v "Tie Til YEAR 77-20. 52 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1910, | BATTERSEA ICE CARNIVAL. SEVEN HOUR DAY, . c WEALTH IN MUD. | | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. { ------ 4 5 -- | Toren X apch 3 -4'® J {Prizes Awarded for Costumes and Would be Sufficient For All Human Raft Buried in Mud of Welland va and Upper San wee, 10 ail Skating Races. Needs. i River. yy aad mild today 4) ft : Pattersea, March 1.~7The w= mr and fancy Ottawa, March 3 John Armstrong, St. Catharines, March 3-Speaking dress carnival conducted at the King secretary of the labor bureau of On- of the discovery of the $50,000 oak Edward skating rink on : Tuesday tario, gave evidence in support of Mr. ; raft just off Port Colborne a few Used Christian Science to i of last Weck was dot, ureve And Seeking to Minimise | Yervilie s bill providing for an git Dr. Godfrey 'Could Not|!as igo sn old-time Welland v al and quite successful, Lose Her Appetite Messrs. hour day on government works hefore . tock tender said : Stand the Affront. canal Andrew McFadden, of Perth Road, W. the special commons ymittee which "I would just like to own all the Duff, Inverary, and Reeve C. Sleeth the Harm Done. has 8 i a. San ee mabey that is wrapped up in oak rafts : the bill for consideration. Mr. ' Shy ------ were appointed the judges. 'Ihe fol- Armstrong thought that the bill Re a n------ g which are lying aw the mud at the bot + (lowing were awarded prizes : . practicable one and would be in the tom of Uhippawa creek, in other Best costumed lady--Miss Lulu Todd, interests of laboring : men jn general. 4 words; the Welland river. During the representing, "Miss Canada. He believed that & universal seven. last half a century quite a number ; Best costumed geutleman--A. Mec hour day on all kinds of work would . of valaable oak rafts have sunk in Lean, representing a "Sir Kni Be : be sufficient to supply all the needs of + -- that Stint, tel they will probably i ity ; b r he stern Girl." [SMOOTHING OUT THR-WRINKLEs [humanity Ho anid thus hi-hat hei [THAT WERE MADE BY PREMIER|N \® teed, = though the - 3 classes rai : i . med pd utter OF HIS SPEECH. a complaint against the eight-hour WHITNEY is ghe ak raft lving at the bottom Best comic costume--Earl Lake, Te bili and he believed that 88 4 whole ' cident he which is fully a mile long. 1 re John Redmond, the Nationalist presenting "A Clown." By Attacking the Toronto Globe and [they would favor a reduction in the [An Unusual I A When a. BIR member when she sank. It was over Leader, Predicts Another General Best costumed couple--Miss . Todd| Its Editor--Rifles Was the Theme hours of labor in preference to an in- Was Brought fn--One of Whit- forty: Vents v1 that vaft could Election in Britain in Three |and Earl Lake. For Quite a Time in the House of |S0% of wages. He knew of caves . as . s ney's Own--Could' Not Stand the be raised t v the wood would be Weeks--He Appeals for More| The skating races were run off re | Commons. Where workingmen would give up a sulting as follows : Gentlemen's race, hemp part of their earnings to secure an | Jmpertient Remarks of His Leader [ns good as ever, because oak sm- nis, won by Earl Lake; ladies' race, won |Special to the Whig. : 3 v - proves with wetting. Oak rafts ace : 4 Sight hour day. He believed that any ost re Macel 3. Tie Fan ats able to sink at any time, and it is London, March 3.~Mrs. Alice Chap- by Martha Clarks, girls' race, won by| Ottawa, March 3.