Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1910, p. 1

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YEAR 77-NO. 34 ba he Baily - Ar KINGSTON, -ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10; 1910. LAST EDITION A SMALL SET Conservative Senators Only Number Twenty, LOOKING BACKWARDS A Big Fight on Over the Question of Fire, Insurance--Big Concerns Trying Hard to Get Cheap Insure ance, Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Feb. 10.~The death of Sen- ator Baker, in Montreal, yesterday, re- duces the representation of conserva. tives in the senate to twenty, as com- pared with sixty-seven liberals. The present d jon in the represen- tation of the two parties in the upper chamber, i wever, tot so great as administration took as at that time there werd only eleven liberals in the sen- ate. Vacancies in the upper chamber average about four a year, so that at that rate, before another general election the disproportion our] be 86 great aw to demand some remedy being found in the near future for the existing system of appointing as sen- ators only men who are in sympathy with the party in power. At the present time Saskatchewan has not a single conservative senator; Prince Ed- ward Island, British Columbia and Al- ta, only one conservative senator, so that it is possible several of the provinces will be without mta- tion at all in the senate. New Hruns wick has two conservatives and eight liberal senators; Nova S&tia, three conservatives and seven liberals; On- turio, five conservatives and nineteen liberals, and Quebwe, six conservatives and eighteen liberals. - There is a big fight on here over the question of fire insurance. While the main discussion for the last three years has been on life insurance pro- visions of the new bill, the fire insur- ance questions ave giving the senate committee, whieh has the bill before it, as much to think about as the life insurance questions attracted in the The bill which the government in- troduced into the mpper house, this containg r NUMBER OF LIBERALS ABOUT 1806. ay i 2 iL ; Al fp Now England mutual nies licensed to a are opposed to want the first chance the right to take at their regular a8 hl ih Ir ATE 53 25% Bi. .> IEP ithe rr born created by the , of a METHODISTS WIRE THANKS. Washington Wrought Up Over Oc. currence, Washington, Feb. 10.--Criticizing the action of the vatican for refusing for- I mee Vice-President Fairbanks an su- 'dience with the popé because he would not cancel his engagement to address the Methodist churchmen in Rome, the ministerial association of Washington adopted a set of resolutions framed by a committee headed by Bishop Cranston, of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which the action of the va- tiean authorities is described as "a characteristic expression of the real spirit of the Roman hierarchy." "We congratulate our former vice president on bid manly vindication of the American spirit toleration and his exhibition of dignity of free Am- erican manhood in the most signif the cant test in Rome," says one resolutions, Protest against recognition by the government of the vatican is made in strong 'terms; it is described as incon sistent with national traditions and "a sanction of ecclesiastical assumption outgrown by the world, and a distinct menace to religious liberty." RAISED A WAY BILL. Swindle Worked on Ottawa Man by Stranger. Feb. 10.--Last week a well-dressed stranger, calling himself Havis, appeared at the loeal C.P.R. office and obtained a waybill consign- ed to a firm in Ottawa. Once in his possession be lost no time in raising the figures to suit his own eirenm- stances, and made the waybill, which was originally for two.bags of oats, to read for a considerable amount of brass and rags, so he was able to ob tain from an Ottawa dealer named Kaplan $125 on its strength. In the meantime the oats were delivered to a brewing company in the eapital. Mr. Kaplom was here to-day in an effort to levate the man, but he could not be found. Brockville, I'M GLAD, HE SAYS. Man Sentenced to Death in Cheerful Mood. Feb. 10.--"T'm glad it's all pver," cheerfully said Joseph J. Mackley, thirty-three, married, when sentenced, yesterday, to be elee- trocuted June 3rd, for the murder of Caroline Hunt, aged eighteen, Decem- ber 27th. She had rejected his atten tions, Mackley was taken to the state pen- itentiary at once. His brother, Jerry, is awaiting trial for complicity in the killing of Mrs. Hunt, the girl's mother, Toledo, Ohio, Nobleman's Effects Seized. London, Feb, 10.