Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1910, p. 5

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pu | Important New Novel THE KINGDOM OF SLENDERS WORDS A New Novel by Hallie irmipie' Rives, By the unusual power of her previous novels-- "The Castaway," "Hearts Courageous," apd "Satan Sanderson'---Miss Rives made herself one of the best knpwn American women writers of fiction, This new story is laid among the American official set in Tokyo, where Hallle Erminie Rives has lived for several years, and where her husband, Mr. Post Wheeler, is attached to our Embassy. By far the author's best book. Pictures by A. B. Wenzell Price, $1.10. For Bale by R. UGLOW & COMPANY, 141 PRINCESS ST. _ The Sweep Sale Coats and Skirts CONTINUES. Only a Few Left Warm Winter Coats for $1.00. Former prices, $4.50 to $8.00 Ladies' Tweed Skirts for $1.98. Former prices, $3.00 to $5.50. Girls' Tweed Skirts, $1.25 and $1.75. Former prices, $2.00 to $3.00 Ladies' Cream Lustre Waists at Half Price. Ladies Embroidered Lawn Waists at Half Price. Ladies' and Girls' Wool Gloves, In Navy, Cardinal, Black and White, 12 1+2¢ and 15¢ Regular prices, 20¢ to 30¢ M. Spence, The Leading Mil- linery Store. » 85719¢C 'T0 URGE ON COUNCIL'AT POLICE COURT WANT |THE WISDOM OF IMPROVING : THE CITY BUILDINGS By Heating Them With Steam and | Making Structural Changes--To { Endeavor to Have Board of Edu | cation Quarters Established There. i! i * The city property committee is {ing to urge the city counsil to a sufficient amount of money {put steam heating in the portion the city buildings that are { heated by stoves, and to eastern wing and Ontario hall {well, utilizing the latter either as a jeity eouneil chamber or as quarters ior the board of edueation. The gpes- ition was considered at yesterday af- |ternoon's meeting of the committer, which had before it a report of | the ieily engineer giving estimates of the probable cost of putting in steam (heating. The committee was agreed {that the present stoves placed. They are costly, unsatisfac tory and unornamental. | The shiner advocated steam heat- {ing as cheaper than hot water and also. as good. By abolishing the (stoves now in the building the sum fof ¥21f a year. would be saved in fuel and insurance. This is equal to a eapital expenditure of $4,750. | To heat by steam all portions of { the building not pow heated by hot | water would cost $4,722, which would 'he within the capitalization of the {amount that would be saved in fuel and insurdnse. Leaving oat Ontario {hall and the janitor's quarters would | cost $2,856. To heat only the down- stair portion would cost $1,500. The renovation of the offices would cost $973, according to an estimate made several yearf ago by Architect Newlands, The committee decided to ask council to grant it permission to engage an architect to give an esti mate as to the cost of converting Ontario hall into quarters for the city council or the board of education. It was the opinion of the members that a complete job should be made. If it was possible to get the board of education to thange 'its guartess to the city buildings it should be done, 'They couldn't sce the wisdom of keep- 'mar #0 much unused space in the ty go vote to of still as February Furniture Sale Everything Reduced. Big Reduction in Parlor Furniture. Buftetts, worth 875....... Now $63 Buffetts, ,, Sideboards ,, Sideboards ,, Sideboards |, R.J. REID, $28. . Lamp user one a Rayo VIWAYS «+++ Now $30 +++ .