YEAR 77-NO. 31 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1910. . LAST EDITION TIS COMING Final Victory Must Rest With Reformers OF BRITISH TARIFF TO BE MAIN OBJECT OF CON- SERVATIVE POLICY. This is the Declaration of Joseph Chamberlain -- Always Wobblers | When a Great Policy is Proposed-- | Changes Will Not be Made for Thém. Feb, 7.~Joseph Chamber isin, in an interview, said the final victory would take obly a little Jonger than hag been hoped, Taulff | reform had lost many votes owing to | the successful abuse of the lords and the wabbl of local leaders in| Scotland North Englaud. Mr. C in declared taf reform must remain the main object of the conservative policy. It was the most popular plank, There was nothing to replies it. Respecting suggestions | that the policy should be changed; or | the side displaced in order to get wd of food taxes, Mr. Chamberlain | said there were always wobblers when a great pofey was proposed, but | there would fe fewer wobblérs in the} future. The working classes in many | parts were far ahead of the leaders on | tariff reform, The imperial side of his policy Mr. Oh rlain declared was the strongest side. The working ¢lasses always responded to an im- Jogial appeal. "We must have the | ull policy or nothing," declared Mr. Chamberlain, who added that if he were in parliament he would try to have the government out within six months. » Asquith Will Not Shrink, New York, Feb. 7~Mr. Asquith is credited] with being engaged at Cannes with the reconstruction of the liberal cabinet. It is asserted in liberal circles that he will unflinchingly assuvie the reins of office, dominate the situation and choose his own time and oppor- tunity for any further appeal to the country, So as there is a fighting see- tion within the liberal cabinet ready to go much further than the more moderate body id willing to follow, the situation must in, fall of strain, For, 'whole cab- Ll 's 3 ¢ who moves icians. can shut his eyes to the. that the extreme lan- guage in h the chancellor oF the i all along aie his case has raised a great of | dis- quiet am the more moderate sec- "tion of the liberals. This feeling is likely to find almost immadiate SREreasion unless Floyd- George and Winston Churchill see their way to bring their language more in- to v with the actual pro of the government. The unionists have oeased for the time being to draw the Irish red herring across the liberal Path. Mr. Balfour is away playing BN DANGER IS PAST. In Regard to Trouble Between Tur- key and Greece. Paris, Feb. 7.<At a meeting of the Picheon a + M. , the foreign minia- or, ex proposals which France made to Great Britain, Nein TS oe pao Sut ven! tions between Turk and Greece. The French Is, MN. Picheon said, had u between the four pro- | dating powers, which will send an! nate, containing their views, | to the Cretan executive ec Greece had dangers of difficulty Pong AG eb. 3 Clomeral | nunger s t Fhitney- Barues Liimew, sounipany a= re oa ! Saturday. © ; oposals, | ted in an! that was at MEMORANDA. Division court. § am. Tuesday. Board of Health, 4.30 pm. Tuesday. joa 8d ut Pale Rink to-night. Good Taapen's Rational Counell, 3 pm. | Light, heat and power committee 4 ot Puesdey Eiosdi 'ieee comet, Zion __ Anbual meeting W: n's Council to: | {by the owner of the old Miller home- Istuad on Pompton Hill, Jacksonville, { When Kerosene Lamp Exploded in condition bis TURNED WHITE BY FRIGHT. Black Dog and His Owner Terrified by Fright, Jacksonville, N.J1., Feb. 7.-Good pay was offered to Jacob Shoemaker supposedly haunted by a perfect pip- pin of a ghost, if Jacob would spend a night there ani "lay" the appari- tion, So just before midmight of Saturday Shoemaker repaired to the mansion, accompanied by Nigger, his coal black dog. Shoemaker was valiantly exploring the recesses of the place upstairs when he hemrd blood owdling howls from the dog, who was downstairs. fd Shoemaker groped his way down stairs. A big white form rushed toward him, its eyes blazing. Shoe. maker sped toward the village, the ghostly form following behind. Reach: ing hs home, hs pounded once on the dour and fell in a faint. His wife found him there, Bending over him was a doy resembling Nig- ger in every detuil exeopt that this dog was snow white, After Shoe maker was revived, he said the dog must have seen the Miller homestead ghost and turned white from shock. Shoemaker may exhibit the dog ds the only Albino Newfoundland in ex- istenee, | WHOLE FAMILY PERISHED. Pittsburg House, Pittsbwrg, Feb. 5.