Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1910, p. 8

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AGE EIGHT. GIN PILLS FREE, SO YOU CAN Before You Buy Them We certainly make it easy for anyone, who needs Gin Pills, to find out" how valuable they are. "> First of all, we will send absolutely free of charge, a sauple of Gin Yills to every suflerer from Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Lame Back or Rbenmatism, Then, aftef you bave purchased the regular 50¢. boxes, we nice 10 te- turn your money il C do not do all that we claim for them You risk nothing~you have every- | thing fo gain--by writing for a free sam- | ple of Gin Pills, You can try them and see for yourself just how much good they will do you, This is the way Nr Dietrich cured himself of serious Kidney Frouble, : St, Agathe, Que,, April 6th, 1909. "1 received your sample box of Gin Pills and as 1 found them highly satis. factory, 1 am using Gin Pills regularly and can highly 'recommend them." I. P. DIETRICH, Write the National Drug & Chem. Co, Limited Dept. B, Toronto, and a free sample will be sent by return mail. Regular size boxes are sold by dealers at G0c. a box--6 for $2.50. - 8 aan] SUIT CASES, Suit Cases {iow $1.56 to $8.00 Traoks from £2.00 to $19.00 Trunk Straps ud Lunch Cases. H. JENNINGS, King St Milk Commissioners agree that milk properly pasteurized is the milk. to use. Now this work is properly done at my dairy, 277 Princess + street, and Kingston people are fortunate to be able to obtain pure milk at the Very low price that it is sold at Kingston. 8S. T. KIRK, 277-281 Princess St. Phone 417, in HERPICIDE NOT A FAKE. Unsolicited Testimonials Tell of It's Superioity. All R. Kelley, residing at 2108 De visadero SC. San Francisco, (al, writes the follewing : "When 1 first parchased Heorpicide 1 thought, liké the majority of hair pre parations, it wodld pgpve o fake. 1 am happy to state that, on the vou claim for it, rary, it is all, and wheres (hvou Ih i vhich 1 travel have onli stlention to 'ihe new hair aprouting out om my 'enlp, and inquired of me what 1 have sen using. 1 Tl them 'Herpicide,' dso give them sour same and ad con ite a mamber of even more, than in Poss, Sold by leading déuggisis, Send 10e. , + stamps for sample to The Herpicide o., Detroit, Mich.* $1 hottles guaran- Ao 6. Wi Mahood, special agent. " oe edi io Ri sas i i FOOD-VALUE. Epps Cocoa is a treat to Children. 'A Sustenant to the Warker, "A Boon to the Thrifty Housewife, BAKER AS A WR " Ino aceonnt be contemplated until 3 j room built EE ---- ENGLISH M.P'S IMPRESSION ONTARIO™S SILVER CAMP; OF J. Allen Baker Writes fl "Cobalt and Gowganda~--A Young Country for Young Men--Graphic Description of Mining Activity. J. Allan Baker, M.P., writes the who recently of Untlarw's London Daily { | { i vingted Canada, region in News as follows : Nortn of the prosperous farmaeg and the busy meapuiscturing Southern Ontario, there lies a wide sweep of forest land which stretehes noriFward up to Hudson Bay and westward from ihe i Montreal River, a thousand milds™paifhe plains of Manitota. It is a rocky land, rough silver lands towns of and undulating, with forests of dark; pine and silver poplar and birch cling- ing to tue rocks through the shaliow soll~a land made beautiful by live the loon Tis still the home of the harassed moose; | where von track the woli by hig foot- {paeds in the snow; or where, climbing la rocky bluff, you may come upon w m= | camp fire, and wee the red deer hang-|Visions that goes into Gowganda | ing dead and stiff while the tired men and dogs prepare leep umler the ! ty stars or the blazing glory of » Norther iights, % to think that close to itizat 1 ert i Fy ' tario there Fes a country so wid aud #0 un'amed---a country unknown, in- | deed, until comparatively recent vears {except to the hunters and trappers of | the Hudson Bay Company and to the "lumberincks" winter to cut the giant white pine trees and to float them down to -the sawmills of the Montreal and Ottawa Rivers. Then suddenly, an {ew years back, following the long trail with eanoe and tent, brought news of silver amd showed white mor- sels of metal that they had picked up irom the crevices of the bare rock of the new land to the north. And not only silver, but alse eoball copper, gold, iron and nickel were found there, The new land sprang suddey fame, and ta former wealth of pine and pelt seemed insignificant be- side the glittering stories that were told of its unequalled riches in miner- als of many kinde English invéstors, however, mostly held' aloof, and still do so; and, dew], this is scarcely to be wondered at, for few of the