+ Now $23 $7.50. +» Now $6.00 buildings and paying rent and fuel account for the board of education uptown. Jt was decided to appoint Alds. Graham, Harrison and Hoag to wait upon the board of education and discuss the question of removing its quarters to the eity buildings, if the necessary provision was made there. CELEBRATED ANNIVERSARY. | Granite Lodge Oddfellows Held a "Smoker." The fourth anniversary of Granite lodge of Oddfellows was fittingly cele- brated by the members on Wednesday evening by the holding of a '"'smok- er," which proved a most enjoyable affair to the many present. Music was provided by McAuley's orchestra, ard songs were contributed by W. E. Bassam and John Ingles, but the most part of the evening was given over to progressive euchre. Henry Hunter suceceded in carrying off the ighest honors in this amusement. hoi refreshments were served, and sveryone had a jolly thme. Granite lodge, which is one of the youngest lodges in the city, is most progres sive. The membership is on the in- crease, and in time it promises to be one of the banner lodges of the or- der, B.A. Hotel Arrivals. Addison A. Pegg, Toronto; C. Rich- ardson, St. Mary's; L. Glover, W. Plackgrove, Toronto; Mrs. J. 8. Ross, Montreal; Geo. A. Barrager, Belleville; A. J. Williams, Montreal; Chas. E. Stewart, Toronto: i. A. Robinson and wife, Mrs. A. Robinson, Gananoque;" William Gibson, Spring brooke: Arch. I. Harshaw, Geo. A. Cliff, Napanee; Wm. Walsh, Toronto; #4. A. Boswell, Montreal; Thos. D. Fal- lon, Cornwall: F, G. Scace, E. Barn- bam, Toronto; A. T. Flostroy, Now York: T. R. Mallory, Frankford; J. W. Ball, Toronto; T. Russell, Mon- treal; T. M. White, Frankford; A. FE. Kentleson, Geo. Gillingham, Toronto; W. J. Bartley, F.. A. Jackson, Mon- treal; A, MacDonald, w York. Hall & Parlor Heaters When you require a Base-Burnper, examine THE "ARTGARLAND & ART "AMHERST Acknowledged the best Stoves made. Sold Only at PRINCESS 5 {ELLIOTT BROS." | Everybody Who Eats Bread Insist un your Baker wrapping his Bread tn : EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS We are the original manufacturers of "BREAD WRAPPERS in delivery from the a now used by Leading Bakers, Ottawa, Montreal and other CN Supe Party. A surprise party consisting of fifteen couples, visited the home of Miss Gertrude Stoness, I'l Bagot street, on Tuesday evening, and was most hospitably entertaingd. Games, music and supper were enjoyed by the merry- makers. Pencils and stationary of all = des: eriptions must go at Weese's fire sale. Hysterical Tendencies Are They on the Increase in the Young Women of To-day? One daughters, by denial of the sim- Apler modes of living of which onr grandmothers flourished, are devel: oping into mere bundles of nerves. In this brief, but all too true, conclusion Mrs. 8S. E. Powers, well in Bridgeport, proceeds to no responsibility resis greater force upon parents than that of fortifying the over- strained nerves of their children by a judiciously selected tonic and careful diet. "My third daughter had just finished her High school course. She gave signs of repose--lacked seli-control--was nervous--irritable and very high strung. She had formerly always shown excellent - temper and judg and these outbursts of im- and temper clearly indicat remodel the | thould be re- of absence | There THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1910. ANOTHER ASSAULT CASE AIRED TO SEFORE MAGISTRATE. IMPROVE PARKS OF THIS YEAR. i Mrs. Tozer Was Fined One, Dollar Parks Committers to Ask Council for and Costs for AWacking Mra. £2.500--It's Remarkable How i Florence Brotherse--How One Row Well the Parks Have Been Kept Led to Another--Young Man was! With so Little Money. Dismissed. {| The civic paris' committee wants £2,000 for the parks this year, and at its me t.ng, yesterday afternoon, cialed to be nervy, and ask the city council for that amount of money. All. Reat brought down the parks budge. and submitted it to two of his flcex, Alds. Bailey snd Armstrong, who declardl that $2,500 was little enough money with which to keep the five hingston parks m good or- der. : Ald, Kent stated hat the Ontario Horticultural Association advocated the appointment of park commissions in cities and towns, because a oom- mission is entitled to one-half a mill on the assessment of the municipality with which to maintain the parks. If Kingston had a park commission, the city counvil would have to hamd over to