The Daily British Whig YEAR 77-NO, 27 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY © -y 1910. LAST EDITION fiOUSEWORKS On the Estimates of the Ontario Legislature. $6,000 FOR QUEEN'S FOR CARRYING ON FACULTY OF EDUCATION, There are Gegeral Increases in Salar- jes--Eastern Ontario Dalrymen's Association is Given an Increased Grant--Some of the Details. Toronto, Feb, 2.--~Supplementary estimates amounting to ¥3,866,013.50 were brought down i the legislature vesterday afternoon. This meludes $2, SU0,000 ror the Niagara transmission) line and #59.000 for the Port Arthur line, leaving $1,316,013.50 as the regu- lar additions. The main estimates for the year Nov, Ist, 1909, to Oct. 3lst, 1910, were 86,508,004,19, making a to- tal of $10.374,017.69 for the year. The special feature of the supple- mentary estimates, this year, is the large list of salary increases, includ- ing nearly every branch of the ser vice, not only in the parliament buildings, but the mining recorders are all remembered. The amounts ron from $50 to $500. The latter amount is given to the law clerk of private and municipal bills. » The library is given a grant of $25. 000 for binding and purchasing new books. No provision is made for additional judges. The sum of $43,000 is set. apart fo. the salaries of provincial constables from January lst. The sum of $5,000 is given for min- ing' edueation in Sudbury high - school and-three more agricultural teachers for high schools. Public and separate schools will re- ceive $28,962.55; $6,000 of this goes to Queen's university, being a grant in aid of the education of teachers. The Dairymen's Association of East- ern Ontario gets an additional grant of 8500, and $300 jg provided for ex perimental work in dairying. To pro- vide for an expert in plant breeding at the Horticultural Experimental Station, $1,000 will be provided, and $500 more for the inspection of iaries, and $200 to the Entomolo- Society. The Salvation sath, and $500 goes my son gate work. Two ad dollars will be asked for the reconstruction and fire-proofing of fhe western part of the arliament buildiigs ; for repairs to urniture and the cleaning of the build- ing after the fire $3,500 will be voted. An unusually large number of allow- ances have been made. J, J. Tilley, for "the ge twenty-six years inspector of model schools, receives a retiring al lowance of $2,000. The widow of the late Allan Ker is paid $050, Oliver Macdonald 8650, Mise E. M. Walsh $500; the estate of the late T. W. H. Leavitt 8400, the widow of the late F, Nudel, $1,750, Miss A. M. Rise, $450. One Thousand Total Abstainers. Peterboro, Ont., Feb, 2.--Over one thousand have recently joined the St. Peter's Total Abstinence Society bere. The society intends to purchase one of the hotels to he cut off by license re- duction, and conduct a lodging house, temperance bar, gymuasiom, and bowl ing alleys, : 80,000 Men Wanted, Before next month this number are wanted to step up and have their corns removed with Putnam's Corn Extractor~it's painless--saie--sure Use only *Patnam's," it's the best. There wis no session of the police court on Wednesday morning. Two knights 6 the , who were taken in for » were {he only people in the | Thursday M.C.A, wp: might--Prof. Morison, Y. A= ) ckwood, & p.m. Board of Education, 8 ym. 3 "surt Frontenac, 1.0.F., meets to-mor- Jo Rating af Royal Rink to-night. Gesd o. x x Toyered Rink=itookey, RMC. IL va. Band and carnival &t Palace Rink to- night Good Tes. vy gat. 11 a'Simest SiR Rone on Doe der's. rel show, Grand Guere ia Lal ; . ness . uet. YMCA, Ror ni SE ison on ins In Old Land" §0c. . a8 a result of the dispute over Crete, ah tery, Mr, Martineau came to the city TUMBLES THROUGH BRIDGE, Work Gang Tearing Up An Aban. doned Track. Lethbridge, Alta., Feb. 2~A wreck ocurred at Thoopuh, ten miles south- west of Lethbridge, on the abandoned Crow's Nest line, Monday. A. work train, with a gang tearing down aun old bridge, divided:by-a ridge, was standing on the ridge. The men had a few joints loose when the whole structiire collapsed, taking with it the angine, tender and several ears, while the balance of the train went down with the other bridge. One man was jammed between two ears and killed immediately, Another foreigner was badly crushed. Others, including Engineer Moore, whose en- gine turned over-completely with-him, are badly injured. About twenty ard injured altogether, nearly all foreign- ors, ~ MENT TRUE. MOTHER'S PRE Wychwood Woman Learns of Son's Death in St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 2.