In 1 and 2 pound sealed tins -- never in bulk. At all grocers. CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL. 110 'of we OFFENDERS GOT THREE MONTHS EACH. {TWO Love For Whiskey has Brought Lot of Trouble to James Burns Young' Married Woman From Gananoque Was Sentenced For Vagrancy. The way of the transgressor is hard, This i= an old, old story, but the truth of it could not have been shown better than in the police court on Thursday morning. James Burns was the first person to find out that it was best to keep on the straight 2 narrow path. Burns belongs to the "out again, in again" class--that is, the class of who are no sooner out of jail than they are in again, and Kingston has a few sch sons. But to refer to Burns' case. Whiskey is at the root of it. He was only out of jail gue day, when he was under the influence, and a police constable had to take him to the lockup, He was in such a bad state that he had to be given a full day to sober up. "4 think you have been here before," remarked the 'magistrate to Burns when he was arraigned. The records go to show that he has been up many times, "Yes, that's right," said Burns the court, Then it was time for Burns to give his usual little story to the court.Fwv. ery time he has some tale to tell. On this occasion it was to the effect that he was very sick and wanted to go to the hospital. d "I'm sick; send me to the hospital," he said to the magistrate. "I've got a better hospital for you," replied the magistrate. "IT will send voy up to jail for three months. 3 to By Lydia E. Pinkham's' Vegetable Compound Dovedale, Sask.--* I was a sufferer from female weakness~ monthly and painful and a bad discharg backache an wretched head. | ache, and had felt weak eversince the birth of m twins. I be. EERE] and, ster thred much better, and now I am well in3 Mrs. Bessix Bivvy, Dovedale, Another Woman Cured. Christiana; Tenn.-- I suffered from the worst form of female trouble so that at times I thought I could not live, and my nerves were in a dreadful condition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- 'table' Compound cured me and Er Piakham \ Vegetal] 3 A 's oe Compound is worth its weight in gold to suffering women." Mrs. MARY Woop, R.F.D3 _If you belong to that countless army of womeh who a from, Jone form 'ema on te to tr Lydia E. PinEhe Won pound, made from roots and herbs. For thirty years this famous remed has been the rd for all forms of female ills, and has cured shousands of women who have been troubled with Such iments as Sispiacements, fibroid umo! uleeration, irregularities backache, and nervous prostration. soon pur different woman. Lydi Wore 1g » HE = MOST VITAL . PROBLEM BEFORE TE BUSINESS MAN TO- DAY 1S THE ORGANIZa- TION OF HIS WORK. IN THE. WORKING OUT OF THIS PROBLEM THE UNDERWOOD BILLING TYPEWRITER 1S ONF OF THE GREATEST AIDS. UNITED TYPEWRITER Ce. LTP. . a RC. DOBBS, KINGSTON, made | James left carly in the day for his pew home, and the jail will be his address until the third day of June. Mary Davis is only seventeen years fol age, and married. Vagrancy was {the charge. She was placed under ar- font about nine o'clock on Wednesday { night, by Constable Mpllinger. Her { bome is in Gananoque. Her case was ! disposed of in very short order, 5 "You are charged with vagrancy, "said the court. "Yes, sir," came the reply. © "Well, 1 will give you three months in jail." cme so suddenly that the young woman broke into bitter tears, and then fainting, fell into the arms of Constable Timmerman. She soon came to, however, and was escorted to the | THE + FEVER MISSED ROOSEVELT, Though it Struck Down den all About ' Him. Gondokoro, Soudan, Upper Nile, March 2.--Roosevelt luck has attended the hunters and scientists, and this time they may be congratulated upon their escape from the African fever that has followed in the wake of the expedition. Col. Hoosevelt and his immediate associates sailed for Khar- toum, yesterday, all apparently in good health. Dr. Roderick Proschva. a French medical missionary, who launched with Mr. Roosevelt, yesterday, suddenly died of fever.