--Dr. Edwards, the |legislation to shorten the hours of |f he islathire : are ph Jt pn pretty risky busincss to try and move : in, the suffragette, who recently com- Mildred Anghin; free-for-all, = won by [member for Froutenac, whose wild [Inbor should be a federal rather (han in i EL day i: nt and seldom [oak lumber in that way. pleted a ° jail sentence for throwing [Clarence ( pman. This last race |and injudicous remarks concerning thea provincial enactment. ro a of Sir Limes Whit-| 'In that raft they have just found eid in the ballot box at the Bermon- proved very exciting. There were|loyalty of the people of Quebec, in hiy In ohposed. or avert uestioned. But {Vl guarantee there are pices of dosey bye-election, thereby causing in- [shout fifteen starters but only two [recent speech on the naval question, ey Tae ble on the premier | 5quared oak fully four feet thick," jury to the eyes of an election officer. | fimished, C. C. Chapmap. and J. Ennis. | have caused him a whole lot of trou h d thi unteual ry: noe seeing "How do the men who found the told, to-day, how she outwitted the [These two doggedly contested the two (ble, especially with the members of « a of his trusty Pam io up the red jrait tome in---will they claim it for prison officials in the matter of for- [final laps, the former managing to bis own party, made. a futile attempt f n ot mutiny A of having directed | themselves 7" was asked. cible feeding. When a young girl in [win out by a neck, yesterday to minimize the harm he vs Pind i arnt Al has re- |. 'My 'opinion is that they can clam America, Mrs. Chapin says she became At the conclusion of the carnival|had done to the conservative cause ceived from the party benches for [Pall of its value for salvage," was the interested in Christian Science. When | the judges and race officials and their by his reckless utterances, In order some time The iocident oceurred |eply. "It will take about half what she was sent to jail, she remembered ladies were entertained at "The to ac hieve this end ho found fault while De Forbes Godfrey's bill to [it is worth to raise the raft and her earlier experiments and directed | Uiranite. with a Globe editorial, published ju event the proere tion of confirmed |bring it to land." her will power toward losing her ap- | The hockey match at the local rink yesterday's issue, and in doing so prevent 1 .proereatioh of ' The work of raising the raft will i rap . 2 : a eviminals, idiots and imbeciles was be- ag ! petite and producing general debility, jon Saturday afternoon, between the {took the opportunity of saying S0me fore the house. The ball of the pian | "OMMence as early in spring as weath The plan proved to be effective and |locals and the Ellisville team, the particularly harsh things concerning ber for West York is Somewhat simi- J* and ice conditions will slow. her appetite 'rapidly declined with the [latter playing two of the Seeley's Bay [the Globe and Ha editor. lar to that now in foree in the state i. CRE result that she was discharged. j team, resulted in a win for the Union| On a question. of privilege he called of Indiana. In asking the slature TESTS SUCCESSFUL. ------ {team by a score of three to two. attention to the editorial mn question. og . Predicts Another Election. i Herbert Midler has moved to his | He particularly took exception to the Best costum irl--Mies FROM JAIL ON ACCOUNT OF angi, representing "A W 'GENERAL DEBILITY., | though they repre- There THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS UNTIL 6 P.M, of the river, embedded in the mud, Ladies' Tailoring and Gowning, Ete. Many of our readers already know {rom experience of oar success in this line, and these we are sure of seeing again this To those who have not tried this department we would say there is a pleasure in gtove for you in proving for yourself we fully deserve our res putation for the best of everys thing to give it a second reading Dr, God- London, March the Irish pationalist leader in a letter | De latter has moved 3.--~John Redmond, | P¢W farm purchased from H. Keeler, {editor of the Globe, accusing him of a into W, Merri. [wish to raise the race cry. He thought h igi he. receipt 5,000 jman's, house. D. R. Lake has moved | it came with very bad grace from the ficknop ln vos oo hie back on his farm. J. Ducette has - a [editor of the Globe, when he remem- there will be another general election | '8vR® force of carpenters rushing the additions Balls has erected within a few weeks. He appeals to fight both the unionists and independent nationalists. or GIVE PUBLIC BENEFIT, | Lengthy Night Messages to be Cheap. : ly Handled. Buffalo, N.Y., March 3.