--Psychic science, whith none can explain, seems to have moved Mrs. Mary Death, of Wyehwood, Ont., to write to Chief of Police Creecy asking him to find traces of her son. She had not heard from him for two years, His last address was 1,326 Pine street, where she addressed soveral letters only to have them returned unopened. *Something tells me that some thing has happened to my son," wrote Mrs. Death to Chief Creeey. 'Perhaps he is in one your hospitals or asy- lumsg won't you enquire for an anx- ious mother." An investigation showed that Death had died in the city hospital July dist last, LT > RY 3. 8. PERRAULT, Secretary of Imperial Tobacco Montreal, who Is candidate folf the pre- sidency of the Chamber of Commerte, Co, THE MOST REMARKABLE Instance of Development in Modern History. London, Feb. 2.--A Smithers, presiding ut the Canada Chub, ban- quet, last night, declared Canada was not over-wivertised. He advocated a state system of emigration. Sir FE. Sheyer remarked that Canada was going to be the most remarkable in. stance of development in modern history. Nothing cousl stop her. Brit. ain was ready to supply the capital, Sir W. White sald the character of {Canada's warm hearted, optimistic jand proud citizens alone assured hes future, Ww. TURKEY GETS HOT. Feels Like Taking Action Greece Over Crete, Paris, Feb. 2.-The foreign office is advised that the relations between Turkey and Crete have become critical Against and the latter's insistence on being {represented in the Greek parliament. | { Turkey, the despatches say, is contem- i plating a move against Greece. Post Office Clerk Missing. Ottawa, Feb. 2.--A. Colbert Marti- nean, a clerk in the post office depart: ment, has been missing from his boarding house for over two weeks, and hid absence is causing anxiety among his friends. He was in the best of health, and the reasons for his sud- den leave taking have yet to be es tablished. On.the evening oi January 18th, Mr. Martineau left his boardin house, 128 ( street, shortly "s ter supper. It was thought that he was vigiting a friend when he did not return that night, and little was made of the matter at the time, When a couple of days had passed and neo communication from him was received, enquiries were instituted. TI 'how- ever, were of no avail, and Mr. \Marti- neau's whereabouts are still A mys- from about five years ago, and it is said has no relatives in Ottawa. Go In At Boston, Boston, Feb. 2. Hereafter Chinese immigration into the United States will be chiefly Shrough the port of Boston, it is expected, following the closing of the three Canadian border stations at Malone, N.Y., Ri ord, Vi., and Postal, N.D.,, i Chinese have been pormitted fo euter {the country. : Government Building Burned. Seoul, Koreas, Feb. 2.<During the i outhweak at ham South} the This is Purpose of Minister of Railways. INTERCOLONIAL R.R. SHOWED SURPLUS OF $662,388, resis ee: The Hudson Bay Railway Will be Be- gun at Once----Georgian Bay Canal Will be Built Sometime--A Stable Bridge to Span the St. Lawrence Near Quebec. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Feb. 2.--A net surplus of £662,388 for the first nine months of the fiscal year in the operation of the Intercolanial railway under the new board of management, a net better- ment of $1,199,241, as compared with the corresponding period oJ 1908, an increase of earnings by $442,154, and a decrease in operating expenses, dur- ing the nine monthg, wi $757,087, was the gratifying statement which Hon. (George P. Graham made in the com- mons, vesterday afternoon, in the course of a lucld and businesslike statement of the work of his depart- went during the year and of the man- ner in which tha various large pro- blemxs confronting it were being sol- ved. A more gratifying statement of conditions of the" Inteivoloral and of the vast improvements which have resulted from the administration of the road on businesslike and pro- gressive. principles has never been made to parliament before. Mr. Gra- reviewed briefly the different phases of the transportation policy of the government and coupled with the announcement of the splendid sur- plus on the Intercolomial were an- pouncements that the government was prepared to go ahead this year with immediate construction of the Hudson