Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Feb 1910, p. 10

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PAGE TEN. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1910. HATS IN SPRING NEW NOAEY Of BLADDER MISERY GOES AND YOUR LAME BACK F Regulate Kidneys. Hundreds of folks there are needless ly miserable and worried because of out-of-order kidneys, backache or blad der troublg If you will take several doses of Pape's Diuretic all misery from a lame back, rheumatism, painful stitches, inflamed or swollen eyelids, nervous headache, irritability, dizziness, word out, sick feeling aud other svmproms of overworked or deranged Kidneys will vanish. Uncontrollable. smarting, frequent urination (especially at night) and all bladder misery ends. This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidumeys, blad- der and urinary system, and distrib utes its healing, cleaning and vita A Lazy Liver Upsets the Whele System. Pr. Morse's Indias Root Pills Pu Things Right Again. A bitter taste in Bi LEH RMA ny a Th Trains will 'leave and arrive at City Depot, as follows; ng West. Leave City. Arrive City. PF Mall sie 13.35 am. 13.57 3 EX .. 31 Local. 7 ~ i» w-------- es Uity. Arrive City, w LA0am: 2.17 a.m. we 241 ami 817am ye 15 8.50 NAPOLEON SHAPES FOR YOUTHFUL FACES. LS FINE. The moment vou suspect any kidwey or urinary disorder, or feel Theuma- tism coming, begin taking this harm- less medicine, with the knowledge that there is no other remedy, at any price, made anywhere else in the world, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cont treat- ment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Adaptable to All Faces--Womes Hail With Delight the Returning Vogue 'of the Becoming Velvet Facing. No matter how many hats a woman may be able to purchase each season, the first consideration, so soon Ra millinery show windows remind her that spring is approaching, is to select a knockabout straw, as that is the kind of head-covering most suit- able for general running about and for travelling during the entire sum- mer and aulumn. For this purpose the rough straws are iar and away the best selection, as they are, in a way, ornamental, and, i a really. smart model is obtained, require scarcely any trimming. Tt is the cheap straw hat which demands a quantity of decoration, whereas the decided lines of the high-class block- ings are the better emphasized by a {Few Doses Out-of-order 00 pms - 7 Tra ed, Bh D 6.7, SNA 8 T ly; other trains dally except Sun- rou Ilmans to and from Ot iE orockviile daily on trains 2 man Jecommnodation reserved in and all Sther JDformation fur. on application .to pp ., P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will te.. you that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of Cin- cinnati, is a large aml respansible med: icine concern, thoroughly worthy eof your confidence, ingintothe bowels, to regulate them Wie iver Iu to slapplen -- and aid digestion, He stomach bad. the bile has been going all through the system, upsetting digestion, leaving the bowels constipated, and making the sufferer perfectly miser- able. This is biliousness. Only curative results can come from taking Pape's Diuvetic amd a few days' treatment means clean, active, healthy kidueys, bladder and urinary organs-- and vou feel fine. KincsTond PEMBROKE RAILWAY "IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Trains Leave Kingston i 0. For. Ottawa, ave pr ohp, N.B, Hall- gs aria: Satnthe Bi * Beattie, #00. 1 for rbot Lake, with C.F. R. East and West. a. Mix or Renfrew and Ld points, Mon, Tues, and KINGSTON--OTTAWA. ® Kingston 12.01 p.m, arrive Ot ve' Ottaws 10.45 Partieulare st XK. & P. and €. P RB. Ticket office, Ontario Street i gn F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. a.m, arrive BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Ontario par her particu RB. W. Dios IN, Ageat, Eb 4 BERMUDA BY TWIN SCREW LINE Largest and nas Steamers S. 8. OCEANA, 8,000 TONS 8. BERMUDIAN, 5,600 TONS. on both Steamers ; also bilge Frost te Flowers, from New York at 10 am. ednesday and Saturday. WEST INDIES "G A" 3,700 8.8. a Fra t 10 am. for : « Ki tig and For full oa Ee Outorbridgs York, "and Agents, Kingston. REPATS Is the present of a deed to a nice 'future home--the best thing a prospec- tive b can give to his intended 'wifes And it is a protection for beth _tao--he loses nothing by giving it to his lilé mate. We have some charming Thonses for can build to your 'on most desirable sites if you so w Wo can sell on reasonable terms and With discounts for eash. "Fall particulars at 7 BROCK ST. The quick, safe and certain cure is Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They clear out the clogged-up system, stir up the lazy liver, cleanse the stomach and bowels and purify the blood. The bile returns to its normal course, the food is again digested properly and all the dis- agreeable symptoms vanish. Doctors prescribe Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills and they are known through- out the world as » proven cure for all digestive troubles. They are equally effective in stremgthening weak kidneys and curing rheumatism, Made by W. H. Comstock Co., Ltd., Brockville, Ont., and sold by all dealers at 25¢ a box. 15 HIGHEST & FOOD-VALUE. Epps's Cocoa is a treat to Children. A Sustenant to the Worker, A Boon to the Thrifty Housewife. 