Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Feb 1910, p. 3

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* ue THE DAILY 'BRITISH WHIG, 3 oi gi op WOME Ta OUR LETTER-BOX HE WAY A POLITICIAN CAN SE- CURE ATTENTION IN AY, FEBRUARY 28, 1910. ner | The CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Amusements. ('anaND OPERA HOUSE ) TUESDAY, MARCH 1st. -jal return engagement of John P .Slocuni's presentation of the brilliant. .. New York Comic Opera Triumph, First Insertion lc a word. Each cons PORTED GERMAN GANARIES, 1 cent cD GE. 2 k HE GAY MUSICIAN, moi: mies nme Fats! "Rg STRAT, GARE 2 { ' ected songster or money refun L By Julian Bdwarde---with Miss Texas | wsertion, 35¢.; three insertions, Boe. Come in and hear them... W. 4. Guinan, fattie Kendml and a select six, $1; one mouth, $2. Driver, SOF autem and Barrie yew Yor o y he > 9 ® The Best Singing Chorus in America The Most Beautd ul of Show Girls. e Most Gorgeous Costuming and | Effents of the yedr. i " Lhe, SO, 75¢, $1.00 and $1.50. | Seat\now on Sale WEDN AY, MARCH 2nd. Engng € Extraordinary. Sam 8. and Lee Shubert, Ine, announce The I anguished Artiste, AME NAZIMOVA Hentlek Ibsen's Masterpiece of Stagecraft, "A DOLL'S HOUSE" Montreal critics say: Thowe who have not seen Nazimova in "A Doll's House" should get seats promptly, for there is every indication of a capacity business. it is more cer- tain than ever that Naszimova is an actress (in the highest sense of that word meaning both a Tragedienne and} a Comedienne) who ranks with Bern- | hardt and Duse and an incomparable distance ahead of any other player who now visits Montreal----Munday Knight, Herald, e "in A Doll's House" Madame Nazi- mova gives one of the most brilliant performances of Ibsen's girl wife this = generation has feen.---Dally Bitar. i Pricen--2iie, 50¢, The, §1.00, $1.50, Firat |; gsMEN FOR THE BEST AUTO- tour rows, #2. matic Compressed-air Hand Spray- Seats now on Sale. er made; liberal terms; sample ma- ORPHEUM THEATRE =" Cavers Bros, Galt. Ont, EXTRA. EXTRA. Opens under a New Policy, March 7th. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 7, 8, 90. The Great Musical Farce Comedy,| S"MALONEY'S VISIT," With Fred M. Vice, That ever popular Comedian, and a company of 10--ARTISTS--10 And 5 Acts of High-class Vaudeville Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 10, 11, 12, The Great Musical Comedy, "A NIGHT IN JAPAN," And 5 Acts of High-class Vaudeville One Performance in the afternoon commencing at 2.30. One Performance mencing at 8.15. A full evening's show. Admission, 15¢; Reserved Seats 25¢. Children all matinees, He. Always a Good Show at the Orpheum INDIAN BOMB PLOT. Four of the Leading Conspirators | Ordered to Be Transported. The Calcutta High Court has given its verdict in the Alipore bomb con- spiracy case. It has sentenced four) of 'the leading conspirators to trans | private family, where ho thildren portation for life, including Borem, | le PL APY, a ¥ Whig brother of Arabindo Ghose, and Ham erm Chandra Put, who went to Paris to | study bomb-making, and has been de- | seribed as the most sinister figure in | the eonspi People's Foru 5 mm : z § A bl A Clearing Sale Of Blankets 200 Pairs of the finest SHAKER FLANNEL BLANKETS made wi'l be on the Bargain Table Tuesday Morning. Onr stock is too large. If we don't clear them out now we will have tu carry them over. These Blankets are 12 quarter size--the largest made and come in white only. You will need these Blinkets yet, and if you don't use them this winter you will next. These are $1.50, but TO-MORROW they will TT. $1.25, =~ BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. FOR SALE. 4 ROOM PRAMS Modern. 