Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Mar 1910, p. 6

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SUNKIST ORANGES Unloaded to-day. Amongst the lot we have a few boxes of Little Lady Oranges fo Sell 2 Dozen for 256 ;* Alsoa few boxes of JUMBO ORANGES to sell at Be each. W. H. Carnovsky, On the Corner Brock and Welllugton Sta. Milk Commissioners agree that milk properly pasteurized is the milk to use. Now this work is properly done at my dairy, 277 Princess street, and Kingston people are fortunate to be able to obtain pure milk at the very low price that it is sold at * Kingston. S,. T. KIRK, 277-281 Princess St. nu "Phone 417. TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, and SUIT CASES, Sut Cases from $1.50 to $8.00 Trunks from §2.00 to $10.00. Trunk Straps and Lunch Cases. H. JENNINGS, King St ---------- ar Assured by the Use of CUTICURA Soap and Ointment All who delight in a clear skin; soft, white hands; a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair will find that these pure, sweet and gentle emollients realize every expectation in pro- moting skin and hair health and bodily ok Bold Sheotighout the world, Charter] d'Antin; 'Avatraiis i 0 Fons Fa, fad Caleutea' © B. kK. Fy funn, no. . had Tao ane Town, ete: A. Potter Dry ) Corp, Sole Prove, 135 humbi 4 Ave. Bos, m. -H ham. av-i2-nace Cutirnra Book, noat-free, a nt 1a the Hest Care and Treatment of 8kia and Sealp. At Heart Trouble c ured. one cause or another a large people are troubled with system becomes ran down, the Boe. ola & anonsheniag lenis song a smo! ing 0, glaminy hands ad feet, shortne of reath, sensation ins rush of blood oo he ond' pee, Te lo there are sickly people with weak hearts Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be found an effective medicine, | 4 Mrs. Wm. Elliott, ' 4 Angus, Ont. 4 'It is with the + + Trouble est of pleasure write Cured. 3 stating the hene- t 1 have received by rae using Milburn's Hoar erve Pills. 1 fered od greatly fron from lear tr rouble, weak a a nl op ering Spell. mediei! or fg ceived no benefit. A friend advised me to buy a box of your pills, which I did, and soon found great relief. I highly recom- end these pills to anyone ering from 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for hl dealers, or mailed direct on | receipt of price + Milourn ited, Toronto, "ont Ca ---- po GRAND UNION a HOTEL == ams E We Want Every Home h Kingston Lighted With mtn Electric Light Erresrommegees it is economical, 1t is handy; uw can have such infinitely utitul effects. Let us give and advice. No cost you. Our specialty is home light- W. Newman Beet Go, ay 9 Prinses street: Sowards Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Sowards. THEY HAD QUARRELLED. Murderer, Traverse City, Mich., March 10. -- Because the skull of his victim was declared to have been thinner than that of the average man, Caleb Cox, a butcher, yesterday, escaped punish- ment for the death of Frank Hardy of this city, : Following a quarrel over an ac- count, Cox struck Hardy, fracturing his skull. A post-mortem was heal jand it was decided that Hardy s skull was abnormally thin. The court yes- terday found that a similar blow on a normai man's head would not have been sufficient to cause death. Cox agcaped with a 3400 fine for assau. To Give Cheap Rates, The president of the Retail Mer- chants' Association received a letter, this morning, from the general freight and passenger agent of the Bay of Quinte railway, stating that he would meet the Kingston mer- chants' request for special rates on March 16th, 17th and 18th, and has named single fare rates from all sta- tions on that line, good coming on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and returning up to AC 19th. This is done to assist the ASENEROUS OFFER G. W.. Mahood Will Réfund Your Baniah Dandratt:. od Dandruff. Pretty strong talk, CITIZENS ADVISED TO VOTE { The Industry Will Not Materlalize if trenchment, Reginald fio sotelon she drydock exemption 4 work, Ling writes, | Victim's Thin Skull Saves an Accused | word | ngvy and the completion during 1911 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, yHCRSRAY 3 MARCH 10, 1910. on March Sth" to thé effect that the German naval increase was not be- | cause of the relations between Great | Britaio and that countyy, but so for tie purposes of protecting Wloly | ,many's sea coast and commerce would have uny influence on the Bri- ! tish naval estimates in the way of re- Melahna Bist lord of the admiralty, rep that t Exemption Is Not Given--~The friendly tone of the German premier Taxes Would be Too Great 10 ya cordially reciprocated. Bat he Operate the Place, {added that he must point out the All the