Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1910, p. 6

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J 4, 750,000 is the amount of the RESERVE FUND of the Bank of Toronto And is an llustration of the strength of this old reliable in- stitution. This fund is composed of profits laid .astde and pre- miums on new stock Issues, and is maintained as an additional guarantee to depositors of 'the Safety of their money. . Attention drawn to the fact that this Teeetue is $750, 304, larger than the paid up capital. Banko! Toor Capital, Basie KINGSTON BRANCH: 107 PRINCESS STREET, GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. Gost of Living High Not if you use one of our | Sterling Orange : Slicers i pra Make Marmalade our way you will save dollars. Doz Oranges (get "the best) ibs Bugar .. .... .. 4 Pints Water. . .... ..Net Will make 30 Glasses Marma- # lade at 20¢ each $6.00 Saving on Season's Supply $5.10 And the only outlay is for our Slicer, which is a pleasure to work with at $1.75. 90c¢ 1 Sold only at ¥ A. Mitchell's Hardware 1700 LONG A DELAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF THE AWAKING TO HER DUTY And Responsibility to the Jew--If Christ Came Now as a Jew, Would He be Rejected? The most interesting of the series of addresses given by ove Colin, of | Brooklyn, was given in Cooke's Pres- byterian church, Tuesday evening. Mr. Cohn emphasized the necessity of the Christian church awaking to her duty and responsibility to the Jew. All too long there had been delay. The Jew had no place in the church of to-day and the speaker wondered if Christ came with a Jewish face and manner and dress into the church; even in this city, whether be would not be rejected because He was a Jew. The congregation felt the straight and pomted thrusts of the lecturer. Mr. Cohn then passed 'on to.the important subject of the con- version of his father, which proved the great acquisition the Jew would be to the Gentile church. "My father was born in Austria- Hungary, where, at the age of seven, he was left an orphan by the death of both parents, and had to shift for himself. At the age of thirteen he decided to become a rabbi, which in- volves long and continuous study for the complete mastery of the Jewish Talmud, a book consisting oi sixty books, of large dimensions. In this | Talmud he Jearned that this world | was to last six thousand years, viz. two thousand confusion and void, two thousand with the law, and two thou- sand in the time of the Messiah." This slatement at once led him to study | more deeply, and with many anxious thoughts and much prayer he braved | the curse of the Talmudic doctors and commenced to read thé prophets, and there learned of the suffering Messiah in the 83rd chapter of Isaiah, The thought that the Messiah must have come some two thousand years agp | overwhelmed him, and - he enquired where he could be found, none of the rabbis of his own neighborhood could' help him, so he went to an old rabbi, who told him the Messiah had come, and that he had better go to America, | as that was the only likely place would hear all about his coming earth, Immediately he set sail for America and was received with open arme by | the Jews of New York and offered synagogue. Dut he refused all offers, | telling them he had come to Americg | to find the Messiah' Finally be was | led 'by 'God to a mission for Jews, | where he (earned for the first time of | Christ from Jewish lips. The next day he went to the preachers' house he uits aldron's. We have just received from three of tho leading New York Suit Makers, Messrs: Jules Steen & Co., Fifth Avenue, Miller, Mandel & Co, Twenty-First Street, and Max Rubell & Co, Fifth Avenue, sixty of their very latest styles in Suits. No two alike, Also their samples of Cloth in 'all the new spring shades, which we can have made to order in any style to your own special measurements. Abny order given two week's time, us will be filled in We guarantee to fit you perfectly or no sale. As there is a limited quantity of these Cloths, early buying means a large variety of goods to choose from. Call and see the largest and swellest lot of Suits ever imported to Kingston. 'Orders taken for Separate Skirts from * i responribility of the church with to a! and received a copy of the . New! Testament in Hebrew fn hurried to his lodgings and without sleep or food read the book from cover cover, and when he finished he Jal welcomed the Redeemer the Christ | of God. He ran out to his own people, thinking they would BE glad to hear he had ound the Messiah, but when they learned it was the Christ of the cross, they began to persecute him, until he wax obliged to flee for his life to Scotland. "There in the Free | (C hurch College he learned English | and theology and commenced to; work among the Jews in Glasgow. | During all this time he had been se- parated from his beloved wiie and! children. They were being closely | guarded by relatives and fends in Austria, lest they should leave and! also become apostate. Finally they! escaped in the night