PAGE RE FOUR, THE Da LY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1910. Gold Enamel, a sup- erior grade for decor- ative use, 15¢ & 25c. Aluminum Paint, (Liquid) ; A lasting silver finish on radi- ators, ranges, water boiler, stove pipes, NEN\L/EE/EN &e. Price 25, 45, 85¢. Powdered Wax for Dancing Floor. Priee ble, CORBETT'S, ABSOLUTE Cenulne - Carter's Little Liver Pills. MRuot Bear Signature of Men's Working Boots All union made, 20 per cent. off all lines to clear, Jack Johnston, 70 BROCK ST. (Adam's Old Stand) N.B.--We repair and make. Bibby's Cab Stand ~~ Phone 20l. DAY or NIGHT Cliff's Real Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. ; Where you can buy or sell property. Also Insurance written in best companies. GEO. CLIFF, 95 Clarence St. a TRIED : before the rome of public eptdion. » of} our in the crucible te patrons' experience. Ra i Lia I. ha & in lts sdpeértor position among fuels. "nt Sh aod gece a lh A i Seip oF DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published a: 806-310 {King streei, hingston, Onutari. ub-$6 pir year. Editions' at 2.30 ang 4 ° WEEKLY BRITISH published in parts day mornin, -------- WHIG, 77th YEAR | WHIG, 16 pages, on 'and {burs $1 a year. To United had to be : y $3 and of at 1 : TORONTO OFFICE, Suite 19 20, Cham Bere 132) YOR Bs, Foro H BE. Smalipeice, J. P., representative. PURITY IN PUBLIC LIFE. According to the London Free Press the conservative convention, which is to be held next June in Ottawa, will consider purity in' public life as an essential qualification in the. candidate for public office. Why not? The par- liamentarian has to legislate with re. gard to morals, and it is expedient and proper that he should be person- ally a man of most pronounced in- tegrity. Moreover he is the people's idea of the man, mentally and moral ly, who aots iw their behalf, and they cannot ignore. any misconduct and say that outside of parliament they ae not interested in him and in his performantes. ¢ It may be more dificult to find one popular with the masses and ehetains from some of the practices that mar the character. The common conception of the politician is erro- cous. MH is that he must not . be overly scrupulous about what he thinks or does, that he must not be too exacting in his tastes and companion- ships, that so long as he is good: natured and generous he may have his who is. necessary to probe deeply into the matters that affect his private life. The uncommon conception is that the person who saccepte a nomination frony "the 'people should be pure-mind- ed as well as public spirited, and that there is nothing about his life that can osuse hurtful comment or scan- dal. ' ' The Brantford Expositor, which die- tusses this subject, has the correct idea when it says: "The fountiin heads in public life must be cleansed from 'the" source and the onus of res- ponsibility in the first instance rests on the caucuses and conventions that name the candidates. If these demand integrity and probity om the part of aspirants we shall hear less || of the aspersions which of late years have had o tendency to lower the dignity of parliament and the genergl tone of Canadian public life." THE COUNTY MUST SUBMIT, Wentworth county has just had an experiénce that is interesting to other counties in a similar position. The government of Ontario has undertaken to make it, a rich county, live up to the law which requires it to provide a refuge for the old and infirm people. It has demurred about doimg this, as it has been requested by the inspector, Dr. Smith, whom the people of this district know, being either a native or former resident of Cataraqui. Last year: the discussion culiminated, and the Wentworth county council was given to understand that without further delay it should proceed with the performance oi its duty. At the meeting last week a law firm in Hamilton addressed the coun- cil @ letter to the effect that unless work in a refuge were convmenced this year hetion would be taken to com- pel it to comply with the law, The question was asked, For whom are the lawyers acting ? They did not suy, and it odcurred to some of the councillors that they should know. They suspected. that the government was the iaterested™ party, but one oi them started a mew line of thought by saying that 'any ratepayer can go ahead and issue a mundamus against us, and that would put us up against a bill of costs. They don't have to give the name of their client, aud, anyway, it is "a statute and all the The councillor who supposed that Wentworth stants alone in not com- plying with, the law is simply mis- taken. There are several counties which have not provided refuges with- {in their boundaries, and they have 'not been proceeded against in a sum- ty manner. They may be protecled by the agreements they have made, || whereby ample provision has been made for their , and Weatworth should. join with Hamile [ithe © latter's refuge, (if there is one), { find a home for the homeless. The county tnt undéciakes to defy the government is only laying up 'trouble | for itself. The go t bas behind it the legislature, and it can do any. | thing according to recent. decisions of ! the 'court. => ---- Daily Wibig. | THE WATER WE DRINK. The intake 1/ne in cConection with the water works will be examined at once, and the joint im it renewed or repaired. This joint comes at a