PAGE FOUR. fact 'e -- ~ ORDERED 0 HOSPITAL FOR OPEEATION FOR ACUTE IN MGESTION--DID NOT GO AND WAS CURED BY Dr. Chase's + Kidney-Liver Pills. A medicine that will a surgical operation must while. The doctors seem to have made Sommon mistake of dosing the stom- ach when the real source of trouble was with the liver and kidneys. Any- wity br, Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills made a complete cure and hero is the record : . Mrs, F. 4). Bacon, Baldwin's Mills, Cae, writes : *'] was very sick ard th doctors said 1 must go to the hos pital for a surg tal oparation, I had agente indigestion and the liver and kid- neys did not act. 1 did not want to undergo an operation, so 1 began s use of Lr. Chase's Kedney * and Liver Pills and have used them ever since, "4 am @eling well now and my own work for a family of seven, E think there is po equal for acute indigestion and liver and kidney trou such as | had and they and no- thing else made me well 'again. There i# na medicine 1 Wke half so well, for shin did wonders for me, he real perious onses pH indigestion almost always have their location in the bowels and can omly be reached by making the Mver and kidneys ac- tive. No medicine regulates the lv- er, kidneys and bowels so nicely and so promptly as do Dr. Chase's Kid- ww and Liver Pills. One pill a dose, he. a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Toronto. Do not be untisficd with a substitute or you will Le din "appointed, -------- save ope from be worth the doing ------ THE WHIG, 77th DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308-310 King Btreet, Kingston, Qrtatie, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 a o'clock er WEBKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published fin parts on Monday and | Fhursday morning at $1 a year. United States, charge for postage had added, making price of Daily $3 year, to be and of Weekly $1.56 per yea Attached is one of the best Job Print. ing Offices in Canada; rapl styll and cheap work; nine improved aii, The British Whig Publishing Co., Ltd. EDW. J. B. PENBE, Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City bers, 32 Church St, Torogto, Smalipeice, J.P. representative. Daily Wihig. A QUESTION OF FINANCING, An alderman has been passing out the financial heresy that the electric YEAR| Cham- H E account, that as the debenture and interest debt is being wiped out the need of a depreciation fund is made to disappear. The man may be incor- rectly quoted. If not he has a new and unique idea of a depreciation ac- count, or he is confounding it with a sinking iund. A depreciation account the appropriation of a certain and reasonable sum from the earnings for contingent, purposes. There is wear and tear going on all the while. There are gccidents and repairs, There is the expenditure, limited but continual, which keeps the plant up to the condi- tion where it may do the best ser vice. All this expenditure must be met out of the depreciation fund. The sinking fund--if it esiste--or the debenture and interest account re Yuires no explanation, It is just what its name implies, It an- We are wuss, . chat Rush Order for LUMBER AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 5. ANGLIN & CO. es ue. Nay and Wellugton Sta, -------------------- cs The alterations in our store have been completed and we are HUW ready to have you call and spect our LARG E NEW STOCK Bulte, Gent's fi, Hoots and Shoes, y of iiidren's I per cent. less than any other stare In town. These goods ave all mw and up to-date ti svery way, ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINCESS 8ST. Fish! Whitefish, large Wamens wail Fhoes ¢ Men's, Boots o In ie ii nisin Fish! "Fresh Herring, and Haddock, Salt Herrings, Biacoes and Haddles. Salmon, Codflish, Smoked Fresh Oysters, 40e qt. Special Good Salmon, 10c per Tin. Gage's Grocery, Cor. Montreal and John Sta, "Phone 549. Prompt Belivery. Cliffs Real Estate Agency ESTABLISHED 1882. Where yout can Buy or Sell Property. Also Insurance written in best companies. GEO. CLIFF, 95-Glarence St, % ack of This Customer «fF onrs there is a werackling, spark- Jing, radians story of contentment, com- fort, coziness, the title of which spells i "OUR COAL" nual payment on capital account, or an annual appropriation and