The Daily EINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY SS YEAR 77-NO. 41 ° LOTS OF SNOW But the R.C.H.A. Men Came| Up Smiling. BIG DRIFTS ABOUND THE FORCE STARTED HOME. WARD THIS MORNING. Jt Will be Late When the Arvtillery- mén Reach the City To-night--A Foot of Snow Fell--Some ofthe Experiences of Thursday. Special to the Whig. Verons, Ont, Feb, 18.-~Men of the R.C.HA. are all well, in spite of the storm. Fully a foot of snow fell last wight, and big drifts stand through the camp. The men Ifave at nine oelock for Kingston, but, with the beavy roads, ean hardly get in before late to-night. Thursday's Events. Haoree Artillery Camp, Verona, Ont, Feb. 18. Yesterday was a strenuous day with out route march detachment a E. BURSTALL; Royal Canadian LIEUT.-COL. H. Commanding the Horse Artillery, of artillery. The right before was cold somewhat damp in camp, yet we all managed to rt good rest and for the work of next day. Re le sounded at the usual hour, ed with stables and d the lake district north. Toe place selected by Gemeral Lake in reconnmissance of the day before was Fourteen Island Lake. Here we were to deal with a band of guerillas, to our tactical scheme, and these marsudérs had evil intentions on Verons and our own camp and must net be allowed to escape our fon I rom the low ice of t lake the high hillsides srgunding the same the guns were quickly trans and given position. The Rute taken out and the = or action. Away ¢ in a we caught sight of the enomy fn the form of a big canvas sheet was to serve as a target for our gunners, and this was plac oh the ice of a distant lake. The Pango Gindeis were busy getting range the privates in preparing ther for action. Soon we heard the for No. 1 gun to prepare to Then came the command "fire." was 4 flash, a boom and away tearing through bush and careeriag over snow banks, then bursting over or around our enemy. Then came Nok. 2, 3 ard No. 4 guns who fied as ordered, whilst every body watched the course of the shells' marked their effect on the target away off. Crowds had gathered from the farms and villages arcund to see us play war and none went atay disappoint. The show was good and worth the effort to see it a hun dred times over, "After a sharp shelling of an DAILY MEMORANDA. eh hW Sydinham Bireet Me. ig hour Sa $ pm, Junior a Roy Rink ¥Fri- i vou uire nlp ar" w No Bio Ade 18 you Baition. hay ing. 'at the Palace Rink to gran, pers - uge, "The ® Satu wi aatarn drama, * 'Saved From GLASSWARE ve bave a most complete full CRYSTAL GLASSWARE. knows nq a glassware, 'Idetention are reported in-a eritical MAY FORCE IT- 'Laborites and Irish May with four 12-pound guns, we put our | guerillas out of business for keeps and | then limbered up the guns, put in the { horses and gallopel down the steep | hillside to the lake below, and « then | away oil over the ice following our | | galloping general for a run of twa miles more north lapding in one of the numerous small bays that sbounds in this section, It was now noon and the cooks built a fire and prepared lunoh., We were on active service | tions snd the nearness of the gay made us glad to gel "Lard tack" a hot tea. This was served to a Combine and civilian without stint, although the sivilian found the biscuit yon AND SEEK NEW VOTE struggled a he wiotasdud ¢%/ tele THE NEW CHAIRMAN OF LABOR better after the feed. While we were r eating the camp was alarmed with! PARTY the news that the main column of an! enemy was in the hills opposite amd Says he Learns Asquith Will Take thus, the hig quickfirmg 153-poumd| Office With No Assurances From Maxims were brought. into play. In five | [King--Won't Allow Budget to Come minutes, they were ready to fire, one | » shell gave us the right range amd we| Betore Veto, planted forty-eight effective shots in-| London, Feb, jo the enemy, routing them complete- Barnes, member of parliament for It was a pretty sight to see the! Glasgow, Blackfriars division, who Ah eo medhanism of these new two days ago was elected chairman wespons of distinction work, so besuti-| of the labor party in parliament, fully and effectively, and how easily threw a bomb shell into the political the primitive savage nature is stirred arena this afternoon in the shape of up in all of us. We delighted to hear | on manifesto, which, if acted upon, the noise, to mee the flash and watch | means the severance of the ties which the wicked shell teur off on its" mission | heretofore have united the liberals and of destrmiction. Had we been firing at | the lahorites. fellowmen we would have felt just as | «| learn," writes