mines, except those in the famous silver lands of Cobalt, have yet beem proved and there is vo doubt that there are many "'wild-cat" cheme afloat. Investment should on re been received from reliable mining experts. nofortunately, only too much {truth in "Mr, Dooley's'" definition of a mine as "a hole in the ground owned by a liar!" Nevertheless, there doubt, great wealth in minerals. in this New Ontagio wealth that will some day astopish the world. The men there, at any rate, are great believers in the future. An old prospector, tan ned and worn with fifteen years of life in the forest, nis back bent with carry- ing the pack sack and canoe, his hands hardened and crooked with handling the paddle and the pick, said to me one day : "We huve on'y scratched this country and already we have found minerals of unequalled value. No one can say what there is here, for ho one knows. What are wanted now are men and capital." And men and (eapital are coming- capital mostly from New York and Chicago; men from every quarter of the globe. The progress that is being made as a result is incredibly rapid, 17a great Cobalt itself, for example, was only heard of for the first time in the late autumn of 1903, when the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway was being ccrstructed from to ¢ sirange prospectors, { ports have | thoroughly | There is, without is, mote silver was waken out of Cobult mines than came fron any other min: ing station in the worli, Nearly one eighth of the whole world's output if silver came from Cobalt; two tom of pure silver every dav. And today this pew country 1s ful ol prospectors of every gatiopality There are Englishmen, ® Americans, Germans, Swiss, Dutch, Finns, Nor weogmans, Russians, Hungarians; awl every man :s a prospecitor--the canoe- man, the blacksmith, the hotel porter, the very camp cook, all 'give prospec: tor ax their profgssion, and are keen to sell plnime, afd! talk eagerly of "conglomer atePind dishase prom:sing veins' which are' liable to make good." They are menrly all young men: it is, in tegth man's country." there is amotir instance of the ra pitty with whith operations are cart on in this new land. Little more than a year ago rumors came ol astomshing finds of miver wear Lrow- ginds Lake. In there was no spn of human lite there, but the tracks of a dog train sled and the tent of a prospesitor on the See, Oa the twenty-third there were the fovndations of thirty houses ; the tperial Bank of Cunsda was doing its business from a tree-stump; the "fing Edward' Hotel's temporary prevaises cons sted of a ont on the wo will: the proprietor oc upied his spare tive im guttiog down trees to build the permanent bailding as ft now dla Bs. There ave now three banks, three hotels, about ninety houses, and thirty or forty tents--tents used for everything, fom a 'quick lunch" connlir to a Presbyterian church, and all lal#led ! There are doctors, lawy- e:8, amd estate agents, and you ean buy anything from a picture postcard to a prospect' the postcard sting fivepence, and the prospect saythimg from £100 to £10000. "in this Mushroom "city" tie hotels are the ointre of social and business fife, mod in one of them, in a small of ro five full-sized billiard tables, ther trim preen cushions and legs look- ing strange and amiliar on the rough plank floor. he coterpricse that can take hil ford tabies th a Herty" like Gow wanda. 1s the spirit that i adi = For at the best ITER § i all Commune ey gag: It was a heart-breaking the | rushing streams and quiet lakes where | and duck; a land which who came in the frozem | toi in- | North Bay. Five vears leter, in 1908, } | assaulting and i bodily harm on the person of { housekeeper, Elmira , "last month. carrving | a young | } Januagy vn, voy | First--Don't Delay. fogs. stands la tance in a day: But it is pot al ways like this, and when the lee and supa braking up in the spring g ion is impossble, Last dur there Whim desperate race to machinery and stores into Gow- g before this * 'breakiog-up" be strug- @dofor horses and men--sixty miles over softening smow, sometimes only a mile or two being mado in a whole the teams of six or eight struggling up the steep n- climes, strawming with heavy boilers Land engines over the rocks aud Istumps now only partly covered by ithe snow, and ther perhaps at the top # log or a stump would catch the runners of a sleigh, and over the whole load would go mito a Snow - d. ft, to be repacked by men with {aching arms aod feet, too tired al {most to pitch their temts and jail | the balsam branches for their beds. | In summer the quickest passenger routs to Gowganda is a two days' {trip from the railway, the