saving of the annual amounts that at the end of so many years will wipe out or li- quidate the debt. debenture money, or the interest, the payment of con- Can be diverted to | tingencies. Without a depreciation account there 11s no help for it, in the event of con | tingencies, but the | bank, at current rates of interest, 1 » | money that is necessary, and to carry to horrow from ough to cover with a debenture. Is this what financing ? any 'one LANGUAGE OF THE PRESS. The liberal press has been guarded in its comments upon the Foster-Mac- donald libel case. The main point was that a liberal writer had been called to account for publishing a statement which he believed to be true, which he said was founded upon the report of a parliamentary commission, and which indicated that Mr. Foster was not eligible for election to a seat in the House of Commons. of the Globe was held, under the circumstances, to have ut- tered a libel for which he was asked damages, and: to the. extent of $50,000. The man who seeks such a large sum, as a balm for his injured feelings, and gets a verdict against him with costs, has an experience that is far from ex- hilarating. Mr. Foster is going to appeal the He is not satisfied with the ver- dict, or with some of the proceedings which led up to it. It is important, therefore, to note how the party press regards the case. The Toronto News, conservative, does not see how the jury could "reach any other conclusion." contemporary regards it as use less "to shut one's eyes to the fact that his (Foster's) position is serious ly prejudiced and his influence greatly impaired by the insurance investiga tion, and the legal action which has just closed with a judgment substdn- tially in favor of his assailant." The Toronto Telegram, conservative, considers that the jury had nothing to do with the question of good or bad faith. "The fault charged against Mr. Foster," says the Telegram, "is not and never was a virtue. It would have been a public misfortune if a jury | had called évil good, at the bidding of a partizan prejudice, or outraged the liberty of the press by protecting Mr. Foster aguinst the criticism which he has invited by his own mistakes." Mr. Foster has mot many sympa- thisers in his defeat, and it is not re { markable. He has little, if any, sym- | pathy with others. He is a dour man, and happy ouly--if he is happy then-- when he is cynical or sensorious, The editor case. Our THE PARTY'S "AT HOME." The government of Ontario and its supporters in the legislature have had 'a heart-to-heart talk upon two very important subjecis--the sessional in- demunity and the license law. The {members of the «government had their valaries raised so that they might {meet the higher cost of living last { year, and the members thought that their tarn should come this year. Perhaps they expected the premier ito call them into his office and whis- per in their ears as Hon, Mr. Hanna is said fo have whispered during a session of ome of the committees in {the ear of its chalrman. 1 8a, they | B were disappointed and it was only fates: come ane suggested that the is could be done, To | plant does not require a depreciation | represents | Not a dollar of the ! the | lit along until the amount is large en-| would call good | THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG, THURSDAY, The . . supplementary estimates {bad been brought and nothing i » "Educa- some progress was made, of sults, down, practically. {tionally," course. Then Mrs. Hanna's plan of putting the administration of the Heense! de partment under one central hoard was introduced and discussed. This the solution of the difficulty when the Star's commission revealed the scandals of the liquor and license par- ties of Toronto. These scandals were the result of political interference, and the slogan of the Whitney party, in the election and in opposifion was "mo polities in the ment." : And there will be politics in the business still. The administration has | ithe support of the Kquor party, and it is not desired that anything should be done to lose or antagonize it. So the matter goes over until the mem- bers consult with their friends at home. Which means that the ceniral license board will never really take shape or power. The local boards must be allowed