--~When a kerosene lamp exploded in the home of 'Andrew Pacie at Walls, 4 saburb, early vester day, Pacie, who is twenty-vight venrs of age, was lying in bed ill with ty phoid fever, while his wife was in an other room with their four-days-old baby. In her frantic efforts to rescue her child and helpless husband Mrs. Pacie was fatally burned. Pacie, un- able te rise from his sick bed, watch: od the flames approach, and was not rescued until the bedclothes had caught fire. He cannot live, as his even before the explosion was dangerous. ' The baby also was futally burned. COUNSEL FOR THE POOR. District Attorney of New York Ap- pointed One. New York, Feb. 7.--~A public prose cutor, who is going to act as at torney for the defence, is a novelty New York is soon to see, for District Attorney Whitman has decided that his office {s that of public prosecutor, and not perscoutor. In furtherance of that announcement he fs preparing to appoint a special prosecutor from ies, to be present at all the sessions of the eight police courts in New York, It will be their duty to see that poor prisoners get a "square 1 5 ------------ CZAR IS SORE. Disolves Finnish Diet--=Didn't Elect His Party. St. Petersburg, Feb, 7.~Following the complete defeat of the pro-Russipe party in the Finolsh elections the czar decided to dissolve the Finnish diet immediately, prepamatory to the suspenston. of the Finnish cobstitu- tion. Golng to Cape Hreton, New York, Feb. 7.~William Marconi inventor of wireless telography, is here on his way to Cape Bretom, to superintend the completion of a new power plant, whi*h will replace the old one destroyed by fire last year. Mr. Marconi has been in Europe for the last seven weeks, The new sta. tion, according to present plans, will be ready for transmitting trans-Atlan- tic mossages in April, T0 HELP EDUCATION JOHN ROCKEFELLER GIVES AN- OTHER HALF MILLION. Donations of Standard Oil Magnate to Institutions of All Sorts Placed at Hundred and Twenty Million. Now York; Feb. 7.--John D. Revke- feller, throu the Seneral education board, ad $460, to the great sum of his dovations to educational institutions. The general education board, endowed by Mr. Rockefeller with a total of ,000,0 held its seventh 1 meeting to-day and de cided to awatd the money available for gifts ax follows: Te Williams college, Williamstown, Mass, $100,000 on condition that the college raise an endowment of $1,000,000; to Wesevan university, Middletown, Conn., $100, ih Souards an s 2,000, ox to Cornell college, Mount Ver: non, lows, $50,000 towards $300,000 to St. Lawrence N.Y, $50,000 towards' , to 000, college, Ky, 325,000 wards $100,000; to the Women's lege of Brown v Providence, kk, S00 towaris 3 yn to Sa 0 art S000, to- alem, N.C., LET TT GROW Greater Trade Should Be) Enjoyed | THAN NOW EXISTS CANADA SHOULD MAKE A STRIKE | flers, FOR BUSINESS. ! Japanese Glad to Have Cordial Re- lations With Canada, and Both She and China Would Like to Have Closer Business Relations, Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Feb. 7.