THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1910. ANNUAL MEETING REFORM ASSOCIATION : ERONTENAC COUNTY. would hand. at. » few: decent cold days so that they could play off the face," taken on the question by Lond! , : Sims THE SPORT REVIEW the appeals of the Kingston Standard 4 ! championship games and finish up the on the subject. The speaker said that | season. Many club games have vet to FOR if it was nght for us to have a Can- JUNIOR FRONTENACS PLAY IN be played, as well 'as one or two out. adian navy, then we should contribute. | PRESTON THIS EVENING, [side contests. He would have liked to see money ex» ¥ . : .__ unded on our own resources, Lut we! 4 - Sporting Notes. ~ Jamey B. Baxter, of Barricfiel, Was ust lift the burden. We, in Canada, Queen's Meet McGill in Ottawa Dre Wood will res the game, to- Elected President at Very Latge yoo part of tie empire, part of an Mogtreal Wanderers Defeated Ot-' : & . Recent Books A Son of the Immortals, by Louis Tracy... NE ngs in Exile, by Charles G. D. Roberts. . . Scouting for Boys, by Gen. Bad n-Powel. . . On Peace and Happiness, by Sir John Lubbock. EEE, Bella vonna, by RobertHichen... ... .. ... ... .. Ann Veronica, by H. G. Wells . ... The Seventh Moon, by Fred Ba tet: When a Man Marries, by Mary Rinehart, .. Hoyles' Games, New Autograph Edition... .. It Can Never Happen Again, by Wm. de Morgan Also 200 Titles of American Copyright Novels, all bound and illustrated, only 8c volume, R. UGLOW & COMPANY, 141 PRINCESS ST. ' % ba ndsomely \ NEW STOCK ROYAL SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN No Shoe ever made has stood so loug in popu- lar favor. We always feel that we can consci- entionsly recommend. this make. They are good enough for a king, and we doubt if all ~kings wear as good. Wear Royal Shoes and be equal to royalty. RIED & CHARLES EERE Florida Grape Fruit ~~ Cuban Grape Fruit ~..Malaga Grapes New Cocoanuts A.J.REES, 166 Princess St | P Ow 5 . SOIREE OARS 0 Out of Bitter Oranges at 20c Doz. R. H. Clearing sm ie + A oy ih Soman lo pan TOYE, 302 King St. Phone 141 3 eli i MALOUF 1s ofiservative Silver Mine with Bright prospects. Capitalization only saloon. _ We offer & small block for dle Burch nae al 20 cents re. Furthgr information upon application. Hennessy & Gilmour i bers Montreal Mining Exchange, Bio Mem "4 NOTRE DAME STREST W, MONTREAL. 'Phone M 7204. : FR WHE AT THE POLICE COURT. hgh fpe---- Cases Before Magistrate on Monday Morning. Arthur Beaoe is no stranger in po- lice cour circles. His love dor whis- key Yan cange of his down fall. S$ fjernoon he was found in a alpha a; Tying at the foot] of Princess street! a. very porey.. waid Sears to the magisiraty, swhen. arraigned on Monday ng. "A man down on ists refund momey if it (the train gave "foe a drink, This ois |f W. Grove's sighatiire the fuss, time iL have heen up in ®. Ie. bad lucky 'on Sunday, got on the wrong eourse, and a police constable had to take himy into harbor. There was a charge against a fe male member of the "prohibited list," but she failed to put in an appearance and the'ciise was enlarged until Wed- inesday. Thers ave a couple of other Hiquor cases hooked for that day. To Cure A Cold In One Day. y ve Bromo Quinige T&b- . Crofes Cmpbell, Callendar, Skelton, & Queen's Suivecaity, aod Prine ipal a mme {or papers at the Ontario Fiwationed Associ " March 209¢ ® - was given J tioh meeting in Toronto, but through [to 31st inclusive, CR : not t i yo peath with nauseous odors, All these ptoms resulting from a sour, out stomach and i "thy #ight place" - Following ir o Gathering--J. MeD. Mowat Deliv. ered Address--Township Chairmen + Were Appointed. : The snaual meeting of the county of Frontenae Reform Assoriation was held, at the court house, on Saturday » afternoon, ard was marked by a very large attendence. Jt was clearly vhown that it would take more thai association away from the city wha a call is joven Tor this gathering. On Saturday the roads in the country were reported to be very bad and when ths is taken into consideration th» attendance was nog only large, but very large. The attending Sas nol only good, bat it was a most re prose native one, members being jre- semt from every part of the ¥iding. Of ficers were elected, snd a Stirring ad dress was given by J. MeD. mown, after which several others gave brief addresses, In th: abhsomce of John Davis, who, owing to ill health moved ont of the city several