--A sensation has seizire of effects nobleman of high rank and their removal to the state aue tion rooms to be sold for the benefit of his creditors. The nobleman, who is related to a royal house, says the Vienna correspondent of the Express, married some months ago the daugh- ter of a wealthy American. He has been in debt for years, but always appeased his creditors by promiving to marry money and then satisfy their claims. A large sum was paid to them immediately after his marric age. Sentenced to the Georgia Pen. Washington, Feb. 10.~Jules M. Waterbury, of Enfield Centre, N.Y., re- vently convicted of obtaining money by false pretences from Representa "| tives Hull and Bartholdt, and former Assistant Attorney Gencral Mcllarg, representing himself as connected with the Associated Press, was, to-day, sen- Htenced by = Justice Gould in criminal court, No. 1, to serve eighteen months in the penitentinry in Atlanta, tia, An appeal was noted and pending its, disposition, Waterbury was ve based on $5,000 bail. An Eccentric Will Elizabeth, N.J., Feb. 10.---On condi tion that oceupy her home in this dty and vary for her pet dog the amv St: Land eat "so: lon as either pro- 13, to be divid- and five ch £15 pom 'covered rink to-night. Good ty Agu, wie dale? mals shall fiver Mrs, Carola Sarona Fu body be cremated and the ashes seat- tered to the four winds. This yas Appointed Arbitrator. ' [bitrator or valuator for the of establishing the price for the real estate and Togersoll the | ioy the labor ry MAKE A TEST Whole Question of the Fiscal System WILL BE RAISED AMENDMENT TO THE ADDRES IS LIKELY. The Unionists Hope Nationalists Will Either Vote Against Government or Abstain From Voting. London, Feb. 10.~The tarifi reforms of the liberals and nationalists to the test at the earliest opportunity. They believe that the Irish electors are over: whelmingly in favor of tariff reform, and that the Rudmondites cannot be dependesl upon to support a free trade government. + Accordingly, Austen Chamberlain will move an amendment to the ad dregs in parliament, raising the whole question of the existing fiscal sys tem, in the hape that the nationalists will either vote against the govern. ment or abstain from voting. Premier Asquith has returned to f.ondon.. He has called meetings of the cabinet for both Thursday and Friday, and it is expected that he will go to Brighton on Friday to con fer with the king. I: is practically cer- tain that the first business of parlia- ment will be the reintroduction of the budget, which the chief liberal whip to-night predicts wi'l be passed with- in a fortnight. The two sections of the Irish party are already coming to grips. Jahn E. Redmond, leader of the national ists, having called a party meeting at Dublin. Timothy Healy, M.P., for north division of Louth, has written 'un letter to Mr, Redmond, challenging his action andl claiming that every member elected, including himself, is entitled to be invited to the meeting, that Mr. Redmond has no right to discriminate between the members and that his action nullifies the party pledge. In spite of Mr. Healy's protest, it is stated that Mr. Redmond has ne intention of recognizing the 0'Brien- ites as members of the party. Not Disposed to be Friendly. London, Feb. 10.~Keir Hardie, at a . J said that every section of the press was od in as. to the pol in the 'new parliament. There Were two sets of people doomed to appomtmen t-- those hoping for discord within our ranks, and those who hope to sce us entering into some understanding . or agreement with) the government, At all costs and hazards we must maintain complete freedom of action, both in the house of commons and in con: stituencies. The treatment meted out to ourvsndidates by the liberals in the recent contest does not predis- pose us towards any friendly rela- tionship." Lost Forty Millions. London, Feb. 10.--A falling off of £40,000,000 in income taxes for the current fiscal year was reported by the government to-day. This tremendous tease in re bog renulin from hn Snitare to pass the Lloyd-George ast year, which proved the revenue depart- ment from enforcing the customary taxes. Had there not been the budget tangle the income taxes for the cur- rat year would have exceeded all re- 5. PITH OF THE NWS The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. John Redmond was re-elected chair man of the nationalist party at a meeting at Mansion House, Mayor Gaynor suggests the abolition of the fremeni. tax system and the adoption of a si . Major Currie, Sie. North Simcoe, i jntercsted in a company which pro- anon to erect a large wire factory at Miss Pearl Kellar, Col. Swope's nurse, testified that he died soon after taking Hyuiatio us capsule, prescrib- ers are determined to put the alliance be SAYS MOE GAVE IT. A Bribe Paid to a New York Senator. Albany, N.Y., Feb. 10.