A high quality gold paint for decorating pictureframes, chairs, tables, novelties, ete. Price--15 and 25¢c CORBETT'S. for that Rush Order for | LUMBER AND BUILDER'S SUPPLIES S. ANGLIN & CO. hone 68. Hay and Wellington Stas. HIGHEST GR ADES GASOLINE, COAL OIL, LUBRICATING OIL¥ FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building, , | decreasing, and for the reason ee. -- ---- 'Dainty Delicate Lace Rasily becomes soiled, but it as bright gain by our methods of clean~ Bx We use the greatest care, nd no snsily made. clean and worry need the result, R. PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, ££ u © #0 Prineess St, Kingston, Out. IifT's Real Estate Agency ©. ESTABLISHED 1882. i Where you can Buy or Sell Property. Also Insurance 4 written in best companies. 23 Clarence St. GEO. CL'FF, be felt as to 'Back of This ~~ Customer ef ours there is a crackling, spark- ding, radiant story gears fort, coziness, the title of which spells. "OUR COAL" ; No you want to er- het -ame story? e'll be glad to a samy ------------ THE WHIG, 77th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 308-310 King Street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 delock i WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published In parts on Monday and Sida morning at $1 a year. as 'nited Stotes, charge for postage to be added price of Dally $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada: rapid, stylish, and cheap work; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid. 2 EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Sufte 19 and 20 Queen City bers, 32 Church $St. Toronto, Smalipeice, J. P., representative. Baile Wing. Cham- H BE I THE DAILY S trade, to the satisfaction of the Ger man government, and it made over tures for a change. Under the new order of things, Can- ada will for a while lose in revenue, but it will gain in trade, and some concessions will be made in retury for Germay concessions. There is nothing in the situation, however, that war- rants the lugubrious wail of the Lon- don Mail. It has a wrong impression of the case, il has been imposed upon, or it has viciously perverted the facts for grossly partizan purposes. THE MEMBERS ON STRIKE. The local government's dictation is being resented by the members of the WHO ARE TO BLAME, The Woman's National Daily is eor- rect in the assumption that the feder- al government cannot stamp out the white slave traffic by any expenditure of national funds. Some thing will be done, of course, by or through the ex- penditure of $100,000, in tracing up the sources and developments of the evil. Its check, suppression or complete banishment lies with the' local or municipal authorities, and, alas ! they are not fighting it with any degree f Occasionally there is a pre tence at suppression, but it is futile and unavailing. In one place the evil is tolerated; in another it is troubled us the public conscience suffers from go passing twinge; in another it is limit- ed in its boundaries, and allowed to flourish; and in one city in Canada it was proposed to tax and regulate it. The Woman's National Daily puts the responsibility where it really be longs when it says that it "rests of every man and wo neighborhood or com- Un- vigour. on the shoulders man in whose munity dens of immorality exist. viele Sam eannot reach this local vice, but the people cin. When they do-- when they pull the foundation from under the white slave traffic--there will be no occasion for Uncle Sam to spend £100,000 or any other amount for its rte RE supression. t BREAD STRIKE PROPOSED. In Toronto {t is proposed that the {women of the household, the already over-worked women, bake the bread which the family uses, until the ba- kers learn wisdom and produce a cheaper article. "IL" said a re presentative of a labour union, reported in the Toronto Star, "we could get the wives of the workinirmen to do this we would soon bring the bakers to time." : Is the consumption evening ? as of bread in: Is it, on the contrary, not that the cereals are all the rage and be- coming conspicuous at two of the meals each day ? And is there any advantage from a, temporary strike agninst the prices bf foods ? What of the recent movement against the prices of meat? It was ordered in several of the cities that the workingmen abstain from the use of beef, mutton or pork, for thirty days to the end that the patkers might realize what could be done by indignant men. The producers regu- lated their business by the action of the consumers for a month and then normal conditions were resumed. The middlemen suffered for a while, but the monopoly or trust came out of scrimmage with the ball, and a first free kick with a' smil- The lesson with regard to ill not be forgotten in the talk bread. PERVERFING THE FACTS. The London Mail has a very unjust and improper appreciation of the Ger man surtax and the effects of its re moval. Our contemporary alleges that the Canadian government waited until the British elections were gver--waited "to see the issue of the struggle for tariff reform in FEagland"--and then acted. Had