months agu, ard was compelled to give up the reins of office, the chair was oe cupied by the frat vice-president, James B. Baxter, of Barriefield. Aly. Baxter referred to the illness of Mr. Davis, and stated that everyone ae- grotted very much that he was forved to retire. He was very much plea « to see such a good attendance at the meet'nz. The roads were in bad shape and he did not expect that Pmany would be able to turn out. This thowed the country to be in a fine condition, and alro showed that the members of the grand old party were sti'l very active. ; The first order was the election oi officers and Mr. Baxter immediately to return again in a few minutes as the meeting, by a unanimous ected him as president, ard ~~ many were the warm words of praise =h,w ered upon him. Since Mr. Davig was compelled to give up the office Mr. Paxter has ably filled the duties of the president, and the members of the association felt that they could not do better than place Mr. Baxter at he head. To use an old phrase he was looked upon as *'the right man in Het of all the officers, and the chairmen of town:hips : President--James B, field. First Verena. Secofid Vice-President Kingston. Secretary-Treasurer--J. J. hingston, K ngston, 8S. Wartman, Portsmouth; Pittsburg, James Greenlee, Cushendally Storrington, A. McCallum, Sunbury Wolfe Island, Edward Payne, Woile Islend; Howe Island, John Foley, Simcoe, George Sudds, Simcoe Island, Louchboro, J. J. O'Riclly, Holleford; Portland, J. Shibley, Bedford, J. Me Gowan, Hinchinhrooke, G. A. Smith, Baxter, Barrie Viee-President--Colin ~~ Craig A. KE Kenaebee, J. E. Hay, Barrig, W. Salmond; Clarendon and Milton, bert Cstler; Palmerston, Isaac Alen. After the election of officers the pre sunt extended his thanks to the mem- bers for having giving him such an honor, and stated that he would do all in his powcr to promote the good work, He then galled upon Mr. Mo wat to address the gathering. 4. Mr. Mowat's Address. in opening Mr. Mowat congratulated the president upon his position and also 'congratulated the members of the association for thew chowe an the selsctitn of officers. It speaks well for the county to see suca a arge gathering on such a day, when the 10ads are so bad, adacud the speaker. 458 Mowat then remarked that the memuers of the enemy's camp were also in session on Saturday mn order to gather up the spoils. 1 here were not enough to go round and the op- position. would tnd as much trouble as the liberal party had found in the orden dave when an appointment had to be made. However, the opposition hod benehted by the difhcuities met with on the other side, and now wt would be vice versa. it was a fine thing, the speaker asd- ed, to have these annual gatherings, where the members could ideas. In regard to the thee had been no grievance as ro gaids the Ottawa house, as every- thing had been wisely handled by the committees, and of course, there was nothmg coming from the Toronto 4 ouse. Mr. Mowat then touched on the work of the association, and said that in time of peace, the members should also be prepared for war. An election. was by no means won on election day. Nor was it won a weeks "before election day. It requires! to be won four years al , and this could only be accomplished by every ¢ from month to = some, but at all times, 5 strict atten- tos should be paid to the voters' lists awl the members of Yhe warty, kept in I'ne. The members should ever on the alert to secure new members. The best of eare should also be taken to soe that the best men were 'appointed for the work of toWnship chairmen. It this was not who had sFown strength and enthus- insm in the work. They should be men who could, at all times, be relwd up- am.js cary out every. detal] of their "Phe speaker took occasion to*pay A warm tribute to the worth of Hon. v of the liberal v to be taken for the formation of a Canadian navy, with a rider, 4 in case of emergency, that a IE a whout the presid ut,' vacated the chair, but was compile} | vole, | .t |to keep Britain's navy abreast oi the Weller, | times, Here is the statement : Ke non, | Ti>Torpedo boats (uden, R. J. Flynng Oso, J. W. Knapp; | Gil: i Sxcjange } patr ge, | he appetite and toms up the constitution. empire wich had given us protection, | and il was time thal we were getting | stronger, and able to bear part of our | burden. | Quite a crowd of sports gathered at The Kingston Stamtlard and the con- the