it the sum of $4,500 this year. But Ht basa t the Gonumission; aint 80 the committee of which Ald. Kent is the honored, eficimt and painstaking chairman, will have to struggle away with less than half of that amount. Ald. Ba'ley said he couldn't wunder- 'stand how the Kingston parks were the | kept ro beautiful on the small sum of "$1,511.35, as was expended last year. The appropriation should at least be doubled, Abi. Kent sav] that a coumecil was { liakle to starve the parks in order to kep down the expenses of the civie : : gove: nment. He didn't think that tlis said that she did not see any blows |... a wits plan, It was recognized struck. : : : | that weli-kent parks encouraged people Ths magistrate said that he had no | to kesp nice lawns, doubt that the assault had been com- | This year the committe would like mitted, and he then imposed a fine of 4 cract three lamp posts along ths $1 and costs, or ten days. | erment walk running through the city A young man, arrested a few days park from Wellington street to Stuart ago, on a charge of having procured | street, and remove the: present asc liquor for a member of the "prohibit- | li ht. in the ceatre oi the park. Theee 3d list," was discharged, as the evi- | gueh lights would be better than the dence was not suficient to convict {gue large one. The cost of 'the instil him, | lation would be about #850. The folin {tam in the sume park is in need of | repairs, ond the chairman would like ---- {to have a eentre figure placed in it Alexander McDougall, of the Kings-! Four wns for flowers would also im ton Shipbuilding Company. { prov e the fountain. A drain on the Citizens are naturally interosted in! West street side of this park is alo a this vear. Last year a drain the composition of the pew Kingston necess.ty : Shipbuilding company, which has! W2% put In the Barrie street side, leased the government dry dock, { In the police court, on Wednesday, {| Mrs. Florence Brothers was accused of | assault. In the police court, on Thurs i day morning, she was plaintiff in a similar case. She charged Mrs. Fliza- {beth Tozer with assault. The latter, 'was found guilty, and fined $1 and | costs, amounting in all to $3.75. Mrs, | Tozer is the grandmother of the little | Tozer girl, who was assaulted by Mrs, | Brothers and the one row appears to {have led to the other. i When arraigned on the charge of assault, Mre, Tover stoutly denied the charge. "There was no such a thing, sir," she said to the magistrate. "1 spoke to her about my little nieces, and she said that she would serve me the same." Then the story of Mrs. Brothers, the plaintiff, was heard. She said she was employed at the cotton mill, and: that when she was coming out of the mill, on Monday night, Mrs. Tozer grabbed her by the throat; she had to protect hersell, and so grabbed Mrs. Tozer by the hair. ! "That's all false," eried out accused. Amelia Smith, a witness, said that she saw Mrs. Tozer grab Mrs. Brothers by the throat. She tried to separate them, but did not succeed unt other woman came to the rescue, Emily Andrews, another witness, an WORTH SEVERAL MILLIONS. and! oe Plas A which is asking éxemption from taxa | Hoc key Player Reported. tion. One of the leading members of | 1h's morning six citizens who attend- the Kingston company is Capt. Alex- | ed the junior hockey match Wednesday ander McDougall, of Duluth, president even ng, went before J. 1. Whiting, of the Collingwood Shipbuilding com- | coanty crown' attorney, and made pany, limited. He left Collingwood afdavits regarding the strong and in when a young man and soon became sulting language used during the game a prominent lake captain. His last, by McGiffen, cover point and captain active sailing was a® captain of the of the Toronto Simcoe team. MoGif steamer Japan. Later he became fim was penalived seven times during commodore of the Anchor line fleet, | the game. Buffalo, and some years later he lo-| Referee Steacy reported the