FIRE IN A LOG SHANTY AT LAKE EDWARD, N.B.- Boys Sleeping Upstairs Got Out and Mother Saved Her Babe, But $4,750,000 RESERVE FUND Bank of Toronto And fifustration of the EN of this 0d reliable ins Could Easily Bo h Avoided by Proper : GENERAL NOSPIT Al. < and Bladder. . . January Was a Basy Mouth at the | PRESCRIPTION GENUINELY GOOD 1d Hospital--There Were 135 Cases Jang Chiron th Ted on , Treated and 104 Discharged. and may sel ' on Crawiord's wharf. ¥ The governors of Kingston general ha gr a A hug heatth. anh XB. Fab, 8.~A Sorvible. fa- | shall, at the same wharf, is also bei ital met op Monday afternoon, |ADY honda druggist can mix it. or one pt had pith James A. Minnes ln the chair. (aicely' and ix iC Hime tnd Sire rom e, home and sure ix fluid burned to death. ---- This prescription is genuinely ¥ ely Pe eh by =my KX ------ : e F. GQ. Lockett, ¥. W iH . Held an "At Home." Prof. aller. P. eis, Welch a "ucha Soa d fluid The last "At Home" before the Chown, A. Shaw, W. B. Skinner, B.|ooimwors,) ve. lenten season was held by the Knights |W. Robertson and Lieut -Col. Massie. and take a teas 2d reliabi of Columbus on M evering, at| F. Welch gave a verbal report of elore op after heals on on ia rand, is composed club rooms, - \ King street. The ithe progress of the work of the com-| through the day. : i one. imittee gn the Sir Oliver Mowat Me |, Lhe reader should aote'if any of the morial Sanatorium, He stated that |1iorors 52 Tak man i voy BEE ie nicely and. that there was edery rea-|§ i y won. for esl coconraged 5 the pro Von. Stuck Burhing, or sesnty Selie new stock issues, and J | and four i affair was a . owt enjoyable ' i 5 upstairs There ood to asposiiors of "iia ; » was a good attendance, ¥ money. ' sits las ara; fact that this Banks-Cronin Wedding. - be in, ok ed larger. than groped aE. is i. - hy way downstairs, and found the : b i ; ti fal } a Toon. B7e0e that J ies, SE A, fed weariness, swollen The Ge : N Cronin, of Memphis, x 8 i in flames. They awoke the mother, so Jon E. Banks, of the same place, | The committes of ment an- | weight, mornt 000,000 Sho, grasping her baby, rushed from of Mrs: Ar Dente that the Passenger States feel und ankles, kache, headache, tn- 84, taking e right they are: Deranged fer are indicated room, followed by the |inar BE. Ellis, of Kingston. The bride x I a boys. In t excitement three ghil- lis well-known here, having spent' the ®pert and that any suggestions which rien Bal ty ars ian summers for several inthe had made had been attended to [te the danger signals of the body Wal Yours pot "land the elevator was Bow o idered dren sleepi in one corner of the room wers otten and a minute | Kingston, later the floor fell in and all hope of rescus was gone. The frantic mother rushed into the flames and had to be ¢ i drigged any by the boys. The 2. Fhe dance giv ah Mouday night, The committee also an- the Students' Club. mother with babe and two boys, lone of the best ever Weld at the Bisrs. nounced the gift of $100 from two! The question of erecting a Y.M.C.A. made their way to the nearest neigh- | q ks Seventy-five couple were well-known ladies of the city, staunch building at Queen's, has been discuss- bor, a quarter of a mile away, in their | sent, and dancing was continued a friends of 'the hospital, who did not led by the university authorities, par- might clothes, and were nearly Perish- the 'sarly moreiny hows the ml (wish their names mentioned. jticularly by the advisory committee of ed from the cold when they arrived, heing furnished by the Rater or. | The medical superintendent reported the uni . council, 'As announced Two other children and the father | heetra, Rifreshments were served a busy month at the hospitad 135 the Whig, last week, it has been were away from home at the time of , cases were admitted during "the month | decided to first age a permanent A Painful Injury. aged... + the fire. ud 304 dinch ting go > . Y.M.C.A. secretary, this being the first 4 4 % * 8 r T r need, - "Nake ildi nex HAT BOYCOTT CASE. Joscph