{Workroom News. Wezhave been vory fortunate in securing thejse rvices of Miss Taylor, o of Montreal, one whom the leading Millinery Manufac- turers of the cast, say bas been of very valuable service to "them for the past six years. She has taken charge of our work room and from the flow of pretty creations tarneéd out every day, we thin that the ladies of Kingston will pot have to go out. of town for their Millinery this season. Crumley Bros. THE FAIR You Pay BUY THEM FRO 97-plece Cambination Dinner, Tes and Berry Set, YOU CAN BY INNER AND TOILET SETS AT A BIG Less Here SAVING IF YOU in pretty floral desi Peacock Blue and Green coloring, flawless and perfect shape. Your cho! be 97- plece Combination Dinner, Tea ana rock pattern, edged with gold, nicely finished, a very Your choice We have other handsome Bets up to, Toilet b-plece Tollet Sots for on only fece Tollet Bets. Sale Price. Tollet tece Sets, Pett Piece Totlet Bet' A ¢ value, for only $5.50 Berry Set, in Green and Blue Sham- serviceable set. Sets ece Tollet Sets, extra large, your choice for. lue and Red pattern. . BUY YOUR ST. PATRICK AND EASTER CARDS HERE. M Sintosh Re MANAGER, PERCY JESSE. I See Waggoner's Window Display Spring Suitings and Neckwear JUST ARRIVED TO-DAY. A. C. WAGGONER, The Up-to-date Tallor 188 WELLINGTON ST. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS FOR MACHINERY, BELT- ING, SHAFTING, CRANES, AIR COMPRESSORS, ETC. SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED marked on the to the Jp LE and Ee or Leath Ontario, a nO Oot "the 5th day (1) Machines and tools; (2) Leather belting: (3) Shafting. hangers, work, etc.; (4) Miscellaneous equipment, trial track and lockers; (8) Motors; (8) Furnaces and forges: (7) Cranes; (8) Alr Compressors; (9) Grey iron foundry equipment and brass foundry equipment; gited to tor the uipment of the loco- Motiv ve and oF Snaps > of the Commis si of < "Franscontinental Rais pa § , Soringeield. east of Winnipeg: Te. wil be Tr on AB or, & received and cone all of the items ingh- gatea above and numbered from 1 t¢ 9, Inclusive. of April, steel frame indus~ and Gent's, Furnisher. Yuriea within ten days after the sign- ing of the contract. The right is reserved to reject any or all tenders. By order, : 1 P. E. RYAN, Seérelary, The Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway. Ottawa, 2nd March, 1910. Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the Com- missioners will not be paid for it. MAIL CONTRACT. SEALED.T TENDERS ADDRESSED TO tie aster-General will be receiv ed at Ottawa anit Noon, on Friday, 3h Alek bests Ma id © the conveyance of ap a proposed per ak , Way pet D'ARCY AND "KINGSTON from the 1st July next. Printed notices conthining further information as to conditions x A Contract may ank Tr Se obi; Ry at the of on, : late Post ices and at he 0 iy the Post Inspector a ngston. 0. €. ANDERSON, ; Superintendent. Department, Ottawa, 19th February, 1810. Post To We Men of Kingston: ie of arya Fine : Bock direst iT of RE pi SE Kinds of Mors ah Street, 1 have Our opm SHOE oR MEN is a nn Strong Yorn, Boots tx for Men and : | Ordered Nork 4 Baan Prompt. done, "Jack® Johnston. "m5 | TENDERS WANTED. #10, to Cai Be or John's Church, Ry $58 Rp R nF fore 5 BEER fr Bhar tl vl 28rd Jol Htors are a likely-looking bunch, «A husky chaps, and the | years' contract with the Pirate world's _jed themsel skating McGill THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, EE THE SPORT REVIEW WILL FRONTENACS OVERCOME PRESTON'S LEAD? They Can Do It If They Play the Game -- Preston Arrived Last Evening---The Teams Will be the Same as Played Monday. Tonight drcides the junior OXIA. championchip and to-night Fromtenacs have got to play as thoy never play- ed before, because to-night they sim- ply have to win. The boys can de feat 