i a BE sr Composition for Cleaning and Polish- ing Cabinet and French Polished FURNITURE. Nothing better. PRICE - - - 23c. CORBETT'S. FREE RARAAAE ARR SF Seville Bitter - Oranges For Marmalade | SHHSIGIOIION 4 NG AACE © 3 We never had finer; 3 i fruit size, bright and ; from specks. to offer, large free On the Corner i Brock and Wellington Sts. 4 AAA AAAHAAAIAAAANNOK . bt All New Boats Should be Equipped With A Davis Reliable 'Gasoline Motor Then you are surgeof having a successful season. We have a number of engines now ready for delivery. Call and see them, or see exhibit at H.W. NEWMAN'S, Princess Street Ask us for prices before purchasiog elsewhere. - We cariy a full line of Gasoline Engine Supplies _ and Fittings. DANS DRY DICK COMPANY, Bibby's Cab Stand Phone 201. DAY or NIGHT S ERLING COAL FOR INGING WEATHER Weg don't Nave to stam) our coal "Sterling," the val.a stamps it. Assryed in the fornaces, stoves and grates of our cus Lomars it shows: Ask our patrons---then . TRY IT YOURSELF. , ---- '| population should have a voice & i THE WHIG, 77th YEAR BNL SITIO WHIG, putiiabed wt at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 snd 4 o'clock p.m. published in parts on Monday day morning at $1 States, charge for" , mak spd ° BH. Y¥ BRITISH WHIG, 18 pages, 5 hurs- he sympathy undoubtedly passed »tofl the Chinese 'Thai time they were having, 'in their Cham- B. > + 4 = 53 2 ; % x : x: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRU never had before, As Dr. Tucker pictured the encroach ments and abuses of the Puropean na: tions, especially the wrongs that been inflicted by the opium traffic, one felt - for the Chinese and a wave of over the entire congregation. One thought in Canada and the isolation. As the congregation at St. Pauls was being dismissed, one lady whispered to another, "All the mem- bers of the city council should have heard that sermon.' Daily Wibig. THE THREE FIFTHS' CLAUSE. Just the Joecal parliament stands on the three-fifths' clause of the option law will be made apparent in a few days. The Ottawa Journal praises the three-fifths clause, (1) on the ground that focal prohibition should not be attempted "unless a thoroughly effec tive prohibition sentiment is behind it;'" and (2) because it renders more difficult the abolition of prohibition in a municipality, where the majority of where the ratepayers want licenses restored, The argument is regarded as weak and contradictory, The premier, some time ago, made | an address at a temperance meeting and intimated that the social reforms of the day could be best reached = hy in the anticipated, but the precise compromise. Some change law was nature of it has not been made ap- parent, #1t is understood, however, that there be the clause requiribg more than a majority the effect to Joenl option. will will some modification in votes to give The of percentage be cut ¥ | down to probably sixty. This will make the #Btion law cam- effective, and still pre of success in the | paigns more serve the assurance operation of the law. -- CHANGE IN THE LAW, A new issue has arisen in connection with the board of education, six the For some years the council has been nam- ing as one of these six members a Roman Catholic' on the ground that ard constitute high school or institute section the city eouncil tathves of all the denominations and thut the denomination that expresses the sentiments of one-fifth of the in high school affairs. This year, 'and for the first time, the school faw" abridges the liberties or privilebes of some high school trustees, This law says that a trus- tee who is a separate school supporter cannot, as a member of the board of education, vote or speak on public school questions. A representative of should be free to speak and vote on any question coming be fore the board, but the legislature evidently saw a reason for curtailing the usefulness of the separate school supporter, afd acted accordingly. One thing is certain--that the tris tee who can only interest himseli in the one part of the hoard's proceed ings is not likely to be very regular in his aitendance. He'is not eager 10 be a wall flower, to spend his cv- enings hearmg discussions in which he is not personally interested. EXTOLLING THE CHINESE. The trouble into which one gets who eriticizes a preacher, without having his words before him, suggests to the Whig the necessity of a wise eaution, But the Whig heard the sermon of Rey. Dr. Tucker, in St. Paul's church, Sunday evéning, and had a revelation with regard to the Chinese which will not be forgotten. The doctor referred to the great movements of the day, and particularly to the planning of both laymen and clergymen for a 'campaign which aims at the evangali- 'zation of the heathen world--in a generation. The church was studying the field minutely, and the forles 'necessary to capture it were beipg calculated as carefully as the general contemplates the territory and the army which he must have to make the conquest of it complete. The scheme was as startling as it was stupendous, add Gifty years ago it would have been