Bay railway and that the eonstrue- tion of the new Quebec bridge would be fn this year with the assurance that the structure would be a stable one and the very best that emgineer- ing brains could devise, Before the orders of the called Hon. Mr. Fielding announced that the French treaty was mow effect, the exchange of formal ratifi- eations between London and Paris faving taken place to-day. On the question of the Hudson Bay : 3 day were the construction of the road with all possible speed. After careful ly studying the whole question the government believed that the country was ready to endorse the proposal for providing another great outlet for the products of the west. Before definite ly deciding in favor of Nelson's Har: bor, as against Fort Churchill, for the termihus of the road, the govern- ment would, this year, send up a survey ship to Hudson Bay to make a thorough fnvestigation of the ap- proaches and channels at both har- bors. was 816,426,340 and this provided for a railway with a grade of four-tenths of four per cent. As to the Georgian Bay canal project he said that there would be no appropriation for that this year but that it would be built in due 'me by the government, which had always met the problems it had romised to solve, . ter his experience with the road, might now be able to say whether he fa- vored continuing the road under gov- ernment management or not. Mr. Graham said that, without go- ing generally into the question of government ownership, he would say that be had no immediate intention of recommending that the road be disposed of, tinuing it under the board of man- agement and in the course of a few days would appoint andther member to the board. ADDRESSED SYNOD. Bishop Farthing Urges Increased Ac- commodation. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Feb, 2--Bishop Farthing impressed upon the fifty-first gunual Montreal diocesan synod, in session, the rapid growth of Montreal suburbs which 'increased the responsibility of the Anglican church. Extensions were imperative. He also ur the synod to turn its eyes to M ald College, at 84 Anne's de Bellevue, a strategic point for the church, The present church would only stcommodate resi- dents. Tt must Be enlarged for the students. The diocesan col is om a firm financial basis. He deplored the fact that professors were under paid. The miss ivi increas. ed from 830,852 to $8179 last year. Woman Gives $180,000 to Church. New York, Feb. 2~The Rev. Dr. Howard Duffield, pastor of the Old x T0KEEP ROAD C00D STATEMENT 1 ced that IR Ea Ch The estimated cost of the road] W. F, Maclean said Mr. Graham, ai-| In fact he tntended con | SMOKING CAUSE OF SPLAT. { Members of London Stock ¥xchange Take Sides. London, Feb. 2.--My Lady Nicotine has once again proved a disturber of {the peace at the London Stock Ex- | change. Every few years the question of allowing the ' members to smoke {during the time the exchange is offi- {cially open crops up, and each time j the commitice has cut the smoking {time down until the present rule pro- hibits smoking altogether. All the same the members have in- dulged in the habit with impunity just i before the official closing hour at one o'clock, which has brought about nu- | merous complaints from non-smokers, with the result that the committee {proposes to pass un resolution imme- {diately authorizing the severest pun- ishment for the infringers, . This has brought about much ob- {jection and a petition is being exten- | sively signed, asking the committee to refrain from passing the rule, so that ia battle royal ix in, progress on the [question--to smoke or not to smoke | In the old days there was no pro- hibition against smoking in the house. Then came the rule prohibiting it, {but in recent vears the lighting of a jcigarette or cigar just before cloring {time has been winked at by the com- | mittee. Advantage of this leniency | has been taken, for members began to {gmoke too early, and now a crisis has arisen. -------- | TYPHOID EPIDEMICS, } w-- | Unsanitary Conditions in Lumber | and Railway Camps. | Winnipeg, Feb. 2.