Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Feb 1910, p. 6

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GRAND TRUNK Low Rates to UF 25381 Pacific Coast. «way Second Class Colonist Tick- March 1st to April foliowlog rates from Hale daily, e, Wagh. Ee | uso | $47.05 ' Francisco, Cail. gi 6 a Pp ely low rates good for 5 and 10 days, stop-over riain points en route. For pulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnston and Ontarie Sts And to other Pacific Coast points at riionat Moekets nt ull parti. q Lan . IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway ' Reduced Fares to Pacific Coast One way colonist tickels on A rates KANE, WASH COUVER, B.C. ¥ ah ? D, DREGON. i ix GELES, CAL. FRANCISCO, CAL. DIEGO, CAL. 4 MEXICO CITY, MEX. + * KINGSTON OTTAWA " Leave Kingston, 1201 pan, arrive Ot + taws 5 p.m. ¢ Kilave Pitawa 10.45 ngston p.m é os ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Vass, Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. . Tyaln leaves union station, Ontaru A gt Toll pe daily (Bunday excepted : for . Sydenham, Napanee, Deser y Bansockburn acd all pofuts north quick despatch to Bannock onto, Bn Haymes. and points on UBER MUDA BY TWIN SCREW LINE Largest und Fewtest Bteamnrs 8. 8, OCEANA, #,000 TONS 8. 8. BERMUDIAN, 5,600 TONS Wireless on both Steamers ; also blige a.m » For further particu DICKS IN, Agent y hours from Frost to Flowers Batlings, from New York at 10 am every ednesday and Baturday. ; WEST INDIES Now 8.8, "CGUIANAY 8,700 tons, 8.8 MPARIMA,Y 8, ns, 8.8. "KUR A,'t 8,000 tons sail trom New York alternate Thursday at 2 pm. for Bt. Croix, St. Kitts, Antigua minics, Martinique, Bi oes and apply to A. BE, Owlerbridge Agents, Quebes Steamship Co. York, Quebe BOPP 000000000000000004 ® TURN OYER « That is what we are going to do $ to' our Stock of Grand Old | Antique Furniture and Odd Articles Come early and make a selec. tion while the Stack Is complete ihd before the spring rush ls on. If you have anything good to sell, drop su card to L. LESSES Cox. Princess anil Chatham Sts Kingston, " 3 | 900000600000000000000¢ sale arch 1et to April 15th at following $45.10 $47.05 arrive Centra) route your shipments via bay rura. For full}, Out of Coifce Buying It ie put up in a sealed can--xeeps its flavor--and besides, it hasthe guarantee of the firm that packed it. "SEAL BRAND?" Coffee isselected, blended, roasted, packed and guaranteed by the leading firm in this line in the world. You are fully protected against inferior quality when you buy by the trademark. "Seal Brand" is never sold in bulk -- only in 1 and 2 pound sealed tins. At all grocers. 09 CHASE & SANBORN, Montreal. COMING! Prof. Doreawerd OF TOROMNIO the wellcknown Hal Goods Artist, will visit Kingston, at Randolph Hotel, on THURSDAY, March3ié He will show Samples OF thé datest. sian, gn CeNeW OX > arly oi nre rE invited to Tan re and Ley: on any of there creations, Transforma- tions, Pompadours, Bwit ches, Claster- Curls The Dorenwend Sanitary ; Patent Toupee For Gentlemen are hald, i a i covering fa A to any other. W000 are in use throughout nd the United States, Call and have ree demonstrations, Remember, one lay only. Dorenwend Co. of Toronto, Limited, 103-165 YONGE STREET. lds who head saperior Uver Canada Do You Realize What an Important Work the Kidneys Do? Do you know that every drop of your blood goes to the kidneys hun of Nien very day} Do you know why? To be red and i from ite rities. That is the im) i do, PACKERS INDICTED THE GAN JERSEY. xX Charged With Conspiracy in Limit. ing the Supply of Meat and Poul- try--The Climax Reached in Ime portant Case. New York, Feb. The beef trust of the United States, involving six great packing compitnies . nnd twenty- ane packers, several of | them multi millionaires, and industrially prominent, were indicted by a graod Hey in Hudson county, Nib. charged with conspiracy. in Jimitiog the supply of ment gud poults The metictment iw drawn under the laws of New Jes sev, which provide upon conviedion, a maximum penalty of three vears in the penitentiary or a SLOG fine, or both. The offence 1 extraditubls, which means. that, practieslly, all the meat aN socially ARMOUR barons of (his country roust