the exercise of the influence that make for votes. i was license depart- EDITORIAL NOTES. The city property commitiee may us well abandon, at once, the of providing accommodation for the board of education in the city hall There is no money and no sense in the scheme, dea There is need of more school (- commodation. Why cannot the old high school be turned to account ? It is not being used by Queen's College for educational purposes, and if i¢ only loaned for college uses. The pro- NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody----- Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. A general strike of French railway employees is threatened James Woods, seeretary of the Que- bee Harbor Commission, dropped dead. The Hudson river is eighteen feet above its normal N.Y. John Devise, a well-known resident of Watertown, N.Y., died, Tuesday inight, He had been ill for some time fhe wife and child of FE. H. Ding the family dwelling at Enthwistle, Al berta. 3 The mineral production of Canada last year was a little over $90,000,000 in value. Cobalt mines are credited with §13,000,000. The establishment of a Methodist college at Regina was authorized at a meeting of a special committee of the Methodist church. The Ontario government will impose a tax on American and foreign hunters and trappers who come into Ontario for the shooting and trapping sea- son. The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Improvement Association, mcting in Torontd, urged that work on the deep- ening of the Welland canal commence at once, The Presbyterian church, Plessis, N.Y., was sold at public auction for $180. The old church will be torn down and the timbers used in building a barn. A deputation from the Canadian boards of trade and municipalities asked Sir Wilfrid Laurier to proceed with construction of the Georgian Bay canal. A young guillemot, or sea pigeon, perty is the city's. A further raid upon the water works' funds is contemplated. talks of taking legal proceedings | which will establish ghe right city to take, seize, grab or steal earnings of the water plant. He be looking for popularity | One alderman of the the must The members of the local legislature think their sessional indemnity should! be at least $1,500. It is now $1,000 should have mada and of the same {Ths party | ministerial salaries part scheme, Then everything would have gone. sessional in 'demnit/es | Le Devoir has now fallen upon the governor-general and assails him as anj ultra-imperialist. Earl Grey will not deny his imperial tendencies. Indeed, {t would be remarkable if he denied them. But why he should be abused by the nationalist in conse quence is the marvel of the day. Hoodless Mrs. , of Hamilton, who died suddenly while addressing a wo- man's meeting in Toronto, was the originator of the seientso | teaching in Kingston, and led in the press domestic Khe came here campaign which ended in the founding of the cooking classes. vis : i The political muzzle is advocated as! the way of shutting off the talk that is ruining the couservative party. If] the demands of the Montreal leaders are respected the muzzles will be put into use and one of them will be worn by the member for Fron- tenae, at once, With all its luck in revenue, thanks to the generowity of the federal gov- ernment, the British Columbia gov. ernment has a deficit of $700,000 for the last year. And yet the premien, in a rcilway deal, has committed the province to a Rability of $43,000,000, But a trifle like that does not bother the rising young statesman, Hon. Ri- chard McBride. Mr. Patten, "'the wheat king," has retired from business with $12,000,000 to $15,000,000. He is going abroad for rest and recreation. He will visit the art galleries, of course, and per- haps occasionally, when he forgets himself, he may step into the stock exchanges. The shouts of the bulls and and bears will be to him more hilarating than champagne. Rascality's Increasing. Ottawa Journal The Ottawa district churches wera certainly unlucky Sunday. In one a clergyman had his coat and wraps stolem, a girl at confession had her purse taken, amother girl lost her muff, while a gaog of roughs heaved some rocks through the window of another sacred edifice. Hunger and want may excuse, or at any rate, ex- plain the first