--Announce- ment is made by the Western Union Telegraph company that it will be pre- pared shortly to handle long night messages at the rates charged for ten-word day messages. Tt appears that the Western Union has a large unemployed mileage of wire at night, which is not earning anything. These wires must be .any evant to take care of the regular F. 8. ti for {work on more funds to enable the nationalists {uven house. F. y } the '1arge iechouse in connection with butcher shop. Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick js [robbed you of your just reward, On ill quite ill. Visitors : Clark's; 7. Knapp's; ville, 'at G. Kirkpatrick's. RECOVERING BODIES, customarily | guia That Some. Forty Persons Were 1e8pised the editor of the Globe as Everett, Wash., March 3.--Latest es his mates place day business, and it is apparently the | at Wellington, Manitoba Won't Come. Winnipeg, March 3. 1 more tha, probable that the trip of the Manitoba university hockey team to the east in quest of the Allan cup will be called off. The tie in the. Intercollegiate league in the east, ow- ing to Toronto's defeat the night, has the game to be played for at "least |preme court in New York. This will be too late for [fore Justice Ford, the damage and it is too nem |of Patrick (O'Donovan, right leave of { man, who foll and broke in a verdict of $6,000 against two weeks, the local boys, their examination to take absence, It was hoped that the teus- | sulted ght, from Leg Worth $4,000 an Inch. New York, March 3.--Four thousand |aitack on the lack other [dollars an inch was made it impossible for {upon a man's leg by a jury in t Tried be. toes would rule that the Queen's col- [the eity. lege, they present holders, would defend played this week, 8 ! Sentences Commuted. Washington, March 3.--Because it O'Donovan's leg was shortened the trophy, so as to have the games |inch and a half by the breakage and resulting operation, howed., -------------------- To Reach a Solution, Washington, the | bered a : . p the Van- [during a certain election in Ontario, his |0f. the Miss {of Sydenham High School, at Dr. K. Lake's; E. Moore, Seelev's Bay, £t Sk S ry 3 Miss Mar, punters tionalist views of Mr, Bourassa. nor Grace Cunningham, N, at suid |official arm of watchs | T® ldouble star, an testimony 3.--President what appeared in that paper a {ond electors were warned to "Beware French-Canadian horde, who tario, Ontario." With reference 10 the Globe's statement that he had shown blind partizavship by not' re ferring to Mr. Bourassa, he wished to say that he did not share the na. did he share the separatist views of the editor of the Globe. He respected Mr. Bourassa as a man who was not afraid to express his views, and he a fawning, adnging sycophant, who advocated a policy o separation in paper, He did not think the number of persons |ciiobe was fair in wishin | I : Hobe $ g to deny to maintained in killed by the avalanche that crushed hiny. the two Great Northern pas privilege of expressing his nger trains, | views, because when the Globe got ile only into a tight place through following idon of the new interests in the -tele- | tWenly-three persons are known to be ji. well-known policy of _ ¢ to let the public have dead, nearly a score more are thought tion and calumny the Sonhgompany. to | to be buried in the wreckage. Com-]io ihow a vellow st munication with Wellington is main-|like a cur for the privilege of the tained only by men on snow shoes, i+ Twelve bodies had been removed, last the 150-foot gorge, into which the snow-slide swept the train. misrepresent a- tor was guick to whine press, For an hour the commons turned from warships to rifles and several of the opposition members varied their protestations of loyalty to Britain and to things British by making an of sporting (lair set |play shown by the National Rifle As. su ; sociation of Great Britain and Iveland in seeking to discriminate against the the Canadian militia, wit, the Ross rifle, marked I, used last year by the members of a Canadian team at Bis lay. Col. Sam Hughes, in bringing the Mattar up on a motion to adjourn with a view to discussing the regula- tions of the N.R.A., in it to the authorization of rifles yu at Bisley meet, gave an interesting sequel to the discussion of the last two years was his first offense the president has Emery, of the tarifi board, and Cp M.