8 $1800 WILL BUY A SIX-¥ dwelling on Bay St $3,000 FOR AN" EIGHT -ROOMED UP to-date frame dwelling on Divisisn Lor ) i--AL this juncture, Street. y witedts are full of Preadnoughig destroyers, She sioplesi way In which u poutizian can draw atlentic nimself, and maintsin a position > the limelight, is to say rude things sbout the FrencE. lots may be good even good poiitics, but patriousm ? I think not. : Next to being faithful Canadians ourselves, and loyal subjecis of the «ing, ali reany patriotic men shou'd try and inculcate principles of {anh and loyalty in others. But if our ieilow-subjects in Quebe:, are lacking in these vurlues {which is got admitted) ean they be made more inithfui and loyal by casting insuits at them, and thers ? Again I think not. on of British blood owe loyalty to the mother country, and when they render it, they deserve the credit which attaches to an honest man who pays kis debt; but the French--a people riven from their parent stock by the force of British arms, do not owe loyalty to Britain in the sense with which it is owed by Britons born When loyalty is rndere? by the French, it is not the loyalty of duty it is the loyalty of love--of lore ure inz from a sense of the justice nnd liberality with which French Canada has been treater by the British crown, and the British parliament. It is = freer and more generous loyalty than that renulered by men of our blood, and deserving of greater respect and greater gratitude than our own. But if some of the Quebec Freneh fail to attain the high degree af chivalry which must exist in the Frenchman who is truly loyal to Br it- ain, are the politicinns of Ontario to take it ups n themselves to cast stones at them? Would these same yoliticians worse the giteation reversed, Ye so ett busine tically loyal to Paris. 4 then expect the Lower Canadians to be to- wards London? Wha could answer this question without & grin of deri siom, These sensation mongers should not demand from the French a lovalty, such as not one of them would. be willing to render under like circum stances. But, Sir. we may try to deserve such lovalty hy our liberal, generous snd frechearted treatment of the French Canadians. HH they wish to take our political cloaks, let us give {Fem to them, and say "take our coats also." It needs a spirit ruch as th's to remove the barrier of "mspi jon and d'strust which generat ions of Doctor Bdwardseess have built up he tween Lhe French and British peoples in Canada; and while our compat riots might grab a coat or two winder the impression thnt they were rendor- ed up through fear. it would not he Tong before the underlying spirit of the act would be recognized, and be re. warded. Put, Sie, if our politicians - cannot rise to mich Feighta as this ab feast The ASpiracy id 1hat the police had ) let tham Premgrye ys Hoot Siviy a no. sanction from the Government to | our compatriots In Le. dis : ae ] loyalty ate among the French Jroscculs Smder Seating 15 oi tha (which again, is not admitted) it will ad te Totiectly Hutte: sod that only ho intensified by such epithets as |) conepiraty was nok a Lildioh thas are now pein applied to yhem. | oi | One man was acquitted. The court | 1 presume that even in ymin . 8 ' the Sst venial politician there must val Sivwded with Jongetia, wud he by | be a doubt as to the alleged dis : : lovalty of the French. Then let the $1000 FOR A SIX-ROOM SEMILDE- tached dwelling on Collingwood Street Easy terms A PF. BOND, 7% CLARENCE STRERT, Real Estate and [Insurance A "NATIONAL" CASH REGIS worth about $150, Tor $55, Phone 705. HELP--WANTED. er -- A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY ™™ Mrs. Jas. Stewart, 104 Stuart su FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, GO te Godwin's Insurance Emporium Market guare, Kingston. Tele phone $24. AT ONCE A as general advertising = at or -- RELIABLE YOUNG GIRL ood Apply, 38 Clergy St. ny at TF 8. e APPLY TO MRS. 8 KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN- King and Maitland surance Agent and Ocean Steamship tcket Agent, 42 