Grand Trunk station on Sunday sirvative press in other places, had at noon to wish the Jupior Frontenac given as one reason why there should team good luck on their departure for pot be a Canadisn navy, that Canada Preston. The team was to make the conid not build a navy--that public | trip in easy siages, going as far as men were not honest enough. The! Toronto on Sunday, staying there to 1. bad roads to keep the members of this: yoeaker took sharp issue with his op- | Sunday night and going on 'to Pres ponents on this. discussion had ton Monday morning. Manager James been on protection for the empire, if Sutherland felt confident that hus the policy was not the best, we, in| team would make a good showing and Canada, should not disgrace ourselves be able to hold down the Preston lads by sayvang that we were not capable to a short score. The team will line of building a navy and managing it up with only one change, Sommerville qursel ves, : | replacing Campbell at right wing. The The speaker said that it was for the | team will be: Marchand, goni; David liberal party to stand firm on the son, point: Hitand, cover; Brouse, {question and leave it for the other | rover; Humt, centre; Millaw, left wing: side to fight it out among themselves, | Sommerville, right wing. Boyer of and they were already doing this, as the Junior Granites, acvnpanied the different members had suggestions to team as spare forward. Samuel Mc- | make. Ode was that Canada buihl the Cullough went along with the boys to ships and rent them to the mother kaep them in line. The result of the country, other was that the old coun-gamd will be awaited with interest, try buid the veesels and rent them. (his evening by hundreds of followers to Canada; that the old country sup-' of (he plicky junior seven. ply the ships and Canada give the men | ; e-- and look after the men and equtip- | 'Varsity's Stand Justified. ment. : {Toronto World Mr. Mowat went on to explain how | While Queen's and McGill are calling it had been pointed out by the King {Varsity's acticin unsportsmanlife in ston Staasdard and other papers, how this intercollegiate hockey muddle it there was a great emergency, that would be well to get at the facts of Canada must make an immediate con (hs case. The so-called executive, who ptribution, that there was not time met at Montreal, consisted of Vr enough for the building of a navy. Me ident Cacsels, a McGill man: Dono refered to un editorial in the King- | hye, of Quern's; Titler, a graduate of ston Standard of March 2nd, unvier|Vaesity, who is doing some work at the heading, "The British Navy." It MGill, and who represented Varsity, reads as follows, and is quite uiteresi- | according to the statement semt out, ling, m view of the argument put' nd a Laval representative. First of forth. : all, the meeting was unconstitutional, "When times are hard in Great Brit-' 45 notices of these executive 'meetings ain. there is always an outery for a should be sent out at least twenty- larger navy--for more ships, which of four hours before, which was not course will mean more work for those done, while the intercollegiate excein- engaged in shipbuilding. How far {ive vonsists tus nas brought about the present dint, who hasn't a vote, the presi- war scare in the old country it, isijent, first vicespresident, secretary and dhibeult to say but undoubtedly it has » representative from each of "the had some influence at least along that | colleges. Therefore it will be seen line, {that Varsity were fully justified in | "As a fact has Britain been neglect-'not abiding by the decision of the star ing her navy ? It would seem so if 'chamber executive, and Varsity's ac- we are to believe some of the news-'tion in refusing to play off as ordered papers. But the . figures do. pot.bear by .a committee that: bad. no. owes {vhs out. Admiral Kisher on his re i: justified, ard especiadly ro when tirement in 1909 gave a statement [the #id committee did not have the lof what had been done during the!srortsmanship to make #& draw for { previous five years and that state- the bye. "ment does not indicate any neglect The New York Evening Mail hands 1909. out the following compliment to Dh. 44 "Dick" Mills, the former star goal 37 tender of Queen's hockey team : "The | hockey surpiase of the season came in 58 . St. Nicholas rink last night when the 121 | fying N.Y.A.C. seven was thrown with 88 a thud in its swift march