¥ en I Trademark arantees three ings--full weight extra strength an delicious flavor. And the largest dis- tributors of high-class ee in the world are behind the "Seal Brand" Trademark. Ask your grocer for Chu al Brand Coffee Always in 1 and 2 pound sealed tins--never sold in bulk. 'omy 114 BACKACHE WILL YIELD To Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound ' Rockland, Maine. --*I was troubled for a long time with pains in my back and side, and was miserable in every go way, until I was dis couraged, fF about ble Compound, and {thought I would try it. After tak. | | ing three bottles I was cured, and a all my life. I recommend Lydia £2. ham's Vegetable Compound to all iy friends." Mrs. WiLL Youwne, 6 mbia Avenue, Rockland, Me, i che is a symptom of female i ins or derangement. If you have backache, don't neglect it. . permanent relief you must reach root of the trouble. Nothing we knowof will do this so safely and surely a8 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- nd. Cure the cause of hese dis- 8 aches and pains a ou will become well and strong. great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly pouring in proves conclusively that Ly i BE. Pinkham's - Vegetables Compound, made from roots | Bnd heb has restored health to thou. | nhl of Women, of rs, Pinkham, L M invites all sick oun 0 rie her for advice, She has guided thousan te health SPLIT, BRITTLE, PULL HAIR, . All Come From Dandruff, Which is Caused by a Germ. Split hair, hard hair, lustorless hair, brittle hair, falling hair, al] owe their | origin to dandr@ff, which is caused by a measly Jittle microbe that burrows into the scalp, throwing up the cuticle into dandruff geales and sapping the vitality of the hair at the root, caui- ing the several diseased conditions of the hair till it finally falls out. Modern science bas discovered a re medy to destroy the dandrufi microbe, which is combined in Newbro's Herpi- cide, the delightful hair dressing. Al lays itehing instantly and makes hair molt as silk. Take no substitute; noun dng "just as good." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Coy, Detroit, Nich. One dollar bots : te guarauteed, G. W. Mahood, spo- 1 doctored | and | bof thought. I. should | f never get well, J | read a testimonial Lydia EK | Pinkham's Vegeta. | never felt so weil | To | i 50c. per box, at all dealers. wena : COISEGE IF THEY C07 Disk AND TOBACUL. TO | ' | Bostonian Leaves Estate for Fducas tion of Idaho and North Dakota! ig i Youth--He Makes at Very Pain Proposition. Boston, Feb. 24-Any CUhrisian young man in ldako or North juakoia jean pow ; i by agrecing pever, so long as Le div : ito touch a drop of mtotreating liquol, | tobseco in suy I "other na cotive,"" i | i | | xm, or ri This premium on en abe emions ly. ing is provsded by the will of Charles Boteford, a Boston merchant, which {was filed' lor probate today. Mr Botsford left more than SI00000,] and or mak ny several minor charilabl hit orders that the risidus o extate shall go to cdacate the y of Idiho and North Dakota who! sige, the pledge. stipulat d, in life Mr. Dotsford was a strom zs ad- obtain a collie educat on free ¥ voeate of the prohibition cause. That coupled with the faet that a part of his life had been spent in the North. west his vo! The i bequests are also principally for benoit of temperance movements, I'he North Dakotans will be educa tied ni the Fareo College and tdnho youth will have their { paid for at the Idaho Putitute, explains CONS ES WHIGS FASHION HINT. i | { i PHOTO COPYRIGHT 1910 BY REUTLINGER EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT, NEW YORK HERALD CO. Old blue satin brocade coat trim- med with skunk fue: DRIVES LIQUOR FROM DIVES, Second Crusade Planned to District, Chicago, Feb, 21-To curb the gle {of temperance workers resulting from "dry" petitions and Mavor Busse's bam on liquor selling in resorts, the United Societies announce gn plan for a | monster parade in protest. Fully 30, {000 men, fearing Chicago eventually will go "dry," will march through the {loop district. The "wets" are de { termined to eclipse the efforts of tem- | perance marchers recently when