' Millions Nedra Jane Cable Castle Cranecrow. HAROLD McGRATH. The Puppet Crown The Grey Cloak. 'I'he Maun on he Box Hull a Ro Arms and Ey Weman The Best Man Hearts and Masks THE COLLEGE BOOK 260 Princess St. ----Tae Finest Book Store in Eastern Ontario. ----Phone 919. smn LIBRARIES NOW ADDING TO THEIR LISTS. , HISTORICAL NOVELS. i In Mary » Relgn by Baroness Orogy. Tower of London, by Wm. Har- by Wm Harrison the Reign of e of the Times of and Old Lace by Myrtle A Six Cylinder Courtship hy Ed d Ralsbury Fle les of Rebecca, by Kate uglier Wiggins innybrook Farm, Wiggins the Cumveriands, by Allee Mi BOWRT Around the World Allen's Witte by With Jesiah ADD 10¢ FOR STORE, I -- ! dolivered a timely, ad- meetings. held hy the morning, These of New York, who such fine artistic work to the in- St. Mary's cathedral, has completed « the decorating and {painting of the Church of the Good Thief at Portsmouth. ins of the largest crowds of Paul Panzeroni, did the | on The ice was only | ine fair condition, a fact much regrett- led by all present. This winter it has { bee on very Rard to secure good ie "Florida water,"" Murry & Laumsn's | genuine. Sold in Kingston at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. The skating club held a successful meet at the covered rink on Saturday. Lov ening. A large | turned out, and pvening. Fine music mimber of members | spent an enjoyabls | i was supplied In 'the R.C.H.A, band. Mrs. J. Evans is suffering from an was unable the singing at Cooke's church, on Sunday. Alan Lemmon sang, at both the morning and even ing service, in splendid voice. "Callard and Bowser's"' butter scotch English make. Sold in King ston at Gibson's Red Cross ding store, Archbishop Gauthier, accompanied {by Rev. Father Jaseph McDonald, at tended the funeral of the late Rev Father Chaillou, killed at the unfortu nate C.P.R. disaster, near Sudbury The interment took place at Dorval, solemn requiem mass being to assist in Quite an exciting runaway occurred ion Sunday afternoon om Low | Montreal street. A livery horse at [tacred {0 a eutter containing two fy for a few minutes. The animal dashed down to the new sabway, but in making the turn capsized the cut { ter, throwing the men out into the road and damaging the deigh severe Rev. Samuel Sellery," in his sermon to young men, in Queen Street Meth- odist church, last night, took the ground that amusements or recrea tions only became sinful when they lengrossed a person's attention, setting aside the spiritual and higher pur- poses of existence. The dance, cards and the theatre were not sinful in themmelves, except when they became: the absorbing passion of life. "THE DISGUSTING CARDS." Crowd God From the Heart, Rev. Dr. Mackie. In the course of his sermon at St. Andrew's church, Sunday evening, Rev. Dr. Mackie spoke of the deplor- able absence of 'desire for Christian service, among members, not only ol other congregations, but pr his own. 'There were so many people who claim- ed to be professing Christians, but who hoped to find a way to heaven other than by the way of good works. "I will not beat about the bush," said Dr. Mackie. "I will way | my say. The disgusting cards and tables are largely respons They crowd the heart and er fittle room for the grace of God." Says . Post Office Investigation. R. J. Ei¥ste, for twenty years alet- ter carrier of the loeal post ony who was retired from the service « month ago for failing to report an unpaid letter, a full Caves L matter, and one il vhortly ve vorducted by George - of Toronto, Chiel saperiotecdee offices, has a The ex-curtier fotiy So oY ped cilons urging - HBR EMBROIDERIES : -- The new linea have. srvived and they are certainly a swell lot of dainty patterns, All the wanted widths, alta Tusertj Ons in Cambric, Swiss o® ik : Ba Larger signs and ever before, Call darly and look over the display. You'll be delighted with the showing. variety, pewest de better values than Our New Whitewear Js in apd ready for showing. Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Skirts, Etc. Greater values previpus season. than in any New goods arriving daily. NEWMAN Agateware in the Sick Room Because of perfect sanitary cone ditions, Hght weight, na danger from breakages and Hy wenaral handiness, Agatware is being more generally used in the sie room We have always on hind a line of the best imported goality of Agateware, BED PANS, DOUCHE PANS, DOUCHE CANS, FEEDING CUPS, SPUTEM CUPS, URINALS, ste, a yd these you po find here a room gecensition any ar rubber. * make 8 speciaits of hese = and our prices are Smt, Dr. A. P.Chown, . Draggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. DIAMONDS ! Our Diamond Sales increase rapidly each year. Our Gems are of a fine quality. Carefully and suitably mounted, Each stone being weighed and thorough- ly inspected Before be- ing purchased, Come 'and sce for yourselves if our claims are not just. SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. SEDROBSOINTOVLOLON0 DEN gm 7 | Nr Ere ETL Ans paying Big Prices for - Raw Furs. Don't sent] your Furs away from home. The market is higher than you think it is, and 1 can do better for you, {W. F. Gourdier, 76, 78 and 80 BROCK 8ST. : Kingston, Ont. Exclusive Farrier, for cleanness, whiteness, spoticssness wa treatment of your wash. ables, and This Laundry it, and at a price that will please you, Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess and Sydesham