DOUBLE COUPONS ALL THIS WEEK. To induce all customers to buy their Spring Goods early. We have decided to give Double Coupons on every dol- lar purchase instead of 1. If this plan is successful, we may extend it another week. "CRUMLEY BROS. You Pay lL.ess Here Mid-Winter Sale Still Going On. HRA. | md IY STATIONERY BARGAINS ON SALE TO-DAY. 0 Envelopes for 3 Writing Pads. Sale... 15¢ Writing Pad for.... be Scribbler,. Sale Price... 100 Linen Envelopes for..... Box Nolepaper and Envelopes for 10¢ 25¢ Linen Envelopes. sale. ....8 1 1b. Linen Notepaper, extra finec o Quality, value 50c. Now .. 20 26¢ Box Notepaper and Envelopes On Sale 2 boxes for 25+ See our New Patent Food Chopper, no Suiting. dise required, nicést thing on the market only "es Melntosh Bros. MANAGER, PERCY JESSE. We find we have a number of Odds and Ends which we are selling at Greatly Reduced Prices. It is well that Kin, stonisns, though sometimes in Know a good thing. ppreciaticn of + "MY WARDROBE" 1s nspicyo ry? wherever our high-class work is manifest. ote that ®y knees are removed without pain. In order to prove this we are to ng a three months' trial contract at $3.00. i For this we clean, press and do minor repairs to one sult or one § overcoat or two pairs of trousers each week. Batisfaction guaranteed. A. C. WAGGONER, The Up-to-date Taller and Gents' Furnisher, 'Phone 502, error, always | | Synopsis of Canadian North-West Land Regulations. person who is the sole head of a male over 15 years oid DEPT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE, OTTAWA, ANY SEALED TENDERS (IN DUPLICATE) family, or C and Fuel W Si eat the Military dings | a 0 thd yarn on tay, oo Jp tl pa Printed forma of tender he § A t ! nore, tell "at tan EE accompanied by accept If t Time ascepted the "cheque whi be nen and The Dx does not bind itwelf | A to accept the or any ro : 3 EUGENE FISET, Colonel. Deputy Minister of Militia and Eretonce; Ea ond Ottawa; February 4, 1910 ot Fhe Newspapers will not be pald for his | nis ~ advertispment If they insert it without uthority from the Department. IUNFOUNDED CHARGE! a Rochester, ge New Vigor For FEARELET oo. fand av DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MOXDAY.- FERRUARY 21, 1910. Hmusements. BLJOU TO-MORROW. THE FLOOD IN PARIS % 0 ture of the inundation ch cost §200,000.060 AGAINST YOUNG MAN OF ly ING A WATCH. A Young Lad Before Police Magis- | trate for Drunkenness--Ganan- oque Tigers Defeated Wormwith! Hockey Team in Extra Time. Gananoque, Feb. 21.--In the police! court, William Kane, a former resident } | tendia_ of Seeley's Bay, was arraigned, charg-| i en ed by a female resident of the town | with the theft of a watch belonging 1o| TENDERFOOT AND BAD MAN Miss Irene Lalonde, of Brockville. Miss ¢ 3 iis ie SO AE a Enis Lalonde was called as a witness in the | rice ally acted drama of the Boat ond cases and stated under cath that no West. . watch had been stolen from her, show- = ing hers in court. Kane was in cohse-| HOW "BOOTS GoT SQUARE quence, honorably acquitted. {A Ratiling Path Comedy in which » . Apother interesting case' to which | pair of roller skates cut a big figure. there will likely be further develop-| TO-DAY. ments in the near future, uiso came up| wremderfoot and Bad Man," "Dosley's for consideration. A voung lad pamed' Holiday" (comedy), "Fhe Imposter" Robert Latimer, under the age limit, jtamma 1 appeared on a charge of being drunk Auction Sale Hoel Fumie and disorderly. When asked where he! TAMERITT'S 137 WILLIAM ST, got his liquor he implicated two other ! WEDNESDAY, Feb. 23rd, 10 AM. voung lads, also under age, as furnish- | MR, ng the liquor to him. They in turn | aave implicated a local hotelman, and | nvestigation of the matter is being | Judgment in the case having! Walnut Parlor Suite, Water-color Jigs for one week. ? Phets hes Fancy ah des, Rugs, Caxvets, asy Chairs ritin desk an able Miss Sarah Lindsay, Leeds township, finer at EX. Table, ching, Cutlery, ed ite, Bureaus, Toilette are weiding - at Lindsay's Point, a short] { Focam Su 2 riul Heater, Favorite Range, Re- Jista®ce west of the