and arrived in Scotland. After a while my father became im- pressed with the necessity of taking up work in New York, among the Jews and so came to America for the second time, for the past fifteen years has labored for the salva tion of the Jew. God has blessed the work and daily it grows, but there are pressing needs that must be met if the persecuted Jew iy to be able to make an open confession of his faith in Christ. Mr. Cohn then urged the audience to come lo-morrow night and hear of the problems of the Jew, his relation- ¥ | ship to the civic and religious life of | the community. Rev. Dr. MacTavish occupied the | chair, and spoke feclingly of the need of the hour and concurred in the great re- | forence to bringing gospel to the Jew fand certainly bv displaying Christian | courtesy and fair play. We have over- looked the command and neglected our privilege. He then thanked Mr. Cohn ior his impressive and able address. | { | 4 i | i NELLES, Secretary of the Kingston Y.M.C.A who will take over the secretaryship ot the Ottawa association at an carly aate KB INCIDENTS OF THE DAY: Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Re- : porters On Their Rounds, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders recaived at McAuley"s. Phone 778. The London Advertiser speaks f (ueen's as "a gieat university doing a great work," "Lanoline Cream" for chapped skin, Bold in Kingston, at Gibson's Red Crosy Drug Store. The Cape Vincent stage had a num- ber of passengers over from the Ame- rican side, to-day. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from shickening's. Leave orders at Mo Auley's bookstore. The five-cent' theatres are doing a great business in the evenings. livery show at every house draws a large crowd. ihe eompan; that will present the 'led Moor. 4: ths Grand this even ing arrived im the ety at 9 o'clock this moraing from Belle tlle. "18 move days" to join the Tabard Ion Library for $1.00, Liie Member- ship Books exchanged all over the world. Gibson's Rad Cross Drug Store. Yesterday, a momber of the "'pro- hibited list' was fined $20 and costs, or ons month. His fino was mot paid, and late in the afternoon he was removed to the jail. | "Orchigl Perfume," a beautiful deli 'ente refimed odor. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | The reguwin: meeting of the Tort smouth school hoard will be he'd onl 'Thuisday night, when applieations | be considered for the appointment cf | a rer teacher. { Bajus' Lager, Ale and Porter is put up in bottles and kegs expressly for family use. Delivered to any pact of the oity. Michael Flynn, emplojel as fore- man at Richardson's feldspar mines is 0 the city, and has a gang of men at work, making some needed repairs | to the feldspar wharf, at Richardson's elevator, "A delightiul preparation," for rough skin; "Orch"d Cream." Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Last night a man was seen %o grab a woman on Rideau sireet, near' North. He clapped his hand over her mouth and threw her down. She made an outery and the man fled. Neither parties were known. Bbjus XXX Porter is manufactured and the choicest English hops. It will make + strong. Physicians prescribe it as a 'health builder The covered rink drew a large crowd of skaters on Tuesday evening, about nve hundred skating and two or three hundred were around the sides. The ice was in five condition and excellent music was rendered by the Mth band. prastice math after the game evening with Fronténacs, but the com- mandent would not allow the soldiers part owing to the late hour, 10.350 to 11.36 o'clock. A couple of a ) he tri el out by the mater, 2c. = lemons, Se fon from Plunkett's celebrated Dublin malt and DIED FROM BULLET HE SHOT HIMSELF WHILE DE. SPONDENT. . | Edgar Dudley, a Bookkeeper, Suicided ~--Eggs are Coming From Russia to Montreal at Local Prices. Montreal, Feb. 9. -Bdgar Dudley, a book-keeper in Henry Morgan's, who shot himself last night at his home Mance street in a fit of despond- ency, mduced by ill health, died mn the general hospital to-day. Dudley was 55 years of age and had been ix Morgan's employ twenty-five years, coming here from England. He leaves a famidy. Montrealers will heve an opportuni ty of judging what kind of hen fruit the poultry yards of Hussia can pro- duce, as a consignment of 6,000 dozen eggs have just been received here from Riga, Russia, Strange as it may seein these eggs can be brought approxi mately 5,000 miles 1 ¢ a price to com- pete with the lee. hens. It 1s believ- ed to be the fist time a commercial transaction of th's 1ature has taken place. but cher. have been previous instances of foo. etvfis be ng brought from abroad at a time when the local prices were axtruanely hi Butter has been shipped to England and re. imported before nw owing to the scarcity of the product amd conse quent high prices. Hon. 4G. B. Baker, senator, of Sweustsburg, Que., died suddenly at luncheon, to-day, at the Edinburgh Cafe. The senator had just taken his seat at a table when he was seized with faintness ani fell to the floor, The