regarded" as Utopian. { The feature of the sermon was the allusion to China, that great land iwith a history" and a civilization which an id the history and {achievements of the western empires. China, likened by Napoleon to a young giant, was awakening, and the evidence of the new life lay in the the couneil members of which are appointed by! the institute is open to the represen- | A SERIOUS ;SUMMING UP. ~ Bydney Brooks, in the Fortnightly Review, discusses "the liberalism of the future," in a candid and impartial manner. The party, in Mr. Brooks' opinion, is under the necessity of abolishing the lords' veto on finance by statute. What beigre was merely an understanding must now be made a hard and fast covenant. What be- fore was usage must henceforth be law. But no -one wants to see the lords increased in number by hun- dreds. Nor is it desired that the veto of the Joxds in everything be smashed so, that parliament virtually becomes a one-chambered institution. Mr. Brooks, who is evidently a sym- ipathizer with the government, does !not attach much importance to the | assumption that the tories can legis: {late as they like with the lords' ap- iproval. The conservatives are not so {impetuous and the people feel safer in their rule. A second error lies in the {conclusion that the country wants the { extinction of the Upper House. That is not at all apparent, and the proposi- tion is not popular. The third error {is that it is within the province of Lany party to remodel the constitution Yof the country. "I cannot get away from the im- ipression,"" wriles Mr. Brooks, '"'that | liberals' proper policy is (1) 'to abok ish the lords' veto on finance; (2), join with the lords themselves with the conservative party in vising a scheme for the internal re- {form of the upper chamber, and (3), to introduce a bill that would submit 'otherwise insoluble disputes between the two houses to the ordeal of a re- ferendum. Meanwhile an average citi | ren like myseli can only bewail the bitter partizanship and folly which in ;the present stale of international fairs, to and de- af- when vigilance and concentra- tion are the first of all nationa] needs, Ithreaten for many months, possibly for many years to come, to plunge the country into a whirlpool of internal onfosion. EDITORIAL NOTES. The war alarmists in Britain have subsided. Why should the little Can: adians keep up their bluster? That is what some people would like to [know and cannot find out. J. 8. Willison 'is referred to as 'late tof the Toronto News." on dit, that he thas become an attache of the London | Times, and will develop its interest in Canada. : Which is it to be--a loaf with a varying price or a loaf with a vary ing kz? This is the question that the legislature will settle some of these days. : The city's refuge belongs to the people and they should have a larger interest dn iis management. At pre- scnt it is a species of close ®Orpora- tion, according to the statement of one man at the annual meeting. The sufitagettes of Ontario have laid siege upon the local legislatafs, The first bombardment has been with literature. What the second may be ike no man knoweth, but the mem- bers of the - legislature all the same are/ exhibiting some anxiety. Allan Studholme, M.P.P., is after {the Ontario government om ifs im- imigration policy. Mr. Studholme 'doca not see why the local gavern- {ment khould be spending thousands of 'dollars in doing what van be con- |veniently left to the federal govern- 'ment. Vindictive Personal Attack, Toronto Telegram, Conservative. The blast (of the opposition) at the department of labor, over the mo- mentous question whether a college {professor be called in to help make ' {report on the eight-hour day i ple, looked altogether too much jike a clumsy venting of spleen against Hon. Mackenzie Ring: sa the opposition } to iners places enough plaat Their hrosdudes. MBOUS get 'eagerness of the Chi peopl 'the seience and art, and a 'that have given the western people {their prominence in the world. China (been taught miany things. the need of a great navy, ting down to a vindictive personal at- | tack. BOARD OF HEALTH DISCUSSES CONDITION = OF WATERWORKS' INTAKE PIPE. Township Notifies the City About Nuisance Grounds The board of health met yesterday with - Ald. Bailey (chaic- man); J. B. McLeod, H. Taylor and 4b he was the waterworks intake pipe, which the medical health officer reported hav- ing been found to leak within a short : of he old, T : ~ being quite old. It was rin- ion of the members that this oo of pipe should bg replaced, and a com- mittee, consisting of the chairman and he cndical ol Talth alfiow , Was a i to confer with the mayor, t chairman of the Seateruorks commit- tee, city engineer the superin- tendent of waterworks, and discuss what should be done. In the interest of the health of citizens, the health of- ficer thought that something should be done in thi ard, and advised a consultation wi the 'civic authori ties A letter was received - from C. F. Adair, clerk of Kingston township, stating that the counmeil of that muni- ty that