Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1910, p. 3

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NEW SPRING SUITS ARE IN. We received our first shipment of Ladies' Spring Suits Jast week, Would you like to see them ? Drop in some day this week. We know you are not ready to buy yet, but we want you to sce them now. Venetian seems (0 be the popular cloth, while the colors are Navy Blue, Black and Brown. The Costs are tight-fitting and are shorter than last season. Trimmed with Moire Silk and Covered Buttons. Lined throughout with fancy lining. Makes a real nobby Suit. Crumley Bros. You Pay Less Here A SALE OF DINNER SETS Don't delay in selecting yours. Each day means lessened assortments with more fortunate people getting the fine bargains that might as well have been yours. Come TO-DAY. 1f that is impossible, come the first day you ean. You'll want to see these and more. 97 plece compiete Dinner and Tea Set (97 Piéce Dinner and Tea, in Peacock Green and Blue, floral design, imported _ English, semi- porcelain; fori... ..... 30 97 alee Dinner and Tes, taney shape, English , Shamrock design, in prion ad Bie, outlined with gold, value, ac $8.50 17 Piece Dinner and Tea, decorated with neat floral - d » natural colorings, in Pink and Green Spray, sod border, in. 00 value. Special Pink and Blue, gold edgings, oo B80] $15.00 value. Special at. . $11.95 Mcintosh Bros. MANAGER, PERCY JESSE. semi-porce- laine, English, pretty Green and Gold design, fancy shape, $10.00 vitlge, I at $ 97 Piece Dinner and Tea, very hand- some Crown Derby, decorated in Royal Blue and Gold, with floral pattern, natural colorings, $15.00 value. at $11.05 97 Piece Dinner and Tea, semi-porce- laine, very useful set, floral design, YET Us DO. YOUR, PLUMBING 1B YOU WANT 11 In our work we are away past ' the experimental . e do not/guess at how should be dove . Alice 8.50 {do | Pincher Creek, 1locate. Mrs. R. G. Graham and daugh- {HOIST USED TO TAKE INVALID UPSTAIRS BROKE. - Mrs. Orser Sustained Fracture of Leg-~The Late John O'Hearn---- Gananoque Police Service Re- organized. Gananoque. Feb. 8A sad accident poenrred yestordhy morning at the home of Mr. att Mrs. Parker Orser, Brook street. Mrs, Orser has beeh un invalid for some time, snd a hoist was arremped at the stairs to get her up snd down. ¥ vhrough 4 mishap to doe host Soe unfortunate Indy was precipitated to the bottom of the stauws. Her arm was broken, and she was severely bruised about head and body. The unjosiunate Jody is in a most critical condition. Harmony Lodge, No. 15, Daughters of held its annual Assembly m Taoner's hmll Inst evening. ) stiien band orchestra furnished music, « yi y smother _ this section in the! person of 'John O'Hearn, at silly residence, corner Garden * and James streets after a short illness, in the eighty-second year of his age. De cease] resided for many years on a fart in the rear of Leeds township, where he was widely known and high- ly . A few years ago he rent. ed his farm and located in Gavan ogue. His wife died some ago. and leaves ome da er. amie at ters married and home, also two located in Landdowne. The new police committee has set- tled down to business, placed the lice force under orgamization, and » J ssued a list of rules to the local aon- Stables A new telephone connection IT thal witli police headguart- wy which have bean placed in a more sanitary condition. The local force will now be able to do more effeétive work. During the latter part of last week, the new waterworks commissioners met for orgamisstion. J. B. Abbott was dlecta! chairman and JA. Jack. son secy.-treas. The commissioners will make no alterations in the systam at present. Woman's Guild, of Christ church have elected the following officers 3-- Hon. idents, Mrs. Charles Mac- , Mrs. J. RB. Serson, Mrs. C. E. Britton; president, Mrs. W. H. Britton; vicepresident, Mrs. C. A, Lewis; sdcy.