|2"ent the Ross rifle. He emphatically commuted to five years' Imprisonment, the seutence of seven years and a fine of 85,000 imposed - on Anton Winter, convicted at Bufialo, N.Y., of counter fi fo! imposed on A. J, Guilhan, New York! ; for importing = woman for immoral ye purposes. YMCA. Raises $100,000, Pepper, reign trouble. Canning's Co.'s Combine. Be. Thole : Hamilton, Ont., March 3.--~The mer |" Isley meets anc ger of the canners, which Yas been ou of left, last evening, for Ottawa, to confer with Mr, Field: Ing, the Canadian minister, with ay riew shing' olutd Fo Kiros yeare, the president has oii on Oyton commited the sentence of four years' fo ference will result in an amicable | Ve in the imprisonment from March 30th, 1008, agreement whereby the threatened ta- i war will be averted, adviser relations, declared that the improved Ross rifle, as adopted by the militia department, was undoubtedly the best military arm . in the world and the campaign which the | had been made against it, headed by the Coli Worthington, his fellow CONServa- commons, was the result a conspiracy on the part of rival manufacturing firms in England which Were antious to secure practically a monopoly of supplying rifles used at whose influence had been able to secure the passing of Cleveland, March 3.-After a whirl: |(y, tapis for a short time, has gone |® regulation by the National Rifle As: wind campaign of two days, it 'is an through. The pounced that the Young Women's|yill have Christian Assoviation 3 Claeelind, hus and its head office in this cite fe Hew was ¢ succeeded. in raising L000 for the |nrincipal coneerns in ft are the Cana , purpose of clearing their building of roe ibn Limited, and the Inde [1880s would go to debt. At the last moment a deficit of | pendent Canners, Limited. The merger inde good by John D.{ynites every canning company in the , Who the week previous con |domir $25,000 was R tributed $100,000. Rev, Dr, Lyle has tendered his resig- nation as byteriun church, Hamilton. Dr. Lyle ROM. Carnegie Foundation Report. 10,0000, against the Canadian arm. Unless Jns- y 3 Sapits The | tive was done and fair lov shown the sociation unjustly discriminating he declared, no Canadian Bisley this year. Incidentally, he had his usual serap with Col. Worthington over the ques- tion while the liberals sat back and quietly enjoyed the family row. Major Currie coneurred in the main New York, March 3.--The fourth an. | ¥ith eriticism of Col. Hughes. He be- of the Central Pres. nual report of Carnegie foundation resideist of the lieved that the whole trouble was that ws that in the the NRA. at the instigation of the has about reached the age of three year, the foundation granted 115 pen British rifle firms, was practically re- store years and ten, and years. Open all your stare, streets, . 3 Tree DAILY MEMORANDA. wands, Prous Princess been pas- | ooo : amount to $177,000. It i tor of - Central church for thirty-two | 0 ving a] aggregating day - Sunday to ¥ | these come from 139" colleges, distributed over forty-three states the union and provinces of Canada. Englich Teachers to Visit Canada, quiring every one who went to Bisley to purchase an expensive Lee Enfield or Lee-Metford. Col. Worthington thought Col. of | Hughes was raising a tempest in a tea pot. As a matter of fact, he said, the Ross rifle, mark II, double star, was not the ar service arm of the Ca- nadian militia, since only five hundred ess x 3 to be held in| Toronto, March 3.--Fifty teachers | of them had been ordered. Ne RARER al Boas" oveH 0K. from: Fagioed 've make & tour of| "Col. Hughes declared that letters hod Canada next Gate fhe) "written by Col. Worthington to the purpose of LADY AILEEN ROBERTS Panghier 04 Roberts, who has arrived in a and will be the guest of Countess Grey at Rideau [fall rawa m------ BROKE OLEOMARGARINE LAW, Sentenced for Six Years and Fined $135,000. Chicago, March 3.