first day fin the gasoline launches, wich three portages past tha rapeds of the Mofitreml river, and the second day a long series of portages over he rocks and swampy trails from river to lake, and past the rushing rapids lof the creeks. So difficult is this journsy that every pound of pro in ithe summer has its value increased py fourpence on the way; and at the portages you may meet a band of froightmen unloading their canoes and {preparing to carry a load of per (hups two or three sacks of potatoes ror an iron stove, with a strap' around Lids forehead and shoulders, over a ynkle or more of rocks and swamp and fallen trees, some times raking five wor six journeys back and forth before {their canoe load 1s all transpotted, Small wonder that the freighimen gets mote wages than the pass2iger-man, whose loads portage themselves. Every single man in this wild coun- try has an interest in silver. Even a Hvmer, who has takew up a home- {stead dn the wooded lands of New {Ontario {there mre milllons of acres {of good farming land mn the great {clay belt adjacent), and after great toil was cultivating the forty acres he ihad cleared, could talk of little but im ns and mining prospects. He told me how he farmed tis clearing, living ichiefly on the hay he raised and ship- {ped to mining towns and camps, but {his chief interest was in silver, and {he recounted lots of stories of great fortunes, made and lost. - Two pros- ipectpis had staked a élalm showing jalece near (owganda Lake, but. be- { ns in need of money thoy sold five: icighths of it for $660; later they sold | three-sixteenths for 325,000; and they 1xtill hold three-sixteenths in a nrillion- {dollar company. And the tales of this sort are legion. * [ only met one man who was in a yhurry to get away. He was a London clerk (from Battersea), tanned by the sun and broadened by his hard and healthy life, He had been there a year or two and was going to stay {till be had saved £400 or so. Then he was going to buy a farm on the | western prairies--it would be a quieter and more settled place to ask a Lon don girl to come to. So he was not |leav ng the mining camp withoutigood reason. And surely life in this great land of jrock and forest is the stremuous and the simple life in one, and yet so great u fascination has it that men of every class and of every profession are caught and held by it. Owe is greeted by the cheery "Hello" of the {Can.dian backwoodsman; by the {quiet nod of the English army mang {ty the ceremonious salutation of 'Swiss or German--but what strikes the eye id the strong face, full of hope and endurance, beneath the wide felt hat. Certainly it is that they live up to the "policy" of the trail--'*Never tir- ed, never cold, never hungry, Mil you sep the camp fire twinkling and smell the pork and beans." KA day hoi ses } Here is a Pointer. Have you. cold hands or feet, chills, {pain in the back ? If so your blood is impogerished and your constitution run down. Wade's Iron Tomieo Pills {will positively restore perfect health. {As a blood maker and nerve strength i blood, improve the appetite acd tone up the constitution. Price 25¢., at Me- Leod's drug stores. Irvine Rose, Sidney farmer, arrested ony charge of being drunk, is to face a more serious charge. He is accused of committing grievous his Roblin, during Miss Gena Branscombe, Picton, is ii Berlin and at a gathering at the Wo. man's Club, took part. Tic: rom si- tion work ig favorably impessitiz" the o) musical talent of Berlin. A BIT OF ADVICE mnie Second---Don't Experiment. It you suffer from backache, head. aches or dizzy: spells; if you . rest poorly and are languid in the morn- ng; if the kidney secretions are irre igolar and unnatural in appearance, do not delay. The Kidneys are calling for I help. Slight symptoms of kidney troubles are but forerunners of more serious complaints. They should he given attentions before it is foo late. { Booth's Kidney Pills eure kidney Arouble. They are recommended by | thousands. "Tan Kingston residents de- site more convincing proof than the istatement of a Kingston citizen. Mrs. | Thomas Moore, of 226 Division St. Kingston, Ont., says: "Very often 1 , would be unable to stoop or Bit any- 'thing with the dull, beanng-down pains that were almost constant in the small of my back. | had tried many remedioe, buy could find little or {mo relict for this. The kidneys were {disordered and inactive and | was oaguid and weak. 1 would awake imiore tired and unreireshed than on going to bed. | tried Booths Kidney Pills on recommendation of a friend, | i same at Mahood's Phar jmacy. 