Clarence Street, ingston. Telephone 568. HOUSEMAID Martin, cor Streets. A ONE BECOND-HAND Spreader, in good shape. ral horses and colts. DD, J Hay, 126 Clarence street. ' ? NEW MILK SLEIGH, A NEW I = ONCE, TWO YOUNG LADIES TO learn the millinery business at Crumley Bros. IRE. LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Liberal policies and moderate rates in first-class companies. " Boon, Agent, 15% Wellington street. sleigh, business . a Aecond-hand wile also business igha, bol and cutters. All in good sh newly painted sate James Carri STRONG GIRL, A20UT 18 OR 138 vears of lage. to ist with house- work. AMpply te 118 Montreal Si GEO. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROK er. Put your invoices in an envels ope with a one cent. stamp on and drop in the nearest letter box We do the rest. Al kinds of Fire Insurance placed on short notice Shone 296. 67 Clarence St, Kings on. GENERAL SERVANT: MUST HAVE references Apply, In the evening to Mrs. W. H. Craig, 13% William Street, A 2 Crumley Bros. TO LET. ROOM OFFICE ily locat ule. PF A GIRL POR GENERAL HOUSEWORK good wages paid to one who under stands cooking Apply to rs Roughton, 143 King St ONE FRONT K street. Cent piy J. P. Forrest, LIVERPOOL, LONDON. AND GLORE Fire Insurance Sompany. Avaliable assets $61,187. 215 n addition te which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Habilitr ef all the stockholders. Farm and eity property insured at Jloweat possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 326. SALESMAN FOR MENS CLOTHING and Purnishing: must be an exper! enced salesman and good stock keeper. Apply, by letter, to the H D. Bibby Co. DWELLING, FURNISHED AND furnished, St * niture, ete. UN« Toor. King street. 2 ores, Stor 3 MeCanta Brock, 3 FOR UNEXPIRED TERM, SIX-ROOM- ed house, newly papered: furnsos, bath, gas, ete; will also sell farnis ture cheap. Apply #7 Stuart Bt. THE FAIR » T YOU PAY LESS HERE 7.020 Yards Val. and Torchon Lace On Sale i ------------------ Mcintosh Bros. "MANAGER, PERCY JESSE. ARCHITECTS. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth roof, Your Sa lock and 3 rost's C torage, usen Phone Teh. rag . INTELLIGENT PERSON Y earn $1900 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for particulars, Tress Syndi. cate, 3,969 Lockport, LY. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. 58 King street. 'Phone, 345, ARTHUR FLLIS ARCHITECT, OFFICE and residence 1¥1 University Ave BRICK HOUSE, 17 DIVISION STREET, cor. Clergy, at present occupied by H. P. Smith, architect; possession 1st May. For particulars, apply Is O'Brien, 87 Union Bt. West. WANTED--GENERAL. ONTARIO AND B.A. VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. teets, etc. Office, 358 Bagot street 'Phone, $08, POWER & BON. ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 312 FROM MAY ist, THE Dwelling on Wellin Houghton's office, for last Years cocupled by Dr. Baker, Dentist, 4 ply to C. Livingston & Co, Brook St. ROOMB AND Flon St, gver 8, A YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE C room and board Apply 3 Whig office. Wisi sx 252 - - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. TO RENT BY THE FIRST OF MAY, A five or six rouom house. Address, W. M. Burton, 184 Alfred 8t., City 8 TO PURCHASE. 1 WILL BUY kinds of horses. Will be In ston for the entire winter. I Tele- DROP A CARD TO CHAS W. KELLAR Carpenter and Builder, 265 Division 8t., for reasonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. All work done promptly. FOR SALE OR TO LET, HOUSE a7 modern rooms BROCK STREET; ALL fmprovements; fourtesn Apply, 249 Brock St. at Night com- HORSE all Kin A. Jenkins, 687 Princess St. phone No. 560. DROP A CARD TO JOMN R MAYFLL Carpenter and Joiner, 2€2 Sydenham street north, for reasonable prices on all kinds of lebbing All work Aone promptly and neatly. TO RENT ANYTIME BETWEEN NOW BOARD AND ROOMS. and