Gen. | Frederick Dent Grant beaded the col umn. Mayor order, limiting the i sale of liquor to resorts holding city { licenses came as a surprise to the re | sort keepers. W.U. 1.0. crusaders prac 'tically had demanded it weeks ngo. | Resort ke holding liquor' licenses to-day made no secret of their plan to { furnish liquor to nnlicensed dives, thus wding efforts of the executive ban. was announced to-day, at the W.C. Abolish Busse' ers T.U. headquarters, that another march ' de- | {on the city hall will be made to | mand-the abolition rather than regu- lation of the 'red light" district. \ HAVE HAD A CLASH. {It is Feared Forces Cannot be Re- strained. Sofia, Feb. 24. News has reached here of a swions clash between the Turkish and Bulgarian frontier troops in the Tamnrish district in which seves ral, on both sides, were killed. No {details of the fighting have been re- ceived, Bulgaria has more than 40,000 troops massed in the Kostenpel and Dubgitzs districts and there is grnve fear they may commit some other act that will prepipitate a Purko-Bulgarian struggle before Bul- garia is ready ' for it. The govein- ment is unwestigating the outbreak. Loses Ten Million in Ol War. London, Feb. 24 Government lead ers have decided to hold in abeyance the raising ol Bie Villian Pearson to the peerage ord Cordray, pending the untangling of his financial affairs. Sic William Pearson, who is head of the great English engineering firm of lost $10,000,000 in contesting with the Waters Pierce Oil company for su "no quarter" and price-cutting will continue until one side or the other is ihila Had Bad Ear Trouble. The skin became hard and dry, feaused frightful itchiness and nothing % till Dr. Hamilton's Ointment ; it cured. Nothing known that is so healing, 0 antiseptic, so sure to alleviate all skin irnitation. 'Try Dr. Hamilton's' Ointment. yourself, The 8 sh government rently is grea re Prinched hy the Bevo of a widespread revolutionary plot. of suspec ing made Arrests being at, Lok Industrial In 8. Pearson & Son., hmited, last, year | in Mexico in the oil business. | Roth sides have adopted a slogan of ; Consumptio FT {ofa Rest, plain nourishing food, out-door life Stats Emulsion ALL DROGGISTS Send 100., » of , and fend fr pant ba SE SCOTT & BOWNE 136 Wellington St. W., TORONTO sen comp DAILY BRITISH. WHIG. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY Bs i ; #0 DARLING'S DARLINGS REACHED TAVE NOW NUMBER 28. Amityville Man's First Wife Had. {Thirteen (Rildren, While Second Has Had Fifteen. New York, Feb. 24.--Oscar Darling, of Amityville, believes in a large family. That he lives up to such a belief was proved when little Darling No. 28 made its appearance this week at the arvehitet's home. The fact that, there is such a new little Darling in the IMuling house is the only fact that the happy father will allow to get to an interested pub. fi. Whether it -is a bay or a girl neither he nor the attending dedtor will say. There has even been a ru- mor that it is twins, The. present Mrs. Durling is °° Mrs, Parling No. 2. She has presented ff teen small darlings to her husband since she forsook the name of Cathe rine Hamilton, when she was ninetéen {and Mr. Darling was forty-one. By, his ¢ NOT a useless intoxicant, but a liquid food of a palatable and enjoyable kind. 9 (LONDON) India Pale Ale A comparatively light bever- age, made from barley malt, selected hops and pure spring water, NOT charged artificially with gas, but allowed t6 mature naturally, : NOT pasteurized, but retaining the delicate flavor and aroma of hops and malt. BE NOT MISLED by New Brands, New Ways of Brew- ing, Cheap Methods of Cork- ing or Sealing. LABATT'S is to-day the Most Palatable of Ales and at the same time the Most Whole- some of Beverages. 13 first wife Darling had thirtéen chil dren, and most of the twenty-eight are living. He ig an architect, civil engi- noer and the snventor of a system of water supply, SALD THEY STARED, ~=Two Victims, New York, Feb, 24 -Two wealthy society 'and business men of Newark, N.d., were fatally shot by a negro on a Jersey Ceniral railway local train that was leaving Jersey City. The ictima weré Leslie H. Lord, thot 'over the beart, and Harrisen 8S. Highie, shot in the abdomen. 