Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1910, p. 7

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\ / JTHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH WHAT TO EXPECT PAGE SEVEN. W% ERRIBLE BURNING "VEN IN YOUTH | NEVER STRONG' 'LABOR THREAZE) RUINOUS REVGLT. f ' i oo EE A First Showing Of New. Spring Shoes Our buyer has just returned from Boston and New York, having visited the best American Shoe Manuofactarers, The liberal orders placed have ar- rived and we are now showing the newest up-to- date effects in Easter Footwear, including The New Queen Quality WITH VITRIOL OF Arie, LAVERS, GANANOQUE, | Xow the Rich, Happy Possessor of . } Good Health Which Was i Restored by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 1 Pains or 3 Cramps "I carry Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills with me all the time, ar3 ! for aches and pains there is Fell With Two Pails of the Deadly, Acid--A Gananoque Teacher | sSerfousiy [11 of Ptomaine Poisoning | From Salmon Eating, i Labor Leader Gompers Believes Crions Are Crushed hy Legislation | Trouble will Follow, Se \ A bin» arch 9-8 od Gom- . ; : "Wven when 1 was young { 'Washinton, March 2. --Samuel Gom Gungnoque, March 9.--A 'horrible ae-| other pers, president of the Ameriean Feder {not robust and healthy bke : . : : wis 1 suffered 'from headaches and ation of Labor, told Attorney-General wickersham recently that if the pre Canadian Holt and Nut Company. i had sort of blue feelings that depriv- nothing equals them. I have '{ nerlv ithe New Gananoque Bolt 4 uo of the joviul sparits and plea. sent American workers' movemsmt, Works, about 5.30 o'clock last even | 0 ther girls seemed to get. After |v nich, he said, is cowstructive an us hem i i : , | i ed 'them for rheumatic pans, jing, through which a young English-1} ,.00ricd 1 found I could not throw conservative in character, is outlawed | headache, and pans in side and man named Alired Lavers, vill proba worries off 'ike other women, and | and rushed ost of Eadaten e by wr Ls : i bly be disfigured for life. He had gong | (hose dull feelings of despondency and |fdvorable legislation and court decis back, and in every case they give with two pails for oil of vitriol to the a &8 Se me ts unhappy. ions, it will be followed by another perfect. satisfaction." { small building adjoining the works, |) here was no cause to feel so, and my {movement which w ill scarcely be con | where the acid was stored, filled his doctor said my liver was sluggish and | servative or constructive. For the - HENRY COURLEN, | peils and was hurrying back when he 3 ' tGiompers and Mr. Wick- Boo | slipped - on the ice and fell, the nton, N. J. | tents of both pails covering him. is accounted for my poor color, my two hours Mr con- Pain comes from tortured | eries brought help and shopmates took was! {cident took place at the works of the tiredness, lammor and despair {ho lersham discussed legislation aliecting . or > . iis | himi within. and dipped hih in oil. pills the doctor gave me were too | labor. To purgative; made me weaker because | Opposition was made by the labor erves. It may occur in any [Medical aid was at once summoned and he was removed to his' home. At they were 100 active for my constitu-|leader to the Moon bill, mow before part of the head or body where | present the real extent of his injuries the tion. Dozens of my friends recom-|the judiciary committee of the house, mended Dr. Hamilton's Ttls, and they [on the ground that ie $e 8 - Profs were so mild and healthful, Well, jianetion meagan, He suid it id toy er i g ' sod. fulfil' the republican platform pledge i cannot be told. never used a pill that acted so qui {fu there is weakness or pressure { Miss Nellie Lake, teacher of the Ma- upon the nerves. _iple Grove public school, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Lake, Garde, Dr. Miles' | street, is seriously ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gardiner, Maple Relieve pain, whether it be neu- ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head- Grove, from the effects of ptomaine poisoning, through eating canned - ache, stomache, pleurisy or ovarian pains. salmon. She was taken ill on Sunday, while going back from town, and reaching Mr. Gardiner's residence, Price 28¢ at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to us, we forward prepaid. could go no further. The Board of Education met last DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, evening. A report from R. G. Gra- ham, principal of the high school, showed 115 pupils enrolled, with an average attendance of 181. A report from J. C. Linklater, principal of the public schools, showed 653 pupils en rolled, and an average attendance of 537. Town Constable John Thomson was again appointed truant officer. David Bain, superintendent of the works of the fananoye Axle eom- pany, is quite seriously ill at his home on Pine street. Dr. Third, of Kings ton, was summoned here for consulta- tion vesterday. Mr." and Mrs. Gordon Latham and family