May 1st, small house with modern conveniences: downtown district preferred. Address, Box 131, Whig office COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM with board Well lighted and heats ed. Also good table board. Apply 314 University Ave 2 MEDICAL. ISAACWOOD MA MD, CM, MRCS (Eng), FOS (Edin), consultant and surgeon; office hours, 10 to 12 Stood 263 King St. KE. "Phone 73 J. F. SPARKS, and Sorgeon uffice hours and 7 FURNITURE COVERING, ETC. DONE] OB by the day at customers' homes, For! further particulars, enquir Ontario street, or calls wiil te in response to letters. MAN AND WIFE WIBH BOARD AND Yoom for two or three months with at 23 made PERSONALS. MRS RECOMMENDED leading physicians of Kin face and scalp massage: #slves marvellous resulta! manicure, pedicure YWOA Johnson Si , M.D, PHYSICIAN HEROD, BY 106 Wellington 8 10 to 12 an, to 4 ta 9 pm, 'Phone 35¢ USTROPATHY, It is well that Kingstonians, though sometimes fn error, always know & good thing. Appreciation of "MY WARDROBE" FON 'eonipleudiis] wherever high-class work is manifest. . 3 ie e t hagas Knees are ayo withont pain. Ta ardor to prove this we are offering Ro) a three months' trial contract at $8.00. Vor this we clean, press and TS HRT TW HAIR, MOLES, JHRTHMA ; warts, etc, remov permanant without scar. Twent o OX Fa" Dr. Elmer T fa Bye, ROBERT GARSIDE ABHCROKFT, DO, Edna Barie Asheroft, DO, Grades ates of the American Sthool A Osteopathy, Kirksville Missour), 408 Princess street. 'Phone 447 No charge for consultation and litera. ture regarding this new manipula- tive treatment, "Health Without Drugs." : HOUSE, IN GOOD CONDITION, NOT legs than 8 rooms; modern conv - ances; verandah or balcony re ferred; rent about $30.09; required 1st of May. Apply. ». B. MoKay Bank of Toronto GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressin and repairing done on the shorte notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock 8t., next Bibby's Livery. do: minor repairs to. one. suit or one overcoat or two pa each week, Satisfaction guaranteed. A. €. WAGGONER, The Up-to-date Tallon . and Gents' Furanisher, 188 WELLINGTON ST. Phone 592. A ------ " " HOW TERRIBLE A FALL! perr---- . jar, Nose, Throat and Skin - she Bpecialist, 268 Bagot st AIR DREBBING PARLOR, 108 BR: Bt. face massage, naolouring, - Jhody, soalp treatment, ng. hair dressing, superfiaous removed; satisfaction uaran i appsintinanis hon '" ue tore (59) wil receive prompt ate tention. * DENTAL. nothing on the ball any more.' SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, The jury were so much affected police in anticipation of violent SITUATION WANTED. 410% Princess St, #ingutep. 'Phone Baseball Pitcher Sank to Level of Bank Clerk. New York, Feb. 28.--For the injury inflicted on Earl Proctor of Rockville Centre, L.1., by reducing him from the a baseball player to oud estate of fen mere bank clerk, the supreme court has awarded $2,750 damages to the young man, : Heo 'sued .the Brockville Centre Mill- ing 'and Construction company for the joss his thumb in a bn go allegini tthe secident prived hig of his principal opportani- ty to a o fame and fortune. Proc tor was the pitcher of the Roekville Centre baseball nine. He lived in that some' day a big league "scout". would see him hurling curves into: the mitt of Catcher Boggs, awd Po called to higher things, But last winter: because of un al Segre in the dian of the xx saw ; against danger acoittent, . his thumb was sui off. When the wound healed he that . he had lost control of pitched balls. In bas i be 'didn't Failure in Liver Activity a Cause. the young man's story, and by his humiliation when he admitted that he had become a bank clerk and now could' never rise higher than to be a director or president of a National bank, that they gave him the dam- ages. . YEARNS FOR BELOVED LAND. "1 Am The Past, A Living Sorrow," Says Eugenie. Paris, Feb, 28.