~At a camp ad- joining A that occupied by the Ameri- cans here, an English sportsman js seriously ill, following a trip to Kampala, the capital of Uganda, and one of the places at which the Smith- sonian African scientific expedition stopped. The 'district commissioner of Gon- dokoro, the British officials of which were active in entertaining their Ame- rican guests, has been stricken with the fever. Winter Marine News. The fleets of the Etna and Clevelsnd Steamship companies have beey, merg- ed and t capital stock of the com- bination will be $3,000,000. The com- pany will carry its gown insurance. Three or more launchings will take place at the Detroit yards within the next two weeks. The Champlain, for Northern Lakes Steamship conmipany, and the Arlington and Rrandon, for the Rutland line, are abomt ready to be dropped in. Work has been begun on the Richard. son, sunk at Buffalo. A cofferdam is to be built around the steamer and with good weather conditions she will be quickly raised. Her condition it is said, is not as bad gs at first re- ported. About 300 feet of the New York Cen- tral dock at Charlotte, started last fall, has been completed fnd will be ready for use on the opening of navi gation. The plan is to increase it" ul- timately to three times that length. Ice in Duluth harbor is twenty-nine to thirty-one inches thick, the heavi- est since 1904, when it was thirty-six inches, In the lakes it averages seven inches. Rheumatic Families Inherit a Tendency to Disease. Medical opinion confirms the view that rheumatism and gout wre trans mitted from one generaticn to the cells, to await removal to the jail. In the cells she again broke into tears, and wanted to be allowed to return to | her home. ¥ that she has been quite waywa AN lit is hoped that the term in the jail "will do her good. Her husband, ro it lis claimed, is at present away in the "states, : { against re- Vagrancy was the charge Fabs Donjardines, and he was manded a week. He does not appear jo be quite sound in mind. Hoekey at Ameliasbure. | Ameliasburg, - March 1 ~The village hockey team was beaten at Uonsecon, 6 to 3. This is a game for each team. The next game will probably be with Wellingt« n Two days lectures will be given here by men from the Agricul- i ture Dapartment the last of next | month, Three hundred dollars has {been granted by the Comniy and Township and practical tests will be made of horses, cattle and seed 'grain. A Men's Bible class has been, started ip the Methodist church. Re- vival services have commenced at the Mountain View appointment. The C. 0. 0. F. lodge here installed their of. ficers this week. Gilbert Choate is chief | ranger. Mr. Albro Sprague and his mother have been visiting at his brother's, Dr. Sprague's, Rochester, N. Y. J. Nightingale has been taking his | plac: in the store 'n his absence. Jobm Carnrite is convalescent. J. Arnold is ill of pleurisy. The roads have - been very bad and there has been but little teaming of late. The Candidates Named. { Cape Vincent, N.Y. March 3.--The republicans and democrats of this village have held their caucuses for the nomination of corporation offi- clals. : Republican ticket--President, Kilborn, trustee, Lewis Mahce, treas urer, J. Countryman; collector, w. Londraville, committee, Frank Lowe, | J, G. Parker, A. H. Bowe. Pemocrati>--President, to secured himself, Henry -Peo, trustee, orris Emery; treasurer, W. Laird, collestor, | W. Londraville. \ f At Walnut Grove. Walnut Grove, March v Smith is home from the hospital, much i ved since his accident at the G.T. ing. Arzil Buck visit: ed his daughter, Mrs. H. Baboock, of Odessa, on Tuesday. Mrs. D. Thomp- son and little daughter, Jessie, spent. Tuesday with Mrs. Miles Buck. Mrs. | Andean Miller was called * the be- side of her brother, George Loyst, wi was very ill last week. Miss Bata [Bell and Miss Edith Husband were the !guests of the Misses Ethel and Myrtle hompson, on Tuesday evening. Watertown, N.¥Y., March 3.