three thefts, the last is pure vandalism of the kind that can offer not the shadow of an ox- cuse, Serious Results Follow. Cold, clammy hands and feet, pains in the and back result from impov- erished blood. Serious consequences follow neglect. Wade's Iron Tonic 'species is one lof Panama the * was caught at East Canaan, N.H. The of the northern sea birds allied to the auk, and is rarely found so far south. Jose Domingo de OUbaldia, president, died from heart disease on Tuesday. He had been sick only since last Friday. The new president will be Dr. C. A. Mendoza. Following an operation, tof Edwin Clark, of No Ann street, ei N.Y., died, Tuesday afternoon at the age "of forty-eight years, She had lived there twenty-one years. A gift of 87,000 from Lord Strath conan to Chief Inspector James L. Hughes, to be used {o provide tunics for the Toronto public school cadets, has been forwarded in the form of a cheque. A bill is before the senate, at Wash ington, to incorporate the Rockefeller Foundation, which is intended to ad- minister, for the benefit of humanity, a large part of the wealth of John D. Rockefeller. The (.P.R. station agent at Wood stock, N.B., was fined $50 for having Hquor in a Treight shed in a Scolt act county. Two barrels marked groceries were found to contain liquor, Under the law the railway agent is liable. Miss Mildred Carter, daughter of United States minister to the Balkan States, John Ridgeley Carter, is about to become the wife of Viscount Ache son of the Countess of Gosford The Wedding will take place in Chapel Royal in James' palace, London, lee jams ad rains today added to the dangers of the Genesee Valley floods. The country from Mount Mor ris to Dansv illg is under six feet of water, and the rise continues steadily. The country near the fungtion of the the Genesee river gud the Canaserega Creek, is under water and abandoned. Anna, wife sR son, SHE H.D THIS SORE. Long Years--Zam-Buk Healed It. ual Zam-Buk for soves ether recent or of long standing. ~ This is the opinion of Mrs. Wilson, of 110 Wickson avenue, Toronto. Mrs, Wilson says : "About four years ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of my face, just above the angle of the jaw. This spot increased in size until it became about half an inch in diameter, anc very troublesome, 1 went to a } doe tor, from whom at different times dur- ing fifteen years 1 had received treat ment, but the ointment I got did not have any good effect on the sore. 1 had it cavterized, tried poultices and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and this continued for four years. A sample of Zam-Buk was one day left at our house, and I used For Four You cant of all kinds, w ex- | it. "Although the quantity was so small, it to do me some good, so I'purchased from Mr, Bauld, drug- gist, Scollard and Yonge streets, a supply of Zam-Buk. Each box did me more and more good, and to my delight, before I had been using Zam- Buk three weeks, 1 saw that it was going to heal the sore. In less than a month it was healed ! It has now been healed for almost a year, and at the present time the only trace of it is a small patch of skin a Kittle whiter than the surrounding tissue. If Zam-Buk can heal a sore of this kind, wnich had defied all treatment for four years, 1 am sure it must he a thing necded in scores of homes." Try Zam-Buk for eczema, ulcers, sores, bad leg, varicose ulcers, eruptions, face spots, baby's rashes, inflamed places, piles, blood-poisoning and all skin injuries and diseases. Sin. all druggists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toromto, for Pills. make new, rich blood, tone up the systein, add vitality to wasting tissues and Price, 2c., at McLeod's Drug Stores. There is now a péssibility that the new mining camp at Porcupine - will some day, in the future be served strengthen weak nerves. | price. Refuse "just as good" and imitations. 