attendants and guests rushed to his assistance and an ambulance from the Royal Victoria Hospital was call ed, but when the doctor reached him he was found to have passed away. A.O.H. SMOKING CONCERT. An Enjoyable Affair Held on Tuesday Evening. A very pleasant event was the smok- ing concert carried on by Division No, 1 of the Amciont Order of Hibernians, at their hall, Brock street, on Tues- day evening. President J. J. Lackie ocoupied the chair. After the frag- rant weddhad been freely indulged in and refreshments served the following programme was presented :--Address of welcome, President Lackie; piano solo, T. J, 0'Connor, song, J. Hurley recitation, (by wpeciol request', "Asleop at the Switah, " W. Kelly; address, Dr. E. Ryan; os ly Martin James: step dance, Hugh O'Rourke; song, J. He song W. McParland; comic song, J. Hurley; recitation, W. Kelly; sng, F. Parle; address Wm. Hardy, orzanizer for the CM.B.A. The concert which was voted 1com- plete success, and thoroughly enjoyed, was arranged by the entertainment committees, composed of James V, Doran, F. Corky ard T. J. O'Connor. Before and after the concert a billi- ard tournament was carried on, ih which Messrs. Lackie, Corkey, James. and others participated. Mr. Corkey carried off the honors after close contest, a Reports From Rockport. Rockport, Feb. 8.--The death of Mrs. Chloe Slate, took lace at ther son's, Emery Slate's Fe ome, on Hay- den Island, on Sunday eve, Jan. 23rd, Mrs. Slate lived 15+ many years in this village and had a large circle of friends here. The funeral service was held in dhe Methodist church at Alex- andria Bay, on Thursday afternoon, after which the remains were * placed in the vault at Clayton, N.Y. Deceas- ed was eighty-five years of age. Migs Beatrice Hollingsworth, of Escott spent last week witle her sister, Mrs, Lucy Green. Mrs. Ids Edgley, who is in Brockvilla general hospital, im- proving in health. Mrs, Wm. K Kahnt entertaingd her Sabbath school class at her home, on Thursday afternoon. Miss Ada Quinn, of Lansdowne, is spending a couple of days with Mrs. J. Cook. Miss F. Heaslip and Miss Powell, of Esoott, spent a couple of days with Miss Ida Ferguson. Did Not Believe in Banks. Coinguocd Enterprise, Madill, who lives near Colling- oy has worked very hard in- her life-time, and by honest effort had ac- cumulated about $600 from the sale of butter, poultry, ete. The old lady did not believe in hanks nor in any of the various methods provided for the investment of money, so she stowed away her carefully earned pile in a spot known only to Tooth Wishing to add to it, she paid the hidden place a visit recently, but found that Fn wealth had melted away like the Simcoe hotel men before the Scott act vote and only fragments of paper were left to show that the mice had de- stroyed the whole of the money to build themselves a nest, which might just as well have been built from a one-cent copy of an out -of-date daily paper. Favors Income Tax. Trenton, N.J., Feb. 9.--Governor Fort transmitted to the legislature the proposed income tax amendment to the federal constitution, with a reso- lution that it be approved. The gov- ernor states that an income tax is the most just and equitable that can be levied. "Rh Jmpoles the exactions of govern ment," he says, "upon the citizen in proportion to his ability to bear it upon the basis 'of 'the wealth which, under the laws of the country, he has been shle to sccumulate." The inability to impose an income tax, if necessities of the govern- ment require it. he says, would amount to 3 national calamity. Clearance Sale of Winter Goods. Prevost, Brock street, will have a sale made clothing, fur 'made to "Orchid Taloum Powder" makes the skin soft as velvet. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cress Drug Store Chatham is to have § fine YMCA. building. One subscription of $5,000 was received. Many a man who wants the earth merely succeeds in havisg mad thrown at him. The best thing about ting a faiture wera ot pon een 313 | is that you have p ty of any we are a dread a woring To 1 i Et a oe bay gummi. yennsy, pms 9, 1910. CITY AND VICINITY. Te musicale, Chalmers church, Mon day, Feb. 14th, 5S p.m. Best city tal ent. 10¢. and upwards. Are Your Feet Calloused? Fasy to remove Jumps applying Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor.' This purely. vegetable remedy acts painlessly and is guaranteed. Insist on "Putnam's" 'ily. + Mr. Corby Interested. H. Corby, of Corbyville, is at pre sent in Europe. When he returns he will discuss with the Kingston Board of Trade the question of erecting a large hotel here. It is thought that the wealthy distiller will back the hotel scheme. Season of Lent Opens. The ceremonies in connection with Ash Wetdnesday were observed mn St. Mary's cathedral this morning. The archbishop blessed the ashes. High mass was afterwards velebrated, The altar was draped in penitential colors oy the season of Lent was mmaugura- tec ' Will Likely Recover. Edward Burke, the young son of the Rev. T. E. Burke, who has been ill in the General