Mr. Parnes, "that pleased [ presume. We love this kill | Premier Asquith is to hold office with: I usinem Somningly iy we are lout assurances from the king with re 0 >» G0 IL. Alter a fe cannon has torn a oowrse through 'which gard g jhe yeith and tut are . civilization traveled nothing fo i xen' with a'ter Lue udgel. hs. pole o | That, of coyrse, will not be A 'good rest for the horses: feed {ceptable to the labor party. water, Sor them and: then "It means that the powers that he started back for our camp, some think the general election was not miles south, which we yous hed sufficiently decisive with regard to the four o'dock. Supper at six lords' veto and it involves. therefore, plenty of good, bot food, hgain put anathae slection before the question of everybody in the best of spirits. After |1h® fords. iy nsttled. 1 . supper the horses were fixed for the | M nother genetul ation = night, and the men began to look foo occur, we should have it as the best shelter for themselves. At possible. seven o'clack it began to snow and at It is stated the Irish and labor mem eight o'clock the big white feathers bers contemplate moving an amend- were falling so fast that it develo od nent to the address m reply 10 the intb a wild blizzard. Fires were flic king's speech, in which the issue of ing now, and it was hard work hl 1 rights of the Lords will be direct- ing 'them going. The pickets were onion Phe government Dress: we staggering over the snow and the |" e Ad Jive Sis ministerial reserve horses were soon'. covered with is and in the absence of definite informa- snowy mantle. At nine %'clock came Sen treat the hject as a grave cris the ration of hot bovril, which all = Sh lr. Barras sphutic appreciated, and just a few songs to ea an Bt gud the declored ateiter is ol show we were game, he came peace of Lue Nationalists one puper declares within the camp, and it was asleep in i Is Bow clear the governiiunt cqiunt thie beaurital Toc remain in office unless it takes a bold There is no sickness among men oi baie Lh hd Yuless i hae hie king ®. bmi, be Sho nt | Feveman's Journal decases Tre the soldier has captured the villager, withi pousibh a . Hos Sheesion To-day Sir Percy Lake will go ! oa h igh ight wegka nad eon north by train and at nine o'clock Jude that So {af ua the Ith are this morning we shall break camp and Soncurtied the sooner it comes the bet- start the march home, which we hope | The Central News states that the to reach about six this evening, bar- political situation has undergone grave 'hours. ~ the Trish na- tionaliate are urging Wpon the govern ment the supreme necessity, in their opinion; of , subordinating everything to the question® of the right of the House of Lords to use the veto pow- er. This they declare must be taken up first, 18. --(leorge M. veto is has i ac- and too, wa Six about with to soon as at noon, stay 'an hour for lunch, rest and feed: ing of horses. Then fourteen miles over snow-covered roads for home, and whilst we are pleased with the week's work, we shall all be glad ta see Tete de Pont Barracks and get within its walls. To-morrow we hope to be able to tell you how we made the foroed march of twenty-eight miles through storm and snow and reached home none the worse for a week in the north. (Continued on Page - Denounces Carnegie Pensions. Hitsburg, Pa., Feb, 17.--Rev."" Syl- vanus Haupert, pastor of tne West- minster Presbyterian church, in a ser- mon on "Our Deémominational Col: leges,"" characterizes as a bribe the | proposal of Andrew Carnegie to pen- sion college professors upon retirement | and said that it "was commercialism's ' Matthew Anderson, master blow at the church hecause of the steamer 1. C, Hanna, which rescued concitiors upon which the pension six members of the crew from the must be accepted." burning steamer Clarion last Decem Dr. Haupert said: "The Andrew ber, was handsomely rewarded by the Carnegie proposition to grant a pen Western Transportation company, sion to professors in our colleges on which presented to him a solid bronze retirement, and on the condition that ship clock, .inscribel as follows : the colleges, to receive this benefit, "Presented by the Western Trans must sever all their legal relations to | portation Company to Captain M. any religious denomination, is one of Anderson of the steamer L. OC. the most daring, subtle and alluring | Hanna, in grateful récognition of his temptations that has ever presented bravery in rescuing six of the crew itself to the church. Directly it is from the steamer Clarion while burn- commercialism's blow at the