player cated at Duluth, where he became a ani enclosad in his letter the affi- contractor in unloading and storing davits taken voluntarily by citizens all materials for construction of the about MoGiffen's conduct. No doubt Northern Pacific railroad, which waa 10 O0.H.A. excoutive will look Into then being built. He then patented the the matter at once and in the face of whaléback ship and Bilt a large ship- the evidence withdraw : the fending yard at Superior, and built and man. Player's permit. ; aged a great font. hips, Previous} Working a to the merger of vessels and shipyards ing : : he: was the leading shipbuilder and] 'lite a iarge Rall of me i a Bt shipowner on the great Inkes, He sold Work on the which DE eS doe Th She merger companies and then forr the opening of navigation. D . : a Be Ee eo au ai Uh shea owner Diwan Jo Se poe there, at his old home town, Besides Eh it will. be one of the be this enterprise, he is a prominent man i... on the line. It will take the and director in many Jarge and flour-| ee of the steamer Islander, which iehing enterprises. He is an authority was used ont of Clavton, and which in the United States on waterway im- cy prey to the flames last sum- provements and features concerning in- . land lakes and river navigation. He, it highly respected and well known for] t the Temperance Lodge, er a Me Sebongall ia a TY Victoria logo of Good Temp very wealthy man, being worth several Iar held ite usual session on Tuesday million dollars, and his active inter- * CN, the Orange Jall, and est in the Kingston Shipbuilding com- ight new members joined. The pro . 2 rramme Pound Night, with a pany will be of considerable value to gramn g : his eit auction, and a good sum was this ety. troalized. The lodge will visit the { Hope of Kingston lodge on Thursday, { the programme being military. mio ™ mer. in was mock DEATH AT MORTON Of Mrs. Manwel, Aged Resident of Purchased a Schooner. Fhat Village, Capt. Joseph Fagan, Belleville, wall Morton, Feb. 23.--There passed away |known In this city, hag purchased the cn Tuesday, at Morton, a much re jichooner Liste Metzner, owned spected resident, in the person of Mrs. {parties at Picton. The Metzner Manuel, at the age of seventy-four formerly owned by Herry Daryaw, years and eleven months. The deceas-|this city, and was rngaged in ed lady was ill for a couple of weeks,| feldspar trade for a long time. but. was confined to her bed for a week. General bodily weakness devel oped heart failure. Her only sister, Mrs. Purcell, of Ottawa, died on Feb i runry l4th, and the remains were placed in the vault at Elgin on the} 16th. The late Mrs. Manuel is sus- vived by a brother, one son and two daughters. Her brother is Thomas} Merrill, who lives near Seeley's Bay. | Her som, George Manuel, lives at Ed monton, Alta. Her daughters arel Mrs. R. H. Somerville, 115 York street, Kingston, and Mrs. M. E, Marsh, of Morton, with whom she liv od. The funeral takes place on Thurs day afternoon, to the Presbyterian church. by wins of the FREE PILE GURE Sent to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyramid Pile Cure. ' What it"Has Done for Others, it Can do For You. sarnival Palace Rink. i > ou val vening 'a' sucosssful| , We have testimonials by the hun. k rein ro : 7 Palace rink | dreds showing all stages, kinds and sacqival etl. The Tink wae degrees of piles which have been cured drew a large gos by Pyramid Pile Cure. beantifully Jecorated with Sag, bust. If you could read these unsolicited ing and color ghia, and euaired | letters you would no doubt go to the a very putty Sesh We to he fine DeBTest drug stores and buy a box of ausie: furnished by the '14th band. Pyramid File Cure at once, pricy fifty 3 : . : : 15. were about 300 skaters in cos: "We do not ask y i yh i e ¢ you to do this. Send tume, many wi ad _ or 1 Four us your name and address and we will ai J first lady's prize sshd ou a sample by mail free. » . a ¢ know what ris 3 