--"1 have lived; have been what I have been. ask for more. ered." "1 am the past; 1 am the distant horizon where exists a mirage, a shad: ow, a phantom, a' living sorrow 1 So spoke, with the infinite grief that possesses her, the Empress Eugenie to an Italian journalist at her Villa Cyr- nos, Cap Martin, on the Riviera. She who was the lovely empress of the French, whose husband died an exile at Chiselhurst, England; whose son, the prince imperial, was killed by 7ulu jegais, she whose boudoir was en- through the church door, permit- ted herself to be interviewed. Eighty-four years of age, the gnee Countess of Moncrief broke the reserve 'which she had nourished and maintain- of for well nigh forty years. "Between my past and my present," said the woman who reigned with Na poloon III, "there exists not hall a 1 I do not I ask not to be remem- #4 century, but ten centuries, Men have ti i A 8 urge changed, times have changed. Men no Ea te atane he Tor , sighing, as if regretting the gal lantry of the second empire. "No," she suid wearily; "it is a dream that «is dissipat It was a dreany 'in which, sleeping, I foresaw a great and noble future for the country which took me to its heart for its It ia a dream which was politicians give them the benefit of it: and as to the rest of us, who nre not politicians, nor' the sons of politicians, lot ns meet the French as brothers Let us tell that them that we believe m them, and have confidence in their brotherhood: and when we ro to the French in this 'spirit we shall. in the scenes. The chief justice was in favor of the acquittal of four of the prisoners, but Justice Carnduff disagreed, and the case will accordingly have to bd considered by a third judge. The incidents which gave rise to the trial came to light in the summer of ~ abuse nnd sewrrilitv could duce. ANGLO-CANADIAN. pre A Quaint Plea. London Saturdav Review Lord Ampthill's brilliant have done much to enliven the ceodings of the General One of his best stories is a lady client in one of the Courts. The sault, but the man of her countenance. "My learned friend," he "With mere wind from a ' He runs amuck upon the chors of my case. My poor has been deprived of some of of her pose. Until we are what became of my client's bush." Lord not Ampthill does lady her case. A great C.P.R. er present site of Government corner King onto, is one of the *Bland's Pills cure gripp ~qg up the ¥ystem. Maud's are wold at Gibson's Cross drug store. enger of 8 5 er, »" Turko-! #Reidlitz stove. twinkling of an eve beget that spirit of lovalty which not a million years sallies pro- Election, for his lordship is a capital racopteur. about Madras lady was accused of as- n law endea- vored to show that she hersell had heen assaulted, and had suffered dam- age on the most conspicuous feature said teapot thinks to browbeat me from my leg. sheet-an- client her valuable leather (skin), the Junthet OIC leather nose the witness cannot be believ- ed, he cannot be allowed to raisea castle in the air by beating upon a say whether this quaint plea won the passeng terminal, with possibly a C.P.R. hotely on the House and Simcoe streets, Tor- ies, by build! genuine Red The Grand Trunk bave prepared plans for the erection of a new pass "station at Waterloo at a cost 10,000, The condition of aflaifs approaching a state of war prevails along the It pays Ww {buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug last year. In the corse of their raids upon supposed Anarchist haunts the police visited the garden of a housd at Manicktollah, a suburb of Calcuts ta. They discovered a huge quantity of bombs, materials for explosives, weapons, and seditious literature, and, a8 a consequence, over thirty men were arrested, including Arabindo Ghose. During the proceedings one of the prisoners, Narendro Nath Gossim. turned King's evidence, and gave