cither successfully resist extradition or come to Jersey City for trial Pierre Garven, the publie prosecutor of Hudson county, will notify defen- dants of their indictment forthwith, and be is ready to force extradition in each and every case. where the indi vidual voncerned is not willing to face trial voluntarily. The None, he says, will be spared, defendants as named are : Corporations--The National Packing company, Armour & Co. Swift & Co., Morris & Co., Hammond Pack- ing company and G. H. Hampiond & 0, 5 Individuals--J. Ogden Armour, A. Watson Armour, Louis F. Swift, Ed: ward F, Swift, Charles H. Swift, Ed- ward Morris, Ira N. Morris, Arthur Meeker, Edward Tilden, 1. A. Carton, Thomas. E. Wilson, Thomas J. ners, IA. Fowler, IL. H, Heyman, James E. Bathgate, Jr., George J. Fdwards, Frederick B. Cooper, D. E. Hartwell, (Henry B. Darlington, A. A. Fuller and Lemuel CC, Patterson. The indictment, widch bristles in its arraignment' of the 'men pamed, also Con- refers to "divers others" as being re sponsibl, but they are not specified, The foregoing "Fst of names repre sents the very backbone of the great packing industry of this country, con- taining as dt does two Armours, three {Swifts and two Marrises, all for the most part residents of Chicago, to: gether with important figures in the packing world. Their indictment to a climax the first concerted efforts which have been made in the st to fix responsibility for the ab normal ly. high price of commodities now prevalent. Questions and Answers, Justice Channell has a ' pretty turn of wit which on occasions is in- clined to startle witnesses. Once, in re- lv 10°68" Question, a witness indignant- y retorted that he had been "wed- ded to the truth from infancy." "That 'may be," said Sir. Arthur, "but. the question is how long have vow been divorced?" foanothet Sie & little girl was be ore hind, proceeded to" ascer- tain hathor al. hase the pature an oat » ild replied that she would go to heaven if she told the teath, but would to the other place if she Tied, "Are vou sure of that, my dear?" If You are a catarrh, asthma or ha id: fiver sufferer, whit would you say saci mountainous forests of pine and euca- nj iyptus, where catarrh and asthma do 4 course, bly not money. Rut bring these (a THE DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, 'MONDAY. FEBRUARY | f - COOK HAS SWELLED MEAD, Laughingly Relates His dnt Breate THE. ing Feats. i "10, ous, swe Ursngeville dese THE PRONTENAC CONSERVA-. perado, wha reached the peritentiary! TIVES IN THE COURT HOUSE. on Saturday, reiated to Toronto de - tetives sume of his escappits. Th gue Officers Chosen for the Coming SB ey Dah . Year--The Township Chairman-- latost oscarred the might before lastl | hl With o piece of wood bo blocked 'the' Dr. Edwards Rehaches His Com- plaints. hoalvy cath on the cell door of the' Urangeville lockup, snl, in order that! . re A the duor might remain Brmdy 'shut, he The Samual pL. ol the Comseeya tied a piece of wire to the handle sud hve : ak b He a rn bod frost warded lv the Lead of h ro enac: Loo Ppiate of =e - Chen Bn Ughliy 10 the earl house, president Anthony "wl was out and walked around the' Rankib, in the chair. The atiendanos jail," be affirmed, "and then decided WAS Rot as large as usual, owing 10 that 1 werldat skip out at ali, but Ome one s neglect m not making ar sould serve my term." rangements for reduced railroad rates, 1 he trick was discovered after he bint those present 'were quite represen wont begs to bis cid Fe jailer ap tative of the county's prominent party badng hs | round Hor the | might men. The election of officers tesultol: abled the dod and, thinking that it' President Matthew Truesdell, ns nat fvatined faite ay hrmly as Verona, 2 3 5 usual, pulled agmin with more vigor. | First vice-president--James Martin, ihis time the was nok theavy | Joyceville, ; ; - 3 cnough, the door sprdng 'open, and | Second _vite-president~Thomas Faw- the prisoner tumbled out of bed. {vett, Wolie Island. 