no more nuisance material will be allowed to be deposited on ter was ordered to be sent to the city council, which has control of that mat- ter. The eoity the township, and, ore, a one will have to be | ovided. that so far this month there had been five cases of typhoid fever reported to ary lst. » Mr. Thompson asked for information concerning privy pits throughout city, which had not T ago, and which stood uncleaned yet. He brought the matter before the hoard to see if those who had not obeyed 'the city by-law in this respect should not be prosecuted. He thought it was high time that something was done ts force them to abate the nuis ance on their premises. The board will deal with the matter Inter. Will Make the Pipe Tight. Many think that the water works intake pipe has seen its best days. Superintendent Hewitt says this is not so. The pipe is good for many years to come. Even the inshore piece of 200 feet, in whith the leaks are, he says is good pipe. The lvak- age is at the joints, and leakage might similarly ocour im a new pipe. My. Hewitt says that it (s difficult to fix leakages under water, but he fis confident. that when he gets through the present leaky joints will be water tight, A Death of Murs. Leggett, Newboro. Great was the shock throughout the ec v when intelligence was re- cei the death ol Hee. Hour Leggett, in her sixty-sixth year, whic occurred at the ne of her only daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) McGhie, Elgin, on Friday, February 4th. The late Mrs. Leggett had been ill only a few days, and was considered in a con- valescent state when the end unexpec- tediy came, surrounded by her faithiul partner in life for over forty-eizht years, and her ever-devoted loving daughter and son, Mrs. McGhie, oi Elgin, and Robert, of Newboro, De- was a former highly esteemed resident of Newboro, but since the death of Dr. Gedrge S. McGhie, over two years ago, she had lived with her daughter, in Elgin. Being of an un- selfish, sacrificing natare her whole sim in life was to do good to others, and those who are left to mourn, es- pecially her husband and daughter, and son, will greatly miss a kind, lov- ing, charitable woman. Her remains were iaken from Elgin to her old home in Newboro, Saturday afternoon, from whence the funeral took place to the Methodist. thurch,. of which she was a member, Sunday afternoon, at two o'clock, and was largely attend- ed. The service was conducted by the Rev. Mr, Wood. Besides her hus- band, daughter and son, she is sur- vived by the following brothers and sisters : Thomas Leggett, B. A. leg- gett, Crosby; W. H. Leggett, George stt, Newhoro; John Leggett, Portland; Mrs. C. W, Cannon, Crosby, and Mrs. Thomas Henderson, Smith's Falls. Six nephews, who will ever cherish her memory, deposited all that was mortal of their beloved aunt in the Newboro vault, there to await {interment in the spring. ' TOOK IN LIQUORS. Permits Were Granted to Various , Ottawa, Feb. 9.--According to a return submitted to parliament, yes- fift, ts oy iven to persons to ; were given take mtoxicants into the North-West during 1908. The names of Shas to whom such 18 were iss ine MRev. C. G. Fox, Spht Lake, i lon of hud directed him to notify the | ground within the township. The let- linvitation } the | been cleansd. 'sued for the peerage of the late Lord here were pits, he said, that should Sackville, claiming to be the legiti have been cleaned two and three years! {the searchlight of ARY 9, 1910. : PITH OF THE NGWS. i Ss-- {The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. i The firemen on the Michigan Central railway are demanding' an imcregse in wages. | Uecil W, Norton, the British Kheral twhip, says the budget will pass in & fortoight's time. |" An employee in the Montreal regis itry office has absconded with a short 'age of $5,000 in his accounts. { At Brantford, David Katz, for sell ling local option beer containing five | per cant. alcohol, was fined $25. Competitors in the king's prize com: {petition at Bisley will shoot at a fig- ure target in one stage of the com t * William Masson, a special constable at Montreal, was fined for annoy im; a young womapy and his license as cancelled, Ottawa council has cut the shop h- quor hi from twenty-six to twenty and hotel licenses from sixty- four to fifty-five. "A professor at the University of {Michigan makes use of the natural liw of conservation to give a seien- tific proof of immortality. The London Daily Chronicle ox presses the opinion that the ext governor-gencral of Canada will be a statesman of personal prestige. The National Geographic Society of the United States has begun a cam- paign for funds to send an expedition in search of the South Pole. President Tait will celebrate St. Patrick's day 'with the Irish at Chi- cago, having definitely' accepted an of the Good Fellowship Club, The roof of Huron College, London, nuisance ground .is in (Ont, wis burned off and the Western new | University building was damaged. The Students lost heavily from damage hy The medical health officer reported ; water. : The stealing of a