church, [ing on Lake Erie, December 9, 1909." and Tnditeetly it fs a bribe to get! Captain Anderson sighted the burn- Christian colleges out of the control | ing steamship, and at the risk of of the church, and to place them un- [himself and crew managed to get der the obligation and dictation of an [alongside and resene the six men iron king." then on the burning vessel. Library Added to Union Home. Colorado Springs, Col., Feb. 18. --At the Union Printers' Home, the li rary addition to that institution was form- ally dedicated, on Wednesday. The Union Printers' Home is the only in stitution of its kind in the world con- ducted by a trade union for the bene fit of its indigent and sick members, The value of operty is estimated at $1,000,000, i the "dition that was dedicated on Wednesday cost $30, 000, It houses the home's magnificent collection of books--12,000 volumes. A Noble Gift. Toronto, Feb. 18.--J. C. Eaton, pre sident of the T. Eaton company, has donated $250000 for the erection of the surgical wing of the main build- ing of the general hospital on College street. It will be erected as a memorial to the late Timothy Eaton, father of the donor. Patients to Death. Dallas, Tex, Feb. 18.--Four negro patients at a smallpox detention camp near Oklahoma City, were frozen to death, and mine others of those under Cannot Give Support. London, Feb. 18. --~John Redmond, the Irish nationalist leader, has found himself unable to guarantee the na- tionalists' support of the budget in case its increased whiskey tax is. re {tained, according to a report that | went the political rounds. 2 ) SAVED SIX LIVES. His Bravery Recognized owners. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Feb. by Ship- 18.--Captain of the TO CONTROL NEWSBOYS. Manitoba Attorney-General Introuuces Juvenile Bill, Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 18.--The attor- ney-general of Mamitoba has introdue- ed a bill to license newshoys ' and juvenile hawkers, setting an arbitrary age amd educational limit. It also em- powers the police to search and econ fiseate smoking materials and obscene literature found on children under the age of sixteen. A Family Concern. London, Feb. 18.--The German-Cara- dian tariff proposal is creating much interest here. The views of the tariff reform press are hotly combatted' by the government organs. The Chroni- cle, devoting a column to the usual alarmist misrepresentations, says there is no ground for anxiety, because Can- ada has come to a sensible arrange- ment with Germany. The Daily Gra- phic thinks the reconciliation all the more satisfactory because it leaves the case for interim imperial preferences untouched. Germany's recognition that preferences are family concerns, is a precedent with which other coun tries will have to reckon later. Henry Bawden and Robert MeCul- has been asked to fill a vacancy in the long'. were suffocated by lacquer fumes pulpit of the First Congregational in a fire in the Gurney-Tilden foundry church, Ottawa., due to the death of iat Hamilton. the late Rev. William Melntosh. Bibby's big sale shirts, Saturday, J. P. Thomson, of * the sires. Central hotel, Cornwall, will jeave Mullah™ is again on the fabout the frst of for > Somaliland. Uol., to reside. diet as a result of exposure. Rev. W. BE. Gilroy, Brantford, Ont., -- CANNIBALS NEAR PORCUPINE. Partly Eaten Human Remains Found Near Gold Fields. Montreal, Feb. 18.----A case of can- nibalism has been discovered in the new Porcupine gold fields. The body of a man was found just off one of the trails and several pieces had been cut off and the bones with the meat chew: ed off them were found near by. The names of the party who found the re mains and ail particulars are being kept quiet while the police are look ing into it. The party which found the remains took photos of the body as it lay. TEACH WOMEN HOW TO FARM. School Suggested to Provide Labor For West. London, Feb. 18.