--Addressing 'the Cangdian Club here lately, both Dr, King, Chinese consul for Uanada, and Hon. TT. Nakasmura, Japanese consul- generyl to Canada, claimed there was | an opening for. greater trade between the dominion and their eountries. Dr. King said : "The commercial in- terdourse between Canada and China should be greater than it is. kn China we buy a good deal of flour from the United States and it seems to me Canada eould get some of that trade. I think Canadians should do all they can to advertize their goods in Ching." Hon. Nokamurik 'smd: *The tre- mendous aetivity of Canadians Ww what first and most attracts foreign- ers to this country. You have a clim- ate vigorous and delightful and ex ceptional transportation facilities, and in no country in the world today are the joint efforts of man and of nature more prominent. Canada is destined to. play an important part in the world's history, and as a representa- tive of Japan in this country 1 want to express my plossure and satisfac- tion at the very cordial relations now existing between Japan and this coun- try. In the Orient is just the market what is needed for your mines, fisher- ies and manufactures and the time will surely come when you will be able to send much of your goods across | the Pacific." } Sir F. Borden, R. 1. Borden and | many - other prominent politicians | heard these consular representatives. ON VERGE OF STARVATION. Pitiful Story Told Moves Court to Leniency. New York, Feb, 7~The story of May Kiser, 20 years old, of No, 1805 Lexington avenue, who pleaded guilty to grand larceny in the criminal branch of ihe supreme court, moved Justice Golf Vo postpone disposition of her case, that her story might be in- vestigated, She had stolen jewelry from Mrs. Kate Heichlinger, proprietor of the lodging house where she lived, and stated that she did so to secure money to pay her room rent and buy food. She was formerly employed as a sales- woman in a department store at $7 a week, but had heen out of work for | several weeks, When in desperation, | she testified, she committed the theft. prisoner said she had no friends or relatives in this city to appeal to, snd gave the name of a stepfather in New Jersey, to whom she will prob ably be sent should the court set her free. & AN ALLEGED PLOT To Dynamite the Montreal Residence of Lord Strathcona. } Montreal, Feb. 7.~The Montreal La Pattie announces that although the, entente gordinle is accepted as a fait accompli, there is nevertheless | powder in the air, and that paper prints a letter signed "Occident," dated Toronto, Feb. 3, ammouncing that Lord Strathcona's residence in this eity will be blown up next sum- mer by dynamite, and for cause. The Toronto correspondent of Mr. Tarte's | paper says that he overheard in the' sant end of the Queca City several men isoussing the fact of the Canadian high commissioner having placed his | princely residence at the disposition of | the archbishop of Montreal for his! [guests at the Rucharistie congress next fall. One of the men stated that the work could be easily done, us the house was come-atable from - three! wides, Doctors Give Man New Face. i St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 7.- When Thom: as Herbert Jenves the City hospital he il have a brand new face. Hal ozen physicians and ns now Inking it for him -- they mise such an improvement over face that nature gave him that even are Wednesday, ! table burst a blood vessed in Dr. Wil old, it will be a long time before al pro- | the | ie OALLon best irl will not know him, fova to his house rad gave him food ROB VICTIM IN AUTO. Restaurant Keeper Thrown Out After Robbers Take Money, Chicago, Feb. 7.-Chicago's class of "gentlemen bandits" is advancing won- derfully. Automobiles are now being used by them instéad of cabs, and to- diy the police, with a single clue, a last year's auto license tag, hope tu capture three "dress suit bandits" who last night dragged Jacob M. Butz, a restaurant r, into' an auto, carried hith a block, robbed him of $53, and threw him out into the street. The theres men, according © Butz, wore dress suits and cite mui: but slouch hats. Putz says it was the first time he ever rode in an auto, and the rate of hire at $83 for five minutes is a bit toe strong for a man of his means, ii DE. WOODRUFF DEAD. An Extreme Faddist in Ice Baths and Foods. Long Beach, Cal, Peb. 7.