left, yesterday, for Vancouver, B.C. They will spend a week at Win nipeg and a week at Calgary, on their way out. Mr. Latham expects to go inte the plumbing business there, Mrs. Walter Begg and son, of Mont real, are the guests of Mrs, Begg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander lee, + whet street, 3 > Mr. Troyer, of the Canadian College Mission, was introduced to the stafi and pupils of Gananoque high school, vesterday = afternoon, by the town council representative on the hoard, W. B. Carroll, K.C., and addressed them ip the school assembly rooms, soliciting the co-operation of teachers and stati in the school mission work for equipping schools in heathen lands, five cents a month being the limit ask- ed from any pupil. Miss L. E. Mulloy was elected treasurer of the fund, and a large number of pupils freely re- sponded to the missionary 's roguest. At St. Andrew's church, of Monday even'ng, Miss Jennie, only d.ughter of Mr. ani Mrs. Joseph Dempsior, Leeds township, was united in mass iage to John Wright, son of Mrs. N. M. Wright, Sydenham street. The cere- mony was performed by Rev, HH. Gracey. The bride was attended by Mix Hazel Wright, cousin of the groom, while the latter's interests were attended to by W. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Wright left during the evening to speni their honeymoon in Montreal, SPRING IS NEAR Time to Buy that Piano yon have « been Planning for, Drop in at 232 PRINCESS ST Ana see the Large Stock of WORMWITH so WEBER PIANOS Sweet Toned. Artistic Designs. Durable Construction, Popular Prices. Wormuwith-Webcr Piano Co., Limited 232 PRINCESS STRERT, KINGSTON. pd DRY DOCK EXEMPTION. Sr -------------- Hick Headache und relieve all the troubles nel flent to as bilious state of the system, such ) ness, Nausos, Distress after ating, Psin in the Bide, &e. arkably has been Ratepayers Should Get Out and Vote For It. Active preparations are ROW being made for the dry dock exemption vot- imp on Monday, th2 zist, and it is the duty of every FRiApayoY to go to the polls that day and vote for the! . law. The measure is endorsed bn ths «ty counzil, the = board of trade and all the leading eitizers of King: stor The city loses potltng be granting the .exemption. 'he pro perly is own d by the dominion gov: ern pent, which does. not pay taxes, and, therefore, has always beer . a= Dr. Hamilton's. They were the injunction question, that comfortable to use 1 was afraid they {Ill ' would give statutory authority might not help. But in a week sntw they had been actively enza in cleaning up my system, did the work of a tonic and medicine vomlined. 1 improved to 80 On od [nas the thing the i They | tion 'of Labor has been fighting blood | vigorously to prevent in the Baek a [Stove and Range company, the Pan- marvellous degree witn Dr. Hamilton's | bury hatters and other similar cases Pills and 1 now maintain the most| "At the presest = time, said Yr. perfect Kind of health by using them | Gompers, "Xhere is simply an assump- just ome or twice a week." {tion of suthority by the courts in it is Mrs. E. V. Erlanger, the wife | the injunction cases, but if the Moon of Capt. Erlanger, well known at bill were passed there would be statu Gloucester, who relates the above ex-]tory authority for these unfavorable pevicnce. She proved what you and |fourt decisions. 25 : all others, men and women. can| Mr. Gompers discussed with the at- prove--that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are | torn y-genaral the pririples of the best for restoring health and best | Sherman anti-trust law, which law, in for keeping the system in perfect rup- [the batters' ease decision by the su- ning order. Don't be misled into us- |[Preme court of the United States, he ing anything but Dr. Hamilton's Pills, |said, had been given a construction sold in yellow boxes, 25¢c. {not intended by congress f {| "The 4abor union is not a trust, the asssrted "Non+ of its achieve {ments in behalf of its members and {sotrety at large can properly be con- | foundeyl with the pernificus and sel- fish gettwitios of the illegal trust." | In an editorial in the current num- ther of the Federationist Mr. Gompers declares the Sherman anti-trust should be "amended or endeghddIn re- viewing the decision of the spreme court, 'when it sent the Danbury hat- ters' ense back for another trial, says the "supreme court {ook the amazing view that the hatters' union attempted to force -all manufacturers against their will to make agrec ments with the union." He declared the law is being trained upon the labor unions to their disadvantage in opposition fo the purpose for whth it is intended by con ress. Walking Made Easy BY WEARING THE ACME CUSHION. SHOE Made with an all-wool felt innersole, which relieves all jar on nerves, stimu- lates blood circulation and protects the foot from heat or cold and Sampores. FOR SALE BY - The Sawyer Sho: Store KOLA WINE. exempt. © As the dock is being leased ty a company St becomes liable to taxation. The company makes a h- | beral offer to the eity