1 soon found them to benefit me, going directly to the rause of tron : ; hack strengthened and the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1910. TALKS VIGOROUSLY ROOSEVELT HUNT IS BRANDED AS BUTCHER: Chicago Professor Declares That Ex- President is Dehumanizing So- ciety. Chicago, March 8. ~""Theodore Roosevelt is returning from an exps dition which #2 disgrace to human. ity. His trip ta Africa has done more to dehumanize society than all the humane societies do in yeas to bring it out of its present savage stale. This utterapce by Prof. J. Howard Moore brought many protests from Roosevelt admirers following a I - ture before the South Side Sufirage Association, Prof. Moore said he wished to place Roosevelt among the great men of the country, but was unable to find a single deed or trait of character worthy of commendation. 'Roosevelt will have been forgotten completely in a few years," Mg said. He branded the Roosevelt-Smithsonian expedition as "butchery in the name of science." MILLIONS FOR THE AGED. anions ; French Workmen's Pension Bill to be Passed. Paris, March 8.~The old-age work- ingman's pension bill, when insures to every laborer in town or country a pension at the age of sixty-five, and will cost "France an additional $100, 000,000 yearly may how be considered as voted. The senate has agreed to make only very slight amendments, and the chamber, on the eve of the general elections, will undoubtedly pass the bill when it comes back to it from the senate. This measure, to- gether with the increased financial de- mands of the army and navy, and the uncertainty of the results of the new methods of taxation, places the official fimancial situation of the French gov- ernment on a ¢ritical basis. The general election, according to the present "arrangements, will take place on Sunday, April 24th, and the second ballots will be cast on Sunday May Sth. The election campaign will be based on the issue of proportional represesiat won, which is now on every one's lips, and on financial methpds of satisfying the incredsing exigencies of the budget. Meanwhile the naval committee of parliament favors the 'minimem' pro gramme of construction for the French navy as proposed by Admiral de la Peyrere, the minister of marine, which vill take ten years to carry out and will 'place' France in the fifth rank among the maritime powers. CHICAGO TO PROBE VICE, Select Committee of Thirty to Investi- gate Problem. Chicago, March B.- Accompanied by a comprehensive statement from Mayor Busse dealing with viee in Chicago ami declaring the city "no better and no worse than "other American or European municipalities," personnel of Clicago's vice commission was announced by the mayor yesterday. The commision as name! is compos: ed of thirty leading residents of Chi cago, meluding sociologists, crimino- logists, edweators, clergymen, jurists and lawyers. Dean Walter T. Summer of the Episcopdl Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, is named as tem- porary chairman. Two well-known wo- men are imchided---Mrs. Ellen M. Hen- rotin and Dr. Avny Dwyer, INDIANS BLEW OUT THE GAS. Old Chief and His Nephew Asphyxiat- ed at Washington. Washington, March 8.--One of the most picturesque chieftains of the In- dian race and hia nephew, both mem- bers of the Chippewa tribe in Minne sota, were found dead in a local hotel, the victims of asphyxiation. The dead chief was Pay-Baum-We-Che-Waish- Kung, more than ninety-five years old, and his unfortunate companion was Ah-No-Way-Way-Aush. Accustomed to the candle and the lamp, it is believed one of the redmen blew out' the gas, which ended their existence and sent them to their happy bunting grounds. MONEY WON ON LIBEL SUIT. Gives Large Sum to School of Tropi- cal Medicine. New York, March 8.--A despatch to the Sun from London says: William H. Lever, Lever Bros., soap makers, has given $510,000 to the Liv- erpool University School of Tropical Medicine, of which he is chairman. Of this sum $455,000 are the proceeds of the damages got some time ago by Lever Bros. in their action against the Daily Mail in the soap libel Toronto Street Market. Toronto, March 7.