-<The #train of supporting a 200-pound pa- tient, who had roiled off the operating liam Lawrence Woodrufi's lungs, ves terday, and the surgeon lied shortly afterwards. Dr. Woodrufi's views. on the simple life and = Spartan wcethods of raising children had mads hie mnie | known throughout the city. He first! practiced his theories on his infant children, who thrive on coarse foods and ies baths, and the wearing of only a single garment even in the coldest weather, -~ BROKE HIS HIP. Sage of the figange Confined to Bed Toronto, Feb, 7~Dr. Goldwin Smith the venerable sage of "The Grange," passad a restless day, veste day, and an unsatisfactory night. He has not bon able to move since his fall ou Wednesklay last, wisn one of his hips was broken, and, as he is 86 years na will be able even to move in hed. "The Grange" %us been besieged with enquiries after the health of the aged philosopher, and general hope of his complete recovery is held. Banker Sent to Prison. Lansing, Mich,, Feb. 7.---Former State Treasurer Frank P, Glazier, of Chelsea, was sentenced by Judge Wiest at Mason, Saturday, to serve not less than five and not more than ten years in prison for misappropriating 3685,000 of state funds, Glazier con- Despatches From Near And Distant Places. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over---Little of Everything Easily Read and Re membered. George Straiton, Toronto, real es tate agent, died in his chair. The C.P.R. live irom Wwmnipeg Brandon will be double-tracked. E. A. Badenach, a wellknown routo insurance agent, is dead. James Monroe; formerly of Walker: vite, Ont., is' charged with wholesale burglary at Poutia¢, Mich, Peter Traxler, a Chatham township farmer, was knocked down and re lieved of 859 in cash, Sanday night, by two masked men. : ' Fires in 1907 cost the people of the United States FA50,485,000, caused the depth of 1,44 persons and resulted in injuries to 5,654 others, : Herbert Williams, the Chatham negra, charged with assaulting white girls, was given the henelit of the doubt and dismissed to-day, A fievee fire is raging in a seven story building at No. 114 State street, Boston, Mass. Tt threatens a heavy loss in the finamelal distriet, So great was the rush on the new labor bureaus opened in England last week that the police had te be called upon to keep the lines in order. Nine firemen were hurt at a fire which destroyed the wholesale store and an ice plant. at 283 Broadway, Williamsburg, N.Y., early on Monday. Messrs. Stewart Lyon and Joseph T. Clark, Toronto journalists, who have been in England during the elec- tions, arrived in Toronto this morn- ing. A big fire broke out at Tyrone, Pa., early Monday, and aid was seat by special trains. The Carman house, Deferrie block and Miller block are in flames. . The selection for general manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia will likely be H. A. Richardson, who, for some time, has been manager of the Toron- to office of the bank. A male child weighing less than 5 pounds, but with teeth was born to rances Ouzegalo, Chi , on Sum. to To- through the lower gum, Hon. L. P. Brodeur's recovery from lis. recent illness is slow but steady. He is now able to receive visitors. No definite plans for his tip abroad have yet been made, Commercial failures last week the United States, as reported by R. G. Dan & Co., ave 208, against 316 Inst week, 2056 the preceding week and 312 the corresponding week last year. John Rogerson, a leading citizen of Barrie, Ont, died of apoplexy, on Monday afternoon, shortly after ve- turning home from his office. He had been previously enjoying the best of health. Gross earnings of the Ottawa Elec tric railway, during 1909, were $677,- 457. Some 14,953,799 passengers. were curried, an increase of 1,27T2417, Di- vidends amounting to twelve per cent. were paid, . in trolled a bank at Chelsea, which fail ed in December, 1907, and the money | had been depositéd in this bank, con: trary to law, SEEKING AN EXILE KILLED EIGHT PERSONS -- POLICE ARE ON TRAIL. . Russian Kills Farmer, Wife and Six Children--Scotland Yard Watch ing Closely for Him. Berlin, Feb. 7.