place where, if found defective, the water may not be good, as it is the channel of the sewage as it moves along the front of the harbor or «d- | dies about in the cross currents. The chairman of the commitice speaks about the necessity of a se cond or spare intake pipe which could be used while an examination in being made of, the other and at the" convenience 'of the department. It is a rare municipality that is doubly equipped in this respect. Extra im- take pipes are not usually available, and for the reason that they are ex- pensive and not often put to service. There is force in what Ald. Craig says, however, that were the depart: ment. left alone, were robber hands not laid upon its resowyces,' and un- der eircumstances which cannot be jus- tified, there would be money enough with which to make all necessary im- provements. The funds allowed for depreciation are again accumulating, and they should be applied towards whatever is needed in maintaining the efficiency of the department. It is to be hoped that Kingston will never be in the position of Moun- treal, where a municipal plant' exists, and the revenues of it are systemati- cally misappropriated while it is al lowed to run down = and become se- riously crippled, And speaking of Montreal another thought was pro sented--that the water here is bad. faults and defects, and that it is not| other counties have complied with it. ie We have nothing to do but comply." | oun and in} It is bad also in Toronto, and the intake pipes are appasatly all right. Is it not evident that soomer or la- ter there will have to be flfiltration here as the only safeguard against bacteria, and that this involves a very costly outfit? EDITORIAL Wait until NOTES. & news reaches home" that a' man ¥iicided in Kingston on account of its oppressive taxation, and $hen there will be heard some thing above a whisper. J. J. Hill says the economy of the home depends on the housewife. She can do her marketing, but not by telophone. Mr. fill would have every iwoman become a bargain hunter. The Ontario government is rect hing out after more money and has decid- ed that the picture shows must pay 325 a year in place of $10. Another way of inereawing the cost of living. ese tax discussion suppressed in coun cil, lest it might do harm, could nc have seen the free advertisement which appeared in the provincial pa- pers. The aldermen who wanted the ou] -- The lmercolonial railway will show a surplus this year. This may result in part from the work of the missioners, It is certainly: putting business instinct into the manage. ment. om- In 1908 Britain invested $415,000,000 in foreign loans and $240,000,000 in colonial loans. In 1909 these louns became $440,000,000 and $375,000,000° respectively. John Bull is a 'uy rich man. He hardly knows what he is worth, and certainly ho ope clse knows it. ? RESULT OF EXCAVATIONS. Believe King Omri's Palace is Locat- ed. Through the field werk of the Har- vard Semitic Museum, carried on by means of a fund of $50,000 contribut- ed by Jacob H. Schiff, the New York banker, the very palace which King Omri built after he purchased the site of the City of Samaria is supposed to have been located. The walls aremas- sive and this is said to be the most instructive discovery yet made for the correct understanding of Israelite arch- itecture. In'a subterranean chamber bencath the palace were found several forma. tions of Hebrew inscription. Extensive digging also has ben carried on' to the south of the palace, partly on a lower terrace. A fragment of a cunei- form inscription with a Hebrew seal more weeks and comsider givil LM.CA CARNIVAL FINE EXHIBITION GIVEN GYMNASIUM. - By the Members of the Physical De- partment on Wednesday Evening Work Showed Carefulness on Part of the Trainers--Orchestra Pro- vided Programme of Music. The .second carnival, given by the physical department of the Young Men's" Christian Association, was held last evening, ih the gymnpsium. It was am unguali success. The pro- gramine was a series of head-liners, and every performer was at his best, There was a large crowd present, and a thoroughly emjoyable cveping was spent. . The programme was as follows : Gilmour McBroom gave an exhibition on the tight-wire which was urique, as be is the smallest boy in the de. partment. A "'Paper Fight" was in-| dulged in by "Irish" Day and John Stagg, to the iminense enjoyment. of the audience. Honors were even. Hur- ley's monologue was clean and bright and caused "mmny a hearty laugh. Professor Light, better known as the gonial Albert Shannon, gave an ex- hibition of club swinging. The clubs were illuminated with electric lights and a very pretty effect given. The only "Billy" McFedridge gave . iwo numbers in song and story. Both were heartily 'encored, and responded to. The junior Jumbing act by * Douglas, McBroom Bros., arnum and Cook was an evidence of the careful train. IN | we | Choice Herring i in Barrels, Bald ba xh li pound quad). Write or wire us if Interested. || i ATLANTIC FISH CO'S., H Limited, Lunenburg, Neva Scotia. rreis und 20 | palis. They are very fine |/ ing received in the association. The five' boys represented a of : thirty-five. W. E. Manhgrd was up to his standard in a coon sketch. "Perhaps it is not doing any injus- | the other numbers 'to give special mention to the tumbling of Erli Gibson, who is in a class by himself