--Miss Binnie Clark, a lady farmer, hopes to raise £20,000 to form schools of agriculture for wo- men, In certain sections of Canada Miss Clark suggests that the dificulty of obtaining sufficient reliable hired la- bor eould be overcome by training the women to handling farm implements. She urges the establishment of gov- ernment wheat elevators in every wheat town, COL. SAM'S VOICE Parliament on the Naval Policy. IR. ~The Mr. Heard in naval debate Congdon, adjourmrment the way the Ottawa, Feb, was resumed had concluded at vesterday. He said that by who nol vellow press of Britain had received the news of Canada's trade under: standing with Germany was on a par with the way that it had manufaotur- od the Gorman war scare for purposes. Both were the wark. of panic-makers. "He did not believe that | Pritish trade had reason to fear Ger- | many. Col. Sam Hughes declared that the policy of the government was not to give money to Britain but to spend it im Canada and give it to 'the | boys." He declared that Mr. Cangden | had libeled the Britfsn army and navy. The government were weakening rather than strengthening the British empire with their naval policy . He declared that the American e- | bels"" were right when, in 1776, Wi | took up arms against Britain. He said that the United States and Great Britain could combine to preserve the peace of the world and would hike to see both Canadian and American gun boats training men on all the upper lakes with a view to joining forces in an alliance for umiversal peace. France, too, might come under this peaceful alliance a together, the three world powers could guarantee an era of peace and put an end tg wasteful expenditures in preparations for war. CONVICT INVENTS AIRSHIP. May Be Paroled in Order to Perfect It. Omaha, Neb.,, Feb. 18, --~Jadge | Estelle, of the district court, was no i tified by the state pardon board that | ii he will designate a suitable person | to take charge of him, William How- ard, a convict in the state ary, provement over any machine now nse. Howard tary tion of burglary. He was an inventor before that, He has in bis cel! mow a model of his proposed airship. The necessary financial backing for the mamwmfacture of his invention is sail to be promis ed, mi known as | A DOG BITE COST $50. Farmer Sued in Division Court For Damages. St. Catharines, Out., Feb. 18--Tt cost Herbert Cole, a Louth farmer, £50 to have his dog bite James May, another farmer. May sued Cole in the division court here. He said that consequence of the bite he was laid up for thirty days. He asked $2 a day damages for the time he was laid of Judge Carman gave May $60 dam- jas rin the zen of "health, penitenti- | will be paroled to enable him to! of drinking a lizar 1 in a glass of wat- perfect, his invention of a self-balane-|¢ ing aeroplane, which she prison au-| dead at her thorities are conviresd will be an im- | case is considered One in 1 5 1910. ATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. ' D. H. McDougall, superintendent of mines of the Steel and Coal compan ies, Bay, has been appointed as sistant general manager. Fhe Allan steamer. Grampian, from Liverpodd, Halifax, was reported eighteen miles south-east of Cape Race 17th. Woods, in the Southam inter- ests, has bought the Calgary, Alta, Waeekly News, and will-niake it a con- servative daily newspaper, The Ottawa board of control raised Capt. J. T. Graham to the post of chief of the fire department in succes sion to the late Chief Prevost. William Doyle, Moncton, seventeen years old, son of LC.R. Conductor John Doyle, was struck by a shunter he stepped from the car repair {shops and was instantly killed. I'he Regal Motor company will not start manufacturing ears at Walker ville, Ont., until Monday next. Al- reatly plans are being made an sacomd factory huild mg. Ine Inlawd Navigation company, Hamilton, will dispose of, its holdings to the Midland NN: avigation company. The consideraston will he $1,380,000 awl the cash will be paid over within 60 days. . Hubert Jubenville, Mcliregear, Ont. has nweived a personal letter from Nir Wilfrid Laurier ratilating him amd Mrs, Jubenville on their dinmond wedding ammiversary celebrated a week ago. I'he opposition of the conservation commission and a request from Mon- treal caused the St. Lawrence Power Transmission company bill to. go over to March 2nd. Hon. Clifford Sif ton thought the powers conferred by the bill to be very sweeping. The funeral of the late Mr. Middle ton, District Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Quebec and manager of the Buckingham branch of the Montreal bank was largely at- tanded.. The services were in charge of the Masonic grand lodge, The = bye-election, held dw € cotnty, Thursday, to fill the vacancy Quebee legislature, caused by the resignation of Dr. Lemieux, the former member, resulted in the elec tion of J. I. Perron, the government candidate, by about 600 majority. Patrick Denneny, a well-known citi Cornwall, died, on Thursday inight, aged seventy-three years. He was a fon of the late James Denneny, and was for over forty years a pro- minent lumber dealer. He was local lagent of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation company for fifteen years Residents of