town, is confined | frigerator, Crockery, Glass, Tiiware fo her home [rom the effects of serious | | ALLEN, The Auctioneer, jury received recently by a fall on 248 Sydenham St. Telephone 252. he icy pavement in town, one of her | eaves a wife, two brothers residing in Peterhoro, and one sister settled in that evening, in an excellent exhibition | 9 zame. At half time the score stood 2 2 02 and ag full time 4 to 4. Ten! Little Liver Pills. went to Lansdowne, Saturday, to ad-| ress the meeting of the Young Con-| wms being broken, and she being = wwise badly shaken up. The late Thomas Donohue, North] treet, Was Sixty-two vears of age; and | a life-long resident of the town, well mown and highly respected. Ho! SECURITY. New York. The funeral teck place this) 'morning, to St. John's church | The Wormwith Piano company's hoe-| key team came down from the Lime-| n tone city, on Saturday, and met the| Genulr uine Ligers of this town, at the Royal rink, | minutes extra time was ordered by the! eferee, and the locals in that time! iled up seven extra goals, winning by 1 to 4. George Taylor, M.P., accompanied by | Must Bear Signature of J. Roche, M.P., of Marquette, Man., wrvatives of that village, on Satur- Fee lay evening. J. R. Dargavel, M.P.P.,| ind J. W. Johnson, M.P.P,, Belleville, ! Bee Pac-lmile Wi per Below. rave addresses, Nor om Through the efforts of A. B. Bryant, Yaa ou Suny singston organizer for C.0.C.F. the ocal council has, during the past | nonth, secured fifty new members, The shareholders of the Gananoque Cemetery company, met, Saturday wening. The company purposes, in! pursuance of a by-law of the direc-| tors, to negotiate a loan of $1,200, 1 This consolidates the debt of the com-! pany and places it in good financial wndition. i In the Sabbath school competition] for adult Bible class extension, the fol-| 'owing attendances were registered for | February 13th : Gananoque, 110; King- ston, 107; Smith's Falls, 79. John Connor, King street west, con- AUR RICK HEADACHE. MONEY SPENT FOR GUNS. Would Reclaim Much Land and Pro- vide Many Homes, ined to his home by illness for the or ARYicnTture Wilson ast month, is able to be out. The new carpets for Grace church were laid the latter part of the week, | ind were much admired yesterday. This completes the decorative the interior, Mrs, Hyslop, of Toronto, daminion] In lecturer for the W.C.T.U., was the | When all the guns on all the battle quest of Mrs. and Miss De Witta, | {ships are shot one time, the govern Stone street, for several days last! emt blows in hoise and smoke $150,- week. PF. Stoliker, Wellington street, | 600. This would reclaim' 4,000 acres 'or some time employed by. the On-| of jand, giving Homes to more than tario Wheel company, of this 'town, | 500 farmers and their families. The left, on Saturday evening, to take a!money consumed in powder is lost to situation with the Chatham Spring| 41] future. The fat who luys the wd Axle company, operated by Gana-{ reclaimed land wst pay the govern- adque company. Miss Estella Adrain,| ment beek in years, so it does not recompanied by Stanley and Emma | oost the gota: anything to bui'd u e country by helping the Orser, South street, spent the week i far e should make more "homes andPaot so many fighting machines, andl at Brockville general hospital, with Mrs. Robert Orser, who has been ' undergoing treatment there for several Wa have numberless instances where months, f. Fraid, Montreal, spent the! (he construction of a railroad has ad- week-end at his home, Charles street. | vanced the value of farm lands from 210 to $50 per acre. We have also many instances where the improvement of the public roads has increased farm values from $10 to $50 per acre. Therefore, saying nothing about the relative comforts of a good road over a bad one, good roads are a splendid investment for the farmer. The laws (of the country should so Protect amd | encourage investments in railroad construction as to prevent the neces- { sity of citizens having to contribute to Fe MeL help build them. ¥ | were asked to Orillia is to have another big indus- | : try. 