--<The condition of {some of the lumber and railroad {amps of Western Ontario has caused {much alarm. It is alleged that the typhoid epidemics that seized a num- {ber of the Northern Ontario towns |were caused by unsanitary conditions in the camps. | Some of the propriétors of camps are being sued 'and it is in commection with these actions that Jospector (ieorge E. Young, principal oflicer of the provincial bogrd of health; has been sent to Winnipeg. Inspector Young has been in a number of un- healthy *places in the course of his duties, but says that Cobalt at the time of the typhoid epidemic 'was about the Kmit. 20 CENTS A DAY Enough for One to Spend om Feed- ing. Boston, Feb. 2.--Dr. Franklin A. White, Harvard's expert in dietetics, advocating the use of cornmeal, oleo- margarine, cheap syrup and especially herring and potatoes as substitutes meat, said to-day : . "There is no reason why any work- ingman or woman could not five on twenty cents a day. The very best outcome of the present no-meat move ment will be the discovery by many perspns that they can get along on little or no meat .and feel in better health than ever before." Killed Doctor, Washington, Feb, 2.--An ancient In- dian tradition on the Umatilla resex- vation indirectly has been respected George, an Indian on the reservation had an infant relative who became ill, { He called in a woman spirit doctor {aod the child died. He was told that in accordance with a tradition of the tribe it was his privilege to kill "the doctor, George got intoxicated and | killed the old: woman with whiskey dosed with strychnine. A life sentence {was given him. George apparently was most indifferent, but somebody inter- ested himself in the case and an ap- phication...came to" Washington for Gieorge's pardon and President Taft devided to commute the sentence to expire immediately. -- Must Have $2,000 to Wed On. Pittsburg, Feb, 2.---Rev. Wright { Gibson, pastor of the McKee's Rocks Presbyterian vhurch, has notified en gaged couplés among his parishioners that he ded mot propose to unite any couples unless the intended bride groom could prove that his income was at least $2,000 a year, The minister declares that with the present price of tommodities this in come is necessary fo live. "Poverty leads to divorce," he raaid, "and I do uot purpose to assist the divorce cause," The Latest Figures. London, Feb, 2.--The liberals have gained a seat at Wick, which the unionists carried at the last election by a majority of ninety-vix. Excluding the speaker and with three Scottish seals still aw filled the parties now stand : Liberals, 274: unionists, 270: labor, 40; nationalists, 82. (Backward Chap Suicided. New York, Feb. 2.--Disheartenad be canse he was the largest amd oldest boy in his class and failed of o motion, Walter % teen years old, hanged himself with his school-book strap to a bedpost al his home in Flatbush, L.I. Victoria, B.C, Feb. 2.--It is stated here that the Canadian Northern paid £100,000 Shion on the pr pur- chase of Dunsmwir ecollieri and Dunsmuir interests on Van gouver Island, eleven million dollars being the purchase price. tc. Moving Picture Licenses. ~The provincial decided to the by the Taft administration. Columbia | IE ISAT RET A BANK PRESIDENT AND ALSO SUGAR CANADA, KING OF He Has Been in Falling Health for Some Months--He Was Promin- ently Identified With all Forward Movements in Montreal, Montreal, Feb. 2. The death took place, at-3:30 o'elonk, this morning, of Sir George A. Drummond, president of the Bank of Montreal, and for many years known as the sugar king" of Canada, he having been president of the Canada Sugar Refinery eom- pany, one | of the largest establish- ments of its kind in the dominion. Sir George had been in failing SIR GEORGE DRUMMOND. health for some months and his end was not unexpected. His family was summoned (0 his bedside some weeks ago, but he rallied for a time. Sir George was born in Seotland, in 129, and came to Canada in 1854 for the purpose of asswming the man agement? of the Redpath refinery. He was prominently identified all forward movements in Montreal and was well-known for his philan thropy. He was {wice married. GUERIN ELECTED. with Victory For Citizens' League. Montreal, Feb. 1.