'The negro es caped. 'the negro, accompsnicd by a woman, accused his victims of staring and & dispute followed, ending in the shooting. LORD CURZON RESIGNS. Rectorship of University. 'eb. 24. --Lord Curzon of Kcdleston, has resigned the rocturship of Glasgow University. last week the univers tv stunts held a meetiny amd adopted a resolution bf cons Ive mg nat the lord rector for postponing his in- stallation ceremony in favor of po itical engagements. Lord Curzon then sent a letter of explanatioh, whereapon the students met again ini adopted for the second time a ol censure, ---------------- Priest Scores Y.M.C.A: Gives Up Glasgow Glasgow, his Vote Duluth, Mian., Feb, 24. --Father Tim- AGENT, James McParland 329-341 King £t. B., Kingston. othy Corbett, of the Sacred Heart ca- thedral, Duluth, bas made a stinging arraignment of the Y.M.C.A. The rumored remarks: of Father Corbett Had Heart Trouble. Nerves Were All Unstrung. Wherever there is any weakness of the heart or nerves, flagging or phy- sical breakdown, the use Milby Heart and Nerve Pills will soon produce a healthy, strong system. +444 Mrs. M. p- tell you &ddéddbidd TYTTYTYY | 3% 1h : $- for me. nerves were did me no s Milbum's feol better, so I continued their use until strong . hen I commenced piled weighed 125 hy 85 and have given birth toa lovely y daughter, which was's happy thing i family. When 1 commenced ta Heart Nerve Pilla, 1 without resting MeGann, b Debec Junction, N.B., pb writes:--"1 wish to . do my own work. I went to a doctor, and he told me 1 had heart trouble and that my unstrung. I took his medicine, as he ordered me to do, but it I then started to take eart and Nerve Pills, and had only taken one box before I started to were made in his discourse at the ca- thedral. "He said in part: "They ask you to barter the precious heritagé of twenty centuries for a: shower bath. Sons of the Church of Rome cannot 80 far forget their dignity as to become | members--inferior members at that--of this bunch" of 'pinheads. The church must not compromise with the enemy. She must conguer it. It is claimed the association is interdenominational, but that is not true. Sons of the Church of Rome gre admitted, not as equals, but as inferiors, and having no vote." Father -€o said the Y.M.C.A. was all right forfProtestants, but jot for Catholics, ¥ Helress to |] Birmingham, une Found. o Feb. 24.--In 1892 E. D. Ennis, Mvas a suitor of Mrs. Clauddie Vester," then Miss Clauddie Clark, shot a man and fled. He went to Jamaica, where he amassed a for tune. Three years ago he was fatally injured in' a fight: with a Spaniard and before dying willed his fortune of £350,000 to "Miss Clark." Daniel Jones, alcalde of Jamaica, has just located Mrs. Vester at. Nashville, Tenn., and she will receive the fortune, The governor of Jamaica had offered a reward of $1,000. for. information of her whereabouts, Poachers! Feathers Seized, } Washington, Feb. 24.--Twenty-three Japanese have boen arrested and turn ed over to the United States marshal at Homolulu for illegally gathering and storing birds' feathers and wings on the Laysan and Lisiansky Islands of the Hawaiian group. Capt: W. V. E. Jacobs, of the révenue gutter The- AVE YOU EXAMINED THE UNDERWOOD BILLING TYPEWRITER? IF YOU WOULD MOD- ERNIZE YOUR OFFICE WORK, THIS MACHINE SHOULD HAVE YOUR IMMEDIATE INSPECTION. ASK FOR THE BOO ABOUT IT. y h UNITED TYPEWRITER C0. LTD, 4. BR. C. DODBRS, KINGSTON. ; is, has seized feqthars and wings valu- | ved at $112,740. Capt. Jacobs. says about 300,000 birds have beey slaught. | ered by the plumage hunters. "Het Friends Find Man a Wife. : Duquoin, IH, Feb. 24. Recently Henry C. Hack promised his friends | he would marl 'if they would find some woman willing to have him and the county clerk and judge would per. | form their services free. Hack's friends suceeeded and he had just heen married to Miss Lizzie Gilbert, of Ver- gennes, II, | Has 100 Great-Grandchildren. | Byron, Ok., Feb. ; Evans, who has just celebrated her ninety-seventh birthday, has four chil- dren living, thirty-two