--Wheat, white, new, 51.10: wheat, red, new, $110, wheat, goose, $1.05, osts, bush., Hc. to Abc: peas, bush, ®e. to BScy bare ev, bush., 60. to Bles rye, bush., 68c. to 70c: hay, timothy, ton, $18 to $21, hay, mixed, ton, $0 to #12, straw, per ton, $14 to $15 dressed hogs, $12 to 2.35;, butter, dairy, 25c, to Ue. but ter, inferfor, 2%. to 24eo.; egys, dozen, 202, to We; chickens, Ib, 16c. to 18¢.; ducks; Th., 18c,. to 17p. turkeys, I, 19. to Je; pee, 1b., 15c. to iv; fowl, Ib, 12¢ to Be Pie hbl., 32 to $8.50; aloes, bag, load, 60. to ay Rokaroe bag, $1 to 1.1% celery, pec 0c. to 4c; dazen cates its fathire attitude, The = board adopted the report of the transit com- mittee, wich recommended the grant. ing of a franchise to s new tranction company, the Manhattan Bridge Three Cent Fare Line, provided terms ac ceptable to the city are arranged. vi - r------ | Monday sais LIVE STOCK MARKET. The Prices Paid at the Various Centres. The Boston team of Hill and Dro- bach won the si.day bicycle race at Buffalo. ! Toronto Star: Look 'out, girls "Bouncer" Brouse will be in togh to molTow. Varsity has challenged St. Michael's College for the Toroute city hockey championship, . / St, Michael's College and the Park- dale Canoe Club will fight it out for the senior O.H.A. championship. In the Ottawa -Wanderer match, Glass and Russell watched Walsh so closely that "Marty" was seldom dangerous. His majesty the king and the Prince of Wales have just each donated 5 sil- ver cup for competition on Easter at the West Norfolk Huot Club steeplechases. Wolgast, who has signed .a ten weeks' vaudeville contract, says he will take Nelson on for forty-five rounds some time in May or June. He will pay no attention to other challengers until af- ter this mill. The race scheduled for next Friday night, in Toronto, between Longboat aod Acoose, has been declared off, w ing to the fact that Longboat is con fined to his home with an attack of tybheid joven, Toronfo Star: My ! what a tidy lit: tle muss this Preston:Kingston junior final is going to be. Toronto will sup- port Kingston, because they like "Jim" Sutherland. Here's to a tie-up and a play-off here ! The Victorias, of Montreal, were de feated by a score of 5 to 4, by the All New York hockey team, selected from among the best Canadian players on the teams in the Amateur Hockey League. The play was fast and hon- ors about even on both sides. Every man on the New York seven, except White and Mills, scored a goal, The history of the Stanley cu been the history of Ottawa and derer clubs since 1903. for less than two months in 1905. Apart from that short period, it has been in the possession of Wanderers or Ottawa clubs, which have proved their superiority over all challengers, gener- ally without much difficulty. Renfrew. players feel confident of bringing Ottawa down to even terms with themselves by defeating the capi- tal seven in Renfrew this evening. If Renfrew ean win Ottawa and Renfrew will probably be a tie for second place at the end of the geason, a fact which will be almost as pleasing to Renfrew as the winning of the championship. has Wan- Kenora held it National Hockey League. --Goals- Won. Lost. For. Agst. Wanderers ... ... .. 10 | 80 35 Pitawa ... 87 19 Renfrew ...... 63 17 Cobalt .. 60 67 Haileybury - 63 Canadiens . § 8 8 Shamrocks ...... .. 3 8 4g 9 6 3 1 b J 5 J 7 TRIED TO POLSON PASTOR. Rolls Covered With Arsenic Delivered , at Parsonage. Trenton, N.J., March 8.---Dr. Ray- mond B. FitzRantolph, director of tie state laboratory, has reported to the Arlington Board of Health that he hae found enough arsenic on rolls deliver- ed to the Rev. A. J. Voeglin, of this place, to kill forty-eight persons. The unusual powder on the rolls had excited the 'clergyman's suspicion and he called on the health authorities for an analysis. 7 1t is declared that a former parish jioner of Dr. Voeglin had tFreatened his life because the parshiover's wife had left him. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional use, Henry Muldoon, Brockville, died on Saturday, after a.prolonged illness The late Henry Muldoon was a som of the late Neil Muldoon, and was born mm the township of Elizabethtown 1a 1842, about a mile and a half from Brockville, Donald H. Fraser was elected reeve of Sophiasburgh hy acclamation Angus Reid, Picton, bas accepted a position as assistant manager with F, W. Woolworth & Co., Pittsburg, Pa Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stinson have taken up their residence on Centre street, Picton, having leased their farm in Greenbush. MASON HAD SALT RHEUM ON HANDS FOR YEARS--COM- PLETELY CURED FIVE YEARS AGO BY DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT There is nothing worse for ecvema and salt rheum than cold water. For this reason many people are afflicted in cold weather only. No class of men suffer more from such ailments than bricklayers and stone masons and this fact makes the accompanying letter particularly inter: esting. : Mr. John W. Naas, stone masan, of Luenburg, N.S. writes :--'1 was a great sufferer from eczema and salt r for years and could get nbun- ing which seemed to be of any real benefit. Five years ago | got a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment and three boxes of Dir. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills and (his treatment cured me so that the old trouile never returted. My skin became as soft and smooth as a child's after using Dr. Chase's Ointment and 1 shall always say; a good work for it." i Very many suffer from skin affections in cold weather amd itry one thing after another without ob taining the marked and lasting bene fit which comes with the use of Pr. Chase's Ointment. "rer Chilblaine and frost bites are qu ly ndieved and cured by the w fully soothing, 'healing influenge this Ointment. Ch and irrit skin becomes soft and smooth. et oath rps Win eave is cured. Dr. Chase' . THE ALLAN OUP. Which Queen's University hockey team won last year, and retains by victory over McGill in Ottawa on Monday night. i where innctent 'men puld blackmail as high as $20,000 on threats that they would be summoned as corespondents. This growing evih would disappear, he declared, {f the publication: of di- vortw. cases wore forbidden, All the before the mission, which includes among members the Archbishop of. York, vored at least partial restriction the present practice of publication. There was a considerable difference of opinion as to whether the | present law regarding legal separation should Nobody has as yet ta PUBLICITY IN DIVORCE. Suggestion That. Blackmail Follows Present Freedom. London; March S.-~The widest public interest centres daily inthe hearings before the royal commission wlach is considering the proposed revision of the divorce laws ard which has among its members the sister-in-law of (he unionist leader, Nearly all the witnesses in the past tweek advocated the abolition of the prresint distinction between sexes, which denies to the wife release un | be continued. lesz she proves cruelty as well as beer able, to suggest a practical adultery means where divarce can be mada There was sensational testimony of |2Vailable to. the poor, who are de the last hearing on the question of [Parred by its cost, » tpermitting the publication of pro | ceedings at divorce court hearings. | Laura Barrager, Pig lsland, Heron Allen, a prominent lawyer, a the young daughter of George Barra serfed that the fear of publicity was! ger, wrote to Premier Whitney: for his made she basis for a widespread prae- | picture. He enclosed it with a pretty tice of blackmail. He said that hellittle note that Laura prizes - very had personal knowledge of six eases | much. 'BACKACHE SIMPLY VANISHES ND OUT-OFRDER KIDNEYS AGT FINE A Few Doses Regulate Kidneys and Bladder, No man or woman here whose kid neye are out-of-order, or who suffers from backache or bladder misery, can afford to Pape's Diuretic un tried. After tnking in the back, twinge headache] sleep lesuness, inflamed or swollen eyelid dizziness, tired or worn-out feeling and other symptoms of clogged, shiggish kidneys simply vanish l com- its fa- ol witnesses frene dad with ix no other as directed the knowledge that medicine, at any anywhere m the which is s0 harmless or will efiect so thorough and prompt a cure his unusual preparation goes direct the of trouble, distributing cleansing, healing nnd vitalizing in fluence diréetly © upon the organs and aflected and completes the cure before you it ' A few day« treatment of Pape's Din- retic means clean, healthy, active kid- neve, bladder and urinary organs and vou feel fine Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell yaa that Pape, Thomspon & Pape, of Cin- cinnati, is a large and. responsible me thoroughly of there price, world made else leave fo cause everal doses, loins all pain aides or rhgumatic gland nervousness, . condi er dia Uncontrcdiable urination {especially at night), smarting, discolored water and all bladder misery ends, The moment the slight est kidney or bladder disorder, or feel rheumatism pains, don't be miserable or fifty vent vou suspect dicine concern worthy continue but get n treatment of Pape's Hureti from your druggist and ctart taking to confidence opt treatment from anywhere in the world your worried, only Pape's huretig < drug fifty cent ilove An Our Big Clearing ------ pli 3 Scle Still Flourishing A chance to furnish for spring. Everything bright and new in the latest designs in Parlor, Dining and Bedroom Furniture. Carpet Squares, Rugs, and Oilcloths and Linolenms at sale prices. \ a HRyFTEER halen] | I | LJ WF, Cian, af James Reid, The Leading Undertaker. Phone 14%; Fine Large Uaada Red Apples at 28c Pk. CleariAg Out 'Bitter Oranges at 20¢ Doz. or . 3 Fa LR cb ci i iis : R.H. TOYE, 028 st 3 THECANADA METAL CO. ETD: y TORONTO, ONT.

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