--The citizens of Montreal, to-day, rescued the city from the clutches of the old brigade, who have been in control for the past few years. Sweeping Montreal PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Called From All Over The World. . Customs collections for Windsor dur- ing January amounted to $75,410. the CPR. will spend $30,000,000 for improvements the west this year, Unity church, Hamilton, hasvextend- ed a call to Rev. Felix Taylor, Lex- ington, Ky, Rev. Thomas Nicholson, a native of Woodburn, Ont. may be appointed president of Boston University, Fiske & Robinson, Sond dealers and members of the New York Exchange, have failed for a million dollars. The cost of living in the United States is to be thoroughly inquired into hy the house of representatives. Hamilton Salvation Army asks for a civic grant of $1,000 towaxds the establishment of an industrial home, The London Leader declares that it is a matter of history that the king was opposed to the lords' rejection of the budget, Robert Boyes, of Campbellford high school, has' been apoointed third school inspector of the United Coun ties of Northumberland. and Durham. _ Quo waranto proceedings have been instituted to have the election of the mayor and members of the council. of Vankleek Hill declared null and void. The French certificates of immunity from orchard pests of trees imported from that country are said by the entomologists of the dominion to be worthless, A cigarette cost the lives of the se wventy-six men who perished in the explosion in the mine of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company's at Primero, Cal, it is beloved. The flood at Paris continues to cede. The Seine has dropped forty four inches' from the maximum point and the Marne and Volne are slowly but surely seeking their normal jevels The Allan liner Numidian, which ar- rived at Halifax, N.S., from Glasgow, on Wednesday morning, had her bulk. head stove in and deck gear washed away in a storm encountered off the Irish coast. Sixty railways in the United States have notified the representatives of 32,000 firemen of the rejection of their demands for a twenily to twenty-five per cent. wage increase and other con Cessions, Christian H. Moyer, St. Catharines. Ont, aged seventy-eight, well-known throughout the Niagara district, died suddenly while sitting in a chair. Mr. Moyer had been married only a vear. Dr. Kung, Chinese consul-general, and Consul-General Nakamura, of Ta- pan, will be guests of the Canadian Club, Ottawa, at luncheon, on Satur day. Sir Wilfrid Lauricr and R. L. Borden will be present. The residents in the vicinity of the Hess street school, Homiltén, Ont. hava circulated a petition against the ontmuance of the playgrounds it the school next summers The children made so much noise that life was a burddn. Ralph Lawton, ' Blenheim, told of logses at the race tracks and of hav Ing to mortgage his furniture to re pay money obtained from his em- ployers. He 'termed race track gawh ling one of the worst the world, Miss Margaret wood, Ont. in mine re evils in Macpherson, Nor maiden 0 Every one and stood of the who voted for the administration of the late council went to defeat. Ald. Proulx, chairman of the police com mittee, was not only defeated, but lost his deposit. J. J. Guerin, the citizens' nominee for mayor, defeated Hon. J. P. B. Casgrain by over three thousand majority. : The FKrench-Canadiang showed their | firmness by supporting Dr, Guerin, the ! Irish Roman Catholic, and electing him by a good majority. > The board of control will consist of Joseph H. Ainey, labor candidate; ¥. N. Dupuis, Br. La Chapelle and ¥. L Wanklyn, the latter being the only English candidate ior the board. These four men were chosen by the citizens' committee and defeated their fourteen opponents ' by a big majority. Ex: Mayor Payette, whe ran for the board of control, was badly beaten, In every ward of the city the citi- zens' committee selected a candidate and at a late hour to-night indications are that every one of these will be elected. The citizens' battle ery of "the slate, the whole slate, and nothing but the slate," looks like an accomplished fact. Montreal will start her new regime with a clean slate--a clean and honest mayor, a new board of control and a lot of new and, it is to be hoped, use- ful members, STAND FOR BILL To Give the Franchise to Ontario Toronto, Feb. 2.<Allan Studholme, M.P.P., Hamilton, has given potie of 8 measure to grant the franchise to women in Ontarw. He is assured of a partial following in his effort. A. E. Fripp (Ottawa), v ho Xr. Studholme's Inbor bil, has ex- pressed his accord with the principle of extending the franch.