'PPS'S SUA 4 bdd 4 4 + + S £f 2 i : Sil %: gz g i F i gk : £ 2 mi--. That is what we are going to do to our Stock of Grand Old Antique Furniture and Odd Articles 3 Cone sar) and e a Belec- tion while the St . and hetare the ® Hl ou have an Lat drop a oy t a L. LESSES i y Cor. Priveens 20 Suatham Sta, bow set at precisely the right angle. Many of the new rough strays de: signed for general wear have no trim- ming beyond a black velvet how of good size set flatly agalost the front or side of the brim; others resi di- rectly against the erown, with the ends of a loop or two projecting above it, and its additional height is desired an aigrette or a bunch of fancy wings may be used. Napoleons are more than ever popu lar, and, during the coming Weeks, the leading wmilliners will bring out several varieties of the shape, which 80 eminently becomes a youthful face--a term which, in this era of beauty par- lors, not imfrequéhitly describes the countenance of many women who are approaching the half century mark: Now that the hair is worn so low, or, rather, so close, the Napoleon neces- sarily sets well over the brow, but the position of the points of the tn- corne depend wholly upon the shape of the face beneath it. In the case of an oval contour, the points may pro- directly over each ear and the beim flares straight up from the brow, whereas, a well-rounded face appears ( to better advahtage if the brim flures slightly toward the left side, with one point dipping just for- ward of the right ear. Likewise, the trimming treatment is an important matter, and because a flat effect does not become the would-be wearer of a Napoleon, is no reason for utterly dis carding the shape, which may possibly be made becoming hy the upstanding arrangement of a big how, a wing or igrette. : When in doubt buy a black hat i quite as safe a rule as the one whicl appbes to leading trumps when play ing whist. This season almost an woman may be excused for making black ber first choice, for never wey such straws more hdr, And seithin they suggestive of mourning, lor in nearly every instance the cabbage rose straw or basket braid has» {rimming of widely contrasting hue High in favor are the white trim ndings which frequently take the forw of a hu maline chou, a cluster of white wings or a bunch of osprey Now that Dame Fashior has risen superior to the old idea that red is only for winter use, cerise, cherry red and other vivid tomes arc Jending brightness to many of the lack shapes designed for all summer wear. In someof the early French millinery is noted also the soft blues and odd greens, which, while not practical for street dress shades, make an ideal relief for a costume of neutral tint. Notwithstanding the vogue of the color-trimmed black hat, the alk black confection has lost nome of it: prestige, There are mumbers of wo men all over the country who regard such a chapedu as the piece de re sistance of ther millinery outfit anc believe that none other will do 1 woar with the ceremonious costume Milan, hemp and hair shapes of the wide-brimmed picture variety are gariished with clusters of rather short ostrich tips, with huge maline choux and with great bows of plaited lac wired to form butterfly wings and in termingled with black velvet ribbon. This latter treatment of the all-black hat is most suitable for a quiet young girl and an ideal accessory for a white serge of mohair Saute. Women who appfeciate the soften ing offect to the lace of a velvet-lined hat brim are hall: with delight the return of that fasion of a former NATURE TELLS YOU As Many a Kingston Reader Knows Too Well. When the kidoeys are sick. Nature tells you all about it. The urine is Baturea calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action ; Any urinary trouble tells of kidney ill LN Booth's Kidney Pills cure all kidney 8. ject EDDIE day, Feb. 2nd, matinee and night, decade, It applies, of course, to the shapes which have an upward flare and especially to the Napoleon, which is at its jauntiest when developed in Aue, green of black chip with a velvet-faced brim, Then there are the peremnially popular Leghorns, which never show to better advantage than when faced with black velvet, al though if a really summery effect is desired, as in the ease of mano of the hats designed for the Palm Beach season, an inch wide band of velvet nay outline the upper edge of the brim, Rose garlands are a pfomivent fea- ture among the spring bat (rimniings and while these exotics are rather too ragile for continuous wear, there wrely is nothing