to the AH. 50 ' L. championship, The Crescemts did | "Surely after reading that state. | the trick by the score of 3 to 2. The ment the charge made by Lord Char-| MN. Y.AU, played without Mills, the {les Beresford that Britain wWhs neg. star goal keeper, and that tells the lecting naval defence can scarcely be | story, not only of the game, but the considered as well founded. The! Whole season. Without Mills the Mer truth is England is to-day Mistress cury Foot sevin would not have been of the Seas, amd mistress of the seas ONe-two-six this year. de has been she will remain--even if Canada, |the whole team" on defence and: it through her present government, is would take a small book to tell of unwilling to help. But what a re, ® the scores he has prevented by flection on this country that we are Phenomenal stops of duafling hous. unwilling "* ; J was not there last mght, and | -- | Compliment to Dr. Mills, | | 19 Battleships i First-class cruisers Smaller cruisers and gun- | boats Destrovers ... Submarines even the second rate Urbitént A. CO. attack was enough to trounce the N. Rap for Dr. Edwards. VAC, "he Mercury Footers still R. J. Vair expressed his pleasure at hold a safe lead in the Magne race such a large attendance at the meet- [and have only to beat the St. Nich ing, and also gave Dr. Edwards alolas seven to win the tithe HH Mills rap on the knuckles, for his speech the [plays the St. Nicks have no chance other day, in which he made some' whatever, but withbut 'hith' New Yorks Strobe Sat mans in Taps 40 the have a game on their hands)' oyalty of the people the Quebec. ! w------ The speaker was ashamed of him. No| Montreal Wanderers: Champions. man, po matter what his politics | The Montred! Wandérery annexed the ere, Oud: make {hateuitnta of this National Hockey Loagus Simpionsiup nd, anc speaker say that al nd the Stanley cap by eating the politicians should be asharhed of a he Ottawa on Saturday by 3 him. Mr. Vajr congratulated the new goals to 1. This game was the cru president irs xing jis. sont, {cial one, for had Ottawa' wor the J. J. O'Rielly, W. J. Franklin, and |~tanley cup would havé remainsd nt John Foley took occasion to congrast- | the capital. The Wanderers Wd from ulate Mr. Baxter on his election tothe start, at half e the score be- the position of president, and had ling 2 to 0. Five' minutes before full warm words of praise for his work in [time it was 2 to 1, but Wanderers She Hbera) Tauks. ih : Jeinched the game by Sortng in ore adjournment, t meeting fore me. Since awa OF passed a resolution of condolence foc | Stuart, thar captain amd rover, the fnsuily of the late vi D> Thomp- {theGugh a broken sollar Hom; hr son. he president referrec o his | weeks ago, they ctic death, and expressed sorrow his [the championship. Had Stuart teen passing lon the team all through the Ottawas : rm ee {would have finished the season with- Higher Wages Sought. out a defeat. At the eleventh hour The different contractors in the city | they couldn't fill 'the great' g that | received notice from the Carpenters' | Stuart's forced retirement i . As Laion, about a month ago, that on!the two teams now sta ther no May 1st the men would demand forty | douin ht Saat the Wanderers are a ocnts an hour, or $3.20 a day. This shade or, * means an increase seventy cents al ¢ a day, as the men are now drawing Queen's for Ottawa, '82.50 for eight hours. The contrac-| Queen's left at noon, to-day, for tors have as yet made no move in the (itawa where, this iDvenin . they wil matter, as they have nearly two play off with McGill to decide the months to consider the matter. This senior intercollegidte chatapionship. demand of the men puts them, as it| Queen's is greatly handicapped on ac were, on an equal foot: with the count of the soft ice, in fack more so contractors, as $3.20 a day is what! than McGill as Ruue's uy srotly 2 they contract for when tendering for aihard ice team, and can' do very litt building. It was stated some time ago | efiéc¥ive work on soit ice. The team that the men wanted only an increase has not bad verv many practices this of twenty-five cents a day, but the let- | week, but the players are all in good ter received by the contractors calls!condition. The team will line up: for about three times this amount. |[Gilbert, goal; B. George, point; Trim- ble, cover; (i. George, rover; CUraw- The Best Obtainable. ford, centre; Campbell, left wing; Dob- There