--William Broad- well, charged with violating the law regulating the sale of oleomargarine, was sentenced to six years in the fed ral prison at Leavenworth, Kan., and fined $15,000 hy Judge Landis in the United States: district court. Sent- ence of Edward Broadwell, Samuel Drisshackawnd Naywiel indicted with Broadwell, - was deferred until next Thursday. "It has been disclosed that probably not less than 815,000 and possibly more than $30,000 was lost hy the United States. government as a re suit of Broadwell's activities," said Judge Landis in seutencing the oleo- Margnrine dealer. 'When arrested he has given bond and then gone out and violated the law again the next day. It has been a wilful defiance of the law. His bond has been supplied by a manafacturer of the commodity which he sold illegally, a proceeding which 1 regard it my duty to say is highly significant." GENEROUS - REWARD ENRICHES MAN WHO CHILD'S LIFE, SAVED Cattle King Gives Half Interest in 40,000 Acres and 235,000 Cattle to a Tramp. Galvaston, Tex., March 3.--The fii- ing of documents for record transfer- ring a half interest in the 40,000-acre ranch and 25,000 cattle and all build- ings of the Valvédere ranch in Jeff Davis 'county from Sam Jennings, the cattle king, to Francis R. Strome, comes as a reward 10 the latter for saving the life - of little Mary Jen nings, the six-year-old daughter of Colonel Jenoings. "fhe property is said to be worth anywhere from $700, "to $1,000,000, Strome is about fifty years of age, a machinist, for many years a res- dent of a small down 'in Ilinois. He met with reverses and after the death of his wile took to drink. He was beating his way westward frying to make California ond was hanging around Alpine triing to catch a train whin the girl wae crosang the rail road track just as a train approach ed. The child became bewildered and would have been killed had Strome not jumped on the track and matched her clear of the rails just in time. He disappeared but the father of the girl had = him located about fifty miles away and brought him back to the ranch 'and kept hin at the place for several days, Warping something of his. history before telling him = what he was going. to do for him. Sirome to. settle down and thoughtful care. Allan Stodholme had added bid endorsation of the bill. Then the premier arose. "I must ask the hon. member to withdraw his bill,"" he began, 'and §i he will not | must ask every = hon member to vote against it. And why ? For several reasons. We may as well serve notice on Providence, Better let two physicians of the lowest mental and moral type decide what number of persons shall live. This bill is one that ought not to pass and ought not to Keep thé attention of the house for any time." Every member in the house turned do watch the member for York as he stood up. *'Mr. Speaker Le said, "of course 1 will have to bow to the will of the first minister, but 1 did not think 1 was making such a se rious misstep, when Indiana consid fred such a bill justifiable and the state legislataire mado it law, and when other states are doing the same thing. | want to state that | do not believe that in the province of On. tario there are two medical men . of ch low order av the ier has mentioned. Than the dl men, | am sure, there is not a better class of men in the province, "Further, 1 want to state that there is no class of men who have done more for the good of the province and have done it at less cost than the methical men of the province of On tario. 1 am not ashamed of stand: ing up in this house as 1 did. In years to come perhaps I will be jus tified. 1, therefore, withdraw this bill to 'bring it wp agin at some futire time." Dr. Godfrey's remarks were applaud ed by a number of members on both sides of the house, particularly those who are physicians. The premier did not reply and the incident was closed. LOCAL OPTION IN ARDEN Causes a Great Improvement--A Kingston Man Fined. Arden, March 2.