daintier than a dress hat of chip or thair wreathed with half-'blown roses set thickly together and relieved or not with natural foli- we. Sometimes the roses wreath the rown, lving closely against it that po wutline of the shape may be sacrificed. Jr the wreath i= wound partially over 'he upturned brim and in some in- tances literally outlines 'it--a treat- ment which is eminently successful vhen small roses are used to trim one of the spring turbans. Like allem and some of the orettiest of the picture shapes the ower t« which up serenely meh spring, (is worn well over the wow. This is partly because of the lat arrangement of the hair and part- y becanse the crowns themselwes ure larger at the base which usually is dé imexl by a band of velvet or ribbon, twistéd in and out of the foliage. For toques, many of the small, finely- petaled flowers are used and always with happy effect as a line of velvet at the edge of the brim lends a soft- ning expression to the face. Truth to tell, flowers coming directly against the brow are trying to the most youthful countenance, and the mijllin- or who thoroughly understands her art--and the term deserves a = capital A--will see to it that each toque sent out is velvet-edged. Long ago women learned that dropping brim, rightly treated, sub- tracted years from the apparent age of the face, and each season a cer- tain number of such hats ate in de- mand, The spring shapes for 1910 show various modifications of the Russian turbans which may be class- ed as amongst the dip brim order and a species of inverted basket shape of the -high and wide crown order. The greatest license is accorded in the matter of trimming such shapes. For ordinary service, there is mothing more practical than a scarf of soft silk wound loosely about the crown and clinging closely to the edge of the brim, the ends tied in a flat soft bow run through with a fancy buckle, Flowers fi ntly garnish the dip brim hat, often put on erosswise from the left to right side of the brim and almost entirely concealing the top of the crown. Perhaps the most clever- ly treated of the droop brim hats are among the G moduls which, worn slightly tipped &t on: side, often show a wide facing of black velvet while the trimming is so arranged about the crown that not a whit of the beauty of outline is lost. Sailors bid fair to be large, wnd] therefore serviceable during the mid- summer season, for which they seem to be specially adapted. "Again the widely rolling brim is in evidence, and with it comes promise of various types of ings, arranged closely about the trimmings "the crown and rarely showing any prominantly upstanding effects, Some times wreaths and bundhes of flowers are employed singly or in connection with maline chous, amd again there are clusters( of ns or h rosettes of velvet SI ribbon, re A -------------------- A Loss of Freemen. MOZIER, With Dockstader's Minstrels, numbering 100, at the Grand on Wednes- WAITED A LONG TIME. Philosopher Tells a Story About His Marriage. Harper's Weekly, "There's romance for you," said little Binks, putting aside the morn ing paper. 'This paper has a story of a college proiessor who met a beautiful girl twenty years ago, ell in love with her at first sight, and thea lost sight of her altogether. Now, af: ter waiting for twenty years, he is rewarded by leading her to the alta as his bride. Just think of it-wait- ing twenty years for a wife." "What of it?" asked the genial philosopher, 'There's nothing extra. ordinary about that. I've waited thir ty-five years for mive." "You? Wailed thirty-five years? Why, I thought you'd been married that long," said little Binks. "I. have," said the philosopher. "That is how I know how long I've waited. I've waited for her to get her gloves on about three years; | ve wait. ed for her to change her hat about four years. I've waited while she said just one last word to the cook for at least five years; I've waited up- stairs; I've waited downstairs; I've waited at church; I've walted at the theatre, and I've waited in cabs, om- nibuses, taxies, motor cars, and the Lord knows what else besides. Fact is, Binksy, I've waited so long, often and so regularly that be tween you and me that little col lege professor of yours, with only one wilit of twenty years, strikes me as a miserable little piker."' sO ---------- iio PARADISE FISHES, Live in Odd Nests Composed of Air Bubbles. Paradise fishes come from Japan, and their nests are very odd indeed, for they are composed of air bubbles. Unlike goldfish, they will breed and raise their young in an aguarium even In turee or four broods each year. Ordinarily the male paradise fish is of a dull silvery color, but when he goes a-courting he puts on a brilliant coat, striped with streaks of red, blue and green, When the female fish is ready to lay gs, she builds her nest by swallowing air and making bub bles; which are held together by a sticky secretion that comes .from her mouth, > The eggs