--Jamés 1, Farmer was declared not guilty of > an accessory to the murder of Sarah Breonan by the jury. Sim j taneously with the foreman's . words, awaited /n breathless silence, a wave of handclapping swept over the court room. Men, women and children thronging the benches burst into ap- John! " ride to show The evidence goes or no. | quickly when the blood becomes 2. Oswald | other, Only by combatting nerve and blood weaknesses can these be prevented. If .noy exist in the family they develop im- pure or the nerves weak. Mr. E. E. Hollister, St. John's, savs : "Early in life 1 was occasion ally troubl with aching pains in ths back. Later my joints became stiff in bad weather, and lately gouty conditions developed, "hese troubles I knew were very common in my family. | can recall how stiffened up my grandfather was from enlargement of the joints "A specialist in New York told me that only by maintenance of the most vigorous condition could these fam- ilv predispositions be prevented, Ie- cause of his advice five years Ago, wh n Ferrozone was first introduced into this colony, I began a systema- tie building up of my system. The New York specialist's opinion was jus- tified in my case, and I persume it is generally true. * 'Before six months had passed 1 h d gotten rid of every vestige of rheumatism and my health too was visibly improved." For rheumatism, gout and general bodily weakness there ds no remedy like Ferrozensg try it, 50¢. per bos, six boxes for $2.50, VACCINATION AND DANDLUFF. There is as Sure Prevention of Bald. ness as There i= of Smallpox. It is now accepted that vaccination renders the vaccinated person exempt from smallpox; or at werst, he never has anything but the lightest kind of a cave. - Now as sure a preventive and cure for dandrufi, which causes failing hair aml baldness, has been discovered--Newbro's Herpidido, kills the dandruff germ. CC. H. Reed. Victor, Idaho, says: "'Mysell and ; wife have beers troubled with dandruff inch fal¥ng hair for several years. Wed d remedies without effect until we used Newbro ¢ Herpicide, two bottles of which cured us." Hundreds of similar testimonials. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, in stamps for sam Co., Detroit, Mich, DEATH OF THOMAS H. PHILLIPS, tA LEADING TAILOR, The Late Joseph Cummings, of Wood- ..burn--Wedding - of St. John's lsland--Rural Teléphope Exten. sions. (Gananoque, March 3. Thomas H. Phillips, of Gananoque, well known and highly respected merchant, pass ed to rest at his home, King street, on Tuesday evening, aged forty-one years, a victim of consumption. De ceased carried on a tailoring estab lishment e for the past twenty years. He married a Miss Fullerton and leates ohe son, Warren, and one daughter, Madeline, besides his widow. He is also survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips, John street; by two brothers, William and John, and one sister, Mrs. Bernard Shiels, all residing in town. The fun- eral took place at mine o'clock this morning, to St. John's church, where a solemn requiem mass was sung, al- ter which the remains were placed in Gananoque vault, : Joseph Cummings, one of the pion- eers of this section, passed away, at his home, near Woodburn church, yes- terday, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. The funeral rites were conducted at Woodburn church, at one o'clock this afternoon, by Rev. W. H. McCon- nell, after which the remains were brought here and placed in Gananoque vault. At "Point Pleasant," the most east- erly point of St. John's Island, home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gillespie, a pleasing social event took place, last evening, when their second daughter, Miss Elizabeth J. Gillespie, was umited in marriage to Joseph B. Clark, Leeds township, by Rev... R. Serson, rector of Christ, Church. The presents were numerous, attesting to the bride's popularity. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will reside in Leeds%township, where Mr, Clark is a prosperous young farmer. A well-attended meeting of the sub- reribers of the South leeds and Pitts- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1910. "so : . Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." Its pure Natural Carbonic Acid Gas acts as a Gastric Stimulant and Tonic and promotes the Digestion and Assi _. of even the Richest Food. atior pocket-book How can she pay the meat bills and grocery. bills on the same old "allowance"? She must have more money or cut out expensive foods. If you are going to cut out meat you will want a good, nourishing, strength-giving sdtitnie, Vegetables «re too starchy for a steady- diet. Try SHREDDED WHEAT burgh Rural Telephone company was | neld, yesterday, in Turner's hall. The! compeny has at present eight lines connecting with the Bell Telephone's | local office, and has upwards of 150 subscribers. It purposes branching out | in various directions as soon as spring | opens. | The town council met, "on Tuesday | evening, at Bellevue, the old resi | dence of the late Hon. John MeDon- | ald, which, with the land, was donat- ed, some time ago, to the town, for park and public buildings. Judge Reynolds held division court | at- the town hall yesterday. Mr. and| Mre. W. G. Bates, Stone street, are re- | 'oicinz over a son, who arrived this | week. Miss Ethel Rogers, Charles! street, ill at her home for the past! weok, has so far recovered as to re- sume her duties yesterday. . i Rev. J. T. Pitcher and daughter, | Miss Winona, have returned, after | spending the past few days in Smith's Falls. Archiba'd Rawley, Alexandria | Bay, N.Y, is spending a few days with his, sister, Mrs. Joseph Bolton, | Stone street north. CC. N. Palmer, spending the past few dave with local friends, has returned to Brockville. A SLOW DEMAND. The Grain Market is in Very Depress« ed State, i Toronto, March 2.---"1 have scarcely ever known such a dullness in the | grain trade of Canada, or at least in| this portion of the country" said B. Watts, secretarv-treasurer of the Dominion Millers' Association, 10 day. | "The demand is bad all over" con | tinued Mr. Watts. "The price of ex-| port grain seems to be too high for it | it not in demand and Canada is heirs | undexsold in the British markets, | Even in our province there iv not the! demand there should be.' Asked if the export price was ab- | normally high, for the time of the vear, Mr. Watts replied : "No I don't thin< so. If I remember rightly it was | a little higFer last year than it is this year. It :8 not quite so hgh as Unite] States grain even them We are | ust at present waiting to Kear of the stoeis | throughout the provinces. | There are newspapet sgories, at pres- | ent unconfirmed hy ud) that frost has | got at the crops in Essex and Kent | counties and practically ruined them. | If the crops in other parts, however, | are equal to expectations they will | offset ths disaster." EARLY MARCH PROMISES, John D. Wells in Buffalo Times {There's a feel of spring in the air, an' | & patter of drops from the eaves hat sort o' soaks Lat" average folks Who tong for the bloom an' the eaves; The patches of white are less an' the patches of brown are mote, An' the wimin ain't As quick of complaint At drafts from the kitchen deor; A sort of a feel as the feller says, a Sentiment, rich an' fare, That whi ré June an' a summer noon an' 'happler days off there. There's a feel of spring iu the alr that even the caltie sense Like cattle do, An' hawsses, too, An' sheep at the pasture fence: The chickens light on the gate ginnies commence t' fuss, An' roosters crow TT" let folks know They're purt' nigh glad as us: A sort of a feel that tempis a man t ; stand with his bald head bare. An' rhuek his coat an' t' bust his throat with the song of spring In the air! There's a feel of spring In the air that allus has seemed t' say an' treasures of summer too-- greenest grass An' rden sass Especial' fer me an' you'-- A sort of a feel in a feller's bones that jist about seems t' hit The soul of you--an' & promise, too, that ever one's glad t git! Richard Tooley Dead. . Wallaceburg, Ont., March 3. --Fichard Tooley, ex-M.P.P., for East Middle sex, died at the residence of his son, ¥ , im the ninetisth year of his age. For some time he has been ail my, and bis demise wae not unexpect- td The remains were taken to Rel were | i | f for ten days and notice the difference. It contains more real body-building nutriment than meat or eggs. Is more whole some, costs much less. © Always the same price--always clean --always pure--always the same. Your grocer sells it, i Shredded Wheat is made of the 'whole wheat, steam- cobked, shredded and baked in the cleanest, finest food factory in the world. Two biscuits heated in the oven and served with hot milk and sugared or salted to taste supply all the energy needed for a half-day's work Delicious in combination with vegetables or fruit, All the "Meat" of the Colden Wheat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., LIMITED NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO Toronto Offices, 42 