Lalonde, 210 Ontario street, mention. was made of the seeming | need A Can ig Sle a bn =. ada) ied Pd 9.30 siden, lack of accommodation, and expressed pect that withia two years a structure Defendants in Suit to Pay a Quarter °° ay evening, about 9.30 o'clock. [the hope that at no very distant day will 'be red the = university Million. Mr. Yalonds, who is about sixty-fivela new wing might be added to the in- |rrounds It i understood that (rus : ni rod k gro . Hartord, Conn; Feb, 4--Upon the verlag going stairs to | stitution. This brought up an anima- tees and senate are strongly in favor was a Jost his balance and ted discussion ~ eed Byun i verdict of $74,000 damages, fell 'backwards down the stairs, dis {further Accommotnticy TF a of 8 YN.C.A. Vuikding," which they by a jury before Judge Platt in the ' : ion ; i realize as an essential to the student United States supreme court this af- Jost is en let very. badly, shana, Particularly in the way of more ito of tho university. At Queen's a ternoon, after a Joe mouths Jrial of oud set the wounded arm. The jury ier on: which has been felt |y yA. ean be run on broader lines the seven year cabinet hatters boyeott : "4 3 : ™ : a . |than i it town, and th 0- case, the twenty-five defendants, some yas a bi poinil ont aad it will 1a aT hase tbpeinted to visit the hospi- a fo Pi pA the Wilding Pe of whom are now dead, will have to : hertson and J. W, Mowat. | |students' club, with smoking, billiard QUEEN'S ¥.M.CA. BUILDING "Twas Ome mh as of The Best. Likely to be Erectod--It Would be ome et Good News for the Busy Woman Those who have not time to make up their White Underclothing we call attention to our ANNUAL WHITEWEAR SALE Now in full swing. The brightest array of Dainty Whitewear tobe seen in Kingston is now ready. Everybody is delighted with the fresh. ness and beauty of the White Garments now on trus- B UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Is SOLD IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY, OPERATING WITH CAN- ADIAN - CAPITAL: AND WITH CANADIAN EM- PLOYRES, wi pay to I. B, Loewe & Co. of Dan. "round agaiu. bury, Conn., the Marl manufacturers, about ' Hambourg. hort the Sherman anti-trust law,! This might almost be called the day whh the United States, supreme Of the pianist, so great is she number court several years ago a{plied to Of such performers amd so keen the the complaint, automatica trebles competition in this lwanch of music. the found damages to $222,000, and To win and retain a position among the cost will run to about $12,000. Pianists A presant implies the faves. It was pointed out by a prominent . pnt; excel, lawyer that the most important fea. DOthing short of genus is required. ture of this epoch-making case, which Such haing the fant. what can we say holds boycott and conspiring against of Mark Hambourg's position in the ten LECTURE ON THR JEW Given. by Joseph Cohn, of Brooklyn, Last Evening. An interesting and instructive lec- ture was delivered by Joseph Cohn, of Brooklyn, in Calvary church, Mon: day evening, on the manners and customs of the Jewish people. A Jow- ish boy learned his letters from the first chapter of the book of Genesis, an employer, a crime, was the estab musical world of tc-day ? Mark Ham- entry of the fact that hereafter bourg congueced by his genius Europe every urion man in this country, who America, Australia, South Africa, aril pays his union dues, becomes liable everywhere he was mocepted. by the and responsible for the statéments Public and the preas with the greatest | and actions of his officers. enthusiasm as the most individual A stay of thirty days was granted ond magnetic pianist now before jhe in order that the defendants' council Public, : may file a plea to the United States He will iaear in Geant Hall, to-' conrt of ape ala, Rich k Tents in 8 New morrow might. Plan at Uglow's. York city. In 1902, w yr, we Soa refused to use the union label, or oth- ~~ The Late Rev. W. W. Burton. erwise unionise his hat factories, his The