--Under com- pinion 71 the sett, ick io juve t * tr Jothan ». Alls, Senator Benn Conger 2 25d, was Hiram G. Moe, Groton, Tomp- kine county." "This sunt," he says, "was ud by Allds, Joona Bean Conger and Frank Conger in in Sersste the Atiotican dye i ny (a corpora "4 3. foe acted as committee clerk to Sena- tor: Conger last year, ANOTHER SPASM FOR THAW. . -- Referee to See if He May Not be Moved. Nyack, N.Y. Feb. 10.--Henry K,. Thaw is to be permitted to show that is not properly treated as an in- mate of the asylum for the criminal insane at Matieawsn, Justice A. 8. Tompkins, in the supreme court, hand- ed down a decision appointing William Van Aince, Orange, N.J., referee to hear evidence on Thaw's behalf, and to decide for the court if a transfer from the Matleawan institution to some other asyliin is necessary to pre- serve Thaw's health. CASTRO AT CANARY ISLANDS. Will Return When Conditions Favorable. Washington, D.C, Feb. 10.--The Ame- rican consulate at Canary Islands, to- day, reported to the state department that ex-President Castro, of Vene- zuela, had arrived from Spain. Noth- ing was known as to his plans or fu ture movements, but it is suspected that Castro has got to the nearest point of vantage to watch develop. ments in Venezuela, with the purpose of returning to that country if condi- tions are favorable. . PREHISTORIC VILLAGE. Wallis, Tables, Skeletons and Utensils Unearthed. El Paso, Texas, Feb, 10.--Another pre historic village has n un earthed in Arizona. Frank C. Erwin, while digging an irrigation ditch, four- teen milez from Cochise, unearthed a number of utensils and skeletons, and then found a wall twenty feet long and tables bearing remarkable hiero- glyphics. Work at the place was stopped, and the Smithsonian Insti- tute has been notified of the discov- ery. Long Hair Brought on Insanity. New York, Feb. 10.-- Elizabeth Mur- ray is dying in 'the Long Island Col- | lege hospiial, Brook! im a fash in her throat. Her jong, heavy hai is responsible for her condition, She had been employed for years the family of Wilkam Henderson, No. 55 Hicks street, Brooklyn. The weight of her hair gave her violent headaches, and a month ago she be- came demented. Saturday it was found that in an attack of dementia the wo- man had slashed her neck. Last night it was said she could not recover. TERCENTENARY BIBLE KING JAMES' VERSION NEARLY 800.YEARS OLD, An Edition to be Issued in Honor of The Three Hundredth Anniversary ---Meeting at Chicago of Presbyter- inns of Canada and United States. Chuago, Feb. 10.<~Prominent Pros byterians from Canada and all sec tions of the United States assembled herve to discuss the questions of world wide interest to the members of the church. Those in attendance are mem- bers of the western secon of the exeoutive commission of the Presby- terian Alliance, a body representing the Presbyterian churches of the world. Among the laymen who, will ®itend J. G. Forbes, St. John, N. Are are J B., dnd Walter Paul, Montreal. Une of the most interesting . to be brought before the commission is the forthcoming fercentenary edi: tion of the King James Bible of 1611, which will be published in 1911. This new edition will not contain any re- visions arising from recent original research. CHILDREN BURNED. ---- Three Perished in Fire That Destroy. ed Home. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Feb. 10~Three coung children of Albert Dunster were to death in a fire that do LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered, Hamilton doctors will oppose the legalizing of osteopathists. Charles Cockshutt, a wellknown Toronto philanthropist, died, on Wed- nesday, Ontario Fairs Association has asked the provincial government for increas- ed grants, : Major Mclaren threatens suit against the Hamilton Herald for mis representations. Poterboro council has taken up the question of building a House of Re- fuge for the city, A Philadelphia doctor claims to be able to cure cancer by means of the application of jutense cold. Rev. A. 8. Cross, M.A., formerly of Caledonia, has assumed the tempor ary charge of Trevton high school as principal. Princiing's mill, Crumpt, Mich., was