the people of England re- turned a working majority for tariff reform, it is said, the removal of the German surtax 'might. not have been effected, so that the Britishers "have only themselves to blame for any loss of British trade that may follow." There could not be a greater mis- conception, or a greater misrepresen- tation, of the facts. Canada was watching the election with unprece dented interest, and its government had ity own anxieties with regard to { the result. But had it. been free to BR speak it would have expressed sympa- | thy with the attitude of the Asquith . government, and fear lest 5 change of | policy might operate to the gredt dis- advantage of Canada. This is essenti- ally a food-producing country, and England is the market for its exports. Had these exporils been submitted to a legislature, The other day Hon. Mr. Lucas refused to let the Private Bills committee vote upon a matter with regard to which he and certain con- servative members differed. He was bound to cousult the government be- fore be would proceed further. Hon. Mr. Beck, at the Public Accounts com- mittee, directed a witness not to an swer when that answer meant 4 pos- sible reflection upon the Hydro-Elec- tric commission. Hon. Mr. Hamna laid before the Municipal committee a bill relating to the weight of bread which refused to consider because it was not in accord with the mind and desires of the committee. While in the legis- lature the premier grdered a supporter to drop his bill in pain of having it killed by his command. There is a limit to this kind of thing. It may be well for the premier to have the power to control legislation, especially when his government will be held to ac- count for it, but the members must be treated like men in place of serfs. Now party loyalty does not involve an absolute surrender of one's inde pendence. The member may be willing to act under advice, and realize that in the multitude there is wisdom, but he cannot be coerced or clubbed into submission, and the government of Ontario will discover this some of these- days, . ; ¢ POLLUTION OF OUR 'WATER. Senator Beleourt is quite satisfied that the federal parliament is the plate where legislation must be pass- ¢d dealing with the pollution of na- vigable streams. His argument may be irresistable, and it is challenged be- cause the public health is a matter with which the provincial legislature has to do, aad this question of wa- ter, and its effect on the health of the people, is surely a provincial sub- ject. There will be no one who will dis pute that sooner or later the towns and cities will be debarred from turn- ing their sewage into the lakes and rivers from which the water for do- mestic purposes is drawn. 'The ty- phoid fever which has broken out in the cities during the winter--five thousand cases being reported from Montreal--had its origin in the water, and as time goes on, and the popula- tion increases, the dangers from con- taminated water will afso Increase. The federal gonsrnment may not have jurisdiction in the premises, and this may save it from the responsibility of action, but the responsibility will devolve upon another body, and cir- cumstances will compel it to act. For the time being Kingston will be spared a very 'heavy expenditure, one it has contemplated vaguely for a very lonz time, Twenty-five years ago thy council distussed the meces sity of constructing an intercepting sewer all along the front of the har- bor in order to receive the sewage and carry it to a point where it could be impounded and treated. This sewer will have to be provided some day, with septic tanks, pumping sta- tions, etc., and the cost will be pro- bably $250,000,000. A committee has been appointed td watch the pro- ceedings at Ottaws, in the interest of the dty. It may mot have much, if anything, 10 do at the present, be t:ause the question of jurisdiction has to be settled, Wham this is dome the committee may have to recommend that any reasonable measure, looking to the purity of the water, should be complied with. Syracuse has a peculiar, if not a unique, experience. Not since its wa- ter supply has heen procured from an inland lake has any cases of typhoid supply from Loughboro Lake. service would be expensive, and would not save the city from the operation of a law wlich forbad 4t to turn its sewage into the waters of the harbour. EDITORIAL NOTES. The white plague is carrying off the people in thousands, and yet the lay and legal elements in the legislature defeat the best laid schemes of the medical men to eficct a check pr cure. It's an amazing fact, and it is true. The United States congress has re- mitted the twocent tonnage tax onl the chairman, Mr. McNaught, | BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1910. hundred millions, and the most of them will be lost. Who's to blame?' The peers, led by my lord Lansdowne. | Es His aristocratic kick of a few months | 4 ago has been a costly one. - i} his 1} the Shape on (hem { ; sweet breath; relief from The Néw York Herald, since opening' bad coughs: these you get when you use an office at Ottawa