thickly-populated dis tricta about Walkerville, Ont., ere secking a system of rural mail deliv- ery from the government. Reeve Mo rand has prepared a petition to be sent to Hon. A. Lemieux, postmaster- general, who pronounced in favor of rural delivery before the last general election. Mrs. Lannen, wife of Walter T. Lan- nen, of the lientenant-governor's of fice, Quebec, iell on the street on Thursday night and expired. Mr. and Mrs. Lannen were returning home af- ter visiting friends, when Mrs. Lannen; who appeared to be in her usual good without a moment's warning, fell to the ground, and breathed her last before any assistance could be Glace for at noon on Fehruary J. HH. for cong f res ndefed. LIZARDS ATE WOMAN ALIVE. Reptile Swallowed Years Ago Bred in Her Stomach, Trenton, N.J., Feb. 18.~As a result 'Ida Dyeson is this city. The of Ha "most peculiar in medical history. Doctors wr ten vears ago, Mrs, home in | declare that the scaly reptiles breeded was sent to the penitan- fi from Omaha in 1907 on convie- | ous in her stomach and became se numer: that they practically ate her | alive. A post mortem examination led 1to the discovery of the cause of her { death, which was at first believed a mystery. About ten vears ago Mme, Dyeson informed her husband that whe belicv- od she had swallowed a lizard, as she felt something wiggle im her throat after she had swallowed ghans of water. A physician was co) 'sulted, but he could find po trace of t & reptile. Since then Mrs. Dyeson had teen an invalid, but her symptoms dicated vo particular disease. On nunjiérous oocca- sions she insisted that her stomach was full of lizavds, bat her dedara- | tions in this respect were believed to i be imaginary. Early last week the womaa could no longer leave her bod. Sie would not consent to undergo an operation, say- ing this was useless, because the liz ages. Must Stay Indoors. ~ Berlin, Feb. 18. ~The kuiser is suffer ing from a severe cold and his physi | cians have ordered him to remain in| his apartments. He was unable to at-! tend the annual meeting of the agri: cultural league. Half of Them Married. Salvation Army, announces that of the large number of women sent to Crunda two vears dgo quite half have | married Canadians, London, Feb. 18. Cal. Lamb, of tho) {ards would kill her within a short i time. | Although she was given. thie best of ourishment, she continued to waste {away slowly, Before her death she de- clared the thought of many reptiles in 'her stomach was worse thaw the phyai- Leal suffering. The physicians who = per. {formed the t morten Were suspris- led to find the reptiles to 'the number of fifteen. Some of these were #till alive, but a majority were dead. The (doctors declared it was remarkable Fe she survived for sach a length of Mrs. a was filty years of rifsh Whia_ a LEGISLATIVE GRAFT, Bridge Companies Were Blac Kmailed | For Three Yeues, Albany, N.Y. Feb -- Frederick Nixon's wits the third name that ator Benn Conger says Hiram G. Moe wrote on of the envelopes which carried 36,000 to the state capitol nine years ago to buy protection for the bridge companies. The name of the former aker of the assembly, an pounced Mr. Co nger on the st and, dompletes he. trio, Speaker Nixon's envelope, according to Senator Con ger, like Senator NJaotham PP. Ald', held ¥1,000, The Mpainder of the fund, $4,000, was in the engelope given to Nixon's leutenant, ASwgywas A FORTUN Jean Larue Burnett, A Missing Boy is Needed to Establish Claim. Sandwich, Ont., Feb A settle ment of a Michigan estate depands on the success of a search being made for John Clifford, formerly a student at Assumption her who disap peared about a half ago. A fortune, amounting ft ral thou sand dollars, the missing boy He and his brother, James, fictaries under the will of their lohn Lander. James is pow Southern Pacific railway Sens one AWAITS RIM. Is College, Year awaits bene uncle, with the are H. C. MINER Possible successor { OR ANRBY ate TO PLAY aN JUNE. The Minto Cap Matche s are to be Played. Whig Arranged Special to the Ottawa, Feb. 15.