rise in the water and find a resting place among the air bubbles, to which they cling. The female fish tries to swallow the eggs, but her pmsband drives her away and keeps guard until the eggs are hatched. II the air bubbles burst, the male fish blows some more, so that the nest is always floating in the surface of the or water. At the end of five d vs the young are hatched out. They cannot swim, but cling like tadpoles to the air bub- bles. If one falls, the father fish catches it in his mouth and blows it up among the bublles again. He does not leave his little ones until they are able to swim, and then they take care of themselves. Only Milton. MAP. A United States visitor to Eagland was in a museum, being shown Mil- ton's chair. "And is that really the chair?' queried the man, as he knelt down and kissed it. "Yes," said the museum attendant ; "snd that is the table on which he wrote 'Paradise Lost." " "Did he really write 'Paradise Lost,' asked the man with some surprise. "Of course Milton wrote "Paradise Lost," '" answered the astonished at: tendant. " "Oh, Milton ! 'Why, 1 thought vou] said Lipton," replied the American with disgust. Explain it Whe Can. Kansas City Times. | HH ki transmits fatal germs, how does it that all the babies kiss od by vette are dving at the age of 1107 : 4. Catarrh Cannot be Cuved. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, hth 2 of the they e sea ivease. a glass globe, and.jhey raise | lizing influence directly upon the or gans and glands affected, aml com pletes the eure hefors you realize it. THE SPORT REVIEW. Interesting News From The Various Sporting Fields, New York Mail: Isa't it about thine that Pittsburg sent ont the an- nual yarn about Hans Wagner retir- ing from the diamond ? "Jack" Tait, the Canadian cham- pion at the shOrter distances, forced George V, Bonhag to break the world's record for three miles in win ning the feature event of the 74th Re giment games at Buffalo. Bouhag was thirty yards in front of the Canadian at the finish. The longest chess tournament on re cord was ended at New York, Satu day, when Gaston (i. Netter won the last game of a thousand:game match, begun fn April, 1902, from Emile Stehli, Netter is a Frenchman, and Stehli a Swiss. They have played at the same table in a down-lown hotel nearly every the past ten years, "Varsity's hockey manager says that if they could win 'the championship of the Intercolleginte league, they would not raise a very big howl about not receiving the cup. They would tinue to their OHA, men in intercollegiate games unless the union forced them to desist, which is very unlikely, he thinks. Trailing within three feet of his op- wonent for twenty-six miles, and al ro him to make the pace at all times, Dorando Pietri, Italian Mara- thon runner, went to the front in the last two laps of his race with "Johnny" Hayes, of New York, at San Francisco on Saturday, and won by sixty yards. The time was 2:41:35, Three more bills are being aimed at afternoon for con use is Your Scalp Itchy? Multitudes of minute creatures in- fest the skin and excite inflammation. It is not a question of cleanliness, for soap and water are powerless to reach the creatures. Dr. Hamilton's Oint ment is death to them. The healing oils and balsams that enter its com position destroy all irritating bacteria relieve itch scalp, stop skin irritation at once. For any skin disease, recent or chronic the remedy is Dr. Hamil ton's Ointment. Buy a 5c. box. within forty-five seconds of the cord, re- and should know d MARVEL Whirling Spray The sow Vaginal eas Best-- Most conven 3 cleanses " +4 Indy HR DSOR SUPPLY CO. Windsor, Om Gererul Agents for Canada. ET -- cent treatment--from any drug --anvwhere in the world, from personal notices that gambling ted and lurnish police protection. Accept only Pape's Diuretio--ffty- store A ---- race track gambling in Albany assem- bly. betting on the races, pool selling or form, and the third proposes to repea that section of the law which exempts owners One 1s designed to prohibit al) one is agaiost bookmaking in an or directors. of race tracks hahility if they post is nol permit: 00 LET US bO YOUR PLUMBING IF YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT. In our work we are away past the experimental stage. We do not guess at how things should be done-- we know! 4 As to prices--we also know you'll not object. DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St | "Phone 888.. Sowards Keeps Coal AND Coal Keeps Sowards. Have You Tried Him ? Phone 188. T. J. LOCKHART Rea! Fstate snd Insurance Money to Loan, Office, 159 Wellington St, King stony L§ 2A I») A KH SALT A \ SS a V10 s R20 lal F ai ate bot Libre 18 Bo bet in SP At Our] anuary Sale \ Women's Heavy Winter Coats 40 to 44 inches in length, in Black and Oxford, 100 emch, original prices $4.30 to $9.00. All This Season's Long Coats at Half Price. 2B Fa ney Tweed Skirts

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