blown up. Six men were killed out- right, two fatally injured, and several others badly huri. Over five hundred delegates are ex- pected to attend the provincial good ronds convention, to be held in To- ronto on March 3rd, Lindsay defeated Parry Sound in the semi-finals at Toronto for the gover nor-general's cup. Collingwood and Lindsay are in the finals. Mr. Lavergne, M.P. for Drummond and Athabaska, will probably be call- ed to the senate as successor to the late Sir George Drummond. Joseph A. Reid, street car conduc. tor, who sued Toronto for damages ifor injuries received by falling over a pile of cement, got $650 damages, The Canadian Women's Sufirage As- sociation proposes to inaugurate a campaign in the legislatures of the provinces -- of Quebec; Manitba and Nova Scotia, Alter thirty-seven years' work the task of compiling full marginal refer. erce for the revised New Testament has been np ed A pew edition will y RR € in Bing oie J, % Burnham, who assumed the editorship of the Peterhoro Review Prios 1 the last genetal elections, has resighed to practise law in partnership with R. M. Ruddy, K.C. » The River Seine, at Paris, has risen seven and one-half inches in the twenty-four hours ending at noon, to- day. A further rise of ten inches, by to-morrow noon, is predicted. i A fire which threatened the business cenire of Lancaster, Pa., on Thursday, caused damage estimated at $400,000, It started with an explosion, pre- sumably of gunpowder. » posing in Toronto as a one company inspector, is alleged to have toler from houses where he went ostensibly to inspect the telephone, was committed for trial. The senate committee, to-day, con- sidered proposed chan; in insurance laws as urged by 3 underweiters. This will permit, if passed, the rein surance for protection only amd not for profit. Although parliament has been in session for three months and there is tome talk of prorogation before Eas- ter, no bill hds been introduced by the government to provide for the de- cennial revision of the bank act. The Madrid Imparcial says that dif- ficulties have arisen between the crown and the vatican. The government is supporting the crown in ard to so modification of the t, which was proposed by the latter. Last night the ice on the St Law- rence river, opposite Quebec; was so compact, that when the steamer Po laris started fram' Levis she could not pass through and was driven away by the strong current and went aground. A Canadian Associated Press cable from London states that Eatl Car rington has been offered the post of sucoesior. to Earl Grey, but that, while he has not definitely declined the honor, it is considered unlikely that he will accept it. i = THE WORLD'S TIDINGS fof death, snd the coroner who International Waterways Commission | to Decide. Toromto. Feb, 10.--At noon yvester- day alt the evidemee availaltie in favor of and opposal to the Long Sault power project had been presented to the International Waterways Commis- sion. The adjourned at once, c . not come wp for consideration again until the next meeting, a month bence, in Buffalo. tected, it would appear that the com- nussion was in favor of development. However the commission declares the Jighta of navigation will be para- moun a, ------------ THE FORMAL OPENING. -------- Of Peat Plant st Experimental Farm Will be Event. Ottawa, Feb. 10.~The formal open- ing of the government peat plant at the central experimental farm, may be made the occasion of a dominion event. "The experiments are of vital importance to the whole country. The experts declare that Canadian peat is much superior to that of Germany as a fuel. The date for the opening has not yet heen selected, Officers Selected. Toronto, Feb. 10.-Officers of the Ontario Association of Fairs and Ex- hibitions were elocted by acclamation, this morning, at the association's an- nual meeting, in this city, as follows: President, H. J. Gould, Uxbridge; first vice-president, Dr. J. U. Sim mons, Frankford; second vice-prosi dent, Jolm Farrell. Forest: secretory and editor, J. Lockie Wilson, Toron- to; treasurer, Alexander MoFurinps, Otterville. It was decided to divide the province into tvelve districts, sah district to elect a director, His Feet Frozen. North Bay, Ont., Feb. 10.--George Nelson, seventeen vears old, is in ths hospital, here, with both feet so bad- ly frozen they will have to be ampu tated. Nelson, who came from Eng- land four years ago, and worked for a time for a farmer pear Ottawa, are rived here a few days ago, from Win: nipeg, having walked most of the way. He did not know what was wrong with his feet and hung about until gangrene set in. He is penniless and friendless. Ladies' Clubs to Comphte, Ottawa, Feb. 10.