property FOR THE DRY IJ EXEMPTION BY-LAW. 1. naval estimates were not made out on the assumption that other nations were unfiiendly to Great Britain or that Great Britain was unfriendly to- oe them. The estimates, he said, owners are entitled by- most important (that ov. the \ welfare law. It is ery: voter interested in of Kingston, should east his ballot e framed to preserve Great Bri- m favor of the exemption measure, li crandard as A naval power, and and do all be can in aiding its pass | aeq poy depend upon the actual ex- ing. A two-thirds majority vote is .e.ndiinres of other cotintries. required. + To seture that will mean | = a lot of work, but the board of trade | hay appointed an Cchergetic commit tee to take up the work of «can vases, The passage of the bylaw means | thet establishment of an ihdustry | that will mean a great deal to King-, ston in years to come, and to grant the to the effect. that quite a large pumber | tonipagd, fxemption, a mere trifle, of dogs are being shipped to her hecause, if the by-law should parts, from Westen Ontagie cities agd | chance to bedefeatcd, ths city will towns, owing to the dog seare which | fiot pe a whit hetter off. Instead, is on in these places, A great num- it would lose $300 in school taxes. ber have protested against having a Every voter, should enter hear tily in- muzzle on their dog, and for this ren- | to thé campaign, and carry the by: son they have sent away their pets, | law. ifor some; of their friends to keep, wi- | SHIPPING DOGS AWAY. ! seure in Westérn jin Onto Cities and Towns. | = Information has been reeeived here, i® 'his is Kingston's unique snd © Vie (il the scare is aver. tal oa portunity, to inject into its In London, on Tuesday, of this week, commercigl life, a vitality that vill forty-six dogs wire killed, at the dog make it throb with better th'ngs, pound. They were smothered by the and teem witha new comme preial fumes. of cyanide of potas sin. life and it is firmly believed, that all will show their appreciation of this fact, The men nelfnd this great | enterprise are men of the widest ! possible experience in shipbuilding and men who have been suc cessful in lile, to the extent of plac- millions to their credit in the financial world, and are. not coming intr our: midst t¢ conduct an periinent, but to give the benefit a long and ripe experience, in their! articular line of works apd they Boro every confidence in their abili-' ay it ty to make the work here a stu °* yy . nds suecess, il once started by! "Well, then," said the ahingr lad, by «the passage of the by-aw. Seven Way of a suggestion, "why on't you | vears, ago, they acquired the small S8¥ that he struck you with a. piece of dock. at Lollingwood, worth only a wood. paltcy $20000 and by putting their | energy and experience inte the work, | !thete they have built up: an indus, As a substitute for a beautiful corr try valued at over a million dollars. | plexion, some women resort to paint 'Ipey can 'do even bettér than this | and powder: But the more sensible "for Kingston, because of the better ise Wade's "Iron Tauie Pills, which location and opportunities presented. | produce a natural, healthy coniplexion, | This shipbuilding company comes make new blood! and a robust constitu- to the citizens asking for, no bonus,' tion. Price, 26¢., "at Mel. eod's ' Prug | Jt only asks for an esemiption of Stores. [taxation to the extent necessary to! make it possible to bperate < the local dock, The assessed valuation of the | property they have acquired is such as to" make it possible for any' man or combination of men, however ex- {perienced, to operate to 'a profit, or even to make it pay wages without isuch an exemption as they ask for in- the present by-law. They 'will for | the first yeaf, pay wages, to the ex-} Arnold Toole wes found dead near tont of $30,000, a rental to the gov: Lindsay. His horses "also perished fornment of $10,000 a year' pe a = frou saposteay ae i s-hool tax to the extent of a valua- Offered a Suggestion. The hmny man at the Grand, the other night got off & story about a little boy, who enuld not speak plain. Another lad came across the youngster | erying on the street, and asked him what was the matter. i xt Johnny Jones struck me in the eye : of With a tick," said the little fellow. "Yow mean that he struck you with a stick of wood ?' "Yes, that's 'what kk mean, but 1 a ------------ A Beautiful Complexion. me iein-- After the. Delinguents. William McCammon; the clerk, has bees enghged in issuing po: | tices to statute labor delinquents, | | market pay ups After the final notice is ie en, it means a police eourt case, if the money is not paid over to the city treasurer's departinent. i tion of $50,000 as well as spend on the plant for tho first year, the large Colds. Colds Affect : "wim of 850,000, and' unless relioved of the tremendous burden, which the actual assessed valuation of the property would demand, it woillbe| } { the Kidneys an insane undertaking for the rie chest corporation to assume. Bat, with | MOST PAINFUL AILMENTS FOL- Ithe relief "which thy by-law is in-| LOW--THEIR HEALTH AND sitting egulate \ase's Jos tended to afford, the company is ACTIVITY RESTORED BY confident it can succeed and give to FP Kingston what will eventually prove] Dr. Chase's {the finest dock property 'n the wenle! jof Cenada, and the best shipbuild. ing plant along th: great waters) es Liver Pills ways of Canada. - It is the first time in its listory When you cata old thers | is Both | for the city tobe approached by a ing better to 4p. al to (ake cose | 'reliable corporation with millions be- | of Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Vills | {hind it, without asking for any- 8% bedtime. | I hing beyond an exemption from an Colds often settle on the Jiduegs {mpossible tax assessment, and such] | and are followed, by the most pain i | a reasonable demand should have and fatal results: "Hy quiskening the | the endorsement of every voter en- | action of the kidneya at this time you | titled to vote on by- laws of this | enable them to carry off the lurking | character, Kingston rise to the pre poisons and prevent se i sent splendid commercial occasion, | Keep the back warm, av and secure a docking enterprise that | with the back in 'a draft an will be a credit to the city and a the kidneys by the use of Dr. financial benefit to every man and Kidney and Liver Pills. These household. |are worth folowi ing particularly {nis season of the fear, i ho Ww. Ferguson, blacksmith, Trenton, ROSEBERY'S PROPOSALS Ont., sates: "In my work I am bend. -------- ing over a great deal, a this, to- For. the Reforming of House Of gether with the constant strain on all Lords. parts of the bofly, and the sudden London, March 10.---In the House chal of emprraure v n going to of Lords, yesterday afternoon, Lord and frogs he grge, brhugnt on kidoey Rosebery gave notice that he intend- disease * and = backache. At times I ed to move on March 14th the fol-! would suffer: 'aq that. I would have lo lowing three resolutions:-- quit work to ema m¥Back, and felt 1--That a strong and efficient se-| co miserable. most of the time 1 did cond chamber is not merely an I0-|,.,¢ enjoy file Wery much. tegral part of the British constitu=| «xy pig 1 decided that 1 wold have tion, but is necessary to the well-1, _ o relief w and hav being of the state and the balance of & n_30me why 'K aving Parifament; Pr. Chase's idpey-Liver 2--That a second chamber can "eure far. backache best be obtained by reforming and reconstituting the House of Lords; 3---That a necessary preliminary to such reform and reconstitution is the 'acceptance of the principle that Possession of a peerage shall no onger in itself give the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords. London, March 10.--The navy es- timates, just b , Amount to over ju 000.000, an increase of nearly Shon The new construction] Io the year will cost £13,279.8 against £8.885,194 during the year. he new programme includes five larger armoured ships, five pro- tected cruisers, twenty torpedo boat destroyers and a number of sub marines. On April 10th there will be under construction seven battleships. three armored cruisers, mine protect. od cruisers, thirty-seven destroyers, and nine submarines. The estima further provide for an increase 3,000 men in the personnel of the they helped me wonce, and a few boxes entirely 2 removal uy troukdes," Dr. Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills, an pill a doze, 25c. a box, all deal. or Edmanson, Bates & Co.» To- ronlo. Makes th Wea Steg en NOTAL wy dhe, eh ee Fo and 3s the "ive it unstinted Jtise ise and w are constantly receiving : Jetfer'o of at ol And. Qmmendat similar , h bie od Je DREN, aL CONV. i ay We tion, ou io give 3 a trial a a ris peice as of two floating docks to accommodate the largest battleships. These be stationed at Portsmouth and way. Resisala McKenna, first lord of in an explanatory CRESEOeE DO0OOO000000 A Revelation in Tea Goodness eT Pomme ! is a delicious and fragrant blend of the finest Ceylon Tea. Get a package from your grocer and enioy its excellent 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DrJ.Collis Browne S €) : 0 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, "The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, €oLbDs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectually cuts short all sitacks of