bandsome silk wabiella, a Sin will do. In many cases it has cured Phylis Patvis, as hgh a solid! Piles without further treatment: If it and fret Sout og Pr Foster as | Proves ita value to you order more cold # oth : 3 is or "| from your druggist, at Ble. a box. Bit as tn xf the Tout ane ang} Th: ia lair, is & wot 3 Simply ll out snccessfu » Pe f il , the people tly o ted it, ree coupon below and mail to-day xo fr . No knife and its torture. Real Debt is $208,100. On ! doctor and his bills. he water works assets ate $322,287. | 4 a A EO Mabilifh: ar ui | FREE PACKAGE _couron. down on Dec. 3lst, 1909, as $235 088 - i] Fill out the blank lines below with 67, tho real debt of the plant i re- (| oon, Ramp Sed adden. om ou by the unpaid debentures, '§ Hic; COMPANY. 241 Pyramid Bidx. to $208. | Marshall Mick =A ssmpie of which at present amount Cure will MORE MONEY SEAL de- | | machine was declared to be about package | gland 5 few PAGE FIVE. ™ ED LEAD PACKETS ONLY : i METHODIST PASTOR MI! Committee © Will Enquire--Selling Furniture to Pay Debts, Windsor, Ont., Feb. 24. ~Rev, David Hicks, pastor of the Methodist church | at" Gesto," Is missing. He Heel | absent for the past three or _ four | days. He debts that will reach | $1,000. A committee of inquiry, | posed of three clergymen from the | Windsor district of the London Metin dist conference, has been appointed and will meet in Essex to investigate One object of the committee witl to trace $210 in church funds, repre senting the entire givings of the little congregation for last year. Mr. Hicks is not a regularly ordain. | ed preacher in the London conference He came from England several NG. 4 i § i has has com be purposes | missionary i i years | All Kidney and Bladder Vanishes, It you take several doses of Pape's | Diuretic, all backache and from out-of-order kidneys or bladder trouble will vanish, and you will feel | fine, | Misery | distress | Lame back, painful stitches, rheuma- | ¢ism, nervous headache, dizziness, irri tability, sleeplessness, inflamed on swollen eyelids, worn-out, sick fe tine and other symptoms of sluggish, in active kidneys disappear. Uncontrollable, smarting, fre juent urination (especially at night) and all bladder misery ends: This unusual preparation goes once to the disordered kidneys, der and urinary system and distribu tes its healing, deansing and vital izing influence directly upon the gans and glands affected, and pletes the cure before vou reali | it | hlad- | or con PAYS KINGSTON FOR CARL. Does Not Want to Baild County le. fuge. { Toronto Telegram { Lennox and - Addington county has! ement with Kingston for the eare of its aged poor. By the pay-| ment of a weekly fee of 81.50 tol Kingston the county is pot obliged to] ma ntain g House of Refuge. The law explicitly states that er county | shall House of | tefuge ALLY counties must eonform to this regula tion by the But | l«nnox and { #0 county wits Kington] the instead and waited on Hon, W. J. Hanna to ask] that the law muke an exeeption in the | case of Lennox and Despite this arrangement with Kings | could | a refuge, an _ arre ery have a of this year. Addington wish to close con with Kingston tinue arrangement Addington. | ton any ratepayer in the county compel the the minister pointed out, council to erect Sut he Jost pro mized consideration of the will lay the proposition before the gov I'he deputation consisted of all the township reeves in Lennox and Addington, save two. req A 1 arnment, High Living Costly. Montreal Herald D. M. Campbell, the well-known « tle exporter, of this city, turned from a trip to Chicago he visited an automobile were 20,000 automobiles during the show. Taking $2500 auto the minimum original a sum of 850,000,000 recently show in Chicag as cant, there was mk, literally sunk, in the rich man's toy. | Mr. Campbell made some enquiries as to the average cost to maintair 1 the machine per annum, and $2,000 per the minimum. This represents some $40. 