--Loeal option is working fine here. re are two public houses and the accommodations are much better than they were un- der the license law, and there is no Lquor sold at tFose houses. Quite a change *s manifest in the village since local option came in foree. Under the license law it was guite & common ae- currence to see men dunk on the street. andl quarrelling and fighting were frequently indilged in and ladies could scarcely pass without being in- sulted. A young man from Kingston came out Fere for a visit and bought some Lguor with him to treat the boys, but he made the mistake of treating » boy under twenty-one years of age and ywas taken before & magistrate mid finged. Another man was also fined for indulging too freely in whiskey. A number' from here contemplate going to the North-West in the near future, PEATH OF DAVID WHELPLEY, Stuck to Wis Post and Saved Pass engers, St. Joba, N.B., March 3. William Whelpley , died. at his - home: here yes: terday. He was watchman on the steamer David Weston when, some years ago, the steamer took - fire on a trip down the river. Whepley won great praise for heroie ork in stick- ing 'to his post om § uring vesvel until he had beac br. Three lives were lost in the (Shneior, Whelpley really never got over his experience, frey presented a Wifficult subject with {4 Torpedo Boat That Won't Need Funnels. Naples, March 3.--A torpedo boat, without funnels, having three distinct advantages over the present type of boat, is soon to be launched at the wal dock yard of Castellamare, a cording. to a statement, to-day, In Commodore Calabritto, director of the dock yard, and the faventor of the boat. By means of a special sys tem of electrical inventors products of combustion ave discharged without the need of smokestacks he govern ment is maintaining utmost seersoy regarding the invention but it is said that successful tests have heen already made, epi: FLOOD SITUATION. Fresh Menaces Lay In the Great Joe Gorge. Albany, N.X., March 3. Fhe water more than eighteen feet above the normal in the flood situation; at Al bany, this morniog, showed no - im provement. Fresh menaces lay in the fields of ice, which gathered in the night. The breaking of the gorge at Herkimer sent down a mighty volume from the Mohawk, bringing the level here to the highest point in this flood. Orders were given, today, for dynamitiog and the use of a powerful tug in an attempt to move the gorge at North Coeymans. atin SCALDED WITH TEA. Little Daughter of John Doris Dies From Injuries, Warkworth, March 4.-It is learned that Mary Magdalene, the little daugh ter df John Doris, of Peterboro, died at Campbellford, from the results of distressing accident. The child, who was at the home of relatives, was one year and eleven months old. At the tea table she seized a pot of hot tes, and, before the gecident could be pre vented, had pulled the vessel over, spilling the contents on her body. She was so badly burned about the stom ach that death resulted in spite of skilful medical attendance, CANNOT BE CONFIRMED w-- Report That Rescuers Were Swept Under Snow, Spokane, March 3.-A report las reached the Great Northern office, here that rescuers at work in the Cascade mountains, at Wellington, were cau ried away in a snow slide, late Wed nesday. The report has it that thirty rescuers were buried. The report can not be confirmed, -- The Standard Loaf, Toronto, March 3.---A« passed: by the municipal commitior of the legisla ture, this morning, alter a hot fight, the McNaught bread bill provides tha small loaves must be of twelve nunies and standacd loaves of one and one half pounds or three poston le Fhe use of labels iw forbidden. Priefly this weans that uniform «ize and weight are provided and that there can be no geiting away from this under the pla of "Iancy bread" or other subierfug« ------ The Price of Good Roads, Toronto, Mareh 3<That wo good toad could he built for less than £1 . 