funeral of the late Rev. W. W. men struck and soon he found him- Burton took. place, this afternoon, to! self up agelost the powerful Amenican St. George's cathedral, where service Federation of Labor. He decided to was said by the Dean of Ontario, as- bring suit and the officers and more sisted by Canon Starr. Many of.the grominent spirits of the Hatters of clergy of the diocese were present to North America, which the national pay 'their Jast token of respect to the body of the local hatters' union, and of the dead priest, who had h is affiliated with the Ametloan ao faithfully and fruitfully for operty nes and att pall-bearers were defendants, pr . Bedford-Jo Rev. F. W. £240,000 being attached, Woodeoek, Brockville; Rev. Joseph El me lott, Cataraqui; Rev. A. L. McTear, Bath; Rev. T. W. Wh F. Fitegerald, K was covered with beautiful floral T crosses, two being from the Ontario nd St. George's cathedral. chown that we can raise first-class » h : 4 'ercy Marshall presided at the organ, soldiers, why should we not be able 4", portion of the choir was pres- ent. The remains were s con- said Yi JNought, M.L.4. When veyed to Cataraqui cemetery. at the 27th anmual banquet of the | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ants in Toremto, i -- r. MoNaught's remarks were re ewsy Paragraphs Pick Te ceived in trighd silonce, follawed by ny ~~ porters On 8 Picked Up By Ree chorus of v's, and even W Sw piano . : own. Experience in South LAE TL PRE RETIN ses» cNet ' M h oat roosived of Moduley's. 'Phone TiS. ta might be purchased and "A at doesn't always cover given to Britain, failed to relieve the the biggest bunch of brains," says the tengion. He assured the gathering thay Portsmouth philosopher, : the sentiments he ¢ were those | a Joct gagynble dance pt hoki in of the majorit; he people of t. | the large hall, at Joyceville, on Mon- ~ ua of . 'day. Quite a number from Kingston, wy believe," he sand 3 n, | - "that ones having taken the step, the od shoulder braces™ for government must go forward in the growing gels, Sold in Kingston at construction of a navy. This is the Gibson's Cross Drug Store. first fms. that we have found French hs Sy Susishion al Ringaton fire i same ques or of St. pd Png oh nived ou' Whe Patrick's day, holding a grand en- PE a po po from w | ama Leave orders at Mo bookstore. Constable Nicholas Timmerman, is, | this week, making sanitary inspection around the city, giving orders york which Toast be carried ont at the opening of spring. AGO BY { The young Gananoque lady who last week lost a n S : > $5 gold piece in the snow, DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT 'Mr imi mo. Lok There is nothing worse for eczema | in the salt rheum than cold water. For * of Moses, Rev. H. husband casket [On the four great fundamentals for | question. and thus at an early age acquired the rudiments of knowledge, and wus also instructed in the first five books Interesting details of early 'fa. were set forth in u very attractive manner, The rabbl occupies a position that in both sacred and civil. He is first and always a teacher of the law, a judge, healer or doctor, and in con sévuence possesses great power and ine flnence. All matters relating to the law are brought before him, and they are intrieate and complicated to a degree. Marriage is a very sacred in- stitu fon among the Jews. There is a divorce law of very simple charac ter; hut it is very rarely put into force by the Jew. Children are taught the sacredness of marriage, and that in the world Jehovah has a d or wile as the case may be for a life mate for His chosen peo- ple. A Jewess contemplates marrigge at the age of cighteen. : Mr. Cohn then spoke at great length o the Jew today, viz, The Sabbath, the phylacteries, the garment, the Mezuzah. The subtle evasions of the aw were Sigarly seen, and we can ap- preciate the forceful utterances of condemnation of our Lord, when He %4d, "Ye make void the law through your tradition." Pha Mir. Cohn will lecture this evening at Cooke's 'resbyterian