2 Another ogension on which he got Sucoutary--W. MeNueley, Sunbury. : the better of the jail was in Boise,! Treasurer--John Corkeld, erth idaho, some years ago. He al*=ady Road. : . had some reputation as a jail-breaker,| The Shuiemen foe ie different. town- end after he had been locked up for | ships were thus elected : several _duye the leading paper' pub-i George Stuart, Pittabusgh; Shatles Lshed acidang artf lg about ook's Redden, ingston; James ilkins, former: breaks fot frecdlom, ending up Portland; Edward Sills, Loughboro; with, the assertion that at last they John Taylor, Storrington: R. Hamil had found wu jail which was stromg ton, Hinchinbrooke; Hugh Hora, Wolfe «nought to hold kim. {1sland; Jobn Cox, Howe Island; | "Three days after that 1 escaped hy (McVeigh, Oso; G. A. Miller, Kennebec; | sawing the lok out of the door," 'he! D. Cronk, Olden; Edward Barr, said. * 2 ford: 8. Calvin, Carden Island: C. "All 1 hal then was & piece of ns' Meliregor, Barrie; A, Monroe, Clareu- pipe. eight inches long, and 1 cul dow; John Mundell, Palmerston. throngh a wall three tert, thick. as| The township commitiees will ap- wall as the iron doar of the cell. You point the delegates to the Ottawa con- can ao anything with a piece of gus servative convention. Alter Mr. Paul PRLS, . M.P.P., and Mr. Gallagher, M.P.P., "Why id's you a= out of the cell had spoken very briefly, Dr. Edwards vou were in last wi ! ; "I didn't want (0, particularly." 'erment's naval policy. He referred to "We've got some cells down ktaifs'some, to" Kis view, specimens of ex- here that no man eould possibly get |(ravagance on the part of the govern out. oly' asserted another of the de- ment. While it tectives, | © : i few hundreds of dollars per vear There isn't a cell in existence that affording improved mail delivery in I can't get out of if 1 have the prov: | Frontenac, it put up a row of cot «r appliances, " answered Cook, {tages across the river, which cost 86, Yes, but waen you. are 1p iail you 000 per tenement, to be occupied by enn t get them. . military officers' servants, who receive Oh, there 8 lots of wavs of getting g25 per month. It also altered the things into jail." and the desperate oeation -of the shooting butts and coked knowingly at the men about | built, at a cost of $12,000, a mound in rear of the butte and at the very foot hom. On another occasion he climbed 'Wh of a hill that is filteen feet higher & than the mound. Of course his wild the bars of the door and removed statements created applause. lLoard from the ceiling of a town lock- wr and made his escape through the attic. . 0 They Do Love the Farmers, Lowell Courler-Citizen. Railroad Presidents Hill and Frown a are a jolly pair of book farmers with In the Foster vs. Macdonald libel very jevel Beatin, They are going up suit on Tuesday some interesting | 4 down their big railway systems, extraots from Chancellor Boyd's tes- | with occasional diversions along timony at the Insurance Tnvestiga- branch tracke, preaching the gospel of tion were read, Speakitg of the jeteer farming. To be sure the adop- land i dicate Srantnetions he Saki: { tion of that gospel and putting it into Directors Ho tho an Teen a { practice would mean more freight, and pany were. going to borrow from | ence more. revenue for their roads; the Union rust in order to carry but hi a not fair lo Semume. tha the w iia wesidents have only a selfish motive thy fact that thoy Worb not sublbaqe PELET agriculture for the benefit of tinlly interested in gontributing" 'the : rs ho a ad they are money. A I a Of the members of the syndicate WV: Mr. Brown will do so by start- coming 'out' 'of the transaction with MIR soveral big farms along his road personal profits made from invest. and getting college ofessors to boss men of moneys not their own he hen on a an said: + doing 8 yh hem "The iden never entered my mind, | Will find it a paying proposition, not i 3 never: was communicated to me, OBly to themselves, but to the public that this 'transaction was to. be! aka whole. These are emphatically one in which the company should ad- | times when men are wanted who. can vance the 'whole money and the make two or more things grow where gentlemen who put én nothing. ore grew before. That is intensive should reap the profits, That cer-| farming. tainly was ndta transaction Icould|™ have sanctiomed in any shape or feo." The Side of the Judge. The Green Bag. A Woman's Faith. Ca'holie World ] are few stories of success at once more pathetic and more réman- Ww. Pett Ridge, who has been | tie than that of Archhishop Bourne, speaking in favor of the domestic | England's Catholic archbishop, who Plenty of Time. M. A. P. London, Bed. | New Halr Goods Styles. rattled off his explanation of the gov- refused te expend a | in | SMASH AT PATRONAGE. New Law for Appointment of Court Officials. : Toronto, Feb, 38.