de. y- of his fellow-prisoners. A Question of Gender. It was not. so very long ago that a Japanese Minister, who shall be nameless, made a visit of ceremony upon Lady Lansdowne, He was a charming fellow, and convefsed on many subjects of interest with his hostess. In bidding her adieu, bend- ing low over her hand, he murmured. "Forgive it me, madame, if I have cockroached on your time todav!" Lady Lansdowne laughingly told her husband the story, adding: "He is such a nice know! I Tak woud be Tbe wb tell him of his mistake. I shall explain that + cockroached, is the in 'English, 5 short, the lit- correet' © "» To make a long tle Minister and month ago, to the privy = coun seems in tails of a widely-diffused conspiracy, | but he was murdered in jail by two | A RESPHCTABLE GIRL WOULD LIKE employment in private family as parior maid or where no cooking or washing 18 required; best of 'reier- Address given at the Whig LOST. i J) BELT BUCKLE, ON BATURDA i night, on Union Sireet or nes covered rink Roaward for its re- turn through the Whig Y Ar AIR OF GENTLEMAN'S FUR-LIN- ed kid mitts, Saturday morning Feb. 16th, on Brock Street, between Wellington and King Sts Finder kindly return to Whig office I Your Clock Running Satisfactorily ? If not-- We will Call for it. Repair it Carefully. Return it Promptly. Charge you Moderately. We Employ Expert Mechanics. Rodger & Wright Jewellers, 847 KING ST. Marriage Licenses Issued, Successors to F.W. Spangenberg Found Him Dead. Haliburton, Ont., Feb. 28. --Digrey Burrows, an old man, who came from Ningara Falls some eight vears aga sud settled at Maple Lake, twelge miles from hers, was found dead, yes terday, in Is home. Burrow's had been staying since fall at a neighbor's on necoumt of poor health but 5 week age he went to his own bouse about ia mile distant. He had not heen seen siore then, and, yesterday, he was found sitting in a dead. Burrows' and r-4 ; DR. €. C. NABH, DENTIST; DR M J. Gibson, assistant, 183 Princess street. "Phone. 736. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN BTART a mail order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boss Send for free booklet. Tells how Heacock, 2.969 Lockport, N.Y NNINGHAM & M ARRIST- ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 79 Clarence St, Kingston. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. opposite G.T.R. sation, one BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO from CP.R. 2 on street car hotel lately remodelled; moderate; spect rates week. John Cousineau, Prop. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT open. Service A la Carte. day and night. Up-to-date at Popular prices Private room. rRnGe on n next te ibson's R&A Toon store. Con. Haag, Prop. in Established 1866 We Goasasier Every Lead business of this city. know why. oh Pe 5s = ' Synopsis of Canadian North-West Land Regulations. ANY person who is the sols head of a family, or any male over 18 yeurs oid, may homestead - a gearter-aettion of 13 Duties -- Six "residence upon and cuitivation of the jand 'In each pf three years. A bo § farm of at least and occupied mother, son, ter. i lo eartain districts a. homesteads in wood standing by him Ot by. bis in or daughter, Brother or Hay Jrostige & 'guarten | { ment fought a dusl ut Viemss, BULL DOGS When they take a grip rarely let go. We are taking a firmer grip every day of the COAL AND WOO Try us and you will w. Deputy of the Minister of the Ini NH ~~ Unauthorized publicat this advertisement will not be 4 : J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER asd APPRAISER. @ o A ecard sast to 517 Albert St an order left at Fi. Waddin eT S. llenderson's Btores will receive prompt attention Best references given, Hon. Le Pioehurst, P. Brodesr bas South Carolinas, Two nfficisls oF 4s Rustrisn one of them wae b ey, in wih

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