0 a mile was the nssortion of (° J Fov, KC. Perth, ex-warden of Lanark county, at thix morning's the Good Roads Aesociation conven tion. That county had bails 1m wersion of MARCH 27th WILL BE EASTER Not far away is it? and #f You contemplate buying a New Tailored Suit or Gown for that date we would strongly advise you to leave your order at once To-morrow is none too soon. ALL THE NEW CLOTHS ARE HERE FORYOUR CHOOSING, WE INVITE INSPECTION. DIED, BRIDGEN At Parham, on Feb. 236th, 1918, Rober Thomas Bridgen, in his 60th year Funeral took place March 1st Toronto papers pledse cop) LAWLESS In Kingston, on March Sad 1910, ilen Doran, beloved wife af Tames Lawless, of the Inland Res Yehue Funeral will leave the family residence 211 Universit Avenue Joa morning, at 8 o'clock, for St. Mary's Cathedral, where a #olemn requiem mass will be sung for the repose of her soul Friends and acqguaint- ances are respectfully Inviled te attend : Sr ------ ROBERT J. REID, 2 The Leading Undertaker, wa 'Phone, 377 227 Princess Street. JAMES REID, ws The OM Firm of | nderinkers, 254 nnd 356 PRINCESS STRERT. "Fone 147 for ambulance. A Sna Stra wherries In Heavy Syrup x 2 Tins For 25c. # Jas, Roddon_& Co, Importers of Fine Groceries, "Pull Times" don't be afraid to excha for good Goods as pe r % comin 2 wt sitter Examine pr big Bock 'riven A "dollar" looks good Turks, i roy, seoretary of the London testhers' NRA. nob 0 asosiation, * which has 19,000 mem: i rifle BE oot but really = to | for his property. \ bers, bas Chief Inspector vent the use of the Ross rifle at » BEY N Hughes that he mil peronally con: Rie Worth; Forbes, Pagilist, Arrested. DIN duct the party and they will be i inks i hey orthibgton Sactared thi Albany, "N.Y. Mabeh 3 Harry FO miles, at a cost of $150,000, of which OLD WOUND HEALING. £30,000 had been supplied by the go Fi h President Visited German [omment, but if they had built sevent, rene : five mites with the money, it would Toronto from Aug. Tth to 10th. sHe had simply been en-| Forbes, pugilist, is under arrest and Pasis, March 3.--Presidest Failiervs, have been betier New Mounted Police Patrol. yw rin to secure the very best seg: will be taken to Lonel , lows, it was learced to-day, has personally i " & to amswer 10 an indiftment for using : HY a Carried By-Eaw: Edmonton, March 3.<One of _ the ~th anada, and he admitted that the tails to cwindle millionaires : op |Colled on Prince Von Radolin, the Ger Picton, Oni Vor il village features of the RN.WM.P's work this the ' . | lag Hor ns he, Pe He rs ne Sob 1 Pee and | pin, 0" ard Tie year will be a patrol that will be. es vies arm. "ae charge. ; 0 as cn a bylaw 16 tablished between Edmonton and the Col. Hughes challenged him to deny] © "Phone 103. 4 g Applic ation ix being made to mr -------- death of the ambmssador's son. Aslraive 33.000 further to improve the val Humane Society for 4 White H Pass over 'the mountains, |. hat he hod Beat Civil War Record. this is the first visit a president of lotreets and walks, and to purchace { ore Pass ov ig charge that not inspired . is servi ill be put in operation i}. A 3 bassy ines Fea . Re a oles fu x little girl { This Won wi pu A Ra to take exception to the ot Frit ever récorded for hogs, on rian var Whee oected ype I elied : Six\yvmn e oy n p24: the Welland canal, Gallaphige § : Ate Pills for Candy Sir Wilirid Laurier, in the absence of | 487, when they wee quoted at $10.10. : and rescued her. © A Carnegie hero Wi . March 3. Stall. ntaya, Sir Fratens. Tore oar hat. thie] The civil war récdrd war $10. Prol. Goldwin Smith whe ststaioed | ! medal: will also be asked. A Pk Pp Fe pr wiles from - Win ; mild effects of Carter's Little Lives 8, the, con tainly plende your, ; 4 a How we blow when we begin to n Cialisgher, Mt Satharincs, curd i Ger. al "Di om i" Fhe | Pluhty yearn ol 'age. cpg Marga ] Cleveland. Ohio, Wark 3-The high. |e "Pople tae pail fo the Gor lgravel pits and road machinery. Th " tail ito thes in the early spring. ; j : Col. Worthington made no reply. market, was reached, ter | couiment, majority of Hiy-seves, plunged into the ey wal thigh as the Harsh purgative réntedies are - fa and Mr Antays, the government, and the ow. . Pika. I vou Ary them. they will cope on sire |