--A mild 'areal on the party patronage system as ap- plied to the junior outside provincial srvice is inaugurated by Hon. J. J, ¥oy, atiorney-gencval, in a joOveru- ment enactment tu he - placa on "the ¢titute books at the present legislative ® on. The enacting provision of the ay torney gencral provides all that local registrars, clerks of the croan, clerks of the county courts, the surrogate court and other local officia's of the atten y-general"s departmaent shall have the right t& appoint their own deputies and stafis subject only to the approval of the county tre it is probable that the mloption of the legislative measure will be foliow wl by departmental communications to the. officials in question, wiring and counselling that in ali cases of ap- pointment the capacity and merit of the enn lidates should be the only mat. t rs (nithed to consideration, Bon. Mr. Foy, the attoruey general, has given notice of a gov eament Lill to amend the private detectives act passed at the last legialitive wes sion. It is propoded to make the act mere r'gorous with a view to putting an cfiectual stop to the illegal and black- mai ing operations often carried on by irresponsible and unauthorized of- ficers under the guise of the law. Prof. Dorenwend, of Toromto, is coming to Kingston with samples of the latest Parisian and New York styles in hair goods. He invites your inspection of these goods at his pri vate Shur iments at the Randolph i hotel. His hair goods for ladies pro tect and ornament the head, soften and beautify the expression of the face and tone up an aged appearance. Prof, i Dorenwend's patent toupees for men | are now worn hy over 30,000 people ! of all classes. They are easily adjusted and light in weight. The professor | will be at the Randolph hotel on Thursiay, March 3dd. men------ | The Fleet Looking Up. {Ottawa Free Press | The London Daily Mall, the North- cliffe paper, which has tried so hard i to revive the Germap war stare, jdaces | the relative naval positions of Bri ! tain and Germany, m 1912, as fol lows : Pre-Dreadnoughts : meny, 21. Dreadnoughts : 13. Twenty to thirteen is a striking con trast to other tables of the alarmists, in which the thirteen was seventeen, and not seldom twenty-one. : Britain, 44; Ger Britain, 20; Germany, How Teddy Lost the Bear. They say a sore corn interfered with his speed. Always Corn Extractor. been curing corns nam's" never fails. For fifty years it has and warts, "Put- Use no other. Chancellor A C. MeKay, McMaster University, will likgly apeapt the posi tion of superintendent' of 'eduention for Toronto in ease such ig position is created and if his name is the choice of the trustees. ' The authorities of Burlington, Ver mony, "have discovered that six per- sons have been subsisting for six years on garbage gathered by the head of apply Putnam's | 4 YOUR BLOOD IS POISONED! if You Suffer From Headaches or Neuralgia' \ nt attacks of Headaches or { : Seurslga are Nature's warnings of | Blood Poisoning. Tie pain is due simply to the nerves, inflamed by the blood being overloaded with gnjaritien, because of inactive bowels, kidneys or skin. There is usually chronic Constipation | and the foul matier, instead of passin from the body, isabsorbed by the blood. The kidneys are not as strong as they should be and fail to filter from the the blood, the necessary amount of impure matter, Tustead of the skin throwing off one and a half pounds of waste matter every day, it becomes inactive and does only half its work, leaving three quarters of a pound of thiswaste' the body. Headache powders and pain killers simply numb the nerves have no helpful action on the organs causing this poisoning of the blood. To cure Headaches and Neuralgia, the blood must be purified, which can be done onlyby making the