in this lide. Physical Direc. tor Thompson assisted him © in 'his various numbers and as usual ear | ried out his part with perfeciion. Charlie Moxley is tne boss clown of the Y.M,C.A. and excelled hi record of last year. : ) The orchestra played varions num-. bers' during the evening in pleas' ng style. Messrs. Marchand and Harold Singleton played for the various sing- gre. The programme closed with "God Save the King." . i Physical Director Thompson is to be congratilated on the success of the affair and more especially on the work "of "the junior classes. "The jun- iors khew nothing whatever, about tight wire walking until six ~ months ago when. they were taken in. charge by Mr. Thompson and Mr. Gibson, a student, The result last night was most gratifying and showed that the boy's had certainly made good use of their' time. A Timely Suggestion, Brantford Expositor. It is said the present session of the Ontario Legislature may not continue longer than six or - seven weeks. Would it not be well to take a couple sr. vice reform and the abolition of the patronage system in Ontario, about which we have heard so much from the Conservatives, despite the fact that not a line concerning them ap- peared in the speech from the throne. Board of Education, The board of cducation will meet, this evening, and the first Business| after the mayor takes the declarations of the new members, will be the elec- tio of a chairman. It is understood that the choice will be between Dr. A. W. Richardson and J. B. Walkem, K.C. The chairman of management committee will likely be W. J7" Ren- ton. The Grant is Increased. What seen this mornin, Principal Gordon stated that the grant to Queen's Faculty of Education had {een increased by the Ontario government, and not decreased as supposed. The 86,000 reported ds the grant was only for the half year. The faculty receives 12,000 a year, an increase of $3,000 over the former grant of $9,000, May Form a League. The boys of Queen street and Cooke's Sunday schools, had a practice game of hockey, on Tuesday evening, at the Royal rink. Both teams have some excellent players, and an effort will be m to get other schools interested, and form a league. -------- Next Friday morning the Ottawa hockey team leaves for the north country where it plays Cobalt on Saturday and meets Haileybury the following Wednesday. Ottawa's next home game is with Renfrew on Satur- day, Feb. 12th. A regular 25¢. Toothpaste, for at Best's. Residents on William street' tell .of water flowing from their taps which is "fairly black." They have to let the water run for some time to clean it. No Mare Torture From Eczema Relief quick and cure certain when 15e., g i: gf 8 HEN NINE FIRMS OUT OF TEN USE "THE SAME MAKE OF TYPEWRITER, IT _IS SAFE TO CONCLUDE THAT THEY HAVE THE BEST, AND BEST IS SYNONYMOUS WITH UNDERWOOD " UNITeD TYPEWRITER C0., LTD, E. R. C. DOBES, KINGSTON. In the year 1890, 18 ago, Mes. C. 8. Gesner, of Bellelsle, N.S., was in a sad condition. All her relatives had died of Paychine was worthless; but it effected a wonderful cure, Fighuoen: yeas ther ina letter bearing date August 14, 1908, Mrs. Gesner says, "1 am better than | have been: for years. My lungs have not troubled me since | took your treatment. physician told me I could not take a better tonic than PSYCHINE, and | recommend it to all who are suffering from Lung Trouble and Gen. eral Debility." For sale by all Druggists 5c. & $1 por bottle. o TURN OVER That is what we are goihg to do to our Stock of Grand Old Antique Furniture and Odd Articles Come. carly and make a selec: tion while the Stock is complete and before the spring rush is on. If you have anything food to sell, drop a card* to L. LESSES Cor. Princess and Chatham Sia, | lings : ton, The Big Store with 5 WF £8, 8 Yn Little Prices § Sale of College Ulsters THIS WEEK WE ARE GOING TO OFFER SEVERAL LINKS OF MEN'S COLLEGE ULSTER, IN THE NEW TWONTYLE COL- , LARS, RICH BROWNS, GREENS, AND HERRING BONE TWEEDS. THESE COATS ARE SOLD IN OTHERS STORES FOR $15. ' BIBBY'S CE ' Fo Arg BR Ja. se Sale of Men's Gloves Fine Brown, Mocka Gloves, Wool Lined, soll i other stores $1.00 and $1.25. i BIBBY'S PRICR. .. 0¢.".. de o% ean @& Men's Silk-lined' Mocka Gloves, sold in other stores $1.00-81.23, y BIBBY'S PRICE | Sewssisiia Yh ABs hans Men's White Wobk'@emes, sold i other Stores at 50¢. EBIBBY'SPTRICE... 1... ..2% . Fw. .0:. .. DON'T MISS OUR GREAT SHIRT SALE. $1.00 and £1.25 Goods for $9¢. i The H.D. Bibby Co. w-- pp 73¢ 73¢ ET AAI RIN IIIB IE I English Nut Milk Chocolate, oc and 10c packages. » Cadbury's Plain and Nat Milk Chocolate 25¢ Half Pound Package. | A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Done at the House of Quality is sdtisfac. tory proof that honest trading, efficient ~ service, coupled with fair prices, wins the confidence of the public. A. E. Herod, Princess 8t. The House of Quality. * Phone 83 FEIN FHI . Canada Red Apples, 30c per peck. Special price per barrel. Fine Cranberries, 10c and 8c Quart. Malaga Grapes, loose from stem, 10c 1b. R.H. TOYE, 28m: Phone 141 OH a 2 * Our, January Sale was a Great Success; But We find it will take a couple of weeks yet to"dlear out all our Broken Sizes-Small lots and discaptinued lines So we have marked allthese lines away down + and will make "A CLEAN SWEEP". All this Month-It will pay you to Read Our Ads and watch our window s