horse blanket, valued at $3, wiki cost Charles York, im. This made forty-two since Janu. | Sackets Harbor, N.Y., three and one half years in Auburn prison. Ile an old offender. Ernest Henry was Sackville-West, who mate gon of Lord Sackville, has with drawn his suit. * The graft charges in conndtion with the construction of Oxford county roads are likely now to come under the attorney-gener- al's department. The expected happened at the Glas gow and Aberdeen Universities, Craik, unionist, being elected to the House of Commons with 4,879 votes. Pollock, unionist free trader, got 3,411 votes. At Njagara Falls, a voung woman, thought to he Miss Beatrice R. Snyder Buffalo, committed suicide by wading into the river just above Prospect Point and going over the American Fails, Ald. McDonald, whose election as one of the representatives of Rideau ward, in Ottawa couneil, has been pro- tested on the ground that he did not Gualify sulliciently, has tendered his resignation. ' Premier Deakin, speaking at Ballar- at, said the government hoped to make further efforts in the direction of preferential trade treaties and imperi- al co-operation, the hope and main- stay of the empire. At St. Mary's, Ont., the marriage of Miss Eva Mildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Travers Leslie, to Hon. J. A. Calder, LL.D., of Regina, min- ister of education for Saskatchewan, took place on Tuesday. The Guelph water commissioners their annual meeting, announced an- other ten per cent. rediiction in the city\ water rates. This reduction amounts to a saving of over two thou sand doflave to the water consumers of the city. The SS. Arctio is being prepared for her next cruise to the Polar Sea. She will begin next spring. She is now ly- ing in the docks at B8t, Joseph de Levis, Quebec, and a gang of men have been put to work to prepare her for the long voyage. Wade H. Ellis, Ohio, has resigned his position as assistant (o the attor- ney-geperal in the U. 8. department of justice to accept the chairmanship of the republican executive committee of Ohio and to assume charge of the Ohio campaign this fall, ---- Massacre in Morocco. Tangler, Feb. 9.--Sultan Mulai Hafid's alcaide and his escort of sol diers were massacred at Tiznit, where they had gone to enforce the collection of objeionable taxes. The sultan will now send a punitive expedition to | Tiznit, empowered not only to collect taxes but to demand redress for to jday's massacre, at A Need of Economy. Hamilton Times The provincial troasurer promises moderation in further supplementary estimates. Surely ! The estimates now exceed . $10,000,000, considerably more than double what sufficed to run the province in Ross' time. $1.98 Another lot Women's Fine Kid Bluchers, reg- ular $2.50 and a few" $3.00 lines. Clean Bweep Sale IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BIBBY'S. ' The Big Store with Little Prices 3 20 To-day we place on Sale College Ulsters with the new two- style collar, elegantly tailored garments that we made to sell at $15.00 --~-- Bibby's Price to Clear, $10.75 We would advise you not to wait too long, as these : gell out in a hurry at this price----$10.75 oats will N\ i How Are You Off for Shirts ? Crescent, Tooke, and Regal Brand, $1.00 and $1.20 Shirts For 69. = The H. D. Bibby Co. 09 Everybody Who Eats Bread Should avoid danger of Impurities in delivery Oven to the Home. Insist on your Baker wrapping his Bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS We areithe original manufacturers of BREAD WRAPPERS now used by Leading Bakers, Ottawa, Montreal and other cities. THE EDDY CO,, Ltd., Hull, Canada. $515.00 College Ulsters for $10.75 | E ] from © the SASHA AAA AANIONAAAAA AANA AH MARMALADE ORANGES Our Bitter Oranges have arrived. They are the best we ever had. Fine, large and firm at25 302 King St. and 30¢ doz. TOYE, >Qiactiai R. H. 3 AIAN ASI ASAHI HANAN MINISTER OF DEFEN( th fighting denies of the wor he heiter. able to perform their du tide © under oom: supreme hid wh would have charge of the lwanche The proposal is being extensively cussed apd it 1s believed that, . unde certain stipylatdd vonditions, th scheme will! meet wilh fle approval « some of the highest naval and mak tary authorities might ¥ New Office to be Created by Govern ment, London, Feb. 9.---The World is au' hority for a statement to the efiect that the governmént is contemplating the establishment of a new office, that of minister of defence. The idea is that in an emergency, with separ ate departments directing the opera wns of the army and navy, more or 0 less confusion to the detriment of the [wide cold and grippe remedy, remove co-operation of the two branches of jeause. Call for full name. Look fo the service might aris and that Vsigoature E. W. GROVE. 20e. =» ---- Colds Cause Headaches, Laxative Bromo Quiasine, the world wah glam & 812s ® - $2.98 Ladies' $4.00 Tan Bluchers and a few nair Tan Button Boots, latest styles. Clean Sweep Bale $2.98 Women's Fine Kid Bluchers, patent toes, good value. Olean Bweep Sale Price $1.25. - $1.98 - La FAN Ss Ve w= EB HIN Te ait i 3 : &