--~Tha nolica anthori- ties have flooded Europe with the des cription of a Russian who is . sup posed to be the musloew of eight persons, and whom thes desire to be placed under arrest, Ou November 12th A Russian youth arrived at the little village of [es chen, in the provinte of Yosen. He | represented that while he was on {duty guarding one of thw ' prisons in Russia his Heutenant found! hin sleep- ing at Me post, and fearing to be punished he secured a change of clotir- ng and departed in (he night. A fer- mer Jan Was dowsk invited snd shelter sd tie Russian re The polics have wesc {lecting A. W. Campbell, the newly appoint od deputy minister of railways and canals, will not leave his present do- ties with the Ontario government as deputy minister of public works until the 153th of February. A man who eausal a reign of terror in Woburn, Mass., on Sunday night by yelling that he had a mission to kill President Taft and King Edward was finally arrested after a fight. The man is a six foot foreigner, Montreal harbor matters were dis cussed, this morning, whem CC. CC. Ballantyne and L. E. Geoffrion, of the Montreal barbor board, 8 con ference with Sir Willrdd Laurier © on the policy to be pursued by the board, 'The coroner's jury that investigated the death of Ids May Hazard, at Whithy, returned a verdict censuring Mrs. Wilson and C. J. Brodie for sub- the girl to severe exposure while suffering Trom scarlet fever and insufficiently clothed, Finlay J. McNaunghion, J.P, ex: warden and formerly county master of Stormont county Ora lodge, is dead, at his home in Finch village, He was sixty-one vears old. Me. Ne Natighton was a veteran of the Fenian apne as bo irveting that logs in t part of Ontario west of York snd Simeone county must be shut up and con staatly muzzled. There are about LATEST NEWS IN LINCOLN'S PLACE. Statue For The Man Who Fought for Him. Washington, Feb. 7.--The soldier who fought through the Civil war, as the personal substiteie of Abraham Lin col, is to have a statue. Few persons know that Lincoln sent a substitute to the front, but a bill providing for agstitue and appropriating $20,000 for the purpose was presented in the house, yesterday, by Representative Palmer, demoorit, of Pennsylvania, The name of this hitherto almost unknown hero ix J. Summerfield Stap- les, of Stroudsburg, Pa. He died there some years ago and it is at Stroudsburg that it is now proposed to erect the statue. In the little bur- ial ground at Stroudsburg a small tablet, to-day, bears the simple in Britian : "Here lies the body of J. Summer field Staples, representative recruit of Abraham Lincoln." SECURED THE PLANT. Walkerville to be Home of New Ine dustry, Walkerville; Ont., Feb. 7 ville has secured the plant of minion Motor company, rece ganized, the company deciding this town in preferenco to Windsor be cause of shipping facilities. Work will be started on the new plant in a short time. The company plans to open a branch in Edmdnton to handle oars manufactured here. With the se curing of this new plant, Walkerville takes another step forward towards becoming the automobile centre of of Canasta, The Foi, BE. M. P. amd Regal companies already having Can- adian branches here, and the Walker. ville Carriage company having start. ed the manufacture of automobile pacts, MAYOR OUSTS CITY OFFICIALS. Executive Relieves Several Persons From Duties. San Francisco, Cal, Feb. 7.--Mayor McCarthy dismissed the members of the board of health, and park, fire and civil service commissioners, which were held over from the late adminis- tration, Before these officials were aware of their dismissal their successors had filed their commissions with the county clerk. The mayor took this astion to prevent the officials from securing a court order enjoining their removal, as did the members of the board of education. A When the members of the board of health reported at their office they were met hy a detail of police, and forcibly prevented from entering the board rooms. umpule, Chicago, on sisur |POTSON CANDY FOR VILLAGERS. Letters of Warning Followed by Death of Child. Ocento, Wis, Feb, 7~That the vik lage of Suning is destined to be wiped out by poison now is the fear of the 200 'residents of thal little lumbering town in the morth-west part of this county. Or Thursday the three-year