kidneys, bowels and skis healthy and active. "fruit-a-tives", made from concen- trated and intensified fruit juice, is the greatest blood purifying medicine. * Pruit-a-tives", or "Pruit Liver Tablets", is a scientific cure for Headaches and Neuralgia, and never fails to cure because "Fruil-atives" stops the cause of these troubles. soc. a box, 5 for $2.s0,0r trial box, «5e, At dealers or from Fruita-tives Limited, Ctiawa. Celery, Lettuce, Parsley, Etc. Our specialty is early Southern and Home-: Grown Vegetables. If you don't see them dis- payed in our windows. : Ask for what yon want ' as our stock is kep in cold stordge. W. H. Carnovsky, $ On the Corner Brock and Wellington Sta. 9000000000 000000000000 Wanfs Pure Buttermilk, A St Losis 'woman is. advertis- ing for pure buttermilk, The adver- tiser saws that no oo dairyman need apply. She savy she has tried all the dairies in St Louis and * has been hall around the workk in a vain search for buttermilk of the good old-fashioned way, with little pieces of 'butter floating around in the family, ostusibly to feed pigs. After e servant, is one of the best racon:| recently unveiled a bronze effigy over teurs of ithe day, and among his the tomb of Cardinal Manning. i host of good stories is the follow-| The son of a post office ial, his ing: | father died while quite young, leaving One day an infuriated musician, of. a wife and two boys, tot ly unpro- | the raven locks variety rushed wp |vided for. She made the most heroic! frantically to a policeman and de- | self-sacrifice that the latter should be | mandnd vengeance on a small street | thoroughly educated. | urchin who he averred had insulted; When Dr. Bourne was between eight him. : z . {and nine years of age, a lady called' "Iwas coming along the goad in one day upon his sunt. Finding her | a hurry just now," said the musi- | engaged upon making a beautiful piece cian, "when the young seownidrel | of Irish lace, the visitor asked : "What stopped' me and asked me the time. jis that for?" Fsaid, 'It is ten to three" 'Very | The other looked up and quickly an- well," repliod the 'boy, 'at three | swered: "It js for my Frankie when o ak get your hai an.' - | he becomes. a bishop." we policeman glance slowly Ree a neighboring church clock. "(see her Helped Frankie: the met) 4 "Well," he replied stolidly, "you're \ : hi 3 all "right, wir--you have still so b the, Roman Catholic church in Eng- good 'eight minates." . EE . at Mr. MeKenna's Hope. London Daily Msi TO INLAND AUSTRALIA Not long ago Mr. Reginald McKen- na was the hero of a most amusing FOR YOUR HEALTH : \ |vcene in the Houme of *oninone. He ROUND TRIP ONLY $100 |crnmenta OldA si, was ernmen d Age Pension scheme, and in the course of his speech he "It is relatively cheaper for "wo persons living Rogethes than one." ; was a roar laughter in the 'the House, for it was _-- a fort- ait since Mr. McKenna got the above offer was made to you? | How would you like to go to ought to know, any- out one of the labor | 3, eKeuna- Glushed. - : it will be cheaper, he said, and thd House broke out in- to renewed gufiaws. His Endeavor, Oxford Quarterly. are now telling a story of Sartain npn [mianations} ali, back against ish pack recently for the first ite. At » end of the game a friend took himself to utter a mild re , get in their way ve ry. much did you?' said be. repliad the ¢ pat, Sol " time, and possi: Fogdog Folk F ld rom | i y your home You can't go to «this ideal You haven't *Got in their way!" hal-back. , it took me all my time to get out of their. way!" Tt je expected that an asmouncement will shortly be made by the govern- ment 'of ¢ conclusion. of arromge- ments either with the firm of 2 for : it. > Big Shoe Sale Lots of "dds and gf Ends at less than sale prices in order to clear before Spring Goods arrive. Come and loek over our bargain tables of Odd and End lines. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF BIRTH We are leaders. Also Fancy Cakes GOOD BHOES and Wafers For 5 O'clock Teas. Try us, please, R. H. TOYE. 302 King St. Phone 141 HEE En # WEEHN # 4 dd ¥ EEN Brass Castings, Drouze Castings, Alsmisv Castings. WHITE POR PRICES. Phone, -

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