in return for exemption. First of all it. pays school taxes on a fixed assessment of 350, 0), Then it guarantees to spend S000 a year for three years, in wages. Lo residents of Kingston, and 40,000 a year thereafter. This chows that the company means business. In view of this the city can well afiord fo grant the mw concern exemption {rom taxation, exclusive of school tax- ation, which will amount to about SHUN 'a year, and which was never rea- lized out of the dock property be: fore. Thore is no doubt of the hy- fiw carrying by a big majority, but in order to make it effective a two- A POSSIBILITY. a -- That Became a Fact apd Pleases : Many People. lof people require at this season of the' a delicious Tonle Wine! the strength sustaining pro- | the Kola Nut, Celery and] This is Possesuing perties ol j Pepsin, and is just the Tonic the most | . - EDDIE FOYT Hamlet of Broadway," at the March $th Year i { 'as Grand 'Phone 757. Mr on Wednesday, Pid OF THE NEWS. Latest Culled From All Over The World, Try It. R. J. LAWLER, Golden Lion Block. Gypsy's Curse Fulfilind. Riga, ltaly, March 9.--An extradr- dinary story of a gvpsy's eurse and the tragic sequel to it is revived hn the news of the death of Mrs. Frances yonto grain merchant, died suddenly. Octavia Addison. She was the widow Right Ret". Edward hing, bishop of of Charles Greenstreet Addison--the |jncotf since SRS, dead, aged famous ""Addisoy op/ Torts." eighty vears.. Mr. Addison wad one of the four wo uniformed Moritreal policcmen sans of a Kentish squire, who was got drunk and fought in the streets. cursed one night while standing . on They were 'dsmissed. his lawn by a Romany seer. The mal-' The government bill to amend The Very is A. R. Lewis, M.D, in a lengthy ar- | fhirds majority must be secured, ediction declared that neither the assessment act was introduced in the {for the issuance of injunctions," which | American Federa- | so | +»! the poisonous effete waste products of | law | he | i i HIGHEST GRADES | Cephas B. Goode, 4 well-known To- | | Wah Long's Laundry the | NS LIAL Constipation. Shoes For Ladies. ' * We will be pleased to have you calla! irepect the new lines. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES LH I RC A sae Costiveness or constipation clogs the i bowels, chokes up the natural outlet of = impure matter, and retains in the system | i | Noone need expect to be healthy if the | bowels are allowed to become clogg=d up. "| | A free motion of the bowels daily could | : be the rule with everyone who aspires to | perfect health. OOOO OOOOOOOCOOOO0) PRT YR sed eee nature, causing bad blood, dyspepsia i headache, biliousness, foul humors, pim- | ples, boils, blotches, piles, ete. Burdock "Blood Bitters bas built up an unrivalled | | reputation as a cure for constipation and all the discases which arise from it. i 4444444 Mr. Bums Wood- | b 4 cock, Nashwaak p Constipation 4 Bridge, N.S., writes: pb Cured. <4 "For over two years | > 4 my wife was troubled 44444494 with constipation. | "She tried several phy- | sieinns, but could pet no relief; but after | taking three bottles of Burdock Blood | Bitters she was completely cured and is | | to-day in good health. My wife and I | eannot speak too highly of Burdock Blood Bitters." Florida Grape Fruit Cuban Grape Fruit Malaga Grapes New Cocoanuts § DOOOOCOO) in A A.J.REES, 166 Princess St | 8] Ese eels see see aee es e@ Passe vase seins es sisie ee) S-------- |Our Big Clearing Sale Still Flourishing 1 a ead Sees aE eesse oe « For sale by all dealers. Manufactured only by The T. Milburs Limited, Toronto, Out. vo A chance to furnish for spring, Fverythiig bright new in the latest designs in Parlor, Dining amd Bedroom Furniture and GASOLINE, ' ' Carpet Sqnares Oileloths and pri <8. . Rugs, and COAL OIL. } AL OW Linolenms at sale LUBRICATING Oe FlLoon orn, GREASE. ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. 'W. F. KELLY Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Duilding, James Reid, The Leading Undertaker. Ji. I*ho £* WAAAY AACA A A A A A PR ABR LLRIAe Tn Apples ! CABAL IAL DAL KINGSTON BUSINESS (OLLEGE (LIMITED) HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. 'Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term ine August 30th. Courses' ip < Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Service and English. Our graduates get the best pos - ; tions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with i of the largesse tions in Canada. inter any time. for information. » OALFE, Principal. Apples ! Fine Large Canada Red Apples at 25¢ Pk. Clearing Out of Bitter Oranges at 20c Doz. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St. Phone 141 | one railway corpora. a Oall H. or write F, MEBET- « / (000000000000000000000¢ 9000000000000 006000000 Brass Castings, Bronze Castings, Aluminum: Castings. WRITE FOR PRICES. THE CANADA METAL CO, LTD. TORONTO, ONT. "Thone, M1720, $0040040800000000004040 460000000600000000084 The Great English Remedy. | Tones and invigorates the whole | nervous system, makes new | Biood in old Veins, Cures Nero- | Mental~and Brain Worry, Des- | val Weakness, Emissions, Sper | matorricen, and Effects of Abuse or Fxcesses, i ice $1 per box, six fur $5. One will please, six | a < re. Sald by aR Sromgine or 1 rn ! ain pha. on receipt of price. New pam i fi The Medicine ! Yormertu Wis ivory Yorom Long Distance -- WM. MURRAY, Auctio Furniture Sales given at tion, Oounty ales of Farms, i Stock, etc, have been my specialty for lon sears. If farmers wast the hig ollar, get my services: WALLACE & PPARKS, | Florists ' t vight 'Phone 235 Day "Phone 23% | ' i ne a | i i ¥ i First-class ~vork guaranteed Drop All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants | me a card and 1 will call promplly for | "n season Weddings and Funeral De- | your laundry 136 WELLINGTON ST. | <igns a specialty. Shipped to all parts | The co-operative societies" hall was) = Brack and Clarence Ris } 126 King St e | CO-Oper os as The gypsy's prophecy came true. The passed on to the commons by the) uire was killed in the hunting field. banking committee on Tuesday. { ticle in ths colummz of the American | Hens the necessity of every voter squire nor any of his sons should die legislature on Tuesday. Jownil of Health, says concerning getting ont and recording his ballot in hair © "It's deterioration is a 'on: in favor of the measure. It will re-| 'stant source of worriment, conseguent- quire about 1,600 votes to carry the ald people are readily decelved by by-law and therefore earnest work will e eldest son was mortally wounded tinglish doctors have d/scovered a! 'fake' hair .réstoratives. 1 he wish be necessary. Every citizen should jn India. The second son was asphyxi- new disease which, hey say, is due] that a heir preparation will 'Bll the help. To do so Will be to boost the ated upon Vesuvius. Charles «Greens 10 an atiection of the appendix. a MARKET SQUARE, bill' is father to ths fanéy that it is likele to do so. A rare case invoint is that of Newbro's Herpicide, which actually does 'All the bill" It des: trovs the parasite that attacks the hair root, and ing hair and % Sold by waliuvg drug te, Rend 10. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Uo., Detroit, Nich, One dollar bot: thes guaranteed. G: W. Mahood, spe cial agent. ents dandruff, fall is not never the city. No bonus is asked for; it merely exemption. The city is giving away anything, for it got anything in 'revemde from dock, ---------------------- Ladies' Aid Gathering. The ar monthly meeting of Ladies Ail Sowiety, of Brock street Methodist church was held in the par: lor of the church, on Tuesday, at which the following officers were efert- ed: Mrs. H.-W. Waits, president; Mrs, H. E. Day, vice-pr hy Mes. A. Van Luven, re-elected treasurer: Mes. W. J. Lee, reelected secretary. Thanks were tendered Mrs, F. Reid. the re (tiring president, who has filled. that toffice for the past eight vears to the { Satisfaction of all. A similar vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. T. BP. Cap. novaky, the retiring vice-nresi ont fir within! service fo: a wamber of years. After the election a social hour was out at which refreshments were sere reg. i deficies will train\or bis fight with Johnson at a resort in the wosniaio- & camp will creator of luck quite th Sri given to Proviimen street Addison died suddenly in his drawing-room. f I Jas. B. McLeod, Agent' LG Sead 5 Sy . lvontrol of the manufacture of moving Raltes and in conse | 0 «mw the area under the dog-muz- | I ng regulations may be enlarged, | | Two dead lfakans, with no marks | {of violence on their bodies, were found | iin the woods near St. Stephen, N.B.| Thomas Edison and his associates have secured injunctions giving them is picture films in the United States. Reoresentatives of the larger cities of Cennda, meeting in Miawa, peSsed #n important resolution relating to franchises within the Emits of munici palities. I'he only living Dneal descendant of Confucius is expected to be ode of the chief attractions at this vear's cen: tennial Nubiles of the University of Berlin. The commission, headed by Dr Robert MacGGifl, appointed by the Nova Scotia government to rehort on an eight-hour day in provincial indus tries, 'has found against it John Burnett, " who threw (harlas {with the assistases of the driver, Lanecad Toblane, robbed kim of about S50 on September ZUR, was snvienc- fei ia live years in the penitentiary Piedlane js doing four years for his Cedarsirom out of a Montreal cab and |' part in the affair, OU can now procure our delicious Soda Biscuits in a size and design much thinner and more dainty than the ordinary soda biscuits. Just ask your grocer for McCornfick's F-A-N-C-Y Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits -- neatest, crispest, tastiest. The "Little Lord Fauntleroy" oh the package guarantees McCormick - Quality, Sold only in 10c and 5¢ Blue Label Packages, - ay ANSY Ree BISCUITS | PACTORY AT LONDON OUSES AT MONTREAL, OTTAWA, FAMILTON, KINGSTON, WINNIFRG AND CALGARY.

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