-Two lady clubs, one from Toronto; wnt from the Canadian Rifle Lengo entered in the Canadian Rifle 1. winter: series,/in miniature and g«llory rifle shooting. This is the first line that ladies have ever been entered in a league series, Next summer a spec ial series in rifle shooting, on the regular ranges, and extending all over the empire, will be held in which la: dies' clubs only will compete. Children of Nobility Suicide; St. Petersburg, Feb. 10.--The Count- ess Tyskevitoh gave a dance to her daughter's friends last night. All the a were dhildren of the highest rank, The orchestra was playing a waltz, when Baron Barfarnsky, aged 15, shot and killed himeelf, Baroness Panlon, oszed 14, almost immediately swallow. ed carbolic acid and died. She said she would go with Barfatinsky. Vanderbilt to Pay Damages. Paris, Feb. 10.~In the city court, Alired Vanderbilt, New York million aire, was condemned to pay a work man named Guignard $4,650, for dam- ages. to the latter in 1907, when he was struck by Vanderbilt's automobile. Guignard sued for $11,000, Lut the court i be was entitled to 82, 250 for medical and doctors' bills and £2,400 for damages. Hundred Cadets 111. Londen, Feb. 10.-The Naval Col loge at Osborne, Isle of Wight, where the sons of the Princes of Wales are cadets, has been closed in consequence of an epidemic of influenza and pneu- monia. About an hundred of the ca- dets, including Prince Albert, are. too ill to be removed. The others have been sent to their homes, Emphatically Deried, Ottawa, Fob. 10.--<An emphatic de nial was given at the papal delegate's lave, to-day, to a story, arising in ontreal, to the effect that Mgr. Sharetti was to return to Rome, and that the eucharistic congress would be postponed, owing to a dispute with Archbishop Beuchesi. Devoured by Wolves. Fort Framces, Feb. 10.-An Indian hunter, who disappeared some days 890, has evidently been devoured ov wolves, us his skeleton: was found on the jee of Lake of the Woods, vester. day. where he had been overtaken i a pack. His wile and family reside on the reserve. Shaved Customer, Feli Dead. London, Ont, Feh. 10levi Camp: bell, a barber employed in a King street shop, fell dead, yesterday, with- in 8 minote after finishing shaving » customer, Heart disease wos the canie "As ealled decided that no inguest was necessary. Died at Quebec, Quebec, Feb. 10.--L. V. Dion, of 8 tel IN ITS FAVOR. Fe WEATHER PROBABILITIRS Toronto Ont. Feb. 10 18 am ihe tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence = Strong north-west winda; fine and ory cold to-night sand Friday. Special Notice On account of the de- lay of our Miss Camp- bell returning to the City, we will not re- open our Dressmakirg Parlors until TUESDAY, February the 15th. Orders then will be promptly attended to. SPECIAL CLEARING SALE FANCY WAISTINGS In the lot are French Delaines, Wool Chalfics, French Flanne's, Crinkle Cloths, Albatross Cloths, Etc. We offer them in Stripes, Polka Dots, Paisley and Floral De- signs, The regular prices of these materi- als were 50¢ to 75c, | | | MARRIED, TOLLS-TOPLIFP-In Kingston, on Feb. 9th, 1316, hy Rev, 8, Sellers, Luella Topliff to Edgar Alexander Tolls. both of Township of Kingston the DIED. HAM-At Kingston General on Thursday, Feb 8th, only daughter of Mr Halley Ham, Morven, Hospital, 1916 Grace, and Mra aged twelve years. The funeral will take place on Satur day to the White Church at Morven: Napanee and Toronto papers ploase ROBERT J. REID, Th Loading Undertaker, Phone, , Price street GRAPE FRUIT This delicious fruit is growing more popular every season. We have just received a large shipment from Cubs, and the prices are very reasonable. Grape Fruit at... . Grape Fruit at Importers of Fine Groceries. IN MY TRAVELS I HAVE CO ACROBS A HIG grade Polished Brass Bed, suitable the finest roo: aL Sprang Turk's Store. one 760. AT THE POLICE COURT. . Two Cases Before the Magistrate on ™ . = Two cases come before Magistrate' Farrell, un Thursday. 3 The first yas a drunk. He admitted hin gilt, and also his sorrow. This young men Bghting on the street, but only part of the evidence was takes, a8 a wit- tees could not attend, The case was sdjourned until Friday morming. Cutting of Fee. The eutting of jez in the city, were socused of ! » + poe

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