'Preston, they have it in them to pull down the score in the first hall and hold it, if they will only play their game. Every- player on team should feel proud that chosen to represent the city in. the taal game and should go into the contest with the utmost determina- tion. Four is not such a. great many, no half as man; as teams as fast as Preston have been Leaten by Fron t.nacs. The first three must be se cured in the first fifteen ninutes; that evens things. then the game is start 'nz even and the boys « start fo trim their opponents all F again. € heck ie on Every forward on the I'm: must check back. ' Remember, many a stifi game has been won by checking back. Never miss an oppor- tunity. Never let your man et away, never do any lagging. Play wockey, boys, and play every minute, Don't let the other feliow take com- mand of the game, take command yourself and keep it. But above all things stay on the ice. Remember that the referee és put there to pre- vent irregular work, and if a man rubs it inte you you are not sup- posed to tap . The referee is there for that. Take your bumps, but play the game and win the cup. '1h city is now proud of the seven game kidlets who have gone so far. Now vim the mug and give the citizens a chance to show how proud they really do feel. Allan Cup Trustees Criticized. A Winnipeg despatch says: The dates allotted by the trustees of the Alan cup for the championship gamee with the Manitoba 'Varsity seven are not at. all acceptable to the latter, and in consequence the trip has been cancelled. The trustees were notified 10 that effect this merning The boys asked for carly dates when good ice was assured, and when the trip would not interfere with the ex- aminations of the students. No effort, however, has been made to accommo- date them, and the feeling here is that the trustees have effectually blocked the westerners fromr the competition, and have shown but small considera tion of the interests of 'amateur hoc- key. They were asked as early as the beginning of February to give the "Varsity boys dates as soon as pos sible, and the circumstances were fully explained to them, but nothing de- finite could be extracted from them uritil this morning. he is Preston is Here. The Preston team arrived in the at eight o'clock Tuesday eveting. Ouly the team and the manager ar aod but more supporters are expected tdown to-day for the game, The vist 1g appear to be in fin condition. The team will line uj the same as in the Preston game, and as Frontenacs will do the same the teams will be : Prestom--Short, goal; . Bowman, int; Rahn, cover; Walker, rover: ith, centre; Scherer, right wing Sullivan, left wing. Kingston--Marchand, godl; David son, point; Hyland,. cover; Brouse, rover; Humt, centre: Sommerville, right wing; Millan, left wing. Notes on Sport. Rochester has purchased Pitcher Sa- vage, last vear with Montreal, from Detroit for 81,500. It is not probable that the Northern Ontario teams will be admitted to thy Nations Hockey League next season. An international pro. lacrosse league to include Fort William, Port Arthur, Winni and hig American teams, is proposed. No less than five major baseball league clubs drafted Catcher Tonne- man, the player bought by Toronto from Nashville. All the catchers of the Chicago clubs will' wear shin guards the coming season by order of Manager Chance, The knee pads will be made of alu- minum instead of leather "Mooney" Gibson has signed a (wo champions and leaves Metdie day for the south at the head of ta training camp squad. = Hamilton ia moving toward the ation of the rugby dub and Apr ior AAA, which controls She cricket grounds. They would form one big association with a modern clubhouse. Prestonites * admit that the Fron tenacs wd wu lv strong, but they are con that their team will be able to hold the King: ston seven in Wednesday night's game. They point out Preston is equally good away from home. 