SPASMS. Checks and arvedls those loo often fatal diseases~FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The only pullistive in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, Chiorodyne isa liguid daken in drops, graduated according to the malady. It invariably relieves pain pf whatever kind ; creates a calm refreshing sleep ; allays wwritation of the rervous system when all other remedies f\ ves wi bad effects: and can be taken when no other medicing can be ted, INSIST ON HAVING De. 3 COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE, Sold by all Chemists. Prices in Bhthd: i, 3/9, 4)0 Sole Manufacturers: J. 7. DAVENPORT LONDON, 4 SE. -_-- -- The immense success of this Remedy has given ripe to many imitations. N.B.-- Every botile of Gensin: Chlorgdyae bears on the stamp the same of the inventor, Dr. J. Collis Browne. Wholesale Agents, Lyman Br os. 8 Co.. Limited, Toronto. Hall & Parlor | "Heaters When you require a Base-Burner, examine THE "ARTGARLAND" & ART "AMHERST Acknowledged the best Stoves made, Sold Only at p / ELLIOTT BROS. T71 PRINCESS ST. GRANULATED SUGAR The cleanest and most sat- isfactory 'way to buy Granulated Sugar is in. 20 'peund r Cotton Bags. » Kvery bag bears the "registered brand as shown on "this cut, "MAN NUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sugar Refining Co., Ltd. DIEPPE EEEEEEEEEEREEE TET MONTREAL. ee ¢ Florida Grape Fruit Cuban Grape Fruit Malaga Grapes New Cocoanuts cA. d. REES, 166 Princess St ; Te SIONS WRITE FOR FRYCES THE CANADA: METAL Ds LTD. TRAVELLING. Rr ea -------------- HY RAILWAY SYSTEM | Settlers One Way Excursion to Western Canada March 15, 22, 20, April 3 and 12. PARTICULAR ATTENTION .. .q I= called to the fact 'that theas rates apply to points o rand aX. Pacifico Fal) Way, a new territory full of golden rtunities "Low Rates to Pacific Coast One-way Second Class Colonist Tick- ets on Sale dally. March ist to April 15th, at the following rates Irom Kingston: dpokane, Wash, i Nelson, BC. Vancouver. B.C, Victoria, B.C { seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. | Portland. Oreg . ¥ San Francisco, Cait, \ Los Angeles, Calf. i San Pilg i Mex And wo Rp = a Coast gis at proportionately, low rates Tickets good for 5 snd 10 days stop-aver at certain points en route. For wa partis cujars: apply to J: PAL LEY, Agent. Corner Jobasion and Ontario Sts i no nv CONNECTION WITH Reduced Fares to Pacific Coast One way colonist tickets on sale dally VANCOUVER, pe VICTORIA, BC SEATTLE, WAS : PORTLAND, ORE % ON LOS ANGELES, CAL $417. 05 MEXIC ) CITY, KINGSTON--O TTAWA Leave Kingston, 12.01 p.m. arrive Ots awa 6 pm eave Ottawa 10.45 arrive CONW ally. oh ist to April 16th at foflowing SAN FRANCISCO, CAL am. Kingston #66 pm Gen. Tass; ei. 1945.10 SAN. PAEGO, CAs MEX. Fr Pan. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Street, 4 p.m, daily (Sanday excepted) Of Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee" Deser« onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannoc K- burn, Maynocth, and points tn © entral Ontario route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Rallway: For further part culars, appl RR. W. DICKSON, Agent. 'Phone, No i «1 BERMUDA Forty hours from Frost te Flowers. BY TWIN SCREW LINE. Largest and Fastest Steanrers. 8S. 8. OCEANA, 5,000 TONS. 8 8 BERMUDIAN, 5000 TONS. Wireless on bath Steamers; also bilge Keine from Now York at 10 am. every Wednesday and Saturday, WEST INDIES. $8. Walaen LH Lons. SN. TParima," 2.000 tons "Novena," 2.000 tons #ail from Ne ~ York every alternate Thursday at 2 y m. for Bt, Thomas, Bi. Croia, du hits, Antigua, (3uadeloupe, Dominiea, Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara. For full. particulars, apply to A. E. Outer- bridge and Co. Agents, Quebec Bteam- ship Co., 29 Broadway, New York, Que bec Steamaty Jotapany, Quebec, or to i. PH LEY and CO & KIRK PAT RICK, rps Agents," Kingston, A COLD PREVENTIVE Is a cellar filled with Coal. 1. can ply you with an excellent quality P. WALSH, 55.57 Barrack St. sup- 000000000 VO0VOO00000 i COAL The kind yon are looking for is the kind we sell Scranton Coal 1s good coal' and we guarantee prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO, $ FOOT WEST STREET. OOOO OCOOOOOO0000L ~ OOOO GOCOOOOOOOOO0C OOO Chiver's Marmalade : All sizes. Ready Cut Macaroni 5 Fine dune Cheese, >. Fresh Oysters. D. COUPER'S, Phone 76, Prompt Delivery. N\ : TURN OVER That Is what we are going toe to our Stock of Grand Old Antique Furniture' and Odd Articles Come early and make a selec- tion while the Stock ir complete nd before the spring rash is on. you have anything good to sell, drop. a card to L: LESSES, Sob peed

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