and giving large | P A TE 3 attention to Canadian affairs, has per- | RSON S sistently proached closer relations. be! COUGH DROPS--THE CANDY CURE tween the American and Canadian peo-| ___ c60n FOR BAD THROATS ---- ple. Is the tarifi movement, now on, | ~------DELICIOUS TO TASTE due to its influence ? j ey DOCTORS APPROVE THEM = re {3 cents a Red-and-Yellow Box full The conundrum of the day: If women | MADE BY PATERSON OF BRANTFORD wright alleges, why should they pay higher rates for their annuities to the to protest against the discrimination OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN that is against them under the Aunui- BRIEF FORM. are longer lived, as Sir Richard Cart- SOF T Ww government ? The women have g right ! r ties' Act. || -- : | Matters That Interest Everybody-- There's evidently something amiss' Notes From All Over--Little of with regard to the Hydro-Electric pyeryehing Easily Read and Re Commission's accounts, when Share is | membered. such a determined effort on the part Grah North Keppel, Ont. of the Public Agcqgunts' committee a ah bush by a keep the Bd oad "The more mystery in! falling tree. : matters of this king the move suspic-{ Black Hand men have demanded jon. | 815,000 from Caruso, the singer, un- 4 « der threats of death. Hon. Mr. Sifton may Bot have the {| A general strike of union and non- n Mr : : : ox right count. of mining accidents, but §uhion Woriters was called in Philadel As {phia, at midnight on Friday night. he's very careful in his public state- | Matthew Riddell, of the Toronto ments, and if there is one thing for wholesale stationery firm of Hart & which he has excelled in the past, it is I Riddell, died sudderdy in London, : a. | Eng. his knowledge of facts and details. A state senator, an assembiyman When he and the mining experts meet' nq , deputy sheriff were shot 'down face to face there will he something by & wealthy citizen of Scotland Neck, doing | N.C. A Premier Whitney introduced a dras- two delegates from |lic measure relative to control of elec. The arrival of A \ A 1 the United States government, hot or lFic railways in the lggislature, on : ' : hud | Friday. impatient for tariff revision, presents W. W. Lockhart, extra ¢lerk in Cam- a new and remarkable spectacle. Time bridge, Mass., National Bank, arrest was when suppliants for favours had ed as a confederate of Coleman's to look to Washington, Now the sup- | the theft of £150,000. 2 i Col. George B. Anderson, for many i ; looking, but mak- * bY a: 4 ay : pliants are not only looking, years Ametican consul in Prescott, ing, for Ottawa. What has brought Ont., died Wednesday on a West Shore this great change about ? train at Weehawken, N.J. At Brandon, Man. six new churches a «la tia + | will be opened or huilt ready for open The ex-minister of public works, n ing this year, two Presbyterian, two Alberta, like all seceders, is bitter and I Anglican, and two Methodist. unfaicin his attacks on the premier. / lonald Cam bed], and seven. neigh. He was the authority for an alleged thors of Goldstream, bitten by a mad . ro > \ - scandal. affecting the attorney-general horse, are en rbute to the Pastedir In |stitute, New York, for treatment. which he cannot substantiate, the! A rol lution was passed in the house more's his shame and humiliation. The 'nt Washington, on Friday, which may trouble .in Alberta is that there are result in a modification of the treaty too many ambitious men on one side. jregarding warships on the . great kes, 5 . or i inigter-' Cirele City, Alaska, says Frank Sir James Whitney and his minister White, formerly of Dawson, shot and ial colleagues should be "invited to po 0" 4 Slade, and then shot hear Dr. Knight or Dr. Clarke talk himself. Both died instantly, Jealousy on the relations between weakminded-| the cause, ness and poverty and crime. Then| Former Magistrate Henry J, Fur- there would: be some show for Dr. ilong, Brook yn, convicted of accepting i . . = the procrea-1 bribe while sitting as a magistrate, Godfrey's bill preventing : E (was sentenced to a year in Sing Sing tion of the criminally insane and ji. : idiotic. Some kindergarten teaching | New Yorkers pe Sion to hay au & i is necess i high | widely-circulatec yaper for Theodore on this subject is ary Mm g | Roosevelt to act oo tor, Two mil places. tion dollars were offered for the New' | York Sun and refused. Sacred Nuts of Japan. | Miss Margaret Anglin has been in- Although well known to travelers | vited by the University of California and «collectors of curiosities, the horn | to appear at the Greek theatre, at nut, or "sacred nut," of Japan was al- Berkeley, in the production of So- most wholly unknown to fruit and | phocles' "Antigone." She 'has accept- put dealers in this country prior toed. . 