grandchildren and an hundred great-grandchildren. | Her husband, Rev, Solomon Evans, died at Ravenna, Mo., sixty-one years {ago. Her eldest son, Harvey Evans, 1 is seventy-three years old. It is reach the Ontario. Isgislature { season; the en in preparing it. Experience with the bread laws has taught the government that hasten slowly is a moito for measures of this kind. Will be found an excellent remedy for sick headache. this Carter's Little Liver "1 Pills. Thousands of letters from peo- ple who have tsed them prove this fact. Try them. The C.P.R, company has placed with British shipbuilders orders for the Coftruction of two fine up-to-date steamers passenger and freight ser. fren on the Pace coast, principally between Victoria and Vancouver. Two members were elected to the | Montreal Stock Exchange, J. Carsley and George W. S. Henderson, of the firm of Branett & Co. Aud a Negro Used Gun With Effect]. 24. Mrs. Mens expected, the folk bill will not BA will take time} 24, 1910 i "3 : On' Sale} February; 25th ITH five new Grand Opera Records, three Harry Lauder Records, two records hy Victor : Herbert's Orchestra and two by Sousa's Band, among the forty-three new Edison Amberol and Standard Records to choose from this month, aren't you glad you have or don't you wish you had an Fdison Phonograph? Ever hear Stella Mayhew? Funniest girl that ever lived, with -the-pessible exweption of Marie Dressler. Both are at their best and funniest in their new songs, "I'm a Woman of Importance' and "I'm Agoin' to Change My Man," features of the March Record List. Your dealer will be glad to play these for you. Rdison Phonographs $16.50 to $240.00 Standard Records 40 Amberol Records (play twiceaslong) . . . . 08 Grand Opera Records Sapd 1S National Phonograph Company, 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N.J. U.S.A. We desire good live dealers to sell Edison Phonographs in every town where we are not now well represent: ed. Dealers having established stores should write us at once. --r---- oT, -------- A ---- A Ei] Dr J. Collis Browne's [ THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for - Coughs, CoLbs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. cts like a charm in ** "DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Elfzstoally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases--~ FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The only palliative in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodyne is aliquid taken in drops, graduated according to the matady, If invariably relieves pain of whatever kind : creates a calm refreshing sleep ; Hlays srritation of the wervous system when all other remedies fail: leaves ne bad effects: and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated, INSIST ON HAVING ' Dr. J COLLIS BROWNE'S "CHLORODYNE. | * CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH x BOTTLE. | Sold by all Chemists. Prices in Eagload : yi, 2/9, 4)8 Sole Manufacturers: 1. T. DAVENPORY Lid LONDON, 5.E. The immense seccess of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. N.B. Every botile of Genwias Chlorodyne bears on the stamp the same of the iaveator, Pr. J. Collis Browne. { ros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. a -- --_-- aso, eTeRTY For; Madam, Flour that's Superfine is Best for You Hands on hips, with aggressive tilt to upturned nose, she des- canted in cooking-school-graduate style on culinafy matters in general and the fineness of FIVE ROSES in particular, Someone with an axe to grind --or coarse flour to sell -- had stirred her up against superfine flour. * But," sald we, ' the very fineness of FIVE ROSES is but another + good reason for its use." . And this is the way of it, Madam. > Have you ever chopped up one big lump of ice into wee, tiny fragments ? Haven't you noticed, too, how the small little bits melted ever so much faster than the big fellows ? Well, Mistress Housewife, much the same when you, "set" your dou 7 porous, more yielding, more appetizing, No streaky loaves, nor coarseness, nor hard doughy lumps, .you know, No unsightly holes, nothing to vex soul of the pride- ful cook. And when