Hospital with typhoid fever was reported to be resting easier to-day. Shght hopes were held out for his recovery Saturday and Sunday, but he has improved a little since then, and it is thought that he will recover, The Late Dr. J. H. Hanley. The funeral of the late Dr. J. H. Harley took place, Wednesday morn- ing, to St. Mary' s cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass was sung by de- ccased's cousin, Rev. Father A, J. Hanley. The cortege was large. The allbearers were : Messrs. J. P. 1lan- wv, T. A. Hanley, Robert Hanley, M D,, James Duffy, James Gowan and Mr. McCarey. Afterwards the re mains were conveyed to the vault at St. Mary's cemetery. Wild Wester at the Bijou. "The Woman Bandit of Arizous' the title of a thrilling wild west ii. sn which is bein: shown at the iii, 1o- day ard to-ucrrow. It tells the sur f a younuv Mi yican woman whi hela up a stage coach -in onder to get money for her sick husband, and by this wrong gction threw suspicion on the man whom she hoped to aid. The complications arising out of this sit- uation are very interesting, amd there is a lot of hard riding and fighting by the cowboys involved. Thera is also a drama, entitled "Her Sailor Son" and a comedy "The Smart Police man, Mark Hambourg"s Programme. The following programme will be played by Mark Hanbourg, pianist, au his Grant Hall concert to-night Toocata and Fugue D Minor, Tausig. Sonafa Appassionats in F (Op 57) Beetheven, Nocturne G Maj., Chopin. Two Studies G flat, E flat Chopin. Two Preludes, B flat Minor, Chopin. Valse A flat, Chopin. Andante Spianoto & Polonaise E flat, Chopin, Etnde G flat, wski. Volkslied, Mark Hambourg, Paraphrase on "Eugene Oneguine," Tshaikowsky-Fabst. AT ZION CHURCH. is 'Bach Minor Minor, A flat, "The Waves," Mosko- Fine Entertainment Given by Girls' Circle, The entertainment given m Zion church, on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Girls' Circle, was a decided success. The programme was a lengthy one, and was much enjoyed by the very large audience. The pro- gramme was a varied one, and every number was = warmly applauded. A number of fine tableaux were given by the girls and boys, and the showing was a most creditable one. There was also a feast of good musie, and, alto gether, the programme provided a grand treat. The tableaux included, "The Gypsy's Warning," 'which con- tained three fine scenes," "The Daisy Tableau , "Under the Greenwood 'ree" (taken J romm Shakespeare's 'As You Like It"), "Nobody Works But Father," sv Home Sweet Heva," "Con soiation," and "Rock «i Ages,"" A ¢ few dialogues were also given, indud- ing "Aunt Mina's Money," "The Rose And The Thorn." The musical part of the programme included instrumental selections hy Miss Ewart; duet by Messrs. Gibson and Partridge; instrumental duet, piano and violin, Mrs. Denney and Miss Denney; duet, Miss Allen and Mr Dalton; violin and piano duet, Alice Gibson and Robert Gibson; violin se- lection, Mr. Dalton; solo, Mr. Part ridge. Miss McKenzie favored with a fine recitation. Do You Value Health Regulate and © | Cleanse System. Spring cleaning does not answer the body. The prime element in the main tenmnce or the recovery of health is activity of liver, kidneys and skin. Not occasionally "but only by weekly stimulation of these functions can poisons, waste matter, and acommula- tions within the body be drawn out so that theblood and inward parts be purified and kept wholesome. Dr, Hamilton's Pills are the mildest lnx- ative medicine kuowm they purify the blood, fortify the activity of 4 the liver and kidneys, increase the eliminatin wer of the skin anderczte a gener of well being--the outcome of wholesome conditions within. Dr. Hamilton s Pilly arc 5 general tomic to the digestive system they restore fanctional efectiveness to all the or- pons of secretion amd comtribute in this way emormously to the stajpility of health, For general family a" ix all cases of biliousness, bad blood, mdi and disorders of the atomac i Pills have no equal. Sold in yellow boxes; 25¢, all dealers. i Your jon _-- EEE ES Our Whitewear NOT overdone with coarse laces and rough embroidery, BUT trimmed gene- rously, carefully, neatly with laces that are fine and embroideries that win their way to every dainty woman's heart. Our Whitewear has established the highest standard in Kingston. Corset Covers From 25¢ to $2.75. Drawers In a great variety, from 25¢ to $3. White Skirts From 59¢ to $7.50. Nightgowns om 50c to 10,000 Yards New Embroideries JUST RECEIVED. This season we bave prepared for a large Embroidery trade and will have ready To-morrow our first lot of Fine Embroideries Dainty. designs in many widths with insertions to match many of the pat- ictlnr 13 ne Buckskin Moccasins $ For Snow Shocing, Tobogganing $ $ and Sleigh Drives We sell the No. 1 Quality Oil Tan Moccasins FOR BOYS AND MEN. The oaly kind of Footwear for Boya to wear in cold weather, THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE 000000000009 905900090°2204¢ $494990900008000

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