-treas., Mrs. O. J, Shaneman. Mrs. C. N, Hurd is quite ill at the home ot her som, H. Hurd, Charles street. . : Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McNeely, Wil stead, make mmouncement of the en- gagemunt of their daughter, Miss Ethel Marion, to Frank L. Latimer, ton of Mrs. D. R. Latimer, Eden Grove. The marriage will be solemnizad, Feb. 6th. A lis Macdomald returned from New York, the latter part of the week ard is spending some time at '"'Blink- bonnie." Miss Bertha Aikems, ag Sonalip spend; the past w wi A Mrs. Aikens, King street has returned hom: Miss Beatrice G. Aikens, King street spent' the week- ond with ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Aikens, Leads township. Mrs. Garnet Acton, Vamcouver; B.C, is spending a few weeks with local re- latives. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boddy, Tower City, M.D. visiting local re latives, spent a few days during the week with Brockville [riends. Mrs. A. Ramsay, Stone street and grand daughter, Miss Helen Byam are visit- ing in Montreal, guests of the form- er's. daughter, Mrs. John Webster. Frank Britton, located for some years past in Montreal, is sponding the month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Britton, prior to removing to ta., where he will serionsly E. ter, Miss Dorothy are guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Lingbham, Tor- onto. Clerks Had Straw Drive. Last night a jolly party from Cru os. dry goods store had a straw @irive around the city for =a couple of hours, At ten o'clock the party irdd to the home of Miss 'Gorman, Montreal street, where games, canis and dancing were indulged, in. Prizes were won by Miss Jennie Laturney and wr Dadore, and cousolations by M ene Percy Yea. 'Motri O'Connor retrderad vocal . Recitations werd given by nk Ludlow and Don Koan. Dainty refreshments were served about mid- night. The gathering broke up about three o'clock, From Crown to Sole. Any affection of the tissues of the mel THE AFRINITY ¢ Fleur, at the Amusements. (CRRAND Y OPERAY HOUSE ) The People's Forum WEDNESDAY, FEB. 9th. IUR Presents merica"s 2 Le a Colored Col I COLE and JOHNSON In their Big Musical Comedy Success THE RED MOON $0 PEOPLE---80 NEW MU a i DAR Flog BONGS. AUGMENTED ORL HESTRA. Prices--35¢, 56e, The, §1. Seats now on Sale. ---- FRIDAY, FEB. 1Hh, {RVING -----HAGKNEY IN EUGENE BRIG Riovs conepy A Parte Losdew New 3 New York th Janu. n Direct from the Comedy ow Pi a ae, Br $1.00, 31 50. oe, ae, » Seats on Sale Wednesday. ORPHEUM THEATRE nn Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Feb. 7, §, 0 i MIRAL MIR and DUDLEY, ing and Danci RE; From [A Theatre, Buffalo. ------------------------ CORA WILMONT, A Novelty Monologist. THE JETNEYS, High-clans Singers and Dancers, From the Savey Theatre, Byracune, N.Y. and others. THREE NEW PICTURES, : A Roaring Comedy, "The Man That Can't Sit Down." A New Belig, "A 'fale From The Backwoods" Admission, 19c. Reserved Seats, 15c. Always a good show at the Orpheum. GRANT HALL WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th. MARK HAMBOURG Under the Ruspless of Queen's Musi- al Committee, Proclaimed -- the World's Verdict to be the successor of Rubenstein. Plan at Uglow's, Wednesday, Feb. 2nd. Reserved Seats, $1.50, $1.00. Admission, 75 cents: CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a word. Each con. six, $1; one month, $2. HELP---WANTED. GIRLS FoR THE WORKSHOP. APPLY, . Polson & Co, Ontario Street. TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS AND «© barmaid at once. Apply, Iro- quols Hotel . YOUNG SIR. ABSIST IN norsk. work. 193 Lower Union Street saReLr, 4 and § o'clock. AG ENTS, BITHER BEX, FOR QUICK. 2s ling household speciality; big Bellins. write ied ately, The Amerioan Trading Co, Toronto, nEbIATELY CAPABLE GIRL FOR house fred; | Ab ashing: Bene. required PRY in the ene 10 Nos Rn. Meikle, 40 Clergy Street, SALESMEN, oroR THE BREST AUTO- ssed-air Hand spray- YT eral terms; sample ma- 'ree to approved agents. Cavers Bros, Galt. Ont, - INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassin Send for particulars. Press Syndl. cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. STUDENTS, IF GENTEEL EMPLOY- ment during your vacation with over three dollars per day wiiary. interests you, write the Niehols Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, LADIES, BN oe PLAIN AND LIGHT h Thole or spare wn ® pay; Vii sent any distance; charges _ send stamp for particulars, National Msnu- facturing Co., Mantreal, LEARN THE BAREER TRADE. NEW system, constant practice, careful instruction, few weeks' 'complete course. Tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekl Write for Catalogue. Moler Bar College, 221 Queen Bast, Toronto. ¥ r WANTED--GENERAL, ONTARIO AND B.A. VETERAN SCRIP 8 buy iY for cash. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock Covered Rink HOCKEY MATCH. ST. MICHAELS' vs. QUEEN'S WEDNESDAY, FEB. 0. Game called at 8 p.m, Admission----Gent's., 50; 25e. : Reserved Seats 50¢ extra. Plan opens for sale of seats and ] Ladies, HORSES TO PURCHASE. I WILL $3UY all Kinds of horses. Will Kingston for the entire 4 A. Jenkins, 687 Princess St. Tele phone No. 9680. RENT ANYTIME BETWEEN NOW and May 1st, small house, . with modern eonveniences: downtown et pre ferred. Address, Box 131, Whig office . FURNITURE COVERING, ETC. N12 by the da at customers' homes. a tickets on Feb. 8, at 10 a.m. NOTICE. Any person having any anéount] against the Steamer Aletha, of Kingston, contracted by the late owner, C. M. Roys, prior to Febru- ary 17th, 1909, is requested to for- ward same to the undersigned not later than February 17th, 1910, as after that date no aceounts will be considered for payment by the pre- sent owners. D. B. CHRISTIE, Manager, Quinte Navigation Company, Picton, Ont. Avcton Salc of Household Furitue 7 DIVISION STREET, Wednesday, Feb. Sth; 10 ALM. Brussels and other Carpets, Walnut Centre Tables, Pictures, Oak Hall Rack, Wainut Parior Sulte, BW, Sideboard, Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Stair Car- pet, Walnut and" Onk 'Bedroom Suites, iron Bedsteads, KS, Mattresses, Beading, Rockers, Cozy Corner, Hang- ing and other Lamps, Clocks, New Happy Thought a Victoria and Grecian Ldnol Books, coal er Sekiery ts Toes, and Tim. . The Auctioneer, wale, 3 43 Sydenham St. PASSED AWAY VERY SUDDENLY. Death at Wolly Islan Istaxid Monday. of pring on Monday, if the Daath Shins Tony ndanly, on Fleur had been in "his © good health wp to Monday morning, when he took a bad spell, from, which he never rallied, His death occurred about noon : further particulars, ih at 29 Ontario street, or calls will be made in response to letters. | HOUSE, IN GOOD CONDITION, NOT less than 8 rooms; modern conveni- ences; verandah or ballony Bre. ferred Apply, Geo. 5 MeKay, Bank of Toronto. \ \ GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have It made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workthan- ship guaranteed to please Presefn wr ohalring done on the shortes notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St., next Bibby's Livery. LOST. GENTLEMAN'S WHITE oy FF, WITH e old link, engraved " also Lady's Belt and. porcelain Pin, with St monogram, "M R. A" Reward for return to 39 Earl St. LIGHT Rub COCKER SPANIEL Pup on Saturday. Finder please re- turn to 333 Princess St. and receive rewa ARy parson harboring after this notice will be prosecute SMALL BROWN" AND WHITE FOX Terrier Pup. near corner n.ng and Bexerty Bis, Finger please return to 276 Ring St. W. Any person har- baring after this notice will be pro- secuted, FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSUR! Go to Goodwin's Insurance Emporium, Market Square, Kingston. Tele- phone 424, C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN- surance Agent and Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Btreet, Kingston. Telephone 588. IRE, Jare. ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Be i hl pol es and m erate rates Boon, Agent, 159 SW ellingte ington street. CEO. A, BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK er. Put your invoices in an envel- ops with a one cent. stamp on it and Stop in the nearest letier box We he rest. Al kinds of Fire Insurance placed on short notice Jhone 385. 67 Clarence Bt, Kings- LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLoBr Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187.25. In Mdition te which the peoifevholders security 'the ahiituited \abliite of all the stoekholde Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old from Ber ew o> iiness get rates range tran "Phone, $26. 58, Agents. ARCHITECTS. SMITH, ARCHITECT. ETC. HENRY P 258 S King street. Phone, 345. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence, 151 University Ave. . NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. tects ate. Office, 258 Bago! street. 'Phone, 808. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER chanty Bank Building, corner Br: and Wellington streets. 'Phone, yy HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. opposite .G.T.R. station, one block frem CPR, on street car line; hotel lately remodelled; charges moderate; spécial rates by the week. John Cousineau, Prop. HUB HOTEL. RESTAURANT Carte, day nl utght. Aro to: date service at popular prices. Private dining room, Enten rance on ing street, next to Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. Con. Haag, Prop. OSTEOPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O, Edna Earle Ashcroft, DO. Gradu- ates of (he American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Missouri, 405 Princess. street. "Phone 447. No charge for consultation and litera. ture regarding this new manipuls- Pe treqiment, "Health Without uggs 0A RPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, $30% Princess St., 'Phone DROP A CARD TO CHAR W, KELLAR, Carpenter and Builder, 2b6 Division St, for reasonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. An work done promptly. DR. M. DR. 30 C. NASH, DENTIST; I, Princess Gibson. assistant, 188 SOT, Toh street. 'Ph The modern Casserole is fast becoming a necessity in every well regulated home. The dish of finest porcelain insures cleanliness. The trimmings of silver are wholly distinctive and unique. Considering quality, the Prices are low. Rodger & Wright 847 KING ST. Successors to F.W. Spangenberg © DROP A CARD MAY ELL, Carpenter an 2 Sydenbam street north, for reasonable prices on all kinds of kbbing, All work done promptly an neatly. QJ Joiner, ethfthed 1366 We Guarantee Every Load Try us. ANY person whe is the sole Ba hoes 'oon Wi ANYON 1236 Clarence street. "THE poy THAT NEVER TOLD A Lie" George Washington, and a estal, cut of marble cost Ae r $30.00 at Turk's. "Phone 705. A 1 1.2 HP. DETROIT GASOLINE Motor in perfect condition; guar anteed; weraain, to quick purchaser, App) river, Cor. Koeon and ane Streets, 'Phone 61 NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON A bert Street, containing * roams; b. and ©, hot water hea tin $e [ishing hardwood floors, Yor b Re by 166 fv. possession May 1st. 1910, Address, Box "PF. Whig office. NEW LK SLEIGH, A Rw hoe} ; Hvery a Fa Hi Bad CEng arent, hen om fren Ab ply Forrest, Gen DWELLING. FURNIS Brg tor Thished, Stores, 4 or wr McCann's, Br street. - A BRYEN-ROOMED Brox DWHLL- ing, with B, dq C.. on Albert Bt; Rossassion immeatately, Apply to F. Bond, 7% Clarence St. FOR UNEXPIRED TERM, SIX. ROOM house, newly pered; furan bath, Fas, ete; will also sell furnis ture cheap. Apply 97 Stuart St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. C dry, airy rooms, abialutely, moth roof, your own Brostis ox Storage. 369 Queen i BRICK HOU SE, 37 DIVISION STREET, cor. C lerey. at present occupied by H. P. Smith, architect: possession 1st May For particulars, apply Lo O'Brien, 67 Union St. West PERSONALS, HAIR, MOLES, warts, etc, removed permanently without scar. Twen ney ears' ex- erience. Dr. Eimer a bie: ar, Nose, narn and Skin Blem- ishe Specialist, 258 Bagot BIRTHMARKS, AIR DRESSING PARLOR, 108 BROCK face massage, manicuring, chiro Ph Rody. scalp treatment, n alr dressing, superfluous un Bate removed; satisfaction uaranteed; appointments phoned Hosta Drug Store (69) will receive prompt ats tention. BUSINESS CHANCES. + a mail AY bg Bley canvassin Be ur ow) Send for jo booklet Teil na. Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N. Y. BOARD AND ROOMS. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, with board. Well lighted and heat« . Also good table board. Apply 314 University Ave. MEDICAL. ISAAC WOOD MA MD, ©. ; Tacs (Eng.), FOB. (bdin.), { and surgeon: office hours, 10 at i Sto 4 263 King St. B. 'Phone 78 J. FP. SPARKS, BA. MD. PHYSICIAN and Sargeon, 100 W sliingtan He, Office hours: 10 10 12 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Phone 386. LEGAL. CUNNINGHA & MUDIR BARRIST. ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 79 Clarence Bt, Kingston, This kind of weather improves' everything. Good Coal and Wood 1s a necessity in every Foasehold, We deliver ¢mall and large quantities at one price only.

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