is no surer remedy for eczema [son, right wing. A jarge number of {salt rhoum) and all diseases arising |from an impure condition of the 'blood, thea Wade's Iron Tonle Pills. Then cleanse the system, nich the at capital to cheer it to vietory. Caused a Surprise. The result of the Ottawa 'Wanderer game in Ottawa; Satirday evening, came as a great surprjse to a num- ber of city sports, who had picked Ot tawa to win over all comers on Ot tawa ice, and hold the wap, but it was not 10 be.' The 'reports of game were received at different places in the city and were eagerly awaited Price 25¢., at Meleod's drug stores. B.A. Hotel Arrivals. C. H. Basin, Corey Ketchniz, Mon- treal; RB. E. Young, Ottawa: Daniel Derbyshire, Brockville: Wm. Pagterson, Belleville; W. H. Chadwick, Toronto; IW. J, McAukifi, Reliand; G. D. Snow, A . 4. Moore, To- P. Hoomer, Boston; Moore, To ne . Bye. | 'Sam" Basley's pit awa' his stanes, His bosom an' his y For curlin' kit maun noo gie place Tae ither spoortin'® Stfin's. Pee wpeing és uuint of apace, Ertrathor = Being ron fos, jes. | Aw ilka lad an' Tassie Putnam's is pains used Bs. Maun look tae diver, loftin' ir'n, fully for fifty yeurs. Use po other.| An' siblick, cleek an" brasie. Weather. would be Miss Edna Curlers Awnit of the honorary pres students accompanied the team to the the home ins we] The Ki Curliag Club Co., 130 Stuart Building, M om ; A Stuart . tuart Building, ie Banke mati Re Khe weather mn se: a 1 Su a. -- might between Preston snd Fromienacs tawa on Saturday Night by 8 Goals | The university of Manitoba hockey {team will not come east for the Allan Loup, } The Toronto West End YM.C.A re {lay team beat the 65th hegiment team | at Buffalo, running a mile and a ghar ter in 5:01 1-5. . The appearance of marbles and skip ping ropes means that it is nearly time to put away the curlivg and hoo key paraphernalia. Russell, Montreal Wanderers' centre man, still holds the lead of the National hockey league scorers. **Mar- ty" Walsh is fourth. Russell H. Britton has become man ager of the Gananoque Wringer Corks. Who would ever have thought that Russell would have become a "ringer." He certainly will make good as a "squeezer."' The Berlin town fathers indignantly refused to grant the Berlin hockey club $50 toward a Stanley cup hunt- ing expedition. The wise Berlin burghers knew how much chance the Trolley champions had at Ottawa. Tyrus Cobb, the hard-hitting out fielder of the Detroit Tigers, who headed the batting list of the Ameri- can league last year, is one of the highest salaried players in baseball. According to a despatch from Aw gusta he has signed a contract ta play with Detroit for three vears at a salary of $9,000 for each season. It pays to be a hawd hitter. Faronto Telegram : Varsity are out of the Inter tate union, "they are to be congratulated. It cost them nearly $1,000 per year to associate with the "rab-rah" boys from down cast, and all they got for their mon- ey was the worst of it. They can get all the hockey they want. in the O.H. A., and gate money enough to pay exjwises on the side. But without varsity the Intercollegiate looks Mke a joke. A BODY FOUND. The Train Had Severed the. Body Completely. The. body of a young man, about twenty years of age, was found on the G.T.R. tracks about three-quar- ters of a mile east of Mallorytown, on Monday mioroing. "The description is that of a man five feet, six or sev- en inches in height, weight about 140 pourds, clean shaven, well-dressed in blue serge suit, brown cap, tan boots and woollen socks, There was noth- ing found that could lead to identifi- eation. The body, which was cut completely in two, was quite cold when discovered. The G.T.R. officials are greatly trou bled just about this time of the vear with boys and men stealing rides, and have igsued warnings frequently against the practice, They consider the accident of this morning 18 the result of the reckless practice. si-------------- Had a Pleasant Evening. A jolly old-time outing was at Mr. and Mrs. D. Gallagher's, Mon treal Road, on Friday evening, in honor of several of their guests. Card playing and games weve enjoyed aud everybody went home much pleased. spent Daniel Graves, who recently gave himseli up, to the authorities, to serve three months in jail for selling liquor in a local option district, is still quite ill at the jail. He suffers acutely from nervous trouble. Is This Fair? Certain Proof Will Be Made That Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Cure Stomach Trouble. A" Trial Package Sent 'Free. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are made to give to the system, through the digestive tract and the stomach, the necessary chemicals not only to digest food, but to enrich the fluids of body so that it may no longer from dyspepsia or other stomach trou. ble We will send you a quantity of these tablets free, so that their power to cure may be proven to you. Thousands upon thousands of people are using these tablets for the aid and cure of every known stomach dis ease. Know what you put into your stomach, and use discretion in doing 80. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets coiitain fruit and vegetable essences, the pure concentrated tincture of Hydrastis, Golden Seal, which tone up and strengthen the mucous lining of the stomach, and increase the flaw of astric and other digestive juices; eo {extracted from milk; Nux, to strengthen the nerves controlling the action of the stomach and to cure nervous dyspepsia; pure aseptic Pepsin of the highest digestive power and ap- proved by the United States Phama- coposia. One of the ablest professors of the University of Michigan recently stated that this Pepsin was the only aseptic pepsin he had found that was abso- lutely pure--free from all ammal im- purities; Bismuth, to absorb gases and prevent fermentation. They are deli ciously flavored with concentrated .Ja- maica Ginger--in itself a well known stomach tonic. Liquid medicines lose their strength the longer they are kept, through eva- poration, fermentation and chemical changes, hence Studrt's Dyspepsia Tab jets are recognized as the only true land logical manner of ving the ingredients given above jn their fullest wt h. If you really doubt tie powsr of these tablets, take this advertisement to a druggist and ask his opinion of the formula. It is due your stomach to give it the ingredients necessary to stop its | trouble. 'Tt costs nothing to hou know what you are i and tablets prove their value, All. druggists sell them. Prices 50 F. package by mail free. A fast | the | suffer | stomach to @et all the nourishment from food that in Ju a ae oth he ad _ 3 an slating. For sale by all Grau cists to ae and sizes. If need medical ade write Munyon's Doctors. They will 4 to the beat of their i] PITFALLS We have fssued a Booklet ex. plaining the principles of sound nvestment, showing how Invest. ors, either large or small, should place their funds to obtain safety for their principal as well as good interest return. I marks the pitfalls which investors should avoid snd in = which many are canght A copy will fo sent gratis upon request, ep sce dlpaes Advice or reports upon any in. vestment gilndly furnished with. out charge 4 pth mm-------- AEMILIUS JARVIS & CO. JARVIS BUILDING, TORONTO, SPRING IS NEAR Time to Buy that Plano you have been Planning for. Drop in at 232 PFINGESS ST. Ana see the Large Stock of WORMWITH ano WEBER PIANOS Sweet Toned. Artistic Designs, Durable Construction. Popular Prices. Wort: Webe ian. Co. Lic 232 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON. So 000000000000000.008 TURN OVER : That Is what we are going to do to our Stock of Grand Old Antique Furniture and Odd Articles enrly and make ® s#lsc- litte the Block Is mplete ture Lhe Spring nis on. have amy i te sell, rap & Ca L. LESSES, Cor. Prindest 'aull CHbtham Se Kingwton, . arian Held Ww sed 1 HH ven 9000000 p THE RISE OF . . ' United Empire Loyalists Au Informing Sketch of Ameri can History, Valuable for Librar. ies and Research. By VISCOUNT DE FRONBAC. Price, 50c. Address British Whig, Kingston in sit enigma ate WH. MURRAY, Auctioneer tor the high MARKET SQUARE: _ OUR LABOR BRAND nf Canned Salmon is choles ot Py 4 fixh ever w od their tal Paditic Ocean: i. « ANDREW MACLEAN. Ontario Street. Look For Early Opening. Marine men in Montreal are looking for an ectly opening of navigation. Report says that the ioe around the Montreal harbor shows sigry of wesk- ening. There bas been a considerable fall i the depth ol the wa ter, whith usually is succes the spring floods. The river is Se oy ice sbave Quebec as far as Thres Rivers, excopt for a few places which the joe-brenkers cannot tackle. 3 De. LG: Bogart's many friends he, Pleased to bear that he will able to leave the hospital Tuesday or Wednesday, for his Note, and wil} be around agsig shortly ny