'The Tudhope * Carriage company | name the most effective way to check this country's growth, T would say haw denice 1a gor inte the manufac | stop railroad construction for a few Sergt. Michael J, Hare, of the Royal | Yeats: ad our country welll become a Canadian Dragoons, Toronto, died of | ono Mia Ses, 1 Seeret ary Leslie's | comfortably support a family of five. f1¢ costs $55,000 to make a 12-inch work ort | Sun, The mowey thar goes to pay for his gu would reclaim 1,571 acres of nd, providing homes for 196 people. Robbers Shot City Marshal. Oklahoma City, Feb. 21.--Cal, Perry, city messhal of Blanchard, a town 75 miles south of here, was shot and! seriously wounded in a battle ' with several robbers, who had thrown up the vault of the First State bank of Blanchard, The robbers escaped on handcars, A d0-acre farm of irrigated land will The People's Forum | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First fusertion le a word. Each cone . secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 25e.; three Insertions, Ue; six, $1; one month, $i. HELP-~WANTED. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MRS. R. E. Kent, 55 King St A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work. Apply, 52 Place D'Arms. ALSO A GOD ER- CARPENTERS, CARPE Apply, Coward's Boat rand lad Works. GIRL WHO JUST LEFT SCHOOL. | AP- "pt ly Mrs. Coward, The Boat Works, near Cotton MIL refer- letter, H( SRE EPH: A CAPABLE by ences required. Appl "LM RR," Whig o 106. GIRL FOR CLERICAL WORK IN AN A SI A 17 and 19 years of nage, one who writes (longhand) and figures well, Address, "Penman, 2 British Whig. BALESMEN FOR THE BEST AUTO- matic Sompetsed -air Hand Spray- er made; Ii ral terms; sample ma- chine free to Approved agents. Cavers Bros, Galt. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100. monthly corresponding for newspapers. No Sanvassing. Send for particulars, Press Synd! cate, 3,969 Lockport, NY TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT Sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay; work sent aay a. stange; charges Raid; send stamp particulars, ational Manu- facturing Co., Montreal. LADIES WANTED---GENERAL. ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, §1 Brock St TO RENT BY THE FIRST OF MAY, A five or six room house. Address, W. M. Burton, 1584 Alfred St, City... LOST. A PAIR OF GOLD EYEGLASSES LASY Wednesday from Alice to Grant Hall. Finder return to Whig office or Dr. Knight's. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. IMPORTED GERMAN CANARIES. IN Each bird is guaranteed se- Sonia songster or money refunded. Come in and hear them...W. Driver, Cor. Queen and Barrie streets. 'Phone $12. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. "OR INBURANCE. THAT INSURES, GO . to Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Marka 3 ware, ingston. Tele- '8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN- surance Agent and Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Street, Kingston. Telephone 568, IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Liberal policies and moderate rat in first-class T, Boon, Agent, 158 "We re street. 20. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK er. Put your invoices in an envel- ee with P one cent. stamp on It and drop } n the nearest letter box We do the rest nds of Fire Insurance placed a short notice hone 396. 67 Clarence St, Kings- on. LIVERPOOL. LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Jnsurance So any. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition lo which the policyholders fo security the un ited Mabie of all the stockholders. rm and city property nsured at lowest possible rates, fore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & 'Strange, Agents "Phone, 325. ARCHITECTS. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. King street. 'Phone, 345. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARC and residence, 151 HENRY P. 288 ITECT, OFFICE Tniversity Ave. HORSES TO PURCHASE. I WILL BUY all kinds of horses. Will be In Kin ston for the entire winter, L A Jenkins, 687 Princess St. Tele~ phone No. 360. TO RENT ANYTIME BETWEEN NOW and May 1st, small house, with modern conveniences; downtown district preferred, Address, Box 131, Whig office. FURNITURE COVERING, ETC, DONE by the day at customers' homes. For further particulars, Snguiry at 23 Ontario street, or calls will be made in response to letters. HOUSE, IN GOOD CONDITION, NOT less than § rooms; modern conveni- ences: verandah or balcon re. ferred. Apply,' Geo. B, ay, Bank of Toronto GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman. ship guaranteed to please. Press ing and repairing e on the Shortes notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St. wext Bibby"s Livery. in} OSTROPATHY. ROBERT GARSIDE ASHCROFT, D.O, Edna Karle Ashcroft, D.O., Gradu- ates of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Missouri, 405 Princess street. "Phone 447. Neo charge for consultation and litera- ture regarding this new manipula- tive treatment, "Health. Without Drugs." HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, BRUNSWICK HOTEL. ONTARIO ST. opposite G.T.R. station, one block from C.P.R., on street car line; lately remodelled; charges moderate; special rates by the week. John Cousineau, Prop. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW open. Service A La Carte. Open day and night, Up-to-date service at popular prices. Private dining room. Entrance on King street, next to Slbaon # Red Cross Drug store. Con. Haag, Prop. New Jewellery Just Arrived To tell the story plainly Some Receat typhoid fever HAVE A GREAT MANY. tonchouse, formerly of | George LE. Toronto, was) accidentally killed at | tmpogters Flourish and Multiply in! City of Washington. | wot: Post. ! | If any city in the United States has {more than ite share of thorough- | | bred imposters, it is Washington, | where they flourish and apparently | multiply, and they are of every known type and variety. One can} find men there who will represent themselves to he almost {within the 'Brain and Body Comes With Every Dose of DR. A. W, CHASE'S NERVE FOOD, When you wee Dr. A. W. Chase's bilities, and impossibilitics Nerve Food" you are doing good to thet catch wou when you ng. ey coll and tissue of the human | nl iow roe an' official a The heart beats stron the nerves | the Smit ian Institution walk- | of the stomack do thn part | in mak- {02 in the surrounding mall ove ing digestion better, the liver, kidneys | dav, and grasped an opportunity to and bowels are hetied in action tell his tale of woe, representing _him- and you are certain to feel better in | self to be a friend since Sevhood every way. days ol distinguished Gonfsderats . a Ni genera his wife. As the gen-| ae Be. Chasers Norv Food sus Sout. wie wa - sh. rskieg om Washington, and was a personal ant it jroat fr alin. There is sbund- | frivad of the official, he took the | But do you want to take the risk of ! {fellow to her, ith a 'view to! helping the unfortunate, providing | ea {neglecting the earlier indications wolfe on voauind' Mrs, Goveral con- trouble, Liveried with Wm for a few wo | ments, and then remarked: : "Well, sir, you remind me of a , "You "and it and truthfully, we have Just passed into stock some of the Choicest Pieces of Fine Gold Jewellery at the most Moderate Prices ever displayed in the City of Kingston. Rodger & Wright 847 KING ST. Marriage Licenses Issued, Successors to F'W. Spangenberg Wholesale and Retail. i : Chicago Daily News. Pols ¢ ustomer--What's the price New ok Tvuty-five cents, fifty cents and $1. Possible Customer--But why the dif- Harenics in in prices 7 All the oranges you have look the same to me. New Clerk--They are the same, but 78" the prices | have named are for half, one and two dozen lots. WAL, NEWVLANDS & BON, ARCHI- fasts, ete Off} ce, 258 Bagot street. "Phone, 608. Y POWER & BON, ARCHITECTS. MER- chants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division St, for reasonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. All work done promptly. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R MAYELL Carpenter and Joiner, 2¢2 Sydenham street north, for reasonable prices on all kinde of jobbing. All work done promptly and neatly, ries MEDICAL. MD. CM, MRCS. BL ag ), consultani fice hours, 10 to 13 BS king Bt. E. "Phone 7% J. F. SPARKS, BA, MD, PHYSICIAN and Sargeon, Foo Wellington Bt Office hours: 10 to 12 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 'Phone 386. 2to 4 DENTAL. BPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS 3 Princess St., Kingston. 'Phone DR. C. ©. NASH, DENTI J. Gibson aaslatant, 1 Ph Street. 'Phe BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE; ANYWHERE, CAN STAR? a mail order business at Joma, Ne canvassing. Be Io boo, Tet. fen nd for fre Heac Tells how ock, 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors. law Office, 79 Kingston Clarence St., missin Established 1866 We have to meet all demands. Clean, dry and bright. burning it. Are you ? ST LAWRENCE CANALS, CORNWALL CANAL. 7 NOTICE 18 HEREBY QgyEN THAT the yo awali Canal will unwatered (ednesday. March 30th. 1918, and with not a refilied until Friday, April 29th, 1910. By ovder, W. A. STEWART, Superintendent of Operation. Cornwall, February 14th, 1910. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it Fotirteen Pa Td tdi , were relessed om a writ ET -- Tons of It In all the sizes--Egg, Nut, Stove, 1000 Wik BUCY 'A SEVEN Ri brick house on Albert Street; water heating; modern imprsve- ments. novsr oN fine rooms; ogra $1000 FOR A FRAME Division Street; 101; easy terms, $4300 WILL BUY A NINE-ROOM brick dwelling: all improvements; ood barn; situate on Johnson St. F. Bond, 18 Clarence St, TEN PAIRS OF LARGE SNOW 8 Hom, Loe $2 per pair at ON ESO ND. HAND MANURE a read n good a Raves Tal horses oa cotta oy 128 Clarence street. LAUNCH, 21 ft. x 6 ft ot ed, GASOLINE I np. 112 miles: sant ite "edt. oak finiahed re engine order; Pix NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE ry At Raters cash. 8 Her, bert Street. containing 8 nd ¢., hot water eatin Higa hardwoed 8 Host g ¥ 19 Address, ha yg hie Sri. os NEW MILK SLE 3H, A XEW bp sleigha a secon: ery Eh Sis SERIES and cutters. newly paint James turney, 330 Princess street, T0 LET. A BRICK HOUSE, Six ROOMS, No. 198 Bagot Street, PpRi to A, Me- Mahon, 87 Earl Street. ONE FRONT ROOM OFFICE A King street. Centrally loeat ply J. P. Forrest, Gents'. Fur DWELLING, FURNISHED AND furnished, Stores, Btg for niture, ete, McCann! a, a Brock, King street. A NICE 7-ROOM ROUSE IN THE northern part of city, at $7.00 per mouth; possession at any time. "R. Chas. Bell, 171 1-2 Wellington. | FOR UNEXPIRED TERM, SIX. ROOM: house, newly bath, gas, etc. will also sel ture cheap. Apply 97 "Stuart St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE 5, mo dry, airy rooms, "lock '20a reof, your own post' s City Storage. 3 hone jo. BRICK HOUSE, 27 DIVISION STRERT, cor. q lgrey, at present occupied by P. Sm architect; -m Koughton's office, for last § Dela FROM MAY 1st, THE ROOMS I May For particulars, apply Dwelling on Wellington St, oe axe occupled by Dr. Baker, O'Brien, 87 Union St Apriy to C. Livingston & Co., Broe] FOR SALE OR TO LET, _ HOUSE, ' 247 modern rooms. BROCK STREET: impre ADDI, 219 Brock BOARD AND ROOMS. J COMFORTABLE ith boa > aad ecg ol i ented and Als 214 Unpeiord od PERSONALS. MRS. HEROD, GRADUATE MASS recommended by the leading ph clans of Kingston: face and Colca shat ho, ) manic edicure. specikl evenin t F 'W.C.A., 196 Johnson 8 My . HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMA warts, ete, removed perman without scar. Twent yerience. Dir, Elmer J. fak id tar, Nose, Throat and Ja ishe Specialist, 258 Bagot st AIR DRESSING PARLOR, 109 BR face Jnassage. manicuring. eh 'Phedr. scalp treatment, n alr dressing, BUDEHINOUS, removed; satisfaction uaran 3 appointments phened ore (59) will receive prompt en 3 3 a great many tons of Pea, sufficient Hundreds of homes are "HIGHEST GRADES ---------- GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OlILs FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETC. 2) | + vl: $e GCP PE SE W. F. KELL Toye's Building, Kenors, by Onld : od tho Dish palive Hh mite, SE i 3