«, while A E. Donovan (Brockville) has intimat- vd he will speak in support of the Bild. y w Women of Sent to Penitentiary. Chatham, Ont, Feb. 2-Samuel Spencer, alias "Kid" Spencer, alias Samuel Jolin Milnes, a noted erook, recently convicted of theft of valnabl: jewels from the home of Engineer Janes, and of entering in day lizht the residence of J. Milton Pike, K.C., was sent, by Judge Houston, this morning, to four years in the penitentiary. Spec wr has served terma in Windsor and Toronto, and was on 'at the time of his arrest. Ho {that she could not | improving i Templeton. one of the aged | ladies assaulted by the young English { man, Robert Henderson, 1 ¢ and thought for a time to be so seriously injured recover, is rapidiy 1 he Turkish minister of foreign af airs was, on Wednesday, instructed fo warn Greece that tions for war are ly Turkey would casus belli and against (reece, Martial law prevails in' the western suburbs of Paris, f Howing whole looting. Gen. Dalstein is in command of the troops: His prompt measures have saved at least a dozen thugs from being hanged or drowned by mobs of maddened citizens : Edward Johnson, Sandwich, Ont who has heen Governor Harman's star prisoner for several months and just taken to Toronto to serve for obtain- ing money under false pretences, pro fessed conversion at a Salvation Army service in the jail. He is coming back to rent Carry Hall, Windsor, for reli. gious services. -- His Mind Turned. London, Ont., Feb. 2. Marinus Jen- sen, a young Dane, aged twenty-two, committed suicide by drinking earbolic arid in Victoria hospital. Some weeks ago he determined to be a bookkeeper and. securing a correspondence school course, he worked so hard at nights that his mind was affected. uniess her prepara stopped immediate consider take the them a offensive ale Belleville's New Alderman. Belleville, Feb. 2.-An aldermanie election to fill a vacancy in Bleecker ward, was held, yesterday. The candi dates were Hope McGinnis and Joseph r The former won by 138 majority. Why does Great Britian buy its oatmeal of us? Certainly it seems coals to Newcastle 10 spe ing batmeal to Scotland and vet, t year the Quaker Oats Company sonds undireds of thousands of cases of ? a carrying srt. ef Oats to Great Britian and urupe. The reason is s e; while the English and Seotch have for cemuries: eaten cattneal in guantities and wit) a regularity that hae made them he most rugged physically, ant active mentatly of all people, the American has been eating catmeal and tryisg al the hoe te Impidve the methods of .mannfactare so that he might that desirable foreign trade, - How well bé has succeded woud "be seen at & glance at the rex 2 a vivalin clea . WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont Feb, 2 If am (Re tawa Valley 3d Upper 8 Lawrenes. Moderate gy, with tocal sno clot and go SUITINGS FOR} SPRING A We have just received and placed in Stock a large Consign- ment of New Fabrics for Spring Suits and Dresses. England ll France and Germany have all py contributed to this vast array of beautiful materials. Every new shi®de of note is here. We emphasize some of the most popular ones. Cinder Grey, Mustard, Faded Geraplum. Delft Blue, Hyacinth, Chantecleer. Ash-of-Roses, Rose-du-Barry. Frosted Violets. Deer Brown. Peach. Amythist, Cycleman. Parna Violet. - The Dressmaking ' Dep't SPECIAL NOTICE--~--As Easter comes earlier than usual this year, we've decided to re-open our Dressmaking Department on or about Feb, 11th... Orders will have our attention ps in the order received. > WE ARE BOOKING NOW, Feh 2 Bunowden i Ave on second daughter at 4 pm on Feb. 1st, Anderson, daughter of and Mra. James Ander. of Dundee, Scotland, 1 Kingston 3 William St 10.30 am,, Kingston on Feb. 1st, 164 Hideau Street, Lily beloved daughter of Mr. and Baxter, aged 13 years and In at ral to-mors y . (Thursday), at 2 pm. te Oat temetery wre please copy. ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. GRAPE FRUIT This delicious fruit is growing more popular. every season. We have just received a large shipment from Cubs, and the prices are very reasonable. Grape Fruit at... . «+ Be cach, Grape Frult at... ... .. 4 for 25¢, Grape Fruit at... .. Grape Fruit at Grape Fruit at Jas. Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries, IN MY TRAVELS 1 HAVE SOME ACRORs 2 by grade Polished the finest rooms, &t suprising prices. * . Turk's Store. * A sad death occurred on Tuesday Sning When Mise Elizabeth P. Bug- ter, the thirteen-yesrold dsughter William: Baxter, 154 Rideau ar ot died after an Ulpess of ton days from typhoid poeamonis. The ' was born in Winnipeg but bad lived mm the aty for some years, where vhs 4 friend