Wallingtor Street Eoct a ---- "DrigollsBrovnes THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, CoLbps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectaally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP asd AGUE. The only palliative in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodyne isa liquid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady, It invariably relieves Pain of whatever kind ; creates a cabm refreshing sleep ; allays irritation of the wervous system vohen all other vemedies fail legves ue bad effects: and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Dr. J COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists. Prices in England : Vii. 3/9, 40 Sole Manufacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT ; Ltd LONDON, S.E « The immense success of bin Remedy has given rise to many imitations. N.B.--Every botlle of Ge Chlorodyae bears on the stamp the same of the inventor, Dr. J. Collis Browne Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. just send us a postcard and allow us to send you a worth-having free book full of hints about the hundred uses your own home could find for ML 1t is more than merely the supreme floor finish. It renovates old furniture ; i makes all woodwork look new again: won't fade nor crack nor show wear in a long while. Make your floors easier to keep clean and dusticss with M L Floorglare. Get the book--ask for it NOW. Any of the seventeen handsome solid enamels of M L Floor. glaze will lock better and last far longer than paint or varnish. So will any of the seven M L Lacs thet so perfectly imitate : Basdveoad or Fhe Teanepacent natural finish. Comes in tins, wl ie small. gallon coats S00 square feet. Easy to TORONTO to apply. Dries hard overnight! Ask your dealer or write us. Recommended and Sold by all reliable dealers, including MITCHELL & CO. and J. B. Bl IMPERIAL VARNISH & Coror Co, LiMiTED Furniture Sale Everything Reduced. Buffetts, worth $75 Baffetts, ,, Sideboards ,, Sideboards ,, $28....... Now $28 $7.50. ... Now $6.00 'R. J. REID, Ambulance Phone B77, " p-- PAGE SEVEN. --- HAVE A LOOK y In our window at the Oranges Marked 25¢ Per Gallon. You will say they are cheap at that price. This is a special i Jot and they will last , just about ten days. W. H Carnovsky, On the Corner frock and Wellington Sta. SPRING IS NEAR Time to Buy that Piano you have been Planning for. ¢ Drop in at s 232 PRINCESS ST. Ana see the Large Stock of WORMWITH Axo WEBER PIANOS Sweet Toned, Artistic Designs, Durable Construction. Popular Prices. Wormwith- Weber Piano Co., Limited 232 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. Chiver's Marmalade All sizes. Ready Cut Macaroni Fine June Cheese, Fresh Oysters. D. COUPER"S, 841-8 Princess Bt. Phone 78 Prompt Delivery, F004 400404 0054040 KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 3 4 SLIMTED) HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term <f t begins August 80th. Courses' in 4 Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele 4 graphy, Civil Service and Baglish, J Our graduates get the best pos- Jy tions. Within a short time over JJ sixty secured positions with one of the largess rallway corpora- * tions in Canada. y Enter any time. Call or write 4 for information. H. Ff, MET- 4 CALFE, Principal. 4 TTIRIVIIVIT INC TI IIONTYT TY i THER ISE OF United Empire Loyalists An Informing Sketch of Ameri- 'an History, Valuable for Librar- es and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC. Price, 50ec. Address British Whig, Kingston. "THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, _ There are other hotels, but none ipproach the Club for homelike sur: roundings Located in centre of city and close o principal stores and théatre. Charges are moderate Special rates by the week P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. WALLACE & PARKS, Florists. ight 'Phone 238. Day 'Phone 239. il k finds of Cot Flowers and Pilanis g season Weddings and Funeral [be- hi a #peciaity. sipped Lo all parts. 28 King St. OUR LABOR BRAND ff Canned Salmon is cholce. Nd finer Ish ever wagged their (ails in. the 'scific Ocean. ANDREW MACLEAN. Ontario Street trererrrrettsstatersen '1 T.d. LOCKHART Reel Estate sad Insurance Money to Loan. Office, 150 Wellington 8t., King