old daughter of Nels Nelson died after eating poisoved candy left on the door step, The poisoning follows the sending ont last year to the best known peo- ple of the village of a series of lel ters in which it was promised that the writer would poison every person in the place. The people are preparing to move, if there is another cave of poisoning. Saturday, February 12th. Mark this date on your calendar as being the last day for life membweship in College Book Store fbrary at Fe cial rate of $I, COLLEGE TROUBLES REV. DR. BIDWELL DEFENDS HIS ADMINISTRATION While Head Master of Bishop's Col- lege, Lennoxville--~The Fate That Overtook Dr. Standfast is One Which Befalls Inexperienced. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Feb. 7.--The troubles at Bishop's College, Lennox ile, which have forced the. resignation of Rev, 0), Stendfast, as head master, are not without Kingston interest, inasmuch a% in an interview the resfyning head master criticized in a rather insinuat- ing manner, thy discipline of Rev. FE. 4. Bidwell, D.D., now dean of Ontario, when the head master. The dean re plies in a strong letter. He maintaing that the standard of the discipline at the school during his service was high and he had little trouble in keeping it #0. He further states: "I wm sorry for' Mr. Standfast, but the fate which has overtaken him is one whith he falls all Englishmen who, before they have gained any experience of this country, or won people's confidence, try to force their idess snd methods be, entirely different. It is hardly fair, under such circumstances, to blame the conditions." Dr. Bidwell declares Mr. Siandfast's * jrepresentations. that he is a martyr and pioneer, are "caleulated to make the ghost of the revered Bishop Wil- linms turn ia his grave" WORE OUT 22 SWITCHES. mm-------- -- | weATHER PROBABILITIES. Taronta, Ont. Feb. 7. 18 am --O8 tawa Valley and Upper Bi. Lawrences Fine and very cold to-day. Tuesday, sofitherly winds: slider, with Hght snow falls Embroideries Ave Here. Direct importations from Switzerland, the home of em- broideries, to the . ladies of Kingston, who are making pre- parationg for spring and sum mer garments; Those who de light in making dainty Walsts, Dresses or Underwear will ap- preciate the refined taste in these selections, Rak: lrdeld LEdsE > nN) i E A | | | | Values ATTRACTIVE THAN EVER. MORE Embroideries For Waists with Insertions to Match. FLOUNCINGS, DEMI-FLOUNCINGS, CORSET COVER EMBROID- ERIES. GALOON BEADINGS, PLAIN BEADINGS, INSERTIONS AND EDGINGS, * ke A , And Insertions in Matched Nets, CALL AND BEE THEM. i See West Window Display MARRIED, McCAMBRIDGE--MeOQUINESS--In Mary's Cathedral, ingston, Monday, Feb. Tth, 1808. by Rev. Father McDonald, Thomas Yocam: bridge to Mins Franels Loretta Mes Guiness, both of Marysville parish, st DIED. BURTON ~Eniered info rest, day, February 6th, 1910, William Webster Burton, Priest, Mission Becretary of the Diocese of Ontario, Funeral from Si, George's Cathedral on Tuesday at 3.30 p.m ROBERT J, REID, The Leading Undertaker, Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. This §elistous fruit Is growing more popular every season. We have julst received a large shipment from Cubs, and the prices are very reasonable. Grape Fruit at... ... ... BSc each. Grape Fruit at... ,... .. 4 for 90. Grape Fruit at. .,... .... 3 for 286 Grape Fruit at. .... .,... 10¢ each Grape Frult at.......... 2 for 20a Jas, Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries. : IN.-MY TRAVELS ; I HAY AC A Ads Doliehed Briss al od Sion. fi finest room, St surprising prises ---- ---- Guelph, Ont, Feb, 7-The Guelph water commissioners have decided to reforest 168 acres of land, which the eity owns at Arkell, where the water supply comes from. Tt will be an leresting and profitable waperiment, -------------- a over the world" you ean change Tabard Inn Library books. for life membership. Gibson's wd Cross Drug = Store, ages for Kings ton. E. J, Purcell, Athens, has been sp- pointed a police magistrate for that section. 2 | i 4 5 > on Buns - GRAPE FRUIT - oe