1888, when a» New York commission| Some 115 perished merchant received the first large con- | avalanche which swept two Great signment, They are called "sacred | Northern trains over a precipice into nuts' because used in certain forms oi {a mountain canyon on Tuesday. Thir- Japanese worship, where they are ty-five bodies have been recovered, The placed on the altar and ignited. Be- | work of rescue is pitifully slow. ing very rich in oil, they burn with' Andrew Butchar(, the pioneer of the a hot, bluish flame and give off a!Leech River gold excitement, which on | I in the terrible peculiar odor, the fames being = sup- first attracted attention posed to rise as an acceptable incense to the gods. They grow under water and have a leaf like an American lily, the form of the nut itself being an almost exact counterpart of an Asian buffalo's head, drooping horns and all, In the raw state they are hard and tasteless, but when cooked the flavor resembles that of boiled They ave said to retain their edible gualities for upward of twenty years. re ------ Freaks of Language. A uliar kind of blandering known as "folk etymology' is responsible for some of the queerest freaks of Ilan- guage. An easy example will make this clear. Our American world "car- ryall" for a kind of vehicle is not a compound of "carry" and "all" but a slight distortion of the French "carri- ole," a diminutive car. The change was made in obedience to the uni- versal tontlency to assimilate the un- known to the known, to make words mean something by associating them with others which. they resemble in wound. Often there is no' etymological relatioy, between the words asssociate] as when sparrowgrass is made out' of asparagus. This particulat corruption was once in such good colloquial use that Walker, the lexicographer, wrote, '"Sparrowgrass is so general that as- paragus has an air of stiffness and pedantry." chestnets, | New hats at Fibby's. 3 James Ridgway, octogenarian mem- ber of an old-time New York family, former United States commissioner, and one of the oldest and best known WVictoria, B.C, { mysterious poison taken after her ar- legal practitioners, dropped dead in the supreme court room. . New shirts at Bibby's. JE ee are weak, pale and nervous take Dr. Blair's Tonic Tablets. the nerves, make rich in 25. boxes. . to British Columbia as a gold-producing country was suffocated in a fire, which gutted his little tinshop in Oriental Alley, Helen Drummond, said by friends to be Eva Foy Strangways, is dying Bellevoe hospital, New York, from a rest, charged with thé passing of worthless checks, on. a hotelkeeper, Miss Strangways, in 1907, palmed her- self off on New York society as the Countess llchester. Sticky Sweatin Palms g after taking salts or cathartic wa- ters--did you ever notice that weary all gone feeling--the palms of your hands sweat--and rotten taste in your mouth--~Cathartics only move hy sweating your bow- els--Do a lot of hurt--Try 5 CAS- CARET and see how much easier the job is done--how much better you feel. 008 CASCARETS 10c. a box Week's treatment, all dru hy Biggest seller in the world. Mill fon boxes a month. % 8 DAYS MORE over " | | Our Store Closes Saturday Ev.:nings at 10 Ojcleck, D0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢ ALONLO + pros Bibby's Spring Suits} Ask to see our $16.00 Blue Worsted Suits, hand-tailored garments. . Ask to sec our $12.60 English Tweed Suits, new cut, new colors, new patterns, These arc the best Suits ever offered at the prices. Don't miss seeing ours, {The H. D. Bibby Co, The Big Store with Little Prices. * 0000000000000 00000000000000 1s a conservative Silver Mine with bright prospects $200,000. We offer a small block for per share Further information upon application Hennessy & Gilmour Members Montrea Mining Kxchange, S6 NOTRE DAME STREET W. . . "Phone M 720%. + + ® ¥ Capitalization only immediate purchase at 20 cents MONTREAL. This Week's Amivals == OF a Gasoline. Engines Every year the Davis Bas» gines are growing more popular among all classes of motor boat owners. This proveg that they are reli- able. x The Davis Engine will start when required, and will keep going until Kpey are stopped. Be sure and visit our works and examine our new 1910 models. * You are not under obligation to buy. Just come and see how our engines are built; then we feel sure you will place your order with us. DAVIS DRY DOCK COMPANY Phone 420, J. E. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. OOOO LLL & Tove Ae iy ad wee Try some from W. H. Carnovsky, On the Corner Brock and Wellington Sts. TYP TITITITIIIITIOIOIOONOOIIIOOY 0 0000000800 00000000000A000 040048408 00 : THE RISE OF United Empire Loyalists An Informing Sketch of Ameri can History, Valuable for Librar. ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONSAC Price, - Address British Whig, Kingston A card sent to 517 Albert Street or an order left at H. Waddington's or J 8. Henderson's Stores will receive prompt attention. Best references given. A ship arrived at New York, on Friday, with a cargo of rubber worth ,000,000, ------------ tb Pt th HN Only 8 Days More of Aberaethy's Sale of The Johnston Shoe Stock. S If ever you want a Bargain in Shoes, come now. Sale Only om, -ABERNETHY'S * Lasts 8 Days Longer Every pair of Shoes of The Johuston Shoe Store must be sold within the a - 'next 8 days. The Sale, so far, has Bargains are the "Secret of this Success." "real good success. Genuine