0.000 per annum on the 20.000 ma chines, The cost of the machines elsewhere | in the United States--New York, Phila- | delphia, Boston, San Francisen: and | hundreds of smaller cities and towns | must be fabulous, and at least of some contribution to the solving of | that haunting problem, the high cost | of living, ar as J. J. Hill observant: ly puts it, the cost of high living. Bright Eyes, Rosy Cheeks. That devrassing "used-up"' feeling and pallid face can be quickly ex changed for happiness and rosy checks hy a corse of Wade's Tron Tonie Pills. They Build up the constitution, mike new. rich blood, strengthen the nerves and improve digestion. Price 25 cents, at Melead's Drag Store ¢ Placed in Cataraqui Vault, The remains of the late Arthur Bpangenberg, who died in Belleville, on' Saturday Jast, arrived bere on Tuesday afternoon. They were met at the GTR, junction by local relatives intimate friends, and con iveyed to Cataragui vanlt, where the {eommittal service was read by Canon i Starr, An Atchison: doctor bas Tound & wo man patient who money, and imagines she has seven teen different diseases. : create gq seration when read iy court. And the sweetness of some Women { s nate or medicine, | made anywhere else in which will effect so | prompt jor any mer {that Pape, Th cinnati, thealthy { organs | eent where in the world has all sinds of | ary| The native purity and garden freshness of is preserved by the use of sealed lead packets. ago, and was accepted on the usual four years' probation. He is comple ting his third vear as pastor of the He is about forty years a wife and six children, there will be a sale of the furnituse felt by the wes ing pastor, and the procesds will go to satisfy his creditors. As pastor of the Gesto church, Hicks received 2500 yvearl, Gesto church old, and has On Friday household Resigns While Under Cloud. Albany, N.Y., Fei MM There wee rome anxious faces in the State cap ital when Senntor Jothem PP. Allds oped h's defence on the Conger brib- ery charges. The first sensation came at the very oping of Attorney Littletem's address. He ampmounced that Allds had fill with the clerk of the his resignation as president pro tempare of the senate A FEW DOSES END BACKACHE AND REGULATE OUT-OF ORDER KIDNEYS I'he urinary moment vou suspeet Any kittney or feel rhevma- tism pains, begin taking this harmless with the knowledge that there is no other remedy at any price, the world, thosough and a fifty cent treat Diuretic, which any order a ture nt of Pape's ax ms {druggist can Your bunker » agency will tell you & Pape, of Cin and responsible we oroughly worthy of phys pharmacist, Ompason x Jarge wn, th is dicine oc your conlidence Only curat wn come from fow clean, active, ahd urinary taking dave ! Diuretic, and & treatment means kidnevs, bladder and no backache Pape A only treatment cept Dinvetic--~fifty- wy drug store-anys 0040000000000 000000000 { Malaga Grapes Special Sale Loose 10¢ pound, Small Bunches, pound. Green pound. Tokay Tinted, pound, SUNKIST ORANGES. Grapes, © ® < © 3 ® Clusters, On the Corner : 0000000000000 0000090000 Makes th ROY A Brock and Wellington Stas. HM rience f the most ule | is al Chemists . pr of highest HILDBEN, IN. NVALERCENTS g gestion 3 of 10 give it a teind Send to-day for full pound package, post free, price 350, to Kenneih Campbell & Co. Established 1833, Montreal, Sona Botta doe £74. 125 cide Book ad Ma 5 3 W. H. Carnovsky, T PEPER Eres tereetete sn T. J. LOCKHART § Real Fstate and Insurance Money to Loan. Offic, 159 We'llngton 8t., King ston, . LAGRBERIB IBGE RIBETISe "It will cost $7,000,000," said part. ner Davison, with his head stuck through the open window of the taxi cab. "All right," said Mr, Morgan, who hada't heard it before; "go ahead and buy 2." HK must be a : { | It's a poor Jove letter that can't ind un of sgarconted pills, ak ly tp be married to nn man like that § 2 = Ek

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