church. FOR ANOTHER : VAR. Invitation Offered. and Accepted by Rev. FP, H. Sproule. At a meeting of the quarterly offi. cial board of Princess Street Meth- odist church, held on Monday night, the members, by a unanimous vote, extendéd an invitation to the pastor, Rev. F, H. Sproule, to remain a third vear, and the pastor accepted. The finances show the church to be in a healthy condition, the member- ship has increased, and there has been ma progress in every department of the work, under the pastor's guid- ance, No Need of a Plebiscite. Oitawa Free Press' ay There i% no necessity for either plobiscite or referendum on the naval i The government of Great Britain and the government of Can- ada have come to a certain agree ne has been a ati it. t a A mai te sitastion. | It aces Canada on exactly same voting as Australia and New Zealand stiwaAha: ih the case of the Yormer 1 the {mperial ovrument assists was Australia who did" the : It was satisfactory to C ment. is fe g- FTE = Ey i»! Pine Syrup Cared Her. and card rooms. The Man-of-War Bird. The frigate pelichn, or man-of-war bird, is usually met with by travelers in the tropics. Although when strip. ped of its feathers it is hardly larger than a pigeon, yel no man ean touch at the same time the tips of its ex- tenddd wings. The long wing bones are exceedingly light, and the whole apparatus of air oells is extremely ide- vel , 80 that its real weight is very trifing. It flies at a great height above the water avd from that eleva- tion pounces down on fish, especially preferring the poor, persecuted flying fish for its prey. Arconding to some authors, the name of man-of-war bird wis given to it because its appearance was said to foretell the coming of a ship, probably because the irigate poli- can and real frigates are equally ad- versa to storms, and both like to come into harbor if the weather threatens. The regular meeting of the separate school board was to have been held to-night, but owing to the absence of the chairman, the meeting was post poned, TOO ILL TO WORK. In Deepest Despair=All Run Down Health Was Restored by Ferrozone. When you are sick pad undecided as to the best remedy to use, there is nothing so convincing ad the personal experience of some one who has sui: fereay like yourself. Fromy St. Francis, Maine, comes the following - statement from Mrs. Ovila Daigle: "1 want to write you g few lines in order to tell you how much better my health is since taking Fer- rozone. "For two years I was weak. "Couldn't do any housework. "Was tired, worn out, depressed. "Thought 1 wouldn't recover. *Since wsing Ferrozope 1 have grown strong enough to attend myself to the family washing. 1 have seven children and 5 husband, and am doing all the housework myself. 1 still use Forrozone and seem to goin better health all the time." (Signed) OVILA DAIGLE, Every person nn low health--all who suffer as did Mrs. Daigle, are sure to be invigorated and restored by Ferro gone;it's the most nourishing of all | tonics, ~try one or twe tubléts all'; meals and watch the g..n; 50¢ per box, all dealers, Troubled Every Winter With Severe Colds. Dr. Wood's Norway' sale, decide. We will be glad if you come and see the dise play. Remember you are never urged to buy, and we are always delighted to show and help you to Nightgowns Made of Fine English Cot ton, neat Vassar yoke, 6 clus- ter of tucks and 4 rows in~ sertion, neck nicely finished with lace, : 50 Ce Nightgowns In a great variety of makes, at 75c, 90c, 95c, $1 up to -- White Skirts 80 different styles to choose from. We mention ONE make to give you an i At $1.00 Ladies' White Skirt, made of soft finished cotton, deep umbrella flounce of French Lawn, trimmed with narrow tucks and with deep ruffle of pret- ty serviceable embroidery. $1.00. WHITE SKIRTS, 59¢ up to $7.50. Also CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. and Sleigh Drives. We sell the No. 1 Quality | == 1 Oil Tan Moccasins FOR BOYS AND MEN. The only kind of Footwear for Boys to wear in cold weathe A