'Toronto (lobe : Queen's easily prov- ves the better team, out- from start to finish. were also better stick handlers and shots and their defence checked co closely and used their bodies with such telling effect that the McGill forwards vo | seldom got down to real hard work. Unless they meet with an unfikely defeat at the hands of Canadiens. on Wednesday, Montreal Wanderers will leave for New York, Sunday night, to play a series of two matches at the St. Nichoals rink. Tuesday and = Wed: to- a the | Seemery. WEDNESDAY, Slmusements. "GRAND OPERAY HOUSE ) TO-NIGHT 0 Years on Broadway. First time here. Sam S. and Lee Shubert tine.) Present EDDIE FOY In the Merry M Whimi HR. HAMLET OF BROADWA caro EE iw. |- THURSDAY, Mar. 10 ifter Ome Entire Year on Broadway. Jon. M. Gailtes Offers The Musical Comedy Sensation, 3 TWIN With Clifton Crawford and New York et pn new Firat 4 rows, SATURDAY, MAY, 12 Bargain Matinee, 2.30. Evening, 8.15. Jou. P. Bickerton, Jr, Presents IRRESISTABLE CHARLEY GRAPEWIN In His Comedy Success, "Above the Limit" A Laugh Every Time the Clock Ticks. A Great Cant. Seats on Sale Thuradny Mat~~25¢, 38%e, Breslin digg Te, Toe 81. IJOU TO-MORROW, Se THE INDIAN AND THE COWGIRL A thrilling drama of Western life, in which the great Indian actor, "Young Deer," takes part, A MOTHER'S LOVE Se in which Jrigihal bio, sands #8 ing part. Lawrence, "the known to thou- takes the lead- Florence Iograph girl, Jones," TO-DAY A first class Sratan. double length comedy, "Jumping at Souciusions,™ or 'How Mr. Brown aot Pickle GENERAL AT ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY A beautiful and heart-stirring drama, | 4 MARCH 9, tv10. PAGE THREE. A CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First lusertion le 'ws word. Each con. secutive insertion thereafter huif cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- section, 20¢.; three Inseriions, Boe; six, $1; one mouth, $2. HELP--WANTED, SERVANT. APPLY $1 Frontenae Street to AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE- maid. Apply at this office. AP- ply. The Semervillie Co, Wellington Street. 2 AS GENERAL Apply, AT ane B, YOUNG GIRL A Maid; references required sO lergy st. APs R A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT ply, in the evening. to Mrs. Anglin, 197 Queen Street. A MAID TO Assis? WITH HOUSE- Werk. Apply twesn foand-§ p.m. to Mrs. Robt, Fraser, 65 West Street. % LOST. BLACK FUR MUFF, between Prin * on Monday ev return te 19 Stu ceive reward BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. ON BAR RIE ST d Stuart Sts, fer kindly and re- The i?eople's Forum | FOR SALE. x "NATIONAL" CASH REGISTER, worth about $150, for $35, at Turk's. "Phone 705 A LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR AWN. joes and Tents at 152 Ontario St. X. Baseau IMPORTED. GERMAN CANARIES. IN ach bird ia guaranteed se. Tncted a or money refun Qome and hear them... W. J Quren ana Barrie sis sv el, streets 'Phone 612. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. POR INSURANCE THAT INSURES, GO to Gedwin's Insurance BEmporiam, Market Square, Kingston. Tele- phone 434. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK. GENERAL IN- surance Agent and Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent, 42 Clarence Street, Kingston, Telephone 568. 'IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Liberul-policies and wm rate rates in first-class com Boon, Agent, 15% We ey ellington street. FOR GENERAL HOUSE no washing or ironing. Ap- E. Beaupre, 288 Princes: A MAID work: ply, Mrs Street. GOOD, SMART WYOUNG MAN TO learn the shoe business; must be good appearance and well recom mended. J. H. Sutherland & Bre AX YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT 17 YEARS old, to assist with infant; best re- ferences required. Call between 6 and 8 in the evening to 141 King Street SALESMEN FOR THE BEST ressed-air Hand UTO- INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn 3100 monthly corresponding for ne a o Sauiassing- Send for particulars, Press Syndi. cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. BOYS AND GIRLS CAN MAKE MONEY in their spare time seeling our «goods, wend. 10 cents in silver for samples and particulars Phoenix Art Co, 257 Market St, Newark SITU ATION w GOOD like houses. NFEEDLEWOMAN work by the day Apply, Box $83, 0 at ladies' Whig office. GEO. A. BATEMAN. CUSTOMS BROK er. Put your invoices in an envel- ope with a one cent. stamp on it ane drop in the nearest letter box @ do the rest. Al kinds of Fire Teaudo th placed on short notice ¥en one 396. 67 Clarence St, Kinge- on, LIVERPOOL. LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets §6),187.215. In addMtion to which the policyholders have for security the unitmited liabilitr of all the stockholders. Farm and city property Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates fram Strange & Strange, A t "Phone, 32. ants ARCHITECTS. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITEQT, ETC. 258 King street. 'Phone, 345, ONE SECOND-HAND MANURB Spreader, in good shape. Also seve- ral horses and colts DJ. BR 138 Clarence street. BOAT. READY FOR THE butit last fall; engine 13 2 1& hp; length, 23 Nt YeATH, 1, 6 in Bray E. Lee, 247 Brock St, Kingston MOTOR water: $1,900 WILL BUY DOUBLE FRAME house; seven rooms each; hath and w.0.; Nos. $26 and 238 Raglan Road: ~ rent. $21.00 per month. Apply, 250 vision Street GRAVE LOTS FOR BALE AT LOW prices in Christ Church Cemetery, Cataraqui; perpetual care taken at reasonable rates ApRLy W. Barth, Lancaster, or John Heaton, Church Wardens ¥ 11 HP. ELECRIC MOTOR, PLAN- er, band saw, rip and cross cut saws, all complete, with shafting, ete; will sacrifice for Immediate sale: might take first-class marine motor in exchange APPLY, D. Allan Black delivery sieigh, business sleighs, a second-hand milk slel also business sleighs, bod sleigh and cutters. All in good shape a newly inted. For sale cheap James turney, Carriage Maker, 380 Princess street. NEW MILK SLEIGH, A NEW ato TO LET. ONE FRONT ROOM OFFICE AT 36 Bin strest. Centrally located. Ap- . Forrest, Gents'. Furnishee, DWELLING, FURNISHED furnished, Stores, Stora niture, ete. McCann's, King street. AND UN» e for Pars rock, Cor, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE nd residence, 1¥1 University Ave WM. NEWLANDS & tects, etc "Phone, 608 SON, ARCHI- goTTIc., 258 Bagot street. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington stree 8. Phone. 212 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WANTED--GENERAL., ONTARIO AND S.A. VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, 5} Broek: St. Covered Rink HOCKEY MATCH. O.JH.A. JUNIOR FINALS, PRESTON vs. FRONTENACS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9th. Game called at 8 p.m. Admission--Gent's, 60; Ladies, 25¢c. Reserved Seats, 50c extra, Plan open for Sale of Seats and Tickets on March 8th, at 10 p'm. RENT BY THE FIRST OF MAY, A five or six room house. Address, . M. Burton, 184 Alfred St. City. ONCE, MODERN §-ROOM HOUSE in good- condition, also in good neighborhood, not over $14 per month, Address, "J. De W." 106 Princess Street HORSES TO PURCHASE. I WILL BUY all kinds of horses. Will be In Kingston for the entire winter. I 'ne. "27 Princess St. Tele- phone No. 960. «1 [I TO RENT ANYTIME BETWEEN Now and 'May 1st, small house, with modern . conveniences: dow ntown nesday of next week are the dates fix- od upon for the matches, and it seven, will be the opposing team. { NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. | Interesting Events Occurring In. The Vicinity. T. B. Reynolds' house at was struck by lightnmg on night and damaged. Mrs. J. Mabee and Mrs. Charles Decker spent a couple of days in Pick- ering and Toronto recently, J. E. Deegan and family, Brockville will move to Napavee during the month wheré they have taken the Hotel Brisco. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Vanvolkenburg, jr., gathered at their home at Mclean, on Wednesday evening and presented them with a kitchen shower. A man named Sidney: Ducas was ar- | rested in Belleville, on Tuesday on a charge of obtaininy by false pretences | a horse the property of George Ram- | say, of Siduey township. | On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. John Huff, Picton, celebrated the sixtieth! ammiverSary of their wedding. Mr. Huff is in his eighty-filth year, and Mrs. Hufl, eighty-two; both are enjoying the best of health. A rare concert at Odessa was "The Matrimonial Fxchange," put on in the town hall, by the Odessa Amateur Dramatic Club. The club has a mem- bership of twenty-three and certainly has some actors second only to those seen in the very best operas. John Henderson, late: roadmaster of Brockville division of the GER. has accepted a similar postion on a western division of the Gfand Trunk Pacific and igo 'about the 2th inst, to inion 'his new dut- ies, The 0.A.D.C., Odessa, has voted $40] of its funds te help in purchasing need- ed supplies for the public li- brary. It is rumored that with the balance they have started a fund to purchase: a piano for public use, a i Want. The many friends of Miss, are "pleased 16 see her out after BEF seribuvs illness. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Of Cooke's. JFhurel: Had Interesting TH Meeting. . Om Tue afternoon the Women's Foreigh - Missionary auxiliary of Cooke's 'hurch hald its monthly meet- Je. home a of phe. +, Chisholm, gt twenty Foxboro Sunday Ye is J likely that the old rivals, the Ottawa § ROBERT district preferred. Address, B 131, Whig office. os FURNITURE COVERING, ETC. DONE by the day at customers' homes. For further particulars, enquiry at 23 Ontario street, or calls will Te made in response to letters. HOUSE, IN GOOD CONDITION, less than & rooms; ences; verandah or balcony pre- fe rred JP about $30.00; required st Oo a Apply, Geo. B. y Bank of A oronia ea MeRay, NOT modern conveni- GENTLEMEN TO BRING "THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman. ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and Fepalring fone on the shortest omas Gallowa: St, next Bibby's i 48 Broes OSTEOPATHY. GARSIDE ASHCRO D. Edna Earle Asheroft, Do, Grade: atey' of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Missouri, 40% Princess street. "Phone 447. No charge for consultation and litera- ture regarding this new manipula tive treatment, "Health Without DROP A CARD TO CHAS W. KELLAR, §arpenter and Builder, 256 Division « for reasonable prices on all Binal of jobbing. All work done promptly. DROP A CARD TO JOHN IL MAYRLL, Carpenser and Joiner, 2¢2 Sydenham street north, far reasonable prices ® all kinds of jobbing. All work one promptly and neatly, MEDICAL. WOOD. M.A M.D, ng.), F.O8 and surgeon: o 2to 4 CM. MRCS. Edin), consultant fee hours. 10 to 12 263 Kiog St. E. 'Phone 72 18aA0 J. F. SPARKS, RA, MD. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100 Wellington Uffice hours: 10,10 12 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. "Phone 386. DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE, June to September Inclusive; mod. ern conveniences. Apply, 217 Barrie Street, corner William FOR UNEXPIRED TERM, SIX-ROOM- ed house, newly Y apered; furnace, bath, gas, etc; will also well farni= ture cheap. APDly #7 Stuart St, "motk ty 3 FROM MAY 1st, THE ROOMS AND Dwelling on Wellington St, over B, Roughton's office, § years occupied by Dr Dents Apvly to C. Livingston & Co., Broe STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. C dry, airy rooms, ahaclutely, proot, your Sun ook an 'rost's C rage, Qu Phone s26b. FOR SALE OR TO LET, HOUSE, 247 modern rooms BROCK STREET: ALL improvements: fourteen Apply, 249 Brock St. SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, BATH an w.c., clothes presses ood cellar and large yard, No. 224 Rag- lan Road, near Division St; Rfsan. sion May 1st; sale prige, $1,450 rent, $12.00 Apply, 255 Division St. BOARD AND ROOMS, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, opposite GTR from CP.R., ONTARIO ST. station, one block on street car hotel lately remodelled; moderate: special rates week. John Cousineau, line; charges by the Prop. HUB HOTEL RESTAURANT NOW open. Service A La Carte. Open day and night. Up-to-date service Al popular prices. Private dinin room. Entrafice on King stree next to Gibson's Red Cross Drug store. Con. Haag, Prop BUSINESS CHANCES, ING TABLISHED Business for a capable young man: single preferred; ne investment required. Address, Box 37, Whig office ANYONE, ANY WHERE, CAN START a mall arder " canvassing. "Be. your owe boss, VOOM io - Bend fer (ree % Heacock. 2.96% Lockport, 'NY LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & MU DIE, BARRIST- Drugs. DIAMONDS ARE TRUMP WE VENTURE THE STATE- MENT THAT NO OTHER ES- TABLISHMENT IN KINGS- TON OFFERS SUCH EXCEL- LENT VALUES IN DIAMONDS Formerly Spangenberg's WE MEET COMPETITION BY THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OUR DIAMONDS. Rodger & Wright 847 KING ST. ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Synopsis of Canadian North-West Land Regulations. ANY parsce. who. 1s mais "over 15 3 sole bead of & 18 years oid, ers and Solicitors law Office, 79 COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, h board. yell lighted and heats gO f id 49) CH t ve. hoa » rity Ave, PERSONALS. MRS. HEROD. RECOMMENDED leading physicians of Kingston; face and scalp massage; oxzyn balm gives marvellous results; shampoo, manicure, pedicure. Y.W.C.A. 198 Johnson St : BY HAIR, MOLES BIRTHMAR warts, etc. removed permanent] without wscar went ary Rye jarience. Dr. Eimer i fan Gar, Nose, Throat and wii ron Specialist, 258 Bagot street. AIR DRESSING PARLOR, 109 BROCK Bt, face massage, mantcuring, chiro- phoay. scalp treatment, shampoo. ng, hair dressing, superfluous removed; satisfaction guarantesd appointments phoned Best's rae Store (69) will receive prompt at- tention. DENTAL. SPARKS AND BPARKS, DENTISTS, jan Princess Bt. LY Kingston. 'Phone DR. :C. C. NASH, DENTISTS DR Clarence St, Kingsto: ESTABLISHED 1866. We Guarantee Every Lond, SWI brotler or sister of intending home months' residence of Bi land ° ach of Duttes --8ix aod Sulsiyation ors BD ema waned by him or by his father daughter, brother or sis ¥ FOR SCRANTON COAL All kinds of Wood and Lumber TPP oN M J. Gibson. assis strest. 'Phone Princess Does not pay. Discerning people get COAL AND WOOD at RIDEAU CANAL, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned and endorsed Tender for Timber and Plank," will be received at this Office up to 18 o'cluck on Thurs. day, the 17th March, 1910, for the sup- ply and delivery of Timber and Fla required for use on the tidean Canal for the Fear 381 19-181 Specifications Hills of Tender and full information ean be obtained at the rl of the Chief Engineer of the Dee partment of Rallwaye and Canals Of. tawa, on and after this date The io or any sarily sccepted, went tender nol nOcRN- By order, L K. JONES, Secretary, Department of Raliways and Canals, Ottawa, 8h Febradry, 1518, Newspaper: interiiasithis advertise. >e a. EAE eee - wen without ®uthority frome the De. Erte nd i : tall acl Ne pag y J ; :