eaten, due fo this same again, tha digestive juices of the family's "inoards"' sct more surely. Brad Po in its 57 varieties is robbed of half its terrors.' . ss FIVE ROSES 1s "superfine ** flour ~yes, but not so fine as fo be ** killed" in grinding. ' Twenty-one years' experience pre- vents that, Feel the "ice! " of FIVE ROSES-- its liveliness, responsiveness, even- ness, strength, breadiife. It's everything YOU want in Tour, So get what you wani, Madam. Get FIVE ROSES--- soon, 1f your flour is of wnjorm fineness, all the grains small and even, the yeast and water will act much mors quickly, and you will get much quicker, easier fermentation. Your fermenting dough will be more uw , you see. No miore anxiety as to the outcoms in the morning, no more weekly nightmare on bakeday eve. Isn't that eminently worth while, Mistress Housewife ? * sr» Due to the selisame fineness of FIVE ROSES. the texture of all your breadstuffs and cakes and whainot is ever so much finer, more TARE OF THE WOGDS MRUNG CO. LTD, MONTREAL » TRAVELLING, me me A i. rtm he. A. MELB LESS Cat Low Rates to Pacific Coast C One cong { Colonist TieKe ets on le « { 1st to April trom $45.10 $4). San Francisce, Calf } Los Angeles. Call $47 05 San Diego, Calf Mestco &iiy Mex | - And to other proportionately gord for § and 3 veriain points en route rulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY Corner Johnston and O 15th hiagston, Rg rales Paeific Coast points at Tickets over at For tull parti Agent tariv Sta IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway Reduced Fares to Pacific Coast way colonist tickets on sale dally March 1st to April rates SPOKANE, WASH VANCOUVER, B.C VIGTORIA, BC SEATTLE, WASH PORTLAND, OREGON LOS ANGRL CAL SAN FRANC 'Q, CAL $45.10 LIRR | $47.06 KINGSTON -OTTAWA arrive Ot 15th at following . Leave Klogsten tawa § p.m Leave ot 12.01 pwn tawa 10.45 dhe pm ¥. CONW Gen. am arrive Kingston Ra Agont. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Traln leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 pn. dail (Bunday Saeaptal) tor Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Desars onto, Bannockbura and all poluts northy fo wecure quick despatch to Basnocks burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Hay ¥ Quinte Railway. For further particu. fare, apply R. W. DIOKSON, Agent, "Phone, No. 8. is BER MUDA Largest and Fastest 8 toatners S. S. OCEANA, 8,000 TONS S. S. BERMUDIAN, 5,600 TONS. Wireless on both Steamers ; also bilge keels. Forty hours from Frost to Flowers, Sailings from New York at 180 am, every Wednesday and Saturday, WEST INDIES New 8.8. "GUIANA 8,700 tons, 8.8, "PARIMA," 3000 tons, 8.8 "KOR. ONA.," 3,000 tons sail fromm New York every alternate Thursday at 2 pm. for St. Thomas, St Croix. Si, Kitte Antigua, Cuadeloupe, Dominica, Mactinique, Bt. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara. For full particulars apply to A. FF. Outerbridge and Qo. Aggits, Quebee Steamship Uo, 20 Broudway, Now York, Quebsa Steaiuship CombRiy, * Queloc of 1° J. P. HANLEY and (3 8. KIRRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston. 090000000000 0000000000 TURN OVER That is what we are going to do to our Block of Grand Old Antique Furniture $ and Odd Articles Come early and make a seleo~ tion while the Stock Is complete and hefore the soring rush (#8 on, If you have anything good to sell, drop a card to L. LESSES, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sin, Kingston, A COLD PREVENTIVE. Is a cellar flisd with Coal. 1 can supe ply you with an sxceilent . quality. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. ----------------------tay a -------------- COAL! The kind you are looking for ls the kind we sell, SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar. anies prompt delivery, "phone, 133. Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREET. divine deleiiep | THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President---S8ir Richard Cartwright, Money issued on City and Farm Pros perties. Municipal and County Debens tures. Mortgages pu . Deposits rocuived 8. C. i oe ee he M. MURRAY, Auctioncer a iii LL EE A a, ER LI UL