2 John D. Rockéleer, Jr., has resign- ed asa director of the United States Steel Corporation. The holding of by [stocks in the company hy members of the T. & N. O. railway. * One thing comforting about the in evitable is that there is no use wor ving over it. + his Samity is not sufficiently large to {justify his giving any time or atten tion to the afiairs of the corpora tion, Notes From Al Over--Littie of |; level, at Albany, man perished in a fire that destroyed | - #kin MARCH 3, 1910, n x = x = = Ce i Are You on the Lookout for GOOD PLUMBING? | Turn your Steps in our direc- § tion and your search ends, hur experie we ta i ir Can, Lilley of your maki ni a mistake x DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. | IE 'Phome No. 335. Koyal Food Suits Every Taste and is postively unequailed as a giver of ren an sustalr ping energy i INVAL 1D8, CONV ALE S, and persaas of weak digestion. It Strengthens, Nourishes and Sustains Is naturally rich in the ingredi- ents necessary for the perfect nutrition of the ITUMAN FRAME, It is easily and quickly prepared, digests rapidly, and is readily assimilated. Postage paid to any address in Canada. Price 36 cents, send trial order to-day to Kenneth Campbell & Co., Established 1833. Montreal, i 0000000000000 000 FO000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060000000000 al i Sowards eeps Coal Coal Kc¢eps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? "Phone 1335. RT 2 TFL: = es EI Ei GC WT TORO WA, WINNIPEG, WASHINGTON. SANITARIS WATER An absolutely Pure Natural Water, aottled only at the springs in Arnprior, ind proved by analysis to be the purest water in Ontario, More moderate in orices than the imported water and ally as good, In cases, 3 doz. Splits 2 doz. Pints, Agent HM. J. Lawler, olden Lion Block. 'Phone 75 The man who always keeps his thusiasm steam heated is usually enough of a hypnotist to get some easy mark to pay his coal bills. eRe iia Coma s---- ---- -- - "| BOSC 45000004605 ETEIEIEI E4000 0S SLI EIISS THE H.D.BIBBY CO. § The Big Store With Little Prices. The man who appreciates Choice Shirts will be pleased with eur New Lines. They're different. The Best of Shirt Makers made them from cholce Se lected fabrics of the very best sorts Every detail that enters Into good shirt been well looked after. SHIRTS, 30¢, 75¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. SEE OUR SWELL $1.00 SHIRTS. making has 1910 MODELS If you see our Showing of Spring Hats before you buy buy your Spring Hat here. you'll Our $2.00 Barrington Hat is a Hat we bank on and sa it if you can for the money NEW SOFT HATS. NEW SHAPES, y! Match NEW STIFF HATS, NEW SHADES, {The H. D. Bibby Co. , 80, 82 Princess St., Kingston. eeresrrsesressrosseresssensserrrrrrserrntt T------ 0 r Big Clearing Sale Still Flourishing A chy aneg to furnish for spring, Everything bright and new in the latest designs in Parlor, Dining and Bedroom KF arniture: Carpet. Sgoares, Oileloths and prices. Rugs, and Linolaums at sale James Reid, The leading Undertaker. 147. Phone " ---- - - BAAR AAA A FAFA SEAR AACE AREA AN FOR BIRTHDAY CAKES : We are leaders. Also Fancy Cakes and Wafers 5 O'clock Teas. Try us, please. R. H. TOYE, 302 Kings * $ Phone 141 FAEAAEEFEOEAOR ROMAIN oll VA For Only 10 Days More of next 10 days 10 DAYS MORE AA a ANN SN Abernethy's Sale of The Johnston Shoe Stock. If ever you want a Bargain in Shoes, come now. i A lO 0 LPP ABERNETHY'S Sale Only Lasts 10 Days Longer Every pair of Shoes of The Johnston Shoe Store must be sold within the .The Sale, so far, has been a real g Bargiias are the "Secret of this Success." rood success. Genuine SBERNETHY S has jssued a statement in which he says that one-cent letter postage could be established if second-class rote were raised to cover the cost of trans portation. Russia's produced] by any country for a single! vesr. 1. 8 Postmaster-General Witeheok | Twelve sytinre font of the "ould wheat crop of 782,000,000 | bushels for 1900 was the largest' ever | The immensely valuable propert longing to 8. H, Janes at the north ealt corner of Yonge and King streets, has been sold to Henry bes isod," upon which President Taft is (0 {stand when he talks to the members jof the Irish Fellowship Club, Chi | Toronto, | cago, on March 17th, will be placed on | Smith Osler, K€, as acting for iboard the liner £4. Louis when she | some unknowns parties for ¥740,000 touche® at Uneensiown next Thursday I At this time last vear the steel car The Canada Foundry company, To builders ligd orden for 60,000 core ronto, bas advanced wages by {This sear orders have amounted to fave per cent. i 41 600 oe tema ~ pe Is Good Tea Always sold in lead packages, never in bulk.