~The trustees of the Minto cup have fixed upon Saturday, June 18th, and Saturday, June 25th, as dates for lacrosse matches between the Montreal lacrosse team, challen- gers, and the New Westminster, B.C aggregation of eup holders ------------ Stunned Policeman. New York, Feb. 18. ~The explosion of dynamite bomb in the doorway of the house in Jammca owned by Os ear Catanzaro, a wealthy merchant, threw the neighborhood into a pani terday, and knocked down and stunned a policeman who passing. The officer was pleked up unconscious, but soon recovered, Catanzaro had threatening letters recently in Ulack Handers demanded 21,000 The explosion did little the buil several which received damage to ing. Bowery Tragedy. York, Feb with drawn revolvers, lobby of the Waverly Hotel, Bowery, yesterday, shot and Fred Devlin, a guest, who, when demanded money for drinks, able to priduce a dime, and then held up and robbed the clerk of the night's recidpts. Less than 310 all told was the result of the hold-up and murder I'he men ran out of tne hotel after the shooting acd a large force of de tectives was at once started or their tral 18 New does, Two despera raided the on the killed they was only out A Tramp Dropped Dead. Belleville, Ont., Feb, 1%.-A diel suddenly waiting room of the GG. T.R. station, here, early this morning. The man, who had been ar rested for intoxication, «1 by the polite magistrate He gave his name as A. and said be wae a farn tore by trade. He was fifty are. Alcoholism. abd ea given as the cause of dest! tramp in thy was discharg asterday Warne: Hisher of cars Toronto Typhoid Situation. Toronto, Feb, 17.- hoid rocond eomtinues to canse Seven new © reported norning, making a total for ary of 65. Twelve new diphthe were reported to-day, but the average #) far this month is about the as daring Felirua ary of last ve Killed in an Earthquake. Athens, Feb. A quake, to-day. shook Crete was o according to here 4 population of 1} island ie in a panic. The extent of the loss 13 not known, is believed to have been Toronto's ty alarm this Febru ri Cakes HS. WPT sane ar IR earth A village ternific vert advices Ww entire but it large. R ~ Sir Frederick Borden informed L. Borden that the cost of the Rainbow, purdhmesd from the sdmir alty for training purposes on the Pa cific const, would he £50,006; Mrs. Edward Toms, Nerwood, Oat died suddenly on. Thursday night of heart failure. Mrs. Toms had been in her usual good health all day and was only ill about ten minutes. The St. Vineet de Pan] Rociety hall on Shuler sirdet, Toromto, will be sold to the Sisters of St. Joseph for £30,000. Mutual Fire underwriters favored in. ™~ creased rates signinst farmers keeping gasoline engines in their burns, » LAST EDITION -- Ww EATHER PROBABILITIES, Ot Feb, 1% 10 am - } Upper St. Lawrences < old to-day and Sat Awa Valle Fine and : Ladies | es We beg to announce the arrival of the New We also want to emplasize that they will ag h that' they shed the dust, are light the fact crush, that they in weight, that they promise to be very iN) 1 a A ol id fashionable this* suinmer, that S . that ~ 1] we are glad to be able to sell they are 45 inches wide, { them at per yard, $1.15, i. Ia lighted This beautiful material comes all the new and desirable shades Our Great Wash Goods Department A goodly prospect of a de! summer is spread around our Wash Goods De- partment a4 prospect of sum- mer as delightful as dress can make it. Thousands of yards of beautl- ful Fabrics that pew or printers' ink cannot describe are here 8] for your choosing. We ask you to call and see them DIED, Kingston er home y Moiver, on Feb. 17th, 130 Victoria St. relict of the late ? ipeg papers please ate) on Baturday at Winr ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, Phone, 577. 227 Princess street have still on hand a small quantity of the famous "RICHELIEU" GOODS LIMA BEANS. TINY BEETS. TOMATO PUREE. SUCCOTASH. FRITTERKORN. SQUASH. SPINACH. RED KIDNEY BEANS, GUAVA JELLx SHRIMPS, JAPANESE CRAB MEAT. Jas. Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries. "Dull Times." People, don't be afraid to exchan money for good Goods as the good summer time is coming Prices will el atiffer. Examine our big Stock and 'rices A "dollar" looks good now. Turk's. "Phone 708. We For a Methodist College. Regina, Sask, Feb. #.-The Meth odist church has decided to erect a college here, at un cost of half a mil lion dollars, half to be spent o5 build ings this year. Mrs, late Rev. W. 2. Blackstock, widow of the Dr. Blackstock, died at To- ronto, om Thursday. She was the daughter of Thomas Gibbs, Oshawa. She leaves one son, G. T. Blackstock, K.C., and three daughters, Mr. Black. vock's husband and her son, T. G. Binckatork, KC. died about three years ago. Dr. Blackstock was pastor of the Methodist church, Napanee, st ane time, The estate of the late Mrs. J. Knox Leslie, Toronto, has paid to the treamiry department of the provinee of Ontario, $13,296 jn full settlement of succession dues, Rev. A. F. Carr, DD. .for twenty rears pastor of St. Andrew's Beast terian church, at Campbellton, NB, dead, aged sixty mix years,